NationStates Jolt Archive

OOC- Would anyone be interested?

Cherry Ridge
29-04-2005, 21:51
Would anyone be interested in an off-site WW2 RP? You would have to play NS to play it, but we would go by the RL stats of the time. I want to know if anyone would be interested before I release it.
I would be the USA, but remember, it wasn't the sole superpower back then, and it was disarming. Anyone interested?
29-04-2005, 22:27
No offence, but uts been done before (many times I think) both on site and off site. Two main problems;

1 - You always get LOTS of people want to take part. Inevitably, not all of them want to RP the whole distance and it always falls apart before it ends.

2 - You always end up with more OOC than IC comments as people argue about, for instance, just how much better German tanks were than US ones, or just how big the Imperial Japanese Navy.

You could say this is a bug bear of nearly all RPs, but with WWII you do seem to get so much more than usual. A shame, really, as I'm a great WWII buff. The best thing I can suggest to you is to get a copy of "Hearts of Iron" and play on-line.
Cherry Ridge
29-04-2005, 22:35
I have an OOC forum on it for argueing about that stuff.