World at War [The No B.S. NS RolePlaying Community]
The Macabees
30-04-2005, 23:21
I know there's been a bunch of world at war advertisement threads, however, the world at war, even after I bought it it's own server, is again slowing down, and I'm afraid that the only way to keep it up is to attempt to persuade settled RPers who know what they're doing and are set on role playing with others.
I can't stress the fact that the World at War community is more role playing and less bickering. Indeed, that's what's been driving the world at war for such a long time, and I think that's what attracts most of our players. The only problem is that every time we re-start we lose players who just don't want to re-start. For that reason I'm trying to step up the recruitment drive once again.
Perhaps some of the more well known role players are: New Empire [South Africa], Guffingford [Turkey], SafeHaven2 [Egypt], Zarbia [Austria], Artitsa [Ireland], and Tyrandis [Poland]. They can give testimonials that are evidence of the success of World at War, and simply put, how fun and creative it is.
It differs from a regular Earth, and indeed it totally unrelated to any RPing on the Jolt forums. Instead of people claiming over two countries once can only claim a single country and that person role plays as said country. They use their population statistics from their NationStates country and their economic statistics. Moreover, the only thing about the real world that you use is realistic technology [although self designed technology is perfectly legal, and it's almost the norm], and that you use real life geography and topography.
The nations that are taken are:
Algeria: Buben
Congo: Conquered and occupied by South Africa
Egypt: SafeHaven2
Somalia: East Lithuania
South Africa: New Empire
Sudan: Juosh
Afghanistan: Riptide Monzarc
China: Hawiian Island
India: Basque Spain
Iraq: Armacor
Israel: Nano Soft
Japan: Tokarev
Kuwait: Isolationist People
Russia: Tocrowkia
Taiwan: The Genius People
North Korea: Hungary I
Sri Lanka: Call to Power
Vietnam: Phantomieux
Austria: Zarbia
Belgium: Brydog
Denmark: Freedom Fighters
Estonia: Geisenfried
Finland: [no namer]
France: Sevaris
Germany: The Macabees
Greece: Dracun Imperium
Italy: CommunismRevisited-
Lithuania: Free Eagles
Netherlands, The: Admiralatia
Norway: Duetschand2
Poland: Tyrandis
Portugal: Psov
Romania: Calpe
Spain: Malatose
Sweden: Lachenburg
Switzerland: Derscon
United Kingdom, The: The Space Union
Vatican City: Cherry Ridge
North America
Canada: Credonia
United States of America, The: The Silver Sky
South America
Argentina: Agnosticium
Brazil: P3X1299
Chile: Conquered by Argentine
Colombia: Erenin
Panama: Truitt
Peru: Binnaeyja
Uruguay: Earth II
Peru: Binnaeyja
Australia: Kalmykhia
Indonesia: Pyschotika
New Zealand: Monocanjh
As you can see there are a lot of nations left, and if this recruitment shows promise I might delete some of the more inactive players on that list. There's a lot of nations left in Africa, Europe, South America and Asia. So please, I must stress that you join up. Major countries still open are:
Western Sahara
Sierra Leone
Cote D'Ivoire
Burkina Faso
Central African Republic
Equatorial Guinea
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
South Korea
United Kingdom
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Serbia and Montenegro
North America
Dominican Republic
South America
French Guiana
Marshall Islands
Other Pacific Island Archipelagos
The rules aren't many, but they help keep the role play in form:
On technology:
The general setting of world at war has been reverted back to a technological cap of 2010. However, there are some general exceptions to this rule which include rail guns, SCRAMjet, ETC guns, etc. You'll find the exceptions as you go through the technological spreadsheets in the WorldWarWiki site. If your technology is found to surpass the technological limit one of the tech mods will come by and correct your mistake.
Space Ordnance:
As of a general rule since World War IX space weaponry, sometimes referred to as Ortillery, is not allowed. However, this does not apply to communication and reconaissance sattelites. ASATs are also game. We would rather keep space out of this role playing game as much as possible, thank you for your cooperation.
NBC Ordnance:
Under no circumstance are nuclear/biological/chemical weapons allowed in this game. Their usage will bring you an automatic warning. NBC weapons have the tendency of utterly devastating role plays and that's not our goal here on world at war.
Here on world at war we believe in something called REALISM. Please refer to the thread in the Archives section which have to deal with logistics, strategy and the such. That should give you a pretty clear idea of what we're looking for. Realism enhances the role playing experience, which is our goal here.
Population and Economics:
Population on world at war, as well as economics, deals solely with those of your NationStates profile. However, natural geography and natural geology applies, meaning that the resources at your disposal are those that exist in the real world around the country you have claimed. Under no circumstance will this rule be revoked.
Only nations that are claimed and actively played can be invaded. Furthermore, new nations have a five day 'safe time' in which they can build up their country and do as they wish. However, should they invade at any time this 'safe time' is automatically eliminated and they may be attacked.
Ignore Policy:
No ignoring at all. Players who deserve ignoring will generally be deleted. There is no reason you should ignore someone else. Moreover, there are no closed or invite threads in this role play. All threads are open to all other players by default.
400x100 maximum. This will be enforced!
Nations Under 500 Million:
This is a brand new rule. Nations under 500 million are automatically entitled to a 500 million population until their NationStates population reaches said population mark in which case they use their NationStates population once again. Should help protect the smaller guys.
General rules on godmoding and flaming applies. The administrators reserve the right to Delete on Sight (DoT) and the moderators reserve the right to warn or enforce their powers at will. Of course, flagrant use of moderator powers will be noticed by the administrators and something will be done about it. However, generally speaking, all the world at war moderators are top notch at their field.
Nations have one warning. Those who fail to pay heed will be deleted the next time. If a deleted nation has an inquiry on why they were deleted then contact the mods at their group email:
Also, if you have a question you would like to ask the mods in private then use our email to contact us:
Thank you,
Jon [Your Friend Administrator]
So, if you like to role play and you're good at it, then I invite you to World at War.
Thank you for your time.
I almost forgot. Here are the forums:
Space Union
30-04-2005, 23:43
I would like to request for China. Thank You
OOC: This looks incredibal. I hope this turns out to be fun.
The Macabees
30-04-2005, 23:44
I would like to request for China. Thank You
OOC: This looks incredibal. I hope this turns out to be fun.
Unfortunately, China is already played by Hawiian Islands. But there are still a lot of other countries left!
Space Union
30-04-2005, 23:47
Could I have Antartica? If I can't, can I have Greenland? If I can't can I have Iceland?
The Macabees
30-04-2005, 23:50
Could I have Antartica? If I can't, can I have Greenland? If I can't can I have Iceland?
Antarctica: I would, however, there's a general issue with Antarctica being uninhabitable by large groups of people which was brought up in several world at wars ago, and thus Antarctica has been closed to nations and to colonization.
Greenland: It's part of Denmark, so it's Denmarks.
Iceland: Wow, that list is highly out of date. Iceland is played by the nation who played the Congo. The Congo was annexed by South Africa.
Space Union
30-04-2005, 23:57
Is Saudi Arabia available? If not can I request Turkey?
01-05-2005, 00:00
Lol no both are taken though I believe Suadi is inactive talk to Mac about that. Maybe Yemen, Oman? If you want Middle East.
Cherry Ridge
01-05-2005, 00:07
W@W is really fun. No godmodding, no OOC argueing. Mods stop this very quickly. If you want a fun RPing experiance, then join. (Im the Vatican)
01-05-2005, 00:09
Hmm... this looks very interesting... very interesting indeed. I think I'll join, if you guys don't mind.
Latvia/Lithuania/Estonia... I don't care which one.
The Macabees
01-05-2005, 00:11
Hmm... this looks very interesting... very interesting indeed. I think I'll join, if you guys don't mind.
I'd like the nation of Belgium, please.
As explicitely said by the list of nations posted in the first post Belgium is taken. However, nations in Europe that aren't taken are: Portugal, United Kingdom (If you register as the UK make The United Kingdom because United Kingdom was taken, but recently left, and he hasn't been deleted), most of the Balkans save Greece, most Eastern Bloc Nations save Poland and the Ukraine.
01-05-2005, 00:12
Sorry, I noticed that. I changed the post.
The Macabees
01-05-2005, 00:13
Sorry, I noticed that. I changed the post.
Neither of those three are taken! So go ahead and register as your favorite.
Space Union
01-05-2005, 00:13
Could I be Great Britian?
01-05-2005, 00:15
Hmm... very well, I'll take Estonia.
The Macabees
01-05-2005, 00:15
Could I be Great Britian?
Go for it. But some things you should know.
1. The old United Kingdom player left, so you'll have to role play with some of the changes instated by him which include the following. Argentina owns a base or two in Great Britain for airfields - I suggest you keep those there, he's not a cool guy to cross. Germany has sonobouys running up to your coast because the old United Kingdom and Germany were allies and it was part of a general defense against people who raid the North Sea. I believe that's it.
The Macabees
01-05-2005, 00:16
Hmm... very well, I'll take Estonia.
East Lithuania
01-05-2005, 00:19
Since Russia is still not taking, I'll take it
Can someone be
The Macabees
01-05-2005, 00:21
Since Russia is still not taking, I'll take it
Russia is taken by Tocrowkia..I guess I have to update that.
East Lithuania
01-05-2005, 00:23
ok.... Finland?
The Macabees
01-05-2005, 00:24
ok.... Finland?
I listed the open European nations before..Finland, as well as all other Scandinavian countries are taken.
East Lithuania
01-05-2005, 00:28
ok.... Ethiopia?
The Macabees
01-05-2005, 00:29
ok.... Ethiopia?
Actually it's taken..I was really close to deleting it but then Sudan told me its his friend and that he RPs sporadically. But Somalia isn't taken, and you can always conquer Ethiopia. :p
East Lithuania
01-05-2005, 00:32
ok.... Somalia then
The Macabees
01-05-2005, 00:41
ok.... Somalia then
Sounds sweet!
Sounds sweet!
Could of been even sweeter if he chose Morroco instead... :D
Are we able to change nations, if were not invaded?
The Macabees
01-05-2005, 00:48
Could of been even sweeter if he chose Morroco instead... :D
Are we able to change nations, if were not invaded?
Yea, but I don't suggest it. If you really, really, want to then go ahead.
Yeah I was just considering it, havnt made up my mind though yet. Did that once on PA2 and it was a hassle.
For now i'll say it's not likely...
The Macabees
01-05-2005, 15:49
Yeah I was just considering it, havnt made up my mind though yet. Did that once on PA2 and it was a hassle.
For now i'll say it's not likely...
Sweet deal...for now a bump.
Warta Endor
01-05-2005, 15:56
I would like to claim the amazing superpower...
Singapore :D
Sounds like a good idea
The Macabees
01-05-2005, 16:48
I would like to claim the amazing superpower...
Singapore :D
Sounds like a good idea
Go for it!
Warta Endor
01-05-2005, 19:21
Go for it!
You bet it!
The Macabees
02-05-2005, 03:26
I`d like to claim Romania if possible:)
The Macabees
02-05-2005, 03:57
I`d like to claim Romania if possible:)
Of course it's possible!
Well, I was going to ask for Morocco, but being a naturally suspicious and paranoid kind of person, could someone be so kind as to tell me why Buben is so desperate for someone to take it?
The Macabees
03-05-2005, 00:29
Well, I was going to ask for Morocco, but being a naturally suspicious and paranoid kind of person, could someone be so kind as to tell me why Buben is so desperate for someone to take it?
Because he probably wants to attack it. But I don't see any problems for a war - you could probably defend yourself from him, although I personally don't know his ability for tactics and strategy, so I can't really speak for him. However, please join if you would like to!
Space Union
03-05-2005, 01:06
Am I allowed to use NS MT?
The Macabees
03-05-2005, 01:07
Am I allowed to use NS MT?
It's up to 2010, and so the tech is very leniant - so that's a yes.
The Macabees
03-05-2005, 01:50
The Macabees
03-05-2005, 03:44
News Flash from World at War:
The Far East has erupted in war as Japan invades China in the third Sino-Japanese War. Taiwan and North Korea have joined with their ally Japan, as has Indonesia, and issued their own decleration of wars and begun their own operations. In astonishing news, however, the Germans had declared their support for the Chinese and has just launched operations against Japanese and North Korean fleets operating east of the Korean peninsula. The Spaniards have also launched their own attacks against Taiwain in support of China, as has Cuba. It seems as if Asia has become the beginnings of the battlegrounds for a world war.
Italy threatens to spread the war to Europe, as it has taken an expressive anti-German perspective, and thus Central Europe is destined to expand in war as Italy intervenes in the Reich's invasion of Austria. Moreover, Spain has already pounded halfway through France.
The events of World at War are getting better every day!
OK, I'll risk it. I'll sign up as soon as possible.
The Macabees
04-05-2005, 02:48
OK, I'll risk it. I'll sign up as soon as possible.
Cool, cool!
The Macabees
04-05-2005, 04:28
04-05-2005, 04:38
News Flash from World at War
As the drama unfolds with violence breaking out across the Asian continent, the Germans and Spanish have both declared war against Japan. Battle Fleet November, the German naval force in the area, is currently engaged in a brutal struggle against the combined Japanese/North Korean militaries in the sector.
The Communist juggernaut of Spain rampages across the French countryside, as desperate defenders try to resist the onslaught of the numerically superior invaders. Meanwhile, the Polish are kicking back with popcorn and watching all the action behind closed borders :D
The Macabees
05-05-2005, 01:02
The Macabees
05-05-2005, 03:05
The Macabees
12-05-2005, 05:05
Recent News:
Austria is about to fall to the Fourth Reich. The Italian and Spanish fleet have broken into the Indian Sea, and have fallen back from their previous positions opposed to the Japanese fleet. Europe seems on the brink of continental war.
The Macabees
14-05-2005, 02:10
The Silver Sky
14-05-2005, 02:29
Hmmm, I notice Chile is unoccupied, could I have that?
Edit: Hey Macabees, could I have your MSN address?
The Macabees
14-05-2005, 02:31
Hmmm, I notice Chile is unoccupied, could I have that?
Unfortunately, Chile was taken and is currently being invaded by Argentina.
The Macabees
14-05-2005, 02:32 - I'm not on this moment.
The Silver Sky
14-05-2005, 02:35
Unfortunately, Chile was taken and is currently being invaded by Argentina.
Darn, oh well I probably wouldn't be able to bo on that much any way. Forget I ever posted here. :)
14-05-2005, 03:19
Don't leave yet! We need more active members! Surely there is another nation you might want to roleplay?
The Silver Sky
14-05-2005, 03:20
Don't leave yet! We need more active members! Surely there is another nation you might want to roleplay?
Hmmm, I'll check, give me a couple of minutes.
EDIT: I wanna be the Republic of Guatemala
And my first order of business will be to invade Honduras, El Salvador, and Belize, that is if no other country is occuiping them. :D
Basque Spain
14-05-2005, 03:57
I love this may i please have the Sudan
14-05-2005, 07:30
First choice, Israel,
Second choice, Netherlands,
Third choice, Italy.
Any chance that any of those players are inactive?
All of those countries are taken. Don't be discouraged, there are hundreds of others to choose from :D
The Silver Sky
14-05-2005, 18:12
k, how about Venezuela? Or if that's taken how about Madagascar?
EDIT: We need a list of all nations not taken or not under invasion that list is hopelessly outdated, your gonna lose potential new members cause the y don't know which nations aren't taken and are to busy/lazy to look for nations.
14-05-2005, 18:14
All of those countries are taken. Don't be discouraged, there are hundreds of others to choose from :D
All three of those players are active? I don't want any other nation though. *sits down and cries, looking for pity* :p
Free Eagles
14-05-2005, 18:18
I think this is a great idea. Since most of my top choices are taken, may I be Lithuania?
14-05-2005, 18:26
Free Eagles:
I know that's not taken. I'm glad to see a new Baltic state join...*prepares invasion*
Silver Sky:
Zarbia was talking to Sanctaphrax, Guatemala isn't taken, and neither is Venezuela. At least, last time I checked...
Sorry, they are. Italy's an admin, the Dutch are a major power, and Israel is somewhat quiet, but still existant.
The Silver Sky
14-05-2005, 18:29
Ah ok, I hereby claim Guatemala in the name of The Silver Sky, my first order of business is to invade all nearby nations, except those already taken.
14-05-2005, 18:35
Um... the rules state that you may not invade nations not controlled... if that were true, I'd have rolled over the Baltics and Belarus by now... However, Mexico's currently in strife...
The Silver Sky
14-05-2005, 19:49
Darn rules, who controls mexico?
14-05-2005, 19:53
Sorry, they are. Italy's an admin, the Dutch are a major power, and Israel is somewhat quiet, but still existant.
Bah! I was Israel before Nano Soft anyway, I had to leave for a week, in that time they restarted without telling me and gave Israel to Nano Soft. I was slightly pissed off when I heard that. Ah well. :(
Next time one of the three become inactive, give me a call ;) (especially Israel)
Well, I'm Austria and I'm one post away from being completely taken over by Germany.
Free Eagles
15-05-2005, 12:32
Free Eagles:
I know that's not taken. I'm glad to see a new Baltic state join...*prepares invasion*
Excellent. Will register shortly.
We won't go down without a fight, though. *starts putting troops through intense guerilla warfare training*
Japan says 'bump'
C'mon, people, join up in Asia. I already control the Philippines, most of the Pacific Islands, and am nearly done conquering China. C'mon ... who wants to take on the Japanese Empire?
15-05-2005, 16:39
Free Eagles, you may get lucky, as I just got pounded by Colombia. Besides, you get a 5 day setup period. Unless you attack me, I'm not going to do anything...
San Marino, If not Anadorra If not Panama
Free Eagles
16-05-2005, 16:58
Mwahaha! I will use my five days to build up a massive force, then I will crush anyone who tries to take my land from me.
I will put up an impenetrable wall of weaponry around Vilnius.
I suppose I could even help you, Geisenfried...
The Macabees
16-05-2005, 22:54
San Marino, If not Anadorra If not Panama
San Marino is open - and don't worry about Italy, because he and I are about to get into a major European war.
The Silver Sky
17-05-2005, 03:02
Japan says 'bump'
C'mon, people, join up in Asia. I already control the Philippines, most of the Pacific Islands, and am nearly done conquering China. C'mon ... who wants to take on the Japanese Empire?
I will!!! :D
Once I get big enough.
17-05-2005, 03:24
Japan says 'bump'
C'mon, people, join up in Asia. I already control the Philippines, most of the Pacific Islands, and am nearly done conquering China. C'mon ... who wants to take on the Japanese Empire?
Heh. If I didn't switch to Poland, China would probably still be a viable force in the world.
If you're gonna join, get in Europe. We've got refreshments, a great environment, and a soon-to-be executed continent-wide war.
17-05-2005, 20:35
Heh. If I didn't switch to Poland, China would probably still be a viable force in the world.
If you're gonna join, get in Europe. We've got refreshments, a great environment, and a soon-to-be executed continent-wide war.
You want war visit Africa, Africa's already exlpoding.
San Marino is open - and don't worry about Italy, because he and I are about to get into a major European war.
Hopefully after you finish taking me over! I already have a series of posts for after the official annexation. HURRY UP! :p
The Macabees
18-05-2005, 21:38
There's no more USA guys, or Canada - so please fill their posts!
The Silver Sky
18-05-2005, 21:43
Hey Mac do you think you could change my user name to United States of America, my nation now is Guatemala, I've only been in 2 RP's one for a new ship and one with only one post from me.
The Macabees
18-05-2005, 21:50
Hey Mac do you think you could change my user name to United States of America, my nation now is Guatemala, I've only been in 2 RP's one for a new ship and one with only one post from me.
Will do.
The Silver Sky
18-05-2005, 21:52
Will do.
Thanks man your the best. :D
The Macabees
19-05-2005, 00:41
Austria officially became Germany's bitch!!
The Macabees
19-05-2005, 17:03
And the war now turns West and East! On to Spain and Italy!
The Macabees
19-05-2005, 18:34
Just did the massive deletion - lost of spots open!
Dae Han Min Gook
19-05-2005, 19:26
can i have korea?
The Macabees
19-05-2005, 19:33
can i have korea?
North Korea is taken, South Korea is open.
The Macabees
19-05-2005, 22:23
I like big butts and I cannot lie, no other brotha can deny... oh baby, I want bump this thread...with your big butt?
19-05-2005, 22:59
There's no more USA guys, or Canada - so please fill their posts!
I'll take the USA, if it's still open. If not, Canada or Venezuela would be cool too.
The Macabees
19-05-2005, 23:03
I'll take the USA, if it's still open. If not, Canada or Venezuela would be cool too.
USA is taken, but Canada and Venezuela are open, although I wouldn't suggest taking Venezuela so young - although you do get 500 million population automatically if you're under 500 million on your NS nation.
19-05-2005, 23:28
I might want to do this when I learn how to RP...
I'll keep this in mind.
The Macabees
19-05-2005, 23:30
Please do! And I'm sure there are several people in there willing to help you gain valuable RPing experience if you ask.
19-05-2005, 23:41
Well, I'll see. I;m currentl going to be mentored by someone else, but maybe later. It sounds like a lot of fun. I ahev a question though: If I have a nation there, can is still RP Spolotikopia in NS?
That looks interesting. Could I by any chance of Brazil or Liechtenstein?
The Macabees
19-05-2005, 23:47
That looks interesting. Could I by any chance of Brazil or Liechtenstein?
Either one is fine.
The Macabees
19-05-2005, 23:49
Well, I'll see. I;m currentl going to be mentored by someone else, but maybe later. It sounds like a lot of fun. I ahev a question though: If I have a nation there, can is still RP Spolotikopia in NS?
Most nations, like myself, RP both on NS and W@W... the two are considered seperate from each other. For example, losses on W@W don't count as losses on NS.
Either one is fine.
Ok. I'd like Brazil. Do I sign up as Brazil?
The Macabees
19-05-2005, 23:52
Ok. I'd like Brazil. Do I sign up as Brazil?
Yea, register as Brazil on the boards and then start RPing! Welcome aboard. It's hell of fun.
19-05-2005, 23:52
Okay, I have another question. If I RP my nation on my forum's world map, how would I RP with other nations? What if the other nation also RPs on a map with other people? The whole concept is pretty confusing to me...
The Macabees
19-05-2005, 23:54
Okay, I have another question. If I RP my nation on my forum's world map, how would I RP with other nations? What if the other nation also RPs on a map with other people? The whole concept is pretty confusing to me...
Yea, it sounds pretty damn confusing. I don't understand it at all. What's your forums world map? And is this related to W@W or to role playing on NationStates in general? Either way I'll try to help as much as possible getting it sorted out.
20-05-2005, 00:10
Well, I mean, if I RP with person A, B, and C on a map of the world. And I wnat to RP with anyone else that doesn't RP with the four of us on our map of the world. They might use their own map, they mgiht do I don't know, etc.?
If the answer is too complicated, you can TG me.
The Macabees
20-05-2005, 00:24
Well, I mean, if I RP with person A, B, and C on a map of the world. And I wnat to RP with anyone else that doesn't RP with the four of us on our map of the world. They might use their own map, they mgiht do I don't know, etc.?
If the answer is too complicated, you can TG me.
Well, on NationStates there really isn't a map of the world. There are regional maps, but it's always assumed that regions are linked by bodies of water, or space, whether you're modern tech or future tech.
A map of the world doesn't really exist on NationStates. You just role play which whatever nation wants to role play with you and you guys assume you are close and assume you can reach each other.
Earth II
20-05-2005, 00:53
Thinking about throwing in my 4.3 bil. population at some south american country. Maybe Uruguay?
The Macabees
20-05-2005, 00:54
Thinking about throwing in my 4.3 bil. population at some south american country. Maybe Uruguay?
That would be awsome. It would seriously tip the current weight of power in South America.
Earth II
20-05-2005, 00:58
Just more water on the mill to make me take that nation
(sorry if i'm writing nonsense, my english is a little bit rusty and it's too late over here)
The Macabees
20-05-2005, 01:01
Just more water on the mill to make me take that nation
(sorry if i'm writing nonsense, my english is a little bit rusty and it's too late over here)
Yea, 10 hours difference right? Spain is 9 hours - it's hell when I go there over the summer for my family and all of a sudden I go from Pacific time schedule, to Spanish/English/French schedule.
Earth II
20-05-2005, 01:09
Depends on from where you count. But Germany IS one hour ahead of Spain, that's right.
Ok, I'll have a look at the WaW-Forums and see if I really should torture myself and sign on...
sounds interesting so far. maybe a bit too complex to understand at 2 am but I'll try...
Edit: It IS too late, of course you count from San Diego *hitting sleeping brain: Wake up!*
Earth II
20-05-2005, 01:42
signed on, let's see what happens.
The Macabees
20-05-2005, 01:46
Sounds good. Now that you're German you can make fun of my attempt at German in my threads.
Earth II
20-05-2005, 01:52
I'll do my very best (and your German can't be worse than my potugese in "Uruguay". Or, speaking about foreign llanguages, my Spanish). But for now I gotta go to bed, need some sleep ... Uruguay will have turn the world upside down tommorow and not today.
Hmmm...if I'd put 0.5 percent of my pop. into the army then...there'd be a lot of guns to be bought...
20-05-2005, 02:18
Well, on NationStates there really isn't a map of the world. There are regional maps, but it's always assumed that regions are linked by bodies of water, or space, whether you're modern tech or future tech.
A map of the world doesn't really exist on NationStates. You just role play which whatever nation wants to role play with you and you guys assume you are close and assume you can reach each other.
That's what I figured. But thank you for the help, I will certainly keep in W@W in mind.
The Macabees
20-05-2005, 04:14
Update in News
The world is truly at war. Germany has launched a double prong attack into the Netherlands and France owned Spain. In turn Japan has declared its fulfillment of its allegiance with Germany and has declared war on the enemies of Germany. Austria, a German puppet, has also declared war. Poland has condoned the German attack and had strengthened border defenses, although it has made little offensive preperation. The Syrians look mighty close to declaring allegiance to the Dutch. The Cubans have declared allegiance to the Germans, however, have also declare war on the United States - and arms purchaser of Germany.
Sudan is currently being invaded and Sudanese with Kuwaiti forces fight the South African onslaught. The Egyptians have promised their support against Italy to Germany and the Germans have promised Draka [South African] neutrality with Egypt.
Join the game now while the war heats up!
20-05-2005, 04:23
Just one quibble with that previous description... It should be condemn, not condone.
The Macabees
20-05-2005, 04:25
Just one quibble with that previous description... It should be condemn, not condone.
Or should it be condomn. Dude, I haven't slept in two days - hehe... but that's not an excuse... but to spite you, I'm not going to change it! Muahahaha.
Yea, register as Brazil on the boards and then start RPing! Welcome aboard. It's hell of fun.
I registered as Brazil. :)
I can use my NS military too right? I'm not quite clear on that.
The Macabees
20-05-2005, 17:50
I registered as Brazil. :)
I can use my NS military too right? I'm not quite clear on that.
Yea, NS military and NS economy and NS population...real world geography.
Sounds good. Now that you're German you can make fun of my attempt at German in my threads.
I'm pretty sure he was always German, Mac. :p
The Macabees
21-05-2005, 04:25
Zarbia, do you want to start something?
The Silver Sky
21-05-2005, 04:30
Hey, Mac, I'm done with the tank write-up go check it out.
The Macabees
22-05-2005, 04:02
News Flash:
Colombia has joined the war on the Dutch side. The Germans make little progress in terms of ground won - however, it seems to be holding the initiative.
The Macabees
22-05-2005, 19:12
22-05-2005, 20:08
News Flash:
Poland continues to sit on its ass, waiting for the other European powers to destroy each other.
The Macabees
22-05-2005, 21:01
News Flash:
Poland continues to sit on its ass, waiting for the other European powers to destroy each other.
And it seems to be paying off.
The Macabees
23-05-2005, 00:20
Bump! We still have a a lot of openings left! A lot!
Zarbia, do you want to start something?
Want me to kill your mom?
New Empire
23-05-2005, 21:50
Join peeplets. There's a massive shennanidingdong of a war going on, and whichever side wins controls the world, or at least gets a nice basket of cheese and crackers.
Lame Bums
23-05-2005, 21:53
Is Portugal open? If not then I'll take it.
The Macabees
23-05-2005, 23:25
Is Portugal open? If not then I'll take it.
I believe it is.
The Macabees
24-05-2005, 01:55
Join peeplets. There's a massive shennanidingdong of a war going on, and whichever side wins controls the world, or at least gets a nice basket of cheese and crackers.
And a cookie.
New Empire
24-05-2005, 19:42
And a cookie.
Only if they can cause a genocidal level of civilian casualties.
The Macabees
24-05-2005, 21:05
Only if they can cause a genocidal level of civilian casualties.
Yea...let's set that mark at 1 billion dead.
The Macabees
24-05-2005, 23:46
The Macabees
25-05-2005, 04:04
Nobody wants to be cool and join.
The Macabees
25-05-2005, 15:18
Well, I joined. :)
You're helping the wrong side! hehe
You're helping the wrong side! hehe
I haven't heard anything back ICly from Colombia, so I'm not really helping anyone yet.
The Macabees
25-05-2005, 20:38
I haven't heard anything back ICly from Colombia, so I'm not really helping anyone yet.
Good. :p
The Macabees
26-05-2005, 00:20
Alright, list updated.... we still have a lot of countries open.
Here are a few that I can think of:
Western Sahara
Sierra Leone
Cote D'Ivoire
Burkina Faso
Central African Republic
Equatorial Guinea
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
South Korea
United Kingdom
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Serbia and Montenegro
North America
Dominican Republic
South America
French Guiana
Marshall Islands
Other Pacific Island Archipelagos
New Empire
26-05-2005, 00:45
You know you want to join as an African nation.
The Macabees
26-05-2005, 01:46
[Some Example RolePlays]
OOC: Total forces Updated- 7 CVNs/19 Cruisers/30 Destroyers/18 SSN/0 Frigates/7 Arsenal Ships/8 Amphibious Assault Carriers/12 Amphibious Transports/12 Dock Landing Ships
/96 S-3A/B Vikings/8 E-2C Hawkeyes/48 EA-6B Prowlers/48 SH-60F/24 HH-60H Seahawks/126 F/A-18E/F Super Hornet/122 AV8BIIs----
The Colombians had taken massive casualties, there were countless men in the water, many of whom had no fear of the Germans, as the reputation of the German naval tradition would make for bad form for germans to exteminate them in the water.
Of course that didnt mean someone ashore felt the same way.
The Remaining ships had dropped rafts when possible, but other mowed right over drowning men in the rush for shore.
The German shore was not in sight but every man had his attention on it.
There attention on a place they never considered before a few hours ago would be their destination.
Capt. Gallant of the Destroyer 111 was of German descent, he regarded the current situation with a sublime indifference.
His men rushed around him while remained stoic and contemplative, the scene on his bridge was surreal with his eyes lazily drifting almost closed as he considered a way to strike at his counter parts.
As he looked out over the sea he suddenly saw his opportunity, coming into visual range was something that had origianlly not been considered a threat priority--the German North Sea Oil Rigs.
"Main guns online now!!" Gallant screamed as he rose from his command position.
"Sir we arent..." an officer with butterbars on his lapel began to speak but was silenced by the heel of Gallant's palm to his gut as the Captain passed by at near run tothe gunnery station.
"I dont want the shore targeted, I want those Rigs blasted to pieces, I want the North Sea to run black with German Oil." The Captains normal disposition gone and growling dark-eyed viper seemed to have replaced him.
"Dispatch the firing solution to what remained of the Destroyers, I want every vessel throwing fire at the shore with missiles and all the Destroyer guns laying waste to those rigs." He stared out of the Bridge at the growing towers before the fleets.
"Aye Sir" came an answer to his command.
With in the minute the Arsenal ships having reloaded their stores and firing their final salvo lest replenishment was made available, their wave of fire was 3,584 Locust ALAMs at shore defenses and inland batteries.
The remaining Avispa Assault Carriers fired thier Locust batteries (400 missiles) at shore defences and inland batteries.
The Cruisers fired in total 390 SeaTiger 3M-54Es.
The Destroyers in union fired a total of 1,260 SOAD missiles, 1,260 SeaTiger 3M-54E missiles racing into the German lands.
While the Destroyers fired missiles at the shore that was merely, as most all of the Colombians knew a death-rattle of their forces.
Even still there was a cheer that went up on many of the ships as the the two 155mm VAGS began firing. The crews perhaps knew not what the target was butthat they were in range of real engagement.
The Destroyers guns totaled 60 155mms firing on the German Oil Rigs,
The Cruisers carried two 155 mmVAGS as well giving them 38 total guns firing. With the Destroyers and Cruisers firing on the Rigs with 98 155mm mix of HE and AP rounds to devastate the massive German Oil supply.
The whoosh sound of missiles was drowned out by the crack of the 155s.
All the while before the vessels it seemed as if hell was opening up to swallow them.
Erebus Air Base, Swansea (England)
Isabella Villagosa was crying, her face buried in her mother's neck and her tears soaking Maria's loose shirt and skin. Maria Villagosa had a concerned look on her face but she had been through lots of adversity in her life and this was just another trial for her to face in her young life of 34 years. Her husband's face was dark with contemplation and irritation at having to have been recalled onto the base. There was little that he could do about the situation, but he hated having to leave his newly built architectural masterpiece for a space in temporary housing. An hour earlier, the alert had come out and the many thousands of family members that had accompanied their spouses to England had been required to drive onto the base.
Germany had gone to war with a TACSA member as well as all of Europe, it seemed. In the far east, there was also a rumor of fighting the Chinese which was conflicting to say the least. The Chinese were enemies of the Argentines but that had been before the South Americans had declared their support in the war against Germany. As a result of the outbreak of war, the Argentine commander had immediately ordered all families brought onto the base for their safety. No one had really objected because the action was a sensible one, but many were frightened and frustrted t having to leave their homes in the early morning hours and to disrupt the routines of their children who were still getting settled into the English way of life.
The Villagosas now were standing on the little balcony their apartment afforded them and watched the flurry of activity taking place on the runway, flightlines and the rest of the base. All around the facility, the security forces personnel and Marine brigade were manning their strongpoints and the base defenses were at full alert. Anti-tank and personnel weapons dotted the perimeter and the troops themselves looked like something out of a sci-fi movie in their APACHE battlesuits and full-visored helmets. Armored vehicles had been moved to points along the perimeter as well as into hardened positions within the base in case they were attacked as well as along the MSR from the base to the Argentine docks which had been constructed outside of Swansea so as not to disturb the town too much with the added flow of menand materiel.
Luiz took the time to look to the west and nodded a bit in recognition as the large forms of twelve aircraft could be seen approaching, their distinctive wingtip and tail control surface extensions identifying them as Argentine. Smaller shapes accompanied them, an armed escort he realized, and there were no less than twenty of them, seemingly a whole squadron or more. he sighed quietly and wondered whether it would be more men or materiel and realized that it didn't really matter as they were coming to the only Argentine base in Europe, of that he was certain. More troops would be nice though.
Luiz' own APACHE battlesuit lay just inside of the balcony door and was meticulously taken care of. It had saved him three times in the cartel rebellions that had taken place after the removal of President DaSilva and he treasured it. He had been a special forces engineer for the Deathskull regiment and his skills had come in much demand in his ten years of active duty. He had separated after his second enlistment and quickly gotten a contracting job with his double Architecture/Mechanical Engineering degree and so had left the military life behind. He was in the same boat as every single one of the other Argentine civilian employees; men and women who had served and were a capable auxiliary to the defense forces on the base in case it had ever come to that. Unfortunately, it looked like it might bethe case.
Maria kissed her husband on the neck as their daughter quieted and fell asleep in her arms before stepping back into the apartment and moving to the second bedroom to put the little one to sleep. Luiz smiled briefly at the kiss and then looked back down as a column of twelve AMG-104 Conqueror MBTs rumbled past, the third tank's commander seeing the pensive man on the balcony and waving at him while his company moved to some predetermined location. Luiz nodded again and waved back before turning to re-enter his quarters, moving the screen door aside and then suddenly hearing the sudden crack, whoosh and scream of weapon and his eyes shot to the glass of the sliding door, the light of the base making it almost as good as a mirror, seeing a line of fire streak into the night sky. And that would be the ASAT missiles... Argentina was at war in Europe. He moved into the apartment, closed the screen and door and went to take a shower before reporting to the auxiliary command post and finding out what he would be required to do.
At the same time, the AM-35 Silverhawk anti-satellite missile shot nearly strait up into the sky on a powerful booster, sending it in an insane arc across the sky as it climbed higher and higher. It had already reached into the middle of the troposphere when another nine missiles thundered from their launch positions and soared into the sky as well, followed by a third, fourth and fifth salvo of missiles, each of fifteen. And so AM-35, WSN (weapon serial number) 00237681, shrieked and blasted itself into the stratosphere, then the mesosphere and finally into the thermosphere where the air disappeared for good save for a few gasses and a whole lot of ions.
Telemetry data from the Argentine satellite network streamed in on encrypted multi-frequency bands and the booster continued to fire until the first stage fell away and burned itself up along the way back down to an Earth it would never hit. The second stage of the missile fired and the missile, now over the east coast of the United States continued it travels into the sky and onto the adjusted path of the German satellites. The Argentine satellites had observed the thrust burns of the many German machines and re-triangulated their position accordingly. And so it was that fifty-five missiles launched from Erebus Air base.
However not all of those were as successful as would have been liked. Two missiles in the middle salvo collided on the ascent, exploding spectacularly while another four from the other salvoes had simply failed to achieve orbit, their trajectories either to steep or too flat. As a result, two had simply dropped back to the surface, splashing relatively harmlessly into the ocean (tell that to the school of cod boiled by the second missile's impact) and the other two screaming into space before their first stage boosters failed and they slowly tumbled back into the lower atmosphere, burning up spectacularly. The other 49 missiles, however received their data packets and continued to fire their second stage rockets to move onto the prescribed intercept paths.
The long burns continued to accelerate the weapons as they soared around the planet in an opposite orbit, using the planet's gravity to increase their speed. Another missile slammed into one of the many graveyard satellites and exploded in the vacuum of space and was a brilliant ball of expanding gasses for a whole three seconds before the fuel was all consumed. The remaining 48 missiles continued on their tracks and receiving their telemetry data as they approached their targets after hours of opposite rotation for interception.
Their seekerheads used an emissions band, coupled with the altered almanac data to find their respective targets and used only optical sensors for the ground technicians so as not to alert the satellites of their incoming status. Futhermore, each was utterly passive except for laser data transmissions to pre-coordinated locations. They were just that much more space junk. And 100 kilometers from their intercept points, their suppressed explosives detonated, sending their 60 submunitions out in a devestating cone of space vehicle death.
Each of the ASAT smat submunitions was a heavy metal penetrator on a directional "final attitude adjustment thruster) with 4 smaller but equally strong AP shaped charge warheads the size of a large Gatorade bottle; easily large enough to cause massive damage to anything in orbit. In space, the warhead would form a superaccelerated plasma jet of liquid metal which would rapidly cool and simply continue on its devestating path, shredding the innards of whatever they punctured. One the surface of the Earth, they were rated against 30 inches of RHA. In space, with the kinetic energy added, you could at least triple that. Each satellite targeted had two missiles assigned to it, covering a large area that would prevent the satellites from escaping destruction with a sudden attitude adjustment.
The Macabees
26-05-2005, 01:48
[Upper Atmosphere/Space]
The cold diamond lenses of the G-PALS constellation sattelites flickered as their cassagrian telescopes took in the infra-red photon beams coming from the atmosphere and surface of the Earth. Inside the vast machines computers were analyzing the incoming data, and it with all the processing going on it seemed as if there was another major uproar in the troposphere, and then the stratosphere. Across crystal screens inside, showing their data to no man, signatures struck across the screen. The same image was being received hundreds of miles below in German air force and naval headquarters throughout the Reich.
Engineer Rudolf Mauhlenkamp had been working at the station for twenty-eight hours, almost reaching the end of his thirty hour shift, product of an alert throughout Berlin. He would normally be doing eight hour shifts, but with the opening of many front line sites, and the scuffling of engineers about the countryside, those able to work in Berlin had become scant, and thus his workhours had expanded by quite a bit. He rubbed his eyes when the screen in front of his changed all of a sudden, showing the heat signatures of rappidly moving missiles through the atmosphere, and vertically at that. He signed and under his breath muttered,"Here they go again."
Beside him, Maria Gres smiled and retorted,"We haven't used our sattelites yet, and they seem to be the prize in this war."
All the while the automated systems of the seperate G-Pals constellations orbiting the Earth and the moon had already fired a brand new batch of brilliant pebble rockets. This newest swarm of about fifty bodies accelerated quickly in Gforce, using their manuerable booster pods to move through the empty space as quickly and effeciently as possible. Underneat their miniature warheads a single photonic cassagrian camera kept a steady view of the horizon to the brilliant pebbles' forefront.
When the incoming Argentinian ASAT missiles reached the upper most atmosphere of the Earth they reached into the view of said cameras, and consequently, the GPALS sattelites immediately and automatically trained the brilliant pebbles towards their new targets. In front, the skies filled with bright explosions as some of the ASAT missiles struck themselves, or simply failed to make it through the atmosphere and escape into space. Regardless, in the end it would all come to aid the German cause in space, although in the end it mattered little since one way or the other the Germans would retain eyes in space throughout the war.
In about sixty seconds the brilliant pebbles had covered the distance between them and the incoming ASAT missiles and nanoseconds later more poofs of black smoke and more rays of red explosions marked space, leaving nothing but dust clouds of broken missiles and exploded rockets. A good lot of the Argentinian attack had been destroyed, and that would conclude as a positive aspect in the defense campaign in space.
Nonetheless, many of the Argentinian missiles had managed to survive - no defense system was foolproof after all. These continued onto their targets. The German sattelites, just resting after using their rocket pods, were in no shape to attempt another escape. Two missiles crashed into a single sattelite, tearing off the solar plates and hitting smack dab in the center, combusting the sattelite from the inside. Another sattelite was destroyed by just one missile and at least three sattelites were heavily damaged. The total casualty count in this newest attack was eight sattelites destroyed and six damaged, bringing the total toll to thirty-four destroyed.
When the dust cleared the faint signs of a new attack could be seen brewing from the different G-PALS constellation. Below, in Berlin, Muhlenkamp turned to Maria Gres and said,"Hopefully, this will keep them on their toes."
The different wings of brilliant pebbles amassed together on the rim of the upper atmosphere, some of the brilliant pebbles "skidding" across the top, actually causing flames to conjur on one side. There were at least three hundred of these miniature rockets, which was a great deal of them, and would subsequently require the Germans to put more rockets in the constellations soon, although that operation wouldn't be too difficult and it wouldn't really catch the attention of their enemies.
Regardless, the brilliant pebbles continued orbiting around the Earth, keeping a steady, and fast, pace. Their rotating cassagrian cameras worked wildly, making sure that the entire horizon in a one hundred and eighty degree arc was viewable at all times. As soon as a marked sattelite came into view three brilliant pebbles broke off from the group and began a new route towards the subject sattelite. In that way, the entire swarm could target a total of one hundred Argentine, Spanish and Dutch sattelites. The Italians and Colombians would not be targetted yet, due to the general lack of brilliant pebbles after all the defensive procedures the GPALS constellations took, but they would be at some point or another.
Once within view each brilliant pebble would take roughly sixty-two seconds to close the distance between itself and its target. If the target attempted to jetison out of the way the brilliant pebbles were designed so that they would manuever along with the sattelite, using similar, if smaller, jet packs and boosters. Meaning, the brilliant pebbles were designed to follow sattelites by using that camera underneath its nose, and the general brilliance of the constellation's computers. In that way, they were extremely accurate.
[The North Sea]
The Koruscant detection network in Bremerhaven was again bustling with activity. As one of the many Koruscant networks dotting the German country side it was always full of movement, however, since the beginnings of the war in Europe, and especially with the outbreak of battle in the North Sea the Bremerhaven Koruscant network had seen a major increase in workers and shifts.
However, the shutdown of major RADAR networks had really hurt the airnet, although the availability of the SODAR projectors and the secondary LIDAR and LADAR systems had at least aided in providing ample coverage to stop the Colombian attacks from the north. Regardless, some eight hours before, after the major Colombian attack had been thwarted - or at least, when it was over - the RADAR was back on line, and it was quick to pick up the most rescent threat.
The general features of the Locust ALAM, mostly its length of eighteen feet, meant that the airfriction would consistently 'beat' around the frame of the missile, causing quite a bit of turbulence, much like it was created around aircraft. Consequently, early lock ons were achieved by the Koruscant SODAR arrays dotting Northern Germany, and other minor SODAR arrays elsewhere. These were quickly followed on by RADAR, as well as infra-red sensors and the such, and finally, and more accurately, by guided in LIDAR and LADAR waves, giving the Koruscant, and consequently coastal defenders, a very accurate picture of what was coming in.
It was frightening enough that within seconds around four thousand Locust ALAMs had been fired towards the German coast. Most Germans were quite aware of their own defenses, and they knew that although casualties were high, with the last air attacks the Colombians had lost any suprise, and by now most civilians were due south, making their way to Central Germany, away from the war.
However, when the surface search RADAR of several Azores class Patrol Craft fitted with phased arrays, instead of their normal anti-shipping missile launchers, caught the presence of around three hundred five hundred sea-skimming missiles, classified as SeaTigers, it became evident that the Colombians were hoping to knock out the German North Sea defenses once and for all. The matter became all the more serious when almost three thousand missiles appeared on the screens of the Koruscant array, almost overwhelming the computer system.
The Germans would be hardpressed to defend from this latest attack, however, they at least held happy thoughts in the fact that the latest Colombian attack had incorporated around eight thousand missiles. That meant that throughout the naval battle going on in the North Sea the Colombians had expended just about eleven thousand missiles. The Germans weren't one to judge, but that was a lot of missiles - and it was only natural that the Colombians were running out. It was time to take advantage of that fact.
The first missiles to truly be dealt with were the sea-skimming SeaTigers, numbering around one thousand six hundred in total. Battle Fleet October, which had left their home port of Bremerhaven, Germany, was quick to respond to the Colombian threat. Their large guns, ranging from the Elusive class Battleship's eighteen inchers to even the smallest five inchers, moved, massive hydraulic machinery taxing itself to quickly place the guns towards the right horizon. Each ship shuddered with pain as they released a salvo never beforehand seen in naval warfare. To imagine so many ships firing at one time was almost impossible had you not seen it with your very eyes before. The rounds made a small arch, aided by the coil guns and rail guns of the ships they were fired out of, and soon entered the realm of the incoming SeaTigers, wherever they were. Within seconds the skies turned a bright white as centrifuging shells disentigrated in midair, releasing not thousands, but tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of small tungsten balls in all directions.
Missiles were knocked out of the air, some shells burst too late, others too early. It was incredibly hectic, however, in the end, after three salvos, the intended consequences were achieved. The Colombian sea-skimming missile salvo had been torn to shreds, and although many of the SeaTigers had survived the first edge of German defense, they would still have to attempt to break through shore defenses, which could put up a fight equal, or even excelling that, of Battle Fleet October.
All the while the decks of the ships were enshrouded in a thick black smoke, while fire spat from the rear of the multitude of Praetorian batteries on each deck of each ship, including logistical shipping. Missiles shrieked into the air, tearing through the friction, accelerating after every passing second - it was insane. Once proud steel and composite armor shuddered with each moving missile, and the screams of the engines could possibly be heard all the way to the German coastline. It was impressing, indeed.
All in all some five thousand Praetorian Vs made their way to the air. It was a gigantic number, never before seen fired by a single German force, as it would normally be considered a waste. Regardless, this time around the Germans had a plan, and that plan required the stopping of those missiles, or they would face a crisis which would be sorely felt in the overall long run of this same war. In middair the Praetorian V surface to air missiles met their dear foes, and they clashed, sending red flames in all possibly vectors with all possible magnitudes. Some missiles survived the German barrage, but those who did were not many - perhaps twenty-five percent in total. Although it was still a large number, one thousand missiles compared to around four thousand was a much better picture to most sane commanders.
Finally, the coastal defenses again opened up. The VFB brigades, with their limitless supply of Metal Storm canisters - as they were in Germany, and directly accessible; not to mention the fact that the FLAK canisters were relatively ship, as compared to a missile. In thundering salvos the thousands upon thousands of FLAK guns dotting the northern coast made their presence known once again. The smaller guns, 40mm to 70mm trained their sites on the remaining SeaTigers, taking them down in droves. The larger guns, 75mm to 155mm focused on downing the high-altitude Locust and SOAD missiles.
Behind the FLAK guns the more expensive Praetorian shore batteries opened up, sending another wave of around five hundred Praetorian V missiles. The missiles struck hard and fast, entering the same altitude in the atmosphere as the missiles they were aimed at, colliding with them at middair, or exploding near and taking out various incoming missiles at the same time.
It could be said with certain accuracy that the Colombian missile strike had been severely trimmed down by the various layers of German defense, especially after the Germans had been struck thrice by the same country within the same day or so. It could also be said that the Germans had grown accostumed to the direct missile barrages, and the Germans suspected that the Colombians were much of the same - and thus, the Germans decided to put a twist to their latest counter attack.
But before the Germans could react they would have to defend against another Colombian attack, this time against the oil rigs in the North Sea. When the first shots of their massive guns had began to shell the immediate area and some shots even picking off parts of the massive concrete emplacements which made up the oil rigs, a general alert rang throughout the oil rigs targetted. However, when one had one of its legs chopped off my a quickly moving shell, and then its core penetrated by another, the alert was expanded to all oil rigs in the North Sea. Immediately, an order from Berlin read:
"Transmission to all North Sea oil rigs. Close your pipelines immediately - emergency shut off. I repeat emergency shut off."
Within around two minutes the oil had stop flowing. Nonetheless, the Colombians had managed to knock off around three rigs, and damage over eleven others. In terms of oil spillage there was some, however, with modern shut off procedures there was relatively little damage to the ecosystem, save a few explosions here and there due to direct hits on the oil rigs personal petroleum stucks to run the machinery. Nonetheless, the actual pipelines ran underneath the sands of the North Sea as most of the North Sea was under five hundred meters below sea level, with few areas reaching a thousand meters, and thus was easily accessible. Regardless, the German oil industry had been largely cut off.
Subsequently, the Germans opted for plan B concerning their oil. Although they had oil reserves for at least six months, Berlin feared that this war could drag on. Therefore, Norway, the Ukraine [and his provence of Russia], as well Japan and the United States were all alerted of the new oil crisis and consequently, the German state ordered larger imports and faster paces - and those who had promised Germany her oil, delivered.
Although the Colombian attack had been largerly thwarted - at least to a degree - the damage was still intense. The German oil industry had been halted, although in terms of exports it wasn't much of an industry - it would just hurt the common German civilian, consequently affecting moral. In terms of damage caused by those missiles, the missiles that managed to break through the ring of fire put up by German defenses caused considerably works of beauty. At least one hundred and seventy-two VFB guns were destroyed, and later tallies would admit up to two hundred and thirteen VFB guns of all calibres, although these would be largely replaced within the week. Furthermore, local police and paramilitary formations were badly damaged , which would ultimately hurt the German ability to recruit from the paramilitary and police in case an invasion of the North ever occured. There were even more civilian casualties, although luckily most were already on their way south, and the total death toll in this area amounted to two thousand, which luckily was much smaller than the last. Military personnel, especially the logistical theater in the North was badly damaged, receiving at least nine hundred dead and thousands more wounded. However, in the end, the casualties were not as drastic as they could have been.
To the east, bearing just north of fifty-six degrees latitude and twelve degrees longitude, or north of Helsingborg, Sweden, Battle Fleet Romeo had finally reached a general distance of around two hundred kilometers from Skagerrak, which was rather close to the Colombian fleets. From there, Battle Fleet Romeo would crash the Colombian party, although saying it was much easier than doing it.
The VLS tubes on the destroyers, cruised and battleships opened up in a systematic spiral. It was almost like deja vu - many of the crew members had had experienced with Battle Fleet November in the Pacific weeks before. The instance of preperation flickered before the eyes of those watching, as the skies again filled with death, muder, brimstone and fire.
Already, considering the relative short distance between German AWACs and the Colombian fleet, which probably had its own AWACs up, which closed the gap further, the German MMA-A2 Hawk Aircraft flying alongside the MMA-D1 Gull Reconaissance aircraft, opened up on the Colombian planes already in the air. The MMA-A2 was once the proud air superiority fighter of the German state, but had been left behind by the newer, more nimble, much more powerful, Lu-05 Schlachten. Regardless, it was still in use by the German Kriegsmarine due to its powerful RADAR system and it's heavy built set, which gave it the ability to carry more armament than the Lu-05. The Colombian S-3A/B Vikings and their E-2C Hawkeyes received the primary pressure from the German Hawks. The Hawks electrically unshackeled two hundred and eight MTAAM-3 Silencer air to air missiles, which streaked through the sky leaving a light trail of smoke behind it, and soon moving into the troposphere at velocities exceeding Mach 4. Within minutes they would fall back down, right on the heads of those AWACs and reconaissance aircraft, shutting down, or at least shooing away the primary airborne warning systems the Colombians could field.
The missiles from the ships had already begun to close in. All in all Battle Fleet Romeo had fired five hundred Shockhound Avenger I anti-shipping missiles. Using their Reichs Metalwerken AXIS RAMjet fuel and hydrogen injection propulsion they sea-skimmed for most of the way to their target at around ninety feet above the surface of the water, moving at a velocity of Mach 3.5. The Shockhound Avenger had a main warhead of four hundred kilograms worth of OctaNitroCubane, with eight smaller thermite "wings" of twenty kilomgrams each. The abstract behind the Shockhound Avenger was that the termite wings would act as MIRVs and detach about fifty meters prior to impact of the main warhead with its target, and striking at around Mach 6 in a circle around the expected impact of the main warhead, providing the main warhead with the prior energy to completely dig in through the hull of the targetted ship.
Behind this main salvo of missiles there was a smaller attack in progress. Each of the seven remaining Colombian nuclear reactor carriers, and the twelve assault carriers, were targetted by five Sledgehammer anti-shipping missiles each. At the cruise speed of Mach 3.3 the missiles would sea-skim most of the way to their targets, however, at around twenty kilometers distance the missiles would arch up into the troposphere and then come back down in their terminal phase at Mach 6.5. The idea behind the missile was to hit in the deck armor of the ship, penetrating the heavily armored super-dreadnoughts which had come to rule the face of the sea. The missile was tipped by a solid, and shaped, depleted uranium rod, and the missile would literally dig through the deck of the attacked ship and once inside the main body of the explosive would come through the rear, causing massive damage in all dimensions of the missile with its five hundred kilomgram OctaNitroCubane warhead and ten twenty kilogram seperate thermite wings. Thus, in total, ninety-three Sledgehammer anti-shipping missiles made their way towards their targets.
At the same exact time, from the west, Battle Fleet October made its move. Firing its own salvo of five hundred Shockhound Avenger I anti-shipping missiles, it would provide an equal to that coming from the East, and even more. A second wave of missiles included a total launching of five hundred Principe III anti-shipping missiles and one hundred Sledgehammer anti-shipping missiles. The Principe IIIs rose into the air and sea-skimmed the entire way there. At one hundred kilometers distance they turned on their active jamming and at eighty kilometers distance broke apart, each releasing a single MT-3 torpedo. The torpedoes freefell for quite a while, until a parachute shot out from a removal booster at the end, which would fall off once the torpedo broke the surface of the water, and dropped it nose first. Once in the water the screws on each torpedo began to make turns for seventy knots and the five hundred [or less, if you shot some missiles down] MT-3s began their quick voyage to the hulls of Colombian ships.
With that, the two German fleets silenced themselves until their admirals gave them new warplans for new days to come.
The Colombians had been able to put a third fleet in the North Sea, classified as Task Force Ahadiel. Although the two Colombian fleets un the Skagerrak Straits were being pummeled, this new fleet could provide a backdoor into Germany, or at the very least, a nuisance to the German war effort in Holland. Consequently, it would be the center of attention of the German Luftwaffe until it was sunk, or it retreated west.
Already, with the sun at its climax, two hundred Lu-12 Canaries flew low, skimming the German landscape at three hundred meters altitude. Above, at around sixty thousand feet [OOC: I love switching from metric to standard and confusing everybody], one hundred Lu-05 Schlachten moved to keep their eyes on Colombian and Dutch air assets. Accelerating quickly the Lu-05 Schlachten reached the sandy shores of northern Italy, where it was within strike distance of the Colombian AWACs and CAP flying around Ahadiel. Within seconds the Lu-05 had dispatched a total force of five hundred MTAAM-3 Silencer air to air missiles, dedicated to bringing down the combat air patrol and airborne warning systems. With a range of two hundred and seventy five kilometers, using an extended body and its SCRAMjet propulsion, the Silencer was perhaps one of the best air to air missiles in the world, although to completely approve that would be both conceited and possibly incorrect. Regardless, it was good.
As the Lu-05 peeled off to form rotating defensive rings in the air, looking out for a Colombian response to the Lu-12 Canaries below, the Canaries struck just as quickly and just as ferociously. They dropped a total of two thousand Principe III anti-shipping missiles, the most widely used anti-shipping missile in the German inventory. The Principe IIIs freefell for some of the ride, dropping to an altitude of around a hundred feet above the surface of the North Sea, and then sea-skimming for the rest of its flight, using its fuel injector propulsion. A hundred kilometers from the Colombian fleet they turned on their heavy jamming sets and at eighty kilometers released the MT-3 torpedoes. From there the phases were pretty much rhetorical since so many had seen it before.
After the attack the Lu-12s turned to go back home. Behind them, before the MT-3s were deployed, the five hundred Principe IIIs split into two groups of two hundred and fifty each. One turned west, the other east, and then both turned north, and then turned opposite directions. The missile swarms had attempted a flanking of the Colombian fleet to confuse surface to air missile batteries and force the Colombians to redirect fleet defense systems. The Germans sure hoped it would cause at least some damage.
[Kanalfront: The Netherlands]
The remnants of the original Luftwaffe strike force which had opened up the offensive in the Netherlands was by now already heading home, allowing the second wave of aircraft to join in on the attack. However, this time, the Germans planned to take things more strategically, instead of following the same suit of massive missile attacks, and hoping that at least one got through. This time, they would pick apart the Dutch defenses like surgeons, and hopefully, it would mark the end of the Dutch presence in Western Europe, allowing the Germans to redirect the three panzer divisions and multiple infantry divisions either to France, or more importantly, Italy.
One hundred Lu-12 Canaries moved with an escort of fifty Lu-05 Schlachten air superiority fighters north of the German town of Lingen, and heading towards the general area of Almelo, which was still the center of the German offensive into the Netherlands, and also the home city to an entire Dutch armored division. Both classes of aircraft staying low, and possibly out of Dutch RADAR for as long as possible, considering both fighters had extensive stealth features, fired off a total of a thousand MLAM-2 air to surface missiles - ten per Canary. The missiles were aimed at all Dutch RADAR and surface to air missile batteries north of Rotterdam, and they would hopefully give the knock out blow to the Dutch airnet defense system. After the attack the Lu-05s kept a rear guard as the Lu-12s fled back to their Luftwaffe Stasis in Germany.
Another group of the same exact number originated from Cologne, but instead of hitting north of Rotterdam, struck south of Rotterdam, meaning around fifty kilometers of space between the fifty-second parallel and the Belgian border. This time, however, only five hundred MLAM-2s were used to hit Dutch RADAR and surface to air missile batteries in the area.
The MLAM-2s free fell for about ten seconds before their RAMjet engines pushed them at a velocity of Mach 2.1. With their two hundred kilogram OctaNitroCubane warhead they would have the sufficient force necessary to complete the job.
From over four hundred kilometers to the rear of the frontlines, above the skyline of Hannover, Germany, ten Naram-Sin strategic bombers revolved around the city, safe from all air to air missiles their enemies could field, using massive engines to thrust them in circles. Their dual bomb bays on each aircraft opened lathargically, revealing three layers of massive missile clips, all bristling with Legionatus I cruise missiles, the original variant of the Legionatus line. The Legionatus I was an exact copy of the Soviet AS-19 Koala cruise missile, giving it a range of over three thousand kilometers and a massive warhead of over one thousand kilograms of Octagen explosive. All said, they were extremely powerful, and extremely fast, missiles.
Within seconds a full force of two thousand Legionatus I missiles began to make their way towards Holland at a velocity of around Mach 4. With the strategical strike against Dutch RADAR and SAMs the Dutch air defense network would be down for at least a couple of hours before the Dutch could play it safe again. Consequently, the Germans were hoping on this for the majority of the Legionatus Is to make it through, and consequently destroy the Dutch warmachine. By this time it could be deducted that the missiles were directed to cripple the Dutch army on the European mainland. Five hundred of the cruise missiles were aimed at every single major and minor Dutch airbase which held and flew Dutch warplanes - not civilian airports, save if they also flew military aircraft. One thousand were directed towards all major tank parks, infantry conglomerations and logistical supply depots in the Netherlands, especially those concerning the armored divisions around Almelo, as well as most other Dutch armor in the direct viscinity, and Dutch infantry divisions. The idea was to tear a gap through the Dutch army, allowing the German panzers to tear towards Amsterdam, taking the city, and thus taking the country. The other five hundred missiles were aimed at major logistical centers in the strategical depth of the country, including major logistical centers in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague.
On the ground, warfare escalated quickly. The 22nd Independent MRLS brigade, directly opposite of Almelo, with around a hundred vehicles, opened a bombardment to saturate the area, right after the cruise missiles struck their intended targets. Twenty of the MRLS opened up on the Dutch armored division directly, hitting it with two hundred and forty 155mm anti-tank munitions, while the other eighty vehicles saturated the broad front from Almelo to Hengelo with some nine hundred and sixty 155mm cluster munitions, to kill infantry, civilians, whatever was direcly under those high explosive cluster munitions. The entire process of firing took around eight seconds, and after those eight seconds the entire brigade began to move and change location, to avoid Dutch anti-battery fire.
To the south, the 21st Independent MRLS brigade, which had previously been posted on the Belgian border, struck Eindhoven and the area around it, especially Dutch military units in the area, with one thousand two hundred 155mm rockets - mixed between anti-tank munitions and anti-personnel cluster munitions. After eight seconds of drastic rumbling and fire the 21st Independent MRLS brigade also moved to exchange locations, avoiding Dutch return fire.
In the Almelo sector the entire 14th Panzer Division struck through the now wide open border, spanning out and heading straight for Almelo. Once Almelo was captured the division could rupture other Dutch divisions in the rear, or continue to Amsterdam - depending on the situation. The entire division struck with its entire three brigades of armored infantry, which included two hundred SOV-06 IFVs, heavy 15mm guns ready to shred Dutch soft skinned vehicles with its depleted uranium rounds. The 15th Panzer Division, which had just come from a train trip from Hamburg - where it had served as a Pact of Steel strategic reserve - struck towards Groningen. At the same time, the 13th Panzer Division, just north of Belgium, struck towards Eindhoven, which had just been pounded into the dust by the heavy MRLS units used by the German Werhmacht. Consequently, the Dutch were being invested in a three prong attack, in the north, center, and south.
In order to provide significant and valuable assistance to certain sectors several infantry divisions were also pushed into the fray. The 14th and 15th Panzergrenadier Divisions [armored infantry], before located on the Belgian border, struck along with the 13th Panzer Division, towards Eindhoven. However, instead of centering on said city, the 14th Panzergrenadier Division moved a single regiment of five thousand men to take the town of Weert, about ten kilometers southeast of Eindhoven, and an important road network for logistics to Eindhoven - the rest of the division stayed in a tactical reserve, ready to be deployed if needed. The 15th Panzergrenadier Division struck on the northern flank of the 13th Panzer Division, heading for the town of Helmond, which would provide a road network for further advances after Eindhoven, especially concerning the taking of Tilburg, and then Breda, and important road network which would lead to the advance north towards Rotterdam, where the southern corp would link up with the center corp.
The 4th and 5th Volksgrenadier Divisions struck along with the 15th Panzer Division in the north. The 4th Volksgrenadier Division was deployed along the northern front, aiming for the Dutch town of Delfzijl, which had little strategical importance, other than it would capture a good portion of the Dutch coast opposite German owned Emden, and would secure the panzer division's northern flank, allowing it to strike towards Leeuwarden, after Groningen fell. The 5th Volksgrenadier Division struck south, towards Assen, some forty kilometers south of Groningen, securing the southern flank of the 15th Panzer Division.
The center area received the most support, getting aid from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Volksgrenadier Divisions. The 1st moved towards the city of Zwolle, ten kilometers northwest of Almelo. The 2nd directly aided the 14th Panzer Division in the taking of Almelo, while the 3rd Volksgrenadier Division struck for Hengelo, about five kilometers south of Almelo. From there, the four divisions forming the center corp would be able to move almost in any direction needed, and in the end, would allow it to link up with the southern corp in the long run.
The ground invasions had finally begun in the North. It was only inevitable that it would begin in France as well.
[Kanalfront: France]
With the Spanish air defenses in France all but totally destroyed, save for the majority of the Spanish Air Force - which was grounded anyways, since there was no RADAR coverage until they could replace all the lost units - the Germans decided to take advantage of the newfound gap in the Spanish defenses of France.
From afar six Naram Sin heavy bombers, engines thrusting it in circles around the cities of Mannheim and Stuttgart, in Germany, hurled a magnificent display of missiles - perhaps the heaviest ever committed to by Germany, and most likely the heaviest ever committed to. A total of three thousand MAAM Ausf. B Cruise Missiles were fired from the massive clips on the double bomb bays of each massive bomber. The MAAM Ausf. B Cruise Missiles free fell unter their SCRAMjet engines were free from the fragile chassis of the bombers, where they began to accelerate to ungodly velocities exceeding Mach 5. The missiles remained in high altitude over the rest of Germany and soon entered French airspace, where they would meet no real resistance due to the lack of RADAR and SAMs in Spanish occupied France. The missiles began to slowly descend towards the surface of the Earth as they each split, homing in on their predefined targets. Two thousand of those three thousand MAAM Ausf. B Cruise Missiles were destined to hit every single Spanish airbase in France, designed to wipe out the entire Spanish airforce presence of one thousand two hundred aircraft on the ground, where they wouldn't be able to interfere with the German offensive. The other thousand missiles were aimed at logistical convoys heading from Spain, through France, which had hoped to put up new RADAR and new SAM sites throughout France to make up for the loss after the two heavy German attacks. Anything from truck convoys to railroads were hit, hoping to totally destroy the Spanish logistical effort behind the lines in France - ultimately dooming the Spanish defense of their newly gained provence.
However, this wasn't even half of the attack. Already moving in like a swarm the full force of the Luftwaffe was about to make its debut in the French front. A thousand Lu-12 Canaries, escorted by five hundred Lu-05 Schlachten air superiority fighters, armed with a missile more advance than anything Spain could field on their fighters, moved into French airspace, not carrying about surface to air missiles from underneath, since that threat was now as good as non-existant. The sheer mass of Canaries was enough to stir the hairs on any Spaniard defending from below.
The Lu-05s moved in first, using their powerful RADARs in conjecture with the even more powerful ground based RADARs in Western Germany to lock onto the Spanish placed AWACS and fighter escorts. It was enough to say that from ranges of two hundred and seventy-five kilometers, way out of the way of Spanish air to air missiles, the Lu-05 Schlachten air superiority fighters were able to match each Spanish aircraft in the air with four MTAAM-3 Silencer air to air missiles, which spun off into the troposphere, prepared to come crashing down through the clouds right on top of the Spanish aircraft at velocities exceeding Mach 4.
As if all of a sudden the Canaries split, aiming for different directions in France. Each armed with ten MLAM-2 air to surface missiels they would tear up Spanish ground defenses, especially aiming for their armored divisions and their main battle tanks, as well as the Munich anti-tank vehicles. Furthermore, they aimed for infantry divisions, artillery batteries, and other targets of high importance. Once their missiles were expended they would turn to their machine guns, and make sure that this was considered the black day of Army Group A, the Spanish army group in France. Indeed, this aerial offensive was to preceed a ground offensive which would match Operation Bagration - the Soviet June 1944 offensive which destroyed Army Group Center - in effectivity. If all went as planned the Spanish army in France would be shattered and the road to Paris and to the Pyrenees opened. In fact, it would all be so quick that most likely the Spaniards would not be able to effectively reinforce their beleagured Army Group A and would instead be forced to focus on a new defensive stage in the Pyrenees, basically giving up France to the Germans, and ending the major center of this new world war.
As the Canaries did their damage in France on the Spanish ground forces the German ground invasion began. For an entire thirty minutes the two artilleriekorp on the French border, numbering a total of ten thousand guns, opened up on all Spanish defenses directly on the German border to up to eighty kilometers inside the defense. It was aimed at rolling up the Spanish defense of the Alsace-Lorraine with a murderous fire, which coupled with the Canaries, would tear up the Spanish defendants. The skies, filled with the sun, were clouded with the streaks of thousands upon thousands of 155mm shells striking the Earth, cratering it, making France reminiscent of 1914. All the while, fifteen MRLS brigades opened up as well in one short eight second salvo. The total of one thousand five hundred MRLS vehicles pounded Spanish defenses up to one hundred kilometers into the Spanish defenses with a total of eighteen thousand 155mm rockets, mixed between anti-tank and anti-personnel cluster munitions. This attack would go down as one of the costliest operations in history, to both the defense in terms of loss of life, and to the offense in terms of money.
When the thirty minutes finished a quiet lull filled the front. This was soon taken over by the massive movement of troops into the teeth of the now broken Spanish spirits. At that moment the 4th Panzer Division, of the II Panzerkorp, hit from Freiburg into France, aiming for the quiet border city of Colmar, which was rather small but contained a road network to the rest of France, and would prove to break the initial Spanish defenses, allowing the 4th Panzer Division to break into the Spanish rear. From Offenburg the 7th Panzer Division struck towards Strasbourg, once a proud German city, now in the hands of the Spanish, with a vengeance which would not allow for defeat. Finally, from Karlsuhe the 10th Panzer Division struck deep towards Nancy, which would provide with a vital road hub which could lead to mez, and to the rear of the Alsace Lorraine, allowing the Germans to basically roll up the Spanish defenses in the Alsace Lorraine, providing them with ample ground to move into central France, thus ensuring the quick German victory Berlin had so hoped for.
In support the German infantry also moved foward, while the other six German panzer divisions stayed in strategic reserve, where they could be thrown in where needed. The 6th and 7th Panzergrenadier Divisions struck along with the 10th Panzer Division in the north, giving an extra forty thousand infantry, along with one hundred BredtSvert each division and two hundred SOV-06 IFVs. All the while, the 11th and 12th Divisions struck with the 7th Panzer Division towards Strasbourg, and the 13th and 14th Volksgrenadier Divisions hit with the 4th Panzer Division towards Colmar.
This war would be won today...
The temporary RADAR sites in Austria, as well as the older Austrian equipment, provided ample resources to catch the newest attack on German soil - this time in Austria. The Italians had decided to join the fray by sending their own double salvo of missiles - one thousand four hundred Wolverines in total. However, the Germand had had enough experience in the north to know how to deal with such threats, and in all truth of the matter, the Italian attack seemed piecemeal compared to the seven thousand missile barrage composed by the Colombians, and the two thousand missile barrage regularly done by the Spaniards. In fact, if it wasn't for the sheer amount of Italian troops amassing on the Austrian border, the Germans would have regarded this newest front as one of secondary importance. However, the stated fact nulled the ability to do that, so it forced the Germans to think on yet a third front.
German supplied VFB batteries in Austria, composed of Austrian male and femal civilians, especially children from the years twelve and up, responded to the missile threat in kind using the German 75mm to 88mm VFB guns. The guns had opened up, sending a salvo of Metal Storm canisters into the air, up to eighty thousand feet up for the larger guns, centrifuging tens of thousands of tungsten balls throughout the air, cutting through the Wolverines. The batteries continued until the threat was gone, or passed, and manged to cut down incredible amounts of the said missiles. At the same time the mobile Praetorian batteries responded with some two hundred missiles to provide a complementing force behind the defense. However, as always, many of the Wolverines manged to cut through, hitting the direct defenses of the men below. Land based close-in weapon systems, designed much like the Chinese Rice Lamps, put up a last attempt to fight, but still the Wolverines struck, churning earth and killing men. All in all, perhaps around three thousand logistical personnel were killed and about nine hundred front line men, although both would be quickly replaced without major incident.
In Austria the Germans fielded a single Panzerkorp, or one thousand five hundred BredtSvert MBTs and nine thousand armored infantry, as well as five divisions of mechanized infantry - or one hundred thousand men. Fortunately, however, the Austrian army had surrendered relatively intact, except that destroyed in the Innsbruck kessel, and had provided the German army with enough recruitment to formulate yet another mechanized infantry corp of one hundred men, without major training, and this time of SS troops. Consequently, the first SS korp was established as I Waffen-SS Panzergrenadierkorp, given all German weapons, with German general commanders.
Nonetheless, to contain any Italian offensive would be very difficult to do while major German efforts remained in France and the Netherlands. One could certainly say that the Germans would not play such an offensive role in Central Europe until things settled down in the West and North, and then, of course, the Germans would begin their general offensive into Italy, to finally close the book on the war in Europe, and allow the Germans to occupy themselves elsewhere - attempting to finalize this war, once and for all.
When the Italians first began to amass the four hundred thousand men on the Austrian border the German response was ferocious, especially against the air cover above. Regardless of how the Tempest III would respond to German aircraft over Austria, sadly enough they would never have to chance to. German air assets took off from Munich, a good three hundred kilometers from the Italian border, and within ten minutes a wing of around thirty Lu-05 Schlachten air superiority fighters had been able to put three hundred MTAAM-3 Silencer air to air missiles in the air from a range of two hundred and seventy-five kilometers. It was rather sad to the OKW that the Germans had been forced to revert to the usual tactics of mass missile attacks, however, the situation called for it. The Germans were facing four enemies in Europe, and this could soon change to many more, and consequently, the strategy had changed from precision, to steam rolling. The faster it was taken care of, the faster the Germans could move on - it was going to be blitzkrieg at its finest.
All the while, the ground forces prepared themselves, and for now the Germans would entrust themselves to build fixed Koruscant detection systems in Austria, as well as replace the mobile Praetorian batteries fielded by the ground forces with permanent batteries, so that when the general offensive into Italy began, the mobile batteries could move in as well. But for now, the ground forces dug in. Any Italian offensive would come fast, and hard, and it would be their job to turn it around and in turn finish off Rome, once and for all.
The Macabees
26-05-2005, 04:24
Earth II
26-05-2005, 13:44
Yea...let's set that mark at 1 billion dead.
Hmm...if I'd kill a quarter of my population, would I get that cookie? At least that would mean a billion dead.
The Macabees
26-05-2005, 15:36
Hmm...if I'd kill a quarter of my population, would I get that cookie? At least that would mean a billion dead.
Yes, you would get a cookie.
The Macabees
26-05-2005, 23:39
Player list updated.
all who join get to see nude pics of me ;)
26-05-2005, 23:44
all who join get to see nude pics of me ;)
Does it count if I quit then join up again?
The Macabees
27-05-2005, 00:53
Does it count if I quit then join up again?
Neg, sorry. But I have a personal stash, so I can e-mail those to you whenever you want.
Wow, this is getting weird.
The Macabees
27-05-2005, 04:39
The Macabees
27-05-2005, 22:35
The Silver Sky
27-05-2005, 22:53
While war heats up between Cuba and TACSA the USA a mere 90km(or miles I forget) from Cuba continues to sit on it's ass and stockpile weapons from Germany and Japan as well as South Africa, as well as improve it's costal defences in the Southern US, hmm what could those pesky americans be up to, what, did you say Cuba is only 90kms from the Florida Keys, hmm...
Does it count if I quit then join up again?
Anything for you. ;)
The Macabees
28-05-2005, 20:28
Bump this shizzle up.
The Macabees
29-05-2005, 17:54
The Macabees
31-05-2005, 02:44
And up it goes again.
The Macabees
01-06-2005, 00:41
The Macabees
01-06-2005, 06:04
There are a lot of countries left!
The Macabees
01-06-2005, 14:50
01-06-2005, 14:54
There are a lot of countries left!
But Israel ain't one of 'em. :(
(Macabees, add me to your MSn if you want.
The Macabees
01-06-2005, 14:56
But Israel ain't one of 'em. :(
(Macabees, add me to your MSn if you want.
Unfortunately, and much to my disgruntlement, Egypt is in the process of conquering Israel from NanoSoft. There's a full list of open nations in the front though.
The Silver Sky
01-06-2005, 20:30
I would like to claim Venezuela in South America please.
Will gladly play as Portugal
The Macabees
01-06-2005, 22:54
Both of you, join up! I know Portugal did! Thanks for joining, you'll have a ton of fun, I promise!
Space Union
01-06-2005, 23:00
The Macabees:
I'm going to have to take a break in this RP. I have a lot of homework. But once summer comes around I'll be able to RP there. But for now, UK, will stay quiet. So don't think I quit, I just took a break. Thanks.
The Macabees
01-06-2005, 23:04
The Macabees:
I'm going to have to take a break in this RP. I have a lot of homework. But once summer comes around I'll be able to RP there. But for now, UK, will stay quiet. So don't think I quit, I just took a break. Thanks.
Alright, I'll keep that in mind.
01-06-2005, 23:26
But Israel ain't one of 'em. :(
(Macabees, add me to your MSn if you want.
You can have it when I'm done on a few conditions, basically to keep my eastern border secure which is why I invaded inthe first place, don't really want the actual country. Is it ok if I add you on MSN to talk about this?
The Macabees
02-06-2005, 04:59
You can have it when I'm done on a few conditions, basically to keep my eastern border secure which is why I invaded inthe first place, don't really want the actual country. Is it ok if I add you on MSN to talk about this?
Just add him :p He might not be reading this thread.
Riptide Monzarc
02-06-2005, 20:50
LE BUMP!!!!!
Shouldn't we just make another thread that's more up-to-date, so people will stop having to read through 12+ pages of us rambling on?
The Macabees
03-06-2005, 01:14
LE BUMP!!!!!
Shouldn't we just make another thread that's more up-to-date, so people will stop having to read through 12+ pages of us rambling on?
Meh. It's not like there's anything to read in twose 12 pages. The first post is pretty much up to date.
03-06-2005, 02:25
More news:
A massive lottery has begun in Poland, with millions of people betting on who will prevail in the world-wide conflict. Currently, it appears that the German faction has the upper hand, but the intervention of Draka forces in all theatres outside Europe means this fight is still up in the air.
Join up now, and make a difference! The money of Polish citizens lies in your hands! :P
The Macabees
12-06-2005, 19:22
In Europe, Austria and Germany have made an alliance with Luxembourg. Austria has begun her attack on Switzerland while Germany continues to tear up France and the Netherlands...
In Africa, conflict between Italian and Egyptian forces erupts in the Mediterranean while the Japanese embassy in South Africa is mysteriously destroyed by an explosion...
In Asia, Indian and Chinese soldiers bombard eachother over control of Kashmir. China is also being attacked by Afghanistan, ally of Germany, for dominance in the east...
In Oceania, Australia is overcome by civil disrupt as civilians and police clash in the streets...
And finally in the Americas, Argentina has successfully taken over Chile and Cubans fight against Colombians...
And the Cubans are attacking my fleet that is still moored placidly in the harbor.
Isolationist People
01-07-2005, 20:15
And a good old bump from Kuwait, for higher oil prices!! :)
The world is quieting down some, as nations count their dead. Could this be the end to fighting, or just a momentary pause?
Still a lot of nations up for grab! If you want to be in a peaceful area, I suggest the Middle East. One of the most stable regions in the game, and their influence can tip the tide in wars.
[/end shameless plug for the Middle East]
The Macabees
01-07-2005, 20:20
Iso People, you should start a new thread, so that you can edit the national listings and such.
The Silver Sky
01-07-2005, 20:28
The main forum is quiet yes, but the practice forum is just starting to heat up.
Name of thread: Cold War Redux (And Some Asshole Pushes the Button)
Russia has launched a ICBM (conventional) against New York City, the US retaliates by launching there own small scale strike against Russian ports, meanwhile US ships prepare to attack a Russian Battle Fleet in the Gulf of Anadyr, Russia fortifies it's North-eastern cites as well as economic centers, the US fortifies Adak Island and Western Alaska, so far the fighting has been limited to the Bering Strait
01-07-2005, 20:31
Kazakhstania would like to claim........Kazakhstan.
But first, what sort of things do you gusy get up to? Is there a seperate forum?
Isolationist People
01-07-2005, 21:43
Yeah, its run on a seperate server that The Macabees runs. In a nutshell, we use NS population and economy states, choose a RL nation, and then war with each other. Thats a brief overview of it.
Silver Sky: Hadn't looked at the Practice area, didn't know about that. Sorry.
Mac: Alright, I'll get around to it sometime today hopefully. I might have more time later, since several of my coworkers and bosses in the office are slowly slipping out early for the weekend.
02-02-2006, 13:55
I'm interested in playing as Thailand.
But I'm having some errors on the World at War site
Could not insert new word matches
SQL Error : 1016 Can't open file: 'phpbb_search_wordmatch.MYI' (errno: 145)
INSERT INTO phpbb_search_wordmatch (post_id, word_id, title_match) SELECT 17413, word_id, 0 FROM phpbb_search_wordlist WHERE word_text IN ('keep', 'getting', 'error', 'attempting', 'posting', 'archive', 'section', 'asking', 'i', 'play', 'thailand')
Line : 251
File : /www/m/modernwarstu/htdocs/worldatwar/includes/functions_search.php
02-02-2006, 16:36
has anyone taken croatia yet? if not, i think i'll join you guys and play as .. well, Croatia... .. someone already took New Zealand *sad*
02-02-2006, 20:26
Were dead Were dead Were dead
Macabees, is Norway free, if so I'll take it.
10-07-2006, 21:11
Correct me if I am wrong there...
10-07-2006, 21:11
Not just ANY army, hes joining the Spanish Cavalry