02-05-2005, 07:05
Kelhandar Battle Infantry
Ruthless and cunning, Kelhandar Battle Infantry are the finest Empryia has to offer. Trained in the hottest of Empryia’s deserts, the highest points of her mountain ranges and the deepest recesses of her jungles, Kelhandar Battle Infantry are like no other infantry available.
The Battle Infantry carry all their own supplies. With the Kelhandar you will never need cooks, doctors, supply trains or secondary bases. They survive on their own. They can forage like no other, have weapons discipline that only Space Marines can match, and every single Kelhandar has medical expertise.
Every Kelhandar understands that his mission comes first. Every squad of ten comes with one medic, one radiomen, one anti-tank trooper, one commander, and six assault troopers. However, each Kelhandar is ready and able to take over the position of a fallen trooper at a moments notice. They will not break in the face of the enemy... ever.
Each Kelhandar is trained in close quarters fighting, sabotage, capture, assassination, raiding, and above all shoot-outs. Each Kelhandar has three years of intense training behind him, and they only become true Kelhandar members after at least three missions.
In total, only 4500 Kelhandar exist in the Empryian Military. Each division of Kelhandar is broken down into a unit of 1500. Each division has a specialty.
1st Division: Black Knight
Trained in the arts of Armored Cavalry, the Knights of the 1st Division ride to combat in their chariots of fire and steel. 750 Kelhandar infantry ride to battle inside Cavalier and Sable Armored Troop Carriers. Panther, Tiger, Lion, Armageddon, and Apocalypse Battle Tanks ride along side the troop carriers, dispatching enemy tanks, troop carriers and infantry with ease. Orion AAA units drive alongside, dealing damage to any flyers flying by in hopes of dealing damage to the Black Knights.
2nd Division: Screaming Falcon
Excelling in the arts of flight, the Falcons of the 2nd Division fly into battle aboard Helicopters and Jets. Paradropping from transport planes or being delivered into battle aboard Illusion Transport Helicopters, Kelhandar infantry of the 2nd Division are beholden to no one, sinking their talons into the enemy however and wherever they please. Mirage and Wasp Attack Helicopters circle overhead as the Kelhandar infantry land, while Aries or Dragon interceptors scream high above the battlefield, dealing permanent damage to the enemy’s air force.
3rd Division: Samurai
Skilled in the wars of the warrior, Samurai of the 3rd Division have no infantry equivalent on the battlefield. Wearing lightweight and dense armor, developed at the Empyria Institute of Science, the Kelhandar of the 3rd Division can fight to the last. Samurai of the 3rd Division wear powered armor made of synthetic materials interlaced with titanium alloy. The full body armor comes with a fully protective helmet with built in night-vision, infrared and targeting apparatus. The sight of the KR-19 Assault Rifle is linked to the helmet, so you see what the sight of the rifle sees. This feature can also be turned off. The armor, while not being able to withstand shells from a tank’s main cannon, can take rounds from most conventional rifles carried by most infantry. (So as not to be godmodded, this armor cannot withstand direct hits from .50 cal armor-piercing rounds or the like.) The suit is not bulky in the least and offers full protection with good mobility. Slight augmentation created by the suit’s power cells allow the Kelhandar of the 3rd Division to carry more than any normal man could (he can’t carry a car but he can run for a lot longer with a fully-loaded backpack that U.S. Marines carry).
To be one with the way of the warrior, all Kelhandar of the 3rd Division carry a sword of some kind, and are masters with their blades. Each faceplate of the helmet is a demonic visage designed to strike fear into the hearts of the enemy. The fully enclosed helmet has a breathing apparatus that allows some Samurai to carry specially designed flamethrowers to root out enemies in hiding (It was a known fact that during WWII flame throwing troopers could not breath because of their flamethrowers).
If you have any information regarding what else the Kelhandar can do, please ask. The Kelhandar Battle Infantry of the Constitutional Monarchy of Empyria are now available for Mercenary Work.
Please drop a note if you wish to purchase their services.
The price of the Kelhandar is made on a case-by-case basis. Situation, Dangerousness, Mission Type, etc, are all weighted in to factor their cost.
Secretary of Military Affairs
Constitutional Monarchy of Empyria
Ruthless and cunning, Kelhandar Battle Infantry are the finest Empryia has to offer. Trained in the hottest of Empryia’s deserts, the highest points of her mountain ranges and the deepest recesses of her jungles, Kelhandar Battle Infantry are like no other infantry available.
The Battle Infantry carry all their own supplies. With the Kelhandar you will never need cooks, doctors, supply trains or secondary bases. They survive on their own. They can forage like no other, have weapons discipline that only Space Marines can match, and every single Kelhandar has medical expertise.
Every Kelhandar understands that his mission comes first. Every squad of ten comes with one medic, one radiomen, one anti-tank trooper, one commander, and six assault troopers. However, each Kelhandar is ready and able to take over the position of a fallen trooper at a moments notice. They will not break in the face of the enemy... ever.
Each Kelhandar is trained in close quarters fighting, sabotage, capture, assassination, raiding, and above all shoot-outs. Each Kelhandar has three years of intense training behind him, and they only become true Kelhandar members after at least three missions.
In total, only 4500 Kelhandar exist in the Empryian Military. Each division of Kelhandar is broken down into a unit of 1500. Each division has a specialty.
1st Division: Black Knight
Trained in the arts of Armored Cavalry, the Knights of the 1st Division ride to combat in their chariots of fire and steel. 750 Kelhandar infantry ride to battle inside Cavalier and Sable Armored Troop Carriers. Panther, Tiger, Lion, Armageddon, and Apocalypse Battle Tanks ride along side the troop carriers, dispatching enemy tanks, troop carriers and infantry with ease. Orion AAA units drive alongside, dealing damage to any flyers flying by in hopes of dealing damage to the Black Knights.
2nd Division: Screaming Falcon
Excelling in the arts of flight, the Falcons of the 2nd Division fly into battle aboard Helicopters and Jets. Paradropping from transport planes or being delivered into battle aboard Illusion Transport Helicopters, Kelhandar infantry of the 2nd Division are beholden to no one, sinking their talons into the enemy however and wherever they please. Mirage and Wasp Attack Helicopters circle overhead as the Kelhandar infantry land, while Aries or Dragon interceptors scream high above the battlefield, dealing permanent damage to the enemy’s air force.
3rd Division: Samurai
Skilled in the wars of the warrior, Samurai of the 3rd Division have no infantry equivalent on the battlefield. Wearing lightweight and dense armor, developed at the Empyria Institute of Science, the Kelhandar of the 3rd Division can fight to the last. Samurai of the 3rd Division wear powered armor made of synthetic materials interlaced with titanium alloy. The full body armor comes with a fully protective helmet with built in night-vision, infrared and targeting apparatus. The sight of the KR-19 Assault Rifle is linked to the helmet, so you see what the sight of the rifle sees. This feature can also be turned off. The armor, while not being able to withstand shells from a tank’s main cannon, can take rounds from most conventional rifles carried by most infantry. (So as not to be godmodded, this armor cannot withstand direct hits from .50 cal armor-piercing rounds or the like.) The suit is not bulky in the least and offers full protection with good mobility. Slight augmentation created by the suit’s power cells allow the Kelhandar of the 3rd Division to carry more than any normal man could (he can’t carry a car but he can run for a lot longer with a fully-loaded backpack that U.S. Marines carry).
To be one with the way of the warrior, all Kelhandar of the 3rd Division carry a sword of some kind, and are masters with their blades. Each faceplate of the helmet is a demonic visage designed to strike fear into the hearts of the enemy. The fully enclosed helmet has a breathing apparatus that allows some Samurai to carry specially designed flamethrowers to root out enemies in hiding (It was a known fact that during WWII flame throwing troopers could not breath because of their flamethrowers).
If you have any information regarding what else the Kelhandar can do, please ask. The Kelhandar Battle Infantry of the Constitutional Monarchy of Empyria are now available for Mercenary Work.
Please drop a note if you wish to purchase their services.
The price of the Kelhandar is made on a case-by-case basis. Situation, Dangerousness, Mission Type, etc, are all weighted in to factor their cost.
Secretary of Military Affairs
Constitutional Monarchy of Empyria