NationStates Jolt Archive

Heretics of the Dune Jihad(Invited rp)

Ottoman Khaif
01-05-2005, 20:54
Heretics of the Dune Jihad

“It was the old ways that kept the empire alive, I’ll be damn to change the old ways of the empire.” Quoted from Sultan Suleiman Al Bashir II

“The Ottoman Empire time to rest and hand over the banner of Khaifah to the next generation of Khaifahs, has come…. Ottoman Empire is dieing and I think it deserve to die at peace and know that all its hard work for the next generation will not go in vain!” Quoted Sultan Suleiman Al Bashir II

Intro:The Foundation of the Ottoman Empire under Sultan Suleiman Al Bashir II were Unity, Honorable rule, non conformist thought process, Islamic Humanist ideas, these were the core base for the Reign of Suleiman Al Bashir II. One of the bases of his rule will turn its back to him and force him to change the Empire. This was the turning point for the People in the Empire…a new era…under new banner and the old empire will disappear…and new one will rise out of the ashes of the old empire…just being a new life to lands of old Empire.. a new start….

In the Beginning… Chapter One

Intro to Chapter one” Where should I began…how should I tell the tale of how I convent the Dieing Ottoman Khaifah to Khaifah al Muslimeen, which happens only two years ago… it all happen two years ago…a weeks of bloody fighting to win and crush the uprising of Hardliners…Well It goes..The Idea of changing the Ottoman Empire to Khaifah al Muslimeen has been around since the day when Sultan Abd-ul-Mejid II, the last Osmani Sultan step down in favor for Sultan Mustafa Bin Asad to take power of the Ottoman Khaifah in 1928, just ending Osmani rule of the empire. The Empire should have died on that date,yet it didn’t….we kept the name of Ottoman in our system and kept thinking like Ottomans..Sultan Mustafa Bin Asad wanted to change the Ottoman Khaifah to the Khaifah al Muslimeen…but he didn’t have enough support for the change…so he and his refromist party slowly over time build up the needed support for the change, by the time he died…he had lay down the foundnation for change, by this time,I was appoint Khaif aka Sultan of the Khaifah the everything was ready for the change..and I will began to set my people on the golden path.. Long live the Khaifah al Muslimeen!”

Ottoman New Network soon to be renames Al Muslimeen New Network

“Today the Ottoman Government pass the acts to end the Ottoman Khaifah and began the Tanzimat meaning 'reorganization', just beganing the offical end of the Ottoman Empire and begain of the Khaifah al Muslimeen. Yet the Hardliners mainly back by the Hawks and Imperalist party are strongly against the idea of changing the empire, they called upon the JAG to declare this act to be void, but the JAG courts refuse to do so…we will see how the hardliners react to the change in the near future…In other new the Sultan will make his speech about offically declaring the Ottoman Empire has change to the Khaifah Al Muslimeen. Thoughtout Istanbul…the 2nd Black Imperial Guard and 1st New Order Crops will guarding the area where the Sultan will make his speech today(well over 80,000 troops were send to guard against rebellion or attacks in Istanbul). This is Ottoman New Network out.”

Then the Sultan turn off the T.V. after watching the new report, he was alone in his room in the Sultan Palace. Just completing what he has done..he knew well enough that the Hardliners will rise up against him and reformer, he knew to well change is very hard thing for most people…to get use to…he knew that he had to let the old empire to die to allow to new one to be born and live on..all he wanted was peace was that too hard to understand, it was very hard to understand…he lead his nation thought wars, civil war and more…but very little times of peace…always took a total on him over time…

Then the door was open, just entered His Secretary Anna Akhmatova ( who was flank by two Imperial Black Guardsmen

“Sultan, your limo awaits to take to you to the grounds where you will make your speech to Entire Empire.” She said

Sultan Suleiman Al Bashir II ( got out his chair, he was wearing a Ottoman General Uniform with the rank of Field Marshal of the Ottoman Army, he got up put his black Army coat on…and then he finally began to speak

“How many times must I said it Anne, just call me Suleiman.” He said a lightly tone

“Many more times, sultan. we may have know each other since our days in school. But this is my job to call you Sultan and I will keep calling Sultan in till I am fired from this job and I’ll call you Suleiman whenever I am off duty!” She reply

“Well bloody good to know…lets got.” He said and got up and headed out with them

They walked to the main hall of the palace, where everyone was waiting for the Sultan to come out.

His three wives Sophia al Fuad bin Bashir ( , Roxelane Lisowska bin Bashir ( and Haziqah bin Bashir ( were waiting for him ,they all seating on a large sofa.

“So ready to go?” he asked to them

“Ironic we were waiting for you to get ready to us…it funny it’s the Husband then to wives taking the longest time, time.” note Sophia, his first wife

“How, what took you so long. Most of us were done 20 minutes ago.” ask Haziqah, his third wife

“Yes it only takes you at the most 10 minutes to get dress, but this time it took you 30 minutes to get ready…something wrong Suleiman?” ask Roxelane, his second wife

“Nothing is wrong. Just needed to do some deep thinking…thinking what I am doing is right or wrong…have gone to far this time…force it to early. Who knows? Only Allah knows …lets go..I have county waiting for me to declare their nation no longer exist and new one has born to lead to new troubles and pains…”he reply

They said nothing and just follow him out to the limos, which will take them to park grounds where the Sultan will address the nation.. They dove just outside of Istanbul city limiteds, they went a major public park. In clearing there sitting were the new media from all over the world and many Ottoman government officials here to see the infamous speech by the Sultan. Throughout the area there were hundreds of Ottoman troops in the area, plus four group of 20 Su-37s in the air to prevent any attacks from the air…then finally the Sultan convey of Limos enter the area. The Sultan family with advisers came out under heavy guard by Ottoman Troops..he walked to stand where he will make his speech to the nation…here by the stand, there camera and new reporters waiting for the speech to happen…He walk up to stand and began the speech

“To the people of the world, the Islamic Sultanate Confederation of Ottoman States is here by dissolved officially, the new empire that will take the place of the Ottoman Empire will the Khaifah al Muslimeen. From this point on will go by the name of Khaifah al Muslimeen, the new government will began the Tanzimats (meaning reorganization) to reform the old system for the new state. Also from this point on the New Government of Khaifah Al Muslimeen here by voids all treatys of peace, trade, allainces made by the old government, the only allaince we stay in is the Ottoman Allaince. I will remain Khaif of new nation…now my Press Ministers Press Minister- Fidel Almeida Roque ( and Press Minister –Javier Raul Fox ( will answer the media questions.” Said the Sultan

Then he made his exit with his advisers and family …

“Now, is they’re any questions from the media?” ask Press Minister –Javier Raul Fox (

Part one compete:
OOC: Writers note this takes place after all the rps I am doing right now to make sence of the timeline. Please do not post unless you have been invited to this rp.Thank You!
Independent Hitmen
01-05-2005, 21:06
-tag for after exams-
01-05-2005, 21:10
Standing in the front row, a Praetonian man of about 35 leant extended a microphone towards Press Minister Fidel Almeida Roque. He was a representative of Imperial Praetonian Shipyards, and so he wore a peaked cap with a badge displaying the IPS symbol.

"Mr Roque, will the newly formed Khaifah al Muslimeen maintain past deals with the Praetonian Government for joint IPS-Ottoman shipyards in the country and does the new Government intend to retain past good diplomatic relations with the Democratic Imperium of Praetonia?"
Ottoman Khaif
01-05-2005, 21:21
" The Khaifah al Muslimeen will maintain good diplomatic relations with the Democratic Imperium of Praetonia and also the joint IPS-Ottoman shipyards will be know as the IPS-Al Muslimeen Shipyards for now on."reply Press Minister- Fidel Almeida Roque
01-05-2005, 21:28
"Thankyou. I'm sure the Praetonian Government and people will be pleased to hear that. Now, if I may, I would like to ask you one last question - would the new Government be willing to pursue a free-trade agreement with Praetonia?"
01-05-2005, 21:30
PBC correspondent Samferati Cazatanso stood up and directed her question to Fidel Almeida Roque. "Signore Press Minister, where do you see relations going with moderate countries like Pacitalia, now that you are less, if at all, imperialist?"
Ottoman Khaif
01-05-2005, 21:36
" The New Government will be please to enter free-trade agreement with our old friends of Praetonia." answer Press Minister –Javier Raul Fox

"Khaifah al Muslimeen see relations with moderate countries like Pacitalia to stable and good...note we are Expansionist in a way, but not imperialist." answer Press Minister- Fidel Almeida Roque
01-05-2005, 21:51
"Well that is nice to hear. I'll be sure to pass this on to my Government. Thankyou."
01-05-2005, 22:06
Micheal Carville of First News Wire stood to ask his question. "Will the Khaifah al Muslimeen maintain its previous alliance commitments, specifically with the Ottoman Alliance? And as a follow-up, how will your government's stance toward allies of the old Empire change, if at all?"
Ottoman Khaif
01-05-2005, 22:12
"The Khaifah al Muslimeen will remain only in the Ottoman Alliance and maintain our allaince with those nations in the OA.The new government's stance toward allies of the old Empire will be somewhat different, we will decide if we should remain allies with these nations that non OA, its up to up to Government on this matter, yet as far I know it...all allaince treaties with non OA nations are void."reply Press Minister –Javier Raul Fox
Aztec National League
01-05-2005, 23:12
Jorge Martinez, approximately 38, was a long time reporter for the independent news agency (non-state media), La Media Azteca Compañía. Feeling the question needed to be asked, he took the opportunity to ask a slightly tougher question.

“Sir Press Ministers Fox or Roque, What will The Khaifah al Muslimeen’s policy towards communist and socialist nations differ from that of the old Confederation’s? In addition, how will domestic policies differ? Will they be more lenient or will they be more reactionary or will they stay the same?”
Ottoman Khaif
01-05-2005, 23:19
"The policy toward communist or socailist state will remain the same..we keep friendly relations with them. Also the domestic policies will remain mostly the same with mnior changes.. that's I can say for the moment."answer Press Minister –Javier Raul Fox
Communist Brazil
02-05-2005, 02:43
An older black woman waited until she was acknowledged, and then asked her question from underneath her scholarly lenses. She spoke in Spanish, knowing full well that these two ministers would understand her.

"Thank you. I am Margarita dos Santos from the United Brazil Media Cooperative, and I want to ask you a few questions. First of all, is this new government going to recognize the Republic of Cuba's government in exile, or continue to keep Cuba as its provinve. Secondly, will there be any major changes in policies towards the municipalities of Brazil? Will any previous diplomatic agreements be recognized by the new government? And finally, I would like to ask as to whether or not more autonomy will be granted to states of the Khaifah?"
Ottoman Khaif
02-05-2005, 02:58
"Cuba will remain part of Khaifah, secondly ruling centarized and administration is decentralized that explain the policy to our holdings. Any previous diplomatic agreements sign by the old government is here by void..there will be no changes in policy towards to Brazil." Press Minister- Fidel Almeida Roque answer in Spainsh
Napoleonic Empire
04-05-2005, 00:27
One man with a severe face and large spectacles raised his hand and was called upon, and as he was acknowledged, he reviewed his notes and began to speak slowly and weightly.

"My name is Chad Dumier from the government news agency of the Enlightened Republic of France. What is the Khaifah positions on the Malkyerian aggression and occupation of the state of Belgium?"
Ottoman Khaif
04-05-2005, 00:32
"Frankly the Government does not give a damn about the Malkyerian take over of the long they don't brother us...we could give less of damn." reply acidly Press Minister- Fidel Almeida Roque
Napoleonic Empire
04-05-2005, 00:34
"Frankly the Government does not give a damn about the Malkyerian take over of the long they don't brother us...we could give less of damn." reply acidly Press Minister- Fidel Almeida Roque
"So I suppose this feeling of indifference extends to the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan?" [OOC: FC SU]
Ottoman Khaif
04-05-2005, 00:36
"So I suppose this feeling of indifference extends to the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan?" [OOC: FC SU]
"No Comment to that,sir."answer Press Minister –Javier Raul Fox
Napoleonic Empire
04-05-2005, 00:39
"No Comment to that,sir."answer Press Minister –Javier Raul Fox
"Of course. I didn't expect to get a straight answer from you. Nothing has changed. Just names."

The journalist stood up and walked out of the room, certainly making something of a story. Not a good start for the relations between the Empire and the new Khaifah.
Ottoman Khaif
04-05-2005, 00:56
"Oh go f**k yourself, you damn frog eatting pansy Frenchmen!"reply Press Minister- Fidel Almeida Roque
04-05-2005, 01:03
The Malkyeri reporter chuckled to himself...
Ottoman Khaif
07-05-2005, 01:35
Chapter Two: Rebel Rebel Yell
Part Two

“Change can be a very hard thing to go with at times..There is alway a group of blind close minded people who cannot accept change, they also must fight to the death then to accept change of their beloved old ways.” Quoted from Sultan Suleiman Al Bashir II

Intro: Within two weeks since the end of the Ottoman Empire, The Ottoman Imperialist and the Hawk Parties couldn’t stand for the end and new system, which in the state of being place in to power. They decide they must overthrow the Sultan and his government and place a pro Ottoman Sultan in the Government so that they could restore the old government and empire. Yet they lack support from the people, they manger to get enough arms and people to began a march to the Sultan Palace in the hopes of storming the palace and overthrowing the government and replace it with a Young Turks like Army run government (which never took power in my timeline), with out the army running things…one thing that would ruin their goals, was the Army was supporting the government then to the rebellion…so this could ruin everything.. But something unforeseen came up and changes everything

In Istanbul
Well over 20,000 Hawks and Imperialist got in mob…they were arm with AK-47s, and RPG. They being lead by Viziers and Ministers of the Imperialist and Hawk Parties, their main goal was to overthrow the Sultan and replace him with a Pro Ottoman Sultan, who returns the state back to the old ways and the old empire. They began their march down thought the streets of Istanbul; they were heading right for the Sultan Palace. As got closer to the Palace, they came into sight of rows upon rows of Istanbul Police Cores and corps of Al Muslimeen troop cores along with tanks and MG all over the place. Well over 10,000 well train troops and police officers where waiting for the mob to cross the line and wait for the orders to fire at them. Brigadier Rusçuklu Cezayirli Hasan Serif Pasha, he watch as the Mob came closer and closer into the firing range of the troops, he looked all round him. his troops load their guns and mortars for the worst. He saw the Al Muslimeen New crops plus many nation new reporters at the lines, reporting the events as they happen. He was under order to give the mob a warning to leave and lay down their arms peaceful, he give them the warning and this is what he got from the Mob

“Death to the Heretics and traitors of the Empire! They yell back and began running toward the lines, they began firing their weapons in the hope of breaking thought the line.

“FIRE!” shouted Brigadier Rusçuklu Cezayirli Hasan Serif Pasha, and troops began returning fire on the rebel mob…they return fire, it be came a full out firefight… the live video feed was being send thought the world and the empire…pictures of Tanks, and Army cars blowing up from Rebel RPG fire, the Al Muslimeen troops manger to overpower the not train rebels and crush most of them in the span of few hours the battle was over….well over 18,000 Hawks and Imperialist were killed in the battle, only 2,000 loyalist were killed, the remaining 2,000 were round up and were to face firing squads, by orders of High Command. As the leaders of the rebellion, they were to behead right on the spot where stood. Right in the front of the new teams… Brigadier Rusçuklu Cezayirli Hasan Serif Pasha with a sword, march up to Minister who lead the rebellion and he said the following words

“The Punishment for rebelling against the Khailfah and turning your back to the state is death by beheading, may your face damnation!” After he said that, he behead the Rebel Minister, the other 60 rebel leaders also meant the same faith, in front of the new teams, the Brigadier officers follow High Commands order to behead any rebel leader right on the spot where they stood. The last bit of resisted to the new Khailfah had die with those rebel leaders.

At the Sultan Palace
Only the Al Muslimeen New Core was allow to tape and send out live transmission of the Sultan speech to the empire and the world about the rebellion and the change
He walks out to the front steps of his Palace, He frank by Imperial Black guardsmen. He made his way to the stand, the cameras were looking at him and waited for him to began the speech

“Change is hard thing for our people to live with..we must learn to” Right that moment four shot ring out and hit the Sultan repeat in the crest , each bullet hit his bullet poof vest, yet the assassins knew what they were doing they all hit the same spot repeat breaking thought the vest and hitting the Sultan just few mm off from his heart. Another Four shots ring out and the hit the Sultan from both sides two bullets his him in the back and two more hit in the arm…who firing their shoots at the Sultan? It was his own four Black Imperial Guardsmen, who were his closet bodyguards, yet they were secretly Hawks who were order to kill the Sultan at all cost, when the time came they did it… but they were gun down by the Loyal Black Imperial Guardsmen, were manger to run and shoot them down…this were being seen thought the camera which was on and send it images of the attack throughout world.. The Sultan loyal guards quickly found their beloved leader on steps. …bleeding the to death. They took the bullet filled Sultan to the nearest Hospital, where doctor began to work against the clock to save the life of the Sultan…the faith of the Sultan will rest in the hands of doctors. Within minutes of the Attack no the Sultan Grand Vizier Mehmed Pasa Sokollu ( was made acting leader of the Khailfah al Muslimeen, he would the leader of the empire in till the Sultan could recover or if he died, a new Sultan will take over.

AMNN(Al Muslimeen New Network)

The New Reporter was dead pale from seeing the Sultan get gun…down all he said were the following words
“Sultan Suleiman Al Bashir II has guard down by his own guards…we do not know if he is dead or live or inbeween…please tune as we get more reports..”

“Just Spoke Bashir…”Quote JAG Court Head Judge: Saad Al Hafez after hearing the Attack on the Sultan.
Aztec National League
07-05-2005, 02:51
Maybe it was simply being at the right time at the right place. However, this assignment would make Jorge Martinez a major force in the ANL’s media.

La Media Azteca Compañía

“This is Jorge Martinez, reporting live for la Media de Azteca Compañía. Before us today, is something that could only be described as a serious situation for the newly formed Khailfah Al Muslimeen. A huge rebellion, from what I can tell is over fifteen, maybe twenty thousand, has formed to protest against the newly created government. Word is they were former political leaders and activists of the old government system. This can’t be good, the rioters are armed with military grade weapons…this can’t be good at all.”

Jorge turned around and noticed the Khailfah’s troops, bearing down on the rioters. He pulled the cameraman in the direction of the troops. The warning that the Brigadier was ordered to give could be heard over the air.

“We have just heard the rioters being ordered to cease and desist, damn, I hope they follow it.”

After the order, the rioters could be heard, obviously resisting.

“People, we are about to take witness to a clash, a terrible bloody clash.”

With that, the loud crack of gun fire overwhelmed the microphone, causing the sound to clip. However, the bloody and grizzle scene was transmitted to the ANL in its vivid reality. Kneeling next to a pillar, the cameraman and Jorge looked on at the onslaught. “My God, this is tragic!” Yelled out Jorge Martinez.

Yet, the onslaught continued and intensified. The cameraman trained his camera on a RPG missile, following it until it destroyed its target. A wall of flames reached up in the sky, with a hail of bullets being betrayed by their fiery flight. Jorge Martinez got up, still crouched down, with the camera man following him. Suddenly, both men duck down on the floor as an RPG missile landed only a couple of feet away from them. Again, they got up, but didn’t get far, a glass nearby shattered, sending pieces of sharp of glass all over the reporters. Deciding it would be better to take cover, the reporters hid behind another pillar. Jorge said, “Dear God, this is insanity, insane carnage.”

The fighting stopped shortly there after. In the streets lie the bodies of tens of thousands of people. Jorge Martinez then said quietly, “If you’re just tuning in, there has been a massive riot in Istanbul…Wait, something…oh my God!”

With that, the head of the rebel minister came off with the sharp swipe of a blade. As the body slumped over, spilling crimson blood onto the wrecked city street, the head rolled helplessly. Rebel after rebel, sixty all died in grizzly decapitation.

The camera panned across the morbid scene. The red sanguine painted the street and the buildings surrounding it while the flaming hulks of cars filled the streets. Flesh and mutilated body parts filled the streets.

“Never have I seen anything like this, nor do I ever want to. I, I…I’m at a loss for words…”

Several minutes later, at the same area.

In a very tired and nervous tone, “This is Jorge Martinez with breaking news; Sultan Suleiman Al Bashir II has been shot, possibly fatally. A treacherous assassination attempt by his own guards. He was reportedly shot several times until his bullet proof vest was rendered useless. We have footage of what happened, if you don’t want to watch it, don’t…

The scene switches to the footage of the assassination attempt.

“Again, we don’t know if the Sultan is going to make it. All I know is it seems as all hell is breaking loose. An interim leader has been named, Grand Vizier Mehmed Pasa Sokollu. Jorge looks into the camera, not realizing three bullet had pierced his jacket, just barely missing him. On his forhead was a small gash from the glass flying against him.

The scene broke to the flag of the Aztec National League, and soon after, faded to white and then to the podium at the Grand Union Chambers in Tenochitilán…Premier Quetzalcoatl Nochtli stood behind the central podium.

“Comrades, friends and the world at large…

We have seen and heard the massacre in Istanbul, Khaifah Al Muslimeen. We have seen the resistant nature of the loyalists, and we have seen the brutality used to put down the riot. Thousands lay dead in Istanbul, mutilated, maimed and bloodied by fire, bullets and violence. Such violence, such a senseless waste of life has occurred, yet, we can not blame the Khailfah entirely for what happened. The rioters were warned, and they took their lives into their own hands.

We have also seen the assassination attempt on Sultan Suleiman Al Bashir II. Despite what has happened today, such action can never be fruitful. Murder is wrong, and those responsible must face justice.

It is my hope that Sultan Suleiman Al Bashir II survives this attempt. However, I must question the reaction to the violence. Indeed, a counter attack was warranted, I will not deny that. However, when tens of thousands of people are lying in the streets, we must question the need for such action. I must also question the public decapitations and other actions taken by the government. Many in the Aztec National League and the world call this a crime against humanity. We will be watching what develops.”
08-05-2005, 02:02
First News Wire BREAKING NEWS:
"This is Micheal Carville, reporting live from Istanbul. Moments ago, a mob of at least twenty thousand clashed with soldiers of the Khailfah al Muslimeen. The mob was believed to be made up primarily of Hawks and Imperialists, who opposed the new government and now they have taken up arms against it, perhaps to install a new Sultan by force."

The camera panned over the streets, littered with dead bodies, both rebels and soldiers. Burning vehicle wreckage can be seen dotting the streets.

"About ten thousand police and soldiers were aligned against the mob, apparently with orders to force the dissidents to leave. However, after the inital warning by the commanding officer, the protest became violent when the mob rushed the police and military."

The camera zooms in on several bodies, laying headless in the street. Flies have begun to buzz around the corpses.

"After a brief but bloody battle, the mob was routed, with murderous casualties. We don't have an official bodycount yet, I don't know if there will ever be one, but at least two-thirds of the mob has been killed, or has fled. A much smaller number of soldiers were killed. The leaders of the mob, the rebellion, were executed on the spot for treason by the Loyalist commander, a General Rusçuklu Cezayirli Hasan Serif Pasha. They are the headless corpes in the street there. The stench is horrible."

The camera zooms out and pans across the devastation once more before focusing on Carville. Suddenly, he raises a hand to his earpiece, and an expression of disbelief spreads across his face.

"My God...We've just gotten word that the Sultan has been shot by his own guards, traitors." The camera cuts to footage of the Sultan beginning to speak, and then being shot the first four times, near the heart. There is no coherent sound, just screaming and gunfire. Four more bullets hit the Sultan, two in the back and two in the arm, before he falls to the ground. The four traitorous guards are gunned down by other guards.

The camera cuts back to Carville. He is pale.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it appears that Sultan Suleiman al Bashir II has been gunned down by his own guards, shot eight times. He was immediately rushed to a hospital, but his condition is unknown. In point of fact, it is uncertain whether or not he is still alive at all. Grand Vizier Mehmed Pasa Sokollu has been named interim leader. We're going to try to get to the hospital now, and we will broadcast anything we find out..." The camera fades to the studio, where a stunned anchorman begins discussing the event with several experts.


Statement to the Commonwealth, broadcast worldwide:

"My friends, my citizens, my subjects. Today in the Khailfah al Musilmeen a most heinous act has been prepetrated. Four cowards, traitors not deserving of the least justice, attempted the assassination of Sultan Suleiman al Bashir II, leader of the Khailfah, friend of mine and friend of Malkyer. The four traitors are now dead, and we may take comfort in the knowledge that the deepest circle of Hell is reserved for traitors.

However, the heat of their fires is not the issue at hand. More so, it is out of concern for my friend Suleiman and our brothers in the Khailfah that I speak to you now. It is not known whether Suleiman will survive. It is my most fervent hope that he does, but that is a fate only the Almighty can affect. I come to you to ask, nay, to beg your prayers for the Sultan and for his nation. May the God of Abraham have mercy on them."

Dayan gripped the podium, silent for a moment.

"Many have seen the bodies laying dead in the streets of Istanbul, and they have questioned whether such a forceful response was needed. I tell you now that I feel no sorrow or pity for that vicious mob; they were warned fairly, and they took their lives in their own hands. No one forced them to attack the forces of the lawful government.

Both the violence in Istanbul and the assassination attempt on the Sultan were spurred on by the Hawk and Imperialist parties of the Khailifah. They must be punished. Any and all Malkyeri who assist these groups will have their assests frozen until such time as the parties are dissolved.

Go now, and remember the Sultan. Remember the Khailfah. Keep them in your prayers. Victis Honor. God bless the Empire!"

As the Emperor left the podium, several of his advisors rushed up to him. "Sire," one began, "The arrangements are made. Still, are you quite sure you want to do this? I mean, it's very dangerous in that part of the world, as we've already seen, and some of...those people will correctly see you as a friend of the new government, or what is left of it."

"I know, John, and I do not care. Suleiman id my friend, and I will see him recover or I will see him die. Tatiana and I leave for Istanbul as soon as possible."
Ottoman Khaif
08-05-2005, 22:02
Chapter Three: Revenge is dish best serve cold..
Part Three
“Death to the blind heretics of the Dune Jihad!” A common saying during this era of uprisings

Into: The Khailfah enters a state have destabilize to do the uprising of the Hawks and Imperialist with addition the attack on the Sultan…. this period of time will know as the period of troubles for the new Khailfah.

The Sultan was rush to a near by Istanbul Army Hospital, where army doctors work against the clock to save his life…well over 6 hours passed….the entire family of the Sultan ,along with close family friend waited for word about the Sultan. Throughout area around the Hospital, AMI and Black Hawk forces seal it off from the outside world to prevent any more attacks on the Sultan from happening again. Everyone waited for word on the Sultan, in the waiting room

Two more hours (eight hours in total)pass…. finally a Doctor enter the waiting room

One of the Sultan wives, Haziqah bin Bashir jump at the moment she saw him, and ask” Well Doctor?”

“After Eights hours of non stop live saving surgery, we manger to save him. Allah does not want him died yet…he is still recovering from surgery…only 20 minutes ago, he awaked…he is asking for the Grand Vizier, is he here?” the Doctor

Almost everybody start to cries with joy to know the Sultan was still alive after the attack. The Grand Vizier rose up and said” I am here.”

“Very well come with me.” Reply the Doctor, who frank by two Imperial Black guardsmen, the Grand Vizier follow the doctor to the Sultan room, where it was under heavy guard.. First the Doctor enter the room and return a few moments later he came out and said” You may come in.” said the Doctor

Then the Grand Vizier enter the room, he saw the Sultan hook up to systems that were watching his body and making sure it, everything right…The Sultan himself…was dead to massive blood lost and very weak..he was using his energy to speak to the Grand Vizier.
.He manger to say“Report.”

The Grand Vizier knew what he meant by that…” We are reporting well over 100 mutinies in the arm forces…some them major and minor…we manger to crush the rebels…. riots are breaking out in every major city in the empire…our local civil corps…can’t handle all these riots…most of them are hawks or imperialist or other groups…our Governors are asking for marshal law to instated in the entire empire. the JAG have issue the arrests for all members of Hawk and Imperialist parties members, plus they have order these two parties to dissolve and ban for becoming traitors against the empire..” reported the Grand Vizier

“Purge the ranks of our government and arm forces…order the JAGs to began the Inquisitions, order the inquisitress to began the hurt those who are disloyal to us in the government and arm forces…purge the ranks of traitors and those who stand in the path of Dune Jihad…declare Marshal Law. …hunt the traitors that are along us. And killed them…in name of Khalifah purge the state of all them…damn them all to hell…do not allow them to get away from this in the name of the Khalifah burn them all to hell…show no mercy to …to traitor…damn them all to hell…” Then the Sultan in his weak state when off to sleep..

“Yes my Sultan I will what you order me to do.” Said the Grand Vizier and he got up to leave….the Sultan wives who waiting to see their husband in the waiting room..ask the Grand Vizier how was the Sultan doing

He reply.” He is resting, talk to him later on.” They understand and went back to their seats and half of the family left for home to rest and care for the kids…another half stay to watch the sultan and stay by his side..

20 minutes later on AMNN (Al Muslimeen New Network) , the Grand Vizier made his state of address to the Empire, other media agency were allow to enter the room where the Grand Vizier was making the Address, it was in the House of Viziers. He spoke only in Arabic, to make his point this was meant for the his people

“ Our Sultan has manger to live after eight hours of live saving surgery. He made out…. under his orders….I here by declare a state of Marshal law for the entire empire…all the Hawk and Imperialist parties are here by dissolve and banned by order of the JAG High Court for change of treason and trying to kill the leader of the empire…at this moment…AMI and Al Muslimeen arm forces are arresting all members of their parties where they will face the change of treason against the state…in name of Khalifah we will make thought these times of troubles…”Then he left the room with his guard and they order the press to leave the room

The New Reporter at the Station said these following after hearing the Speech from Grand Vizier

“We getting reports of mass arrest and massive troop movement into the rioting cities. Also we getting word massive columns of Tanks and BMPs are entering Istanbul and other cites right at this moment…police cores are escorting them to their assign areas in the city. We are getting a live video feed. Please stand by our new reporter in the area, Omar will fill you in..
“Well Saad(the New Reporter), we seeming the massive deployment of troops in Istanbul, they are coming into the city to crush the riots and restore order in the city…god help us all..

Al Muslimeen Tank cores began entering cites throughout the empire, images of Tanks entering the cites were being show to the world

“Also, Saad…more information is coming up, we are getting reports of troops entering the Istanbul from all sides. I’ll get you a live video feed..”

“ Its insane Saad, I can say about 30,000 troops are entering the city right at this moments…I am guess most of troops are coming from 1st Army under the command of General. Mohammed bin Abdullah ( ) …this city is turning into a full war zone…I will give you more information as it comes. This is Omar out.”

Back at the Head New desk

“ Now to the other report in Embassy area of the city” Said Saad

Cut to Ali in the area

“This is Reporter Ali at the embassies section of Istanbul. The Local Police forces are welcoming the sight of troop entering the city and giving them more support to hold the mobs that are trying to breaking their line and the many embassies in this section of Istanbul.”

“Anger Imperialists and Hawk mobs are trying to break thought police lines and try to burn and kill all the foreign envoys in the Embassies section….”

“Also we have heard rumors of bomb threats to the French Embassy in Istanbul, do to these threats to the embassy, the Istanbul Police core has assign a number of officers to prevent attack on the embassy.”

“ We are getting word that the civil defense cores are being call up to aid the local forces in maintaining order for the city and also the call for the civil defense cores is being done thought out the empire.”

Back to the head desk

“We are getting reports of massive riots breaking out in Cairo…and Baghdad…pro Hawk Factions and Imperialist Factions are getting in gun fights with local forces.. This just in… Prime Minister Uthman Bin Bashir ( is about to address the nation…please stand by

Then the scene cut to the Prime Minister

“By Approve of the Grand Vizier, I here declare a state of Emergency for the Islamic Unionist Federated states of Khaifah Al Muslimeen…do the recent events,we must do this in the hopes of restoring order in the state.” Said the Prime Minister, then left the room

“Well ladies and gentelmens…we heard here…the state is in emergency for how long…we don’t know…please stay tune for updates..” This is Al Muslimeen New Network out

In Bursa, AMI command center was under heavy guard by Al Muslimeen Army Units, yet inside the building no was there…they all left for the back up command center in Al Muslimeen Greece,Athens , to run the affairs of the AMI without being attack…their plance left Istanbul under heavy MiG-29 guard…they got to Athens without any problems..Athens was more stable at the moment then to Bursa and Istanbul for the AMI command..they set up shop in the Regional AMI command center and began sending out orders for AMI agents to began hurting those were behind the rebellions and kill their leaders..

As for the Centeral Government…they decided to stay under protection and show no fear to the growing chaos in the nation and give moral support to the people..they will not fall back and leave their people.

Thoughtout the Khailfah al Muslimeen..the news reports of riots breaking out and troops entering the cities was being repeated all over the empire…also reports were linking out that the AMI agents were arrest members of Hawk and Imperalist parties…the times of chaos has began

To be yet be compete…
08-05-2005, 22:44
Malkyeri Embassy, Istanbul
Captain Jack Hereford signalled for the guard to open the sidegate, away from the main entrance to the embassy. The gate slowly rolled open, and Hereford walked out onto the street. The gate closed behind him. Damn, he thought. This is what education gets you. He wasn't the senior officer of the embassy security force, so why was he doing this? He was the only officer who could speak conversational Arabic. He swore to himself again, and then left the relative safety of the Embassy's shadow. He was glad for the sidearm at his hip.

He could hear the riots nearby. He saw some police scrambling by, joined by some soldiers. He ran up to the most senior man he could find, and stopped him.

"Sir! Captain Jack Hereford, Royal Army of Malkyer," he identified himself, saluting. "My CO would like to know if you want help keeping these riots under control."


Just before the plane took off from Vancouver International, Dayan dialed the Malkyeri Embassy in Istanbul on the STU-6. "Roger, how are you? Could be better. How is the Sultan? Ah, some good news. Listen, I need you to contact the Ottoman government and let them know I'm coming. Yes. Thanks," he finished, hanging up.


To Whom It May Concern,
I have been informed by my government that Their Majesties Dayan and Tatiana would very much like to visit the Sultan in his hour of need. I have also been instructed to tell you that the Imperial Commonwealth of Malkyer offers any resources we may provide to help the Khailfah return to a state of normalcy. I hope this short notice does not inconvience you too greatly.

Roger Haverford,
Ottoman Khaif
08-05-2005, 23:28
The officer he ran up to was Commander Ramiz Alia (, he was from Al Muslimeen Albania. He reply in arabic.." How many troops does your CO have under his command?" he ask

To Ambassador Roger Haverford
Welcome their majesties Dayan and Tatiana coming to see the Sultan..we will speak to your leader personal about the matter of aid..That is all.

Grand Vizier Mehmed Pasa Sokollu
09-05-2005, 01:09
"We've got a full company, about 200 men, plus some extras. Do you need us?" Hereford was anxious to get this done. Those rioters had been calling for the deaths of foreign envoys in the diplomatic quarter. As an embassy guard, he figured he counted for a "foreign envoy."
Ottoman Khaif
09-05-2005, 01:16
"We've got a full company, about 200 men, plus some extras. Do you need us?" Hereford was anxious to get this done. Those rioters had been calling for the deaths of foreign envoys in the diplomatic quarter. As an embassy guard, he figured he counted for a "foreign envoy."
"Well then..tell you CO to kept his men in the embassy....if wants them to come home alive...its not wise to have outsiders in the area..the rioters will go insane and storm the line...we don't want that correct or do we want a mass killing between the two side?" reply the Commander
09-05-2005, 01:26
"Well then..tell you CO to kept his men in the embassy....if wants them to come home alive...its not wise to have outsiders in the area..the rioters will go insane and storm the line...we don't want that correct or do we want a mass killing between the two side?" reply the Commander

Captain Hereford nodded. "No, sir, we wouldn't want that. I'll tell the Major to keep everyone inside." With that, he saluted and walked away. A moment later, with the embassy gates closed behind him, he looked over his shoulder toward where the Ottoman commander had been. "Arrogant bastard," he muttered under his breath.


"M'lord, we're beginning our approach to Istanbul. The pilot is radioing ahead for us. Oh, and there's good news. They say the Sultan is awake," said the aide.

"That's good to hear, Alice," Dayan replied. He looked forward to the pilot's cabin.

"Istanbul, this is Royal Air Flight 956 from Malkyer, requesting permission to land. Where should we touch down?" The pilot set down the mike, awaiting the reply.
Napoleonic Empire
09-05-2005, 01:29
Statement of the Third Empire
We are hugely alarmed at the threat of aggression against our embassy. If this occurs, we will have no choice but to evacuate all personnel, and we request that the Khalifah puts everything it can spare. We also request that the Parisian Order of Knights be assigned to help protect this embassy, they are well trained for the job, and no more than three hundred would be actively deployed. We implore that the Khalifah allow us to help protect our own embassy.

Marian LeVitte
Ambassador to the Khalifah Al Muslimeen
Ottoman Khaif
09-05-2005, 01:34
Captain Hereford nodded. "No, sir, we wouldn't want that. I'll tell the Major to keep everyone inside." With that, he saluted and walked away. A moment later, with the embassy gates closed behind him, he looked over his shoulder toward where the Ottoman commander had been. "Arrogant bastard," he muttered under his breath.


"M'lord, we're beginning our approach to Istanbul. The pilot is radioing ahead for us. Oh, and there's good news. They say the Sultan is awake," said the aide.

"That's good to hear, Alice," Dayan replied. He looked forward to the pilot's cabin.

"Istanbul, this is Royal Air Flight 956 from Malkyer, requesting permission to land. Where should we touch down?" The pilot set down the mike, awaiting the reply.

"Royal Air Fight 956, Land at Istanbul International Airport, where you will taken to see the Sultan."
09-05-2005, 01:41
The flight landed, and before the plane had come to a stop Dayan and Tatiana were out of their seats, standing by the exit. Once the plane had reached the appropriate gate, the door opened and they descended the stairs, and got into the cars that would take them to the hospital.
Ottoman Khaif
09-05-2005, 01:46
Statement of the Third Empire

To:Marian LeVitte,Ambassador to the Khalifah Al Muslimeen
From: Khailfah al Muslimeen

You will be allow to have your "Parisian Order of Knights "in your embassy and only in your embassy, they are not allow to leave the embassy at all...

Grand Vizier Mehmed Pasa Sokollu
Ottoman Khaif
09-05-2005, 02:28
When Dayan and Tatiana were take to the Istanbul Army Hospital, they passed thought heavily guard checkpoints where arm troops were standing by to attack anyone wanted cause more chaos in the area. They pass thought at least six checkpoints on their way to the Hospital. They finally got to the Hospital, they were taken by Black Imperial Guards to the Sultan room…in the room with the Sultan was his wife Haziqah bin Bashir ( with their one year old, son Rashid al Asad bin Bashir who sitting on his mother lap…Haziqah was dress in black long coat, with her black head cover on, she was sitting in chair across to the Sultan. Then Dayan and Tatiana enter the room…the Sultan looked at them and said

“ Ah Dayan and Tatiana, what beings you here?” he ask trying to cheerful, but it showed he was acting, because he didn’t like being tire up to the system watching his body for any problems and being drug so he couldn’t feel the pain was not a plus for him..
10-05-2005, 00:52
It saddened Dayan to see his friend in this condition. He looked at Tatiana. She looked about how Dayan felt. The Sultan looked tired and worn, which no surprise, given his condition, as well as the events of the past several days. He tried to act cheerful upon seeing them, but the charade was weak at best.

Dayan broke into a grin. "I heard you'd gotten into a bit of a scrap, so I had to come and make sure you were alright. It wouldn't do for you to go and die on me, all sudden-like." Dayan's smile faded a bit. Perhaps the situation was too serious for jest. He asked, seriously this time, "How are you holding up?"
Ottoman Khaif
10-05-2005, 01:11
It saddened Dayan to see his friend in this condition. He looked at Tatiana. She looked about how Dayan felt. The Sultan looked tired and worn, which no surprise, given his condition, as well as the events of the past several days. He tried to act cheerful upon seeing them, but the charade was weak at best.

Dayan broke into a grin. "I heard you'd gotten into a bit of a scrap, so I had to come and make sure you were alright. It wouldn't do for you to go and die on me, all sudden-like." Dayan's smile faded a bit. Perhaps the situation was too serious for jest. He asked, seriously this time, "How are you holding up?"

"I am petty good shape....." The Sultan try to was too painful with wounds in his are thing going for Tatiana and you?" He ask
10-05-2005, 22:26
Dayan sighed. "Everything is going well with us. Listen, things are looking bad here. I want to know what I can do to help."
Ottoman Khaif
10-05-2005, 23:36
"So you think...everything will be taken care of by the end of the know well enough how my people react to outsiders..any outside troops will be the center point for them to focus their anger and atta..." He was short on beath.." Sorry about that..what you offer, my fr.." He was running out of beath and couldn't to much..
11-05-2005, 00:46
Dayan frowned as the Sultan paused to catch his breath. Suleiman was right, of course. Ottomans, especially riotous ones, did not particularly like foreigners meddling in their affairs. Dayan was well aware of this, but he felt he had to help the Sultan; he owed that to an ally.

"What about indirect help? There are two hundred men at the Embassy. Surely there is something they can do, to free up more of your soldiers and police?"
Ottoman Khaif
11-05-2005, 00:53
The Sultan thought for moment...This would free up troops and police for the coming event....and said "Oh fine..under one thing as long the one of my commander lead your troops..I would agree to it. "
12-05-2005, 01:15
"I am glad I could be of some help. As soon as I am able, I will contact the Embassy and inform them of your decision," Dayan replied.

By this time, it was quite obvious that the Sultan was in pain from his wounds, and tired. Tatiana touched Dayan's elbow to get his attention, and then said, "You must be exhausted, Sultan. We'll leave you to rest now, and we can come back when you're more rested, if you like."
Ottoman Khaif
12-05-2005, 03:10
"Fine...come back..later..will be good..."Then the Sultan went off into sleep..

Haziqah bin Bashir finally spoke up in pefect English.." Well at the very least I could two could come with me and have some Tea at cafe in the first floor of this building, my treat." She ask, and pick her son..She was trying to be good host to them and wanted to take their minds off the Sultan.
13-05-2005, 03:17
"Thank you very much," Tatiana said. "I think we would all benefit from some relaxation." She looked at Dayan, who said nothing. He was not trying to be rude, but rather lost in thought. No doubt trying to figure out something his soldiers could do to help with the situation in Istanbul.


Roger Haverford looked out the window of his office to the streets below. The protestors were still there, still demanding the deaths of the foreign envoys. Even with the police and Ottoman Army keeping them at bay, and two hundred Malkyeri soldiers guarding the Embassy proper, he was nervous.

Behind him, Major Jackson Hayes spoke up. "Sir, I think it's something we have to consider."

"The Ottoman commander down there, Ramiz Alia, as much as said he didn't want our help. Besides, what good would two hundred foreigners do? We'd only make the locals angrier."

"Still, the best bet is to help the Khailfah as much as possible. They are our allies, after all."

"But Major, you're forgetting: the best offense is a good defense."

"Mr. Ambassador, you're wrong there. The best defense is a good offense. If you're only defensive, you limit yourself."

Fearing that Hayes was winning the argument, Haverford cut it short. "Well, there's nothing we can do anyway. If the Sultan or Grand Vizier asks it, we will alert your men. Until then, we can't do very much, can we?"

"No sir, I don't guess we can," Hayes said. Coward, he thought.
Ottoman Khaif
13-05-2005, 04:08
Chapter Four: Peace is a Dream
Part Four

“ Peace in our land, Peace in the world…oh are we so blind that Peace for the world cannot be done…there is always war…war and peace must coexist. If not…Mankind will go insane. From no conflict....” Quoted Sultan Suleiman Al Bashir II

The Foundation of the Sultan Suleiman Al Bashir II rule, was falling apart…the Empire was in compete chaos…the only way to crush the growing rebellion was to do it butaly…in the name of the Empire, they did this …only in the name of the Empire…we do this…oh why must we killed our own kin for the empire…that is the question that we must answer for ourselves.

The KLM arm forces were building up their forces in throughout the cities of the Empire, under the cover of maintaining order in the cites. But their main goal was to build up their forces and began full out assault on the rebels. That will crush the rebellion, finally and restore order in the Empire… This crushing of the rebellion was going to be repeated throughout the empire. KLM troops line up with the Police and Civil Defense Cores…in the streets of Istanbul, they had XM-8s, M-16s, AK-74s and few of them had their Bolt Action, Mauser K98k, which was the weapon of choice for the Civil Defense Core…then coming give more support to the growing numbers of troops in Istanbul, where the Army Cadets from here by Istanbul Army School, who were 18 to 20, were send to the lines arm with Mosin-Nagant bolt action rifes,do the fact High Command didn’t want to wastre their XM-8 with undertrain troops who were just Cadets…but they train to handle a Mosin-Nagant rife without a problem….in the streets where the arm protest were clashing with police and army troops where the areas..where the troops will attack… they enter area where running gun battles were going on between government forces and rebels fighters….the amour cars enter the area where the fighting was going on…the troop filed out of the BMP and Trucks…the rebels made their line and were getting ready to attack..

With the support of T-90s and BMPs..the troops ready themselves for the battle…they awaited for was for their Commanders order to go ahead…and they got the order to fire at 1200 hours, the Tanks and BMP began laying the MG fired on Rebel held areas…and the tanks began firing their cannon at largre groups of Rebels and killing them…the troops began to strom the rebel areas and shooting at will against any rebel they saw them…it became a warzone where troops and rebels were in heavy fire fights, where the lost were high on both sides…and in other areas of the city the Police began breaking the protesters and mobs…they even began arrest and break up the mobs by beating the hell out of them after they refuse to leave the area…they went “Russian Police” on them and began mass arrest of Rebel leaders and unruler mobs…they heard the fire of the on going firing in the other areas of the city and began to fled and peaceful left for most the mobs…who fear for their lifes.. the battle to crush the rebellion as had began, this was being repeated all over the cities of the empire.

Two Khailfah officers were send to the Malkyer embassy to give word to them. They were Major Flag Rank Alexander Beliavsky ( and Captain Boris Fyodorovich Godunov (

Major Alexander spoke to the Malkyer guardsmen at the gate of the Embassy” Tell your commander that your men are welcome to join us in crushing the rebellion..”

“Also our Commander is sorry for blowing your offer for help off.” Said Captain Boris Fyodorovich Godunov
Ottoman Khaif
13-05-2005, 04:29
"Thank you very much," Tatiana said. "I think we would all benefit from some relaxation." She looked at Dayan, who said nothing. He was not trying to be rude, but rather lost in thought. No doubt trying to figure out something his soldiers could do to help with the situation in Istanbul.

"Your welcome....just following me.." Haziqah with carrying her one year son..she lead them down the hallways of the building...and down the Staircase inside the building...they got down the main floor...thought the windows...they saw Khailfah officers running the street and heading to the battle zones...She kept leding them to the cafe...when they finally got their She order three cups of Earl Gray for themself and Juice for her son..and they were seated at table facing the window..

" Well, this is going to be interesting watching a battle take place..." She said and rolled her eyes..
Aztec National League
13-05-2005, 04:46
Jorge Martinez leaned back against a pillar outside of the hotel in Istanbul. He looked over the busy city street, trying to calm his nerves. This assignment had been disturbing, to say the least. Everything on the street was calm, too calm. An unspoken tension thickened the air, the rebellion was taboo for discussion and the appearance of police and military forces didn’t do anything to ease the people’s nerves. Ironic, usually, an increased police presence made people feel safer; however, this did just the opposite.

The cameraman Izel Ehecatl came out, DV (digital video) camera in hand. He came up to Jorge, who was startled by him.

“What, huh?” Said Jorge, as he nearly jumped out of his shoes.

“Sorry about that,” said Izel, “I got finished talking to the boss; our coverage has had the highest ratings of any television broadcast in the ANL’s history.”

“It’s interesting when people die*.” Said Jorge said, poignantly. “Rather sad.”

Izel said, “Well, look at it this way, if we live through this, we’ll still have a career.”

“Meh, I rather have those people still alive then rather then having a major career.” Said Jorge.

“I do to. However, we’ve got to do our job.”

Jorge looked out to the crowd, “All right, let’s get to the car.”

The two men walk over to the rental car next to the corner. Jorge Arroyo was usually dressed more fancily then Izel, who was donning a black baseball cap, a blue shirt and jeans. Izel was much different then Jorge. Jorge hovered at 6’1” in height, while Izel was around 5’10”. In addition, Izel was much younger then Jorge, 24. The two have been good friends over the years though. They were teamed together during the second ANL civil war in early 2004. However, despite the bloodiest of fights they saw during the war, this exceeded anything they saw.

They drove around, looking for a story to report on, rather, the story would come to them.

The car turned the corner and to their horror the windshield cracked as a bullet pierced the safety glass and went out through the back window. Ahead of them, they could see an armada of people facing several tanks.

Quickly, Jorge stepped on the clutch and stepped on the gas, sending the car in reverse. Hiding it behind a building, Jorge dialed a number on his cell phone, “Yeah, control, you might want to have a breaking news flash…”

La Media Azteca Compañía

A newsman looked straight into the camera and said, “Ladies and gentlemen, we are reciving an update from Khaifah Al Muslimeen, it appears as if another massacre is breaking loose, I warn you, if you are squeamish, turn off the TV now.”

The picture switched to what Izel’s camera was displaying.

Jorge Martinez came on the screen, the sound of motar blasts and assault rifle fire could be heard in the background.

“This is Jorge Martinez reporting from Istanbul, another riot has broken out.”

Suddenly, a large shell flew right behind them, exploding somewhere off in the distance.

The two turned the corner. The macabre scene was much like the other one. The rioters fell one by one in the street, clutching their injured bodies as they grasped for life. Turning around, they see the police force “breaking up” another demonstration…

As soon as the last assault rifle bullet has been shot, Jorge and Izel stepped out into the main street, trying not to be seen by the military. They film the flaming the maimed bodies, the twisted metal of blown up cars.

Jorge then gets in front of the camera and begins to speak,

“You have just seen another massacre in Istanbul. We are receiving word that several large outbreaks of violence have erupted across all of the Khaifah. Within the last two days, thousands have been maimed and killed; it’s hard to imagine how this culture is able to sustain itself, with all this turbulence and violence. From this lone clash alone, thousands are dead, and this scene has repeated itself throughout the Khaifah.”
14-05-2005, 02:15
Two Khailfah officers were send to the Malkyer embassy to give word to them. They were Major Flag Rank Alexander Beliavsky ( and Captain Boris Fyodorovich Godunov (

Major Alexander spoke to the Malkyer guardsmen at the gate of the Embassy” Tell your commander that your men are welcome to join us in crushing the rebellion..”

“Also our Commander is sorry for blowing your offer for help off.” Said Captain Boris Fyodorovich Godunov

When the guardsman at the gate saw the two Ottoman officers coming toward the embassy, he alerted the Major. By the time the Ottomans were inside, Major Hayes was coming out of the front door. He ran up to the guard house, and saluted the two officers. Their spoke their piece, and Hayes replied, "No harm done, I guess. Major, my men and I will be glad to help. If you like, we can help with the defense of the diplomatic quarter to free up some more of your men, or we can help out some other way. I'd like to avoid anything too direct, because I understand how you Ottomans feel about outsiders interfering in your internal affairs."


At the hospital, Dayan and Tatiana sat in the cafe, drinking their tea with the Sultan's wife, Haziqah, and her son. Outside, scenes of battle were playing out before them. Dayan whistled. "I hope this gets taken care of quickly, before too many people die." He didn't know if he meant people like the Sultan, or those people out on the streets.
Ottoman Khaif
14-05-2005, 03:47
“Very good, the diplomatic quarter….I will send some troop to give some support if all hell break loose…thank you for understanding and help, Major!” said Captain Boris Fyodorovich Godunov , then Alexander and he left the area to give orders to their troops, about the Marines from Malkyer joining their lines..

At Café

“None of us want high losses…but that’s the price we pay for trying to change the empire…Hardliner they barely have the support of the people…but look at all the chaos they are causing trouble…they are blinded by their belifes to allow the Empire to reform itself…we the reformist always had to fight against the hardliners just to reform the nation…to think we been trying to open up the most of the empire to tourist…but these blast Hardliner kept giving us pain and blocking our goals.. we so badly want to open up the empire, completely to outsiders to enter and tour our lands..but these rebellion cause us to delay it all the time…it’s the Hardliner that give the empire problem…We purge our nation of them….Damn them all for what they done to us..(She started to cry, but was holding back)..Sorry” She said as she regains control of herself.

“So Tatiana… have you contacted your parents, yet?” She was trying to change the subject after that outburst..
14-05-2005, 04:00
"Yes, I told them that Dayan and I would be coming to see the Sultan, but I wasn't specific when. You see, when we left, we weren't sure we'd be allowed to enter the country or not. Because of the rebellion, you see," Tatiana answered. "I suppose we should stop by and see them before we leave."


The soldiers guarding the embassy filed out, heading into the streets of the diplomatic quarter. Captain Horatio Flynn grouped his platoon of forty men around him, to remind them of their mission.

"Remember, we aren't here to fight. The Ottomans are having a bit of trouble, and so like a good ally we're filling in and helping them keep a lid on it. We are not to go and look for trouble. Our purpose is to keep this area secure and under control, to free up the police and whatnot to go and put down this little uprising. Everyone got that?" There was a chorus of affirmation, and then he continued. "Good. Let's go. The Ottomans are still in charge here, so obey their orders. Stay alert."
Ottoman Khaif
14-05-2005, 04:17
"Ah, that understandable..well this rebellion may not last any longer then one at the rate things are going..we will have order restore by tomorrow.." said Haziqah, then she took sip of tea.
Communist Red China
15-05-2005, 05:33
In Beijing, Peoples Republic of China

President Hu Jintāo and Premier Wen Jiabao watch the latest reports coming out of the Khailfah al Muslimeen…the reports of chaos and destabilize state of the empire were of great interest for the Premier and President of the People’s Republic…after having meeting with the heads of the People’s Arm Forces command…PLA command order the entire Chinese Arm Forces to mobilize for the coming conflict with the KLM empire.. Throughout China…Chinese Forces were being call up for the coming war…well over Six PLA Army Groups were being send to Xinjiang region…well over 3,600,000 million troops were being send that region and three more PLA Army groups were being send to Tibet, that was well over 1,800,000 million troops were being send that area…plus the Chinese were calling up their mightily navy and Air force for the coming was going to take the Chinese about three months to get their forces readily for the war against KLM…China wanted her revenge for the Second Sino-Ottoman War, which Ottomans started and ended in a stalemate…China saw her chance to crush her old foes once and for all… In Xinjiang and Tibets…their were signs of a massive Chinese build up in the area….no one outside of Government and Arm Forces…knew what was going on…

OOC: Sorry for the craply post..tired and not enough time for good post.
Ottoman Khaif
16-05-2005, 01:24
Chapter Five: Problems, oh Problems
Part Five

“Problems are always coming up in the empire…we can never have peace with these bloody problems…oh joy for the empire that’s never at rest or at peace..” Quoted Sultan Suleiman Al Bashir II

Intro: The Foundation of the Sultan Suleiman Al Bashir II rule were now left in ruins.. Now the Sultan had to pick at the ruins of his once powerful Foundation…and worry about rising threat to the east.. Then the rising power of his three wives in the affairs of the empire…oh woe is the Sultan. Loosing his foundation and loosing his mind…oh woe to the Dune Padishah Emperor of the Dune Jihad Imperium, oh woe to the Emperor who must led the empire thought the times of troubles…

The Rebellions was crush throughout the empire within span of two hours…the sheer force of the Government forces manger to crush arm uprising of the Hardliners and restore order to the many areas of the empire. Most of the Rebels that were caught were send to the firing squads to the killed for the rebelling against the empire. For the Protesters who protested peaceful…they were allowed to return their homes and families. They were allow to get out alive…but they mobs and rioters…the polices forces were brutal on them…mainly by beating the crap out them and teaching them a lesson in matters and behaving themselves. The Khailfah officers thanked their Malkyer comrades for giving support and freeing up some needed troops and police for the fighting against the rebels….order was being restore in the many cities which the rebellion took place…the losses on both sides were light. Which was a good sight that rebellion didn’t take heavy losses from the battles, which all ended very quickly…the Rebellions had crush brutally in the name of the empire…now came the after effects of the rebellions

Meeting of Grand Vizier and his ministers

Grand Vizier Mehmed Pasa Sokollu ( called a meeting of Arm Forces heads to discuss the Chinese Arm forces building up close to Al Muslimeen lands. Which was making the regional governors in the Eastern Half of the Empire, very uneasy with thought of a Chinese invasion….

“Report Gentleman’s, Governors are getting very uneasy with the Chinese building up their arm forces near our land…” Said the Grand Vizier

“They have right to be worry about the Chinese build up…our Intel reports show that the Chinese are sending well over a million troops to Tibet and Xinjiang…they are planning a full out invasion of our lands..” reported Head of Al Muslimeen Intelligence- Khan Noonien Singh (

“Most of our forces have been active to crush the uprising…about only about 30 percent of our arm forces…for coming war with China…we’ll have active all the cores for the war…this may take months and the reactive most of the fleet is will take months”
reply Head of Arm Forces - Field Marshal of the Al Muslimeen Khaifah Army Ibrahim Bey(head of the arm forces) (

“The Field Marshal is correct, Grand Vizier…at least 40 percent of our fleet is in dry dock or mothball…it will take two months for our navy to reactive these ships, Which will began right away.” Reported Subhead of Navy- Flag Rank Fleet Admiral Hassan Pasha III ( )

“The Air Force will parol near the Chinese Frontier and we’ll start sending our spy planes over areas of interested in China..” remark Subhead of the Air force- Marshal of Al Muslimeen Khaifah Air Force Ismail Pasha Pliasa (

“The mobilization of the arm forces will began soon…we’ll have our forces ready within one month at the most, Grand Vizier..” reported Subhead of the Army- Field Marshal of the Khalifah al Muslimeen Army Abdul Nasser Pasha (

“ Sir, I would to request that Marine Core should be increase in size to handle defending the many Islands in the empire..” said General of the Marine Core- Marshal Hassan Mwinyi (

“ Also the Paratrooper cores will need to increase in size to be more mobile in the defense of the empire.” said Marshal of the Paratrooper core- General Jehangir Karamat (

“Very well the Marine and Paratrooper cores will be incease in size and all other forces will ready themselves for the coming war.” said Defense Minister-Vizier Süleyman al Uthmān bin Aziz (

“This meeting of the Heads of the arm forces. Is here by dismissing.” Said the Grand Vizier

Back at the Café…

Haziqah was enjoying her time with the leaders of Malkyer, having tea and all…then her Cell phone rang, She answer. After talking for few minutes, she hang up

“Well…on the behalf of the Khailfah Al Muslimeen government, for all the help you give us. during our times of need. we are going to give you a gift to show our thanks to your nation. its don’t ask me for any details on it .” She smiles

Then Two Government official enter the café one of them were
Minister of Science Dr.Mary Petrovi ( who was married to Tatiana younger brother Deputy of the Presidum Dr.Alexius Petrovic ( next to her was Head of Atomic Research Dr. Aleksandr Mikhailovich Butlerov (, they headed to table where Haziqah and company where seat.. Mary and Tatiana, since they both knew each other for sometime.. Haziqah had to excuse herself, she just said that she go see the Sultan. She got up with her son in arm and pay the fee for the tea. After She lefted..

“ Well you guys want to see the gift that we going to give you?” ask Mary
16-05-2005, 21:38
The two officials entered the cafe, and around the table went the usual introductions. Once the formalities were over, Haziqah left with her son to check on the Sultan, and the two science ministers sat at the table. Dr. Mary Petrovic, who was married to Tatiana's brother, made an interesting proposal.

Dayan arched an eyebrow. "Well, is it shiny?" He grinned to show he was joking. "Of course. What sort of thing are we talking about?"
Ottoman Khaif
17-05-2005, 00:00
Mary laughed at Dayan Joke..and began to speak.." Its a surprise remember...we can't spoil the surprise right have to come with us to the Ministry of Science, to see the gift and get it...We have a limo outside waiting for to join us?" She said
Ottoman Khaif
17-05-2005, 03:08
Chapter Five: Problems, oh Problems
Part Five (Continue) The Rise of the Dune Empresses of the Empire
“Emperors that believe that they have all the power in the empire and believe they make the final choices for the empire are compete idiots or moron…it is the wives and women behind the scenes who make everything run right and get the final said on many matters…the Emperor is pawn to us, Then us being his pawn in the game of politics’ Quoted Dune Empress of the Imperium Sophia al Fuad bin Bashir

The three wives of the Sultan set out to see their beloved Sultan, Left their children to the care of family Nanny…they something very important to discuss with their husband, they even called the Secretary Anna Akhmatova to come the meeting, it was very important for them to have the Sultan Secretary at the meeting… They enter his room in the Hospital..They went into his room… Sophia al Fuad bin Bashir, Roxelane Lisowska bin Bashir Haziqah bin Bashir and follow by Secretary Anna

The Sultan was just taking a nap when, they enter the room and awoke him, he began to speak” Ladies what beings you here?” He said in a cheerful tone.

“Well we know that you cannot make a post that is equal in power to yours ..yet you have the right to appoint as many advisers to help you run the empire…that also include personal adviser…all we ask that your create advisedly post for Roxelane, Haziqah and myself call the Dune Empress of the Imperium…just to help you out in ruling the empire..” Said Sophia al Fuad bin Bashir in very sweet voice

The Sultan was just dumbfounded by this idea of Dune Empress…the Idea of having more advisers ….was bad enough..but his wives…agh.. he thought himself

“But why?” He ask dumbfounded

“To help you run the empire and advise you on issues that face the empire.” Reply Roxelane

“But..but..that’s why I have all these Ministers and Advisers….to help me rule the empire..what good is it to have my three wives as advisers ,knowing that they don’t have background in politic! Remark the Sultan

“Oh Suleiman…we all went to College and got our masters in Political Science and minor in other subjects…when we went to college..” Reply Haziqah bin Bashir

“Oh yeah…Now I remember…(Blast..He thought to himself.) I here by point you three to the newly created post of Dune Empress of the Imperium, which is just a advisedly role in aiding the Sultan..happy now?” Sign the Sultan

“Yes, we’ll very happy.” All three them reply at the same time…which freak out the Sultan even more

“Secretary Anna Akhmatova, did you get all that on paper?” He ask

“Yes, Sultan.” She reply

“ Good…could I rested now?”He asked

They nodded and left him

As soon as word speard thoughtout the ranks of Government , that the Sultan as appoint his wives to adivisedly roles…a running joke was made for this event…”What’s the different between the Sultan Advisers and his Empress advisers? For one the Sultan can’t slept with his Sultan Advisers and he can with his empress advisers…that’s the differents between the two…

Next the meeting the of Government of Khailfah al Muslimeen..
18-05-2005, 01:17
Mary laughed at Dayan Joke..and began to speak.." Its a surprise remember...we can't spoil the surprise right have to come with us to the Ministry of Science, to see the gift and get it...We have a limo outside waiting for to join us?" She said

"Of course," Dayan said. He and Tatiana stood and followed the two officials out to their car. From the cafe, they drove to the Ministry of Science. During the ride, Dayan though about many things, including the rebellion that had recently been put down. I hope nothing like that ever happens in Malkyer, he thought to himself. Malkyer could survive it, he was sure, but he was not sure that what arose from the ashes would be anything like the Malkyer he knew today.
Ottoman Khaif
18-05-2005, 01:28
Minister of Science Dr.Mary Petrovic and Head of Atomic Research Dr. Aleksandr Mikhailovich Butlerov lead them thought the many halls of the building, intill they reach a private office room.Where could give the gift to the Malkyer leaders

"On the behalf of the Khailfah Al Muslimeen Government, we would like our thanks for your nation help in our times of need...we offer you the pefected Cold Fusion technology, so that your nation will be forever free of fossil fuels and other fuels to supply your nation with we have done to our nations..please accept this gift on the behalf of our nation, as a big thank you!" said Minister of Science Dr.Mary Petrovic

"If you accept department will send help to your nation to start your own cold fusion program." Added Head of Atomic Research Dr. Aleksandr Mikhailovich Butlerov
18-05-2005, 01:35
Dayan was taken aback for a moment. Cold Fusion? Didn't think that was possible. This is great, he thought. "Of course we accept. I don't know what to say, except that I didn't think it was possible. And I will glad for your help, Minister Butlerov." I hope the oil workers in Alaska and Yukon take this okay, he thought.
Ottoman Khaif
19-05-2005, 04:09
Chapter Five: Problems, oh Problems
Part Five (Continue) One System and three different interdependent states

“Oh Emperor…we in your debt for the saving the empire and nearly giving your life in process. Yet we must break up our beloved empire to save her from total decline and fall…this is our sacrifice for the Empire, so that it may live on… “Quoted Minister Hashmir al Horatius Bin Assad

Meeting of the Khaifah Al Muslimeen Government

The Meeting of the Parliament of Khailfah al Muslimeen

Prime Minister Uthman Bin Bashir ( began the meeting by yelling out
“ Order in the Parliament, Order in the Parliament. The meeting of the Parliament of the Khailfah al Muslimeen , is now in meeting.” Said the Prime Minister

Praetor Hiren Tiberius Claudius ( rose up and said” We will discuss the Tanzimats (meaning reorganization) to reform the old system for the new empire.. anyone who as plan for the Tanzimats may present it to the Parliament now..”

“The Minister from Beirut, would like to persent his plans for the Tanzimats.” Said Minister Hashmir al Horatius Bin Assad ( (Who was of Levantines backgound…meaning European-Middle Eastern backgound)

“Permission,grant you have the floor.” Said the Prime Minister

The Young Minister made his way to the floor of the Parliament

“ Ministers of the Parliament, this my idea for the Tanzimat to save the empire…this is how it will work out
1. The Khailfah will restore the Office of Dominions, headed by the Grand Viziers of the Dominions. Which follow this layout the Dominions will be self-governing states that have their loyally to Khailfah. They have their said to over their own affairs relating to their government and relating to anything about them. Yet the Central Government has right to enter in the affairs of these governments if their affairs threaten to destabilize the Empire. Sultan will head of these self-governing dependents, there will no General Governors or Viceroys to act on the behalf of the Sultan, The Sultan will appoint a High Commissar to oversee that his rulings act up correctly, the High Commissar job is some similar to the Head JAG, to enforce the laws of the Empire in the Dominions and have the power to dismiss the elected leader of the Dominion, if he or she see that the leader plotting against the Empire or for going insane.. The Leader of the Dominion will be calling the Premier who is elected in by the people of the Dominion. The Dominions will have their own regional Arm Force Defense commands, which is answerable to Arm Force High Command. The Dominions will have their own defense cores, which are compose of their own and fund by the regional Governments, to defend the dominions from outside attack. These Dominions are officially not parts of the empire; they are aligning states with seats in the Central Government. They are answerable to laws pass in the Government, which they would vote on and have a said over it. Citizens between the Dominions and the Empire, would not need any visa to enter, because they are Citizen of the empire therefore there is no need for a visa. The two dominions that may form, if this Tanzimats is pass by all the branches of the Government. The Following Dominion will be

A. The regions that know as Islamic Americas will from the Islamic Dominion of The United Federated Socialist Republics of the Americas. Its Government will mirror the Centeral Government system, it seat of Government will be Caracas. It will made up of the follow,New Al-Andalus, New Granada, Peru and Chile, Argentina, and last but not least the Caribbean region.
B. This nation could not have completely joined the Union in 1992…do the fact it was too large for us to handle and was very unstable. Only parts of this nation join us. Now with it full stabilized, we are able to fully united this state with its her sister states…this is the entire Russian Federations which has agreed to combine with the regions of Ukraine-Russian Union, Moldova, Poland, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia to form the Union of Eurasia Federated Socialists Unionist States. The Seat of Government will be Moscow. The Dominion Government will also mirror the Central Government.

2. I ask that we every Provincial government to be grant the right to elect their own Chief Minster to handle the affairs of the local government, of course the Governor will the head of the Province and rule the province, yet the Chief Minister will aid him in governing the region with the aid of the local Provincial Majils and House of Commons. Just giving more power to the local Governments, in hopes of making the Empire easily to run and manger.

3. Also the post of High Chancellor must create to even out the powers between the Parliament and House of Viziers.. This High Chancellor will be pick by the Prime Minister and Grand Vizier to become the Speaker of the House of Viziers and Parliament. This post requied that person who is going to choose by the PM and GV must be Male, Sane, Muslim and a minister in the Parliament. He will be the Thrid in the Chain of Command for the House of Viziers and Parliament. His dutys are to aid the Preator, Prime Minister and Grand Vizier in the day to day affairs of the Parliament and House of Vizers. Whoever takes this post must become a inderpendent to insure that no fool play is use to gain favor in both houses of Government. His powers are like the Preator, yet he has the right to call the House of Vizers in meeting and Parliament without asking the Grand Vizier and Prime Minister or Preator premission.Just acting like the middle man between the two branch,which we need to have this post to even out the powers of House of Viziers and Parliament.

In Conclusion, Ministers of the Parliament…the main goal of these reforms are decentralize the states and equalize the states branches in hopes of saving the empire, by cut it down to smaller and more manageable nation. Also coexisting with her sister states of the Dominions. Oh Emperor…we in your debt for the saving the empire and nearly giving your life in process. Yet we must break up our beloved empire to save her from total decline and fall…this is our sacrifice for the Empire, so that it may live on…I here by rest my case for Tanzimat.” With that he ended his speech to the Parliament.

Praetor Hiren Tiberius Claudius rose up and said” If any minister as any disagreements with this bill of reforms. Speak now.”

Many Russian and Ukrainian Ministers rose up to make their views on the Dominions know, and many minister who had disagreements with bill itself rose up.

The Prime Minister allow the Russian and the Ukrainian Ministers to speak first

“We the ministers of the Russian- Ukrainian Union are grateful for this bill that would grant us the right to united the Al Muslimeen Protectorate of Russian Federation and her sister states. we must said the following the in the hopes of finalize this bill..” said Minister Leonid Andropov ( then he allow Minister Vasiliy Ilya ( to Speak
“ We ask that the that the Northern Regions of Turkistan , know as Kazakhstan to the locals…to handle to over to the Union of Eurasia Federated Socialists Unionist States.” Said He that and two Aid walk in the meeting display the map to the Parliament. There was a massive uproar from the Minister from Turkistan after they was the map…they reject the idea of handing over that much land to the newly form Union.

If wasn’t for Minister Susanna Luchenko (…Deal for Kazakhstan would have fallen thought…she display her map, which showed only the more northern regions would have be transfer to the Union…The Turkistan ministers agree to her map and will allow the transfer of regions to the Union

*Her Map*
“The Union Minister are please with this agreement, may the brotherhood between the Dominion states and Empire last forever!” said Minister Aleksey Petrovich Yermolov

“Another addition to the this bill, before we voted on the matter?” Praetor Hiren Tiberius Claudius

A Persian Minister rose to say a few words , that Minister was Minister Mohammad Taghi Bahar (” It is needed that these reforms must happen to make this empire more stable and able to run itself without destabilize itself. Therefore these reforms must be passed in the hopes of stabilizing the empire.” He said

Another Minister rose up, who was from the German regions of the Empire

“If these reforms not passed ,we will see the empire to decline and fall apart, we must pass these reforms and prevent the fall of the new Empire!” said Minister Fred Sinowatz (

No else rose up to speak

Praetor Hiren Tiberius Claudius rose up to read the updated form of the Tanzimat, before the Ministers voted on it

1.The Khailfah will restore the Office of Dominions, headed by the Grand Viziers of the Dominions. Which follow this layout the Dominions will be self-governing states that have their loyally to Khailfah. They have their said to over their own affairs relating to their government and relating to anything about them. Yet the Central Government has right to enter in the affairs of these governments if their affairs threaten to destabilize the Empire. Sultan will head of these self-governing dependents, there will no General Governors or Viceroys to act on the behalf of the Sultan, The Sultan will appoint a High Commissar to oversee that his rulings act up correctly, the High Commissar job is some similar to the Head JAG, to enforce the laws of the Empire in the Dominions and have the power to dismiss the elected leader of the Dominion, if he or she see that the leader plotting against the Empire or for going insane.. The Leader of the Dominion will be calling the Premier who is elected in by the people of the Dominion. The Dominions will have their own regional Arm Force Defense commands, which is answerable to Arm Force High Command. The Dominions will have their own defense cores, which are compose of their own and fund by the regional Governments, to defend the dominions from outside attack. These Dominions are officially not parts of the empire; they are aligning states with seats in the Central Government. They are answerable to laws pass in the Government, which they would vote on and have a said over it. Citizens between the Dominions and the Empire, would not need any visa to enter, because they are Citizen of the empire therefore there is no need for a visa. The two dominions that may form, if this Tanzimats is pass by all the branches of the Government. The Following Dominion will be

A. The regions that know as Islamic Americas will from the Islamic Dominion of The United Federated Socialist Republics of the Americas. Its Government will mirror the Centeral Government system, it seat of Government will be Caracas. It will made up of the follow,New Al-Andalus, New Granada, Peru and Chile, Argentina, and last but not least the Caribbean region.
B. This nation could not have completely joined the Union in 1992…do the fact it was too large for us to handle and was very unstable. Only parts of this nation join us. Now with it full stabilized, we are able to fully united this state with its her sister states…this is the entire Russian Federations which has agreed to combine with the regions of Ukraine-Russian Union, Moldova, Poland, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and the Northern parts of Kazakhstan to form the Union of Eurasia Federated Socialists Unionist States. The Seat of Government will be Moscow. The Dominion Government will also mirror the Central Government.

2.I ask that we every Provincial government to be grant the right to elect their own Chief Minster to handle the affairs of the local government, of course the Governor will the head of the Province and rule the province, yet the Chief Minister will aid him in governing the region with the aid of the local Provincial Majils and House of Commons. Just giving more power to the local Governments, in hopes of making the Empire easily to run and manger.

Also the post of High Chancellor must create to even out the powers between the Parliament and House of Viziers.. This High Chancellor will be pick by the Prime Minister and Grand Vizier to become the Speaker of the House of Viziers and Parliament. This post requied that person who is going to choose by the PM and GV must be Male, Sane, Muslim and a minister in the Parliament. He will be the Thrid in the Chain of Command for the House of Viziers and Parliament. His dutys are to aid the Preator, Prime Minister and Grand Vizier in the day to day affairs of the Parliament and House of Vizers. Whoever takes this post must become a inderpendent to insure that no fool play is use to gain favor in both houses of Government. His powers are like the Preator, yet he has the right to call the House of Vizers in meeting and Parliament without asking the Grand Vizier and Prime Minister or Preator premission.Just acting like the middle man between the two branch,which we need to have this post to even out the powers of House of Viziers and Parliament.”

After reading the updated from of the refroms…The Preator said” Now the vote will began”

A rare moment happen in the Parliament…they all voted in favor of the bill and pass it up to the House of Viziers…this was a rare moment in the history of the Parliament

At House of Vizier
Grand Vizier Mehmed Pasa Sokollu ( open the meeting of the House of Vizier, it was their turn to debate and vote on the Tanzimat that was passed by the Parliament

At 50 percent of the Viziers were bitter against the Tanzimat…after bitter debating the issue for two hours non stop the Viziers finally agree to vote on the matter.
110 Votes for the Tanzimat
90 Votes against the Tanzimat

The Tanzimat didn’t have too much support in the House of Viziers…it barely had most of the voted needed to be pass up to the Presidium of the Islamic Unionist Federated states of Khailfah Al Muslimeen. To get the final vote before it goes to the Sultan to be pass or veto,if veto.. Politburo Standing Committee had the right to overwrite the Sultan Veto on the bill and pass without his approve.

The Meeting of Presidium of the Islamic Unionist Federated states of Khailfah Al Muslimeen began with President of the Presidum Hussein bin Osman ( and his 15 deputies reviewing the bill, then after debateing the issues of the bill…the He his deputies vote on the bill and pass it..with the approve of the Presidium and the backing of Politburo Standing Committee. This Bill had a high chance of being sign into effect by the Sultan.

At the Hospital, the Sultan room

The Sultan reading the newly passed The Tanzimat, which he could veto or sign into law…he read the tanzimat and was in deep thought…with him was were Grand Vizier and Prime Minister…He pick up his pen with his robotic right hand and sign it into effect

“Who have you, two choose to become the High Chancellor?” ask the Sultan

“We have agree to appoint Minister Hashmir al Horatius Bin Assad to the post of High Chacellor of the Empire.” reply Grand Vizier Mehmed Pasa Sokollu

“Ah,good..I belive he will become a great statesmen for the Empire.” Reply the Sultan

When word reach the all the regions of the empire of the Tanzimats…it was the greatest day for the empire….

Al Muslimeen New Nework

“Today is the greatest day for the empire…the Tanzimats have been passed and sign into law.Now being you to our reporters in the field to show how the people are reacting to the Tanzimats. We first being to you Kiev..

“In the ex- Ukraine-Russian Union-seat of government Kiev, now part of the Union of Eurasia Federated Socialists Unionist States, the local people are very happy with the tanzimats and proud with the formation of the New Union which will be sister state to the empire. We are seeing the local people displaying the new Dominion flag for the Union…at this moment then new Government is now moving theirs offices to Moscow from Kiev…

The new union has began elections to appoint the new leaders of the Union, the following post will decide by this election
The Post of Premier-who would be the leader of the Union.
Next the Post of Prime Minister – who be the next in the line of command
Then the Preator of the Government will appoint by the Premier
After that the Sultan will appoint the High Commissar for the Union.

We will get new of election results within the next 24 hours…this Reporter Ivan out

Cut to next new reporter

“In the ex Islamic Americas - Seat of Government- Caracas, now part of the Islamic Dominion of The United Federated Socialist Republics of the Americas, the local people are pround to be part of the new dominion, and now the sister state of the empire. Local people are now displaying new Dominion Flag for the Republics.

The new Repubilc has began elections to appoint the new leaders of the Dominion, the following post will decide by this election
The Post of Premier-who would be the leader of the Union.
Next the Post of Prime Minister – who be the next in the line of command
Then the Preator of the Government will appoint by the Premier
After that the Sultan will appoint the High Commissar for the Union.

This is Reporter Fez out.”

Cut to Beirut

“Huge Groups of people are having a rally in support of High Chacellor Hashmir al Horatius Bin Assad , they are calling him the great refromer of the Empire…the hero of the empire…the new leader for the new empire…here is what they are saying

“Horatius, Horatius the hero of the Dune Imperium ….long live Horatius the refromer of the grand Khailfah…it is he who save the emprie..and from refrom her!”

Thoughtout the Empire…these rallies for Horatius the Hero of Dune Imperium is becoming common sights…they are calling him the Great Statemen of the Empire, Thie is New Reporter Ali, out.”

At Sultan Palace

The Dune Empresses Sophia al Fuad bin Bashir, Roxelane Lisowska bin Bashir, and Haziqah bin Bashir watch the latest new report and the saw the growing popular of Hashmir al Horatius Bin Assad , they were uneasy with the sight of rival to the Sultan…

“Well, if tries anything against our ruling parties and polices…what should we do ..” ask Dune Empress Roxelane Lisowska bin Bashir
“We'll warn him not to cross the line..” reply Dune Empress Haziqah bin Bashir

“He is at the moment on our side in government. But to being him totally under our rule…may take time and needs of few connection…” reply Dune Empress Sophia al Fuad bin Bashir
22-05-2005, 04:38
Official Imperial Statement to the Dominions of the United Federated Socialist Republics of the Americas and the Union of Eurasia Socialists Unionist States:

The Imperial Commonwealth of Malkyer hereby extends to the Dominions of the UFSRA and UESUS full recognition as independent nation-states beholden to the Khailfah al Musilmeen. We would like to offer an exchange of consular embassies with both Dominions, and we also extend our hand in friendship, so that the two Dominions may be allies and friends as close to Malkyer as the Khailfah has proven itself time and again. We look forward to a bright future with both the UFSRA and UESUS.

We have a second offer to propose to the UFSRA. We are willing to pay $15 billion (US) in exchange for the Dominion's possessions in the Carribean, those possessions being Cuba, Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Grenada, Barbados, Ottoman Antilles (Ex-Netherlands), Aruba, St. Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago. If you accept the offer, the money will be wired to Dominion accounts upon confirmation. All Dominion citizens who wish to depart will be allowed to do so, and any who wish to remain will be allowed to either become Malkyeri citizens or be issued permanent visas.

Emperor Dayan Saarad
Empress Tatiana Petrovic Saarad
President Alex Woodruff
Prime Minister Zachary Harrison
Minister of Foreign Affairs Davis Hanson
Ottoman Khaif
22-05-2005, 04:49
Two statements from the Dominions

First one from
The Union of Eurasia Socialists Unionist States

"We welcome relations with the old friends of our sister state of Khailfah al Muslimeen, also were are gald to exchange embassies with your nation, and may relations between our two nations grow to be great allies.

Premier of UEFSUS- Leonid Andropov (

Second from the
United Federated Socialist Republics of the Americas

Dear Sir
We are please to exchange embassies and relations with your fine nation. As for the offer to buy our islands in the Carribean,we are only willing to sell Bahamas, Grenada, Barbados, Ottoman Antilles (Ex-Netherlands), Aruba, and St. Lucia. We cannot sell the islands of Cuba, Puerto Rico and Trinidad and Tobago, do to the fact our dominion needs these islands. If you would like to offer a lower price for the Islands we are willing to sell, please tell us.

Premier of IDUFSRA- Ramón Labañino (
Ottoman Khaif
22-05-2005, 19:19
Chapter Six: The Return of the Assassins
Part Six

“I remember the stories of the assassins they move like ghost and by the time you know when a assassins is in the room…is when feel you a sword going thought your heart.,,” Quote Grand Vizier Mehmed Pasa Sokollu

Nearly a week has passed since the signing of The Tanzimat, The Sultan was allow to return to his palace after a week stay in the Hospital, when he return to the palace…He was restore as leader of the Empire, even thought he was still recovering from the attack…with the Sultan Personal orders…the AMI was order to began the purge of the emprie..of the “ Heretics of the Dune Jihad.” …Now it was a time for the AMI to unleash the infamous Assassins to began the hunt for the Heretics. Then it was time for the inquisitress to began their purge of the Empire government, arm forces and other groups of the Heretics of the empire.

This is Al Muslimeen New Network

“If your just tuning if we have just got the result of the elections of UEFSUS, and IDUFSRA, here are the results..” Then a Image of the Result show up

For the Union of Eurasia Federated Socialists Unionist States
Premier of UEFSUS- Leonid Andropov ( of Al Muslimeen Social Democratic Labour Party)

Prime Minister of UEFSUS- Vasiliy Ilya ( Socialist Progressive Party)

Preator of the Government will appoint by the Premier- Aleksandr Fedorovich Kerensky ( Socialist Progressive Party)

The Sultan as appoint to the post of High Commissar of UEFSUS- Nicholas Petrovic ( (of Unionist-Reformist Party)

Now for the Islamic Dominion of The United Federated Socialist Republics of the Americas
Premier of IDUFSRA- Ramón Labañino ( (Socialist Progressive Party)

Prime Minister of IDUFSRA- Eleftherios Venizelos Al-Asma'i ( ( The Union and Progressive Party)

Preator of the Government will appoint by the Premier- Álvaro Uribe Vélez ( (Unionist-Reformist Party)

The Sultan as appoint to the post of High Commissar of IDUFSRA- Sulayman al-Arabi ( (of Al Muslimeen Party)

That was the election results for the Dominion states, please stand by for more new

In Secret

Then the T.V. was off by Head of Al Muslimeen Intelligence- Khan Noonien Singh ( , the Heads of the AMI, were watching the new broadcast with interest. They were in meeting discussing the coming Chinese Conflict, the purge and the Shadow wars…

“Well gentlemen its looks like our dominion states governments are now being to stabilize and settled in the Federation of the Khailfah, and our regional Dominion AMI commands are reporting they are on standby for our orders to began the purge.” Remark Khan Noonien Singh

“I am please to report our agents already being to arrest all those heretics of the Dune Jihad..soon we’ll have them all!” said Department head of the Al Muslimeen Intelligence –Sloan (

“Good we’ll have all the heretics entire killed by the Assassins or have them face a more worse faith face the cold heart inquisitress and never see the light of day..” remark Chairmen Head of the AMI Pavel Chekov aka Bester (

“ Heads of AMI, I would to report that large numbers of our agents are being station in key areas of the world, they have orders to remain as sleeper cells and awaited order from High Command to do their missions.”said The AMI First Chief Directorate (Foreign Operations)-Dr. Pavel Petrovich Alexandrovich (

“My agents under my command have tag know areas of Heretics and their locations for our forces to located them and arrest them.”Reported The AMI Second Chief Directorate Head- Dr. Nikolai Alexandrovich (

“The Arm Forces Commissars have given me a detail list of suspected heretics in the arm forces…I order them to began marking them for the round up of the suspected heretics and arrest them on the spot.”
Reported The AMI Third Chief Directorate (Armed Forces)- Foreign Minister Harun al Darius bin Bashir (cousin to the Sultan) (

“My directorates has began arresting any members of the Hawk or Imperialist parties, that manger to get away from the first round of arrest…we will purge our ranks of them existent…and let them face the inquisitress.”Said The AMI Fifth Chief Directorate-Dr. James Maxwell (

“My guards will began round the patrol of Government offices to prevent any terror attacks against our government,…” said The AMI Ninth Directorate (Guards)- Aleksandr Dmitriyevich Petrovich (

“I have send out orders to began the encrypy our transmission on type ten lock out for the time being to prevent any transmission from being leak out during this time period..” said The AMI Eighth Chief Directorate- Boynuegri Seyyid Abdullah Pasha (

“Our border guards forces are on height guard mode to prevent any outsider from entering our nation. and knowing what’s going on from within..”reported The AMI Border Guards Directorate- Ivazzade Halil Pasha (

“What your going to hear from this moment on does not leave the room and is not recorded..” order
National Security Adviser- Dr. Sergei Vadimovich Stepashin (

“Understand, Dr.Stepashin…” reply AMI Archives Minister Head- Mikhail Yefimovich Fradkov (, then he type a code into the recording system and lock it out, shut it down.

Then the National Security Adviser nod his head to give the go ahead for AMI Black Hawks Head- General Fyodor Karamazov ( to speak

“The sole reasoned for us to send a large number of AMI agents throughout the world…is that we are going to set up a new state so to speak…a really just a proxy state till we can transfer it to someone who we will owe debt to … for aiding us in the shadow wars, which is cost us about 12,000 Black Legion troops to fight this war…we need more aid to kept the war going and finally crush them in the name of the Dune Jihad. Plus we need all the nations we could get for the mission to crush the foes of the Jihad..” said AMI Black Hawks Head- General Fyodor Karamazov

“Does that explain why all our Assassins core have send out to fight in the shadow wars, and only remaining a few to train the next batch of Assassins?” ask The AMI Fifth Chief Directorate-Dr. James Maxwell

“We only about 200 Assassins so far produce by the our lab complexes in Bombay… and another 100 are being train and conditioning to become a full Assassin..its take us 18 years to make another batch of 100 assassins… do to the complex process, we can only produce the assissan at rate 100 per 18 years.” Remarked The AMI Third Chief Directorate (Armed Forces)- Foreign Minister Harun al Darius bin Bashir (cousin to the Sultan) (

“Sadly thanks the shadow wars, we have lost about 40 assassins and we are left with only 160…and about 100 are being recall back to the empire to help in the purge…and the latest 200 won’t be ready for another year… and the elder assassin the first batch including our head of the AMI Khan is one of the first batch…born in 1965..The test batch it took nearly 20 years for the conditioning to take effect now we got it down to 18 year. There is progress for you. We started this program in 1964 and had the first batch of Assassin born to the world in 1965, only 10 were made it to age 20..And the project had so many funding failures, then we manger to pull it up and manger to get it up and running in 1980… “said Department head of the Al Muslimeen Intelligence –Sloan (

“The Program had its problems…and I was the pride and joy for the program… now as the head of AMI and the Assassin program…I must have at least 100 assassin assign to the pruge..just leaving us 60 assassins to fight on in the shadow wars…making the war more hard for us to fight…” remark Head of Al Muslimeen Intelligence- Khan Noonien Singh (

“And that’s why we need our allies to support us in the shadows wars…because we can’t hold them off by ourselves much longer…and purge cannot wait and allow the Heretics to live and spread their hate of the empire…we face a great question. What’s more important the purge or the shadow wars..” asked Chairmen Head of the AMI Pavel Chekov aka Bester

“Both are equally important to us…we must manger them both equally in the hopes of doing it right….if their a unequally in this…all hell will break loose upon us…therefore at all cost everything in the purge and shadow war must be equal to each other, like if recall 20 assassins from the front of the shadow war and resign them to the Purge.. we must sign 20 more assassin to take their place. Or replace them with a platoon of Black Legion troops.. . Is that understood?” said National Security Adviser- Dr. Sergei Vadimovich Stepashin

The AMI heads nodded their heads

“And how should we handle the foreign media teams in the empire and her dominions.. they are going to report what’s happening in our nation, and show what we are doing during the purge. Should I block their transmission to their networks when the purge begins?” asked The AMI Eighth Chief Directorate- Boynuegri Seyyid Abdullah Pasha
“Just jam their transmission, would work the best.” Reply Chairmen Head of the AMI Pavel Chekov aka Bester

“Well we facing a war against Communist Red China, assign units for the upcoming pruge and fighting the Shadow wars…aren’t we speading ourselfs a bit far?” ased The AMI Border Guards Directorate- Ivazzade Halil Pasha

“Yes we are speading ourselfs out…yet we can manger it…the War with China won’t happen for sometime…both sides will take time to build up their forces…and time is on our side for that matther…as the Pruge and Shadow wars…we must keep equal in hopes of making everything work pefectly…mainly we are going to assign to 4,000 Black Legion troop to the Shadow War, to make up for the reduce numbers of Assassin who are being assign to the Pruge…” reply AMI Black Hawks Head- General Fyodor Karamazov

“Within 48 hours of this meeting the purge will began, that is all. This meeting of AMI heads is here by dismiss.” order Head of Al Muslimeen Intelligence- Khan Noonien Singh

After that was said the meeting was dismiss, and within 48 hours the purge will began
Ottoman Khaif
24-05-2005, 01:09
Chapter Six: The Return of the Assassins
Part Six (Continue)

“Unleashed the Assassins to the world and let them act like the angels of death!” Quoted Sultan Suleiman Al Bashir II

Intro: 46 hours have passed and two hours were left before the purge began…The Sultan call all his Assassins who assign to the purge in Istanbul area.. Only two were needed to handle doing the purge for the Istanbul area, only 100 were needed to handle the purge for the Empire and her Dominions. Since the Sultan was the head of the Assassins, and only one (who was in the Assassins program in the area) allow seeing their faces without the mask. Anyone who was not part of the Assassin program was not allowed in the meeting between the Sultan and Assassins.

At the Sultan Palace

The Dune Empress Roxelane Lisowska bin Bashir try to enter the room where the Sultan was having the meeting with the assassins, but the Black Imperial Guardmens were not allowing her to enter the room.

“Why can’t I enter this meeting, Guardmen.” She said very annoyed

“Empress..this meeting only for those in the Assassins program, and you are not part of this standing orders of the High Guard Command, which runs the Assassin program and along others the Black Legion core.” Reply the Guardmens

“Fine I’ll leave…” She said very annoy and storm off thought the halls of the palace

In the meeting room with the Sultan and two Assassins

They speaking in the language of the Assassins, which was base off Arabic and other Middle Eastern language

“Subakh ul Kuhar?” ask the Sultan in the Assassin language

“Subakh un Nar.” Reply one of the Assassin

“Subakh.” Reply the Sultan

What they said loosely in English
“ Are you well?”from the Sultan
“I am well. And you?” from the first Assassin
“Well”from the Sultan
(OOC: Do to the fact I don’t want to do this all in Assassin language and go back an forth in English…the following is in English to help the reader, but note the everything they are saying is in Assassin Language..I am just writing it in English.)

“Do the both of you understand your mission?” ask the Sultan

“Yes, our standing orders are to be pruge the this area of the Heretics..400 in total…it will us two days to get this mission done.” Answer the Second Assassin

“Two day, which we will be away from the front for the Shadow wars…which our brothers and the Black Legion troopers are fighting for the empire and we are here doing local missions….”Remark the First Assassin

“Do not worry about it…you two will back at the front within four days..if everything goes as planned.. Remember the Black Legion core can manger without the Assassin for short time.”Reply the Sultan

“I understand my Sultan.”reply the First Assassin

“My, Sultan there are some rumors going around in the High Guard Command ,I wish to speak to you about …” said the Second Assassin

“ Speak your mind, Assassian.” Reply the Sultan

“Why are we thinking to allow outsiders to help us in the Shadow wars…does High Command belive we can’t handle the shadow wars?” ask the Second Assassin

“Its not because we can’t handle the shadow wars…its we need the help of the outsiders to the end this long war…its been seven years..and this war shows no end…we must end it…before the Grand Dune Jihad begans.” Reply the Sultan

“I understand my Sultan.” Reply the Second Assassin, both Assassins got up , they were wearing black robes and they put their black mask to cover their faces..but it did show their ever changing eyesight.. They headed to the Window and were about to leave the Sultan Palace, but they turn to the Sultan and said the following in Assassin Language
“Ya Hya Chouhada!” Said the Two Assassins,before they disapper from the Room

“Ya Hya Chouhada!” Reply the Sultan as watch the Assassin disapper

(OOC: The Term Ya Hya Chouhada loosely means in English “Long Live the Fighters!”

The Assassins went on their missions to began the hunt for the Heterics..The Mission of hunting those who were plotting against the empire was made easy for the Assassin, do to the fact the Heterics were hiding in groups of 20 in safehouses….so it was only a matter of time before the Assassin would get the Heterics and beheaded them for their crimes against the Empire. As those Heterics who were not targeted by the Assassin, their fatih was to meet the inquisitress..some said it is better to killed by a assassin then to meet a inquisitress….

In a Local Istanbul Clothing Shop… no one would expect the owner the shop to be supporting the Hawks and Imperalist aka the Heretics…and also he had about 20 heterics hiding a backroom of the shop. The Assassin knew about their Supporter of the Heretics and the 20 heterics he was hiding in his shop. The Assassin enter the Shop thought the back door and kick the down the door to the room where the heterics staying in, just began the bloodbath..the Assassin yell out “ Mu Zein Wallah!”(OOC: Meaning Nothing good,never good,good for nothing.)

The Assassin beheaded everyone in the room, even thought the Heretics did up a fight..they were match for the Assassin..after he finnish killing them..he went for the Owner…and beheaded him..before he even realize that the Assassin was right behind him. The Assassins repeated this thought the day and night…unnotice by the people…who didn’t even know that they were standing next to one…just came the myth of the killer Ghost.

This was being repeated thoughtout the empire, and for those who were not luckly enough to be killed by a Assassin they faced the inquisitress….for them…they were being around up by the AMI Black Hawks and were sent the JAG courts to face the Inquisitress…so began the Purge of the Empire!
Ottoman Khaif
26-05-2005, 02:32
Chapter Seven: The Quiet Revolt
Part Seven
“ The Shadow Wars are over now for the real problems to began showing up…its sad we can never enjoy true peace…its always problem after problem for us…” Quoted Sultan Suleiman Al Bashir II

With the two days the Assassins purges were compete and the Inquisitress just beginning handing out the judgments for the Heretics that were not killed by the Assassins and the secret Shadow wars have ended and allow the Assassins to return to their home guard duties in the for the Al Muslimeen Government itself. a quiet party revolt was about happen, it was going to be a massive turn against The Sultan Unionist-Reformist Party….this was going be nasty surprise for the Sultan …Everything was going to be changed as the balance of power is change, just changing the policy of the empire…this event in Government ranks was to be know as the Quiet Revolt …

At the Sultan Palace

Sultan Suleiman Al Bashir II was busy in his office, reading the latest reports of the competed Assassin purges and the updates of the Inquisitress hearings… A Imperial Black Guardsman enter his office

“Yes.” Said the Sultan, who was in Deep Thought

“Sultan, AMI Black Hawks Head- General Fyodor Karamazov is here to see you.” Reported the Imperial Black Guardsman

“Send him in!” reply the Sultan

“Very well.”reply the Guardsman

Then General Fyodor Karmazov enter the office

“Report General Karmazov.”Reply the Sultan

“Greeting from the High Guard, Assassins and the Black Hawks…I am please to report that the Shadow wars are over…we manger to get crease fire and peace treaty in effect…with this…the Black Legions, and Assassins can all return to the duty of Home Guard. One less front for us to handle my Sultan.” Reply General Karmazov

“Good one less problem to trouble us…but is the program that started the Shadow Wars…shutdown,yet?” Ask the Sultan

“After much debate…High Guard Command has shutdown the program which start the Shadow wars…we decide Mankind was not ready for it yet…another time…different era, maybe we could start it up again..As for the Assassin and Black Legions speaking about the Shadow Wars to anyone outside of the AMI High won’t happen…we have condition them to not talk about this matter to anyone…all files on this topic…had been seal and would be allow to access by anyone,only you have the right to open these files on this topic. They have been sealed by the AMI Archives core.”reported the General Karmazov

“Good…another time when we are ready the program will reactived…another time …hopefully that another time will be soon…now how is work on our pet project of the creating the Poxy state?” Asked the Sultan

“We are laying down the famework for the state or should I call it the protectorate…give us another few weeks and the we’ll have our state ready to go..” Reply the General

“Good, inform me when everything is ready to go…understand this Commonwealth of Independent States must not be know to be protectorate of ours…yes that’s the name for this poxy state..we must not allow anyone to find out what we’re doing in that area of the world…this poxy state is our chip to gain favor of nations in that area and to contral that area is key…”said the Sutlan

“I will my Sultan,I will inform you the when all the final matters about the CIS is compete solved and ready to go…also the Shadow Fleets are nearly compete…soon we’ll have our own fleet for the Black Hawks cores..and also our cores are ready to go the front against Communist Red China..when the war begans..”Said the General

“Very Good…now is there is anything else .That is all we need to talk about for now?” ask the Sutlan

“Petty much, my Sutlan..”reply General Karmazov

“Very Well, you are dismiss.”Reply the Sultan

Then General Karmazov left the office, then the Sultan went back to Office work

10 Minutes later

Dune Empress Roxelane Lisowska bin Bashir enter his office

“Yes, Dear.” Said the Sultan ,as he was looking at the latest reports on deployments of troops in Turkistan against the growing Chinese Theat..

“Your brother Prime Minister Uthman Bin Bashir , Grand Vizier Mehmed Pasa Sokollu, and High Chacellor Hashmir al Horatius Bin Assad are here for the tea meeting.” She said

“Tea meeting..what Tea meeting..oh that one…I competely forgot..about it..thanks dear for remining me..” He said, has he got up with the support of his cane…and walk out of the office with Roxlane

“So are you joining us to have tea.”Ask the Sultan, as they walk down the halls of the Palace

“No..I have to check on Zainab( The Sultan oldest Daughter from Roxlane)…that six year old got sick today…it’s the Flu I think…maybe later I’ll join you..alright?” She reply

“No problem…I’ll stop by later to check on Zainab,after meeting..” He replyed

“ Alright..she’ll be happy to see her father.” Remarked Roxlane, then they pathed ways…she heading to East wing of the palace and he headed to study of the Palace, where the everyone was at having tea.

There at the Study,… The Prime Minister, Grand Vizier and the High Chacellor were sitting around and drinking tea and talking to eachother. When the Sultan enter the room..they all rose up as the Sultan walk to his seat, and after he was setted, they set down..and began drinking their tea.

“Well, Gentlemen..lets began this meeting..” said the Sultan

To be Continue
Communist Red China
26-05-2005, 04:12
In Beijing, Peoples Republic of China

President Hu Jintāo had tested the new Khailfah reaction to China calling up its forces near the lands of Khailfah…he wanted to test the reaction and he give the results..the Al Muslimeen still could have put a huge force in the area and were ready to fight against the Chinese Army. He decide to call off the war…He order his units to stand down from war standing and send a message to the Khailfah

To: The Khailfah al Muslimeen Government
From: People’s Republic of China

The People’s Republic was just doing stranded arm forces wargame..we are sorry to have made your nation think that we were planning to attack your nation. Our forces are standing down after we realize that you thought we were planning to attack your nation. Please accept our apologetic letter over this misunderstanding.

President Hu Jintāo
Ottoman Khaif
26-05-2005, 04:33
After Seening the Chinese forces withdrawing and standing down..Al Muslimeen High Command give the orders to their forces to stand down and to withdraw from wartime standing. Yet the Government was wondering why did the Chinese do this test..

To: People’s Republic of China
From: Khailfah al Muslimeen Government

We are thankful for you clearing up this misunderstanding between our nations, in the future please clear these matter up ahead of time with pervent future near war standing between our nations.
Ottoman Khaif
28-05-2005, 01:09
Chapter Seven
Part Seven

“Well..its very that the Chinese decide to test us with the theat of war…to see if we are still their foes that know us to be…all that time wasted to on readying ourselfs for war..” Remark Prime Minister Uthman Bin Bashir

“It’s the Chinese way of testing our defense reactions…only two days ago we were about to go war with them …now its peace time once again.” remark High Chacellor Hashmir al Horatius Bin Assad

“Peace for how long… Chinese may start something again at another time to annoy us…We all know that Communist Red China is waiting to attack us..its matter of time before the attack us..” said Grand Vizier Mehmed Pasa Sokollu

“Its like a game of chess for us…nowadays, our move for this game was to stand down…today I order our forces to stand down with the Chinese Threat to us, is gone…that was our move in the game.” Reply the Sultan has he drunk his tea

“Yes, Sultan. Its all a bloody game of chess, every move could tell the outcome of the game…” remark Grand Vizier Mehmed Pasa Sokollu, then he took a sip of tea

“A game we must play to live…in this blast world..” Remark Prime Minister Uthman Bin Bashir ,after saying that he went back to drinking his tea..

“So when are we going finnish the Romulus and Remus conquest?” asked High Chacellor Hashmir al Horatius Bin Assad, as he drink his tea

“One of these days..we will finnsh the conquest…it was always incompete…we have Remus but not Romulus…we only try once to take Romulus and didn’t work out for us….We’ll do it in good time..soon the Remus and Romulus would together again..” said the Sultan, has he drink his tea

They just said nothing and drink tea for the next few minutes

“How goes things in the Parliament and House of Viziers?” Ask the Sultan breaking the silence

“Well, lets see…Ministers in the Parliament, that are members of the Al Muslimeen Party, Hezbollah Party, and the Mujahideen Party are getting more restless with the lack of reforms…they want to speed up the reforms…and they are becoming more fanatical with their policy for the empire.” Reported the Prime Minister

“This also happing in the House of Viziers…these parties are doing the same thing as they are doing in the parliament, these Viziers are becoming more fantical now.…their ideas of reform.” Added the Grand Vizier

“They have large amount of seats in the House of Viziers, Parliament and The Assembly of Majles, if these parties were to united to make one party…they will have the most seats all the branches of the Legislative Branch, they would have the enough votes to outvote the our Unionist-Reformist party and past their own laws…if this was to happen…we’re be force to get more support from the Al Muslimeen Social Democratic Labour Party to try to even out the votes to our favor..” Said the High Chacellor

“My must relax and not worry about these fanatic’s… was the fanatics who kept the empire going in the late 1800s and early 1900s…we ow a lot to them for keeping the emprie alive…they are the soul of the empire…we must kept the unity alive between them and us…if not…the empire will have break into two camps and we’ll be facing a very hot rivaly for us …we must keep the unity for the sake of the empire!”Said the Sultan

“We will see my Sultan..” remark the High Chacellor

Soon they will see something they didn’t expect to happen…it was a major shock for them…only time will tell what laid ahead for them..
28-05-2005, 03:46
Dear Sir
We are please to exchange embassies and relations with your fine nation. As for the offer to buy our islands in the Carribean,we are only willing to sell Bahamas, Grenada, Barbados, Ottoman Antilles (Ex-Netherlands), Aruba, and St. Lucia. We cannot sell the islands of Cuba, Puerto Rico and Trinidad and Tobago, do to the fact our dominion needs these islands. If you would like to offer a lower price for the Islands we are willing to sell, please tell us.

Premier of IDUFSRA- Ramón Labañino (

We are willing to offer $8 billion (US) for these islands. We understand that your Dominion requires Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Trinidad and Tobago; we will accept you offer in good faith. May this be the beginning of a mutually beneficial relationship.

Emperor Dayan Saarad
Prime Minister Zachary Harrison
Minister of Foreign Affairs Davis Hanson

OOC: Let me know if the price is too low. I figure Cuba and Puerto Rico are the most valuble islands because of resources and tourism, etc, but I could be wrong. Also, I'll have a better post later after I've had a chance to catch up on everything. I've been gone since Monday, so I've got a lot of reading to do.
Ottoman Khaif
28-05-2005, 04:06
We are willing to offer $8 billion (US) for these islands. We understand that your Dominion requires Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Trinidad and Tobago; we will accept you offer in good faith. May this be the beginning of a mutually beneficial relationship.

Emperor Dayan Saarad
Prime Minister Zachary Harrison
Minister of Foreign Affairs Davis Hanson

We here by sell you the islands of Bahamas, Grenada, Barbados, Netherland Antilles (Ex-Ottoman), Aruba, and St. Lucia to the nation of Malkyer for the price of $8 billion dollars. May the relationship between our nations become one of friendship.

Premier of IDUFSRA- Ramón Labañino

OOC: Its all good.
Ottoman Khaif
30-05-2005, 20:44
Chapter Seven: The Quiet Revolt
Part Seven
Intro: Over one week passed since the Sultan meeting with the High Chacellor,Prime Minister and Grand Vizier….things were about to change in Al Muslimeen Government….a big change was about to happen…it would be a massive change for the empire in term policy and it will upset those who can’t the change.

The Meeting of Parliament of Khalifah al Muslimeen

Prime Minister Uthman Bin Bashir began the meeting by yelling out
“ Order in the Parliament, Order in the Parliament. The meeting of the Parliament of the Khailfah al Muslimeen , is now in meeting.” Said the Prime Minister

Praetor Hiren Tiberius Claudius rose up and said” We are here to discuss the Romulus act, that was wrote by the ministers of the Al Muslimeen Party, Hezbollah Party and the Mujahideen Party. We will review this act and vote to pass it or not to pass this act. Right now the copies of this act are being sent to you. Please Stand by.”

Then copies of the Romulus act were passed around to all the Ministers of the Parliament, so they could review the act and debate on it…most of the Unionist-Reformist, Al Muslimeen Social Democratic Labour and the Socialist Bloc Ministers…where just shock with the ideas of this…act..they began speaking to each other…most of them disagreed with the idea completely…and were bitterly against it..

One of the Ministers from Unionist-Reformist side of the Parliament to rise up and to make a comment on the Act

, it was Minister Juan Negrín ( from Al-Andalus, the Prime Minister nodded to allow to him to speak his mind on the Romulus Act

“This Act of insanly must not be allow to pass…we must stop expanding the empire at this rate….we cannot maintain it for this long of timeperiod…this is insane..we can’t just annex more lands at this time…the empire is at its height more land will cost more funds to maintain and hold…we must not pass this insane act!”

A numbers of Unionist-Refromist Ministers echo Minister Negrin comments

Another Unionist-Reformist Minister raised up to support his comrades

“We must also look at expansionism as the answer to keep the empire alive. We must not lock ourselves in the state of mind, that forces us to always go out and conquer new lands for the empire in the hopes o of saving her…this is fruitless…we must not pass this act!” said Minister Mengistu Haile (

A minister from the Al Muslimeen party side of Parliament rose up to speak in support of the Act and his party

“In the hopes of finally competing the empire, was must pass this…the last great expansion of the Empire. Finally the Grand Dune Empire will be forever competing!” said Minister Sayyid Faisal bin Turki ( , numbers of Ministers from the Al Muslimeen Party, Hezbollah Party, and the Mujahideen Party echo Minister Sayyid ideas

A minister from the Union and Progressive Party side of Parliament rose up to support the act..

“This act is the best thing that as happen to the empire, we must not let this act pass us by and voted down..we must pass it for the good of the empire!”said one of the few Jewish Ministers in the Parliament, Minister Neil Sedaka (

A minister from the Mujahideen Party side of Parliament rose up to speak his mind on the act

“Its been the dream of the empire to united Romulus and Remus, must pass this act to do fulfill this dream in the name of the Fighters, we must fulfill this dream after this conquest. We will be feared and known as the Empire of the Fighters! Said Minister Alay Anbar (

Another Ministers from Unionist-Reformist side of the Parliament to rise up and to make a comment on the Act

“How more times must we go on these mad wars of conquest in till its too late for us to stop…in till we hit the breaking point where cannot expand and the empire will fall apart…we must think this out…after this expansion we will be hitting the breaking point. Unless we are willing to fight to keep the empire alive..for the empire must not expand anymore or we will face the death of the empire by this expansion!” said Minister Pedro Santana Lopes (

Another Unionist-Reformist rose up

“It is true we have hit the apex of our conquest. if we expand anymore…it will surely make the empire weak…this act will not help the empire and make it stronger… this is not the time to expand…we must build ourselves up and improve our nation then make it weaker by going to war…this war will waste our nation arm forces in the vain goal of conquest…we must not pass this act in the name of sanely …for good of the empire, we must not pass this act.” Said Minister Alu Alkhanov (

Yet another Unionist-Reformist Minister rose up
“As Minister Alkhanov has said…we have hit the apex of conquest. we must stop the conquest of new lands and we must go back to building up and stabilize the lands we have…another conquest will do more damage then good for the empire…We must not pass this fruitless idea of conquest anymore!” said Minister Mohammed bin Omar ( )

And Another Unionist-Reformist Minister rose up
“Do we wish to killed the empire? Do we wish to over expand the empire to the breaking point? We do not want to kill the empire, do we? If we pass this act…we’ll surely official kill the Empire of this date of May 30, 2005…this act is the sickness that would surely kill our beloved empire!” said Minister Fred Sinowatz (

A minister from the Al Muslimeen party side of Parliament rose up to speak in support of the Act

“As History has show us that massive expansions do give many empire stress ..yet it is how these empires manger this stress…History shows us that empire that do not think out their conquest well thought…tend to died out within a span of 30 years..but for us…we have plan it out to the teeth…showing we not doing this for the hell of it!” Minister Ahmad Shah (

A minister from the Hezbollah Party rose up to speak his mind

“This act is will finally allow us to fulfill out duty to compete the empire…Romulus will be in our hands and just we will come the dream of uniting Romulus and Remus, this is our chance to do it, we must not pass it up!”said Minister Talal Bin Hussein (

The Debate keep on going for four hours, nearly all the Ministers in the Parliament spoke their mind on the act…after four hours of endless debating, the vote was held

The Prime Minister call for the vote to began, after 20 minutes of voting..the Results came in
Results for the Vote on the Romulus Act for the Parliament

Parliament (Lower house): 600 seats
100 seats for the Unionist-Reformist Party- all against the act (100 voted against it)
100 seats for the Al Muslimeen Party-all in favor of the act (100 voted in favor of it)
60 seats for the Socialist Progressive Party-all against the act (60 voted against it)
100 seats for the Hezbollah Party-all in favor of the act (100 voted in favor of it)
100 seats for the Mujahideen Party-all in favor of the act (100 voted in favor of it)
100 seats for the Al Muslimeen Social Democratic Labour Party- almost against the act( 90 voted against it,10 votes in favor of the act)
20 seats for The Union and Progressive Party-all in favor of the act( 20 voted in favor of it)
20 seats for The Bolshevik Party of KLM-all in favor of the act(20 voted in favor of it)
Total for the Romulus Act
310 Votes for Romulus Act
290 Votes against the Romulus Act

After Results were said to the Parliament, those voted against the Act, rose up in angry, they couldn’t believe it…the act was passed.. Most of the Unionist-Reformist Ministers were very upset with the passing act, they began yelling the minister for voted in favor for the act…both sides the pro Romulus and the anti Romulus of the Parliament began exchanging insults to each other, then open fist fights break out in the Parliament, the Prime Minister try to restore order in the parliament. He had to order the Parliament Guard to enter the room and restore order to the Parliament…the Parliament left bitter divided into two factions after the passage of this act. It was now the House of Viziers turn to pass or not the act

The Meeting of the House of Viziers

Grand Vizier Mehmed Pasa Sokollu and High Chacellor Hashmir al Horatius Bin Assad open the meeting of the House of Viziers to discuss the Romulus Act

The Debates on the Romulus Act, were very heated and insults were exchange between the Viziers…at one point fist fights break out between the Viziers, some Viziers took out their walking canes and start beating the living out of the viziers who insulted them…after debating for two hours…the Viziers began to vote

Results for the Vote on the Romulus Act for the House of Viziers
House of Viziers (Upper house): 200 seats
80 seats for the Unionist-Reformist Party (all voted against the act, 80 votes against the act)
40 seats for the Al Muslimeen Party (all voted in favor of the act, 40 votes for it)
40 seats for the Hezbollah Party(all voted in favor of the act, 40 votes for it)
40 seats for the Mujahideen Party(all voted in favor of the act, 40 votes for it)

Total for Romulus Act
120 votes for the Romulus Act
80 votes against the Romulus Act

After the Results were said to the House of Viziers, a massive uproar happen when all the Unionist-Reformist Viziers rose up in anger against the act…yelling out that the viziers who voted in favor of this act..have damn the empire to its death!

Now the Romulus Act was pass on to The Presidium of the Islamic Unionist Federated states of Khailfah Al Muslimeen, to review and pass up to sign into effect by the Sultan…yet it could so be rewritten and send back down the two houses of Government to be revoted on. Most of the Unionist-Refromist Party member, knew this is the place where they must win,were the Presidium must rewrited the act for the stake of the empire…they only hope that the Presidium would do so…
Ottoman Khaif
31-05-2005, 01:47
In Secret

To:Malkyer Intelligence Department Head
From:Al Muslimeen Intelligence Directorate Heads

Dear Sir,
Come to Istanbul...alone..we have something to discuss with you relating to the future of your nation and of the Khailfah Al Muslimeen Empire, please come to Istanbul as fast as you can..if you can't make this trip, send one of your man for the job.

Al Muslimeen Intelligence Directorate Heads
Ottoman Khaif
31-05-2005, 03:06
31-05-2005, 03:25
The small private jet circled over the Istanbul airport. At least, the identification number and markings declared it a private jet. The pilot flicked on the radio, and asked for permission to land. Once granted, the plane began it's slow descent into Istanbul.


Riley Jacobs, head of the RIA, dialed the the AMI from his office in Vancouver. "Yes, it's Riley Jacobs...thank you. Yes, tell the Director that my representative should be arriving in Istanbul shortly. Yes. Thanks." He hung up, and then decided to go get a glass of milk before heading to bed. It was late in Malkyer.


A lone passenger disembarked the plane in Istanbul. Major Jeremy Forsythe, the RIA's unofficial field commander, called the 'iceman,' waited in the terminal with his carry-on, mentally reviewing his briefing before the AMI came to pick him up.
Ottoman Khaif
31-05-2005, 03:59
The AMI send a Agent, came to pick the RIA agent..She was only around 25. She was from Al Muslimeen region of Serbia. She was wearing a dress suit,with black overcoat. She went up to the Major Jeremy Forsythe and told him to follow her.. She took him to her car, and they drove to the AMI Headquarters (, which was not in Istanbul…it was 20-minute drive to the city of Bursa, where the headquarters was base in.

As she parked the car, she began to speak.

“ Just follow me, and you will meet the AMI heads to discuss the issue and do not go into any of the rooms in the building just follow me, so nothing will happen. Do you understand?” She asked him
31-05-2005, 04:59
"Yes ma'am," Forsythe replied with a sardonic grin. He followed her inside, curious as to why she seemed so adamant that he not enter any other rooms, but he obediently followed her. She led him to the room where he would meet with the AMI heads, and he entered, wondering what this "issue" was, and why there was such a need for security.
Ottoman Khaif
31-05-2005, 05:36
As Major Jeremy Forsythe enter the room, no one was in the room yet...the room itself was competely blackout..their was no natural light..just some lamps keeping it from becoming competely black out. The Female Agent follow him. She told him
"The AMI heads,will be here shortly..oh sorry for not telling my names..its Svetlana Lemkin. I am assign to help you out during your stay here." She explan to him, she had green eyes and black hair. She was very petty,young women.
01-06-2005, 05:14
Dark room, with no one here. If I was important, I might be worried, he thought sardonically. I wonder what this is about. "Svetlana...pretty name for a pretty girl." Forsythe grinned, and reached into his coat, pulling out a pack of cigarettes. "Mind if I smoke?"
Ottoman Khaif
01-06-2005, 05:26
"Heh, thanks go ahead..smoke..They should be here any minute . Beside I have get back to work and wack some Italian General..opps.. I did said that out lound..that can't be good..heh." She trying play it off that she didn't said anything about killing a general

OOC: I'll posted the AMI heads starting the meeting tomorrow.
Ottoman Khaif
02-06-2005, 00:32
After she that, the three heads of the AMI enter the darkled room, they were Head of Al Muslimeen Intelligence- Khan Noonien Singh ( , Department head of the Al Muslimeen Intelligence –Sloan ( and Chairmen Head of the AMI Pavel Chekov aka Bester (, they enter the room with the The Ninth Directorate (Guards). Who themselves were dress in all black army uniform, they were the bodyguards to the AMI Heads. Agent Svetlana Lemkin rose up, has her head officers enter the room and were seated. Then Khan nodded his and just giving permission to sit down.

“Well its good to meet you, Major Jeremy Forsythe of the RIA…we of the AMI have offer you…you know of the CIS correct? If you don’t we’ll fill you in anyways. After the USA fell apart in 1992 do to some “unknown” factors…any way…the then OI under orders from the ex head of the OI, send agents aid in to restoring order to the most of the eastern and parts of the Mid Western Ex-USA. With our help good amount of the ex USA became apart of New USA know as CIS or Commonwealth of Independent States was founded in 1994. Guess who ran the CIS behind close doors? It was us..we manger everything that went on in the CIS…it was not part of the Empire nor would it ever be…it was just run by the then OI , now AMI..we keep the CIS alive by support the weak government of the Region…Now we wish to hand over the CIS to you…here is a map of the CIS and your holdings..” said Head of Al Muslimeen Intelligence- Khan Noonien Singh

A computer screen came on and shows a map of the CIS and Malkyer

Department head of the Al Muslimeen Intelligence –Sloan began to speak “ As you can see its huge area your nation will gain if you decide to accept it. Note this is not under the power of the Al Muslimeen Government, its under the rule of the AMI High Command, therefore you have discuss with us for the terms not the government…beside we already took the Gold from Fort Knox’s, took all the data files from the CIA and FBI databases, then took copies of the blueprints for all the future weapons that the USA was making… and last we took all the bright minds of the USA and send them here.”

“Now your wondering if the AMI is just giving this away the CIS to your nation for free…nothing is for free…your RIA will owe us one favor …remember that…when that times comes..we will remind you about that favor you must do for us..if you were to accept to take the CIS from us.” said Chairmen Head of the AMI Pavel Chekov aka Bester

“Also on a sidenote…do not ask about how the CIS was form…all you would need to know is that the local government will follow our orders to the teeth…so you may get the land without a fight…or we could make you pay hell for it..if we wanted to do…note this to your leaders…the AMI is now more powerful then the KGB or CIA at their height…do not mess with us..if you do you’ll reget ever doing it..just telling you not to make you think we’ll out to get your nation or something..we’ll all friends here aren’t we? Yes we are, so I said accept this offer from us..your Emperor would love to see these lands added to his emprie.But note not tell him who give him the CIS, just tell him that the CIS wanted to join your empire..” said Department head of the Al Muslimeen Intelligence –Sloan

“Well what do you think about our offer?” asked Chairmen Head of the AMI Pavel Chekov aka Bester
02-06-2005, 00:48
Forsythe was quiet for a moment, letting all the information sink in. Finally, he spoke. "My, my, that is a tempting offer. The land would be useful purely as living space. But, it still has resources to offer, even without gold or intellectuals." He knew what sort of intellectuals the Ottomans would take with them: the Howard Zinns, and people of those sort. Malkyer would not miss them. He took a drag from his cigarette, and blew a cloud of smoke.

"How about this...control of the CIS will pass from the AMI to the RIA, real unofficial like. That way, the next time Dayan wants to add lands to the Commonwealth, poof! A good chunk of North America, right off the bat. That way, he gets his land and he never has to know about any of this. I think that would be mutually beneficial, yes?" He crossed his arms and awaited the response.
Ottoman Khaif
02-06-2005, 01:07
"We agree to this anything else you wish to discuss, if not...We here by give you the CIS, now excuse..I have to gill some ex-CIA agent by the name of Jack Ryan.." said Head of Al Muslimeen Intelligence- Khan Noonien Singh

Then the AMI heads got up and left the room

Just leaving Agent Svetlana Lemkin with the RIA agent

"So do you need to ride back to the airport or you are staying at hotel or something?" She asked him, her assignment was to keep tabs on this RIA agent when he is still in KLM lands..
02-06-2005, 01:35
"So do you need to ride back to the airport or you are staying at hotel or something?" She asked him, her assignment was to keep tabs on this RIA agent when he is still in KLM lands..

"I would appreciate a ride...I've a got to catch a flight to Venice," he said. Technically, he didn't have to 'catch' the flight, as the plane was at the airport already and property of the Royal Intelligence Agency. However, semantics was not the issue at hand here.
Ottoman Khaif
02-06-2005, 02:40
"Alright, then just following me."She reply and lead him out of the AMI building to the parking lot, they got in her care and dove to the Airport, where she drop him and watch him take off in his airplane to Venice. Her assignment was compete...just another day for a agent of the AMI.
Ottoman Khaif
03-06-2005, 01:10
Chapter Seven: The Quiet Revolt
Part Seven

Intro: The Presidium of the Islamic Unionist Federated states of Khailfah Al Muslimeen is about to review the Romulus act, if they don’t rewrite the act and pass it. The Sultan will have sign into effect or veto it, then the Politburo Standing Committee could overwrite the veto if they saw it fit.Everyone in the Government waited word from the Presidium, if they have pass the act or order a rewrite of the act.

The meeting of the Presidium had been already in meeting and debating for two hours on the act
“Well gentlemen after much debating have agree to pass this act up to the Sultan to be sign into effect, we see this act as the best thing to happen to the empire, lets hope it is. Now Deputy of the Presidum Dr.Alexius Petrovic will review to use the key points of this to us to refresh to us before we vote on the matter.” Said President of the Presidum Hussein bin Osman (

“The key points of this act are the following, One the creation of two new dominions to aid the empire in governing the itself better, the two new dominions will know as the East African Union and United States of West Africa, they be made of the following, The East African Union will be made up of Al Muslimeen East Africa, Abyssinia, Madagascar and will take the Region of Sudan from Egyptian Tran Sudan, just make that region know as just Egypt.[ As for the United States of West Africa will be made up of the Al Muslimeen West Africa. Note to the Presidum these parts of the act were supported by the Unionist-Reformist, it is the second part that the Unionist-Reformist bitter fought against. This part of the act, and this is were the act gets its names…calls for the conquest of to Romulus by arm conquest…this part of the act, was bitter debate in the House of Viziers and Parliament ,yet it manger to pass with small amounts of votes.The lands that will be taken under the Romulus act are the following…” Said Deputy of the Presidum Dr.Alexius Petrovic (, who review the acts of the act.

“Yes, yes we know the lands that we are going to conquer, there is no need for us to repeat the names again…we have agree to vote on this matter.” Said Deputy of the Presidum Alexander Alexandrovich (

“I second this idea, let us vote on the matter and get over with.”Said Deputy of the Presidum Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin (

“We have debate this issue for too long. we have all agree that this act is for the best for the empire. “ Remark Deputy of the Presidum Mahommed Khosrev (

Even the Unionist-Reformists of the Presidium have had to agree to vote in favor of the act, most of the deputies and the President were of the Unionist-Reformist party, they realize that they must pass the act for the stake of unity in the Empire. All the 15 deputies and the President of the Presidum voted in favor of passing the act, now it was the Sultan turn to sign it into effect or veto it….everyone wonder why the Unionist-Reformists in the Presidium vote in favor of the act...they answer would come soon ..
Ottoman Khaif
04-06-2005, 03:50
Chapter Seven: The Quiet Revolt
Part Seven

Intro: The Grand Vizier, Prime Minister, the Grand Vizier of the Majiles, High Chancellor, The Praetor and the heads of the Politburo Standing Committee call the Sultan into meeting to personal see if he signs the act into effect or veto…it was damn important for them to see if Sultan signs it into effect for the good of the empire. Only the President of the Presidum wasn’t there, he was leading a board of review on Al Muslimeen Enovys.

The Sultan enter the room where his Government heads were meeting, he was pull out of his Meeting with the leader from ANL, the meeting about the Romulus Act, was behind close doors…no would ever know what took place in the meeting…but they did get the following out

A new term enter the Dictionarys of the Government, it was coined by Prime Minister Uthman bin Bashir
“ A Quiet Revolt is when the ruling parties members in the upper levels of the Government decide to in favor or against a act, and going against the party wishs on the matters. Just showing they are quietly revolting against the will of the ruling party.”

This term was used for the Presidium members who were of the Unionist-Reformist party, voting in favor of the act, which the party had voted againist it. It was always use for the Politburo Standing Committee, which told the Sultan that he if would to veto the Act, they will overwrite him on it. The Politburo Standing Committee was made up of all Unionist –Reformist memebers, yet they were willing to overwrite the Sultan. They explain why they had to do this, for the stake of unity of the nation parties. To them their loyal lays to the state then to their parties. In the name of the state they did it for the state…

After six hours of heavy debating about to pass the act or not to pass the act of Romulus..the Sultan agree to sign into effect for the stake of the empire. New speard thoughtout the Empire, that the Romulus act has been passed, and word spead that the Sultan has pick his High Commissars for newly founded Dominions of the East African Union and United States of West Africa, and the leaders for this Dominions had been elect by the local governments. Their Governments were like this

East African Union and United States of West Africa- See the Centeral Government Model, with some differents..first of all, the head of the state for this dominion is the President , his second in Command is the Premier, then third in Command is the Prime Minister who is appoint by the Premier . Instead of a House of Viziers, they have a Congess. That’s petty much the differents betweehm the this dominion government from the Centeral Government.

For the Islamic Dominion of East African Union
President of EAU- Frederick Tluway Sumaye ( of Al Muslimeen Social Democratic Labour Party)

Premier of EAU - Mengistu Haile Mariam ( Al Muslimeen Social Democratic Labour Party)

Prime Minister of the Government will appoint by the Premier- Azali Assoumani ( Al Muslimeen Social Democratic Labour Party)

The Sultan as appoint to the post of High Commissar of EAU- Mohammed bin Omar ( ) (of Unionist-Reformist Party)

Now for the Islamic Dominion of United States of West Africa
President of IDUSWA- Tandja Mamadou ( (Unionist-Reformist Party)

Premier of IDUSWA - Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara ( (Unionis-Reformist Party)

Prime Minister of the Government will appoint by the Premier- Hama Amadou ( (Unionist-Reformist Party)

The Sultan as appoint to the post of High Commissar of IDUSWA- Mengistu Haile ( (of Unionist-Reformist Party)
Ottoman Khaif
05-06-2005, 20:36
To:Emperor Dayan Saarad of Malkyer
From: Al Muslimeen Government
Topic Sell of land

We are willing to sell you the lands of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Trinidad and Tobago for the sum of 10 Billion dollars, why are doing this you may ask. Its because they have lost their value to us. They just fill with local people and the lands are stable. Plus we have build up the land to first world standings. Please tell us if you would be interested in buying these islands.

Sultan Suleiman Al Bashir II
05-06-2005, 22:18
To: Al Musilmeen Government
From: Ministry of Colonial Affairs
Subject: RE: Sell of land

$10 billion (US) will be wired to whichever accounts you would like as soon as the sale is confirmed. As always, it is a pleasure doing business with our Ottoman friends.

Alistair Stanley
Minster of Colonial Affairs
Ottoman Khaif
05-06-2005, 22:53
To: Al Musilmeen Government
From: Ministry of Colonial Affairs
Subject: RE: Sell of land

$10 billion (US) will be wired to whichever accounts you would like as soon as the sale is confirmed. As always, it is a pleasure doing business with our Ottoman friends.

Alistair Stanley
Minster of Colonial Affairs
To:Ministry of Colonial Affairs
From:Al Muslimeen Government

The Sale is confirmed, enjoy your new holdings in the Amercias.
Sultan Suleiman Al Bashir II