NationStates Jolt Archive

Isle of Skye Diplomatic Initiative

The Isle of Skye
30-04-2005, 21:45
Our nation is currently opening its borders to embassies of other nations.

Benefits of merely having open relations with the Isle of Skye:

1. Would circumvent any punitive tarriffs applied to your imported products.
2. Would allow you a speedy answer if requesting military aid.
3. Would allow speedier entry of your nations goods into the nation; they would be given a preferential spot in security lines at Open Ports
4. Would allow the trade of class 5 Military Hardware
Small tarrifs would be in place until formal alliance.
All Tarrifs on the following products would immediately be eliminated:
Foodstuffs (Includes Alcoholc Beverages)
Entertainment Products (Magazines, Video Games, (holo)Movies, Etc.)

Benifits of having a Non-Agression-Pact with the Isle of Skye:
1. Would reduce limits on your nationals when entering the Isle of Skye, they would be allowed to bring more items for personal use.
2. Would allow your military forces an emergency berth.***
3. Would eliminate tarrifs on most goods.
4. Allows for the sale of class 4 Military goods.

Benifits of having Formal Alliance with the Isle of Skye:
1. Ensures that Isle of Skye intelligence forces will warn you of an impending attack, or aid you with information from the attacking nation. The Isle of Skye will allow your units access to our bases as a means of invasion, or if the enemy clearly outnumbers your nation, will Immediately come to your nations defense.
2. Eliminates all tarrifs.
3. Allows for the sale of class 3 Military Goods.
4. Allows for your nationals to move through far less security when entering the Isle of Skye.

Benifits of having Mutual Defense Pact with the Isle of Skye:
1. Ensures that Isle of Skye military elements will come to your aid if attacked, and immediate responses will begin against your attackers.
2. Allows the sale of class 2 Military weapons. Class 1 upon approval of council of clans.
3. Allows your nation access to Isle of Skye defense network, whereby our intelligence services will organise with yours, to acheive mututally beneficial objectives.

At first, we would request that you send only Fifty(50) special ops personell. You will be allowed up to fifty(50) Diplomatics Corps Personell*.

Isle of Skye Military Security will handle the external defense of your building. Your security chief of the facility would be in direct command of all 250 on duty personell. If a formal alliance can be reached, the number of special forces could increase as far as you wish, up to 500 persons. We will, at that time, offer specialized riot situation training to your special troops, so that they will know how to adequately handle IOS nationals during times of Civil Disobedience. You will also be allowed unarmed** emergency transport of whichever type you chose for all personell you have in the building.

The reason for our request that you allow Isle of Skye Military Security to handle the external defense of your building is because our forces have the training we feel is neccesary to handle any riot situation that could arise. We do not predict such a reaction among the populace, but the internal politics of our nation can be somewhat volitile, and our troops are specifically trained to handle persons of our culture in riot situations. We wish to avoid any uneeded civilian casualties.

Note: The fifty person limit will remain in place until your country acheives Non-Aggression pact level. In some cases, tarriffs will not be dropped. All alliances above diplomatic communication require approval of the Council of Clans, which may take from two to fifty days to accomplish.

*Diplomatic Corps Personell include: Translators, Secretaries etc. Other services such as cooking/janitorial/etc will at first be taken care of by IOS personell. (Your internal security may screen such IOS nationals as will work within your embassy.)

**Unarmed means: Containing no offensive weaponry of any sort. Defensive turrets are turrets with a 500 Yard Range, and are non-exposive. Anti-Missile systems that do not contain counter-missiles are allowed.

*** If you were at war, policies would have already been set up in regards to the return of such hardware and personell. If no terms had been set up previously, all hardware and personell would be returned immediately.

Currently all nations in the region "North Atlantic" are considered Non Agression Pact nations. These nations include:
CPL Canada
Baffin Bay

Open Relations Status Nations:

Non Agression Pact Nations:

Formal Alliance Nations:

Mutual Defence Pact Nations:

Open War exists with the following nations due to an attempted regional takeover:
Azulis Blue

Original Gaelic And Latin translation follow...
30-04-2005, 21:50
We would be interested in getting an embassy in your nation.
Rejected Nations
30-04-2005, 21:50
The Commonwealth of Rejected Nations would like to have a Formal alliance with you. As a token of good will, we are sending you a box filled with several bottles of our best wine.
The Isle of Skye
30-04-2005, 21:55
Nations Theo and Rejected Nations,

The Isle of Skye thanks both of you. You may move into your embassies as soon as you wish, and we officially recognize your nations.

Nation Theo, your nation has been given "Open Relations"

Rejected Nations, the council of clans is examining your current alligiances and status. You have been officially and temporarily granted "Open Relations" status until legislation clears.