NationStates Jolt Archive

The Acheron Incident (Semi-Open FT RP)

Germanische Zustande
30-04-2005, 00:34
The bridge had been darkened for the night watch. Shifts had exchanged, and the night officers had settled in to their posts. The boatswains paced the decks about the ship. A majority of the crew lay in their bunks, dreaming of family, their homeworlds, glory, and service.

Gray asteroids circled lazily as the Acheron patrolled Durbink, a lonely Blue Giant system on the outskirts of Federal Territory. A mere three worlds, lifeless hunks of rock, orbited the old star. Of great interest to the scientists were peculiar distortions surrounding the system which seemed to act as a natural barrier. Needless to say, the engineers of the Acheron had found a way in.

The Acheron was headed toward one of these worlds now. A magnificent blue, the entire world sparkled of ores and crystals, of which the Federation intended to make good use. A shortage of critical raw components necessary for various widespread-use systems plagued the UFGZ. The War Effort would greatly benefit from such an infusion.


The Bridge of the Acheron:

Lieutenant Commander Verstummel leaned back in his Command chair. He fiddled around with a holopen, flipping it between his fingers and flicking it across the gravchair's support field. He looked up just long enough to make sure the Bridge crew wasn't asleep. Fahn had been assigned First Mate on the Acheron following the Kaluza-Thorn Incident.

This damned patrol duty has got to be the most worthless assignment in all the galaxy. You'd think the Council would have been happy I'd taken care of the Kanuckistani, The Lt. Cmdr. tried to console himself. He still didn't think he'd done anything wrong.

Lieutenant Degh stared blankly at the scanners. For the next seven hours he would stare at scanners. Nothing was out there. Each time, the scanners would return nothing.

Then, just there... a shadow on the sensorscreen... Degh shook his head. I'm going crazy. Our sensors don't have shadows. Again. Another shadow.


A loud ping eminated from Tactical. Degh had ordered the ship to Battlestations.

Verstummel was so shocked by the abruptness of the sounding Klaxons that he nearly fell out of his chair and three decks below to the bottom of the Bridge.

By the time Fahn had recovered, Commander Rescht had entered the bridge

"What in hell do you think you're doing," exclaimed Rescht. He had been reassigned and demoted for conduct after the Kaluza-Thorn Incident, also.

A bead of sweat slid down Degh's forehead. He shifted nervously. "Sir, I saw a shadow on the sensors. A shape of a ship."

The Commander sighed. Rescht reached over a clapped the Lieutenant on the shoulder. He gave a slight smile. "I'm glad you were paying attention. Now stand the ship down."

Rescht reviewed the sensor screen for himself. As he overviewed the readouts, a shadow-shape appeared on the scanner. Just as he noticed the sensorghost, four blips appeared in rapid succession. They moved toward the Acheron at high speed.

Rescht's eyes opened wide in horror. "Dear God Almighty, Protect us," he whispered. The Commander turned to Degh. "By the Ancestors, man, raise the shields!"

It was too late. The missiles struck the ship. A console blew. Verstummel was flung across the entireity of the bridge and slammed against a bulkhead. A crewman simply vaporized as a power conduit below her ruptured. Her pained scream was cut short.

A terrible screech rumbled through the ship as the Sublight Engines detonated from an impact.

The three Bridge Officers moved to action.


This is a semi-closed RP. Only three slots are available: One in the beginning for the enemy ship. A second available later for a small mining vessel which will be overrun by the enemy vessel. A third available for Traders on a planet which the Acheron will visit to take on supplies. If you wish to participate, please TG me saying which position you want to play. If I choose you, I will TG you back with approval. If you are denied, I'll TG you to that affect.

The Acheron is a Frigate, very lightly armed. The enemy ship will be in the neighborhood of Heavy Destroyer to Light Cruiser. In the end, the enemy ship is captured, however, the Captain disguises himself as the ship's doctor so that he may survive a boarding battle and live to attempt to recapture his ship. The Acheron's captain will persue the enemy ship until he eventually captures it. If you've seen Master and Commander, this RP is based on that.

Thank you very much,

Germanische Zustande
Germanische Zustande
30-04-2005, 01:02
ooc: Okay, feel free to ask for positions via posting...
Yafor 2
30-04-2005, 01:14
OOC:I'll take the small mining vessel.
Germanische Zustande
30-04-2005, 01:18
ooc: Okay, Yafor, you've got it. Your mining vessel will be captured and destroyed by the enemy vessel. All but five of your crew are taken captive on the enemy ship. The five that remain get away in an escape pod and are picked up by the Acheron.
Yafor 2
30-04-2005, 01:20
OOC:Go it. Should the mining vessel be large/small and have military arms/or not? Many YAforite vessels of that sort do, due to threats from powerful empires. *cough* Chronosia *cough*
30-04-2005, 01:22

I am offering to RP as the enemy vessel.
Germanische Zustande
30-04-2005, 01:25
ooc: Well, large enough to have a crew of 20-30... No, nothing more than a few patheticly weak weapons... And here's the thing, it has to be played as a civilian vessel, because, in Master and Commander, the good ship (forgot its name) is British, and it finds the five crewmembers of a destroyed whaling ship who are also british. The enemy ship is a french Man o' War (or something) named the Acheron. It captured the majority of the Whaler's crew. When the good British ship boards the Acheron, they release the whaler's crew and they all fight to take over the ship. So, you'll have to be an ally of the UFGZ. Consider yourself now on the "Friendlies" list.
Yafor 2
30-04-2005, 01:27
OOC:Ok. Got it. One more question: Should the ship have any valuable items or not?
Germanische Zustande
30-04-2005, 01:29
ooc: Sorry Deathoron, but not this role... I reviewed a few of your latest posts, and you seem not only to be Modern Tech, but to be quite new to Nation States as well... Don't worry though, with time you'll grow and become an avid and often-seen member of Nationstates!
Germanische Zustande
30-04-2005, 01:29
OOC: Yafor: A few billion USD in raw materials.
Germanische Zustande
30-04-2005, 02:14
Germanische Zustande
30-04-2005, 03:05
OOC: Still looking for an enemy. Bump.
Germanische Zustande
30-04-2005, 05:28
Does any nation which is over 5 months old wish to RP as the enemy? It would also help to have seen Master and Commander.
Yafor 2
30-04-2005, 13:50
OOC: Yafor: A few billion USD in raw materials.

OOC:Sure. I'm gonna wait for a good enemy, so....(bump)
Yafor 2
01-05-2005, 23:06
OOC:Sure. I'm gonna wait for a good enemy, so....(bump)

OOC:My sentiments still.
01-05-2005, 23:55
Hm. I wouldn't mind playing the part of those traders the Acheron gets in touch with later on. Would a miniscule outpost of the Hanseanic Trading Core be appropriate?
Germanische Zustande
02-05-2005, 03:59
Perfectly fine by me, Hanseania. All we need now is a respectable nation to RP as the enemy... Any contestants? Please? (bump)

P.S. Hang in there, Yafor... We'll get started eventually...
02-05-2005, 04:22
Oh come on you yobs! He didn't put "semi-open" up there for a bloody lark! Don't be shy! We won't bite!

(Well, I don't know about the others, but I certainly dont...! Most of the time, anyhow)

EDIT1: Upon closer inspection - why can't we simply let Deatharon play the part of the enemy vessel? If you don't get the chance to write then you won't get better, will you? In any case, I'm sure we're all tolerant and mature enough to be able to guide him back on track with a little constructive critiscism (Ye gods, my english teacher must be turning in his grave... what can I say? It's half-past 5 in the morning and I haven't slept yet)

In the spirit of getting this thing off the ground as fast as possible, let's give the fellow a chance, eh?

EDIT2: I'm really, really tired... but I just thought I'd ask: Is there anything I should know about this trading station? Is it just supposed to be a run-down little landing pad/airlock with yet another couple of dingy storerooms or what are we really talking about here? How much staff would be appropriate?
Germanische Zustande
02-05-2005, 05:39
Deatharon, dear Hanseania here is quite correct. I have committed that which I have so angrily quarreled over with others. You may play the part of Enemy. I shall TG you in case you do not see this.

Secondly, Hanseania, it should be a full-blown colony. We're talking supply center equipped with poor shipyard facilities, a bustling trade community, and plenty of women (nothing sinful here, the Boatswain stops it... *grin*). But other than that, yes, run down, but busy. Lots of little cargo shuttles. Maybe one-two thousand people at most...
Germanische Zustande
03-05-2005, 03:11
ooc: Alrighty. Should Deatharon choose to play the enemy, I'll post again and get this RP rolling. If not, I'll post again and get the RP rolling, and pick up an enemy on the way.
03-05-2005, 03:29

My Empire just came out of costly war and most of our Imperial Space Navy was damaged or destroyed and thus can only provide one ship for this RP.
Germanische Zustande
03-05-2005, 04:35
OOC: One ship is absolutely perfect, Deatharon... I'll post again when I can.
10-05-2005, 01:22
I have a problem The Empire offically collapsed due to Gaian Invasion and now the Military is under their control. so the only thing that can attack you are Rouge Imperial vessels.
Germanische Zustande
10-05-2005, 06:37
OOC: Well, I've fallen ill and have been unable to post. I WILL type up a post before the end of this week, so the three of you, be ready.
Yafor 2
25-05-2005, 00:40
25-05-2005, 01:59
OOC: Is everyone ready?
25-05-2005, 05:54
I am ready.
25-05-2005, 22:58
OOC: ok we need Yafor 2 and Germanische Zustande to reply and we will be ready.
26-05-2005, 08:52
Well, seeing as how neither of them have replied for some time now, I'm beginning to suspect that this thread has died, more or less.
Yafor 2
07-08-2005, 23:00
I'm ready.
Germanische Zustande
27-08-2005, 04:45
Oh, dear... I've done it again...

Left another thread unattended.

Okay. I'm ready. Following the plot of Master and Commander, in the first exchange of fire, the Acheron ( I switched names. In the movie, the protagonist ship was the HMS something or other and the French ship was the Acheron) suffers heavy damage, and only makes it away because of fog (An oort cloud).

The alien ship then makes its way toward the far side of the galaxy from its homeworld, in search of merchant ships to prey upon.

If (Deatheron is the alien ship, right?) Deatheron is ready to post his side of the first exchange of fire, we'll start off.
Yafor 2
27-08-2005, 16:31
OOC:Yes you did. S'okay, though. BTW, the English ship was called the HMS Surprise, I believe. As I said, I'm ready.