NationStates Jolt Archive

Ageaol Opens Embassy/Diplomatic Program

30-04-2005, 10:04

If you are interesting in having an embassy in our nation, please let us know. You cannot have an embassy larger than 4000 square feet. Accommodations will be made for only 70 men, five vehicles, and two helipads. You cannot hold military bases. All embassies will be held in Cicoa our capital.

Your nation may choose to have the following diplomatic relation with Ageaol.

Alliance: Your nation would be an ally of Ageaol. You would help us in wars and we would help you.

Non-Aggression Pact: We are neutral to each other and are not obligated to help each other in war or fight each other. If we do, only under extreme circumstances would this not be considered a breaking of the non-aggression pact.

Trade Alliance: We have a trade alliance where we trade each other items with no tariffs. A trade alliance does not obligate you to help us or ignore us. However, open hostilities against Ageaol will cause all trade alliances with the nation to halt.

When you apply for diplomatic relations include the following:

Ambassador's Name:
Location of our embassy in your nation:
Any of the three types of relations listed above:
30-04-2005, 10:06
These people have diplomatic relations with Ageaol.

Adaptus Astrates
Free Erusea

Adaptus Astrates
Lesser Tsurani
The Macabees

Lesser Tsurani
The Macabees
Free Erusea
30-04-2005, 10:28
Ambassador: Shinokaov Mashio
Location of Ageaolan Embassy in Taibei: 230-A, Cohn-Bendit, Tabei, #ZIP 4534-3421
Type of Relation?: Alliance
Adaptus Astrates
30-04-2005, 12:42
Ambassador: A.C.M. Melchett
The Imperium of Adaptus Astrates would like a reasonably-sized embassy, with your maximum accomadation.
Type of Relation: A trade Alliance would do, and a possible military alliance is being considered.
If you like, you may have an embassy in my capital, Caliban, if you like.
30-04-2005, 20:12
Ambassador's Name: Kara Seval
Location of our embassy in your nation: Embassy City
Any of the three types of relations listed above: Trade allience.
01-05-2005, 06:27
Thank you for your applications, your embassies are being built now and a shuttle will be by to pick up any people and supplies you wish to bring.

Theao: What kind of items would you wish to trade? We mainly deal in gems, synthetic objects, and nano objects. What items do you have for trade?

Adaptus Astrates: What kind of items would you wish to trade? We mainly deal in gems, synthetic objects, and nano objects. What items do you have for trade? Also we wish for confirmation or cancellation on your alliance.
01-05-2005, 06:31
We deal pretty much anything you can think of, what are you major trade deficits?

ooc: is this PMT or FT
01-05-2005, 06:48
Theao: Currently we are lacking in vehicles for transportation, basic toys, and naturally grown food. We were forced to shut down many factories due to those damn enviromentalists. We also have a lack of fertile soil so we synthesize much of our food.

OOC: My nation is FT but the embassies will be on my territory on Earth so MT can join in too if they want.
01-05-2005, 06:51
We would be able to supply basic transport vehicles ranging from vans to semitrucks to cars to buses. We could also provide hydroponic food stuffs.
01-05-2005, 07:18
The nation of Mondoth expresses interest in exchanging embassies with Ageaol
Our embassy detail is;
1 ambassador (Sara Noches)
37 embassy staff
24 armed Marine Guards (48 G-11 AR, 48 PG-11 side Arm and 2 SG-12 DMR)
1 armed helicopter
2 unarmed Helicopter
2 APCs

can be modified for individual nations policies

Mondoth accepts embassies with the following rules
No more than 50 armed guards
No more than 2 armed helicopters
No more than 4 armed vehicles
No highly explosive weapons (Flash-bangs and similar weapons are allowed) or Main Battle Tanks please

Also, Mondoth invites nations applicable nations to join the Mutual Aid Pact of Less Powerful Nations

All embassies are housed in the Diplomatic Quarter of our capitol Mondoth City, it is within easy walking distance of our national capitol and Council buildings, and is within a short driving distane of either one of Mondoth City's two international Airports

Unless otherwise stated, Mondoth considers nations that sponsor an embassy to have 'favored' nation status, if asked for aid we will respond unless Mondothian interests are conflicting and we expect that a request of aid made by mondoth will be given weight. we also offer a 5% discount at our storefront for nations sponsoring a Mondothian Embassy
Rejected Nations
01-05-2005, 07:23
The Commonwealth of Rejected Nations would be interested in an Alliance.
01-05-2005, 07:24
Taibei is a primary producer of Sugar Cane, Processed Sugar and our rare googleberry crop. Taibei would
absolutely be willing to export those products to you..
Lessir Tsurani
01-05-2005, 07:36
Ambassador's Name: Stephen Von Darkmoor
Location of our embassy in your nation: The City of Krondor
Any of the three types of relations listed above: Trade/Non-Agression.
Adaptus Astrates
01-05-2005, 13:04
Thank you for your applications, your embassies are being built now and a shuttle will be by to pick up any people and supplies you wish to bring.

Theao: What kind of items would you wish to trade? We mainly deal in gems, synthetic objects, and nano objects. What items do you have for trade?

Adaptus Astrates: What kind of items would you wish to trade? We mainly deal in gems, synthetic objects, and nano objects. What items do you have for trade? Also we wish for confirmation or cancellation on your alliance.

For trade, we have raw materials, such as oil, steel, uranium, medical supplies,arms, anything you need.

We have decided to confirm a military alliance with you, but, should you go to war or be attacked by a nation of whom I am also allied with, will put me in a very difficult position, but I will do what I can.
If you are planning to attack someone, could you give me prior warning?
If you are attacked by someone who I am not allied with, then I will uphold the alliance.
I would also like your permission to have 15 of myparatroopers to act as security, just in case things get rough if you are being invaded I have a a small contribution before the cavalry come.
01-05-2005, 23:57
Adaptus Astrates: Thank you for confirming your military alliance. We will try not to attack your allies. We are setting up accomodations for your security.

Lesser Tsurani: Your application has been accepted and we are currently building your embassy.

All Trade alliances: We have loaded shuttles with such items as you might need and are currently sending them over old and new trade routes to your nations.
02-05-2005, 04:38

If you are interesting in having an embassy in our nation, please let us know. You cannot have an embassy larger than 4000 square feet. Accommodations will be made for only 70 men, five vehicles, and two helipads. You cannot hold military bases. All embassies will be held in Cicoa our capital.

Your nation may choose to have the following diplomatic relation with Ageaol.

Alliance: Your nation would be an ally of Ageaol. You would help us in wars and we would help you.

Non-Aggression Pact: We are neutral to each other and are not obligated to help each other in war or fight each other. If we do, only under extreme circumstances would this not be considered a breaking of the non-aggression pact.

Trade Alliance: We have a trade alliance where we trade each other items with no tariffs. A trade alliance does not obligate you to help us or ignore us. However, open hostilities against Ageaol will cause all trade alliances with the nation to halt.

When you apply for diplomatic relations include the following:

Ambassador's Name:
Location of our embassy in your nation:
Any of the three types of relations listed above:

The Empire of Xeraph would be honored to exchange embassies with Ageaol.
We have an ambassadorial compound available in our capitol of Xeraphia, which includes an Ambassadorial Residence, three additional residences for your staff, a barracks for your security team, an Olympic-sized pool, and a HeloPad, all on three landscaped acres.
Our ambassador is Admiral Lord Finnegan, and we would like to start our relationship with a non-agression pact.


Vlad, Prince of the Empire, Regent of The Grey Phoenix, in the Name of the Emperor.
The Macabees
02-05-2005, 04:48
Non-Aggression Pact: We are neutral to each other and are not obligated to help each other in war or fight each other. If we do, only under extreme circumstances would this not be considered a breaking of the non-aggression pact.

Trade Alliance: We have a trade alliance where we trade each other items with no tariffs. A trade alliance does not obligate you to help us or ignore us. However, open hostilities against Ageaol will cause all trade alliances with the nation to halt.

We offer the most serene country of Ageaol a non-agression pact, as well as a sorts of trade alliance. Apart from declaring neutrality to each other, the specific non-agression would include the following:

We are to remain neutral unless either of our parties attacks an allied parties. With that we are to assume a broken non-agression pact.
We are to respect each other's international claims, and thusly, we shall both recognize additional imperialist expansions to our countries.

As for the trade alliance we agree to your terms.

Thank you,
[signed]Jonach I
Free Erusea
02-05-2005, 14:02
Free Erusea would like to open up a Trade and Military Alliance.
For trade, we'll trade whatever raw materials you like.
Ambassador Nekrasov willl be posted to the embassy, and Free Erusean military forces will always be at your service in times of conflict.