01-05-2005, 02:23
To those whom it concerns,
The Borderlands of Forthox, residing within the collective lands of Rome, has been resecured from the treacherous native rebels who sought to take control of the area. The Roman inhabitants, many of them including the auxila who were released from service and granted citizenship, have created a new Republic to govern the borderlands.
To its neutral bordering neighbors, hail and good tidings. We seek recognition and diplomatic relations. May it be peaceful.
To its Roman allies, the Uranium Mines are operational and free from enemy hands once more, and the Forthox border is finally secure.
The Borderlands of Forthox, residing within the collective lands of Rome, has been resecured from the treacherous native rebels who sought to take control of the area. The Roman inhabitants, many of them including the auxila who were released from service and granted citizenship, have created a new Republic to govern the borderlands.
To its neutral bordering neighbors, hail and good tidings. We seek recognition and diplomatic relations. May it be peaceful.
To its Roman allies, the Uranium Mines are operational and free from enemy hands once more, and the Forthox border is finally secure.