The Confederacy of The Border Colonies seeks armored vehicles
The Border Colonies
01-05-2005, 05:05
The Confederacy of The Border Colonies is offering 2 million of our newest combat rifles in return for any armored vehicles your nation can spare. Our combat rifles are made out of a new alloy which makes them lighter and stronger than the old models. Our nation has been producing quality hand weapons for many years now but regrettably has let its vehicle production grow lax. We seek to make up this difference now.
---Alagandar IV
Pontifex of The Confederacy of The Border Colonies
We would be willing to sell you MBTs, AFVs, IFVs, and SPA thought we will require hard currancy rather than firearms.
The Border Colonies
01-05-2005, 05:20
Our nation is not a large one, but we do have some money with which we can pay you.
How much would you be willing to sell to The Border Colonies for $250,000,000?
---Alagandar IV
Pontifex of The Confederation of The Border Colonies
Generic empire
01-05-2005, 05:21
Official Imperial Communique
To: The Border Colonies Confederate Government
The Empire may be willing to deal in Soviet Bloc/Doomingsland designed Generian produced ST-29 main battle tanks, if your government would be willing to provide a monetery sum in addition to a sample batch of the assault rifles you have spoken of. Should we find the rifles to be satisfactory, we may be willing to open an additional contract.
The Border Colonies
01-05-2005, 05:25
The Border Colonies could attach a monetary sum of around $50,000,000 to this shipment of arms. We are not a very large nation, and thus not very rich, but we believe our weapons will more than reimburse your nation for the number of tanks you choose to give us.
---Alagandar IV
Pontifex of The Confederacy of The Border Colonies
The numbers of vehicles we could sell for that price would depend on what you were looking for, if you wished to focus on MBTs that would be one figure, AMFs another.
The Border Colonies
01-05-2005, 05:33
The Border Colonies will take any combination of fast armored land vehicles adept at moving in an open arid environment. Your nation is free to state how many of each type of vehicle you wish to sell to us for the amount stated previously. We will accept any reasonable offer.
We shall offer 120 155mm Thunder AT SPA, 80 Cobra AFVs, 105 Condor IFVs and 55 Avalanche MBTs. Should you wish for detailed stats of these vehicles they shall be provided.
The Border Colonies
01-05-2005, 05:43
The Border Colonies accepts your proposal. Please send the statistics of these vehicles to us over telegram. The Confederacy of The Border Colonies thanks you for your assistance in our plight and considers your a nation a friend.