NationStates Jolt Archive

The New Huntarian Fleet(FT)

01-05-2005, 04:57
OOC: This is a list of the fleet in the Galactic Empire of Huntaer. it is ~10,000 ships.
This is the Huntarian Fleet in full force

(The fleet ships are still being updated)

Fleet 1: (2500)
Flag Ship: The Aphotic (Aphotic Class Star Destroyer)

Huntaer Class Star Destroyers: TBA
Consternation Class Star Destroyers: TBA
Nova Class Star Destroyers: TBA
Republic Class Star Destroyers: TBA
Deflector Class Star Destroyers: TBA
Retribution Class Cruiser: TBA
Everquest Star Cruiser: TBA
Kirtir Class Destroyer:TBA
Goliath Class Star Destroyer:TBA

Fleet 2: (2500)
Flag Ship: Affliction (Eclipse Class Star Destroyer)

Huntaer Class Star Destroyers: TBA
Consternation Class Star Destroyers: TBA
Nova Class Star Destroyers: TBA
Republic Class Star Destroyers: TBA
Deflector Class Star Destroyers: TBA
Retribution Class Cruiser: TBA
Everquest Star Cruiser: TBA
Kirtir Class Destroyer:TBA
Goliath Class Star Destroyer:TBA

Fleet 3: (2500)
Flag Ship: Nemises (Sovereign Class Star Destroyer)

Huntaer Class Star Destroyers: TBA
Consternation Class Star Destroyers: TBA
Nova Class Star Destroyers: TBA
Republic Class Star Destroyers: TBA
Deflector Class Star Destroyers: TBA
Retribution Class Cruiser: TBA
Everquest Star Cruiser: TBA
Kirtir Class Destroyer:TBA
Goliath Class Star Destroyer:TBA

Fleet 4: (2500)
The Devestator (Super Class Star Destroyer)

Huntaer Class Star Destroyers: TBA
Consternation Class Star Destroyers: TBA
Nova Class Star Destroyers: TBA
Republic Class Star Destroyers: TBA
Deflector Class Star Destroyers: TBA
Retribution Class Cruiser: TBA
Everquest Star Cruiser: TBA
Kirtir Class Destroyer:TBA
Goliath Class Star Destroyer:TBA

Star Fighters/Tie Fighters:

Kirtir Mauduar Star fighter
Terminator Star fighter
Reliant Class Star Fighter
The Vampire Class Star Fighter
Ninja Class Star Fighters: 500
Kirtir Fighter
Tie Cyclone
Tie Enforcer
Tie Smasher
Tie Armageddon torpeatoe platform
Tie Protector
Tie Dive Bomber
Tie Retaliator
Tie Reaper
Tie Devil's Ops
Tie Retrebution
Tie Devistator
Tie Hunter
Tie Scimitar
Tie V38 Predator
Tie Demolisher
Tie Claw
Tie Tie Infiltrator
Tie Dart Interceptor

new Phantom Squadron Fighters:
Kirtir Mauduar Star fighter
Tie V38 Predator
Tie Dart Interceptor
Tie Devistator
Tie Protector
Kirtir Fighter
Reliant Class Star Fighter
The Vampire Class Star Fighter
01-05-2005, 05:00
Nice fleet... Not as nice as mine, but then again I have a little bias for my own stuff.
01-05-2005, 05:02
personaly, I think everyone is a bit bias for themselfs, lol.

Most of the ships up there are Sd's that i've "created"
01-05-2005, 05:53
02-05-2005, 21:20
Updated, now included Phantom Squadron (my version of rouge squadron)
02-05-2005, 22:53
Are those numbers in brackets the number of ships in the fleet?
02-05-2005, 23:05
You just love your SDs, don't you Huntaer? Anyway, most of them are actually accurate to SW history, but where are your Eclipse classes?
06-05-2005, 20:41
06-05-2005, 20:43
Are those numbers in brackets the number of ships in the fleet?

Answer: yes
06-05-2005, 23:56
Answer: yes

Wow. My navy is maybe 3000 ships tops, but I make up for it with sheer kick assness.
07-05-2005, 02:34
My navy relies on heavy amounts of ships, but they have low technology. That is where the balance is. I'm going to post up pics of those and what new tie replaces what old tie.
07-05-2005, 04:48
The New Tie Fighters
what replaced what/new tie designs

The Tie Infiltrator

It replaced the old Tie Fighter due to it's faster speed, increased shielding. It is small and light and can be cheaply produced like the old tie fighter.

Tie Dart

The Tie Dart is another replacement of the Tie Fighter. This Tie is a newer version and is a heck of a lot faster. It has two medium laser cannons.
Like the old tie fighter, the Tie Dart can be cheaply produced.

The Tie Predator

The Tie Predator replaces the old Tie Advanced(X1-X3). It has an increased amount of hyperdrive, speed, 2 Medium Laser cannons, and 2 Ion Cannons.
The Advanced had only two medium laser cannons, a slower hyperdrive, and no ion cannons. This is one of the deadly add ons to the new fleet.

The Tie Retrebution

The Tie Retrebution is a new addon to the fleet in general. It doesn't replace anyting. Though technically a star fighter, it is sometimes classified as a bomber rather than a fighter. It's laser cannons on the top can inflect damage on a Heavy Capital Ship (600m - 2200m) as though it had torpeadoes. It is a slower ship due to it's increased fire power.

Tie V38 Devistator

The Tie V38 Devistator shall replace a combination of the Tie Phantom and Tie Defender. It has 4 medium laser cannons on the tips of the wings, 2 torpeadoe launchers(16 torpeadoes) and a efficient cloaking device. It has a slower speed due to it's fire power.

Tie Claw

The Tie claw is a new addon to the huntarian fleet. It is small and fast,
and has four medium laser cannons, and has a relatively slow hyperdrive.

Tie Retaliator

The Tie Retaliator is another cheaply produced tie interceptor. Trilkan wanted to find a cheaper ship, but with the same fire power. He did.

Tie Shadow

The Tie Shadow replaced the old tie V38s. It has 3 medium laser cannons,
a slow hyperdrive, and 2 concussion missle launchers (16 missiles)

Tie Armageddon

The Tie Armageddon is a new addon to the fleet. It has two medium laser cannons, and has 2 torpeadoe launchers which hold a total of 50 torpeadoes. It has no hyperdrive, and is very slow due to it's weight but it has increased shielding.

Tie Vampire(not Vampire Star Fighter)

The Tie vampire has 4 medium laser cannons and 2 concussion missile launchers(16 missles). It's hull is strong, though its shields are weak.
It has a fairly fast speed. The Tie Vampire replaced the old Tie Cyclones.
07-05-2005, 05:43
Stealth Tie Fighters and Tie Bombers

Tie Torpeadoe Launcher

Tie Dive Bomber

Tie Smasher

Tie Hammer

Tie Flat

Tie Electronic Warfare

Tie Talon

Tie Reaper
08-05-2005, 00:20
Other Star fighters/Command Star Fighters
No endorse
08-05-2005, 04:13
Very interesting, but how do you determine your total fleet size? I know in the future there are many advancements in food, etc, but I've never seen a good set of %s that seem viable. (I know you don't use %s, but meh)

Looks awesome. Will we see some of these craft in the storefront?
Industrial Experiment
08-05-2005, 04:52
How the hell are you making any significant numbers of a replacement for the TIE Defender? If an Empire of a million star systems can't afford to put them in any kind of real production, I doubt you could do something even more advanced.
No endorse
08-05-2005, 18:29
How the hell are you making any significant numbers of a replacement for the TIE Defender? If an Empire of a million star systems can't afford to put them in any kind of real production, I doubt you could do something even more advanced.

The TIE defender was made to counter Admiral Harkov's (?) TIE Avengers. It was a starfighter never made to be mass produced, and as such is very difficult to make, takes a long time, difficult to repair, et cetera. In keeping as such, the Missile Boat was created to counter Admiral Zarin's (?) TIE Defenders. The Defender and Missile boat both saw very limited production runs, and a highly efficient method of producing them was never really found and/or perfected. The missile boat was rushed into production to counter the Defender threat, and was not all that the design could have been.

The TIE Avenger, which was the most complete of the advanced TIEs when it was released, had most of its production facilities decimated by both admirals, and were difficult to acquire.

Thus it is east to concieve of a replacement for all three craft. Like the German A4 (V2) rocket, the Missile Boat and the TIE Defender were not made to be produced as freely as an Interceptor. They used advanced componets like mini hyperdrives and shield generators that were unique to each craft, and costly to make. Assuming parts are even slightly standardised, this would be much cheaper for the quality. The Avenger had very few production facilities, and these would be very costly to replace. It would cost about the same, and be more cost-effective, to build new facilities for new fighters, and convert the Avenger facilities for production of different craft.