NationStates Jolt Archive

Improved Jenrakian Factbook.

30-04-2005, 02:57
I've added a few more pieces of information in my new factbook, but the layout is technically the same.

A broken province that regained its senses after the crumbling of the ancient Living Empire, the nation of Jenrak does not match to its creator, and therefore, does not call itself a kingdom, or an empire, but merely a pawn. It is extremely faithful to ancient traditions and religions, despite the damage done by power-hungry warlords. The wars it faced caused it to grow militaristically, however, all the civil wars have reduced its face to a terrible death trap. The Methronn, named newly the nation of Jenrak, is a dark chapter of a book; a book that may forever be lost if the only true chapter is erased.

Jenrak formed after the crumbling of Ascherach, and the destruction of the Arias, a powerful race of sub humans who meticulously obsessed with war.

South of the Golden Sea, west of the Wastelands

Map Image

total: 2,766,890 sq km
land: 2,736,690 sq km
water: 30,200 sq km

Near the coastline is the most habitable part. Once the people get closer to the mainland it gets oddly harder to breathe and the Wastelands surrounds the entire eastern sector. Rain is rare, but the skies in the Wastelands are extremely beautiful.

Thunderstorms are rare in the wastelands, but they are extremely often in the coastal regions, making the defensive islands sometimes cut off from supplies for days or weeks at a time, making it entirely difficult sometimes to defend the positions during enemy invasions.

However, the thunderstorms are capable of shocking down most enemy ships, and whenever there is not a thunderstorm, usually rainy weather accumulated amongst the wasteland are found branching out blissfully into the ocean, and soon enough making large tsunamis, wrecking unimportant coastal installations.

Mountains cause a proverbial rain shadow constantly, usually overflowing the rivers in the summer, and in winter the streams are unnaturally dry, with mud freezing up the edges of the streams and the lower bottoms of the rivers. Clouds are often seen, but the strong westward winds prevent any rain from light clouds, and only heavy clouds give rain, but usually it is received in massive downpours.

Jagged, sharp mountains in the north, dusty poisonous wastelands in the east and south and forests near the western coastline. Along the topmost north of the country lay a rigged row of mountains, thought to be carved out by billions of lives during Ciranaar’s reign to defend the capital cities of Argak and Nanmirt from rebellious or barbaric invasion. Along the east, geysers spew out valuable but dangerously poisonous and filthy water, and toxic bacterial air is deadly for most people who journey there.

Going down South brings the once glorious Golden Ravine, a giant neck of the Golden Sea, the Sea named by Jenrak, and the Ravine was filled with deep cutting gorges that throttle the landscape nearby, making it a venerable wasteland. The only thing that grows is the thick infestation plants known as the Tree Leeches, a more advanced form of moss.

Elevation Extremes
lowest point: Ocean - 0 m
highest point: Ciranaar's Castle (mountain) - 7,852 m

Natural Resources
Nickel, Iron Ore, Coal, Uranium, Diamond, Silver, Unidentified Poisonous Fumes, used for heavy poisons and sometimes is a very useful combustive object.

Natural Hazards
Nearly the entire south and eastern parts of the country. Along the eastern edges, gassy fog appears usually out of nowhere, and at night, hallucinogenic frames of gas occur extremely often. It is illegal to go to the far eastern sections, near Ciranaar’s Castle.
30-04-2005, 02:58
Longest River
The Viraigius River, length unknown. It is filthy during the fall and summer, making it almost impossible to swim in, but during the spring the Viraigius River is the only River possible to swim in, as the melting snow from the winter seasons wash away all impurities towards the wastelands, where the few plants drain it up.

It is said that the Viraigius, length still unknown is thought to have been the prime punishment for exiles and criminals, as in the olden days they were set upon boats and drafted downstream towards the sea, where they were swallowed up by raging storms, or they were carried upstream, where they died of thirst in the wastelands.

RL: 880,587,211
NS: 1,100,000,000

Age Structure:
0-14 years: 18.2%
15-64 years: 68.7%
65 years and over: 13.1%

Average Life expectancy
Men: 64 years
Woman 66 years

NOTE: The large amounts of pain and toil involved in a normal citizen is normal for Jenrakians, and usually the life expectancy is different depending on the ruler and the condition of the years. Usually, however, the life rate is extremely low, mainly because of the brutal violence inflicted naturally upon the populace.

Haasdra – The Throne of Sadism
Haasdra was taken in the dark age of Lirrogun, as the dark Lord Nuir Enkur waged secret war against his brother from supposedly beyond the grave, where Ciranaar found the ‘perfect castle’, the center of Haasdra, the Viraigius River aboard the island Fenn’ Minar. Although Enkur was defeated, Ciranaar changed the capital of Ascherach from Durshin to Haasdra, and it remained there for many generations.

However, after the rising of Rissef’s, Haasdra was no longer the capital, switched greedily to the hometown of the rulers. After Arborgard’s ‘liberation’, the capital returned traditionally to Haasdra.

Current Ruler
Arborgard Serptine the Twelfth

Tongue of Methronn, name classified.

The tongue of Methronn is a very complicated language, often requiring many translations within the process. The language is based mathematically off a set of words that follow another set. For example, the phrase used to say ‘The forest is dark’ is spoken as ‘Nishmiran’. However, to say ‘A Dark Forest’, the words are changed in sets, so the spoken is ‘Ciannarmrenn.

total population: 97%

The Chemical Lords of Jenrak – Named after the old torture gods of old, as based upon the traditions of Jenrak to foothold the enemy with massive gasses. So, as Jenrak is quite powerful on traditions of their own, they continue the ancient creation of poisonous masses, to gas the nerves and ensnare the thoughts of the senses.

Government Type
Religious Fanaticisms - Corporate Police States

Ruling Castes
The Caste of Merunmu - The greatest of the castes, the best of the best can only be chosen for Merunmu, and usually, very few people are appointed it. Only the king can appoint the class of Merunmu, and only the king can take it away. 1.2% of population

The Caste of Cendara - The War Lord caste, where the person is identified as strong and powerful. Usually this is a prideful caste, and the upper levels of the military are composed mostly of these people. 27% of population.

The Caste of Ouridna - The Caste of Charismatics, or Police and Law-Enforcers. Usually the person is very wise and subtle. 12% of population.

The Caste of Venmot - The Caste of shame. Anyone within this caste is considered not a human, and usually placed into slavery. This caste cannot be lifted. 54% of population.

No Caste - Anyone without a certain caste are ordinary citizens. Number unknown.
30-04-2005, 02:59
National Holiday
The Funeral of Enkur, the Funeral of Ciranaar
These are dictating holidays within the Jenrakian calendar, and as such, they are extremely important to the basic customs of the people. To show the importance, it is usually lined with millions of people going to ancient cities and finding old deportations to their loved ones, and also the impact of life done by Nuir Enkur, the creator, and Ciranaar Arkszen, the Judge.

Government System
Monarch - The King or Queen of the Nation, and all are self-appointed through strength. A king or queen has undisputed power within Jenrak. (Arborgard the Twelfth)

Red Patriarchs/Matriarchs - Great Generals and Commanders of the greatest of Jenrak's military, Red Patriarchs are highly recognized as great advisors and trusted friends to the king. (Nahk Territurari, Ashili)

Sage Patriarch/Matriarch - Lesser Generals or Commanders, but usually more popular with the people. Sage Patriarchs or Matriarchs are kind hearted as well. (Saerus, Serrin)

Black Patriarch/Matriarch - Killers or Assassins of the King, and usually not known of except for by superior classes. (Viraranar)

Mouthes - Advisors and Emissaries of the King. Usually the position is abused. (Ferruga [deceased])

Magistrates - In charge of Biochemical engineering and human anatomy disruption. Also known to have large amounts of knowledge on killing biological masses.

Flag Description
Skeletal ancient beast, taken from an old temple within an abandoned city in Murun. Currently attempts at figuring out the beast's size and type is in vain. However, the flag does represent a certain sense of pessimism.

Jenrak stands as an economic powerhouse, mainly due to the fact that it has no regards to other priorities, next to religion. Although it is not powerful enough to be viewed so by world standards, it does have a large cache currently in stock. Borderline relations with its brother nation Sanduras has created a certain trade bridge that links it together. While Jenrak supplies its items mostly to Sanduras, Sanduras also supplies those to the world, making the source of the goods mainly obscure.

War is known to break the economic and civilian hold of a nation, but oddly enough the nation thrives off the pain of humanity, whether it is Jenrak's own lives or an enemy's. The source of this is unknown, but rumoured to have come from the predecessor. While the people are besieged, the power of the king becomes more apparent. This causes a certain 'break' in the caste system, giving the Patriarchs more usual power than the king, which leads to civil wars most of the time.

The nation is known to have a certain pattern to their tactics; they deploy either one of two tactics accordingly to their situation. The first is a full-scale invasion at night-time, employed usually by the Sage Patriarch Saerus. The second is the corpse bombardment, a lethal tactic employing dead soldiers and civilians catapulted or dropped from airplanes onto enemy territory, smothering them in bodies and infections. This is usually employed by the devious Nahk.

If worst comes to worse, then Jenrak will deploy a self-destruct sequence manuever, where they scorch and burn every thing within sight, and flee to the Castle of Ciranaar. The voyage is usually unbearable for most enemy forces, but sometimes a powerful foe would break through the poisonous wasteland.

Economic Stats
Exchange Rate: 1 Dollar = $1.6484
Gross Domestic Product: $31,929,284,308,158.17
GDP Per Capita: $31,364.72
Unemployment Rate: 2.55%
Consumption: $16,172,457,000,000.00
Government Budget: $17,473,388,467,500.00
Government Expenditures: $15,726,049,620,750.00
Goverment Waste: $1,747,338,846,750.00
Exports: $4,018,091,015,001.92
Imports: $3,987,313,327,593.75
Trade Surplus: $30,777,687,408.17

Government Budget Details
Administration: $0.00 0%
Social Welfare: $0.00 0%
Healthcare: $786,302,481,037.50 5%
Education: $0.00 0%
Religion & Spirituality: $314,520,992,415.00 2%
Defence: $5,504,117,367,262.50 35%
Law & Order: $5,661,377,863,470.00 36%
Commerce: $2,044,386,450,697.50 13%
Public Transport: $1,415,344,465,867.50 9%
The Environment: $0.00 0%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%

Government Priority
Government Category: Corporate Police State
Government Priority: Law & Order
Economic Rating: Frightening
Civil Rights Rating: Few
Political Freedoms: Rare
Income Tax Rate: 49%
Major Industry: Uranium Mining
National Animal: Ocelot
National Currency: Dollar
Total Population: 1,156,000,000
30-04-2005, 02:59
In-Depth Information

Military Classes
The Military Classes within the Jenrak military are according to traditional laws, where the greatest are ranked higher and usually promotions are placed by the number of battles involved and the number of enemies killed. The listed classes become more important as the person goes lower into the list.

Pay: $8.12/hr - None if Prisoners of War
The lowliest of the ranks are recruits, green soldiers who do not have the knowledge to kill, or the muscle to preform. Usually these men are seen as fodder, being highly suicidal in their attacks, and sometimes they are strapped as demolitions and noteworthy terrorists. However, during a formal or scaled war, they served almost no purpose except to provide cover for more advancely ranked troops to do their jobs.

Pay: $14/hr
As the rank grows, the pay does so exponentially, however, the next rank is a decent one, as the person must be a recruit for at least 1 year to gain the rank of Calurais. This rank is a larger, more organized division, but usually still lacking the discipline required of Jenrakian soldier. They, like the raw recruits, gain no benefits.

Pay: $18/hr
Despite against all odds, the largest ranks of the Jenrakian military infantry forces are the Siren, the last of the raw ranks. They make up the largest proportions of the Jenrak infantry divisions, and their discipline and skill in battle is quite formidable for such a low rank. However, the prospect of becoming a Siren branches out into many other parts of the military, and although the pay is not much higher, they benefit 1 year of university learning at the Jenrak art of Warfare.

Aircraft Ranks
Aspiring Sirens that take to the sky, becoming an airforce fighter in Jenrak usually gives more mobility, but sometimes it gives a heightened sense of danger.

Pay: $22/hr
The pay of the Mussrin is small for the aircraft, and the supplied fighter, the Talus aircraft, is light and weak of firepower. Usually Mussrins make up the majority of the airforce, and they are widely used against infantry divisions. Unlike their greater counterparts, their fuel is nearly unlimited.

Pay: $29/hr
Meaning 'Black Flies' in ancient Ascherach, Musstraks are a massive leap in military skill from the Mussrin, but they still uphold a sense of weakness. These swift fighters are usually seen carrying powerful and accurate Arbalest missiles to take to the skies, making them lethal against all ground units.

Pay: $38/hr
Only the War Lord caste of Cendara could become a Nmenmar, or known as the 'Sky Ripper'. These are skilled airmen and women, who take to the skies alone, attracting attention long enough for the enemy to be distracted. They are also large and cumbersome sometimes, but are amazing bombers.

Artillery and Tank Ranks
Tanks and Artillery are seldom used in Jenrak, so it is no surprise that the Tank and Artillery ranks contain only 2 ranks.

Pay: $25/hr
Durshage tanks are the main focus of the Jenrak sweeping attacks, or even more important, raids. The area is so broad, that it branches off into hundreds of smaller, more specific branches, such as the Unkiroo, Setira, or Serouun.

Pay: $25/hr - $29/hr
Meaning 'Passive Blade' in Jenrak, the Mishmin can only be deployed from the Ouridna Caste, a powerful charismatic and order pride caste. However, the purpose of the Mishmin is to lead frontline assaults, being such of morale weapon, increasing the soldier's beliefs in the Jenrak.

Naval Ranks
Next to Aristocrats, the Naval is the main focus of the Jenrak military. Because of the long length, the airlines are almost second to impossible to reach Jenrak from the sky, as the constant storms and electromagnetic fields employed by the island fortresses gargle communications.

Pay: $24/hr
Lurkers are the carriers of the Naval Warships, underwater submarines that carry massive flagships underwater, in large groups of 12-18 Lurkers. They are lightly armed, but have a superb detection range, protecting the valuable ships from enemy submarines whilst underwater, and from natural dangers such as shockwaves or immense pressures.

Ffendish (Not a typo)
Pay: $29/hr
The ancient classes usually deployed a moving surface fleet to cover enemy ships, a type of ancient cloaking device for the more powerful but also vulnerable command ships. That is the goal of this class. The Ffendish, although the same in rank as the Lurkers, are paid higher due to the fact that they are in charge of ranking themselves in organized fashions, much like officers.

Pay: $36/hr
The Mimron class battleships are the base assaulters of the Jenrak navy, and there are several variations of these classes. They, however, all have the same pay, and are naturally resistant to natural hazards most of the times. They are called frequently in many issues, such as naval pirates, enemy bombardments and raids. They also have the uncanny ability to deploy large depth-charge radius weapons, weapons that can cripple many kinds of submarines close to them.

Pay: $50/hr
The Contrira are the biggest leap in pay, as they are the most trusted and beloved sons and daughters of Jenrak, the ones who work aboard the flagships of Generals and Patriarchs. Contrira have the knowledge to battle with any naval unit, but most spend their times commanding small legions of Mimron as well.

The more tactical ranks of Jenrak are well viewed, and as such to become an Aristocrat you must be appointed so by the Patriarchs or the King himself.

Pay: $122/hr
Mouthes are the advisors, current leaders of Persuasion and such, and although they are not tactically inclined, they sometimes could be a morality factor, often watching over infantry and ground movements, as well as the backup supply for naval assaults or defenses. Most of the time, however, they tend to the King, and sometimes they become corrupt.

Blue Patriarchs
Pay: $100/hr
Despite the massive pay, the Blue Patriarchs are the lowest of their class, and they are still skilled. However, they usually employ chemical tactics. They are the lowest rank in the title of Generals.

Sage Patriarchs
Pay: $120/hr
More trustworthy and more cunning than the Blue Patriarchs, the Sage are geared towards massive Chemical Warfare, but sometimes can adhere to other ways of war. Jenrak's only Sage Patriarchs and Matriarchs are Saerus the Bold, and Serrin the Cunning.

Red Patriarchs
Pay: $150/hr
The greatest of the Jenrak army, are the Red Patriarchs, given the control of an entire section of Jenrak's army unopposed by any but the king. The Red Patriarchs must have won at least 10 wars alone to have been given the title, thereby making them all the more potent from their experience. The greatest Patriarch to date is the Cunning Herrisian Karbulia, deceased, and the youngest is a Matriarch named Ashili, currently at the age of 22.

OOC: Nuff said.
30-04-2005, 03:00
The Timeline of Power
The rulers of Jenrak and Ascherach have waved and shifted throughout the years, however, it is no mistake that the nation was governed by two blood lines, one through blood entirely, and still today, and another through a great civil war, pitting the Aristocratic Overlords against the Violent and Brutal War Lords.
Nuir Enkur the Strong (Ancestor of Jenrak, creator of Ascherach)
(Overthroned by his brother, Ciranaar the Cunning)
Ciranaar's death creates a rift, Enkur's great grandson Derboran Terrish takes over using political sabotage
Ousted by Count Vaazka, the first War Lord and victim of first Chemical experiment
Son, Agglti Ferro reigns before untimely assassination
Agglti's Sister, Arnalia Sethronne, takes control - political rift happens again
States are battling each other, and Arnalia is defeated at the bloodiest battlefield known to Ascherach's history; The Plains of Sasz Eren. She is succeeded by Crymian Fored - Ascherach no longer exists, and it now feudal ling war states vying for power
Assassination of Crymian causes Herrissian Karbulia, a brutal warlord, to take over. The first reign of strength and the Patriarch Caste is created
Warlords vying for power exist once again, after Karbulia’s death, and now the power shifted to Vanglara Serptine, thought to be the heir of Enkur. Assassination once again kills another monarch.
Kneiur Sour takes over, and reforms the system. Democracy for the first time in Jenrak occurs. Knieur is thought to be Jenrak’s longest reigning ruler.
Kneiur’s death is replaced by his totalitarian son, Armon. Armon eliminates democracy and recreates the old system. Armon also sets the tax rate to 100%, and created the slave caste.
Armon’s death is associated with Dura Mennmin. Dura overtakes the province of Methronn, renaming it Jenrak, for ‘Black Star’.
Dura’s death is replaced by Renglessimon Ai. The Ais ruled for countless ages before they are replaced by the Rissef, their mouthes.

Decades passed with unimportant kings and queens, Methronn is renamed Jenrak, and the bloodline is next up with Teurlf Rissef, a vicious monster without regards to human life
The people side with Teurlf's popular and handsome brother, Miraclus Rissef, and Miraclus overturns Teurlf's rule, creating the first successful peace.
Peace doesn't last long as Jerkan Rissef, Miraclus' eldest son, poisons his father to assume command. He begins creating foreign trade blockades - economy collapses
Jerkan's short twelve years of power are overthroned when Arborgard the Twelfth, the Lord of Sadists, forces enemy savages to lay siege to Jerkan's home. Capital of Jenrak returns to Haasdra. Arborgard reforms the party, almost eliminating political sabotage and corruption entirely. Arborgard currently rules the nation, and focuses on Military power. Chemical Tests have reoccurred

Major Cities in Jenrak
C = Capital
T = 25,000,000 or larger
E = 80,000,000 or larger
O = 100,000,000 or larger
H = Highly Valuable (Ancient City)
D = Deserted

Haasdra C, O, H
Haasdra is the capital of Jenrak, the only city placed on water, and the home of Ascherach empire and Jenrak rulers for over two thousand years. The city is filled with strict regulations to ensure the traditional buildings are preserved, and more modern structures are placed outside the city, where the inner centers are more historically based. This city has faced countless enemy invasions, and the fact that it is situated upon the center of a river gives it a direct trading advantage, while the rest of Jenrak is near-wasteland or actually a wasteland. Haasdra is the beating, throbbing heart at the center of Jenrak culture, and it also has survived for two thousand years, outpacing the rest of the other cities in notorious power.

Here in Haasdra the Lord of Sadists, Arborgard the Twelfth, commands his legions, entitles his greats, and kills his heretics, silencing those who defy his will. Placed on the Island of Llerrin, he watches with a watchful eye over the bustling city, and he commands the entire nation with an iron fist, never wavering in his decisions. The city is a massive stone fortress, and the outer walls defend it still. Although a beautiful sight in the summer, the city of Haasdra hides its darker pasts behind closed doors.

Murun D, H
The City of Murun was a massive, military stronghold, until it unwittingly vanished, the people gone without a single evidence left. There was no manuscripts detailing the disappearances, nor any evidence left of the people intending to leave. It just seemed to happen one fateful day, and almost 150 million people never to be seen again.

The city is known for its large amounts of sacrifices, resulting a religious theocratic stronghold, where the city built massive fortresses and colossal war cathedrals to defend against enemy invaders, especially the barbarism from the far north. Although this city is now a massive tourist attraction, the dangers and artifacts that await within are the reasons why some of it is closed to the general public.

Jeviz'Kraa T
The old province of Jeviz'Kraa was named after the city, and it started out complacently as a Watchtower, to defend against enemies. Now it remains as a watchtower, shielding the city of Haasdra against enemy forces. The terrain amongst the city’s surroundings is heavily encased and almost impossible to breach, it is widely accepted that whatever will hit Haasdra, will hit Jeviz'Kraa first, creating a double defense/warning system.

This city was also known to have to bear witness to the rise of the power of Nahk, and his obsessive downfall at the same place. Although Nahk currently still lives, fed life by machines, the city of Jeviz'Kraa never forgot his sacrifice to protect the city, and its walls.

Zarazekko H
The hardest city to breach, the great fortress of Zarazekko was a massive fortress in the center of Jenrak’s capital forces, nearly north of Haasdra. During the time of the ancient Ascherach, Zarazekko was one of the three capitals to herald during the peak of the Ascherach Empire. It was a mountainous stone castle, and it was, according to legend, carved out of the mountains themselves, costing the lives of billions of slaves and workers.

However, as time passes on, Zarazekko is now the edge of humanity, as they are the farthest city east, almost impossible to bear if supplies from Haasdra are cut.

Icrun E, H
Once the headquarters for Chemical Productions, Icrun was militarized in the late 19th century, and it became the sole supplier of Jenrak's Chemical Stores. The city is a large, ancient city, known for the tortures committed by the deathly Nuir Enkur, but also it is the cleanest city in Jenrak, despite the chemical wastes that work behind the scenes of the City.

Messer O, H
The city of Messer is old, once the grand base of the War Lords. However, time changed it, and it became more peaceful, asserting a calm sense over Jenrak. Because of the winding roads in Messer, it is difficult to get around, and the directions are almost impossible to follow.

To live in Messer requires a great deal of knowledge of the city's layout.

Aurgau H, O
The darkest major city of Jenrak's history is the city of Murder, known as Aurgau. Once a massive string of concentration camps, it is now a burgeoning populated city, yet sometimes the streets at night still echo with ghosts, and people seldom go out alone, lest they be attacked by wandering spirits.

Despite the city's supernatural haunting, it is known to be well defended by the Castle of Ciranaar, an abandoned fortress in the eastern sect of the city, a permanent moat/labyrinth for the people to flee towards. However, not even that can save the people of Aurgau against the angry souls trapped within its stone walls.

Sasz Eren T, D
It is no mystery of why Sasz Eren was deserted: war. Once, during a massive civil pitting Arnalia against the War Lords, they launched both of their entire armies at the final strokes of Sasz Eren, turning a peaceful city into a massive slaughtering hole for soldiers, and the war was fought savagely.

When the battle was over, the once called citizens were either dead, or they fled under the cover of the war, and anyone who goes to the evil plains of Sasz Eren will occasionally pull up a shattered body, or a broken weapon. It was named Nervus Kerenuk by many, meaning the 'Infinite Battlefield', after the seemingly never-ending remains.

Manazekko H Deserted
Many people would not see the city of Manazekko no longer, and they would never contemplate the importance of this once dark corner of Ascherach. It was here, in peaceful Manazekko, that the two Gods Ciranaar Arkszen and Nuir Enkur vied for power, battling each other through words and power, until at last Ciranaar overthrew his menacing brother’s stature, and took the title of Lord of Judgment, bringing an apocalyptic age.
30-04-2005, 03:01
Main RP Characters

Arborgard the Twelfth
Full name: Arborgard Serptine
Title: The Dark Lord of Sadists
Place of Birth: Sessloth
The dark chiasmic void that was Arborgard's life is shrouded in mystery, and very few people outside his most inner circles know of his exact moments in his ascension to the throne, although no one knows how his charismatic powers have been afforded to him, how he could suppress the people with not the Iron Fist, but the mere flick of his tongue, how he learned to suppress all political opposition within the nation without raising an army, or lifting a finger. That was a story untold, and many people believe in it in his ancient bloodline, for Arborgard the Twelfth is the descendant of Nuir Enkur himself, and that there is no denying the link of power between those two; and their miserable lives of mystery.

The man who crowns himself king is a white haired, pale faced young man, who did not have the features of a valorous hero, or a charming prince; nor were his features vulgar or hideous. Instead his, face was the face of power, stripped of the extra pieces, only the bare strength left behind. He had a demeaning presence with him all the time, and he prefers to work alone, even in his darkest and neediest hours; he is the apathetic peak of independence.

Although most nations, mostly the tyrannical ones, usually think first underestimating thoughts about Arborgard, but after they see the crimes committed by him against his people, against his last kings, and all of the pain he wrought in his power, they would usually think twice before misjudging him by his age. He is a nihilist, and as such, had a lack of view about the world, and with it, he believed that life is a mere illusion of the mind, and the soul, and that afforded him power to oppress the peoples of Jenrak, and also to develop the powerful chemical weaponry present within the nation, believed to rid the soul of impurities through a cleansing but painful death.

His speech is clear and probable, but his tongue is unusual. Currently, Arborgard is the only person within the entire world to be able to speak the tongue of ancient Ascherach, the birth language of Nuir Enkur and Ciranaar Arkszen.

Red Patriarch Nahk
Full name: Nahk Territurari
Title: The friend of two Deaths
Place of Birth: Sasz Eren
While most people would avoid the claim sake plains of Sasz Eren, scare of their wits and unwilling to unearth the poisonous bones and the sharp dangerous shields, Nahk Territurari, the Red Patriarch of Jenrak, not only went to Sasz Eren, but battled there are well, and it cost him his life. However, fate would perchance it, he was given a second chance.

Tied to a massive set of complicated life support, his morality and pride is stripped, his once powerful and handsome figure and face ripped off to become replaced by a gruesome, weak being, but the machines made it better. With him was afforded supernatural strength, and the odd ability to remember every single second that happened within a year, before he must begin to forget things, and only then, coudl he choose to forget. He is almost a robot, but his soul is still in place. He is almost dead, but he lives still, mostly to serve his country.

As the Red Patriarch of Jenrak, he commands the massive Naval Armada of Jenrak that name themselves the Zealotry, a great elitist covert bombardment squad that is specialized in full scale assaults. Nahk is also immune to the effects of breathing poison, so he is usually seen leading troops to battle in htick gaseous fogs employed before-hand. His tactics are sometimes underhanded, but they are effective. It is no denial of that.

Nahk was a prosperous young man who fell in a deep respect for Arborgard, and later became his aide. However, his cunning thought to the courtroom was later replaced by a different view in the battlefield, and he was sent to his almost guaranteed death in Sasz Eren. The Red Patriarch is constantly hounded by his adversary, Ashili, ever so often.

Full name: Ashili Evergone
Title: Mistress of Erosion, Princess of the Transylvania
Place of Birth: Naharank
She was from Naharank, a desolate wasteland of Jenrak, once a burgeoning population wiped out by the devastating civil war. Refugees came from all parts of the province to others, and that is where the downfall of the sweet young Ashili begins.

It was fine summer day, when she saw the wearied Arborgard work upon his parent's abandoned farm. She helped him, in thought that helping one would have them help another. They became friends. Arborgard began to become close friends with the young Ashili, but their relationship was entirely mutual, and it stayed so today, but it is no doubt that the Matriarch has a deep respect for the King.

Her face is a soft, beautiful rush of wind, a gust of sweet life, but beneath the glittering eyes and the long silky hair is a tortured soul, a pained person who could not do anything anymore to save herself, and her life. In return, her cunning became an asset, and she soon rose above the ranks of her long time friend as well, the Mistress of Homicide, Serrin. Her age currently is 22, making her the youngest one to achieve the title of Matriarch.

Currently, in an odd turn of events, Ashili has married the Lord Edward Darkholme in the Transylvania, making her the most influential person in the council of strength, almost with more power than Arborgard.

Full name: Saerus
Title: The Hero of Jenrak
Place of Birth: Archois
Saerus was a killer, and he was raised in secret by a crime lord in Sessloth, despite his birthplace in Archois. However, because of his efficiency, he never had a full name, his employers afraid of a personal vendetta against him, which usually leads to their death. But, despite his training, he was not born to be a killer. Saerus was a kind hearted man, and sometimes he would let some of his victims go, which risked his life and his job, but his skills were indeed to valuable.

One day, his target was the young Arborgard, and Saerus was unable to kill him. Although he tried, Saerus was outwitted by the boy, and later was asked of his true identity at knifepoint on Arborgard's kitchen table. His name unknown, Arborgard threatened to cut his throat if he disagreed to his demands once again. Little did they both know it was the start of another relationship, another friend ship.

Time passed on, and the two friends met Ashili and Nahk later, but it was apparent that Saerus and Arborgard viewed each other as equals, although Saerus usually calls his old friend 'master'. He is a hero of the common folk, someone they could relate to, and someone they wanted as king when Arborgard took. Saerus was a decisive weapon in Arborgard's council, as his opinion is the opinion of the people, if very few, and the people do not rebel against the king knowing that they are being listened to by an Aristocrat, if not the royal line themselves.

During times of war, he is a valorous war hero, time and time again, and his angelic features lit up the people's morale. His tactics are unlike Nahk, however. He commands the air squad Servus, a tactical team and another infantry armada titled Purge, and his strategies are tied inherently to hit-and-run tactics. Although it seemed odd, it was easier for Nahk to move in after Saerus had weakened it with raids. They worked as a team.

Full name: Serrin
Title: The Mistress of Homicide
Place of Birth: Unknown
Here full name is unknown to anyone, and her birthplace aroused suspicion. Despite all of her unknown qualities, she is the prime love of Arborgard, as they have been in love for a while now, despite the disapproval of Nahk on Arborgard's side, and the disapproval of Ashili on Serrin's side.

Serrin is a fair mannered girl, a beautiful girl, although not as extravagantly beautiful as the mistress Ashili, her features were still quite powerfully crafted. Her lithe tongue gave her speech a strong accentual tone, and she had string knowledge of things. Despite all of that, however, her job is quite gruesome.

She is the Mistress of Homicide, the leader of a squad of Investigators who specialized in the unknown murders of victims within Jenrak, a team of detectives and police, you might add. Also, she is the leader of the Chemical Research team, the founder of a massive warfare production company. To make matters even worse, she is a cannibal.

In spite of all of that, she is loved and respected, and her title is nothing to laugh at. It is just as persuasively influential as Saerus.
30-04-2005, 03:02
Unique Weapons
For almost 3,000 years, Ascherach and Jenrak existed beyond the corporal thoughts of the world, a limbic existence believed to be a legend, a spook-tale that was meant to frightened rowdy children and make people behave. To them, it was like a myth. This isolated Ascherach for thousands of years, and gave them the chance to build their empire within the places allotted to them, and the technology to call their own. Even now, traditions continue, as Jenrak carries on some of the most lethal weapons of their times.

Magenta Swarm
Tall, lumbering, and destructive, the Magenta swarm is a modified siege onager, a simplistically powerful trebuchet armed with anti-air heat seekers and massive infantry machine guns. The armaments make it a heavy and almost immobile weapon to use, but the fact that many things can exist in the giant canvas cup deals great damage. Some things never change.

Jenrak boasts itself as the most chemically powerful nation within the world, and that itself may or may not be true, but it is true that there are some poisons within the Jenrak arsenal on which there is no defense, no cure. Despite the probability of another contender for the title of the Chemical Lord, Jenrak's poisons are a force to contend with, and instead of ballistic weapons and mountains of lead, Jenrak resorts to ancient traditions once again, and prefer to gas the masses at once.

Sword are widely used within the world, but Jenrak has developed its own type of sword. Giant, lumbering and slow by unskilled fighters, it is still a preferable choice for Jenrakian assassins to wield a dagger to eliminate their foe, instead of risking cover with a gun, even with a silencer.

Named after the missiles they forged, the Arbalests are the main bombardment ammo of the Jenrakian navy and air force, being highly accurate and sharp, and even fast, but it sacrifices its power.

Known more often to Jenrakians as the 'rider-killer', the Marrius is a giant stone slab crafted into a blade, often taking subsequent generations to finish the construction of one blade. The edge is tipped with poisoned barbs, and the handle is at a low center of gravity, making it difficult to wield and almost impossible for an unskilled fighter to use.

Mirror Caster
A giant two faced crossbow, the Mirror Caster is capable of firing bolts and arrows, first piercing the armor and later ripping the flesh asunder. This was developed long ago, during the age of Mass’Stin, when armored foes were a normal everyday nuisance, more than a threat.

Religion - The Rites of Enkur and Arkszen
Religion is a major in the control of political fanaticism in Jenrak. Soldiers and civilians are connected together through a religious and supernatural connection known as the Rites, a set of codes dictated by the ancient kings of Ascherach to maintain the perfect kingdom, the kingdom of great power and vitality. No one to date has currently perfected the Rites.

Rite 1 - There is no true revenge; only actions
"With everything that seeks blue, all that seeps green, shall be a fire for that blue, and a red for that green. Everything is in a balance of the opposites, and nothing can be tipped in favor. For every action that approaches, a reaction takes place. To conquer the Rite is to see what reaction takes place, and see if that reaction is what your action is claimed to be."

Rite 2 - You may seek justice, but that is never enough
"Believing something safe is foolhardy, and diligence is the road to erosion. Discipline is not diligence, yet discipline is strength. Conquer this rite by knowing what Justices are made, and what justices deserve but have not been seen. Doing more justice than harm is harm itself."

Rite 3 - Life is unto a curse; break that curse by embracing it
"Death is the end of a step for life, as life is a long walk down the path of solace. Believe in an emptiness in life, and you shall believe in emptiness in yourself. To break this rite, make due of what is your life, and relieve the pain of others."

Rite 4 - Fanaticism does not exist; only faith
"Faith is a never-ending peace, a strip of power that is beheld in all beings. A heretic is less than dead, and a rebel is a heretic beyond salvation. Become faithful, and devout your faith by becoming a life, and eliminating the lives of heretics and rebels. Only then can your faith be acknowledged for the strength it is."

Rite 5 - A mass is mass, despite the composition
"People gather, leaves gather, water gathers, and that is all the gathering masses of the universe. Masses are inherent, unstable, and so forth that all masses beyond the stability are incapable of being sustained. Destroy an unstable mass to break this rite."

Rite 6 - There is no god; only an illusion of order
"God does not exist, only his will. One's will is strong, and the will of god, even if not the being itself, exists within power. Break this rite, draw strength from yourself and break your god's will."

Rite 7 - Death is a calling, not a phase
Death is not a phase that one must travel, but a segment to another life, another being and meaningless existence. Break this rite at your deathbed, by cursing your previous life. Only then could you forge your own next life, and become greater than before.

Each citizen of Jenrak must recite this at the age of 10, and at the age of 30 once again. When one breaks all of these rites, then they are destined to be the true god. The rites were purposely made to go against each other, making it nearly impossible to do so.

Also, to make things worst, the citizens of Jenrak are forced to obey their two gods, only these two deadly foes of the living world. They are as follows:

Nuir Enkur
The dark Lord of Strength, the one who unified the squabbling provinces of the Arias under his legionary control, and the one, according to ancient legends, took down Murun’s fortresses single handedly with a small army. His power went unchallenged for ages, until at the hands of his own brother, the cunning Ciranaar, Enkur fell into a writhing blackness.

Ciranaar Arkszen
The shrouded warlords that turned around the centuries of pain and overturned the dark tyrannical powers with his own was dubbed the great Judge of the Universe, as he was thought to be
30-04-2005, 03:02
Involved Wars
OOC: I am only doing wars that happened in my region.

Military Size: N/A
The Jenrakian military is a mix of modern technological advancements and more insightful inventions from the past, mostly during the fact that Jenrak was in isolation for centuries, and that its predecessor for thousands of years. However, during recent blights in the Jenrakian history, including the deaths of the Advisor Ferruga and the endangered Mouthe caste, the balance of power has now gone into more disruptive hands, and the battles here proved it.

War: The Northwestern Eruption - Part I
Dark Light Sentinels was a nation, although not as militaristically powerful or as adaptable at Warfare as Jenrak, was much more unified amongst a common and more technologically advanced. Using high amounts of communications and a very sophisticated array of computer systems, they were able to track down Jenrak military movements during the massive war in the Northwestern Desert. This was a war of military might, and Jenrak proved to be the victor, after having extensive reinforcements from Snuffies in the north.

War: The Northwestern Eruption - Part II
After the signed treaty of Masslation VI, Jenrak retreated form Dark Light Sentinel areas, and became passive for a time. However, a former ally of the Dark Light Sentinels, the enigmatic Anarchy51, invaded the nation of Sanduras in an attempt to steal mining reserves, and also to nullify the next assault. Jenrak, feeling this responsible attack from the DLS itself, waged another war on the DLS and their allies, Hsac and Anarchy51. Without allies to boast it in the beginning of the war, Jenrak was outnumbered and usually out muscled, until the Dragon Fortresses of Turki-Turki-Stan fortified Jenrak's position on the assault of the Slave camps of Ershunit. Without the economic backing of Ershunit, Hsac was forced to recuperate, and victory was near for Jenrak and Turki-Turki-Stan, but the Dark Light Sentinels, powered by an old grudge, attacked as well. It was devastating guerilla warfare, but in the end the brother of the ruler of DLS, the king of Ressiv, supported Jenrak's defenses and finally together they pushed back the combined might of the Dark Light Sentinels.

War: The DLS Succession
Jenrak grew stronger and more powerful, as the power of the Dark Light Sentinels waned and waned, unable to bear the pressure of Jenrak's controlled forces in the DLS, maintaining the little order they salvaged. The ruler of the DLS, however, was able to return to power using a series of civil wars within the nation of Unrealtournament, and caused Jenrak to focus more on that nation, making it the perfect distraction. There, DLS, with its newfound allies Sharn and Lorgathon, they launched an assault at the heart of the Jenrakian coastline, and it was different this time. Snuffies was passive, unable to fight as they tried in vain to rebuild their air force, and Sanduras was coping with peace missions in the warring feudal nations of Hilker and Dardeep Land. Finally Jenrak pushed back with Ressiv's help along with the ally The Republic Rulz, causing the DarkLight Sentinels to be conquered. However, after a while, it broke off and with its allies, the DLS created its own tactical region, the Sovereign Sea, taking a large economic infrastructure with it.

War: The Hilker Purge
Hilker thought that with the DLS gone, Dardeep Land was helpless against the growing armies. In a daring ballistic assault, Hilker took over 57% of Dardeep Land's forces within weeks, and they finally assumed command of the country within months. However, Sanduras, with a mobilizing army, struck at the capital of Hilker, and ended the short but chaotic war. Jenrak later sent in reinforcements to quell enemy outposts, so that Hsac could bring in the final blow.

War: Triple Alliance - Part I
A devastating war, where the nations of Sanduras, Hsac, and Anarchy51 decide to team up as allies, and orchestrate an assault on the battle wearied nation of Jenrak. In a swift assault, the Jenrakian army, along with the Turki-Turki-Stan army, attempted to push back the enemy invaders, but their efforts were useless. Jenrak was receiving reinforcements from MINUS, but the forces were ravaged at high seas during a vicious storm. The other nations were still rebuilding after the Hilker Purge, and they couldn't help at the time. Snuffies was becoming more peace oriented, so they refused to help. Ressiv, the longtime ally, was under heavy political pressure, and it was only Turki-Turki-Stan, MINUS and Jenrak against the alliance of Sanduras, Hsac and Anarchy51. However, after a gruesome battle, MINUS and Turki-Turki-Stan had their armies obliterated, leaving Jenrak to resort to mass chemical weaponry. But it was not enough. Then, Jenrak made the unthinkable they called for aid from the most unlikely source: the DarkLight Sentinels.

Unique Species of Jenrak

The nation of Jenrak is highly known to many as a chemical producer, a nation that focuses mostly on the massive pains and degradation of their biological weaponry. However, to another degree, a degree where most people do not understand and also cannot comprehend. This is the level of biological weaponry. However, to understand the weapons they are using, they afforded to try and create super soldiers, biologically enhanced minions, but it is currently tested on only the simplest of creatures.

Class: Wolves
The Purger wolf is one of the earlier experiments amongst the Jenrak biological fray, and their massive fangs and sharp teeth are the most apparent varieties differences from normal wolves. Purger wolves are agile, but their fur falls off during the fall, where they usually freeze to death during the winter, a failure during an experiment figuring out the genetic code that produced the fur to cover the entire body. Thus, by reversing it, the Purger wolf became hairless during the direst times. It is freely roaming the eastern lands of Jenrak, harmless when unprovoked. However, when provoked, they can be very powerful and few civilians have been able to overcome the fury of a mad and crazed Purger wolf.

The Garg-Hounds
Class: Wolves
Garg-Hounds are very weak on their own, but the downside to that fact is that they are very rarely alone; they travel in organized packs of six to eight, taking down enemy forces whenever possible using their long sickle like claws, and their wide gaping jaws. They are usually the predators of flying creatures, snapping up enemy flyers whenever possible, and usually that is during the time the flyer flies low enough to the ground that they leap towards the enemy. The Garg-Hounds are powerful, muscular, but blind beasts and they are driven by the smell of the moving dust in the air. They coordinate at the same time movements, making an almost invisible telekinetic communications. They are highly stricter use, and they are solely for execution.

The Ocelot
Class: Ocelot
Jenrak's ocelots are more violent and cunning than most ocelots, as they are accustomed to the thick air and the bog like weather, honing and sharpening their senses. The introduction of medical drugs to enhance their performances greatly increased the powers of the Ocelots of Jenrak, but their brutality and violence so great and powerful, they are an endangered species. They are now protected in sanctuaries, despite the massive they pose to any ecosystem.

Class: Boa Constrictors
The greatest of the Jenrak testing results were the Skreimmen, a group of snakes rarely found in public sight. They are usually used for gearing against Garg-Hound populations, as they currently have no predator to challenge them, so the Skreimmen population is kept under very strict controls. It is rumored, however, that the massive beasts were given to Arborgard as a gift for his nineteenth birthday, but by whom it remains unknown.
30-04-2005, 03:06
Ah, that's what you meant when you said "be more specific"...puts mine to shame...
30-04-2005, 03:16
OOC: Yours is still pretty damn good, though.
30-04-2005, 03:33
Extremely good factbook... ought to update my own sometime soon.

Just to note, the map link is broken.
30-04-2005, 16:33
Okay, I'm trying to fix it, doesn't seem to be working..
The Transylvania
10-05-2005, 19:47
Love it.
The Transylvania
13-05-2005, 02:34
I need some more targets. I destroyed one God's place. Where is the other one at? :p :p