NationStates Jolt Archive

[Earth II]The Kingdom Awakes

01-05-2005, 14:33
OOC: Standard protcol here. Earth II nations only. Since the current owner is inactive I will RP the resistance unless someone else wants to take over (with my permission) or invades on top of my invasion.


Ottowa War Office

"Your Majesty, I have your plans for the invasion of India, the fleet left yesterday from our Pacific bases, we estimate two days travelling time. WE shall attack from both the East and the West. The invasion scommence with large scale attacks by sea on the costal fortifications belonging to the the former rulers. Then we shall commence a beach assault and paradrop. By the first week we plan to have captured Goa and Karnataka. Within three weeks Andhra Pradesh shall fall to us, and then we shall take Maharashtra by force.

Throughout the campaign we shall use our air force to great effect. We have planned 200 raids every day by the Navy and air force combined at the peak of our assault. We shall use upwards of one million men in the invasion, and over 10,000 tanks. Such a force shall require time to assemble, but our intensive training and high deployment readiness shall lead us to be fully deployed within two weeks."

The Indian Ocean, on board the RCYN ~Majesty

Majesty was one of the Navy's recent purchases built during the pre war build up, it, along with 8 other carriers were creating a bubble of air, sea and subs around 15 wasp transports. Everyone was nervous, once the initial force had landed they could breathe a little easier, but who knew what lay ahead? The carrier was conducting round the clock operations now, and it would be given the invasion go code within 24 hours. All around the men of this mini-city were finding jobs to do. The Celtayoshi army had not embarked on such an offensive within living memory, indeed, you would have to go back 700 years to when last over one million men were deployed by Celtayoshi, during the create independence struggles.
01-05-2005, 14:52
02-05-2005, 21:03

We would like to request for increased relations between our two nations. With luck, we shall border each other, and we hope you suceed in your attack. However, we are wary of collateral damage to Elephantis in India, and will watch vigilantly

-Wandu e-Mumman
--High Sultan of Elephantum
03-05-2005, 21:59
Official Message, Office of the King

We wish to assure the people of Elephantum that their honourable nation will not be harmed, we plan to stop our invasion 40 miles short of the border, and cover the last part of land via infantry. We would ask that you respect any aircraft that may be flying close to your border (but not over it). We would also be very grateful if you could inform us of any fleeing rebel forces.
06-05-2005, 21:02
RCYN ~ Majesty

The ship was moving now at optimum speed for air operations, it faced into the gentle wind, and the sun was rising in the east. The personnel of Majesty were lined up in battledress. Ready to go to war. On the deck ten CY-X2 NV were lined up and ready to move. Men began to set up the first craft, and ready the positions to ensure that the next nine would take off safely and quickly.
Once they were ready the captain walked on deck. The men stood to attention and saluted. They brought their hands onto their heart and began to sing the Celtayoshi national anthem. The music was played over the ships announcement system. After the anthem finished the pilots moved to their seats. Engines started up. The captain moved back inside to his CIC. He then moved back to the bridge before giving the order to begin operations to extend the territory of Celtayoshi.
The first CY-X2 increased power, straining to hold itself back. Finally it was released from the catapult and it shot off into the air, it veered off to the left to head towards the Indian coast, travelling at minimal speed to allow the remaining aircraft to catch up. Men scurried from their safe holes to prepare teh next craft. The did this faultlessly for all ten aircraft. At the same time another set were readieded for launch. They would go five minutes later. Across the Navy's ten carriers the scene was repeated.
The aircraft flew in formations of ten to deliever a massive first strike against the Indian Air Defence Network. It was essential to destroy as much anti now as possible, so unrestricted air operations could begin.
Following the aircraft were volleys of the destoyers massive guns which pounded shore defences. The WASP transports slowly advanced. The invasion had well and truely begun.
07-05-2005, 16:10
The beaches of Andhra Pradesh were a mess of blast holes and sand and twisted metal. It was unreconisable from the tourist photographs. The military had had only a few days warning and had hastly prepared temporary positions overlooking the beaches. They would now stop a full assault by Celtayoshi tanks and troops. The reason they knew the attack was coming ... the ships had fallen silent. All along the coastal areas to be assualted the guns had stopped firing.
The boats emerged as a black spec on the horizon. However, soon the balck specs emerged into two clear dots on the horizon, planes, they thought. The feared the firepower of the aircraft. Already the SAMs had been ravaged. However, their captain was a proffessional. He ordered the men into the bunkers and to secure the hatches. He then quickly brought his electronic SAMs online, and moved his man-portable SAMs further forward, right down to the sealine. The waited. The orders were to fire when the Celtayoshi aircraft got five seconds inside range. They would not activate the man portable SAMs until the large SAMs had launched their first volley.
The Celtayoshi aircraft got warning noises inside their cockpit, they ignored them, believing they could launch their missiles and get out of range before the SAMs would hit. The CY-X2s aquired their targets and fired, so did the Indians. The Celtayoshians then got a second lock on signal. Rapidly they preformed high G turns right and left. They went straight to booster, but it was too late for two aircraft, who were ravaged by the SAMs, the leader escaped with only steering difficulties after his rudder was hit by shrapnel. It took all his skill to land the plane on the carrier.
Now that the Indian positions had lost several of their machine guns the landers came next. They released their cargo, up to 250 men had been selected for this particular section, known to the military as Breach Point Foxtrot. The men ran off and took a bee line for cover and dived behind it. They had held make shif shields, in reality scrap bits of metal. It had worked in most cases, only 14 men had fallen at this section. The tanks had rolled off behind. Thy helped a lot. There shells flew over the attackers and pounded the defensive positions, before the tanks opened up their machine guns as they passed through the lines of army soldiers and began spearheading the advance. The soldiers began to fire at organsied resistance. But they were advancing well.
Greater Valia
07-05-2005, 16:28
In the Office of President General Wilson:

An Aide scurried up to the Presidents desk and laid a manila envelope in front of where he was sitting. On the cover in big red letters read;
TOP SECRET/DECODE WITH TODAYS ONE TIME PAD Valian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The president ripped the seal and spilled the contents onto his desk. After he decoded them they read,

Earlier one of our spy satelites in geosynchronous orbit with the Indian
sub continent picked up a Celtayoshi invasion. We believe this to be of
the utmost importance to our national security and request that you act
with the best course of action. With that said we suggest you pursue
diplomatic relations with the Celtayoshi government as they have shown
an active interest in the Indian Ocean.

With that the president composed a message to the Celtayoshi Government. It read; "With your soon to be aquisitions in India we would like to request an Embassy Exchange or an Alliance agreement. Please contact the Foreign Ministry for furthur information if you are interested."
07-05-2005, 18:21
From the Celtayoshi Diplomatic Mission via the Office of the King

Celtayoshi would like to extend the hand of friendship to Greater Valia. We would gladly accept an embassy exchange between your nation and ours. We can offer you a selection of historic buildings, or alternatively you can chose a newly built compound or have one built to your own specifications.

Please reply via the Celtayoshi Diplomatic Mission[/b]
07-05-2005, 20:15
Whilst the Celtayoshi government was discussing diplomatic matters back in the safety of Ottowa the soldiers were involved in a bitter battle to establish a breakthrough. Already the Indian defenders had been pushed back from the beaches by about one kilometre, but nowhere had the line been breached. An ariel view of the battlefield, taken by satellite showed that the western front was bludging in many parts. The superior firepower of Celtayoshi was showing.
After an hour of stalemates the Celtayoshi forces were launching a final push to breakthrough south of Kakinada. In this assualt a total of 1000 men and 100 tanks were seeking to push through an Indian 'weakpoint' were they had little fixed defensive positions and had suffered a devestating air raid hours earlier, reducing their forces to 1500 men.
The first volley of fire in this assault came from Celtayoshi tanks, there machine guns seemed to reach out and lick out a yellow tongue, causing destruction, followed by the roar of the shells, punching straight into the heart of the defenders. The Indian forces returned fire, but machine gun bullets did little to hamper the tanks. They finally got some damage done when they switched man-portable SAM missiles to attacking tanks. It was an impefect compromise. The Celtayoshi Army advanced rapidly. They used all th cover they could get as they advanced on the positions, the tanks proved and immense difference. A breakthrough was immenent.
However, the Indian's had one last card to play, their commander agreed to pull out one of his last reserve formations. If this failed the Celtayoshians could advance on the city, if it worked, it would buy yet mroe time. Crushingly for the Indians, much of the division would not make it to the front. Having wasted their anti-air ammo on tanks the next air raid was ordered straight past the battle and sprayed cluster muniitions around the divsion. APC's were savaged, tanks and armoured vehicles ravaged, and the men who came on foot did not stand a chance. The division arrived, drastically depleted.
The soldiers of Celtayoshi now fought ptiched battles, holding the line, waiting for tanks support, then advancing again and waiting for the tanks. It was paying off, the Indians were in full retreat in Breach Point Alpha.
Now faced with a dilema the Indians decided their last hope would be to concentrate resources on one final counter attack before they retreated to their urban defences...

The first six hours of battle had been bloody, Celtayoshi had lost 74 of its prized CY-X2, but they had been instrumental in destroying the Indian reinforcements. With a breach achieved the race was now on to secure as many airfields and ports as possible, so an assembled armada or merchant ships and military transports could ship in the real heavy guns, and the air force could fly in the infantry. Allies would be contacted regarting use of nearby 'hopper' ports and airports, to allow refuelling and replinishment of supplies. It was a very long journey even from Celtayoshi's Pacific Bases.
08-05-2005, 11:07
On the Eastern Front things had gone very well, after 12 hours of fighting the Celtayoshi soldiers had secured their first airfields. That the Indians were now using a scorched earth policy had been midly disturbing, and would require some repairs to the airfield. However, Navy engineers would be brought in, before Army Engineers arrived by air from Celtayoshi. The resistance was light at teh moment, the Indians ad withdrawn about six miles to prepare defensive positions, Celtayoshi could wait. Its forces were being grouped and ready for another assualt planned for night. Superior night vision and equipment should ensure a further Victory as they looked to push on towards achieving their objective of secring Goa within three days. Already they were building makeshift docking facilites to ensure the safe and quick removal of equipment. Reinforcements for the capturing the area were still two days sailing away, but infantry would arrive in less that six hours.
On the Western Front the same could not be said. A massive Indian counterattack had been repelled after eight hours of fighting. The battle had been bloody and costly. Celtayoshi forces had had to retreat right down the coast by at least eight miles, all the time Indians closed front and rear. The battle had finally been turned after the Indian's were stopped by two hours of concentrated air attacks, followed by a flanking manoever which saw the Indians hopelessly unprepared for when they could no longer find any units to patch up its holes. Whilst they had fought well for eight hours they crumbled within one hour as superior firepower blasted through the gaps and surrounded the men. The Indians surrendered their last 350 men to Celtayoshi forces.
This left Celtayoshi with a major problem, they currently did not have anywhere to hold these prisoners, so, for the meantime they were bound and tied to whatever was available while engineers worked furiously to construct a two makeshift prisions capable of holding 500 inmates each. They would not be ready for another week and so the race was on to secure buildings suitable for storing the men. Thge best they could manage was tents for now, guarded by Navy men who were currently not needed. Another Light Infantry Division would be flown in to guard the prisioners.
16-05-2005, 20:49
:sniper: A warning to the facist nations we the Kingdom of lorcadaka will make u see that socialism is the only way are military has trained an elite guerrilla force of 10000 soldiers change your facist ways or we will use them
16-05-2005, 20:50
:sniper: A warning to the facist nations we the Kingdom of lorcadaka will make u see that socialism is the only way are military has trained an elite guerrilla force of 10000 soldiers change your facist ways or we will use them

When Celt rips you a new one for illiteracy, I don't want to hear any whining.
02-06-2005, 17:16
OOCBTW, I didn't forget about this thread, but had to end it due to exams, so I renounce all claims in India, if thats K with everyone.