NationStates Jolt Archive

Hogsweat denounces "COMMUNISM" in favour of Dorsalism

30-04-2005, 02:00
APRIL 28th
In an amazing decision earlier, Josef Dorsal overruled the Supreme Soviet dissolving the democratic body of the Soviet Union, with alll 5000 ministers being sent home. In a further conference, Josef Dorsal also sent home sixty Defense Ministers.

The Army has been put on alert and martial law issued in all cities and towns across the Soviet Union as Military Police and army units are put on alert. Tanks patrol the streets and helicopters are a common sight.

APRIL 29th
Military Police and Army units storm the headquarters of the Fundementally Extreme National Party, rounding up key officials. The leader of the FENP party is tried for treason at a Supreme People's Court and after twenty five minutes was found guilty. The execution is scheduled for tommorow. Also members of the National Socialist party have been brought in for questioning on the wereabouts of the recently declared criminal leader of the Far right wing party.

More Army and military police units have been called in to control a Martial Law spreading from west hogsweat to east hogsweat and up to all it's foreign borders.

Airforce units hit the fascist stronghold in the mountains near dorsalgrad, using napalm to eradicate all that is left of the besieged defenders as the 10th Mountain Division moves in to clear up whats left and.. deal with any survivors.

All churches in the Soviet Union were officially shut down on the day and anyone that was reported to be a member of a religious political party were placed under direct house arrest.

APRIL 30th
The move that shocked the nation happened today, 8 AM, APRIL 30th. The Soviet Flag over the Supreme Soviet Building was lowered and in its place was raised the "new flag" of Hogsweat. Tarpaulins were dropped around the country revealing the new flag and the new nation;
Statement, from Josef Dorsal to the world;
The Soviet Socialist Union diverts itself from the errors of Communism to a more moderate Socialism - in Dorsalism, the theory and economic and social principle in my name. HErein is enclosed a few articles regarding Dorsalism in comparison to Hogsweatian Sovietism.

OPPOSES:The limitation on gay marriage and rights of Hogsweatian Sovietism
PROPOSES: Equal opportunities for homosexual or bisexual couples including marriage and adoption rights

OPPOSES: SOVIET State ownership of all industry employing 12 people and above.
PROPOSES: Collective ownership of all property involved in production distribution or transportation of goods, raw and packaged, employing up to X Citizens relative to District Population

OPPOSES: SOVIET Dictatorship Policy whereby the Supreme Soviet cannot dislodge the dictator
PROPOSES: a Dual party system whereby the Allied Republic Leader [the Director] works in tandem with a POPULATION MAJORITY VOTED Leader of any political party

PROPOSES: ALL inviduals are free to say whatever they like within limits of racism or political discrimination AS LONG AS it does not classify as TREASON

OPPOSES: Huge military spending
PROPOSES: drastically cutting the amount of personnel in the army and diverting 8 trilllion in funds to Healthcare and Education

OPPOSES: Social Welfare for dishonest persons
PROPOSES: State Welfare for only hard working persons; determined by a disctrict report. Spending otherwise wasted money on more pensioner payments

OPPOSES: Traffic and ownership of a car by every citizen
PROPOSES: Free buses and trains to anywhere in the Free Allied Republics.

OPPOSES: Costly housing
PROPOSES: Free state housing for students up to the age of 26

OPPOSES: A society looking up to higher class proffesions like doctorates and law proffessions
PROPOSES: Better pay for working class jobs such as builders, factory workers, and street cleaners

There are many more features of Dorsalism and I am sure you will see some of them in the later stages of the political feature.
Comrade Josef Dorsal, Directory of the Free Allied Republics (
Dulce Et Decorum Est, Pro Matria Mori!
30-04-2005, 02:01
"I support you."-The Great Leader Li.
30-04-2005, 02:04
We congratulate our great friends and allies in Hogsweat for their step towards moderate ideology, and support Signore Dorsal.

Vasiliou Bandanaris
Agustinate of International Relations
30-04-2005, 02:15
Official Statement DOS-SEC-213-4459

The United Solaris Federation of Tiburon, having seen ample evidence of progressive change in the great revolution set in place by Director Dorsal of the new Free Allied Republics of Hogsweat. With this, we can in confidence begin reconstruction of the Tiburonese embassy in Hogsweat, and strongly hope that this revolution can usher in a new era of unity between the Free Allied Republics and the United Solaris Federation.

Duo Maxwell, Secretary of State, the United Solaris Federation of Tiburon
30-04-2005, 02:17
Thank you to the governments of Pacitalia and MassPwnage for their support.

Regarding Tiburon, this is excellent news. We hope a time of peace can grow between our two nations.
Comrade Josef Dorsal, Directory of the Free Allied Republics (
Dulce Et Decorum Est, Pro Matria Mori!
30-04-2005, 02:30
Official Imperial Response

Well, at least you took a step back from your more insane policies. For that we congradulate you.
30-04-2005, 02:32
The Czar congradulates Dorsal in this effort to move away from communism. The Monarch encourages and hopes that Dorsal will see the true light that is real capitalism and through the communist propaganda and grant his citizens true freedom to succeed and the persuit of happiness, and prosperity for your citizens and eventually, the nation itself.

God bless,

Count Franz von Papen
Foreign Minister to the Czar
The Protestant Prussian Czardom of Derscon
30-04-2005, 02:34
Official United States Government Announcement

While we cannot in any way endorse the current government of Hogsweat, we admit that those policies are slightly more civilised than Communism.

Joshua Langley,
United States of Allanea
Assistant Secretary of State
30-04-2005, 02:38
Hogboy....I'm impressed. Good work.

30-04-2005, 02:42
Official United States Government Announcement

While we cannot in any way endorse the current government of Hogsweat, we admit that those policies are slightly more civilised than Communism.

Joshua Langley,
United States of Allanea
Assistant Secretary of State

We were not one to assume that Allanea would make a sensible or polite comment on our policies. If you value your eastern territories or Allanea's trading capabilities then I advise you keep your mouth shut, and choke on your own corruptness, filthy dog.

To the rest of the world, especially those that have congratulated us we thank you, and to Derscon; we have no real intentions of turning to fully fledged capitalism any time soon until we can see a way past the corruption and the inequalities it brings.
Comrade Josef Dorsal, Directory of the Free Allied Republics (
Dulce Et Decorum Est, Pro Matria Mori!

OOC - I'm not sure how you can really say those words while being underwater allanea, but meh.
30-04-2005, 02:58
We were not one to assume that Allanea would make a sensible or polite comment on our policies. If you value your eastern territories or Allanea's trading capabilities then I advise you keep your mouth shut, and choke on your own corruptness, filthy dog.

To the rest of the world, especially those that have congratulated us we thank you, and to Derscon; we have no real intentions of turning to fully fledged capitalism any time soon until we can see a way past the corruption and the inequalities it brings.

Any attack on Allanea will be considered an attack on Derscon. Do not threaten nations for simple criticisms.

On a lighter note, corruption is easily managed in Derscon with strict punishments for law breakers. Also, equality in outcomes, if implicated in pure form, is a disasterous economic policy. Equality in potential, on the other hand, brings about prosperity for all.

But, let us not go into economic debates over international channels, shall we?

On a happier note, though, the Czar wishes for an embassy exchange with the new nation of Hogsweat. The Monarch hopes that Dorisal will approve of this diplomatic jesture.

God bless,

Count Franz von Papen
Foreign Minister to the Czar
The Protestant Prussian Czardom of Derscon
Fascist Confederacy
30-04-2005, 03:03
I am shocked... I support the freedoms of this regime, but not the drastic back-step in social evolution. Comrade Dorsal - if to call you such is still appropriate - I'm sure you've read the teachings of Marx and Engels and are well aware of the evolution from slavery, to fuedalism, to serfdom, to capitalism, to socialism, and then ultimately to communism - or the absence of state, classes, and private property as we know it.

However, I hope this does not damage the ties between Hogsweat and the USSR by any means.

Premier Vladimir Troskin

(OOC: I'm guessing this is only your IC not OOC views. I truely hope you haven't turned away from communistic democracy, IRL.)
30-04-2005, 03:08
The United Solaris Federation, which considers both the Free Allied Republics of Hogsweat and the United States of Allanea as friendly nations that either are or shall in the near future be fully-fledged Tiburonese allies, we strongly suggest to both nations that the vitrolic be kept to a minimum, and a more friendly dialogue be maintained between these two nations.
04-05-2005, 19:27
04-05-2005, 19:34
Condratualtaions on stepping back from your evil ways into a slightly more moderate stance.

Emporer William

OOC: I also like your 'steal' from the Lib dem website. Don't think I didn't spot it.
04-05-2005, 19:34
Praetonia spotted it first >.> and it was from a leaflet :P
05-05-2005, 01:26
We fully support these reforms, although feel that they do not go far enough.

And on this note, I have been requested by the Grand Chancellor, Tobias Grey, to insist that this foolish war nonsense be put aside and our nations formally return to a peaceful state.

Thomas Goth
Chancellor for Foriegn Affairs