The Glory of the Blitzkrieg
01-05-2005, 18:57
General Reinhard sat by his desk, shuffling through nations report cards. He had decided it was high time for another war, as the Reich was still not done proving it self to the world. So then, he found an interesting nation. The Holy Empire of SideStreamer The Founder of the so called "moral alliance." It would make a good target, and so he issued a public statement.
"In the interest in making the world a freer place, The Reich hererby declares war against the Holy Empire of SideStreamer. They think them selves morally supieror to even Tocrowkia. Well, it is time to bring their medieval thoughts into the modern age I say. I will be mobilzing forces within the week to conquer their primite little land. Good day."
02-05-2005, 23:17
At the Port of St. Jude City, aboard the Nimtz Class S.S. Emberlight:
Ensign Bartley Sailitis: You ready for this?
Ensign Jarrod Yestivi: ...yeah.
Sailitis: Told my parents I was going to make them proud, serve the Emperor--
Yestivi (Inturrupting): Haha!
Sailitis: Well, I did, and I really feel that way...
At the Jericho Army Recruitment Depot, 5 miles south of Trepidation:
Drill Sargeant Maurice Westerly: (Displays M16 Rifle, dissambles it in front of recruits. Quickly marches to Rct. Richard Pralima) WHAT AM I HOLDING HERE?
Recruit Richard Pralima: M-16!
Westerly (Moves head to Pralima's ear, screaming fanatically) WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST TELL YOU THE OTHER DAY ABOUT ADDRESSING YOUR SUPERIORS, DICK YOU THINK YOU'RE JUST GOING TO DICK AROUND HERE EVEN THEM TOCROCK SHIT MAGGOTS KNOW HOW TO ADDRESS THEIR SUPERIORS YOU WORTHLESS--(Looking at the tag on Pralima's Kevlar helmet... realizing Pralima's name isn't written there) What is this? Hand me your Kevlar! (Pralima takes off his helmet, hands it to Westerly. Westerly takes three steps away from Pralima, face scowling... Westerly hurls helmet into Pralima's gut, knocking Pralima back a step) WHO'S KEVLAR IS THAT???
Pralima: (Catching breath, standing back up) Mine, sir!
Inside the Temple of the Altogether. Veracos and Maximus call joint conference with War Cabinet.
Archbishop Veracos: (In prayer, inside situation room with Emperor Maximus IV, Foreign Affairs Minister Archbishop Ambicus and the War Cabinet) ....In Jesus' Name, Amen.
All: Amen.
Maximus IV: (Turns to Sidestreamer Intelligence Minister Wenderfel)Report.
Wenderfel: We knew the Divine Reich of Tocrowkia was engaged in hostilities with us but we didn't see them turning against us directly. We expected Moronyica to take the impact.
Maximus IV: Good. You're fired.
Wenderfel: Excuse me?
Maximus IV: This is something you should've forseen as head of the SIM. Your agency failed the Empire. Now get out of my Temple.
Wenderfel: I object!
Maximus IV: Of course you do! And I object to you digging into our treasury to supply Hesphipholes on his little campaign as well, but that's besides the point. You're fired, and if you don't leave, "terminated" may be the more appropriate term. I've been looking you up for quite a while, and I'm sure Hezbol will compensate you if I don't personally split your head open first (Veracos gasps. Ambicus' eyes bulge.).
Wenderfel (Wipes sweat off brow. Bewildered.) You'll regret this.Leaves
Maximus IV: ...(Nods to a guard. Guard follows Wenderfel. Five seconds later, shots are heard. Wenderfel is dead.) ....Apologies to the rest of you here, but Wenderfel and Hesphipholes, I have learned, were involved in a previous assasination. I'm not sure if they may have been involved in this current affair but now it was just convenient to take care of it. I'll appoint a new Minister of Intelligence when the time permits. In the meantime, the Unholy Reich is attacking us.
General Julius, Commander of Sidestreamer Joint Land Forces: We are now operating on Code X. Maximum state of alert. Air bases are activated, military bases activated.
Admiral Epherine, Commander of Sidestreamer Navy: Ports are activated. The fleets are ready to deploy....
Maximus IV... *sigh*
OOC: I'll try to have a force list and rules of engagement down by tomorrow.
Hunter Norris slammed his fist down on his desk after hearing the Tocrowkian announcement of a declaration of war against the Holy Empire of Sidestreamer. "The idiots of this world only continue to grow. They never decrease" he muttered. Thats when Field Marshall York walked in. Norris had expected him.
"Sir, I have some troubling news," said York. Norris waved his hand, "No need. I heard all the divine reich had to say." York nodded. "Sir, what shall we do?" asked York. Norris frowned, "I've been annoyed with actions of Tocrowkia for some time. I had hoped that they would destroyed themselves. I was wrong. Though they picked a fight with the wrong enemies this time," said Norris, "Prehaps our armed forces. I want the Crusader Divisons up and ready to fight in twenty four hours. Understood?" York saluted and walked out of the room.
A declaration of war would follow.
(OOC: I'm going to declare war. I'm just limited time right now. So incase I forget. I am at with Tocrowkia now.)
Official announcement from his Royal Majesty, King Ben Locksley I, played on all Acridian television stations, interupting local religious and family friendly programing(the only two types of TV programing allowed)
"We had hoped to avoid war so soon after my nations latest crisis, but when allies are attacked, it is the duty of an honorable nation to help defend them. Therefore, effective immediately, I will be sending what troops my nation has availible in order to help battle the Tocrowkian manace. My forces will deploy alongisde Jagada's, due to our two nations sharing a common border, and I will order my generals to cowardinate their efforts with theres as well to insure our two armies are on the same page so to speak."
07-05-2005, 06:43
OOC: You picked a bad time to declare war on me... I'm kinda loaded with RL events so my acting here will be a tad off and slow. But that said....
The arms and forces to be deployed (1/3rd of this will be headed to your shores, the remaining 2/3 will be based throughout Sidestreamer warding off your attacks).
10x MIM-23F I-HAWK batteries
2x MIM-104E PAC2-GEM units
5x An-225 Cossack
20x C-141B Starlifter
50x Bushmaster IMV
100x M1A2 Abrahms
50x M813A 5-ton truck
2x Washington Class
12 A-10A Thunderbolt II
8 AC-130H Spectre
8 AC-130U Spooky
8 B-1B Lancer
4 B-2A Spirit
8 B-5A Lightning
12 B-52H Stratofortress
4 C-5B Galaxy
4 C-17A Globemaster III
10 C-130H Hercules
10 C-130J Hercules
2 E-3C Sentry
8 EF-111A Raven
20 F-15C/D Eagle
24 F-15E Strike Eagle
24 F-16C/D Falcon Block 50
18 F-16CJ Falcon Block 50D
20 F/A-22A Raptor
24 F-35A JSF
12 F-111F Aardvark
10 F-117A Nighthawk
4 KC-10A Extender
10 RQ-1A Predator
10 MQ-1B Predator
10 MQ-9A Predator
10 RQ-4A Global Hawk
2 SR-71A Blackbird
2 U-2S Dragon Lady
1 Wasp LHD Class
2 AEGIS Flight IIA CG Class
2 Ticonderoga CG Class
25 LCAC Class
4 LCU-2000 LCU Class
4 San Antonio Class
6 AH-1W Super Cobra
8 AV-8B+ Harrier II
9 CH-53E Sea Stallion
4 UH-1N Iroqouis
Total Cost: $8.208B
You Pay: $5.500B
1 Improved Nimitz CVN (to remain at the Port of St. Jude City)
4 AEGIS Flight IIA DDG Class
4 Ticonderoga CG Class
4 Oliver Hazard Perry FFG Class
1 Iowa BB Class (To be deployed)
4 Supply AOE Class
4 C-2A Greyhound COD
4 E-2C Hawkeye
4 EA-6B Prowler
4 EA-18A Growler
4 ES-3A Shadow
12 F-14A/B/D Tomcat
18 F/A-18C/D Hornet
18 F/A-18E/F Super Hornet
2 HH-60H Seahawk
8 S-3B Viking
4 SH-60F Seahawk
1 Invincible CV Class (to be deployed)
4 Type 22 Broadsword FFG Class
4 Type 23 Duke FFG Class
4 Type 42 Sheffield Batch 3 DDG Class
4 Sacramento AOE Class
9 Sea Harrier FRS Mk2
9 Sea King HAS
6 Sea King AEW Mk2
18 F/A-18C/D Hornet
18 F/A-18E/F Super Hornet
8 P-3C Orion
8 P-7A Orion II
8 S-3B Viking
10 Scorpion Class Corvette
18 SH-60F Seahawk
4 Shield Class SSN
10 Spectre Class Corvette
4 Twin Towers Flight I Class
12 AH-6J Littlebird
10 AH-64A Apache
10 AH-64D Apache Longbow
12 MH-6J Littlebird
8 MH-47E Chinook
8 MH-53M Pave Low IV
8 MH-60L Black Hawk
8 OH-58D Kiowa Warrior
10 RAH-66A Commanche
8 UH-60L Blackhawk
12 V-22 Osprey
1 E-6 Mercury (to be deployed)
4 Improved 688 SSN Class
4 Ohio SSBN Class
4 Ohio SSGN Class
4 Seawolf SSN Class
4 Virginia NSSN Class
09-05-2005, 06:49
OOC: Uh... is this war going on? Tocrowkia? You around?
09-05-2005, 08:09
Yesh! I am here. Sorry, I kinda forgot NS even existed for a few days. x.x. I will mobilize meh forces later.
10-05-2005, 05:06
OOC:er...when are you mobilizing?
10-05-2005, 12:50
From a lookout at Orca Bay
Sgt. Micanoke: Haven't seen a goddamn thing yet.
Cpl. Terrace: I would've expected the first wave to have hit us by now. What's taking them?
Sgt. Micanoke: Like I know?
Cpl. Terrace: ... eh. I'm going to the pub.
Sgt. Micanoke: Get me a Michaelob, will 'ya?
Radio Transmission...
Capt. Milovis: Batillion 53, Bravo Company. Prepare to form perimeter and await potential attacks. Set out to edge of naval juridstictions and guard the Freehold port. Over. Out.
Sgt. Micanoke: (agitated) Just when I'm about to get a draft here.... Alright, time to play... (leaves office)
Naval forces are now mobilized. Frigates and battleships are circulating Shraver Shores and the Port of the Altogether. S.S. Emberlight outside St. Jude City, serving as auxillary air command for Western Sidestreamer.
(ooc: I'll give better details once I finalize my map)
Acridian military response:
Aboard the Sea-Archer Class Aircraft Carrier "Megiddo"
Supreme Air Commander Leebolt looks over the shoulder of a liuteniant at the radar screen
"No enemies entering Sidestreamer airspace eh?" The Commander says with a sigh
"No sir" The liuteniant says absentmindedly
The Commander turns towards the rest of the bridge crew
"I want all of our F-22 squadrons to mobilize at the first sign of Tocrowkian troops entering this region. Relay that order to the rest of the fleet, and make sure our warplans are cowardinated with Jagoda."
24-05-2005, 11:05
Bump to remind my self to post.
24-05-2005, 23:21
4th Army, renamed "SideStreamerKorp"
Waffen SS 1st Division(20,000)
Assairs Guard 23rd Divison(20,000)
Sixth Army(300,000)
Landing Division(12,000)
Panzer 8th Division(12,000 Tanks + 16,000 Drivers and Eginners)
Kriegsmarine 8th fleet
1 Flag Ship D.R.T Airyana
8 Super Dreadnoughts
20 Destroyers
16 Aircraft Carriers
30 Cruisers
These forces are heading towards SideStreamer as we speak.
25-05-2005, 14:00
TO: Tocrowkia
FROM: Moronyicka
Tocrowkia, you have gone way to far this time. You will cease all military action against the holy empire immediately.
This is your first and final warning. If anything happens to sidestreamer, you're finished.
~King Jedo~
From a naval base in Moronyicka, 5 California class cruisers and 2 Kitty Hawks ACs were deployed near the coast of sidestreamer. They were given the order to block the Tocrowkians from reaching sidestreamer but they were ordered not engage unless they were fired on. Any hostile action and the enemy would be in violation of the IADF charter.
25-05-2005, 14:11
4th Army, renamed "SideStreamerKorp"
Waffen SS 1st Division(20,000)
Assairs Guard 23rd Divison(20,000)
Sixth Army(300,000)
Landing Division(12,000)
Panzer 8th Division(12,000 Tanks + 16,000 Drivers and Eginners)
Kriegsmarine 8th fleet
1 Flag Ship D.R.T Airyana
8 Super Dreadnoughts
20 Destroyers
16 Aircraft Carriers
30 Cruisers
These forces are heading towards SideStreamer as we speak.
OOC: That panzerdivisions is ridicilous. 1st of all, 12,000 MBT's in ONE DIVISION? IRL there's rarely more than 200. If even that much. Also, it needs 2 or three regiments of infantry to operate, 'cause like an aircraft carrier can't
operate without escort, neither can tanks move without screening panzergrenadiers. Btw, having 16,000 ppl operating 12,000 tanks means that most of them are operated by one man.
If that was meant to be joke, then im sorry for this useless whine, but if not - you really should study a bit about warfare and army organization before RP:ing... no offence, but :headbang:
25-05-2005, 22:48
OOC: That panzerdivisions is ridicilous. 1st of all, 12,000 MBT's in ONE DIVISION? IRL there's rarely more than 200. If even that much. Also, it needs 2 or three regiments of infantry to operate, 'cause like an aircraft carrier can't
operate without escort, neither can tanks move without screening panzergrenadiers. Btw, having 16,000 ppl operating 12,000 tanks means that most of them are operated by one man.
If that was meant to be joke, then im sorry for this useless whine, but if not - you really should study a bit about warfare and army organization before RP:ing... no offence, but :headbang:
Nah, thats okay. I dont need advice from you.
25-05-2005, 23:09
OOC: So you actually are going to use MBT's with crew of one person?
We will help the nation of Sidestreamer againest the Nazi attackers. We will send the 23rd Republic Guard Division with the 2nd Republic Guard Armored Division. The 2nd and 3rd fleets are being send also.
27-05-2005, 09:51
I wish to extend my most sincere gratitides to Moronyicka, Jagada, Acridia and my other allies within the Moral Alliance for their military support, as well as to the Liberal Socialist Republic of Brydog. I acknowledge my forces alone are light and without your help, the iminent resistance would prove fruitless.
Force Update: Previous deployment to the Basque Spain/Coreys Land war has completed its return and re-outfitting and has been reactivated. The forces, in addition to the previous list, includes:
40,000 militamen, of which:
10,000 are armed with and trained to use AK 47
10,000 are armed with and trained to use M16
10,000 are armed with and trained to use M-4 carbine
2,000 are combat medics and double as Catholic Chapels
1,000 are armed with and trained to use M40A3 Sniper Rifle
500 are armed with and trained to use Hezbol H70mx 70mm rocket launcher (Sidestreamer manufacture)
500 share and are trained to use 250 C752 7.56mm automatic heavy assault cannons (Sidestreamer manufacture)
3,000 are armed with and trained to use FN-RAL heavy assault rifle
1,000 are armed with and trained to use m79 grenade launchers
2,000 are field engineers who will repair vehicles and equipment, and will establish bases. Also, they are armed and trained to use M9 service pistols.
Naval command
S.S.C Emberlight (CV 62), housing 20 F/A 18 Hornets and equipment
S.S.P Manitoba (Resmond 788PA), housing 7,500 militamen, including the Armored guard of the Altogether (considered the most competent defensive/occupying squad in the Empire), the Engineering Company of the Altogether, and the Crusader Squad of the Altogether (elite assault squad) (Sidestreamer manufactured Personel transport, lightly armored)
S.S.P Easter (Resmond 788PA), housing 7,500 militamen, including the Heavy assault platton of the Isle of Mann, the Easter Bay Rifle company, and the Easter Bay medical company (considered Sidestreamer's most elite medical force) (Sidestreamer manufactured Personel transport, lightly armored)
S.S.P Free Spirit (Resmond 788PA), housing 7,500 militamen, including the Holy Guard of Cape Frances, the Tacoma Assault Squad, and the Oceania Marine Militia (Sidestreamer manufactured Personel transport, lightly armored)
S.S.P Inspiration (Resmond 788PA), housing 7,500 militamen, including the St. Jude City assault plattoon, and the Norhampton Crusader platton (elite assault squad) (Sidestreamer manufactured Personel transport, lightly armored)
S.S.P Promise (Resmond 788PA), housing 7,500 militamen, including the Chesterfield assault squad, the Flourence demolition squad, the Flourence medical squad, and the Emerald Harbor Guard (Sidestreamer manufactured Personel transport, lightly armored)
Each Resmond 788PA transport and the CV 62 will be escorted by:
1x BB-64 Battleship, armed with
--9x 16" guns
--20x 6" guns
--80x 40mm guns
--49x 20mm guns
The watch at Orca Bay has spotted a hostile navy in the vicinity. You are hereby given a final warning to leave our sea space. The following intercepting force shall confront the first wave if your withdrawl is not completed in a satisfactory manner:
1 Oliver Perry Class Frigater
1 Washington Class Attack Submarine
1 Aegis Flight IIA CG class Destroyer
(a few other frigates and destroyers, and at least 2 battleships..... I'll clarify later but I'm tired now)
27-05-2005, 15:06
Commander Johnson was in charge of the naval group. He ordered a weapons check, if necessary they could crush some enemy ships with their tomahawks and harpoons.
They sent this transmission to the Tocrowkians:
"Turn back or you will face the wrath of our cruise missiles."
30-05-2005, 08:41
OOC: "500 share and are trained to use 250 C752 7.56mm automatic heavy assault cannons (Sidestreamer manufacture)" That's usually called a machinegun ;)
31-05-2005, 01:25
Tocrowkia; you still alive?
I, Emperor Offa, am disgusted by this idiotic act of war
I hereby exile all Tocrowkians dwelling within my Empire and close the borders to them. In addition- I have mobilised ten thousand warriors to defend Elskedes borders.
31-05-2005, 09:29
OOC: "500 share and are trained to use 250 C752 7.56mm automatic heavy assault cannons (Sidestreamer manufacture)" That's usually called a machinegun ;)
I know, but IC, Sidestreamer's Hezbol Firearms plants have been known to closely imitate some popular weaponry :p
31-05-2005, 10:41
Tocrowkia; you still alive?
OOC: Barely. I have alot of troubles in RL going my posts are going to be few for awhile, sorry. I will begin mobilizing later today. Anyways, IC time.
"I, Emperor Offa, am disgusted by this idiotic act of war
I hereby exile all Tocrowkians dwelling within my Empire and close the borders to them. In addition- I have mobilised ten thousand warriors to defend Elskedes borders."
The idea that any Tocrowkian would enter your small and pathetic nation disgusts us. Watch your words around the Imperial Reich, for you are but a fly buzzing around a juggernaut, a fly that can easily be swatted.
We also request that Emperor Offa go Fuck Offa
31-05-2005, 11:41
From: General Rahman, Defence minister and Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Commitee
To: Sidestreamerian government
'Aha, another Gatesvillain! Yes, that is right, we too are inhabitants of the Gatesville region and it is only because of that connection that our Foreign Office pulled us towards the conflict.'
'We did not send you this message to greet you, no our Foreign Office showed your military hardware to our Chiefs of Staff Commitee who in turn sent me a study. This study shows some things that are disturbing; first of all is the wide variety of different arms used by your forces, Ammunition standardization should be a priority of all armies, I know we have it as one. Therefore we wish to offer to supply your army and or militia with a one standard rifle and one cartridge. Personally we would recommend the AK74 or one of its variants but we leave the choice to you. Whatever rifle you decide to take, we will provide ammo for it.
The best part is yet to come; you dont have to pay us! No, all we expect is that you kill as many Tocrowkians as you can.'
31-05-2005, 12:24
OOC: Im sorry to take room from your war thread by these OT-nitpickings, but I'd really like to hear an answer from Tocrowkia, considering Main Battle Tanks that have a crew of only 1 person. That sounds ricilous, but he has posted so. Technical details would be nice to hear.
12-07-2005, 08:57
OOC: A whole month and a half without any advancement in this war? Eh... I think we should just call it off.