NationStates Jolt Archive

New Para support released!

Call to power
01-05-2005, 00:12
Message from Call to power arms production

We proudly announce are latest development the M8 refit!

this is designed to give Para forces an anti-armour ability providing as huge gun to slice though enemy armour

M8 refit specifications:

armaments: 140mm Cannon
Coaxial machinegun 8.62mm [4600 rounds]
Commander's machinegun 6.58 mm [310 rounds]

speed: with new engine modifications we announce a top speed of 68mph
Detroit Diesel Allison 8V-92TA 535hp liquid cooled turbo charged 2 stroke V-8 diesel engine, Alisison XTG-411-2A automatic transmission

Armour: up to level 2 M8 armour only or it will lose Para drop ability
full NBC protection

cost: 3.5 million

other information can be found on the original model

Feline catfish supporters may not purchase this weapon

production rights are free to all members of the anti feline catfish alliance or supporters of communist Louisiana’s demands

you may modify this design to your own needs!

01-05-2005, 00:35
It's a lot simpler and less expensive to equip airborne infantry improved anti-tank weapons such as the Javelin missile than to give them a light, air-droppable tank. As well, if you wanted to give paratroopers an anti-tank vehicle, something along the lines of a ATGM-armed tank destroyer like the Jagdpanzer Jaguar 2 may be better.
01-05-2005, 12:19
1 major problem: Unless that 140mm gun is soem sort of shrot barrel gun/mortar design then it simply isn't usable by soemthign as light as the M8, heck they had enough trouble designing a 120mm gun for the M8 and the 140mm project was shelved over weither it coudl actually be used effectively even by soemthigna s big as an Abrams or leo2.