NationStates Jolt Archive

The Sounds of Rebellion (Restarting Zarbia's history)

28-04-2005, 04:06
Rafael Carrero was, without a doubt, the most hated man in Zarbia. Since his ascent to power almost a decade ago, his corrupt Socialist government had taken the nation into a social and economic decline. Together they had managed to drain Zarbia of its wealth and funnel most of it into their own pockets. Any opposition was outlawed and nonexistent thanks to the secret police that enforced the government's policies with brutal efficiency. It was true that education and healthcare was socialized and available to all citizens, but what use were under funded schools and decaying hospitals without supplies or personnel?

The government was not blind, they were well aware of the discontent among their people. They knew of the underground activities; the black market, illegal religious worshipping groups, and rebel factions. What they were completely ignorant about, however, was the opposition brewing right under their noses, in the military…


The dim auditorium was filled to the brim with soldiers, their anxious chattering drowning out any other noise present. Over one thousand men were gathered in the cavernous room, watching the stage in front of them, eager to find out why they had been summoned. So many people were packed into the area that many had to stand, not being able to find seats.

Soon enough, the troops quieted as a tall, dark haired man in a military uniform stepped to the front of the stage and stopped shortly, his legs close together and his arms stiffly at his sides, the typical military stance. This man was the commander of the Armed Forces and an important figure in Zarbia, General Antonio Cortázar.

An officer in the front row of seats stood up straight and bellowed "¡Salude al General!" He stuck his right arm out in the air at a forty-five degree angle, both his arm and hand perfectly straight, resembling the old Fascist salute. He then quickly brought his arm back and laid it across his chest, hand on heart. It was the traditional Zarbian military salute, banned long ago by the Carrero regime.

Several other officers copied their comrade, saluting the general upon the stage. It took a few moments before the rest of the audience rose to their feet and reluctantly followed suit. Cortázar returned the salute and motioned for the soldiers to be at ease and return to their seats. Having not spoken a word yet, the general peered around at his audience before opening his mouth to speak.

“Friends, I thank you for being here,” he began. “There is no need to be so silent, we are all allies here.”

His eyes continued to move around the room. “And all allies have enemies, do they not?” Still no one spoke.

“We certainly have enemies, for they are here in our country. They are our wise and loving government, the ones who promised us so much, yet delivered so little. Do you not all agree? They have robbed us of our freedom, our identity, and of our spirits! Rarely is it that I see one of my fellow people smile for all of our faces are stamped with fear and discontent. This is no way to live!” Cortázar raised his voice almost to a yell as he said the last sentence.

The audience began to stir, soldiers began whispering among themselves while the general paused briefly.

“As I see it, Zarbia needs to change, and quickly. But remember, friends, change cannot occur without those who are motivated to bring about a change. If we are to rise up and seize the glories that we are entitled to, we must act now, strong and united!” Now the general’s tone began to speed up as he became excited. “If we want it, victory can be ours!” he belted out the last line, his eyes mad with excitement and his hands balled up into fists.

Once again the officers near the stage stood up and saluted the general, but this time every single Zarbian in the room rose to their feet and complied. The auditorium rang with ¡Victoria! as the soldiers eagerly repeated the salute multiple times. The monstrous fury hidden deep within the nation had been released and the rampage had just begun...
28-04-2005, 23:03
28-04-2005, 23:14
TAG. I'll write something in this later.
28-04-2005, 23:17
Tag, looks interesting
The Macabees
28-04-2005, 23:21
[tag; I'll need to read this later...because how can Zarbia start a history without me? :p ]
30-04-2005, 17:46
Raul opened the rear door of the black limousine and waited for his employer to get in. Rafael Carrero nodded to the driver and gently eased himself into the back seat. Raul quickly shut the door and slid into the car behind the steering wheel, turning the engine on. The men were shortly joined by Daniel Loria, Carrero’s most trusted aide. He gave a small, apologetic smile and took his seat beside the president.

"I am glad you decided to join us today," remarked the president, and without giving his aide chance to respond said, "Let's go, Raul."

The obedient driver started the car forward slowly, leaving the small underground garage where the president's vehicles were kept. The limousine went up a ramp and found itself on ground level outside of the presidential estate. Carrero and his aide had plans to attend a meeting with the Ministry of Defence to discuss military budgets.

As the vehicle reached the gate of the president's compound, two agents of the secret police greeted them and proceeded to open the gate. There were always police elements in and around the compound, Carrero demanded constant security. The limousine drove out onto the street where it was accompanied by two black cars. There were few other vehicles on the road as petroleum and gasoline were rare and expensive in Zarbia. Citizens were encouraged, and it times of desperate oil shortage, forced to minimize gas consumption. Larger vehicles, such as busses and trucks, were not permitted except for military use. The motorcade rumbled down the street, turning right and stopping at a red light. Rafael looked out the tinted window and watched a woman ride by on a bicycle, bags of groceries tied to the handlebars. The light finally turned green and the convoy lurched forwards, continuing on their way.

After a few minutes they reached a busy intersection, busy for Zarbia anyway. Again they got the red light and had to wait.

“Fucking red lights,” sighed Carrero.

The traffic in the moving lane was quite light by standards elsewhere, a few cars drove past the limousine onto wherever they were going. Out of nowhere, a large green truck stopped in front of the president’s motorcade, blocking their movement. The lights switched and it was their turn to go but they could not. The president looked out the front window at what was going on.

“What the hell is this?” he spat. “Who does this idiot think he is?”

Then the emblem on the side of the truck became clear, it was the sign of the Zarbian military. Carrero and Loria tried to process the situation but by then it was too late. They felt the rumbling but they could not do anything about it. The limousine was blown meters into the air as an explosion erupted from beneath the road. The accompanying government vehicles received significant damage as they too were subjected to the blast. As the flaming remains of the president’s car came back down and hit the ground, everyone knew the outcome; no one could have survived such a brutal attack.

Civilians began to scream as they watched the fire continue to engulf the limo, such a thing had not happened for many years in Zarbia. The president was dead…
01-05-2005, 00:29
The soldiers swarmed into the presidential compound, running across the large lawn and heading straight for the estate. Minutes earlier the front gates had been destroyed with high-level explosives, giving the troops easy access to the complex. The police security force, rushing out to engage the threat, had not stood a chance against the overwhelming numbers of soldiers; they were mowed down immediately.

All that remained were a few presidential guards in the building as well as some harmless servants, a few maids and butlers who looked after the house.


A group of soldiers stood guard around a circle of bound ministers and government officials. They had been seized after an infantry division surrounded the parliament buildings and finally entered them. They would be labeled as enemies to the State and put on trial after the revolution. As soon as the parliament had been captured and cleared of danger, General Cortázar himself had strode up to the main balcony and replaced the old, tattered flag with the recently designed one.

As the wind picked up, the brilliant yellow and black waved, strong and proud. Cortázar stood upon the balcony and saluted the soldiers below who in turn chanted “¡Victoria!” which had almost become the general’s official motto. The scene resembled the night almost two months ago where Cortázar had first spoken to a group of soldiers and inspired them to bring about a change in Zarbia.

A change had certainly come, and many more were on their way…
01-05-2005, 02:41
bump for comments, questions, anything.
01-05-2005, 05:14
as petroleum and gasoline were rare and expensive in Zarbia

OOC: So far it looks good, I just want to point out that in this context, "petroleum" and "gasoline" are the exact same thing, so mentioning both is redundant.

By the way, can BitingReality play a part too?
01-05-2005, 18:30
OOC: Whoops...

Attention everyone, this story is done, I will not be posting here anymore except for maybe a last bump or two so everyone can see this. I just wanted to get the point across that this is happening. Thank you for reading it.
02-05-2005, 05:34
OOC: Whoops...

Attention everyone, this story is done, I will not be posting here anymore except for maybe a last bump or two so everyone can see this. I just wanted to get the point across that this is happening. Thank you for reading it.

So where's the next thread then?
02-05-2005, 19:26

That is a regional war that is going to occur. You may want to check it out as it features Zarbia and several other nations. The sign up slot is full but it should be a good read.