NationStates Jolt Archive

Spanigland's fishermen find a new, uncharted, tiny island off the coast of portugal.

30-04-2005, 18:37
A few weeks ago, a small, uncharted island was found off the coast of portugal, in international water. There are no natives on the island, and no-one has legal ownership of the island.
Spanigland, as we discovered it, wish to claim it in our name, and would assign a mini government to keep track of the development of spanigladian settelers, although development would be very much restricted. To keep it like a large national park.
Spanigland is a very trust-worthy and peaceful nation and would not miss-use it.
We, the people of spanigland; ask for your support for legal ownership of the land.
The Burnsian Desert
30-04-2005, 18:56
Official Burnsian Statement

The Burnsian Desert would like to use this opportunity to foster relations with Spanigland, by offering the island protection by one of our naval bases. Of course, you will have the opportunity to establish one in our nation as well.
General Ryan Amundson
Burnsian Military
Commander of Combined Burnsian Forces in the World
30-04-2005, 18:56
Comments on the matter would also be appriciated. And in writing endorsements from other nations would be appriciated.
Green Sun
30-04-2005, 18:58
Spaningland discovered this island first so it's rightfully theirs. Green Sun does not oppose this colonization we encourage it.
30-04-2005, 20:04
Thankyou all for your co-operation, and the islands have been named spaniglaandos, and have their own mini-government.