Catfish Doctrine of Strategic Defence Released
Feline Catfish
30-04-2005, 22:04
1) Recognising that Feline Catfish requires defence against Imperialist and Fascist powers such as Ankhmet, Risban and Communist Louisiana.
2) Recognising the fact that Feline Catfish has neither the manpower nor the economic strength to develop strong enough conventional naval forces and defences to fend off any of these competitors.
3) Recognising that Feline Catfish has recently received a large number of nuclear weapons and is creating more.
We propose that...
Catfish Doctrine of Strategic Defence
1) The only way of defeating an overwhelming naval force with our current resources is via non-conventional means.
2) This must, therefore, be achieved using nuclear weapons as only such weapons have the necessary destructive power.
3) In order to protect the people of Feline Catfish from the after-effects of a small nuclear blast, the bombs must be detonated at least 100nm away. This is therefore the lower limit to which Feline Catfish territorial waters must extend.
4) This doctrine also calls for a weapon which, when fired in relatively small quantities can ensure enough get through to destroy in being, or in fighting capability, the fleet to which they are opposed, whilst causing as a few as possible side effects over as small an area as possible. This weapon must have a range slightly in excess of 100nm (this is the N-45 Mockingbird (
1) A nation wishing to invade Feline Catfish will be forced to deploy overwhelming naval strength to ensure victory.
2) No nation with a sane leadership will instigate MAD to avenge the destruction of an offensive battlefleet whilst the mainland itself is under no risk of invasion.
3) Any such overwhelming battlefleet, should it not be destroyed, will destroy Feline Catfish's ability to import food and energy, and therefore the ability to exist as a state and as a people.
ooc: I hope this explains the reasoning behind my recent actions.
((OOC: I'd like to point out that Risban never deployed forces <they were merely woken up> or expressed any interest in conquering FC. Also, a look into Risban's past actions show that it does not actively engage in militant imperialism. It focuses more on corporate imperialism. Heh.))
First thing first: Risban has NOT deployed any military forces yet save a SMALL naval escort going with the Neoman and allies to defend intl waters. I would like to know where it says Risban declares war!
If one would read the Emperor's statement, one would see that he wants to attempt solving the problem diplomatically and economically.
For those accusing Risban of being "imperialists" and "warmongerers," I ask that you refer to the bold above, and that you try to educate yourself more about Risban Foreign Policies.
One: The nation of response attempts to settle things with diplomacy or money (As this has been settled, which will later be explained).
Two: Risban does NOT like having to deploy troops (because I hate military RPs and find them a waste of my time).
Three: Risban does not like holding territory in far away, seemingly-hostile nations.
--Ex: When Muru attacked Risban and allies, Risban led an invasion in retaliation that overthrew Muru's government. Gains from the conflict: $2 Billion in reparations and a SMALL rock 13 miles off of their coasts that holds 16 soldiers/scientists.
So, whereever it says I declared war, please tell me.
No need to mind it anymore, though. A nation who has a bit of a leash on me has settled this in a TG. Risban's involvement in this conflict will no longer exist. Heh. Someone knows how to pull certain strings...))
Imperial Palace- Emperor's Office
"Revert all forces?" thundered Grand General Skops. "Preposterous... Not now!"
"Yes. Demobilise the military and withdraw Antares Fleet from the Neoman deployment," said Emperor Scorpius. "You will do as I order, or I will do it for you."
The Grand General grumbled angrily and left. Lord William Plutus, Minister of Finance, looked at the Emperor. "You aren't going to tell me where the $77 Billion came from, are you?"
"No, Bill, I'm not. Now leave me," ordered the young emperor. The Ministers and aids all left, save for Alexander Perkins, Minister of Foreign Affairs.
"It wasn't a total waste of time," said Perkins cheerfully. "At least we got something out of it."
"Bribery and blackmail," sighed Scorpius, looking out his window at the Palacial Gardens. "Oh well. Issue the statement, Alex..."
Risban Statement
After careful consideration, Risban is withdrawing all interest and involvement from this conflict.
-Alexander Perkins, Foreign Affairs
Feline Catfish
30-04-2005, 22:19
ooc: You started an "anti-FC Coalition". I don't know about you, but I class that as pretty aggressive.
ooc: You started an "anti-FC Coalition". I don't know about you, but I class that as pretty aggressive.
OOC: If you would have read the Coalition Statement, it said that it was going to use economic and diplomatic pressure to attempt achieving its goals. ;)
Feline Catfish
30-04-2005, 22:21
OOC: If you would have read the Coalition Statement, it said that it was going to use economic and diplomatic pressure to attempt achieving its goals. ;)
ooc: Ah yes of course, how silly of me. Now I know that a massive multi-nation coalition against me isn't a threat at all!
ooc: Ah yes of course, how silly of me. Now I know that a massive multi-nation coalition against me isn't a threat at all!
OOC: Again, Risban forces were never deployed. Other nations who participated in the coalition did deploy forces though. And yet you add Risban as an "Imperialist and Fascist" threat, when it was attempting to threatene economically and diplomatically.
Feline Catfish
30-04-2005, 22:27
OOC: Again, Risban forces were never deployed. Other nations who participated in the coalition did deploy forces though. And yet you add Risban as an "Imperialist and Fascist" threat, when it was attempting to threatene economically and diplomatically.
ooc: Why are you arguing with me about this ooc? My nation views yours as an Imperialist and Fascist menace to the world. What more is there to say?
30-04-2005, 22:32
OOC: i still say its all a bit pointless really when you consider the average ranges of NS naval combat, and your nukes do bugger all agaisnt air attack (unless you a re goign to start using nuclear SAMs...).
but then its up to you
goes away to polish his Doujin
ooc: Why are you arguing with me about this ooc? My nation views yours as an Imperialist and Fascist menace to the world. What more is there to say?
OOC: Well then, excuse the lack of effort and thought put into this post.
We would like to know Feline Catfish's reasoning used when branding the Risban Imperium as imperialists and fascists. We would like proof of Imperialism and Fascism, as well as FC's definitions of the two words, as they are obviously different than the ones we used.
Imperialism: The policy of extending a nation's authority by territorial acquisition.
Fascism: A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
And your definitions are...?
-Alexander Perkins, Foreign Affairs
Space Union
30-04-2005, 22:47
From: Space Union
To: Catfish
I think its time you decide for peace. You have half the world against you which isn't what you want. Saying that, I support Risban in using economic and diplomatic stance against your nation.
President Harsimran Mann
From: Space Union
To: Risban
Space Union would like to help you in using economic and diplomatic pressures to make sure Feline Catfish doesn't conduct his current policies.
President Harsimran Mann
From: Space Union
To: Risban
Space Union would like to help you in using economic and diplomatic pressures to make sure Feline Catfish doesn't conduct his current policies.
President Harsimran Mann
Risban has withdrawn from the entire ordeal. All we are doing is keeping an embargo on Feline Catfish and banning flights to and from there in Risban, which does not affect either nation much at all.
Feline Catfish
01-05-2005, 10:01
"Why do you all condemn this? How does it affect you at all? It doesn't. Not unless you want to invade us, which you have no reason to."
ooc: Strathdonia do you know what doujin is? That's just... bizzare.
01-05-2005, 10:17
ooc: Strathdonia do you know what doujin is? That's just... bizzare.
OoC: Despite its more than dubious name, the Doujin on NS actually refers to the first "Super Dreadnought", a massive warship bristling with all manner of things meant to hurt. It was the fad of 04 that spawned the endless spinoffs of the Doujin and it still exists today, albeit; thankfully, with less spinoffs.
Kriegorgrad takes pride in the fact that another nation has realised that a potent and very real deterrent must be used in order to see itself safe. The world we live in is not one where you can freely just your neighbour without doubts of his or her loyalty, this is a world that thrives on deceit and backstabbing, bullying and extortion as well as all manner of other, dubious things.
We hope that the reign of King George the Third is a prosperous and long one, take care comrades.
The Oligarch of Kriegorgrad, Comrade Leader Nikolai Fedorenkov
New Klatch
01-05-2005, 10:52
"Why do you all condemn this? How does it affect you at all? It doesn't. Not unless you want to invade us, which you have no reason to."
I fear the search of "Nukes" and the slightly worrying aspect of searching for protection against invasion, bothers us, for, as a great author once said, it is not that if one wants peace he must prepare for war, rather - if one wants war - one must prepare for one.
While one may always afraid that the neighboring country may turn against you, New Klatch views the "race to armaments" as one that may harm a whole region, politically speaking, leading eventually to the occurrence of a cold war.
However, after making my point, and mentioning the displeasure in which New Klatch views FC' actions, I would like to make it obvious that New Klatch will not take sides in this dispute.
To the nation of Feline Catfish, may we assume that the meaning behind the 100nm request refers to military naval forces, and not trade or civilian transport ships?
Gamla Shultz, Foreign affairs Minister
01-05-2005, 11:23
"Why do you all condemn this? How does it affect you at all? It doesn't. Not unless you want to invade us, which you have no reason to."
ooc: Strathdonia do you know what doujin is? That's just... bizzare.
Oh i'm full aware of the many means that the term "doujin" has on NS these days. To the average reader it is indeed a reference to the single example of one of the nastiest warships ever biult, but if your mind is twisted enough you can take it anyway you want :)
01-05-2005, 12:00
EDIT: Crookfur he may not know what the Doujin Class is. If not then it's this:
We would like to know Feline Catfish's reasoning used when branding the Risban Imperium as imperialists and fascists. We would like proof of Imperialism and Fascism, as well as FC's definitions of the two words, as they are obviously different than the ones we used.
Imperialism: The policy of extending a nation's authority by territorial acquisition.
Fascism: A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
And your definitions are...?
-Alexander Perkins, Foreign Affairs
The Grand Risban Imperium would like its questions answered.
While Iuthia is saddened by this turn of events, we can understand completely why Feline Catfish feels the need to arm itself against foriegn aggression and outline such a durastic defencive strategy in order to act as a deterrent against foriegn aggressors.
The fact it has come to this has some very powerful meaning to how our international community has evolved into such an aggressive place, where the soveriegnity of one nation is threatened at any time they seek to defend their people in the manner they see fit.
This isn't to say we agree with these policies however, we feel that perhaps some form of perminant protection deals with you're allies would be more suitable, such as to allow Automagfreek the chance to build a military base on you're land so they may operate and completely take you're fledgling nation under their wing... that would be a powerful deterrent in itself.
Iuthia will not comdemn or condone the changes made to the Feline Catfish's Doctrine of Strategic Defence, perhaps we underestimate the privilege that allows us in Iuthia to completely disband our nuclear arsenal, thanks to our NAFDA defence system... perhaps with time Feline Catfish will also ascend to the point where nuclear weapons are not needed, if not through alliance then through technological advance.
Never the less, we wish you luck in you're fight to protect yourselves,
Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthia Diplomatic Corps
Green Sun
02-05-2005, 01:32
OOC: If you think about it, if you hadn't DEMANDED and followed the rule of 'Newbies shalt not haveth nuclear arms' a lot of these people WOULDN'T have gotten ticked off and all this WOULDN'T have happened. I don't CARE what RL nations have nukes, in NS, we do things differently because we don't want people like you pulling off stunts like this.
We would like to know Feline Catfish's reasoning used when branding the Risban Imperium as imperialists and fascists. We would like proof of Imperialism and Fascism, as well as FC's definitions of the two words, as they are obviously different than the ones we used.
While our friends in the Catfish government may not have the words to properly answer their views on this matter, I feel that it's fairly easy, even for an outsider, to understand their reasoning behind the usage of "Imperialist" in this arguement thus far.
You're nation was once part of a coalition specifically aimed at taking nuclear weapons away from Feline Catfish, a nation which feels the need to protect themselves (even more so now that nations are further calling for action). This association with the anti-Catfish coalition brings their people to think that both yourselves and the alliance wish to force their authority by the establishment of political hegemony, or put in more common terms, to basically force you're will (removal of nuclear weapons) using political pressure.
While you're own definition of imperialism isn't complete, obviciously down to you're opinion of the words true meaning, it's easy to see that once being part of alliance which seeks to force it's values on other nations is a form of imperialism, which as many Iuthian (and other nations) dictionaries state is:
"The policy of extending a nation's authority by territorial acquisition or by the establishment of economic and political hegemony over other nations."
As for "Facist" well, it's a popular term to use against though who are looking to force themselves on you... probably being used for little more then added effect.
Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
02-05-2005, 01:35
OOC: yes but who made that rule? Sure it stops them from developing them, but he was given them, or bought them, thus the rule in not valid. I see nothing wrong with him having Nukes; but maybe you do, because your afraid that if you oppress newbies you'll be nuked ;)
I say, everyone should lay off; no one goes around screaming at larger nations when they stockpile nukes, which is more dangerous than any little nation.
02-05-2005, 01:37
Transmission from Lt. Dimitri "Merchant of Menace" Rovsky of the Leafanistan Protection Forces to the leader of Feline Catfish
*encoded channel alpha-bravo-hotel*
Hey man, I heard about your troubles and wish to help. Security ain't too tight and well, we got us a zombie outbreak. I can sell you corpses and blood samples $5000 US each. Just wire the money to my bank account and the next "Merchant vessel" to enter your waters will be carrying them in a steel crate. Just want to help another freedom fighter. The Red Brigade here in Leafanistan is like you oppressed by a big power. Fight the power dude; but from me it'll cost ya. But trust me man, with a 65% chance of causing mass death around the world no one will mess with ya. Cool just wire the money in with the order and I'll have it shipped.
Signed: Lt. Dimitri "Merchant of Menace" Rovsky LPF
*end encryption*
OOC: 'Newbies shalt not haveth nuclear arms'
OOC: That isn't a rule, it's a guideline quoted by people who don't beleive nationstates is a FREEFORM roleplaying game, if you can find me a quote in the FAQ which states that it's a hard rule never to have nuclear weapons at a young age then I may be more likely to agree...
Never the less we're now in a situation where a ton of nations are protecting him and he doesn't have to actually do much... there are tons for friendly foriegn forces protecting them now and it's very dangerous to attack them. So it's not really a matter of him having to back down, he's got the strength to hold on now.
So quit bitching in OOC and keep it IC.
OOC: I say, everyone should lay off; no one goes around screaming at larger nations when they stockpile nukes, which is more dangerous than any little nation.
Like Belem "I Sleep with nuclear weapons" for example? Not only does he have an obcene amount of nuclear weapons and an industry which thrives from selling them to other nations, but he also isn't afraid to use them (and has) against the enemies of Christians...
But hell, people don't care about the big threats...
Green Sun
02-05-2005, 01:40
OOC: Oh, Chrono, think about it. I haven't seen many larger nations abuse their nuclear capabilities at all. Rules are made for a reason, not to be broken. And the reason Newbies aren't supposed to have nukes is because they abuse the priveledge and use them as a first resort. This has been told to FC repeatedly but he's had closed ears. I've tried to help him realize this and he decided to spit it in my face, so he's going to learn that every action will have a consequence.
02-05-2005, 01:42
OOC: Its....not a rule...
You're the one whos making this situation worse atm, if your going to blast him for sticking to his guns. Your the one in the wrong here; because its not a rule that newbies can't have nukes. The RP is freeform; if there were restrictions do you think I'd be able to incinerate planets in vast campaigns spanning systems? Thats the thing about Freeform; anything is possible...
Green Sun
02-05-2005, 01:46
OOC: If this was freeform then Green Sun would be able to destroy your entire fleet with a single ship.
OOC: I've tried to help him realize this and he decided to spit it in my face, so he's going to learn that every action will have a consequence.
OOC: By calling him a n00b and that this isn't a freeform roleplaying game? I've seen tons of small nations playing Future Technology nations, I don't see why a small nation can't have nuclear weapons and so far I would personally concider FC to be a better RPer then half the people bitching at him...
It's not a rule... it never has been. It's just large nations and some older RPers telling newbies that they aren't allowed nuclear weapons when in fact it's a guildline which can be broken, but you may be ignored if you break it too bad.
Which is why freeform works, if you try to 'pwn' you're enemy without roleplaying it properly and being realistic then you will be ignored. Oh, and just a note, is Israel godmodding? They aren't big enough for nuclear weapons apparently.
If you don't like his having nukes, ignore him and quit bitching OOC over and over again, this is a IC thread.
02-05-2005, 01:57
OOC: If this was freeform then Green Sun would be able to destroy your entire fleet with a single ship.
If skillfully and gracefully RPed than he would have to accept it.
02-05-2005, 01:59
OOC: Exactly; so long as it was within reason. However, you would also have to accept that my fleet could still do damage; and would, over time, injure, perhaps with luck from the Gods, even destroy the dreaded ubership; much as evil alien war machines are defeated by a man in a police box...
02-05-2005, 02:08
OOC: If this was freeform then Green Sun would be able to destroy your entire fleet with a single ship.
OOC: You must not know anything about NationStates roleplay.
This site IS freeform roleplay, you are free to RP with whomever you want and there are no rules set in stone. HOWEVER, there is etiquette that those in the community follow, and FC has done a good job to stay within that etiquette. If you use the argument that 'you should be able to destroy an entire fleet with a single ship', then you are pushing the bounds of realism into godmodding.
Is it godmodding for a small nation to buy or be given nukes? Hell no, of course not. Is it godmodding to claim that one of your ships can destroy an entire fleet? Yes. FC has done a good job of RPing nuclear weapons, and as Iuthia said he/she in fact has done a much better job at RPing then those bitching at him.
I wish the lot of you would knock it off and grow up, stop trashing FC before another RPer with potential walks out the door. I've seen it before with Feminany, and I would hate to see it happen again with Feline Catfish.
02-05-2005, 02:09
OOC: Think about most video game plots. If you got a super soldier like that in and skillfully RPed his way around you could wipe out a massive alien aggressor. :mp5:
Total Victory
02-05-2005, 02:10
We would like to know Feline Catfish's reasoning used when branding the Risban Imperium as imperialists and fascists. We would like proof of Imperialism and Fascism, as well as FC's definitions of the two words, as they are obviously different than the ones we used.
Imperialism: The policy of extending a nation's authority by territorial acquisition.
Fascism: A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
And your definitions are...?
-Alexander Perkins, Foreign Affairs
OOC: Read "Politics and the English Language" by George Orwell. It doesn't matter that your nation isn't really fascist or imperialist, the words are simply labels with a negative charge easily attachable anywhere. Regardless of what the words actually mean and what your nation actually is, the label will stick, at least in his nation.
I apologize for adding another OOC comment.
As I've stated before, if FC hadn't demanded nuclear weapons in the first place, then he wouldn't need them right now to defend himself. We recommend that he give over all his nuclear arms to other countries to have them disarmed, then have his nation occupied by the coalition so he can't acquire such weapons again until we know he can use them properly and not randomly. One should not care if a nation is "new" or not. One should just think, "does this person NEED nuclear weapons?" and "Why does he need nuclear weapons?" Obviously FC or his "allies" did not ask themselves these questions, hence the situation we're in.
02-05-2005, 02:17
To: Feline Catfish
Re: Open message
We accept your Doctrine of Strategic Defense, and as a gesture of goodwill, we shall abide by your extension to your territorial waters and will make the necessary adjustments to our fleets as needed. We only hope that other nations follow our example.
~The Empress of Coredia
"Why does he need nuclear weapons?"
OOC: I've addressed this IN CHARACTER already in the thread, so can you please quit repeating this OUT OF CHARACTER already and instead roleplay you're nations concerns.
This OOC crap is just messing the whole issue up, many nations have made the IC choice to defence or attack FC's policies on nuclear weapons, so I would suggest that you stick to IC arguements against people instead of more OOC bitching.
None of my past comments have been OOC, all of these opinions are IC.
All my comments are ones from my nation commenting on the current situation, as far as I know, you and some of the others are the only ones still OOC "bitching", in fact, this entire page except for myself and Leafanistan have been OOC comments, so for the sake of us all, shut up or stop being hypocritical. And don't snap back at me, because I'm simply rebuking you after you wrongfully accused me of something.
Apologies to everyone else, as I'm sure its quite painfully obvious to you that my comment was IC.
I just refound your post where you made your "IC" concerns, and I must remind you of what I keep mentioning, if he didn't ask for the weapons in the first place, he wouldn't need them now. Now he needs them to defend himself.
Laskon must agree that perhaps Feline Catfish should allow his allies to build military bases in his nation until such time that he has his own defence force, but during that time, we will demand that he give over all his nuclear arms to the coalition, as he would obviously not need them if he has such protection.
OOC: My apologies, I usually make a point of making the comments look IC to avoid confusion, but its clear that I made a knee jerk reaction based on my opinion of the anti-FC crowd overall arguement and not you're individual point of view. I shouldn't rush so.
Meanwhile I would like to note all my OOC comments have been in responce to percieved OOC comments, the majority of which are pretty clearly OOC.
Regardless of whether or not they needed weapons in the first place, the fact of the matter is that Iuthia doesn't agree with the idea that a nation can make demands on another nations internal affairs... as we understand it their government deemed it nessicary for their military to be able to protect themselves from outside aggression, given some of the incidents we have witnessed in the past there alot of cause for concern. That fact that you are now making demands of them based on your nations values of what they should and shouldn't be allowed to own further supports the idea that they need to protect their right to rule their nation as they see fit.
Iuthia would rather that this nation disbanded it's nuclear arsenal as we are uneasy with the idea that it may be used in order to protect themselves from the very action you and you're allies are threatening. However, this doesn't mean to say that we should force our views on this nation... they are afterall using these weapons for their intended perpose, as a deterrent to stop others from invading them, while it isn't working entirely as they desired, it is not our policy to force their nation to be wise with their defencive strategy... it is up to them to choose to disband their weapons in return for positive relations with all nations watching.
To make demands of this nation threatens war with not only this minor nuclear power (assuming word that even applies) but also those who deem demands as a threat to Catfish soveriegnity. This situation would be better solved with a calm word then another threat... you claim to be doing what is better for the international community, but you're threats are further pushing the nation into a desperate defencive position, the fact that others are now supporting him now allows the nation to relax a little and provide a more suitable environement to conduct proper diplomacy...
The fact that other anti-FC nations are moving against them only makes this situation more dangerous, despite efforts to peacefully solve the situation without harming the soveriegn rights of the Catfish people... something many of your allies could hardly claim. You're allies have done little other then make demands on the internal affairs of another nation... now that others are supporting them and providing better options there is little reason they should give you their weapons.
Instead I would rather they came to their senses on their own and loaned Automagfreek their weapons in return for perminant defence and AMF nuclear silos on their land perhaps. Eitherway it's unfair to demand they hand their enemies, the people who seek to force their will on their people, their own deterrent.
Foreign Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
OOC: My apologies, I usually make a point of making the comments look IC to avoid confusion, but its clear that I made a knee jerk reaction based on my opinion of the anti-FC crowd overall arguement and not you're individual point of view. I shouldn't rush so.
Meanwhile I would like to note all my OOC comments have been in responce to percieved OOC comments, the majority of which are pretty clearly OOC.
Regardless of whether or not they needed weapons in the first place, the fact of the matter is that Iuthia doesn't agree with the idea that a nation can make demands on another nations internal affairs... as we understand it their government deemed it nessicary for their military to be able to protect themselves from outside aggression, given some of the incidents we have witnessed in the past there alot of cause for concern. That fact that you are now making demands of them based on your nations values of what they should and shouldn't be allowed to own further supports the idea that they need to protect their right to rule their nation as they see fit.
Iuthia would rather that this nation disbanded it's nuclear arsenal as we are uneasy with the idea that it may be used in order to protect themselves from the very action you and you're allies are threatening. However, this doesn't mean to say that we should force our views on this nation... they are afterall using these weapons for their intended perpose, as a deterrent to stop others from invading them, while it isn't working entirely as they desired, it is not our policy to force their nation to be wise with their defencive strategy... it is up to them to choose to disband their weapons in return for positive relations with all nations watching.
To make demands of this nation threatens war with not only this minor nuclear power (assuming word that even applies) but also those who deem demands as a threat to Catfish soveriegnity. This situation would be better solved with a calm word then another threat... you claim to be doing what is better for the international community, but you're threats are further pushing the nation into a desperate defencive position, the fact that others are now supporting him now allows the nation to relax a little and provide a more suitable environement to conduct proper diplomacy...
The fact that other anti-FC nations are moving against them only makes this situation more dangerous, despite efforts to peacefully solve the situation without harming the soveriegn rights of the Catfish people... something many of your allies could hardly claim. You're allies have done little other then make demands on the internal affairs of another nation... now that others are supporting them and providing better options there is little reason they should give you their weapons.
Instead I would rather they came to their senses on their own and loaned Automagfreek their weapons in return for perminant defence and AMF nuclear silos on their land perhaps. Eitherway it's unfair to demand they hand their enemies, the people who seek to force their will on their people, their own deterrent.
Foreign Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
You speak of many demands, however, did not Feline Catfish at first DEMAND nuclear weapons? Though this is now almost a moot point, we felt it needed to be picked up again.
Myself and my advisors have come up with an interesting proposal, not really a proposal, an agreement. Feline Catfish now has several powerful allies and supporters along with its small but potent nuclear aresenal. We think that perhaps neither side should have to give in, rather Feline Catfish keeps its weapons along with its allies, but the coalition is allowed to moniter all movements made by Feline Catfish concerning these weapons. Of course, one FC makes its own military and defense force, the allies can leave and the monitering can be toned down, and FC will only be subject to the same checks that all nations armed with nuclear weapons are given.
We'd like to know all the other nation's involved opinion's on this, including, of course, Feline Catfish.
I suppose we were both getting a little annoyed at the OOC comments, eh? :eek: :mp5:
Feline Catfish
07-05-2005, 21:28
WTH? I've never heard about a ship called a Doujin before. I dont just automatically know these things just because I made a nationstates account. I do have to, you know, read about them? Come on.
Anyway, BUMP.
editted: that was ooc.