NationStates Jolt Archive

Poll: Which ideology seems to be the most potent? (AMW Only)

02-05-2005, 00:20
Hello. Just continuing along with the "Most Influential Country in Asia" thread here. To you AMWers out there, which ideology operating in AMW do you find to be the most vigorous, the most potent in other words. Not which one you nessicarily prefer, but which one is doing its most the exert its beliefs and, well, exerting a more potent ideology.
02-05-2005, 00:48
Well, whatever you'd describe the recent Singaporian nationalism as must be some sort of a force. Already, Singapore has virtually conquered Malaysia, save a great deal of pockets of resitance in the mountains.

Some people see it as Reactionary Federal Republicanism, though it may just be Singaporian Nationalism.