Zombies Spread to Leafanistan!
01-05-2005, 23:50
"As mentioned in the BBC; malarial zombies are a real threat. At a Meiji, Leafanistan airport less than a month ago a passenger from Southeast Asia who felt fluish keeled over and died. He was taken to a local mourge and was stored there under the name John Doe SEAsia Flight 117.
As of last week he appeared to have been stolen by pranksters. However today after a series of disappearences in the city of Meiji, Leafanistan the truth was revealed. The passenger had caught malarial zombism and had risen from the dead and left the hospital. He then infected others and they had taken root in a slum.
The Leafanistan Protection Forces or LPF have blocked off all routes to Meiji and no refugees are allowed to leave. However families of people in the town plead with the government to allow screened refugees to leave.
Mary Antwon had this to say "Please, my relatives live there, they have children. You can't just leave them there to die! Please won't someone do something."
High Father today reassured the people everyone who isn't sick will be fine. However our sources show that some 20 jumpjets with napalm weapons are being prepped at a nearby airbase.
Another major concern is that Meiji is powered by a nuclear reactor and that contact with the plant has been lost for 6 hours as of now. High Guard forces are expected to penetrate the city within the next 24 hours and shut down the reactor.
High Father also assures neighboring nations that this situation is contained and has nothing to do with bordering The Kingdom of Radioactive Zombies which many protest is a threat and should be eliminated.
Leafanistan has willingly stopped all air travel and is screening everyone of its citizens at a considerable cost. Leafanistan has also issued a report saying anyone who has visited Leafanistan in the past month and has died from unknown flu like disease should be found and have the body burned.
This is Trisha McMillion reporting from the Meiji City limits, back to you in the studio Sam."
"Thank you Trish..."
"...Sam! There is major action here, zombies are charging the line, tanks are firing and automatic weapons are flying through the air. They appear to be falling back. Oh my God, in the chaos armed citizens are charging through to save relatives. Most of them are being mowed down by gun emplacements but at least 10-15 have gotten through. *gunfire* It appears to be over but no one is chasing after those who entered. Men in suits are now collecting bodies..wait, I'm being told I can no longer film. I'm sorry I have to sign off, this is T.."
"Thank you Trish for that shocking report from Leafanistan, now Tom has the latest in weather!"
01-05-2005, 23:52
Bumpity bump!
01-05-2005, 23:53
Boing boing boing. Someone tell me something!
Umbrella Corp Inc
01-05-2005, 23:55
As long as these zombies were not created as a result of our actions, we dont care.
01-05-2005, 23:56
High Father trusts that the purposeful infection of a person to use as a biological weapon against us would be silly and irrational action and believes that no nation is involved but that this is an isolated incident.
01-05-2005, 23:57
Bumps a bit harder.
01-05-2005, 23:59
02-05-2005, 00:09
Bumpity bump bump bump.
Call to power
02-05-2005, 00:09
Message from Call to power
We offer any support we can give to this outbreak as it has the possibility to escalate to a threat of all mankind should the virus mutate
02-05-2005, 00:11
We assure you this disaster is well contained and there is nothing to worry about. Aid is welcomed though for those fleeing the area. We are beginning screenings of people and those who aren't infected are being released safely.
*Secret channels*
Wanna buy a zombie corpse? Hermetically sealed in a steel crate yours for only $1995! Act now!
02-05-2005, 00:13
Bumps again for the heck of it.
Call to power
02-05-2005, 00:14
We assure you this disaster is well contained and there is nothing to worry about. Aid is welcomed though for those fleeing the area. We are beginning screenings of people and those who aren't infected are being released safely.
*Secret channels*
Wanna buy a zombie corpse? Hermetically sealed in a steel crate yours for only $1995! Act now!
secret ic:
we will gladly purchase 2 corpses for $3990 please leave them in some bushes near your major airport and we will leave the money
-Brothers of Adam
02-05-2005, 00:17
Hey man ok, they'll be dropped, by a transport vehicle in the Lecitin City Airport in Leafanistan. Pick them up by runway Bravo-Charlie.
Lt. Dimitri Rovsky LPF
02-05-2005, 00:21
I'll take 3 corpses... can I pay in gold?
02-05-2005, 00:22
OOC: Been awhile since I've done MT... but this looks like fun. Also, the article looks like an April Fools joke.
Unfortunately for the citizens of Jokotala, Al-Imvadjah's industrial center, the warning from Leafanistan came a few days too late. A tourist, Miss Janet Howards, age 23, returning from vacation had unknowingly contracted the disease on an airplane or perhaps during a layover in a termainal, and died five days after her return, after prolonged medical efforts. While in the hospitol, she was in contact with approximately 150 people. As you can guess, the infection spread like wildfire throughout the city.
As of now, we are attempting to trace the spread of the virus, and hope to discover its origins. The city is now locked down, and government troops are preventing any entry of exit. It is unknown where or when Miss Howards contracted the virus, however, we strongly encourage all tourist destinations to be prepared for outbreaks.
Michael Heroin
02-05-2005, 00:23
Michael Heroin is willing to do anything within its power to help in this crisis, and would like to offer our very best doctors to aid in the search for a cure and our population have allready begun raising a "zombie releif" fund for the victims of this terrible disaster!
*Covert Operations*
Two harrier jets left the fair isle of Michael Heroin at precisely 2100 hours, they are cloaked and contain screening and medical supplies, as well as a number of black ops agents. They are heading for the affected areas of Leafanistan. There is no official record of their leaving, or orders given for them to leave, and the totally ignorant (and therefore innocent) government of Michael Heroin would like to wish you all a very nice day indeed.
02-05-2005, 00:34
OOC: Our friendly Lt. returns.
Hey Xramland is it? You got a deal, I'll have them shipped post haste, just wire the money to my personal account and you got a deal. Oh **** some "honest" officers are coming near, gotta go!
02-05-2005, 00:38
Pfc: Martin "Radar jockey" Smithson sits at his LIDAR/RADAR terminal in a haze. He notices two small blips, slightly too big to be an bird, but too small and weak to be an airplane. Procedure said to go to high alert, but he was tired. He let it pass, besides what's the worst that could happen?
An LPF Soldier sat at his thermal screens watching the border, he saw the occasional blip, but none headed near him. He was f'ing glad, those things freaked him out. But the El Tee was giving him profits if he let his "business" slip by, so when he saw two small fast moving blips pass overhead he thought nothing of it.
02-05-2005, 00:42
bumpity bump
02-05-2005, 00:48
*rams thread* BUMP
Should any of these so-called Zombies are found in our territories, we shall undertake to render uninhabitable any city in Leafanistan that has had any possible connection with these 'Zombies'.
ooc: stop chronic bumping
Green Sun
02-05-2005, 00:52
Green Sun finds this very disturbing at best.
02-05-2005, 00:54
The Shenyang ODST is willing to send the first and second squads to assist in any attempt to erradicate the threat in Leafanistan. Please respond in a timely manner.
OOC: Don't bother to offer me a corpse, because you wouldn't be able to give me money to take one. Besides, when my guys are done there will be plenty of corpses for you to sell illegally.
Secret IC:
Mudock: Ready the SNS Valiance with a full load of BGM-140s. If this goes sour I want that entire city vaporized.
Aide: Yessir.
In a hidden base the SNS Valiance deep strike sub was loaded with Shenyang's premier cruise missile, the Katana, if the ODST were to fail, a back-up plan would be ready, just within range of the target. The Valiance was to wait for an order from Chairman Murdock, then open fire on the city with every missile in its arsenal, this way even if the ODST failed, their would still be accomplished. The Valiance slid silently out of the underwater sub pen and began the silent trip toward the target area.
02-05-2005, 00:56
Foreign troops are not required in Leafanistan. The situation is under control. Treat this like any other infectious disease. There is no need to shoot the country that first introduced the threat and may help stop an epidemic in your country. Thank you for the offer but we are safe, most of the refugees have fled and we are preparing to firebomb the city and burn the remaining horrors to kingdom come.
02-05-2005, 00:59
Samtonian CDC Emergency Broadcast
AS of 1800 hours today, the Samtonian CDC does hereaby declare an emergency of global proportions. Symptoms of the virus known as solanum have been observed in force in the nation of Leafanistan. Solanum is classified as a Class Four(4) viral disease, placing it under apocalyptic viral weapons.
It is classifed as highly dangerous, 100% fatal once aquired, and extremely communicable. Spread of the disease has a greater than 65% chance of causing the extinction of the human race.
The SCDC therefore calls for an immediate moratorium of travel of any and al persons into and out of Leafanistan. WE have issued an emergency delay order and all commerical and passenger flights heading from Leafanitan are ordered to turn back and await further instructions. A self-im,posed blockade is suggested by the government of Leafanistan, as well as the holding, destruction, and cremation of all persons exhibiting signs of Solanum within a zone encompassing the outbreak site and a three-hundred mile emergency zone around it.
Symptoms include fever, chills, dementia, numbness of limbs, coma, unexplainable death, and reanimation. More information is being prepped for release. Suffice to say, immediate action MUST be taken and all travel must IMMEDIATELY be stopped.
Michael Heroin
02-05-2005, 00:59
As the first harrier prepared to touch down into the heart of Leafanistan, Elaine Braugate gave agents their final breifing beefore they moved out:
They were to go out and find those who needed their help, take a hand scanner (which could identify some degree of infection) and collect as many apparently uninfected civillians back to the harrier jet for a full screening and if it's not to late, deliver them to various safe houses. thre would of course, be casulties, there were always casulties, but in no way was responsibility for their actions to be traced back to Michael Heroin, this was a strictly covert mission!
The Harriers landed, the agents hit the streets, and Elaine Braugate said a final prayer to whatever got awaited them, and followed them into the chaos.
02-05-2005, 01:13
The border was alight with fire. It was almost as if someone or something was controlling those zombie bastards. They came left and right swarming over barriers only to be put down by Mobile Gattlign cannons and heavy machine gun fire. Finally as the battle settled down at Checkpoint Zulu, napalm was poured over the bodies and they were set alight.
NSNN: A commercial jet today leaving Leafanistan crashes near the city of Nishinto, Leafanistan, the military has quarantined the area and the jet has been burned completely. It appears solanum was involved. The city of Nishinto has also been quarentined and screenings are now beginning.
It is belived the neighboring nation of The Kingdom of Radioactive Zombies in the HBO IRC region may be responsible for the outbreak. However top officials are denying it. In a related story by 0600 tomorrow firebombs will be deployed and what remains of Meiji will be burned to the ground.
Copiosa Scotia
02-05-2005, 01:18
High Father:
I'm contacting you on behalf of a client who has an interest in purchasing a single unit of the goods you have offered. We would like to arrange a delivery to our private dock facilities in Freeport, the precise location of which will be given to you once the final terms of the sale are agreed upon. Please be assured that we have access to all the proper containment facilities for the item in question.
Best wishes,
Martin Nasenko
02-05-2005, 01:21
OOC: You mean a corrupt Lt. in the LPF not the leader of Leafanistan, I'll let that slip by.
Hey man, I got your goods right here, I'll ship ASAP, 'cause by tomorrow all of these things will be burned. Just wire the money to my personal account eh? Thanks dude.
Lt. Dimitri "Merchant of Menace" Rovsky
Who else had their copy of "The Zombie Survival Guide" next to them when they first saw this thread, eh? ;)
President Shrew of Laskon was relaxing in his red leather chair in the Port City of Constantine (the temporary capital, as the main one was the sight of a massive space battle, don't ask unless you want to hear a long story.) He was flipping through one of his favorite books, The Zombie Survival Guide, when General Var stepped into the office.
"Sir, perhaps you should turn the television on."
"Why? I was sitting here perfectly fine enjoying my book, I'm sure television will just upset my evening with useless news about foolish wars."
"To be honest, sir, you're one to talk."
President Shrew chuckled.
"Aye, I was just kidding with you, by all means, turn on the television."
The news reports of what was happening to Leafanistan came onto the screen of the large TV that came out of the wall, the President and the General looked at it intently until they turned to the weather once again.
"Well? All those nations are much to far from us to present a threat. Anyway, our military has its hands full with all those damned Violet cultists."
"Well, sir, I know how you feel about zombies..."
"I suppose you're right."
He cast a quick look at his book, then looked back up.
"What kind of force can we supply?"
"Special forces are standing by, sir."
"All 508 of them?"
"Yes sir."
"Get them loaded up and shipped out to the last location of an outbreak, I want them there by tomorrow."
"Yes sir."
General Var saluted and walked swiftly out of the room, the President looked again as more reports came in, he knew this couldn't turn out well.
02-05-2005, 01:26
Leafanistan recommends no foriegn troops enter the city of Meiji or the burned out field near Nishito. These areas will be firebombed again and then blocked off and covered with concrete for hte next 2000 years. Leafanistan believes there are foriegn troops penetrating the city and reminds them that by 0600 tomorrow the crisis will be over.
Michael Heroin
02-05-2005, 01:37
The Agents swarmed the streets, searching desperately for anyone uninfected, the numbers were small but firm, and slowly but surely, the troups returned, groups of civillians in tow. It was not an easy task, and too many good men and women fell to the teeth and nails of the infected, and once infected, they knew that they must stay behind. Doctors waited by the doors of the harriers, anxious to help refugees and check wounded agents. Perhaps the most painfull part of that night for Elaine, was the doctor who ran towards her as she guided the group of Leafanistainians back to the jets, and the look on his face when he saw the bite-mark on her shoulder.
He was much to young to have to be here, She offered him a brave smile, and saved him the pain of asking,
"I'm infected, checked myself right after the bite. I just needed to bring this lot back to you and..."
She paused for a moment, almost reluctant,
"...and I thought you might want a blood sample."
"What hppened here tonight has been a disaster on the highest scale, and sadly, some people make a living out of this kind of thing. If it's Biological warfare, then finding a cure will make it useless, so find a cure."
The doctor nodded, before runing to find an empty syringe to take a sample from her.
02-05-2005, 01:37
Samtonian CDC Emergency Broadcast
Solanum propagates through the physical insertion of itself into a host's bloodstream. The only method of transmission is physical contact from an affected zombie. Bites, scratches, bodily fluid contact all of these events are enough to immediately infect the attacked person.
Fatality rates are 100%. Solanum is known to change the infected host's brain in some way which causes the rapid mutation of the subject's body into an organism which looks human, contains a body of entirely human paerts, but is most certainly not human.
Digestive and reproductivesystems immedaitely cease to function. The nervous sytem is shut down along with the respiratory system and all functions of the body apparently become harnessed towards one goal- propagation of the virus. This end is achieved by attacks upon uninfected humans.
What is most important about all research is that the destruction of the creature's brain immediatelydestroys the host of the solanum virus and exterminates the zombie. Decapitation results in a severed head which expires only when the brain is disposed of. Gunshot wounds to other portions of the body may debilitate the zombie to some extent, but pose no real threat to it.
A constant threat is the moans of the zombie. Once prey os located, the shambling gait is qwuickened and maons are emitted from the zombie which attract other zombies to the area, creating a slowly gathering host of zombified humans. Immediate destruction of the brain is recommended for dealing with a large group.
Any remains should be burned to prevent spread of the virus, which is still potent for as long as a day after death of its host. In summary, suggested course of action is the use of specially trained squads of sharpshooters trained to aim for the head, coupled with immediate disposal of all reamins through extreme heat.
More information to be released.
I'll take one. Just one for now, I have to see the goods first.
02-05-2005, 01:40
High Father to unknown agents in Meiji, Leafanistan
Unknown agents I appreciate your methods and tactics. While this is a violation of our borders your benign purpose and saving of civilians is commendable. However be warned by 0600 Meiji will be a pile of cinders. We'll just overlook this eh?
02-05-2005, 01:43
Lt. Dimitri "Merchant of Menace" Rovsky to Calpis
Hey dudes its cool. Look they are in this steel crate here and 100 % dead. Just $5000 US for it 'cause I'm running short on them. Just make sure not to let it come in fluid contact so no sex with it right? Cool dude. Enjoy your tool of mass devastation dude. *eyes ambassador sent to buy it* You are kinda hot. *get's slapped* Fine, just take it and leave, I'll enjoy the money, get myself a governemnt screened honey.
Thank you, lieutenant. Sorry about the Ambassador. She clearly does not know the meaning of diplomatic...oh, dear, what is the word I'm looking for?
Regardless, she will be dealt with.
Copiosa Scotia
02-05-2005, 01:52
OOC: You mean a corrupt Lt. in the LPF not the leader of Leafanistan, I'll let that slip by.
Hey man, I got your goods right here, I'll ship ASAP, 'cause by tomorrow all of these things will be burned. Just wire the money to my personal account eh? Thanks dude.
Lt. Dimitri "Merchant of Menace" Rovsky
(OOC: My mistake. Was using the leader's name as a placeholder until I could think of a better way to address it. Guess I forgot.)
Nasenko scanned the message and shook his head as he typed a brief, vague, and appreciative-sounding response. In his estimation, this man Rovsky was doubly foolish, first to willingly sell something so dangerous to an unknown customer, and second to sell it for so little. Perhaps, Nasenko thought, any individual transfer of over $2000 to the Lieutenant's account would raise an automatic flag, but if that was the case, why not request payment in cash? No matter. Boris Andrevsky will be pleased with the fine profit I turn on this.
He'd start the long drive to Freeport tonight so he could be there to personally oversee the delivery and inspect the contents. Before then, though, he'd have to arrange for security and transport from the docks. All these things were well within his discretionary budget, so there'd be no need to notify Andrevsky himself. Nasenko alone would take the credit for this operation, and he was certain that his initiative would not go unrewarded.
Michael Heroin
02-05-2005, 01:53
Unknown Agents to High Father,
*Nervous cough*
Erm, yes, well, we just felt bad about all those pople who were going to get firebombed, jolly decent of you for overlooking this little incident, we've now filled up on healthy civillians and there don't appear to be many left, we'll just drop them off at a few safe houses and be on our way then...
*In Meiji*
Elaine rubbed her arm nervously and stepped off the Harrier, they weree fully loaded, had done everything they could do to help, and in few minutes they would be leaving, she turned to face the still open doors and saluted her former team, a gesture they returned before allowing the doors to slide shut before her. They'd always known there'd be some casulties.
So what was left? Becoming a Zombie herself? Or being conscious when the firebombs hit the city? Neither of them were particularly pleasent options...instead, she lifted her Black Ops issue semi-automatic pistol to her temple, and began humming her national anthem.
She was halfway through the second verse by the time she got up the courage to pull the trigger.
Ten M-100 Banshees transported the 508 members of the Laskonian Special Forces, 108 of them being Green Berets, the others were all specially chosen out of the Laskonian Armed Forces for Spec Ops training.
The large heavily armed flying machines made their way quickly towards Leafanistan to a drop off point, they made no secret of their arrival, and made sure that the military presense in the area knew they were there to "observe and to contain the outbreak if needed."
In Laskon:
A lone life raft had been picked up by a merchant ship several hours ago, it was being heralded to the port city when contact was lost with the small boat. Before contact was lost, the captain of the ship had confirmed that the raft was from Leafanistan, and supposedly from a plane that had tried to escape from somewhere, they also informed that the man inside seemed to have died before they rescued him, then contact was lost.
Several port security members awaited it as the boat slowly and forlornly moved into harbor, it didn't look like it was going to stop, even with their furious demands over a megaphone. The ship dented lightly into the dock and scraped against it until it stopped. The security rushed over and looked over into the ship.
An arm reached out and grabbed the guards face, he screamed and was dragged down into the boat, the other guards drew their pistols and tried to find whatever had grabbed the other man, but it had gone below decks. A sudden insecint moaning began and the guards shivered and cringed. One got on his walkie talkie.
"Sir? We have a problem here...wait, what the hell is that?"
The captain of the patrol guard listened over the radio.
"What the hell is going on? Henderson? Whats going on???"
He heard shouts and gun fire outside by the dock, he swiftly grabbed a shotgun that was in the guns locker near his chair, and rushed out his door straight into the arms of an awaiting ghoul, he barely had time to shout before its cold, dead mouth ripped into his face and devoured him.
Screams and shouts were then heard for hours by the dock, scattered gunfire, here and there. The President looked down from his balcony onto the now aflame docks, many a boat had been set upon. The usual Marine guard in the city was barely keeping the docks contained. He swiftly turned to prepare an order for the immediate evacuation of all people in the city, when his lights flickered off, then on again. A sudden chilling moaning could be heard in the wind, and he reached for the glock 19 he kept in his jacket at all times, he slowly unlocked his door and peaked out. Where were his guards? They should be here, or patrolling the hallway.
His cellphone rang, he opened it and heard his security officers down on the main floor of the building.
"Sir, dozens of these -pzzt- things...we can't -pzzt- stop them...-pzzt- you need to evacua....AAAAAUUUGH!"
President Shrew slammed the phone shut and continued down the hallway, he called General Var on his phone.
"General, where are you?"
"At the military complex outside of the city, sir."
"We're being besieged by zombies, General."
"What, sir?"
"You heard me. Its all gone to hell, I'm going to see if the situation downstairs is contained, then gather who I can and begin the evacuation."
"Sir, you should just head for the helicoptor now..."
"Var. These are my men."
"Aye sir. God speed, don't get yourself killed."
"No need to worry about me, just contain the city, we don't know if the civilian population has been compromised yet."
"Already moving out, sir."
"Good. I'll call you back once I'm prepared to leave."
The President once again clacked the phone shut and reached a painting on the wall, he took it down and pressed in a combination, a door unlocked and a small weapons cache showed itself.
He grabbed a modified MP5 and a desert eagle, then locked the safe and headed towards the stairs.
02-05-2005, 01:56
The El Tee strolled down to a government brothel and got "served".
He left happily knowing that the zombie crisis would be so big that they'll ignore the red flags raised on his account. Besides the committee headed to investigate such corruption in the LPF was headed by the El Tee himself. He smiled a big smile and went back to his post some 5 miles from the border. He set his alarm clock to 0500 so he could enjoy the fireworks. He sat down and slowly drifted into sleep.
02-05-2005, 02:01
High Father put down the newest report from Laskon. He was going to get hell for this. He knew that a few merchant ships were out of his reach, he had no idea it would get this bad. He hoped the screenings would show it hasn't spread to any major hubs or else it could get real bad. As in humans go bye bye bad. High Father ordered 40 High Guard rescue the Laskon leader. He hoped no one else would get hurt.
He really hated this week.
The High Guard jumped into their Pelicans and took off at maximum speed. Even then it was at least 1.5 hours before they reached the capital of Laskon. They tried to hail for entry clearance.
The Scandinvans
02-05-2005, 02:11
I can have 1.2 million troops, 6000 tanks, 12,000 Armored Hummers, 3200 Chinooks, and 1800 Blackhawkâs.
02-05-2005, 02:15
Leafanistan Military Advisors state that small strike teams or massive aerial bombing is the only solution to zombie problems. A massive armed force would only be fuel for the fire.
The Scandinvans
02-05-2005, 02:18
We can offer 1200 F-18s to help in the bombing strikes and 80,000 Special Forces.
Michael Heroin
02-05-2005, 02:20
Friends lost, innocents saved, and data collected, the two harrier Jets landed safely back in the ports of Michael Heroin.
Michael Heroin himself (shameless leader of the nation he had so modestly named after himself) was following the news reports closely, to see what kind of informtion had been released to the media on this matter, besides, it beat real work, when Ariadne Lexxburg, the second black Ops Team Leader who'd gone down to Leafanistan entered his office, with two doctors in tow behind her.
"How did it go?"
"The operation was a success. We screened and saved somwhere in the region of 2300 people, we lost twenty five."
She paused for a moment, knowing that she'd have to tell him sooner or later,
"Sir, Elaine was infected..."
"She fought bravely and saved many liv-"
"Save it for the families of the other twenty four, chances are that crap doesn't make them feel any better either!"
Michael stopped for a minute, realising that he was perhaps not being entirely fair,
"Sorry...It's just...you know how it is..."
Ariadne nodded,
"She was a good friend to both of us Michael, but we both know that the nature of this work means that people always die."
Thee two of them were silent for a moment, both wondering for a moment if the work was worth it's nature. Finally Michael spoke again,
"Ok, and other news that you don't have to report about this operation which never happened?"
"Elaine didn't give us a blood sample that we couldn't use to try and find a cure."
Michael glanced up at Ariadne, a whisper of his usual smile returning to his lips,
"Then don't tell all our scientists and doctors to get to work finding one."
02-05-2005, 02:21
OOC: Is this offer for Leafanistan or Laskon, 'cause we are about to commence firebombing, and Laskon is being overrun.
The jumpjets took off. After they were over the city limits they dropped their bombs. They wailed for a bit before exploding into a massive ball of fire. Zombies moaned in slight protest as the flames consumed them. Lt. Dimitri Rovsky watched with glee at the sight. "Beautiful" he thought. He was sure going to get a bonus for such good security along with the rest of his forces here.
We would be willing to loan up to 100 P-3 Orion planes, which would be ideal for spreading large amounts of flamable liquids over any target areas.
Only the port city has become infected so far, so no need for such a grand scale assault.
President Shrew slinked out of the staircase and onto the main floor, though it had been several stories down, he knew it was foolish to take the elevator if the lobby had been compromised.
He raised the MP5 and looked around the corner, the lobby was a bloddy mess. Dead bodies strewn the floor and broken glass littered it. He heard a munching sound and went around to the security desk to see a zombie lurched over his security guard.
The zombie slowly looked around to see him, but the President had unloaded with his gun before he had fully turned, he looked up from the demolished ghoul and into the broken night of the Laskon coast. He moved out of the building and towards the nearest military position in the city.
02-05-2005, 03:01
The jumpjets hovered above the city trying to make contact. Snipers fired on occasional zombies near hte building the president was last seen in. They hoped they weren't too late.
General Var saw the large Leafanistan jets over the city, he immediately got onto the phone with the communications network, which prepared to tap him into their signal.
"Listen up, Leafanistan forces, land at my current coordinates, we have the situation covered so far, but CEASE FIRE upon the city. We need to assure the President's protection before attemping a large scale assault. What you're doing is internationally troubling enough, don't create more trouble for yourself."
Copiosa Scotia
02-05-2005, 07:43
Nasenko watched the transaction go down from the seat of his black Lincoln. He already had a couple buyers lined up for a blood sample, each of whom would pay several times the cost of the corpse itself. And once he started producing the pathogen himself, he'd have a steady and very lucrative source of income.
The steel crate was loaded into the back of the armored truck he'd requisitioned, the doors shut, and the truck's driver flashed his headlights. Starting his engine, Nasenko fell in behind the lead motorcycle escort, and the chain of black-painted vehicles slowly started to file out of the docks.
In an unmarked car in an alley behind the Northside Grand Hotel, Mark Reiner heard his radio crackle to life. "Targets will be on site in five minutes. Two bikes, one car, one truck." Reiner nodded. He gave a confirm code and switched channels.
"Alright squad, our quarry is five minutes out. Kang, O'Brien, you are weapons free."
Nasenko was just dialing Andrevski to share the news of his purpose when he saw the rider of the lead motorcycle convulse and fall to the ground. He slammed on the brakes, skidding to a stop only to be jolted hard as the armored truck hit him from behind. He opened the door and staggered out of his ruined car, his back throbbing with pain.
Before him, a car shot out of the alley, coming to a stop in the middle of the street. Two black-clad figures jumped out, taking cover behind the car, and he heard one of them, a female voice, shouting at him to put his hands on his head. Forget that, he thought, reaching for the Mark 23 in his jacket.
Almost immediately he felt an impact, then a searing pain in his left shoulder. He fell to the ground, hitting his head against the hard pavement, and everything went black.
02-05-2005, 08:22
As long as the threat dosn't spread ther will be no problems and we will assit in any way possible. However control your problem or we will.
02-05-2005, 19:35
Despite early optimism, the infection has spread throughout Jokotala, with as many as 25 million dead, though officials believe that no more than 10% of that number has reanimated as zombies. Efforts to isolate the virus failed when it became apparant that a more easily transmittable strain was at work. Though normal Solanum virus can only be contracted through fluid contact, this strain is apparently airborn through a person's breath, capable of surviving for as long as 5 minutes in the right conditions. Fortunately, only those that recieved it through the traditonal fluid transmission reanimate, though it is still 100% fatal in the air. We now ask for international assistance in clearing out the remaining Zombies from Jokotala, as we are inable to destroy the city without causign irreperable damage to our economy.
We once again remind all members of the international community that the possibility of this dangerous new strain arriving through air travel is extremely likely. We still do not know from where it originated, or where it is or is not safe to travel. There have been many variations from the normal virus in this strain, and there could easily be carriers who have not yet succumbed still traveling the globe.
Call to power
02-05-2005, 19:43
Message from Call to power command
"We ask that all blood sucking organisms be killed in the affected nations to stop spreading we also ask that water supplies be checked for the organisms as this is a major hot stop for contracting similar diseases"
The Amen-Re Network
02-05-2005, 19:55
We assure you this disaster is well contained and there is nothing to worry about. Aid is welcomed though for those fleeing the area. We are beginning screenings of people and those who aren't infected are being released safely.
*Secret channels*
Wanna buy a zombie corpse? Hermetically sealed in a steel crate yours for only $1995! Act now!
Is it still possible to buy the corpses?
If so, we would like 100 of them, for research purposes.
02-05-2005, 19:58
To: Leafanistan and Laskon:
In accordance with Shenyang Military Doctorine for this type of situation we have a deep strike arsenal sub within range of the affected areas. Should you need it we can unleash a cruise missile barrage to eliminate the threat to your nations. If you need this support we await your reply, if not the sub will remain on station until this crisis is resolved.
-Chairman Murdock
Secret IC:
The SNS Valiance recieved orders to go to tactical alert, in the event that the order came to open fire they were to be ready. Their orders were to hover at "missile depth" and launch the entire payload of Katana missiles toward the afflicted areas.
Commander: Depth?
Helm: 100 meters sir.
Commander: 25 degree up angle on the planes, ascend to periscope depth. I want a UAV launched once we reach the surface.
Fire Control: Affirmative, UAV is readied in the tube, tube flooding now.
Moments later the Valiance reached periscope depth.
Helm: Periscope depth achieved.
Fire Control: Launching UAV.
The water burst up as the small UAV rocketed upward into the night sky. It then began circling, and ransmitting the surface situation to the Valiance, which dove down to near maximum control depth for the UAV and held position, the UAV circled in a seemingly ramdom pattern, so as to look like it was lost, or the operator had fallen asleep at the controls and it was now trapped hopelessly far from land without any way to return home on its own, however it was really scanning in all directions with the onboard cameras so that the Valiance could maintain situational awareness even at operating depth, it also served as an antenna for the Valiance, so that it could recieve messages, even below the normal depth used to recieve transmissions from Shenyang Naval Command.
Ninja death buicuits
02-05-2005, 21:14
I the King of Ninja death Buiscuits, hereby close our borders to all incoming traffic. The Roral Navy and Airforce have been placed on alert to intercept any incoming traffice that does not turn away. No trace of the infection has yet been discoverd in our nation. I fear the consequences should any outbreak occur, we are but a small nation and would not be able to handle such a threat. Nevertheless we offer whatever aid we can to the international community and will assit however we are able. My Royal Guard are available to deal with any emergency situation that may arise. Merely ask and you shall recieve.
* The king sat back down. The red light in the corner of the studio went out and the noise of peole talking immediately returned to the room. His Principal secetary rushed over. "Very good sir."
"now what? We wait is that it?"
"Yes, sir."
"Lets just hope no-one tries to get into the country. Is all commercial traffic being re-routed?"
"mostly sir, There were a few planes in the air that could not be turned away, they were too low on fuel to make it to another airport. We were forced to let them land."
"Very well, make sure the people on bord are screened for any signs of infection."
"With all due respect sir, we lack that technology our nation is not as rich as others and so we do not posses the screening equipment."
"Then put them into stringent quarantine Humphrey. No infection must spread to the populace!"
"Of course, sir."
President Shrew used the night scope on top of the MP5 to moniter the docks, it was covered in dead bodies, bullet casings, and still hungry zombies. He put the silencer the MP5 that had been attached but not on, and began to snipe away at the zombies, he fell into a light lull in which he didn't exactly know what was going on, but he didn't move, almost like some kind of dream.
He got a call on his cell phone several minutes later.
"Sir? This is Captain Foley of the marine guard, is that you on the roof over there?"
The President looked up to his right to see the military tower he had been searching for, the Captain flashed a light towards him, President Shrew then began to roof hop over to the tower, then he was helped up by a ladder tossed down by the Captain.
"There are only seven of us left, we've been sniping any zombies near the tower, but we have no way to get out."
"I have my helicoptor."
"No, sir, its just that there are so many of them down there, we could never make it now."
"What are you talking about? The streets were clear while I was getting over here."
"Well, sir, you were over on that roof for quite a while..."
"No, I wasn't, I was only there for a few minutes."
"Sir, are you okay?"
The President sighed and took a full breath in, he leaned against the side of the tower.
"You haven't been bitten, have you sir?"
"No, of course not, it might be something that happened a while ago..."
Foley nodded, all the military personal knew that during the space battle that had ravaged the original capital, the President had been captured by the Sons of Heosonfru, then no one knew what happened to him after that, he had only returned a number of months before.
"Alright then, so most of the civilian population has been infected?"
"We're expecting so, sir."
"Dammit, and not soon after that damn Violet coup, how much do these people have to endure."
"Not a lot if we agree to these terms of having the city bombed, sir..."
"We're not having my damn city bombed, Captain!"
"Sorry sir, but it is an option."
"I understand, soldier. Lets get to work."
Ninja death buicuits
03-05-2005, 11:32
Sgt. Kessel wiped his brow, it was a hot night. All he wanted to do was to get back into the guard room and have a smoke in the cool of the air-conditioned room. He and his men we're supervising the movement of the civillians aboard one of the commercial flights that they we're force to let land. He was takeing direct charge of this particular flight as it was one of the last flights into the country from Leafanistan, where the original outbreak had occured. Addmitedly it had come from a part of the country the virus had not been observed in, but the King had sent a direct transmission that no chanves we're to be taken.
They had errected a fence around the plane's entrance hatchway, to contain the peole aboard or, the shuddered to think, control the undead should there be any on the plane. Cpl. Pierce waved to him to signify that the security men we're in place and that they we're ready to evacuate the people. Kessel radioed to the captain of the plane. "Kessel to flight 187, you can lower the ramps now." Kessel was mildly optomistic about this, the pilot and co-pilot were fine. But then they were in the sealed cockpit behind a bullet proof door.
The hatch hissed as the compressed air pistons fired into life and the door swung open. Kessel realised he'd taken his pistol from its holster and it was now held losely in his hand. Nothing seemed to happen for the longest period of time. Then a head peered around the door frame, it was on of the flights stewards. "Hello?" the girl said in a wavering voice. Kessel moved forwards to talk to the poor girl. She must obviously be frightened, they could of seen by the portholes the armed guards around the plane on their arrival. "I'm Sgt. Kessel NDB Police force. Ma'am you have ne reason to worry, but we had reason to believe that your flight may be carrying a dangerous infection amongst its passengers. But it appears that you seem to unnafeccted. May we come aboard and begin the process of quarantineign these people, so as no infection spread to the populace?" He was going to do it anyway, you didn't disobey and order from the King without good cause, but asking made them feel as thought they had some control of an unfamiliar situation. "Yes, I guess so." said the steward nervously.
"Thank you." said Kessel and waved up a medical team. He led them onto the plane. It was filled with typical looking tourists all bearing a distinctly nervous look, the first thing he realised was that onyl a few chose to look in his direction, and few seemed to acknowledge his presence. hey we're uniquely fixated with the rear of the plane. He asked the stward "Whats spooking these people?"
"Someone got sick on the flight. At first we thought it was just flu, but hen he got worse and seemed to go ino a deep sleep at one point. One of the stewards went to see if he was okay, and he got violent he attacked the steward and we managed to lock him in the toilet after a struggle."
Kessel was horified, but kept his composure. "Was anyone hurt?"
"Yes the man bit Carl the steward and one of the other passengers who helped get him into the toilet. They're a little shocked but other wise fine."
"I'm going to have to keep these people on the plane. We shall attend to their needs but they are not to leav the plane. Medical teams get everyone else off the plane who hasn't come into direct contact with the afflicted. Get em a phone, i have to call the King."
The King sat on his desk, he was watching the world news on the unfolding dissasters in both Leafanistan and Laskon. in Particular the footage of the President of Laskon fire upon the zombies infecting his people from a rooftop. Heroic, but desperate, he thought, then chastised himself for the thought. At that moment Humphrey came into the room. "Sir. We have a report form the Airport at Shen-an-doath." The king looked up. "And?"
"Bad news I'm afriad sir. The flight- he glanced at his notes -187 from Leafanistan bore an infected person. Infection is under control at present and all un-afflicted people have bee removed from the aircraft. "
"Good. lets hope it stays just this little incident. Tell them to keep a close eye on things, and dispatch a regiment of the 4th Army to cantain the area should things get nasty."
"At once you majesty."
"And get my plane prepped I want to be there in person before morning."
"Are you sure that wise Sire? I mean-"
"Do it Humphrey."
"Yes, Sir."
03-05-2005, 19:46
OOC: Did you people notice that I seem to have a rather major outbreak in my country?
To: His Majesty Joseph III
From: InSac SOG Commander Robert Kennet
Official Report Concerning Jokotala Viral Outbreak
Agent(s): Solanum & variants
Outbreak Level: 9
Chance of Spreading: Medium
Current Action: Military and civilian enforced total quarantine 75 miles from city limits. No access into city, nobody has left. No fly zone enacted inside quarantine. Martial law inside quarantine and within 2 miles of military line. All Special Forces teams activated and partoling perimeter. First Infantry, Third Infantry, Fifth Infantry, Second Cavalry, Third Air Force, all totally committed. Remaining forces mobilized for additional outbreaks.
Advised Action: I reccomend activating the 23rd InSac Special Ops Group. Your approval is required for this action. I also recommend total shutdown and rerouting of incoming commercial flights to other cities and complete closure of our borders for at least two months after we have cleared out Jokotala.
Notes: The variants of Solanum encountered in this outbreak are extremely numerous, and quick to mutate. This may be becaseu of the chemical plants in Jokotala. We have already found people without symptoms who may have been spreading the virus for weeks within teh quarantine zone, combined with the already known ability of this strain to transmit through breath. For this reason, I believe we may have to be watchful for further outbreaks for at least 25 years, as opposed to the usual 5.
Military Casualties during outbreak:
Dead: 45
Wounded: 0
Missing: 11
03-05-2005, 23:32
Tranmission to SNS Valiance:
Move to tactical station Mike-41, send confirmation, await response.
IC: To: Al-Imvadjah
This is the Shenyang military high command. There is a deep strike submarine off your coast awaiting orders to attack your afflicted area. Should you deem it acceptable the SNS Valiance will unleash its cruise missiles and eliminate the threat. If that is unacceptable we can send the 1st and 2nd ODST squads to assist in erradicating this threat.
04-05-2005, 00:50
From: Al-Imvadjah
Thank you for your support. While any wholesale destruction of our cheif industrial center would be extremely bad for our economy, we do appreciate your offer to send special forces teams. They can meet up with our own 23rd InSac at the quarantine's HQ, located at the enclosed coordinates. There your team will be better briefed on the threat. Bring Biowarfare equipmen,t as we have stated in our earlier press statement, this strain is transmittable through breath.
04-05-2005, 00:54
Leafanistan is zombie free thanks to advanced screening measures and a bit ruthless extermination protocol. Firebombs and the like.
Recently a major incident has broken out on the DMZ with The Kingdom of Radioactive Zombies, they've been rushing the border, and while the King denies he has anything to do with it an invansion is unnecessary. Leafanistan forces are pulling out to guard the border. With hundreds of soldiers dead already all Leafanistan Protection Forces along with regular Army, and Air Force forces have been holding the DMZ. Still it seems like there are millions of them and ammunition trains haven't been resuppling them fast enough. Tactical LASERs overheat and their use is limited to firing only through very dense groupings of them. We are holding and the latest field report says the firebombings have worked and they are no longer in such large force. "We're good!"
04-05-2005, 02:21
A pair of blackhawks swept low into the quarentined area, the zombies below looked up, stupidly, only to meet a faceful of lead from one of the blackhawks' miniguns. The ODST onboard were wearing the latest development in the ODST armor line. The ODST-H or ODST-Heavy armor, specifically designed to prevent any intrusion into the suit by a foreign substance, short of a 7.62x51 sized substance at a high muzzle velocity. The blackhawks set down outside the HQ. The ODST stepped off the helicopters, and then set up a perimeter, before enterring the field HQ.
Revenant: So I see you have a minor zombie problem out here. That about right ladies?
Revenant stood waiting for a response, even though he didn't expect that he'd get one, whenever he said stuff like this he never got an answer, it was just a pointless habit.
OOC: Get used to that kind of posting, the entire ODST are like that to one degree or another. (Its better for stories than the standard "super-disciplined" special forces that most people use)
04-05-2005, 03:07
Samtonian CDC Emergency Broadcast
Reports of solanum outbreak within Al-Imvadjah confirmed. Standard solanum also appears to be accompanied by another viral pathogen able to be transmitted through air. Nations are urged not to panic, as extensive testing has revealed this unknown pathogen to not be a variant of the solanum virus.
Death results from exposure, as opposed to death and then reanimation, which suggests some type of pathogen mutation presumably due to chemical plants in the region. Hosts have also been found in the population of this unknown pathogen(hereafter referred to as pathogen X), a complete reversal of the 100% death rate of solanum. Rest assured, solanum will never be transmitted through air to infect others. Its structure simply does not allow it.
However, pathogen X is highly dangerous and poses the same threat as solanum at this time due to the concurrent outbreak of solanum within Al-Imvadjah. Extreeme caution is urged by any and all quarantining forces, with proper respiratory "hot" gear to be worn at all timers when within the viral infection zone (composed of level three portable biohazard suits or above). Failure to comply could result in rapid spread of pathogen X.
Reports also indicate that Laskon is beng wquickly overrun by the solanum infected corpses. Immediate quarantine of the country is urged, with clean up action to begin immediately. Do not forget the dangers untended corspes pose- it takes 24 hours for an infected human to be bitten, die, and then reanimate. A dead corpse could easily reanimate in hours or even minutes. Cremation is urged for all corpses, though simple destruction of the head will suffice should those means not be available.
Further note, all traffic to and from: Laskon, Leafanistan, and Al-Imvadjah is urged to be immediately frozen and all passengers or crew of any traffic should be placed in immediate quarantine with standard protection protocols. Also note reporters are NOT to be allowed near an outbreak site. Rabid press and inflamed civilian popuklations are the last things nations need to deal with. Add that to the fact a reporter makes easy prey for the reanimated and it quickly becomes clear why barring the media access is of paramount importance.
04-05-2005, 03:19
OOC: The air transmitable seems to be Solanum (or something similar), we've had people reanimate after fluid transfers from somebody who didn't. But if that's just the 'official' word to prevent panic, that's fine.
A member of the specialist force looked up from checking his equipment. He pulled his gas mask off and holstered his pistol as he began to speak.
"Minor? Naaw, this here's the bigest outbreak I've seen yet. But I wouldn't classify it as a nine like those pansies at high command did. Now, I remeber a few years back, my first year with the twenty-threes, there was a minor outbreak of a new strain in the Al-Shoffan suburbs, about hundred fifty if I recall. Now those zees were mean mothers. Not these shufflers I've been seeing from the video footage. I mean like the guys you see in video games- fast, aware, and angry. Now that was a dangerous strain. Fortunately they only had us bring in two corpses before they firebombed it."
An officer wearing regulation fatigues stepped out of the tent, and went up to the commanders of the Shenyang operatives. He shook his hand briskly and as they walked toward the tent past the men who were gearing up he began to speak.
"We've got Predator drones overflying the city, bringing in live video feed. You can reveiw it if you want - we've got all day before you make any offensive operations. I don't know if your government has been on the recieving list for our regular updates, but this Solanum seems to be most closely related to the SZ-3 strain. Not very special except that it's air-transmittable. Lemme get the door. Right now we've got teams C and B securing the rooftop helipads on the First and Fourth Precincts and the hospitol. Those will be our emergency extraction points. Right now the plan is to make 'thunder runs' and draw as many as we can into herds following Humvees toward kill zones. But we're going to have to go in on foot eventually, probably tomorrow afternoon. Hand me that map, will you? That's where you'll come in, you cn use your 'hawks to insert at either the city sqaure, this sports arena, or one of the three spots I mentioned earlier. Then it'll just be block-by-block, building-by-building. Regular army will secure what areas we've passed through and provide fallback positions. How many men did you say you had?"
04-05-2005, 03:45
OOC: The air transmitable seems to be Solanum (or something similar), we've had people reanimate after fluid transfers from somebody who didn't. But if that's just the 'official' word to prevent panic, that's fine.
[OOC- Following official texts on solanum (The Zombie Survival Guide, Max Berry, 2003) solanum is only transmittable through direct fluid contacts. Bites, scratches, etc. Military experiments failed to make it transmittable through air, no mutations observed over 3,000 years, so on and so forth.
However, though it's not solanum it's somethng new. So you get to name it! Possibly of the same family of filviruses, but another name. I am such a nerd. But seriously, go read it. Or go to thezombiesurvivalguide.com for a short overview. Great book.]
04-05-2005, 19:49
Revenant: We've got 16 guys, all hardened veterans, from what I've seen this shouldn't be much problem. Can I get a look at that Predator footage?
Revenant sat down an watched a few minutes of predator footage.
Revenant: Looks like they just shuffle like you said, but I'm not so sure, I've seen ones like this before, slow as hell, unless they really want you're ass dead, then they move like the damned wind. My men'll insert into the sports arena and work our way toward the hospital, sound good? We'll probably leave a nice swath of destruction behind us, so I doubt they'll be able to follow us too quick. After we reach the hospital we'll probably need to restock, can the helipad take one of the 'hawks outside? 'cuz we can only carry so much in there and hope to remain mobile.
This was a rather ironic thing for Revenant to say, seeing as he had a SOCOM strapped to his hip, pair of katanas strapped to his waist, a pair of UMPs under his armpits and a spec. ops M249 over his shoulder along with more grenades and ammo than most soldiers could even imagine carrying, Seraph, the leader of Bravo Squad didn't look much different, except he didn't have the UMPs. Instead he had a USAS-12 over the shoulder opposite from his M249.
Revenant: Before you ask, no, we don't consider this to be overkill.
OOC: Yes in RL I consider that to be overkill. But hey, the ODST are supposed to be a bit crazy, as I've said before, so they don't.
Greater Valia
04-05-2005, 19:59
"As mentioned in the BBC; -snip-
OOC: Nice fake BBC site!
04-05-2005, 22:35
[OOC- Following official texts on solanum (The Zombie Survival Guide, Max Berry, 2003) solanum is only transmittable through direct fluid contacts. Bites, scratches, etc. Military experiments failed to make it transmittable through air, no mutations observed over 3,000 years, so on and so forth.
I have read it. In fact, I have it sitting next to me right now. I know exactly what it says about Solanum in there. But this is freeform, and I want an airborne variation because it makes the RP more interesting. And in a purely IC sense, based only off what I've already stated and not what I plan to say later, I've already encountered at least 4 variants.
"Well, you seem to be ready to go. But we aren't ready for you yet. Unless your guys want to hop in a hummer and go for a ride through the suburbs. But yes, the hospitol should support your 'hawks, and we'll have plenty of ammunition stocked there. We have a private tent for your people on the other side of the base. It's the one with the window flaps rolled down. Your men can get copies of this tape if they want. But I'm afraid you won't be able to take any videos out of the country."
As he spoke he escorted the commander out of the command tent. The special operations forces were already becoming friendly with eachother, swapping stories and comparing equipment. At the edge of camp a convoy of humvees was being loaded for a high speed run. Helicopter blades stirred up dust in the afternoon sun, and a pair of snipers flew off to provide covering fire.
"The weather couldn't have been better. Really. Last time we were facing zombies, it was the middle of a thunderstorm, and we had no air support at all. What a nightmare... Which reminds me, I've got to talk to a meteorologist and a priest about the storms they've been predicting for this weekend."
Only my CITY is overrun, please stop saying all this stuff about my entire country, as I've said this twice now, its getting a little irritating. :mad:
General Var angrily slapped down the phone in the bunker.
"Who the fuck do these Samtonia guys think they are? Remind me to have whoever suggested quarentining our nation killed after this is over..."
His attendent made a note to not remind him, they didn't need an international incident.
But he had heard the conversation, a lot of nations were making assumptions that Laskon had been overrun, when it was only Constantine that had been "consumed" by the zombie hoards. He certainly hoped no nations would take foolish actions to cause harm to areas that had not been infected...
In Constantine:
The President was getting delirious, finally, the captain gave him some medicine to knock him out.
He used the President's phone to call the General.
"Sir? We have the President, but we didn't want to move him before..."
"Thats fine, soldier, I can have the agents in the helicoptor come pick you up."
The Captain gave a sigh of relief, soon, they'd be out of this hell hole.
On top of the President's fortress, the four agents sent to guard the helicoptor were fighting a losing battle against hundreds of zombies as they slowly made their way up the stairs, though they had killed the first dozen or so, they were now running out of ammo and cut off from contact with the General. One agent had been ripped apart when the first zombies to get through their gun fire charged towards them, hungrily, soon, only the pilot was left, screaming out in terror as he watched the agents being slaughtered as the zombies rushed towards them. He started to take off, his anxiety slowly going away as he reached out into the heavens in the coptor, he was about to relax fully until a thought struck him.
The doors had been open.
He barely had time to turn around when a zombie put its rotting hands around him and moved its disgusting mouth to the screaming man's head...
Ten minutes later, the coptor had crashed into an apartment building, sending rubble all over the streets.
At the outpost, the Captain stiffled a gasp as he watched the helicoptor swing out of control and crash, he turned back to his men.
"Buckle down, ladies, looks like we might not be going anywhere for a while."
He called the general back.
"Yeah, general? We may have a problem here..."
04-05-2005, 23:09
The Republic of Haxxoristan would like to offer assistance to the governments affected by the zombie outbreak. It would also like to ask if it can nuke The Kingdom of Radioactive Zombies off the face of the planet.
04-05-2005, 23:14
We shall take that as a yes. Nuclear missilles are currently inbound to the Kingdom of Radioactive Zombies, in addition to special biological warheads that contain a virus that destroys zombie flesh and is airborne, but doesn't really do anything else besides causing cats to turn purple.
04-05-2005, 23:23
"As mentioned in the BBC; malarial zombies are a real threat. At a Meiji, Leafanistan airport less than a month ago a passenger from Southeast Asia who felt fluish keeled over and died. He was taken to a local mourge and was stored there under the name John Doe SEAsia Flight 117.
As of last week he appeared to have been stolen by pranksters. However today after a series of disappearences in the city of Meiji, Leafanistan the truth was revealed. The passenger had caught malarial zombism and had risen from the dead and left the hospital. He then infected others and they had taken root in a slum.
The Leafanistan Protection Forces or LPF have blocked off all routes to Meiji and no refugees are allowed to leave. However families of people in the town plead with the government to allow screened refugees to leave.
Mary Antwon had this to say "Please, my relatives live there, they have children. You can't just leave them there to die! Please won't someone do something."
High Father today reassured the people everyone who isn't sick will be fine. However our sources show that some 20 jumpjets with napalm weapons are being prepped at a nearby airbase.
Another major concern is that Meiji is powered by a nuclear reactor and that contact with the plant has been lost for 6 hours as of now. High Guard forces are expected to penetrate the city within the next 24 hours and shut down the reactor.
High Father also assures neighboring nations that this situation is contained and has nothing to do with bordering The Kingdom of Radioactive Zombies which many protest is a threat and should be eliminated.
Leafanistan has willingly stopped all air travel and is screening everyone of its citizens at a considerable cost. Leafanistan has also issued a report saying anyone who has visited Leafanistan in the past month and has died from unknown flu like disease should be found and have the body burned.
This is Trisha McMillion reporting from the Meiji City limits, back to you in the studio Sam."
"Thank you Trish..."
"...Sam! There is major action here, zombies are charging the line, tanks are firing and automatic weapons are flying through the air. They appear to be falling back. Oh my God, in the chaos armed citizens are charging through to save relatives. Most of them are being mowed down by gun emplacements but at least 10-15 have gotten through. *gunfire* It appears to be over but no one is chasing after those who entered. Men in suits are now collecting bodies..wait, I'm being told I can no longer film. I'm sorry I have to sign off, this is T.."
"Thank you Trish for that shocking report from Leafanistan, now Tom has the latest in weather!"
Sammael Brothherrs looked at the news report anxiously. "We can't loan them any troops, since those people never got back to us on the mercenaries." He turned to an aide. Offer them disaster relief after the crisis is over, and if they need any specialists, inform them the have but to ask."
"Yes, sir."
"Oh, and one more thing. Tell them that we will help if we must, but if they wish to improve diplomatic relations with us, raise their U.N. Political Freedoms rating to average."
"Yes, sir."
The Prime Minister glance casually at the report. "What say you, advisor, about this curious incident?"
"I say we must step in to help the (he smiled) peace process."
"You know we don't really do charity work."
"True. But this zombie-plauge could spread to us."
"Ahhhh... a valid point, counsular." The Primee Minister picked up a red telephone on his desk. "General? Nuke the Kingdom of Radioactive Zombies. No, not just nuke. Anhiliate. Biological agents, that new anti-zombie serum we'd been developing, the works. And get the same primed on Meiji. Send in a elite biological-urban combat squad." If the situation is not resolved within five hours, or if the situation changes drastically, let loose the missles. Don't bother to tell our men to pull back if they fail." He hung up the phone with a ominus click. "Now all we have to do is wait..."
Squad Leader Hashi Kuckomati leaped off the heilcopter. He had been chosen for this mission due to his negotion skills, since, unlike so many men in WMD's army, no rank could be pulled here. Although the General had been gloomy, he had no clue of the apocolyse that would await his should he fail. He knew he had to breach the city. How he would do this he had no idea.
"Good God, it's active out there! Anyone, I can help!"
A crying woman ran up to him. "Save Lucretia! My daughter's in there! You are a solider! Get her out of their!"
"Ma'm, calm down. How can we get past the battle, into the heart of the city?"
"There's a sewage plant over here, two blocks past. Once you get in their, you can get throught the sewage to the center of town! Hurry!"
"Allright. Men, it appears we have our opening.."
04-05-2005, 23:52
(scratch those earlier two posts)
The Republic of Haxxoristan would like to declare war against the Kingdom of Radioactive Zombies for it's crimes against mankind. Hostilities are commencing as we speak. We are currently sending undead termination teams to Meiji and affected areas. In addition, we are preparing for a large scale undead-cleansing operation in the Kingdom. We plan to herd the zombies into camps, where they will be terminated on a massive scale.
(scratch those earlier two posts)
The Republic of Haxxoristan would like to declare war against the Kingdom of Radioactive Zombies for it's crimes against mankind. Hostilities are commencing as we speak. We are currently sending undead termination teams to Meiji and affected areas. In addition, we are preparing for a large scale undead-cleansing operation in the Kingdom. We plan to herd the zombies into camps, where they will be terminated on a massive scale.
WMD would support you, had we not ordered our bombers and missles to nuke the country earlier. You might want to keep your troops out for a few hours, and, when they go in, make sure they have adequate protection. If you know something about how zombies can be destroyed that we don't, tell us. The missles can still be called off.
Have a nice day.