NationStates Jolt Archive

Warmaster Factbook

The Warmaster
29-04-2005, 22:17
“And the Destroyer said to Typhon, ‘Here your empire shall be founded, where you shall unite the scattered tribes. Give us an army worthy of the gods and march, out across the world. Remain penitent, for by thy faith you shall possess the power of the gods, and all will flee before you. Let the world be yours, and destroy those who resist. I name you, Typhon, the Warmaster.”
-Twilight of the Gods, Book of the Warmaster, chapter III, verses 11-15

“I am All-Powerful Time which destroys all things.”
-Bhagavad Gita, Hindu text

“For I come from a land where they’ll steal your breath
And even the great gods must all worship Death.
And I flee on a path that has been paved with hate,
Where traitors like I have been faced with their fate.

And I come from the land where the demons walk free,
And they prey on the souls of such sinners as me.
And where the dark lords, when they lift up their hands
The sun and moon stop and obey their commands.

So beware of that land with its altars of fire,
And beware of the preachers, the caste of the liars
And beware of the Emperor, Lord of the Dead,
And beware of the murmurs that dance through your head.”
-suppressed folk ballad

The Sacred Emperor rules over us all.
He is the conduit to the one power in all the universe that is greater than he: the gods. Ar-Shimrratus the Creator, He who built the universe, is the patron of the Sacred Emperor. He rules our people, the Kreegans, ironfisted, and only the delusional oppose him, those too blind to see the wisdom that shines from him. As Ar-Shimrratus decrees, we shall do. For him, we shall march into the Nine Hells and back, we shall endure the infidels and the blasphemers, we shall feel the bite of demonic scourges.
The priests witness for the Sacred Emperor, bringing divine wisdom to mortals. Though he speaks for the gods to the priests, they speak for him to the people. They fulfill the sacrifices. It is their words that keep the shapers within law, that keep the intendants from robbing the people, that keep the damnati from rebelling, that keep the warriors from ruling. They are the caretakers of theocracy, the great pillar of this Empire. Ar-Irikthil the Deceiver, He whom the shadows obey, is their master.
The shapers think for the Sacred Emperor, creating new weapons, new conveniences, new creatures. Though he reshapes the Empire for the gods, they reshape the world for him. They terraform until an entire planet is remade in the image of the gods. Their work is to the glory of Ar-Ne’Shel the Modeler, He who envisioned all the creatures alive and shared his thoughts with Ar-Shimrratus. Without them, we would become as poor, backwards tribesmen to our rivals.
The administrators govern for the Sacred Emperor, micromanaging the territories of the Empire, distributing resources to the clans. Though he governs for the gods, they govern for him. They are the balancing glue that holds the Empire together. They make sure no clan or caste gets too greedy, they manage the cities of the realm, they harvest and distribute crops. They do so for the glory of Ar-Aedhelion the Renewer, He who maintains all life.
And the warriors fight for the Sacred Emperor. Though he fights for the gods, they fight for him. Theirs is, perhaps, the greatest task, for they have a divine charge to slay who the Sacred Emperor commands. For him, they both associate with infidels and annihilate them. They slay those who would kill the Emperor, and to defend themselves. They fight to attain greater honor, to ascend by their deeds. Thus they honor Ar-Pharazon the Destroyer, He who arises in might to kill his foes. They guard our borders and honor the gods with their blood. To die in battle is to be assured a place in the Eternal Afterlife, where the gods will feast with you and fight by you for eternity.
These are the four High Castes. They are all strictly hierarchic; one must have a proper sense of duty at all times. Their ranks are these.
The ruler of the Priests is the Pontifex Maximus. Below him are the High Priests, below them the Prophets, below them the Priests, and below them the Acolytes. War-Priests have an equivalent rank to a Prophet, and Paladins to a Priest.
The ruler of the Warriors is the Imperator. Below him are the officers of the High Command, below them the Supreme Commanders, below them the Commanders, below them the Subalterns, and below them the Warriors. War-Priests have an equivalent rank to Subalterns and Paladins to Warriors.
The ruler of the Shapers is the Patriarch of Machines. Below him are the Master Artificers, below them, the Artificers, below them the Shaper Adepts, and below them are the Shapers themselves.
The ruler of the Intendants is the Grand Vizier. Below him are the High Prefects, below them the Prefects, below them the Consuls, below them the Princes, and below them are the Eruditii.
Beneath any member of these castes are citizens. But below them is the worker caste, and below them even are the Damnati, the servant races.
The people who make up the castes come from the clans. Clans are families that are very large, old, and rich, whose members make up the High Castes. The citizens are not part of any clan or caste, but workers and Damnati both have their own caste. Some clans, called Domains, are very large, strong, and influential, and generally are made up of people from only one or two castes.
Technology is the lifeblood of the Empire. If there is a problem, get a bigger gun and a faster processor is the unofficial motto of the shaper caste. Problems are to be solved through military technology, for that honors both Ar-Pharazon and Ar-Ne’Shel.
Greatest among fighters are the war-priests, the four clans that honor the spirits of battle. There is clan Shavan, clan Slaanesh, clan Korne, and clan Calchexas, representing the spirits of disease, excess, blood, and change, for whom these clans are named. They are not true clans, because they are not families, and they rely on government funding, not personal wealth. Each one follows the battle discipline of their god. Shavani are assassins and poisoners. Slaaneshi are lightning-quick duelists, Kornes are bloodthirsty, brutal barbarians, and Calchexans are fluid opponents, who pace themselves until their foe shows a weakness, then strike without mercy.
Battle is one of the primary functions of the Empire. The gods battle evil in the heavens; we battle it on the earth. Heretics and infidels will be destroyed and devoured by the Dark One forever. All who fight in such wars of the gods are sanctified. Warriors are as holy as priests in a sense, because they fight for the gods, under the command of Ar-Pharazon the Slayer. Every warrior is assured a place in the Sanctum of the Slayer, part of the Life Beyond Dying and the eternal home of the war god. To die in battle is one of the most honorable deaths one can achieve.
Honor is everything. Without honor, clans are no different from infidel families. Without honor, warriors are mere brutes. Without honor, death becomes another small event of life. This violates the Truth: that for every living blade of grass, a million and more are dead. For every living being there are a billion corpses. Life is a mere, fleeting parasite on the all-encompassing end: Death. Life is so arrogant. It believes it rules the world, but in truth there is no power that can delay destiny long enough, for Death is as invincible as the gods themselves. The gods alone cheat Death, placating it by our sacrifices, appeasing it so it turns towards us. Death is inevitable. How you face it is what matters. If you do so as a true Kreegan, then you and your clan may receive great honor.
In ancient times, in the dawn of the Empire, the greatest of heroes, Typhon the Warmaster, became the chief general of the Old Empire and his soldiers overthrew the council of bureaucrats that governed the Empire. In the moment of victory, Typhon received a vision, in which all the gods appeared to him, and inspired him to found the castes and the entire system of rank in the Empire that we know today. He brought the worship of the Seven Great Gods to the Empire, and installed the system of sacrifice. In return, the gods granted him divine power over all things, and made him the first ruler with their blessing, the first Sacred Emperor. The Divine Typhon used his god-given powers to remake his realm as he saw fit, reshaping the earth. His armies assembled to conquer the world and bring the gods to all nations, but on the night his son was born, the gods appeared to him yet again, and he ascended to godhood in a pillar of fire. His descendants do not possess his direct command over the earth, but they do have indirect influence, and it is the duty of the artificers to terraform Kreegan territory into the configuration the Sacred Emperor demands.
Physical pleasure is no offense to the gods, despite the beliefs of other religions. Hedonists and sybarites are legion among the youth of the Empire, and this is encouraged rather than suppressed, for two reasons. First, it is a waste of energy and money to fund abstinence programs, especially given the nature of teenagers. Second, if a person is sexually promiscuous, it will be a greater test of their faith if they take a holy oath of abstinence. However, countless Sacred Emperors have not taken such an oath, and it is only mandatory among parts of the priest caste. The choice that is mandatory for all, though, is discipline. If one possesses a sexually transmitted disease, they must be quarantined or receive treatment at the hands of the shapers, for the safety of all.
Honor. War. Technology. Discipline. Obedience, and above all, Submission. Knowledge that the gods hold the earth in their fists, and that in the end only the faithful shall enter Paradise. These are the pillars that uphold the Empire. The mob are exhorted daily in the forums of all cities throughout the Empire on the importance of doing their duty, until they begin to make the right choices. Our armies are legion. Our enemies are doomed. Thus say the Holy Lords.
The Sacred Emperor rules over us all.

Name: Sacred Imperial Dominion of the Warmaster
Ruling Government: Imperium of the Sacred Land

Sacred Emperor: Emperor Lucifer Domain Halcyon, the Glorious
Imperial Consort: Marisa Vazzia the Radiant
Minister of War: Jakran Vuell, Imperator
Motto: "In hoc signo vinces” (In this sign shalt thou conquer)
Minister of Industry: Mehod Kressh
Motto: "We shall replace their tears with sweat"
Minister of Commerce: Lucius Kwaad
Motto: "The sinews of war are unlimited money."
Minister of Intelligence: Cyrius Vua’kre, Pontifex Maximus
Motto: "Give me six lines written by the most honest man and I will find something in them worthy to hang him"
Minister of Pleasure: Melissa Miradin
Motto: "We will do everything you desire...and more!"
Minister of Civics: Tacitus Valgoth, Grand Vizier
Motto: "The good of the people is the highest law"
Minister of Technology: Shuan Hul, Patriarch of Machines
Motto: "War benefits those who devise more unholy weapons of death."
Minister of Justice: Vrakh Imilzor
Motto: "He will die or justice will."
Minster of Foreign Affairs: Darian Aurelius
Motto: "The rulers of the States are the only ones who should have the privilege of lying"

Major Exports:
Heavy Weaponry
Heavy Machinery
Oil and petroleum products
Fine wine
luxury items (jewelry, lingerie, designer clothes, etc.)
precious metals

Sacred Oath:
Obey the Sacred Emperor,
For he has ascended to godhood.
Venerate the Holy Emperor,
For he bows to none.
Fear the Unconquered Emperor,
For his wrath is holy.
Love the Omniscient Emperor,
For his knowledge is boundless.
Serve the Wise Emperor,
For it is the will of the gods.
Die for the Victorious Emperor,
For he has guarded us through the ages.
Worship the Undying Emperor
For without him we are nothing.

Halcyon, Aurelius, Kun-Dra, Kesh, Miradin, Valgoth, Jamaane, Sadow, Parios (destroyed)
Hul, Vasraad, Ithrik, Kwaad, Tu-Scart, Trashald, Quoreal, Amidran, Hord, Pall, Imilzor, Spartacus, Vua’kre, Il’Hrek, I’pan, It’chan, Vuell, Ares, Anor, Merov, Jakhar, and Crovax.

War-Priest Orders:
Korne (blood)
Shavan (disease)
Slaanesh (excess)
Calchexas (change)

Imperial Pantheon:
Ar-Shimrratus the Creator
Patron of: Sacred Emperor
Symbol: World-fist

Ar-Pharazon the Destroyer
Patron of: Warrior caste
Symbol: Flaming sword

Ar-Irikthil the Deceiver
Patron of: Priest caste
Symbol: snake

Ar-Aedhelion the Renewer
Patron of: Intendant caste
Symbol: anvil and hammer

Ar-Ne’Shel the Modeler
Patron of: Shaper caste
Symbol: mountain

The Torturer
Patron of: Inquisition
Symbol: scourge

The Dragon
Patron of: War-Priests
Symbol: dragon

National Opera: Gotterdamerung by Wagner

National Anthem: “Sons of Typhon” by Vernek of clan I’pan

The Festival of Ar-Shimrratus (Midsummer's Eve, continuing for five days)
The Festival of Victory (August 21)
The Night of Earthly Delights (69th day of spring)
The Ides of March (March 15)
The Festival of the Rising Sun (first day of summer)
The Festival of Implacable Twilight (first day of winter)
The Festival of the Bounteous Harvest (first day of fall)
The Festival of Rejuvenated Life (first day of spring)
The Festival of Ar-Pharazon (June 21st)
The Festival of Ar-Aedhelion (March 21st)
The Festival of Ar-Irikthil (January 5th)
The Festival of Ar-Ne’Shel (May 19th)

Information stats
All digital Imperial, military, and Diplomatic traffic is encrypted using the unbreakable quantum electronic cipher.
Critical terminals’ internal workings are encrypted. Civilian digital traffic is limited to encryption by the Lucifer cipher. All Imperial, High Command, and Diplomatic telephone lines are encrypted using the also-unbreakable one-time pad cipher. All other military telephones are unencrypted. All civilian telephones are tapped by a government variant of the Echelon system, which also manages all the Big Brother security in the country. Civilian hand-written letters must be unencrypted except official clan messages, which may be encrypted with security no higher than the Playfair cipher on the Brusselhardt scale of security. There are 21 Internet providing corporations. The military in action uses a powerful version of the Internet called the BattleNet which is controlled by a computer, allowing instantaneous communication, tactical coordination, status recognition, FOF tags, recon, and other systems.

National Entertainment
All cities with population over ten thousand are required to have an arena run by the Ministry of Pleasure. Disputes will be settled in the arena if both parties choose to fight. The people may bet on a combatant. Ministry of Pleasure agents ("fixers") fix interest rates, organize fights, and ensure that all debts are paid. They will assure all bets for a ten percent fee. This ten percent goes to the Ministry. The winner receives one quarter of the Ministry's take. A fight may be to: First blood, first blood drawn from a specific body region, to knock out, to first bone fracture, to the surrender of one party, or to the death. All cities with population over a thousand are required to have a brothel run by the Ministry of Pleasure. There must be at least two house girls to be employed. The fee for private intercourse will be set weekly and not to be above twenty denarii. The fee for custom arrangements will be set nightly and is not to exceed a thousand denarii. All employees and customers must use a birth-control device of some kind. One third of the profits of any given establishment will go to the Ministry of Pleasure, one third will go to the establishment itself, and one third will go to the girls employed at the establishment. On the Night of Earthly Delights, all brothels and arenas are completely free.

All cities with population over twenty thousand shall have at least one private school for the superior education of its enrollees. Cities under a population of twenty thousand must have at least one public school for common education. At least one public college shall be established in cities with a population above fifty thousand, and any number of private colleges may be established. Graduate schools may also be established.

Dominions and their Capitals
Dominion of Kesh
Capital: Secutor
Dominion of Sadow
Capital: Mon Serat
Dominion of Miradin
Capital: Malacus
Dominion of Halcyon
Capital: Tarsus
Dominion of Jamaane
Capital: Rashin
Dominion of Valgoth
Capital: Darius
Dominion of Aurelius
Capital: Batorine
Dominion of Kun-Dra
Capital: Slivan

Naval Power
Total: 14 aircraft carriers, 2 supercarriers, 8 battleships, 135 destroyers, 273 submarines, 431 cruisers, 650 frigates, 34 amphibious landing ships, 12 minesweepers, 23 missile boats, 114 patrol gunships.

1st Fleet: Supercarrier Deceiver (flagship), 6 Nimitz-class carriers, 4 Imperator-class battleships, 28 Spruance-class destroyers, 14 Aeneas-class destroyers, 51 Ohio-class submarines, 112 Kirov-class cruisers, 147 Knox-class frigates, 100 Perry-class frigates, 17 Tarawa-class amphibious landing ships, 4 minesweepers, 6 missile boats, and 38 patrol gunships.

2nd Fleet: Supercarrier Leviathan, 3 Nimitz-class carriers, 2 Imperator-class battleships, 21 Spruance-class destroyers, 12 Typhoon-class submarines, 10 Ohio-class submarines, 19 Kirov-class cruisers, 21 Knox-class frigates, 5 Tarawa-class amphibious landing ships, 4 minesweepers, 4 missile boats, and 16 patrol gunships.

3rd Fleet: 3 Nimitz-class carriers, 2 Imperator-class battleships, 13 Spruance-class destroyers, 13 Aeneas-class destroyers, 50 Typhoon-class submarines, 24 Kirov-class cruisers, 32 Perry-class frigates, 50 Knox-class frigates, 6 Tarawa-class amphibious landing ships, 6 missile boats, and 20 patrol gunships.

4th Fleet: 2 Nimitz carriers, 25 Spruance-class destroyers, 66 Ohio-class submarines, 74 Kirov-class cruisers, 100 Knox-class frigates, 3 Wasp-class amphibious landing ships, 4 minesweepers, 3 missile boats, and 13 patrol gunships.

5th Fleet: 21Spruance-class destroyers, 64 Ohio-class submarines, 101Kirov-class cruisers, 100 Knox-class frigates, 3 amphibious landing ships, 4 missile boats, and 21 patrol gunships.

6th Fleet: 20 Ohio-class submarines, 101Kirov-class cruisers, 100 Knox-class frigates, 3 missile boats, and 6 patrol gunships.

Armament of an Imperator-class battleship: 20 AA guns, 12 anti-sub torpedo tubes, 6 6-inch guns, 2 5-in guns, and 2 Colossus long-distance guns, capable of shelling cities hundreds of miles away by magnetically accelerating the shell, two patrol ships, and five helicopters.
Armament of an Aeneas-class destroyer: 3 5-inch guns, a short-range missile launcher, an antisubmarine rocket launcher, and two helicopters.

Strategic Missiles: 1,457 Trident missiles, 41 Peacekeeper missiles, 447 Tomahawk cruise missiles, 4,867 graphite missiles, 319 Vulcan incendiary missiles, 18 Shavan BioWar plague warheads, and 14 ChemWar chemical warheads.

Total: 4,056 Anti-aircraft artillery vehicles, 712 105mm light howitzers, 1,146 self-propelled heavy howitzers, 1,039 self-propelled medium howitzers , 854 self-propelled light howitzers

1st Legion: 1,352 Anti-aircraft artillery vehicles, 300 105mm light howitzers, 139 self-propelled heavy howitzers, 24 self-propelled medium howitzers, and 213 self-propelled light howitzers.

2nd Legion: 1,404 Anti-aircraft artillery vehicles, 212 105mm light howitzers, 707 self-propelled heavy howitzers, 615 self-propelled medium howitzers, and 641 self-propelled light howitzers.

3rd Legion: 1,300 Anti-aircraft artillery vehicles, 200 105mm light howitzers, 300 self-propelled heavy howitzers, and 400 self-propelled medium howitzers.

Air Force
Total: 368 bombers, 232 stealth bombers, 167 stealth fighters, 842 jet fighters, 450 attack helicopters, 300 transport helicopters, 600 transport planes, 163 recon planes, and 140 tanker planes.

1st Wing: 41 B-52 bombers, 51 FB-111 fighter-bombers, 74 B-99 stealth bombers, 68 F-117 Fighting Falcon stealth fighters, 248 Harrier VTOL jet fighters, 110 MiG-29 Fulcrum jet fighters, 47 HH-53B Super Jolly Green Giant attack helicopters, 23 Comanche attack helicopters, 40 Apache attack helicopters, 40 Twilight H-166B helicopters, 103 transport helicopters, 150 C-5 Galaxy transport planes, 50 C-130 Hercules transport planes, 12 SR-71 Blackbird recon planes, and 30 K-135 tanker planes.

2nd Wing: 138 A-10 Thunderbolt fighter-bombers, 79 B-99 stealth bombers, 32 F-117 Fighting Falcon stealth fighters, 148 Saab Viggen JA37 jet fighters, 100 FA-22 Raptor jet fighters, 63 Twilight H-166B attack helicopters, 47 Apache attack helicopters, 40 Comanche attack helicopters, 97 transport helicopters, 80 C-5 Galaxy transport planes, 120 C-130 Hercules transport planes, 91 SR-71 Blackbird recon planes, and 80 K-135 tanker planes.

3rd Wing: 48 A-10 Thunderbolt fighter-bombers, 90 FB-111 fighter-bombers, 79 B-99 stealth bombers, 67 F-117 Fighting Falcon stealth fighters, 70 Harrier VTOL jet fighters, 66 Saab Viggen JA37 jet fighters, 70 Apache attack helicopters, 40 Comanche attack helicopters, 40 Twilight H-166B attack helicopters, 100 transport helicopters, 200 C-5 Galaxy transport planes, 58 SR-71 Blackbird recon planes, and 30 K-135 tanker planes.

Forces in Imperial Legions

10,000 Pariahs
102,000 Imperial Immortals
660,000 Imperial Marines
2,400,000 Imperial Legionaries
1,500,000 noncombat personnel, ex. nurses, clerks, mathematicians, cryptanalysts, engineers, officers, etc.

Army Organization in order of Size from greatest to least

Air Force Organization in order of Size from greatest to least
Air Fleet

Navy Organization in Order of Size from greatest to least
War Fleet
Task Force