NationStates Jolt Archive

The Great Push (Manium, ATTN Praetonia, Nycton)

02-05-2005, 07:12
CAESARIA-MANIUM (RFP)- The Roman Empire today announced that it is expanding its colony on Manium- called "Romanus Eropidus"- southward into the great expanses of unclaimed territory on the massive continent. The expansion comes on the heels of months of consolidation activity in the colony and elsewhere in Manium.

Exactly why the expansion is being undertaken is not clear at this point. Romanus Eropidus Governor Giorgius Redomius says that while the current condition of the colony is "great", he says that the colony can only be stronger if it expands. However, in his speech earlier today, he only gave vague reasons such as "searching for minerals" and "population problems" without ever specifing exactly what the Romans would be looking to do with this expansion.

It is, however, widely speculated that it's a push to get closer to the sea, as, for the most part, Romanus Eropidus is landlocked and needs better connections to the states on the coasts like Praetonia and Nycton. Redomius has said in the past that he wants to build trading links between the two nations and work together regarding shipping in the area, and having a border with both would help facilitate that.

"We would also like to reiterate," said Redomius, "that we are just expanding into unclaimed land. We are not out to invade anybody."

No timetable has been set for the expansion, but it is speculated that it would occur soon.
07-05-2005, 17:59
To: Whom it May Concern,
From: Gregorius Regis, CMP
Colonial Foreign Secretary
Subject: RE: Trading Links

We are pleased to hear that your colony is searching for sea trade connections, and we are willing to make our ports, maritime navy and logistics services available for an appropriate price. We hope that we can continue the era of peaceful expansion that we have enjoyed with the Romans and we ourselves are looking to expand our borders to rest on a more defensible position. Again, we are pleased to facilitate your requests for due payment, and we await a responc eagerly.

Vox Populi, Vox Dei
08-05-2005, 05:30
To: Whom it May Concern,
From: Gregorius Regis, CMP
Colonial Foreign Secretary
Subject: RE: Trading Links

We are pleased to hear that your colony is searching for sea trade connections, and we are willing to make our ports, maritime navy and logistics services available for an appropriate price. We hope that we can continue the era of peaceful expansion that we have enjoyed with the Romans and we ourselves are looking to expand our borders to rest on a more defensible position. Again, we are pleased to facilitate your requests for due payment, and we await a responc eagerly.

Vox Populi, Vox Dei

To: Gregorius Regis, CMP
From: Giorgius Redomius, Governor of Romanus Eropidus
Re: Southern Expansion, Ports

Thank you for your letter. We would like to reiterate that this expansion is merely peaceful and should not be seen as a threat to your land. In fact, we are hoping to connect to your colony so that we can set up trade and transportation links with our two colonies. Having said that, we will gladly enter negotiations with your colony to facilitate the use of your ports, which we badly need to use. Name us a price and we will go from there.

----------------At the southern border of Romanus Eropidus----------------

At 3PM local time, three Roman legions departed from border fortresses stretching from their western border along the moutain range, which the Romans called "The Augustan Range" due to its size. The expedition was headed by Legate Petrus Maxamius, who flew overhead via helicopter and set a main goal of reaching the Praetonian border by the end of the week. The 18 cohorts stretched across for 32,000 miles, about as far as Maxamius could keep his units reasonably together.

Maxamius directed his southern expedition mainly from the view of the Augustan Range (which served as a reference point for him), and occassionally sent orders down to his soldiers to direct them as to where they should be going. The trek was layered in a myriad of different geological features, with the most challenging landscape being the marshes that were found some 15,000 miles from the Praetonian border. After two months and a half of travelling (OOC: I'm going by 1 RL day= 72 NS days), eventually the Romans reached the Praetonian border, and stopped. "We have come here in peace. We wish to negotiate trade and transportation links with your nation, as per our governor's request."
25-06-2005, 20:44
2 Days after the Departure of the Legions

To: Whom it May Concern,
From: Tiberius Polax, MP
Foreign Secretary
Subject: Troop Movements

Praetonian spy satellites have been tracking the progress of a large body of your troops moving through unclaimed territory towards Neo-Praetonia for some time now. We wonder what the purpose of these troops is and, unless some extraordinary reason for their presence is forthcoming, we ask you to divert them away from Neo-Praetonia.

Yours Faithfully,

Tiberius Polax, MP

Vox Populi, Vox Dei
26-06-2005, 07:03
2 Days after the Departure of the Legions

To: Whom it May Concern,
From: Tiberius Polax, MP
Foreign Secretary
Subject: Troop Movements

Praetonian spy satellites have been tracking the progress of a large body of your troops moving through unclaimed territory towards Neo-Praetonia for some time now. We wonder what the purpose of these troops is and, unless some extraordinary reason for their presence is forthcoming, we ask you to divert them away from Neo-Praetonia.

Yours Faithfully,

Tiberius Polax, MP

Vox Populi, Vox Dei

******Official Communique From The Roman Government******

Our troops are only there to facilitate the creation of a border between our nations. They will not take one step onto Praetonian soil- you have my word.

Giorgius Redomius,
Romanus Eropidus
June 26, MMV
26-06-2005, 08:56
To: Giorgius Redomius, Governor,
Romanus Eropidus
From: Sir Fortuanus Gallius, MP
Minister of Defence
Subject: Troops

This is acceptable. However, it should be noted that if your troops cross through the perimeter wire fence they will be first warned and then engaged by the troops manning the defensive lines behind. In good faith, I trust that you will not do this.

Yours Sincerely,

Sir Fortuanus Gallius, MP

Vox Populi, Vox Dei
26-06-2005, 10:07

OOC: I have a military base in Praetonia, be carefull :d
Joseph Seal
26-06-2005, 10:56
The nation of Joseph Seal is intruiged by your expansion, and, after a long debate and vote in our Senate, we have decided to open up trade relations with your nation.

Our goods are primarily food, seafood. We have a variety of fish we can gladly trade with you, not to mention other resources such as timber, iron, gold, and wheat.

What we want in return is primarily military equipment, though we will accept other goods if we need them. We thank you for your time.

-The emperor of Joseph Seal
28-06-2005, 07:29
The nation of Joseph Seal is intruiged by your expansion, and, after a long debate and vote in our Senate, we have decided to open up trade relations with your nation.

Our goods are primarily food, seafood. We have a variety of fish we can gladly trade with you, not to mention other resources such as timber, iron, gold, and wheat.

What we want in return is primarily military equipment, though we will accept other goods if we need them. We thank you for your time.

-The emperor of Joseph Seal

"Military Equipment we tend not to share unless we are close allies with a particular nation (and we barely know your nation), but seeing how the colony may have some food deficiences, we are interested in knowing what other resources you may be interested in."
-Governor Giorgius Redomius

As his armies marched along the Praetonian border, the grasslands that would provide ample agriculture turned into desert. The Sun grew hotter and hotter with every mile they walked, causing the Manium Legions to get even more restless with each passing minute. That, and the Legion had just run out of food and had nothing to eat in the desert.

So Maxamius ordered his troops to do an about face. The other side of the continent- according to satellite imagery- was uninhabited, and if the Romans made a run for it they just might be able to stretch Romanus Eropidus to the western coast. They just had a minor problem- how could they possibly scale the Augustan Range? Plus, how long would it take them? Days? Weeks? Months? Years? He cringed at the thought. "Well, we've got to get a port somehow." He then looked over to the Praetonian fence, and waved to get the attention of the border patrols. "Hey! Do you guys have any water and food? We've just run out and we badly need a place to check in. Thanks."
29-06-2005, 08:14
"Northernland" established along the northern Manium coast

The Roman Free Press, June 29, MMV

Roman forces today occupied a large tract of land along the northern Manium coast in a bid to eventually "bridge the gap" between their existing colony on Manium and the coast.

So far, the Romanus Eropidus colony has worked extremely well ever since its foundation several years ago, becoming a completely self-sufficient colony with an extremely wealthy economy. However, fears have been mouting over the fact the colony's only link to the ocean is a river- which the Romans call "The River of Life"- and, with some pessimistic reports suggesting that the River may become unuseable by ships due to erosion, the Roman Government officially decided on an expansionist (but non-militaristic) program aimed at gaining Rome a coast.

The program's initial phase- a southward expansion- has so far failed, with the Praetonians already firmly established in the extreme south and reports of a desert to the left of the new Roman territory, although the Praetonians and Romans have established deals where the Romans have access to Praetonian ports. That left an expansion from the north as the Romans' only option, and that today was being pulled off.

"Well, we're disappointed that the south has been completely closed off, but if the northern area goes well, we just might be able to get what we want," said Governor Giorgius Redomius. "It may take some time, but at this stage we're willing to take risks."
30-06-2005, 08:10
Cornelius Pallus Redanius ("Redan") was getting restless. His soldiers- part of the new "Northernland Legion" that was to establish Roman control on the new Manium colony- had been trekking for days along New Roska's borders in the hopes of eventually reaching the Augustan Range. They still had plenty of food and water- thanks to a nearby river- but the constant push through plains and (eventually) forests where they saw not a single soul besides their fellow soldiers took a psychological toll on the explorers.

At nightfall, Redan ordered his troops to break for camp. He believed that his troops needed at least another day or two of walking in order to get to the Range (which could be seen faintly in the distance during the day), which disappointed him but he felt there was nothing else that he could do. Immediately after setting up camp, he immediately went to sleep, but gave his soldiers about two hours before they had to also go to sleep. One soldier- Pallus Fidarsus- decided to do some exploring. There were some tall trees on the southern side of the camp, which intrigued him to find out just what lay on the other side. He walked for about a half hour when he realized that the mountains were closer than everyone thought. My goodness! This is sensational! he thought. He walked even further, with the Range getting closer and closer in view. Excited, he decided to run back to camp to wake up Redan.

"Sir! Sir! You have to get up!" said Fidarsus, shaking Redan vigourously.
"Fidarsus, it's 1AM. You should be in bed," said Redan.
"...but General, the mountains are just behind that forest. I saw it with my own eyes."
"Yeah, and I know Santa Claus."
"Really? Did he get me that seven-CD changer, because I'm still miffed that he forgot."
Redan rolled his eyes. "Look, Fidarsus, give me a good reason why I should be awake or else tommorw I will court martial you."
Fidarsus batted his eyes. "Well sir, those trees to the south are blocking the clear view of the moutains. Past those trees the mountains become much more visible. It's only a half hour walk."
Redan sighed. "Well, if you say so." He immediately got up and walked with Fidarsus.

Sure enough, the mountains were just where Fidarsus said they were. Redan's eyes grew upon the sight. If we walk for an hour and a half we'll get to the mountains! "Fidarsus, you're going to get a medal for this," said Redan heartily. Fidarsus was all smiles upon hearing that, especially considering that just barely half an hour ago he was almost court martialled.

Redan immediately broke up his camp and ordered his troops to march forward through the forest. Eventually, after about two hours of walking, the Legion made it to the Augustan Range. He immediately sent a radio signal to the other side informing them of the Legion's arrival and then ordered camp to be set up. Tommorow, we firmly connect with the colony! Finally! This trek is over! He slept better that night knowing that he'd be back home the next day.
01-07-2005, 08:09
Free Nycton News (FNN) - After many months of isolation from the world, the government of Nycton finally broke it's silence with it's response to the Roman nation. Newly appointed Governor of Donathatopia, Grand Admiral Germanius responded today saying comments such as "...Nycton will allow small amounts of commercial and industrial transportation though the Manium Canal, but under no circumstances shall there be any military related items being transported..." He also noted that the Imperial Nycton Marines will be going security checks and searching through all the sea crafts going though the canal.
07-07-2005, 06:37
Free Nycton News (FNN) - After many months of isolation from the world, the government of Nycton finally broke it's silence with it's response to the Roman nation. Newly appointed Governor of Donathatopia, Grand Admiral Germanius responded today saying comments such as "...Nycton will allow small amounts of commercial and industrial transportation though the Manium Canal, but under no circumstances shall there be any military related items being transported..." He also noted that the Imperial Nycton Marines will be going security checks and searching through all the sea crafts going though the canal.

******Official Response From The Roman Government******

We thank Nycton for their kindness and will accept the offer.

******The Augustan Range******

Within minutes, Roman authorities began communicating with Redan on the other side of the range. Once his postion was figured out, the Romans sent a team to survey the new area with the purpose of co-ordinating the territory with the main colony. Once a potential site for an aircraft base was spotted, Roman teams began construction in earnest to create a makeshift airport, meant to airlift supplies from Northernland across the moutain to the capital at Caesaria-Manium.

The chief goal, however, was a railway. The airport was only meant to be a temporary measure to be used while the railway from the coast to the capital- dubbed "The Northerland-Romanus Eropidus Railway"- was being constructed. It wouldn't be abandonned, though, as once the railway is finished a proper airport would be constructed. For now, though, the Romans couldn't afford to waste time on construction- the colony needed supplies, and now.

A little further west, the Romans continued their trek in an effort to map out the potential railway site. They managed to scout some great terrain for the railway, but in the distance something caught the eye of Gregalis Lucius Aemiliana. It seemed to glitter, so he went to take a look...