NationStates Jolt Archive

Earth V Socialism Expands

30-04-2005, 02:47
THis continues from here:
01-05-2005, 05:45
06-05-2005, 07:26
Whittier's armed forces have arrived on Fiji where 500 troops have disembarked and began restoring order to the Fijian Islands.
The commanders were to link up with the Mauiwoeen forces to coordinate reconstruction efforts.

The remainder of the fleet is heading to American Samoa and the 3rd fleet had already broken off to head to Wake Island.
08-05-2005, 22:41
The placation of Fiji continues. The fleet was forced to use F35's to attack a war lord's hangout however.
But everything else is going according to plan and new roads have been completed on the islands allowing for rapid movement of troops.
The flag of Whittier has been raised in the Fiji capital.
12-05-2005, 05:09
In the wake of yesterday's earthquake, 50 Epsilon Supply Submarines carrying medical supplies, food, and clothing for the victims are being sent from Iran to Fiji. These will be followed with 200 Epsilons carrying building supplies as determined by the UPR military governor Fiji.
Military Governor Colonel Smith has said he will unviel the main features of his reconstruction plan in the next day or two.
15-05-2005, 02:33
Today Whittier's forces have landed on American Samoa. Due to regretful news of roving gangs attacking civilians on the islands, the occupational army has begun hunting down suspected gang members.
It should take 24 hours to subdue the gangs and bring law and order back to American Samoa.

In other news, the construction of an order of submersible troop transports has been completed today in Tehran. 500 of the transports have been declared to be in excess and are being placed on the international market.
16-05-2005, 18:59
The reconstruction of Fiji was well underway and laws were being passed to bring it into compliance with the laws of the UPR.

Meantime, all gangs on American Samoa had been rounded. 34 troops were lost in the process. But peace and order had finally been restored to American Samoa. There are 1,000 troops on American Samoa.
22-05-2005, 05:40
more forces, now at the Maldives were on there way to the south pacific to finish the acquisition of strategic positions in the area.

The convoy left the Maldives, their stay there being uneventful. The convoy commander liked it that way.
05-06-2005, 23:07
The troop convoy has arrived in Bandeh Aceh this morning for refueling and much needed rest. After refueling and resupplying the troops will take a 24 hours rest before continuing on to East Timor.
06-06-2005, 08:15
The fleet has left Bandar Aceh today for Dili, East Timor.
Despite their emotions, they still had a job to do. East Timor would be their last stop before arriving at Vanuatu.