NationStates Jolt Archive

The Lost Years[PT]

01-05-2005, 06:48
OOC:[The most wasteful, yet most effective[death toll] form of warfare, was and will be lines and columns bound to attack each other. Brutal close-quarter combat, industrial age revolutions and growing economies. Imperialism, and capitialism, were abundant Monarchies were beginning to fall, the late 1800's are all of these things. This thread is the opening of the Afrikaan past-tech transition. Anyone past-tech is open to help or not help the Menki Imperialists.]

The Menki Empire

Agosto, January 1st, 1885:

Fireworks, drinking and screaming were all part of the night. The bustling port city of Agosto was the current capital of the Menki Empire, which at the time controlled north and east Afrika, all along the coast forming a crescent shaped boundary. The Kinjon Peninsula was still controlled by a Indian[not Native American] force. The flickering gas lights and long telegraph wires pierced through the night darkness.

The people on the streets were drinking, falling, watching and dancing. The fun seemed as though it would never end. The thickness of the air clearly indicated that the area was highly industrialized and that the factories were still running into the night. However, the Divine Emperor had other plans for the next day. The Divine Emperor, Karl Menki, a twenty-four year old college graduate and semi-genius rode on the success of his father and propelled the Menki Empire to new heights. A large ringing noise pierced the air, the party-goers were to go back to their home immediately.

The entire town of Agosto was owned by the Menki Corporation, which owned every building around the city, from local farms to suburbs and everything in-between. The city was about as large as the island of Jamaica, but much more populated, with nearly a one and a half million inhabitants. Near the downtown were large brick towers, and the first steel buildings. protruding highly. Around that were large apartment buildings with all the necessities and other needs. Local marketplaces and shops distributed goods. Following the residential area were factories, farms, and smaller suburbs along with mines, ports, logging camps, and processing centers. Five large military bases were outside of the city. The Eastern edge of the city was near the water, with the huge Menki Palace, and the large Menki Marine Corps Guard Base nearby. Granaries, storehouses, and warehouses held tons of good waiting to be exported. Agosto was huge, and growing.

Kijies, January 2nd, 1885:

All the way across the empire, near Kijies, a port city with a large economy and massive suburb population, were Sixteen Army bases. The Menki Imperial Army[MIA] was taking voulenteers for the new army. The Army was to be used to unite Afrika under Imperialist rule. So far only two of the sixteen divisions were complete. The sixteen divisions were: ten infantry, two cavalry, two support/cavalry, and two naval. Each division was fifty-five thousand men strong. The lack of support for the Army caused the Divine Emperor to worry. Today the conscription program was to be enacted, all openings in the military to be filled. Factories in Agosto were running over drive producing millions of products for the army. Bayonets, Steel Rice hats, Uniforms, Ammunition, Rifles, Cannons, Wheels, Wagons, Horses, Canteens, Backpacks, Rations, Swords, Gatling Guns, Ships, Saddles and Knifes were just to name a few products being produced by the thousands.

The Menki Marine Corps Voulenteer Division, was loading onto their ships the very next morning. These men were lucky enough to have been fully equipped very soon as they were near the capital. A total of five and half million soldiers appeared all over the Menki Empire. The population of the Menki Empire was only about one billion, just a tad more. The ships they had boarded were built only a month ago, waiving the Imperial flag, and the Marine War Flag, the large fleet set sail for the Kinjon Peninsula, a highly resource rich, and lowly populated area speaking yet another language. Everyone in the Menki Empire was required to speak Afrikaanzi, to avoid confusion in coversations. The plan of attack was to land the marines in the north of the peninsula, while the main force, of fourteen divisions pushed in, while three navies wait offshore. They would arrive in one week.

Harbour Takahamya[Gehli]:

Small row boats with fifty men inside each one landed on the dock firing as they moved. Cannons from the ships ripped into the ground, killing innocent and enemy alike. The Marine Regiments were hitting the harbor with light assaults, nearly an entire regiment had landed by the time the next wave came. The marines moved through the city, their ackward pointed hats, and olive green uniforms didn't fit in with the concrete and brick buildings of the city. Marine Regiment One had finally completely taken the port. The next nine regiments had a clear landing.

The first regiment, moved up the main road fighting off guards and police. They shot at anyone with a weapon, or not. The soldiers saw blood spew over the ground, and on their uniforms. The first regiment had finally made it to the plaza. The city seemed to grow quiet as they enter the large square floor.

"Form square, fix bayonets, and reload, assume firing positions, fire on my order only!" yelled the regiments officer as he rode his horse to the center of the square. A moment later a terrifying roar snapped the peacefulness in half. Thousands upon thousands of warriors with assortments of spears, swords, guns, pitchforks, and clubs charged forward from the four main entrances and the buildings surrounding the plaza.

"FIRE! Fire at will!" roared the officers almost in unison. The shells of the rifles spewed out just as quickly as they could. Five shots, then a reload, and repeating this until they ran out of ammo, this method exacted a heavy toll on the enemy. Holes ripped through bodies as they tried to reach the square. Not one made it close to the square. Many Menki Marines were lost went enemy riflemen skirmished with the soldiers. The battle still raged as the first ranks began to run out of ammunition. Slupply wagons were emptied. Officers pulled out revolvers and started shooting at the enemy once again. A loud roar of a low horn rallied the Menki Marine First Regiment and ordered them to charge out in all directions at once. Bayonets fixed they charged stabbing, thrusting, shooting and butting, even kicking; it was all common place.

Nearly three hours later the loud march of Imperial Marine Regiments from all four directions routed any survivors of the long battle. Wagons were filled with wounded bodies being sent back to medical wards. Other wagons were filled with the dead and thrown into the water in a wooden casket with bricks in it. The town plaza was filled with over ten thousand bodies, wounded screaming out cries, dead smelling up the battle field, and the live limping around. The Menki Marine First Regiment fended off the militia of Gehli, a largely Islamic port city with many items to offer the besiegers. The Regiment was nearly destroyed with nearly one-thousand five hundred men left. The battle was a trageic end for the enemy, and a heroic victory for the Menki. At the same time in the south they advanced many miles each day and plan to meet the Menki Marine Corp First Division in the North-Central part of the peninsul in about a month. The Kinjon Royal Army was slaughtered in battle against the Imperial Army two days after the Gehli Plaza Battle[Next Part].
02-05-2005, 01:43
OOC:[If you are past tech, 1800-1900[Automobiles, Muskets, Rifles, Colonization, Imperialism, Capitalism, and Wars] you should participate in the Afrikaan Rise of Power, The Menki Revolution and other things.

The Menki Empire

Kinagel, January 10th, 1885:

The world was in reform, Afrika was growing, and quickly. However, the size of the nation and the early machines created large amounts of problems. A large part of the population worked at factories, and lived in the cities in the Menki Empire, but in the rest of the empire it was mainly a Farming society. The main part of agriculture in The Menki Empire was in the North-Central Afrika. The average Menkin Citizen made 20,000 Menki[M] a year. The rest of the nation averaged 10,000 Menki[M] a year, about half of the Menki Citizens income. Finally, however, in Agosto huge steam powered machines, and coalmines were polluting the land, decreasing life span, and killing the population, slowly.

The Divine Emperor, Karl Menki, in his large Japanese style palace, commanded and oversaw the invasion of the Indian Kings of Kinjon. The Afrikaan factions’ reaction was, well crazy to say the least, two factions the Dutchos, and the Pruskins declared war as soon as the Kinjon admitted that they were losing. They were both formerly foreign colonies, gone independent then attacked and united the surrounded area. The Menki Empire was at war with three other factions, combined outnumbering them and out powering them. The Divine Emperor therefore ordered sixty divisions to the south-central area to fight the two other enemies.

Near Juji, January 11th, 1885:

The First-Tenth Infantry Divisions, with First and Second Cavalry, and the First and Second Support - Artillery Divisions were ordered to converge onto the Kinjon Royal Army, a large force numbering nearly twenty-five thousand men, cavalry, and cannons. The Kinjon Royal Army was made mainly of local conscripts of the King of Kinjon, and equipped with old style muskets and even swords. Very few men had revolvers or equipment in the Royal Army. The situation was almost opposite in the Imperial Army that was assembling. Every soldier had a bolt-action rifle, steel rice hat helmet, and revolver or metal pistol. Officers had short bolt-action rifles, revolver, steel helmet, and a katana. Both had uniforms, equipment, and other things such as canteens and other essentials.

The battle was quick and rather painless, for the Imperials. The Imperials set up in a low valley in the center and on the sides. Gatling guns were positions on the sides along with guard units and mortars. The center valley was filled with sandbags with the main force of the infantry in the valley. Gatling guns and howitzers were positioned behind it to bombard the enemy, or hold the position of a failing force. Finally the cavalry was sent near the sides of the valley, to poor down on the valley's rear from behind the ridge. The Royal Army was position in a ranked mob, with cavalry on the side, and artillery at the rear, a rather simple formation. The Royal Army did not know about the massive amount of artillery the Imperial Army had, or that they had Gatling guns on the sides of the valley.

The Royal Army carelessly marched into the long valley. As soon as they entered the valley a tremendous boom ripped through the air, destroying the ranks of the Royal Army and killing hundreds, howitzer shells exploded above the air sending shrapnel down to the ground, killing hundreds and wounding even more. The howitzers, mortars, Gatling guns and infantry on the valley side fired onto the enemy. Ripping gaps in ranks, the constant roar of Gatling guns killed thousands of Royals. The ranks of the Imperial Army had a much longer and more accurate range than the muskets of the Royal Army. The first ranks of the Imperial Army assumed firing positions, aimed, and fired. The large front rows of the Royal Army fell to the ground with blood squirting out of bodies at obscene angles. The first of the Royal Army started to retreat, but was pushed forward by their own men, it was either fight or die. Another volley ripped through the air. And another followed by two more. Artillery shells fall near the front ranks of the Royal Army destroying many Royals.

The roar of Gatling guns, rifles, and artillery bursted through the air around the forests of Juji. Thousands of rounds of ammunition were pouring into the valley every minute. The Royal Army was already trying to rout, but just at that the Royal Cavalry charged forward, right into their own ranks, the cavalry had no real chance at penetrating the Imperial Army ranks. The majority of Menki casualties were on the valley sides where the enemy had a good shot at the Imperial Army. Artillery shells, and Gatling guns focused on the cavalry to stop them. The ranks of the Imperial Army attached their bayonets and aimed at the cavalry. At the same time the Imperial Cavalry was ordered to get to the rear of the Royal Army, the door was closed to the Royal Army. The artillery and Gatling guns slaughtered the enemy, the riflemen fired with no stop.

The Royal Army was routed and had nowhere to run, the two converging sides. The Royal Army was slaughtered, and no prisoners were accepted, they were beheaded on the spot. The Battle of Juji was over, and the occupation and enslavement of Kinjon was beginning. The Kinjon Peninsula was destroyed, burned and turned into a Menki Empire province. The war in the south was rather successful as well. The Menki Empire had gained a little land and defeated the enemy in small skirmishes. However, the enemy was assembling a massive army, larger than the Menki could believe, the Menki Imperial Army of the South First Corps, was nearly destroyed in a battle with the Colonial Army, made of volunteers and well trained veterans[Next Part].