New Investment Opportunies Available (oil, minerals, agrilculture, etc)
Official Royal Proclamation
Her Royal Majesty, Queen Latia the first, extends an invitation to all nations and corporations of the world to come and invest in the expanding economy of the Queendom. We have large numbers of fisheries just off our coast, extensive prime agricultural land and vast forests in the southern mountain regions, prime agricultural plains out to the west, and mineral deposits across the north. Also of significant interest is our expansive oil reserves, which we have only begun to tap with the establishment of our first offshore oil rig.
This oil resource we consider to be a prime investment opportunity for foreign nations, as we plan on expanding out ports at Antioch and several smaller towns that we believe will boom in major cities over the coming years. While we have this oil off our shores, we presently lack effective infrastructure to develop it, and we invite the international community to come and support our development by contributing funds, equipment, personnel, and experience to assist us in developing refineries and new oil rigs. Those nations that wish to invest will receive a percentage of either the revenues or the oil itself, or will receive first pick at the other resources available.
Any nation interested in these prime opportunities to invest early in what will surely be an important and powerful economy in years to come is asked to contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- Minister of Foreign Affairs, James Westfield
I would like to get a place in funding your resource exscavation. If you would like for me to fund you get back to me.
(If there is anything else you need you can contact me and we can discuss)
Official Risban Statement
We would be most willing to send representatives from the Scorpius Corporation to help develop the infrastructure for mining oil. Likewise, representatives from ScorpCorp and the Zorag Company would be strongly interested in setting up offices in Antiia to expand business.
We will donate $5 Billion in aid to developing farmland as well.
-Alexander Perkins, Minister of Foreign Affairs
-Duke Magnus Scorpius, Minister of Business and Cousin to the Emperor
To: Rusca
From: Minister of Foreign Affairs James Westfield
Subject: Mines
We have already set up a number of mines in the north, and several refineries down in central Antiia. However, we presently lack the funds needed to fully open up the northern mineral deposits. At the present time, we have two known titanium deposits that we are unable to open up. Thus, we would like to make an offer, your nation can establish and run the mines and we get a 40% share in the production of the mines.
We have already set up a number of mines in the north, and several refineries down in central Antiia. However, we presently lack the funds needed to fully open up the northern mineral deposits. At the present time, we have two known titanium deposits that we are unable to open up. Thus, we would like to make an offer, your nation can establish and run the mines and we get a 40% share in the production of the mines.
We would be most interested in funding this. We have the money, the resources, and the right people to do the work. We can fully fund such an excavation.
OOC: Actually Risban, that other reply I typed up before I saw your post and I edited it for it to be meant for Rusca, however, you are also more than welcome to join in the mineral program, we also have a large coal field we were thinking of opening up in order to provide a cheap power source for our expanding country.
To: Risban
From: Minister of Foreign Affairs
Subject: oil, minerals
Thank you very much for your gracious gift of five billion, it will help greatly with improving our farming techniques and expansion. As for oil, we have on oil rig already in place, but our shipyards are unable to manufacture the immense oil rigs needed to extract the oil, or the massive freighters needed to transport it. We can establish the refineries, but we need international assistance to extract and ship it. Perhaps we could come up with some sort of deal to share in the extraction, refinement, and transportation of the oil?
OOC: Actually Risban, that other reply I typed up before I saw your post and I edited it for it to be meant for Rusca, however, you are also more than welcome to join in the mineral program, we also have a large coal field we were thinking of opening up in order to provide a cheap power source for our expanding country.
To: Risban
From: Minister of Foreign Affairs
Subject: oil, minerals
Thank you very much for your gracious gift of five billion, it will help greatly with improving our farming techniques and expansion. As for oil, we have on oil rig already in place, but our shipyards are unable to manufacture the immense oil rigs needed to extract the oil, or the massive freighters needed to transport it. We can establish the refineries, but we need international assistance to extract and ship it. Perhaps we could come up with some sort of deal to share in the extraction, refinement, and transportation of the oil?
OOC: Ah. Sorry about that. ;)
Imperial Response
The Grand Imperium of Risban will full fund the extracting and shipping of the oil, and provide our technology and ships, as well as some of our more skilled drillers, to help. In return, we would like 40% of all profits. When Antiia is able to take care of things themselves, we will continue to aid and our price will drop to 15%.
Is this acceptable?
-Alexander Perkins, Foreign Affairs
To: Risban
From: Minister of Foreign Affairs, James Westfield
Subject: Oil Agreement
We accept the deal, and Her Majesty has asked me to extend an invitation to you to visit Antioch, and dine with Her Majesty at the Royal Palace to celebrate our new partnership.
To: Risban
From: Minister of Foreign Affairs, James Westfield
Subject: Oil Agreement
We accept the deal, and Her Majesty has asked me to extend an invitation to you to visit Antioch, and dine with Her Majesty at the Royal Palace to celebrate our new partnership.
I will gladly attend on behalf of Emperor Scorpius to visit Antioch. The Emperor has expressed to me his interest in swapping embassies with Antiia. ((See following link)).
Countess Nora Courtney, the emperor's new wife and head of Parliament, would also like to attend, it that is alright.
-Alexander Perkins, Foreign Affairs
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (
Space Union
30-04-2005, 04:55
The Technocratic Republic of Space Union would be interested in investing in your countries future. We would like to donate an upfront amount of $20 billion for infrastructure creation. We are also available at sending 1000 engineers to help oversee the development of your infrastructure. We will also help you in your agricultural and industrial areas. We will send an additional $5 billion for creation of Factories, Power Plants, Farm subsidaries (in the beginning to get the economy running), and development of your transport network. One of our biggest companies, Zyenche, will be able to build the roads, railroads, highways, bridges, and other transport infrastructure. Also our biggest agricultural company, AgSpace, can provide your workers with the latest advancements in farm equipment. If you would like to discuss this further just contact me.
President Harsimran Mann
Technocratic Republic of Space Union
The Scandinvans
30-04-2005, 05:02
To gain access to greater supplies of gold, silver, copper, white gold, and platinum we are willing to offer 320 billion dollars to invest in these resources.
OOC: Space Union, you are modern tech right? Also, I'm off for the night, be back tomorrow afternoon.
To: Risban
From: Minister of Foreign Affairs James Westfield
Subject: Visit to Antiia
We would welcome anyone from your nation who wishes to join your emperor, simply state what time would be most convenient, and we will prepare a reception. (OOC: We can make a thead for it if you want)
To: Space Union
From: Minister of Foreign Affairs James Westfield
Subject: Investment in Antiia
Your offer is very generous, and we would be very pleased to have your money invested into our economy. I would like to arrange for a meeting to discuss the specifics of your contribution, and you have first pick at oil fields not already set aside for our agreement with Risban. Perhaps you would like to send a delegation to meet with myself and Her Majesty, we are already preparing a reception for Risban, and would like to have a Space Union delegation join.
Attention: James Westfield, Minister of Foreign Affairs
The United Kingdom of Azazia, in the interest of furthering the prosperity of both its own citizens, and those of the Queendom, would like to formally announce their interest in opening up the diplomatic relations seen as crucial to establishing an environment conducive to successful business. Consequently, the United Kingdom offers you a space in the diplomatic quarters in our capital city of Imperium, alongside the river with views of the nearby mountains from a luxuriously appointed former mansion from our nation’s days as an English colony.
Turning our minds to affairs of finance, the United Kingdom would like to discuss terms for an agreement that would allow Azazian oil and agricultural companies to enter Antiian markets and begin development of the agricultural fields and the offshore oil fields. To this end, the United Kingdom has solicited offers from several energy companies that are now willing to provide exploration ships to map the geography of the oil fields. In addition, the United Kingdom is willing to provide immediate financial aid, in the form of loans and grants, to the Antiian government to assist in developing your own resources for the use of the Antiian people and their own businesses.
Emily Deveraux
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Space Union
30-04-2005, 13:57
OOC: Space Union, you are modern tech right? Also, I'm off for the night, be back tomorrow afternoon.
To: Risban
From: Minister of Foreign Affairs James Westfield
Subject: Visit to Antiia
We would welcome anyone from your nation who wishes to join your emperor, simply state what time would be most convenient, and we will prepare a reception. (OOC: We can make a thead for it if you want)
To: Space Union
From: Minister of Foreign Affairs James Westfield
Subject: Investment in Antiia
Your offer is very generous, and we would be very pleased to have your money invested into our economy. I would like to arrange for a meeting to discuss the specifics of your contribution, and you have first pick at oil fields not already set aside for our agreement with Risban. Perhaps you would like to send a delegation to meet with myself and Her Majesty, we are already preparing a reception for Risban, and would like to have a Space Union delegation join.
To: James Westfield
From: Foreign Affairs Minister Yash Dheep
Subject: Investment
I would love to join your Queen and you at a reception. I and President Harsiman Mann will come. We can talk about our arrangement after the reception.
30-04-2005, 15:35
" Kinjon[King-yong] Mining Corporation Executivers are expressing interest in using a large area in the north with the following elements within its limits in large amounts: iron, uranium, bauxite, and tungsten. We are willing to pay a large some for such an agreement, we will, of course under your permission, hire your workers, and bring in Afrikaan experts, hence a source of employment for your workers.
Not only that but we also would like to request a large area of farmland. Our corporation would like to buy 1000 square miles of farmland. With at least 250 square miles of forest, for log exports. The rest of the land must have been cleared previously. This land would provide thousands of jobs for the surrounding area, and we would also like to mention that the food could be sold to your nation for an exceedingly cheap price.
We would like to build 14 oil rigs of the coast of your nation, again it will be a employment center for your workers. Our corporation will also need a large port city to ship all of our recovered materials from. All you need do is name the price to build the large mining center and oil rigs. Our Department waits, but we will offer a upfront 5 billion dollars and another 150 million dollars a year to provide "
Mier Horlmann - Director of Foreign Investment, Kinjon Mining Corporation
OOC:[Is your nation govenment controlled? Because, I was thinking of investing over six hundred billion dollars in industry of foreign countries. I was thinking you could recieve some of it.]
TO: Antiia (Minister of Foreign Affairs, James Westfield
FROM: Lakuria (Minister of Foriegn Affiars, Davik Noor)
SUBJECT: Fishing & Oil
Greetings Minister,
On behalf of Prefect Daylon Kataan of the Dominion of Lakuria, I would like to present an offer. Our small nation is just now taking its first steps into the larger world, and our affairs with other nations are fledgeling and just starting to develop.
We would like to offer you a percentage (to be negotiated) of our beef industry in return for an investment in your Fishing and Oil Industries. This would allow for diversity in both our nations' industries, hopefully carrying it to a new level.
We will anxiously await your reply.
OOC: I've actually just started this game, but used to playing something just like this using a RISK board in AP History class. :D
OOC: The nation is a total monarchy, all positions are appointed or held by nobles, there is some democracy at the municipal levels, but that is all. All resources are considered property of the Royal family, and by extension, the Antiian government. Land is either sold or leased out to Antiian coporations, or in this case, to foreign nations. As such, all money being given directly to us will be going straight to the government coffers for use to build up the nation and economy. To sum it up, the government initially owns everything and then either sells it to whoever or one of the crown corporations makes use of it, the Antiian economy is about half government controlled companies and about half private companies.
Also, I will be making a new thread to hold a banquet to celebrate our new economic partnerships, all investors will be welcomed to stay at the palace and will be given a tour of Antioch, and some of the areas that will be developed, etc etc
To: AfrikaZCorps, Mier Horlmann - Director of Foreign Investment
From: Minister of Foreign Affairs James Westfield
Subject: Investment in Antiia
Your offer seems good, however, we request a percentage of the oil rig production, we would like to have about 40% of the production, although we are willing to negotiate on that number. We are setting aside forest and clearing some of the agricultural areas out to our west. Using some of the money we have already received, we will assist in the agricultural development by beginning construction on rail lines and highways to allow greater access to the region and allow the foodstuffs easily get to Antioch, our primary port. As for mines, upon arrival of your representatives, a representative of our Minister of Natural Resources will point out areas containing the listed minerals, we have already been considering setting up a uranium mine near the town of Kobal, and we have construction crews and some miners who we have contracted for your use. However, as with oil production, we would like to have 30% of the mine production, which is again negotiable. Also, we would like to invite you to attend a ceremony celebrating the recent investments, already several nations are sending high ranking delegations consisting of national leaders, and her Royal Majesty Queen Latia would be most pleased to meet yourself, and your nation's leader.
To:Space Union
From: Minister of Foreign Affairs
Subject: Visit to Antiia
We would be most pleased to receive yourself and your president, we are setting up a banquet and economic summit in which all Antiian business leaders will be present and we will celebrate and discuss the new investments into the Antiian economy.
To: The Scandinvans
From: Minister of Foreign Affairs James Westfield
Subject: Investment in Antiia
Your offer to invest 320 billion is more than generous, though we are not sure as to whether all that money could be spent, what in specific would you like to invest in?
To: Lakuria
From: Minister of Foreign Affairs James Westfield
Subject: Investment, possibly alliance
Your offer sounds reasonable, and in addition, we would be willing to invest a small percentage of the vast sums of money being funneled into our economy to assist in developing your own. As well, seeing as both our nations are young and in need of friends as we make our way into the world, we would like to propose an alliance between our two nations, which will be both an economic alliance, and a military alliance.
Space Union
30-04-2005, 23:53
From: Space Union
To: Antiia
Subject: Further Investments
Because of a new policy that Space Union's Congress has enacted (Development Act), Space Union would like to invest $500 billion into your oil, steel, lumber, and any other industries you have. We would also like to invest this money further into your agricultural economy to make sure its a maximum production capablity to feed your citizens. The rest will be invested in your infrastructural transport network. These moves should provide a huge stimulas to your economy.
President Harsimran Mann
To: Space Union
From: Minister of Foreign Affairs James Westfield
Subject: Further investment
Your offer is very much to our liking, and myself, and Her Majesty, would like to further discuss this at the Royal Palace itself. We are still planning out the event, and are settling on a date, but it will be soon (OOC: i'll put up a new thread for it tomorrow or monday).
To: Azazia
From: Minister of Foreign Affairs James Westfield
Subject: Investment in Antiia
We would be most pleased to establish diplomatic relations with you, and I will have a delegation sent with the utmost haste. After speaking with Her Majesty, and several other members of the government, I have arranged for a new embassy to be constructed near the Royal Palace for your own nation. Also, to further discuss the specifics, we wish to offer an invitation to attend a summit and celebration to sort out the specifics of the new investments in Antiia, and to celebrate. Also, we hope to give our companies, and our investors, an opportunity to meet and hopefully further partnerships may blossom from it.
The Scandinvans
01-05-2005, 03:19
We wish for access to minerals to mine.
01-05-2005, 04:16
We would like at least 70% of all production from the mines, and oil rigs. Otherwise it would be more profitable to invest in other countries where the government seizure is much less. Therefore total production given to you would 29.5% of all production. The farmland is another issue. All the track, roads and industrial developments should be under Kinjon control. Kinjon Corporation has a paramilitary force it would like to use to guard all parts of the recently purchased land, rigs, oil fields and water near the oil fields along with the mining land.
Of course, unless you would want us to hire Antiia guards, which would drive down total production to your government by 4.5%. Lowering it to a total of 25%, so it may be in the best interest in your government to allow Kinjon Guards in the territory. We have also recently recieved confirmation from the Afrikaan government that we have permission to send Corporation diplomats, and a government diplomat to the conference. However, the Gesut[Dictator] of Afrika will be occupied the first nights of the conference, he can arrive however the main day of conferences to oversee the agreements.
Finally, we would like to on the behalf of the Afrikaan War Material League[AWML]. A League of weapons, vehicle, armour, ammouniton and other war material producing companies to invest roughly 215 billion dollars into corporate development in Antiia. The investment will be finalized when the signing of the Kinjon agreement is completed. However, money must all be put into the stocks of corporations in Antiia, or the investment may be pulled.
Mier Horlmann - Director of Foreign Investment, Kinjon Mining Corporation
OOC:[To avoid confusion,Kinjon Corporation is not, will not and will never be the government of Afrika, it is a private corporation, based in Afrika. Oh and long live the Queen.]
OOC: Where is this new forum going to be located? A link?
TO: Antiia (Minister of Foreign Affairs James Westfield)
FROM: Minister of Foreign Affairs Davik Noor
SUBJECT: Re:Investment, possibly alliance
On behalf of Prefect Kataan, we would be honored to have your nation as an allyu. Futher negotiations and such can be worked out at your convienience. Our Diplomatic Corps is currently preparing its delegation.
We look forward to a glorious and prosperous future between our two nations!
OOC: Conference thread will be up tomorrow, between 4:30 and 5 pm EST. I'll put up my responses to the latest details there as well and when I make it I'll put the link in here. for the conference thread.