Viva la Revolucíon! Viva la Libertád! [NA Intro thread, AMW players ONLY]
26-04-2005, 18:07
Pan-Latinamerican REVOLUTION: Workers tear themselves from the shackles of Authoritarian Tyranny and Capitalist Exploitation!
So reads the headlines of many of the pamphlets and 'zines emanating with amazing speed from the northern South American nations. Written with lucid passion and meticulous detail on D-I-Y presses, it is evident that many nations on the continent have overthrown their governments and instituted an anarchist government - That is, federations of communes spanning their immediate city and region coordinated by several all-encompassing syndicalist labour unions. All parliaments have apparently been dissolved, and both military and domestic tasks have fallen into the hands of the revolutionary citizenry, and all of the revolutionary nations(It seems to be Columbia, Ecuador, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela so far) have united in the name of international solidarity as the Federated Syndicalist Communes of Neo-Anarchos(apparently paying homage to a nation now destroyed that bore the name "Anarchos", the greek word that created the foundation of anarchism - it means "without leaders").
"Land worker! The revolution will give you the land!" Poster featured in one of the pamphlets: an emancipation poster found in Venezuela and Columbia
To follow are various news media accounts of the situation in the various "nations"(although they are no longer sovereign nations) of Neo-Anarchos. All foreign national media have been invited to see the country in the many press releases, and thanks to the help of sympathetic socialists in other nations they now span almost the entire globe(although they have likely been repressed in places such as Dra-Pol, France and United Elias).
You can only post or tag in this thread if you are a member of the NS realist roleplaying group A Modern World. Feel free to read, but please do not post if you are not an AMW players. Thanks!
(How did you know? :) Welcome to AMW, anyway.)
26-04-2005, 18:37
Bogota, Columbia
In Columbia, the revolution has gone well in the wake of anti-insurgency warfare by Hindustan(among others). The authoritarian rebels in AUC and FARC have all but been destroyed by foreign military, and still the Neo-Anarchan workers' militias; made up mostly of the trained warriors who formerly served the Columbian military Ejercito Nacional and now man their old equipment, root out and destroy the few remaining AUC/FARC warbands with murderous enthusiasm. President Velez has gone into exile(it is unknown where, but Quinntonia is a likely choice), and federations of citizen government are forming at the moment.
A lot of criticism is being directed at the Columbian communes from the rest of Neo-Anarchos for allowing the russian Mafia to continue their coke and opium trade, but since Anarchist drug policy holds that most narcotics are to be legalized if they don't hurt anyone but the users, it is thought prudent to allow the reactionary mafia to have the drug trade instead of the cruel and contra-revolutionary FARC.
Dra-Pol>> Dude, it's me, Tias! African Commonwealth, remember? I know Dra-pol, allright..
Quinntonian Dra-pol
26-04-2005, 21:27
You may have to shortly explain what kind of regime this ex-President ran, if there were many human rights abuses, he would have probably been arrested upon landing in Quinntonia, but it is HIGHLY unlikely that he would be returned to an Anarchist government. So, the Quinntonian ambassador will probably try and contact someone who is acting as a spokesman for any of the column groups and inquiring as to what, if any affect thi will have on the religious freedom of the people, for instance, will religion be outlawed?
OOC-Did you use the Spanish Civila War propoganda posters on purpose, because strictly speaking, that particular poster shows a Don Grandee in somewhat traditional dres, which may confuse the issue. But, luckily, given the history of Anarchist militaries in the past, unless you completely compra,ise your ideals, like the Anarchists of the Spanish Civil War eventually did, you will prove to be no match for any of the world's militaries. I mean, even BG has the fore-thought to form military Soviets, whereas, under a true Anarchist government cannot even bow to anything like a centralised military command or even small disciplines such as a salute, as that would be placing one man in a position of authority over another.
It is funny, I just finished reading Hugh Thomas's "The Spanish Civil War," and did a research project contrasting Trotskyist Marxism with Stalinist Communism and Anarchism. And then you happened.
26-04-2005, 22:11
I'll be keeping this strictly OOC so I can clarify the issue. President Velez is the current IRL president of Columbia. His government is backed by the United States and enjoys international recognition, and althought both UK and US groups are deadly silent on the matter, Amnesty International and the Red Cross often highlights the political repression and prisoner torture that goes on in Columbia. I have an incorrect tendency to compare Quinntonia with the US, but it seems you would not grant him exile, then.
I am myself an anarchist and considers the CNT/FAI communal efforts during the Spanish civil war to be one of the closest stages to anarchist society humans have come, and that is why I use a CNT-UCT poster for my anarchist nation - of course, the observant onlooker will see that the man is standing on a silhoutte of the Iberian peninsula in Spain, and thus it is not very appopriate for southern American nations ;)
I appreciate the criticism, and I think that I will draw my own artwork for Neo-Anarchos in the future, so the historical events won't detract from the fictional nation I try to portray. Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
As for the military, you know that AMW is a community of very military-happy players(I am a war buff myself), and considering that I'm lying smack up against expansionist fascist Peru and allies, I will probably have to sell out and have, albeit anti-hierarchal, military communes maintaining and operating the US/Israeli hardware that the nations making up NA have received along the way. Or I may just stick to my dream of Anarchy, Equality and Peace and get eradicated... Go figure ;)
Beth Gellert
27-04-2005, 08:53
Comrade Graeme Igo, Grandfather of the Igovian Revolution says on this subject, "...well, there are many different anarchist theories. I think that a military can be worked into one. In Beth Gellert at this moment there are various strong movements in favour of military reform and reduction, from those who seek to do-away with rank in the forces to those who wish them disbanded entirely...
"...Some calling themselves anarchists favour the recreation of the National Guard that almost emerged during the revolution and sought for a time to enrole all capable citizens for national defence against threats external and internal. Our modern Soviet Commonwealth, however, recognises a number of important factors in this issue.
"First, anarchism is a viable societal form and has been proven so. This means that there simply must be a place for it if a capable people seek its implementation. This must be kept in mind, and we must not abandon this revolutionary path upon striking an obstacle: we are not lazy or impatient reactionaries.
"Second, in the modern world it is an advanced form of living together, and benefits from the experience of previous methods. It should not be less capable or make a society less industrious than has previously been possible.
"An anarchist society should not be vulnerable to forces of less free sorts, but we have considered that an armed citizenry in its most basic form would be quite unable to protect the Commonwealth against assault by organised military forces with great fleets and air forces. This can not be right, as we continue to bear in mind the first and second points. We see that an anarchist society must find a way to wield military force equivalent to or greater than that which may be directed against it. The South Pacific War proves the need for free societies to project strategic force in their defence, for without this war we would see a monarchist stranglehold tighten around the equator.
"It now seems increasingly likely as the left in Commonwealth political life gains strength against the nationalist pro-centralisation right that with the democratic Soviets in complete control of day to day military operation, the future has a reduced place for Generals and Admirals, who may well become unranked members of the Soviets. No doubt the experience and natural skill of individuals will see voters fall behind them on matters of strategy, but this is not contrary to anarchist ideas.
"Until all the world is anarchistic, individual anarchist communities must adopt specific forms of anarchism that allow the democratic operation of advanced military equipment in tactically sound fashion...
"...Dominant leftist ideas in the Commonwealth require that men and women not be governed by others but take part instead in every level of their democracy. This is Igovian anarchism."
The Commonwealth has almost wholly welcomed the Latin American revolution's latest form, with only some elements of the ever shrinking right criticising the anarchists as a threat to the direction of the world revoltuion.
27-04-2005, 11:06
Miraflores presidential palace, Venezuela
The "March-until-we-are-free" rally called by the Comision de Relaciones Anarquistas, that by now held most of Caracas' and Miraflores' citizens as enthusiastic members, stood still in anticipation, looking at the windows. The scene was surreal, red and black banners bobbing in almost absolute silence for a short while. It had been days since they had seen their "socialist" president Chavez, but that was not necessarily a good thing - When Chavez took power, authoritarian nations had sure enough paid great sums to the right-wing thugs and death squads, and when that hadn't worked, to the armed forces.
Then, suddenly, two dirty 1½ litre coca-cola(r) bottles filled with water and smeared with blackface were hurled out of the window from the presidential balcony, tied to strings that would eventually unfurl a massive red and black banner carrying the words "Land and Freedom!". After a little uncertainty the crowd could make out the green, red, purple and pink stars and the initials of the CRA on the bottom horizontal of the flag, and cheers, songs and camera blitzes erupted in an inferno of celebration. Chavez was gone, and citizen activists had found naught but happy clerks and soldiers inside who pointed them to the top floor.
Venezuela at large
"¡Que se Vayan todas!" is the call heard around Venezuela("Let them all go!", a reference to their distaste of their former pretend-socialist leader, to abolish both left and right authority). While many state socialism supporters remain, the CRA holds big sway over the great masses of uneducated and unemployed men and women living in the slums - Masses who supported Chavez with great fervour when he came to power, and defended him from contra-revolution, but who now support anarchism as the only thing that has truly empowered them. A great many now work and receive goods for building communal living spaces from the debris of US citizens summer penthouses, statues of Columbus and whatever symbols of things that annoy and infuriate they can find. Of course, the traditional marxists and leninists try to maintain their hold over the Venezuelan left, but even now many convert to libertarian marxism and participate enthusiastically in designing free soviets to run the country with.
Neo-Anarchos, whole
Only a few Neo-Anarchan nations have consolidated their system of government enough that they have begun to address national defense beyond simple cadres of militia formed from the old national armed forces. Spokesmen for the councils were truly happy to receive recognition from a -real- communal country, but no ideological comments were forthcoming yet - an analysis of proficient soldiers, equipment and how these would fit into a revolutionary paradigm would have to be completed first. On a related note, a representatve from a Neo-Anarchan council of international policy stated that a delegation would be sent to the Madras-Porthmadog conference later this week.
Lunatic Retard Robots
28-04-2005, 01:19
Hindustan continues to build infrastructure in Colombia, at least in spirit, in the form of a steady flow of subsidization. A good deal of Hindustani engineers remain in the country as well, although their number slowly decreases as the Anarchists begin to stand on their own few million feet.
(A glorified TAG).
The People's Rpublic of Spyr officially applauds the Neo-Anarchan revolution as heralding a bright new future for both the people of whom it now consists and the greater cause of world progress and revolution.
There is, however, substantial concern... with events in the Pacific proceeding quickly along a dangerous path, a newly-communised state is especially vulnerable, resting as it does between the heartland of Roycelandia in the Caribbean, the French occupied territory of 'French' Guiana, and a fascistic Peru practicing a philosophy of NeoSuunism which historically has been seen to pressure its neighbours into subservience as buffer territories. Convrsely, such a state, if it were militarily potent, would divert imperialist attentions from concentrating on the smaller Asian progressives...
Of course, none of this thinking is mentioned publically, and even if Spyr had wanted to, the difficulties of providing aid, military or otherwise, were too great given present circumstances. All they could do was sit back and watch, hoping for the best.
01-05-2005, 00:26
Spyrian(is that the correct suffix?) recognition is also greatly appreciated by the collective peoples of Neo-Anarchos, and several foreign political councils have approached the People's Republic in efforts to create trade agreements with the burgeoning syndicalist economy under way in their country.
Just a glorified bump, really - I will create write-ups for the revolutions in Ecuador and Suriname soon, promise ;)
The Estenlands
01-05-2005, 01:27
The Tsarist governments of Estenlands/Ukraine, Tsarist Lavrageria and Tsarist Russia all condemn this revolution as being an affront against God.
Tsar Wingert I.
Lunatic Retard Robots
01-05-2005, 03:14
The Tsarist governments of Estenlands/Ukraine, Tsarist Lavrageria and Tsarist Russia all condemn this revolution as being an affront against God.
Tsar Wingert I.
In response to Estenlandian condemnation come strongly-worded threats and promises that, should the Ukranians arrive off Colombia, they will be met by a considerable amount of anti-ship missiles.
01-05-2005, 10:35
Neo-Anarchos proper, Venezuela, Suriname and Columbia
Tsarist condemnation was met with enraged calls to action from the many Free holy roman catholic soviet councils; communes organized around cathedrals for the almost 70% of Neo-Anarchos population that are, in fact, roman catholics. Particularly from Venezuelan priests it is argued that Jesus' deeds, while too holy and pure to be considered political, were those of a libertarian socialist. If Neo-Anarchos were an affront to God, surely he would not alllow its creation, in his infinite and omnipotent wisdom.
In smaller cities the perpetual revolution carried on with business as usual, but Bogota and Caracas saw several larger rallies and happenings for freedom of religion and for God's greater glory under the anarchist revolution. However, a lot of Neo-Anarchans aren't really that devout, and the matter was largely forgotten within a week.
Sooo... Another glorified bump, really. It's the 1st of May so I'm out pushing anarchism myself, but posts will come soon! ;)
Armandian Cheese
01-05-2005, 17:07
The Russian government has voted to recognize the Neo-Anarchans. While their anarchist ideals conflict heavily with conservatism, they are a free and democratic state, and our nation will recognize it as long as they obey the will of their people. While they seem to be doing so currently, one must always be watchful of "democratic" leftist states...They have an eery habit of turning totalitarian on you.
03-05-2005, 09:55
As the foreign councils were only too happy to explain to Russian concerns, Neo-Anarchan government were completely by and for the people. Every policy decision had the ear of the lowliest farmer and peddler, as basic democracy was practically a reality. Anarchists to a tee, all authority was abolished from and kept out of government - No stalinist dictators, liberal democrats or lying demagogues were able to influence the national government thanks to the flat anti-hierarchal structure.
Gah, I'm the king of pointless bumps! I promise to do a writeup on Ecuador later today...! Laters.
06-05-2005, 00:28
Quito, Ecuador
Alfredo Palacio, weary after a long press conference of promising that the sacking of his predecessor was constitutional, and reassuring foreign media that he would defend democracy and equality, sat down in his manor with a glass of scotch. Surely, Ecuador's problems would be over when the many protestors finally gave up on calling the congress corrupt and fraudulent.
After all, wasn't one allowed to make a meager profit on politics? It all boiled down to reason... The presidents musings were brought to an end when the chanting started anew, outside his window.
Ecuador at large
The revolution in Ecuador had proven less peaceful than elsewhere in Neo-Anarchos. When president Guiterrez had suddenly and violenty become the third president in eight years to be brought down by street protests - Palacio took office when the people of Ecuadors faith in politicians were at an all-time low. Consequently, the many forceful demonstrations for anarchy in Quito and the rest of Ecuador was met with brutal police repression.
Ecuador policeman fires gas grenades into a rioting crowd, one of many this week
Anarchist citizen shifts his position to escape the police, at the scene of an anti-government protest in Quito
However, on the outskirts of Ecuador, many anarchists crossing the border from neighboring regions of Neo-Anarchos are starting to lay pressure on the nation - Many free soviets have formed in the rural outer territories, and efforts are underway to arm the Ecuadorian citizenry against the repression of the hated government under Palacio.
Lunatic Retard Robots
06-05-2005, 00:49
bump for a post in the near future
I promise!
Beth Gellert
06-05-2005, 03:24
The Soviet Commune in India continues to send frequent enthusiastic messages of support to the people of revolutionary South America, regretting only that it can not help more directly. The Council of the Communards swears long-term support for the anarchist revolution if not short-term aid, made impossible by the concurrent counter-reactionary struggle in the South Pacific.
As Jharkhand and West Bengal join the Commonwealth and begin to organise their own communes, Beddgelens hope that their expressions of widespread solidarity encourage the people of Ecuador and elsewhere through the revolution: they are not charging into the unknown but into the growing free world.
06-05-2005, 10:08
Pan-American news! "Guyana is screwed up", says analysts
With much of Guyanas military off to Antigua and Barbados for a military exercise with Surinames army, carribean merchant vessels and other rogues(heh), recent developments have led to the populace having great concerns about the government, and unrest ensues.
Recently, Quinntonia withheld aid to the country when a minister with links to death squads was reinstated. The department of state added that it was "deeply concerned" at the decision to reinstate Home Minister Ronald Gajraj.
Earlier this week, a Guyanese commission of inquiry cleared Gajraj of links to death squads blamed for more than 40 killings between 2002 and 2003.
Although he was accused of directing the groups, he was never charged. The panel, however, said Gajraj had crossed the "jurisdictional line" by maintaining contact with underworld figures. "We believe significant questions remain unanswered regarding his involvement in serious criminal activities," the State Department said, adding that his reinstatement "undermines the rule of law in Guyana".
With Guyana's economy battered into the ground from severe floods, and the weak leadership presented by recent president elect Bharaat Jagdeo; great hosts of Guyanas disillusioned workers, unemployed and middle class(what few there are) have walked on the capital, spurred on Federacíon Anarchiijsten as well as democratic socialist movements from several neighbouring countries, including Suriname and Venezuela.
06-05-2005, 12:10
The Roycelandian Government is VERY concerned by developments in Roycelandia Guiana... Sorry, Guiana :D and will be monitoring the situation extremely closely, possibly including a deployment of the Imperial Guard to help ensure the situation stays under control... ;)
06-05-2005, 20:54
Neo-Anarchos at large
Given the overt imperialist leanings of the Roycelandian empire(duh), militant anarchists in Venezuela and Columbia who formerly served in their respective nations rapid deployment forces have stepped up readiness, appealing to the more fiery citizenry to supply petroleum, rotary fuel and ready re-supply points for possible "anti-roik aggro", as one unruly mestizo skinhead who spoke for a military council in Columbia put it.
07-05-2005, 09:24
Guyana has always been well and truly in the Roycelandian "Sphere of Influence", and with France pre-occupied in the Pacific, it's up to us to protect the Guyans from the forces of Anarchy.
Of course, in an effort to add some legitimacy to the whole exercise, the Guyanan Government had, of course, formally requested Roycelandian "assistance" with the situation.
Less than 24 hours later, the Guyanan Armed Forces found themselves being supported by the Imperial Guard, complete with bayonetted Lee-Enfield rifles.
No doubt such a move would be unpopular with the Anarchists, but like it or not, Guyana was a sovereign country, and the Guyanan Government and the Roycelandian Government were on very good terms.
More importantly, Roycelandia had a lot of Interests (Business and otherwise) in Guyana, and wasn't about to have them interfered with by a lot of free-loading Anarchists...
Tag for being a "funny" reading, being a Venezuelan myself and living in Caracas under Chávez regime. I could remark like 5 (five) weird things around, but well, it's your thread anyway. I wonder about where are you from anyway to depict such fantasies of yours about this zone in particular...
Please keep amusing me with this...
07-05-2005, 11:45
Georgetown, Guyana
The gathered crowd had reached numerous thousands, and was only getting more rowdy at the sight of armed and uniformed Roycelandians. This nation was once THEIR responsibility, and all the people of Guyana had gotten were deficient infrastructure and lack of education in vital industrialized areas; consequently leading to the hellhole of a nation they were living in now. The answer was clear, and if anti-authoritarian collectivization could only be taken by force, so be it. Large parts of Guyanas underpaid and very unsatisfied military had already deserted to neighbouring national communes or joined the protestors, breaking or selling their guns in the process.
The protestors were getting more tense by the minute, raising their voices in anti-Roycelandian songs and slogans, demands for the government to dissolve, and some had taken to forming chains and blocs at the front, ready for action..
..Still, the organizing federations in Guyana had asked the rest of Neo-Anarchos to wait - Could violence be avoided, it would be.
I live in Scandinavia, and as such I have a pretty hard time depicting these nations realistically, but - Doing my best ;)
As for the political climate, I know it would never happen in real life, but that's NS for you! Here all of Venezuela, Columbia, Ecuador, Guyana and Suriname are merging into a libertarian socialist union..
Don't tell anyone, but the name of the Columbian president is Uribe :). His second family name is Vélez. :)
And yeah, *sigh*, this is nationstates, I guess, although the best part of it is that noone should have any ties to real life countries, but well...all crazy people have a theme. Enjoy yours and good luck :)
07-05-2005, 14:25
The Imperial Guard were used to facing angry mobs in parts of the world that weren't Roycelandia, so they held their ground, bayonets fixed.
OOC: I'm in Australia and my sole knowledge of this part of the world comes from Lonely Planet Travel Guides... :)
And I'm guessing even Anarchists wouldn't try and charge a Bayonet Hedge... ouch.
Lunatic Retard Robots
07-05-2005, 16:42
The Hindustani Parliament makes its displeasure towards Roycelandian intervention in Guyana very well known. Of course, Roycelandia, along with much of the rest of the world, is proof against accusations of imperialism, because that is what they are actually doing, and it won't work to decry their stated foreign policy on the grounds of what it is.
The Parliament has, to a certain extent, lost faith in the weight of its declarations and insults, and liberally uses obscenities and vulgarities in its critique of Roycelandian policy in South America.
But at the same time, it is considered unlikely that Roycelandia would attack more or less neutral Hindustani ships, so a Type 12 frigate is immediately rerouted to the area.
07-05-2005, 17:48
At the moment the imperialists shewed their colours and presented their clear intent to kill foreign people, as well as letting their own young men die, for the chance to cling on to authority - The crowd snapped.
A huge black bloc ( formed in the loose front chains of the protest, and while no forward motion was taken; Guyanese men and women started breaking nearby surveillance cameras, destroying storefronts and banks, while others protestors started breaking up the cobbled street and finding bottles for projectiles.
All the while, many in the protest masked themselves, shouting threats and demands for anarchist government, as well as spraying urine and butter acid over the heads of the Imperial Guard from whatever vaporizers were at hand; hoping by force of numbers and terror to unsettle the Roycelandian mercenaries.
Enraged by the show of authoritarian repression in Guyana, the united Neo-Anarchan foreign councils issued a statement to his imperial majesty that the full fervour of the federated communes' military might would be unleashed on the Imperial guardsmen, should they choose to harm the Guyanese protestors who were just, admittedly in a very rough manner, liberating their own lives.
Royce>> Don't be too sure, man. I've charged* batons and tear gas guns.. The trick is to knock the wielder over and scoot ;) Oh, and most anarchists myself included -are- complete pacifists FYI, I've just gone with a grossly generalized interpretation of the latin-american/spanish socialist tradition and have mine be a bunch of angry loons!
*if this seems like a paradox keep in mind that I have not always been an anarchist.
Aelosio>> Oh right. Velez is then his mothers maiden name or some such, right? I'll edit it when I have more time..
Armandian Cheese
07-05-2005, 19:15
OOC: Doesn't France own some territory in South America? French Guiana, isn't it?
Beth Gellert
07-05-2005, 21:23
Off the coast of Ecuador Dwrgi-T WIG vehicles were becoming a familiar sight, delivering Soviet consuls and related Igovians into the Neo-Anarchos infected lands. Negotiations were at an advanced stage in Anarchist-Soviet plans for a significant military deployment by the latter.
The point to be made for Port Royal was that the people had spoken and revolution was in, close to Roycelandia or not. Further it might be read as a hint that it would be best for the Roycelandians to avoid coming again to blows with the revolutionary forces in the South Pacific lest they incite a counter-punch closer to home.
Commonwealth ports and airfields were now at their busiest and in their most sustained period of military activity since the revolution of the 1980s.
07-05-2005, 23:20
Quito, Ecuador
In his first speech in Quito in weeks, Palacio tried to seem firm and confident. The two massive bodyguards supplied by his remaining backers in congress helped in that. He took a sip of water, drew a deep breath, and spoke.
"People! My people! It has been a long and hard..."
Alfredo Palacio never got further, as the thunderous report from a Kalashnikov resounded on the square, bullets slamming into the wooden panelling behind him thrice, and as the fourth 7x62mm projectile ruptured his shoulder, he went down; bodyguards on top of him. What small crowds had assembled to see the speech quickly scattered, well knowing that the riot police that were still loyal to the congress would beat them to a bloody pulp.
That evening, the new president left Ecuador for a safe exile elsewhere on the continent, presumably in Chile or Peru.
Although ashamed of the way president Palacio was toppled, anarchist labour unions in Ecuador were quick to take action and empower the citizens to give the nation the final shove - Quito led the way in collectivization, and soon the surrounding regions gave way to anarchist emancipation.
Not long after, Soviet officers walked the streets, leading to armed citizens mistakenly protesting their presence in the Ecuadorian mainland - As the nation gradually became a part of Neo-Anarchos, the many indigenous peoples of Ecuador accepted Neo-Anarchan foreign policy to accept short-term aid from Beth Gellert in the process of defending Ecuador and Guyana from contra-revolutionary intervention.
Heh, technically Ecuador wasn't part of Neo-Anarchos yet - I took care of that, though.
Beth Gellert
08-05-2005, 00:42
(Well, these are just advance teams hopping over with customary Igovian disregard for 'official' borders :) Mainly looking into the facility for accepting WIG vehicles, as we're probably not going to be able to ship military material through the Canal, since that's presently a Quinntonian preserve and violating that border would be a lot more difficult.)
Soviet personnel gradually arriving in Ecuador and Colombia -a shame that they couldn't directly move to Guyana- behaved in friendly fashion, greeting locals as comrades no less familiar than residents of other parts of the Commonwealth from Calcutta to Colombo. Generally they would do much to foster celebration, breaking out alcohol whenever crowds gathered and butchering the Spanish language in efforts to translate Beddgelen revolutionary songs. They were keen that the early impression following revolutionary movement in Ecuador should be a hopeful and international one with a good chance of leading to global friendship rather than nationalism.
At the same time, though, the Soviet consuls and workers walked tall and openly in the streets apparently giving little consideration to old authorities that may still remain.
For now, though, most WIGs, planes, and ships moving in military material made for Colombia rather than Ecuador, and the majority of what was unloaded headed east. The Soviets worked according local timetables, requiring often the use of railroads as some heavy military equipment arrived but making a point of not holding up local commercial or other operation and offering currency up front or like compensation later for such things as fuels consumed by their transit.
Where they unloaded experts and machines dedicated to supporting Neo-Anarchos' own industry -especially the military aspects- they asked in return only space to make their beds and certainty that means of production established with Soviet help would remain in common ownership and control. And if any local halucinogens or simulants were going spare, well they could be found homes with off-duty Igovians.
(I seem to be falling asleep, here, best just stop rambling...)
Armandian Cheese
08-05-2005, 01:49
The Russian Mafia, very happy with the collapse of the traditional regime, (No police force=money, money, money!) and would be even more happy to supply the Igovians and the Neo-Anarchans with all the halucinogens they could ever want...
For a price, of course. :D
08-05-2005, 08:41
Neo-Anarchan sentiment, in Ecuador and elsewhere, for the Igovions rose tremendeously; as results gradually developed - Tractors rolled out to fields again, men and women who used to be unemployed or imprisoned for imaginary 'political crimes' now built railways and roads; the land was rising again, this time on the shoulders of and for the benefit of its people.
Fighting against the congress-loyal military police and palace guard continues in Quito(Ecuador, fyi), but the armed citizenry has largely prevailed; and debate has already been raised on what to do with the unconvertable "POWs" - The common feeling is that they should move south if they need to be governed by half-assed dictators that bad.
On the subject of lawbreakers and police, many areas already have a functioning Indigenous Community Police, working much like the ICP of the Zapatista communes farther to the north - Individuals that formerly worked in law enforcement and investigation now volunteer to enter a rotation of workers responsible for self-policing their local community. Local community-based systems of courts and mediation are also rising, flicking a thumb at other nations pitiable need to have a repressive State or its stormtroop police come in and try to save their citizens from themselves.
The mafiya would soon learn that while property-crimes no longer existed(property right being replaced with right of usage), social crimes would be struck harshly down on; and if they thought they could engage in murder, violence or other of their usual debauchery they were wrong. The communal rule of Neo-Anarchos has accepted the presence of the Mafiya because it is not strong enough to evict it, but it certainly doesn't love them.
08-05-2005, 08:47
Whilst Roycelandia would not attack Hindustani or Igovian ships unprovoked, the Hindustani frigate and Bedgellen WIGS will find that the IRNS James Bond, Miles Messervy, and Ernst Blofeld are already in the area.
Having seen what a Roycelandian Dreadnought can do to any ship foolish enough to get too close, the Hindustanis would be well advised to keep their presence low-key.
Meanwhile, the Roycelandian Press are actually genuinely mystified- one of the few times in recent memory that Roycelandia has done something vaguely legitimate vis a vis Overseas Deployment, and they're getting sworn at by the Hindustanis and Igovians (only by the greatest restraint are they not referred to as "Curry-Munchers" in the Port Royal Times).
The Imperial Guard, who are deployed at various strategic locations (Ports, Government Offices, the Presidential Palace, Telecommunications Exchanges, Imperial Petroleum & Mining Offices, etc etc) have strict orders not to fire on the protestors unless their lives are directly threatened, and even their their SLLE rifles are loaded with Gel Bullets (ie, non-lethal rounds).
Attempts at un-nerving the Imperial Guard are not as effective as first hoped- these are the same people who have fought against hordes of Scimitar-wielding Arabs and unleashed concentrated Volley Fire on massed Lusakan revolutionaries in the late '70s... getting bottles of urine thrown at them isn't that high on the list.
Ever third Imperial Guard has a massive Perspex Riot Shield, which can be used to shield against bottles, bricks, stones, molotov cocktails, and other assorted projectiles, should things get nasty...
His Majesty has issued a call to the Anarchist's Collective Soviet (or whatever they're called, one of his staff will take care of the minor details like that) for a peaceful discussion of their demands, pointing out that a massive revolution will destablise the country even further...
OOC: Bear in mind that Guyana is right next to Roycelandia, and as a result Revolution there really is not going to be tolerated by Port Royal. This isn't Imperialism- it's interest and security protection.
Remember, the US sent General "Black Jack" Pershing into Mexico after Pancho Villa in 1916 (not that it did much good for either party)- this is basically the same thing, as far as we're concerned.
And yes, there are actually Non-Lethal .303 rounds in RL. They were used in India during the partition in the 1947-1949 period, as well as in the Malayan Emergency. Very effective, I'm told by people who were there...
08-05-2005, 09:56
A foreign power wanting to contact Neo-Anarchos need merely call up one of the foreign councils(or soviets, if one prefers that term, it's the same thing) it has talked to in the past. If and when a response comes, national consensus is behind if as it has been debated on by the united foreign and domestic political councils of the nation in question. As Guyana considers itself anarchist, foreign soviets exist there too, already.
The answer this time was surprisingly prompt, as if debate had either not occurred or a consensus had been found extraordinarily fast:
As most of the disenfranchised peoples of Guyana are now anarchists and desire a government devoid of authority, foreign or local; their demand is simple - A total liberation of Guyana. Roycelandian nationals are free to stay, go or come as they please, but no longer shall any officials remain in positions of authority over anything in the nation, and it is agreeable if Roycelandian soldiers left or disposed of their weapons; it is the right and duty of every Guyanese to govern his or her own life. Roycelandians who stay shall receive the same goods and services from their comrades as everyone else, as do they have their providence-granted right to participate in the government of their local commune. Espionage and other attempts to intervene in Neo-Anarchan society will not be tolerated. Do not consider this a threat or a "revolution", merely a change in states that will benefit the Guyanese people for good.
Breaking out of ranks with lightning speed, several black clad militants attacked the Imperial Petroleum & Mining offices in Georgetown, long a pet peeve despised by the Guyanese, who had yet to see much if any of their natural resources benefit them personelly. Avoiding the passive guardsmen, windows were broken, and graffiti sprayed on the walls. Infrastructure was avoided, and instead several other breakouts from the demonstration targeted what police stations remained loyal to the government or Roycelandia; as well as offices from other multinational corporations.
Urine wasn't thrown in bottles, but in a rather clever jest sprayed from vapourizers and water toy guns such as the Imperial Toystuffs Water-Soaker 2500(r)! Seeing the lack of effects of the pee, burlap stink bombs filled with still stronger butter acid was thrown behind the ranks of the guardsmen, precipitating a breakup of their wedge. Non-violent methods seemed to be preferred by the protestors still, even if said methods were getting more vicious by the minute..
Heh, I'd never dispute a fact about the Lee-Enfield coming outta you! Remember how the Commonwealth's storefront drowned in LE talk? ;)
08-05-2005, 13:02
OOC: Is anyone going to RP the Government Forces in Guyana? I can't imagine the whole country just simply giving up like that... but it's getting a bit late for me to start trying to form a coherent argument on the matter.
You've probably gathered by now that British Military Firearms are one of my hobbies... ;)
08-05-2005, 13:34
To be honest, I think you're teetering on "unhealthy obsession", there ;)
As I said to aelo-whatshisface, this entire thread is very unrealistic. It assumes that at least 80-90% of the populace in EVERY neo-anarchan country embraces libertarian socialism and force an anarchist revolution. I should like it not to start a war before the country is at least consolidated, but yes, in the interest of fairness we should probably let someone mediate as the guyanan government.
Lunatic Retard Robots
08-05-2005, 18:18
HNS Colombo, still some days away from station off Ecuador, doesn't intend to get close to the Roycelandian Dreadnaughts. The ship could, if it really has to, fight a battle at more or less gun range by using its NAVLAR battery, but with Igovian support already arriving in overwhelmingly greater amounts, it is quite possible that the Colombo will be again rerouted to a goodwill visit in Buenos Aires or Stanley.
The Parliament is somewhat surprised at the reaction it gets from its unusual use of vulgarities and makes a point of doing it again some time. But Hindustan doesn't want a war with anyone. After all, Hindustani commitments worldwide are almost exclusively humanitarian in nature, and even places that recieve Hindustani military aid are by no means bound to alliegance with Mumbai.
HNS Colombo (ex-HMS Scylla) underway in the Pacific, not terribly far off the Galapagos islands.
Armandian Cheese
08-05-2005, 18:26
Neo-Anarchan sentiment, in Ecuador and elsewhere, for the Igovions rose tremendeously; as results gradually developed - Tractors rolled out to fields again, men and women who used to be unemployed or imprisoned for imaginary 'political crimes' now built railways and roads; the land was rising again, this time on the shoulders of and for the benefit of its people.
Fighting against the congress-loyal military police and palace guard continues in Quito(Ecuador, fyi), but the armed citizenry has largely prevailed; and debate has already been raised on what to do with the unconvertable "POWs" - The common feeling is that they should move south if they need to be governed by half-assed dictators that bad.
On the subject of lawbreakers and police, many areas already have a functioning Indigenous Community Police, working much like the ICP of the Zapatista communes farther to the north - Individuals that formerly worked in law enforcement and investigation now volunteer to enter a rotation of workers responsible for self-policing their local community. Local community-based systems of courts and mediation are also rising, flicking a thumb at other nations pitiable need to have a repressive State or its stormtroop police come in and try to save their citizens from themselves.
The mafiya would soon learn that while property-crimes no longer existed(property right being replaced with right of usage), social crimes would be struck harshly down on; and if they thought they could engage in murder, violence or other of their usual debauchery they were wrong. The communal rule of Neo-Anarchos has accepted the presence of the Mafiya because it is not strong enough to evict it, but it certainly doesn't love them.
No worries, all the Mafiya is concerned about is keeping the drug train running on schedule. (With an occasional slice of prostitution on the side, although it's all voluntary---no kidnappings or the like.)
09-05-2005, 19:00
Neo-Anarchan foreign councils remain in uncompromising opposition to Roycelandian influence over and presence in Guyana - It is evident that more than three quarters of the population have adopted a libertarian socialist viewpoint on the management on their nation, and demands both their former president and his Roycelandian mercenaries out of the nation.
Meanwhile, in Georgetown, the 1500 or so soldiers still loyal to president Bharaat Jagdeo are backing up the key infrastructural points held by the Roycelandian guardsmen. General lietenant Donald Gajraj(that's the ministers brother, in case anyone's wondering), their commander, is cautious as it is. He has asked the ranking Roycelandian officer for advice, unsure whether he should engage the black blocs attacking structures such as banks and offices, or stay passive until attacked like the guardsmen are doing at present.
The blocs, meanwhile, avoid confrontation. Happy that their politically motivated destruction are not met with attacks or repression, they continue to riot, starting fires and having random bands play in street celebrations as more join from corners of the nation, demanding Jagdeo's overthrow.
Armandian Cheese
09-05-2005, 19:19
The Mafia is happily making a killing (not literally!) off of the protestors, selling them all sorts of protesting devices, from fresh bottles of urine (For the times that you just can't go!) to gas masks to those nity peace medallions.
The Divine Republic Of Russia has initiated an official statement, stating...
"We hope that the choas in South America can end peacefully, and urge both parties to come to a reasonable compromise in order to avoid bloodshed."
Charlesbourg---French Guyana
When the Armada en route to the South Pacific had passed by French Guyana, it dropped off reinforcements to the French Garrison, judged prudent in these times of 'sudden war'. It consisted of the 27th Gardes Francais Division, supported by two companies of the Royal Army Korean 1st Division of foot. A total of some 16,000 thousand addition to the Colonial Militia and such.
Holding as it does the single French space research and launch facility, Versailles considers it a vital possession, and will not brook any chaos arising in His Majesties Colony.
However, as His Majesty is eager to get things organized after the Caledonia debacle, the Governer le Comte de Custine has been ordered to keep a low profile and make no overt gestures.
Nevertheless, the Royal Space Center has seen its security quadruple, and for the first time there are suspected to be Agents of the ODSL (French Secret Service) operating in the capital and region at large.
There have been more than a few boats seen going over to Devils Island, which since the Restoration is in full operation again, containing everything from Frenchmen opposed to Louis policies (not dangerous enough to be locked in the Bastille, which as you can imagine is quite full) to local natives suspected of seditious actions.
09-05-2005, 20:38
No Neo-anarchan activity as a whole is going on in or around French Guyana, with the majority of Anarchans being satisfied with the monarchist fascists hiding from the revolution in their own little space. However, it happens that individual opportunistic anarchists sometimes attempt to sow chaos and dissent in the colony, in the form of trying to hide escaped offenders or bust out natives who are "seditious" in the eyes of the over-zealous French.
Back in Georgetown, the situation is stable if racous. Most protestors ignore the mafiya peddlers, amused by attempts at capitalist exploitation in what is soon to be a libertarian socialist commune(although more than a few buy gas masks when their comrades aren't looking - better safe than sorry!).
Armandian Cheese
09-05-2005, 20:52
Hey hey now! If you want to keep spraying the Roiks with urine, and run out of "juice"...
10-05-2005, 03:56
The Ranking Roycelandian Officer sees the situation as increasingly no-win.
If they fight back, it's "Imperialist Oppression!", and if they stand there and do nothing, then they become like the UN watching Somalis murder each other for grain.
"Get the Water Cannons on them" the Captain advises. If they can quell the worst of the rioting, then they might be able to work out some deal whereby the former Government withdraws from Georgetown and is allowed to set up in the country's East. That way, the 1/4 of Guyana's population who aren't interested in the Revolution can still have their own country, with Roycelandia providing protection for the new Nation (which would NOT be called Roycelandian Guyana, incidentally).
OOC: Despite Roycelandia's close relationship to France, anyone who escapes from the French Penal Colonies and gets to Roycelandian territory will NOT be returned to France- indeed, escaped prisoners are usually given automatic residency as soon as their identities and stories are verified.
Incidentally, Roycelandia operates Penal Colonies as well, in the Aleutian Islands. Should France have any particularly difficult Prisoners that need to serve their time somewhere "out of the way", we'd be more than happy to help France set up a small prison colony in the Aleutians...
10-05-2005, 08:14
((assuming here that Roycelandia has actually aired their proposal to foreign political soviets in Guyana and the rest of Neo-Anarchos))
While non-anarchist Guyanese don't seem to mind the potential revolution so much(most alternatives to the current status quo would likely look better than this), many would probably enjoy keeping their "sweet" jobs in the bloated private sectors that the revolution proposes to abolish.
Although individual anarchans compares the Roycelandian guardsmen to anything from misled burgouise victims to the SS leibstandardte Adolf Hitler, Neo-Anarchan foreign councils are actually pleased with the proposal, and are contacting the federate unions in Guyana to ask them to step down their direct action.
"Let them avoid the revolution", they would say in private, "when we show them the paradise we can create through cooperation and love; they will flock back to us and the Roycelandians can have their protectorate - It won't mean much to them when they don't have slaves to work it".
This didn't mean much yet to the people in Georgetown, however. As the pressurized hoses knocked over anyone in their way, young, adult, woman and elderly alike, the protestors grew hostile; the infirm were evacuated and the heaviest butter acid bombs yet were thrown at the guardsmen, with some bricks and cobbling stones for effect - If they didn't have gas masks, they would have to disperse; and several people in the crowd were brandishing firearms, clubs and machetes in gestures of menace.
13-05-2005, 10:12
[OOC: bump-de-bump. I'll be gone till monday or tuesday, so no replies till then; but please respond anyway, Royce(and the rest of you too, if you feel like it)!]
13-05-2005, 11:51
Port Royal, Roycelandia
The Imperial Roycelandian Government has officially suggested that the western 3rd of the Country be turned into the Roycelandian Protectorate of Guyana, with the remaining 2/3rds of the country being the Republica del Guyana.
The Imperial Guard are still holding their fire on the rioting mobs, though only just...
[OOC: Not that I think its an intentional ploy, but the Western 30% of the Guyana are currently home to the majority of population, modern infrastructure, and agricultural production. One can only begin to imagine the displacement difficulties...]
13-05-2005, 14:26
Oh, what the hey! One last post before we drive off into the sunset.. ;)
And I will be adressing that fact, Spyr.
Upon conclusion of the initial negotiation, cadres of militant and non-militant unionists began to calm their fellows down - The rest of the butter acid was destroyed safely, although enough had unfortunately been already thrown to make the perimeter occupied by Roycelandian and Guyanese governmental troops totally uninhabitable, unless some sort of CW protective gear was donned. Unionist spokesmen talked to the guardsmen, explaining what had happened, and cooperative efforts began to get people back to their homes(and public commons for those who wouldn't go to bed without a racous celebration).
Debate was heated in the rest of Neo-Anarchos, and few of the foreign councils who talked with Roycelandia were in agreement with the general proposal. Considering how much arable land and working industrial equipment were situated in the western Guyana, the majority of it should rightly belong to the revolutionary 70 or so percent of the Guyanese people who had just liberated it. Considering also that the western half of the nation shares a border with the rest of Neo-Anarchos, this is evidently where the people would like their revolutionary nation - Cooler heads eventually prevailed and suggest that the northernmost 1/4 of the nation should belong to the Guyanese government and those citizens who wish to live in the Roycelandian Protectorate - This will mean that the western quarter of the protectorate will at least have access to such assets as clean water, schools and medicinal supplies.
As a sign of good faith, if Roycelandia accepts the suggestion, all citizens living in the protectorate will receive loans of labour from the anarchist guyanese to aid the construction of infrastructure for the poorest rural areas; and if Roycelandian guyanese citizens would like to tithe some of their capital to Neo-Anarchon Guyana, they would receive their say in the government of Neo-Anarchos. Although some NA communes frown on this gift, considered by extremist elements as "cultural imperialism", it is expected that the remaining Guyanese will eventually emancipate themselves from Roycelandia when Neo-Anarchon Guyana starts showing the fruits of free peoples labour.
Already the Guyanese free soviets that have formed so far are planning programs for agricultural and industrial reform, aimed directly at creating jobs and expanding proper living conditions for the masses.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
13-05-2005, 15:44
OOC-What is with AMW, I mean, if even one government of this style had every prospered, I might buy it, but none ever has, the closest come was during the Spanish REvolution, and the Anarchists were in a big way repsonsible for losing the war for the Republic.
Sigh. At least there is a historial precedent for a theocracy, it may be removed by several centuries, but it has happened. Not including the Vatican, of course.
Beth Gellert
13-05-2005, 16:29
OOC: Well, I don't want to fill NA's thread with OOC, but perhaps if you hang on and pay attention you might learn something instead of being a stick in the mud.
Armandian Cheese
14-05-2005, 02:19
OOC-What is with AMW, I mean, if even one government of this style had every prospered, I might buy it, but none ever has, the closest come was during the Spanish REvolution, and the Anarchists were in a big way repsonsible for losing the war for the Republic.
Sigh. At least there is a historial precedent for a theocracy, it may be removed by several centuries, but it has happened. Not including the Vatican, of course.
OOC: Well, technically...Your government is not with precedent. Sure, there have been theocracies, but not democratic ones.
14-05-2005, 06:03
The Roycelandian Government, after much discussion, accepts the NA Soviet's suggestion. The Imperial Guard do their best to assist in peacefully dispersing the crowds (having held their ground thus far), and things are looking a lot more positive.
The Imperial Guard's Engineers Batallion will handle a lot of the construction, but in the spirit of co-operation they are prepared to accept help from the NA workforce...
Lunatic Retard Robots
14-05-2005, 16:18
Parliament is happy to see a peaceful resolution to the crisis in Guyana. The Neo-Anarchan regime begins to recieve not a small amount of monetary aid from Hindustan, most of it intended to go towards infrastructure improvements and the training of doctors, teachers, engineers, and other public servants.
Sapper units are also made available, should assistance be required in construction projects.
The Quetta also makes towards the Venezuelan coast, carrying a Hindustani attache.
The People's Republic of Spyr begins to forward aid and development packages to the communes of Neo Anarchos. Though most fall well within what one would expect from one progressive to another, the more cynical observer of international trade might notice more efforts than might be expected being focussed on lumber-related industries... perhaps due to the pulp needs of Spyr's bloated publishing sector.
United Elias
15-05-2005, 16:18
OOC: Ive sorta missed this, and considering our little holding in Belize, it might be relevant, so a suitcase full of dinars for anyone giving me a summary!
Armandian Cheese
15-05-2005, 20:01
The People's Republic of Spyr begins to forward aid and development packages to the communes of Neo Anarchos. Though most fall well within what one would expect from one progressive to another, the more cynical observer of international trade might notice more efforts than might be expected being focussed on lumber-related industries... perhaps due to the pulp needs of Spyr's bloated publishing sector.
A cynical observer might also notice that Russian firms are slashing their lumber prices in Lyong...
Armandian Cheese
15-05-2005, 21:35
OOC: Just as a point of information...Quinntonia is a democratic theocracy, right? Religious officials reign, but they are elected? That's what I gathered, but need to be sure. Oh, and chill out guys. People have different opinions on what kinds of government work, and while we may disagree with them (say, me and BG), we'll have to accept them. Honestly, I see both Quinntonia (where 95% of the population is composed of fundamentalist Christians who stay true to their principles) and NA (anarchist communes) as unattainable, but hey, everybody's got a different view on what works and what doesn't.
Sorry for that little spiel there.
15-05-2005, 21:45
Rejoicing across the Neo-Anarchan commune of Guyana! The Georgetown crowds still partied in the commons and parks, and younger female rioters laid down their arms and offered drinks and their hands in dance to any imperial guardsmen that seemed agreeable. The roycelandian and guyanese governmental soldiers can unharassed proceed to the proctectorate, and the councils hoped that the Royces would be satisfied with the territory, that still allowed them buffer-land against the rest of South America. Also, the Neo-Anarchan league for Demilitarization, a political faction numbering among 1/5 of the foreign councils, warmly commends the government of Roycelandia for helping solve the crisis in a wholly nonviolent way.
In the other end of Neo-Anarchos, communes buzz with activity and excitement as the foreign councils unanimously accept aid from the progressive nations of the world. Having no ulterior motives to hide, the Neo-Anarchan people gladly accept Hindustani earmarked funds, pumping them directly into the creation of universities and the creation of a variety of long term business-related education programs. Sapper units are welcomed whereever they wish to work; and some aid is accepted from Spyr. Neo-Anarchos refuses to put much money into woodcutting and -processing, considering the production of tree pulp paper wasteful and environmentally unfriendly - Of course, books and manuals are still produced aplenty, but copyrights are being abolished and ignored by the anarchans, who see more promise in free, open-sourced litterature in digital form. It is easier to share, takes up little hard drive space, and doesn't destroy the rainforest, nor valuable redwood trees.
UE, I'm telegramming you now with a re-cap.
What is with AMW, I mean, if even one government of this style had every prospered, I might buy it, but none ever has,
No one's asking you to "buy it", it is already fact in the Modern World game and you have to RP with that in mind.
the closest come was during the Spanish REvolution, and the Anarchists were in a big way repsonsible for losing the war for the Republic.
Thanks, in large part, to communist opposition to the anarchist militias(thanks to big minds in the POUM, the anarchists would find themselves without weapons thanks to petty ideological concerns by the communist parties). While it was a bad decision on the anarchists part to advocate social revolution in the midst of a brutal civil war, they were only part of the idiocy that sabotaged republican forces from within.
At least there is a historial precedent for a theocracy, it may be removed by several centuries, but it has happened. Not including the Vatican, of course.
A shame that those regimes sucked big time - I'd rather have my fictional utopia than any of those nutcase religious governments, thank you ;)
We have an OOC political subforum on the AMW invisionfree forum for this sort of discussion so it doesn't clutter up serious IC threads. Start a thread there and it will my undivided attention - I won't have any more OOC text that is not absolutely necessary in this thread. Thanks in advance for respecting this!
25-05-2005, 13:34
[OOC: Surinamese revolution to come here one of these days, I promise!]
23-03-2006, 09:30
Paramaribo, Suriname, some years ago
As the first wet season of the year drew to an end in 2005, the peoples of Suriname had attained their freedom. Spurred on by the libertarian success that is Neo-Anarchos, the syndicalist labour union Föderaschon Anarchijsten shut down the former Dutch colony by way of strikes in the critical bauxite, gold and oil industries. With the government powerless and about half of the nations some 2200 armed forces personnel supporting revolutionary change, a close call between bloodshed and peaceful coup ensued as the Ministers of Defense and Justice & Police stood on their governments right to rule - eventually and quickly, however, the situation was resolved as the armed forces went on strike as well, and the cabinet and president were given free leave to Quinntonia. However, as the unions are happy to report, several ministers opted to stay in the nation and use their experience for the good of the new governing councils. The attaché from Hindustan is offered a nice embassy position for himself in a large manor where he will be living with a Surinamese diplomatic collective, who will benefit from his knowledge of international society. The choice of commune is considered prudent, given that the largest ethnic group of Suriname is in fact Hindustani(37%).
Neo-Anarchos at large, present
Little came out of the communes these day(except for the foreign collectives pleads to Roycelandia to support a peaceful solution to the British presence in Southern Africa), but such silence belied furious activity. A new university had sprung up in each Anarchan commune, several named after Hindustani cities in honour of the aid going to build them and train the teachers. "Councils of Good Education" had been formed, reschooling graduates, engineers and professors to teach their skills in an environment conductive to young academics learning the skills they need and want to.
The military, similarly, is coming together; despite being one of the most hotly debated issues(about one in six anarchans belong to the SDNA, wishing a completely pacifist society free of weapons). For a long time, the only organized soldiers in the communes have been the special forces, and the numerous communal and village militias. Now, the use of air and naval power has been consolidated, and military vessels flying the black and red flags of Neo-Anarchos patrol all the former sea routes of the nations making up the nations. A full administration for the army is not agreed upon, but mountain and jungle troops are in training for a new division along libertarian lines. It has been decided, after much debate, to keep ranks in the armed forces, but to abolish leadership as an authoritarian role, effecting it as more of a directional, overseing task.
((Well, more to come. Talks of trade, cooperation and such are still very welcome - also, sorry about the long wait for the Surinamese revolution - I tried to make it like I had planned, but I may have glossed over some details. If there are questions about Neo-Anarchos of any kind, don't be afraid to stick it to me!))
Lunatic Retard Robots
24-03-2006, 02:55
Unioners find Neo-Anarchos' current state quite to their liking, and continue to pile commendations onto the Anarchan people for their considerable social advancement. Union diplomats are on hand for the opening of several of the new universities and promise continued support from Mumbai. Education, they say, is the cornerstone of good government and prosperous society. INU diplomats also discuss closer trade ties, particularly with regards to oil, and see Neo-Anarchos as perhaps the only alternative to Elian or Libyan supplies, with exploration efforts off Gujarat still in their infancy. While monetary aid drops off perceptibly with the onset of the Rajasthan War and Mumbai's preparations for what it considers a very likely war with France and perhaps the Holy League at large, Union diplomats offer surplus INA, IAF, and even IN equipment at increasingly low prices. Prominent among these offers is Mumbai's proposal to offload 40-some F(J).9s, fitted with rather basic avionics but certainly no worse than the Kfirs or Mirage F.1s already in Anarchan service, for perhaps one million USQ apiece. The Anarchan Boxkite order also arrives, along with a large supply of spare parts. HAL technicians come with the airplanes, which are all in knocked-down condition, in order to oversee their assembly and to perform all the necessary quality checks.
The HAL representatives also discuss a Boxkite production liscence with the Anarchans, offering to help them set up a factory for the aircraft.
24-03-2006, 08:20
Social reform is what Neo-Anarchos is all about, as the communes proudly proclaim! Among current programs are the closing of 60% of the jail facilities in the nation for redistribution as free housing and community centres; agricultural reform for focus on biodynanism and deep ecology, and implementation of free ground schools for ages six and up, to give children a humanitarian and social education they can put to good use.
Anarchans are a practical sort, and most of the oil extraction collectives are stressing to the diplomatic council that Indian Union had better provide Neo-Anarchos with concrete benefits, as opposed to just money. "El dinero no es importante" is the bargaining motto, and if Anarchan oil is going abroad, it will preferably be in exchange for closer military and political alignment with Hindustan.
The democratic and humanitarian INU has the same foreign political goals as Neo-Anarchos(broadly speaking), and therefore the event of war would probably make them allies, along with the communist Beth Gellert, if said communists don't swing farther to the right than has already happened.
In regards to hardware, the F(J).9s are a welcome addition. Payments can be made immediately in Anarchan Dollars, or in USQ if patience is had for convertion. Training for pilots and the conversion of Anarchan avionics and currently used missiles(such as the Skyflash, Python, Derby and whatever Bedgellen missiles are on hand) would likely require some cooperation from Hindustani engineers, though. If the INU uses agreeable Air-to-air missiles, perhaps a switch could be arranged, and the currently used designs sold to Europe. Transport capacity in the communes is now more or less working smoothly, with Bedgellan MARATHONs and a fleet of Boxkites and Roycelandian-variant DC-3s in effect; but in the spirit of goodwill(and in recognition that a load of spare parts will probably be needed in the future), the construction of a factory is approved by the Collective Industrial Labour Federation, an organ democratically managing production inside NA.
Lunatic Retard Robots
25-03-2006, 19:11
Union diplomats are glad to offer Anarchans increased ties with the INU, although they are sure to inform them of Mumbai's long-standing friendly relationships with London and Lilongwe. In the interest of openness, they don't hesitate to reflect on the INU's occasional frustration with British policy, and tell stories of the Edward Heath days when the Anglo-Indian relationship threatened to break down completey. But Britain, they say, has proven a near-constant friend to the INU and most recently stood up to France in defense of Mumbai. It is hoped that the Anarchans are willing to overlook Mumabi's friendly relationships with less-than-progressive states, respecting the Union position that diplomatic engagement is always a better option than confrontation. At the same time, Anarchans are assured that London's or Lilongwe's policies will not gravely affect the state of affairs between Neo-Anarchos and the Indian National Union.
On the economic front, the INU can offer Neo-Anarchos electrical machinery, bicycles, chemical products, rubber, machine tools, construction machinery, and rather primitive but very cheap information technology equipment. There is also a wide range of light aircraft available, the most modern of these being the HAL C(P).10, but also copies of the Auster, Lysander, Tiger Moth, and Dove. The INU also produces a wide range of agricultural products, including soybeans, various oilseeds, cereal crops, cotton, tea, dates, sugarcane, and various fruits, but it is not considered likely that Neo-Anarchos, tropical as it is, faces a real need for food.
HAL technicians in Neo-Anarchos with the Boxkite order point out to those concerned with air defense that the F(J).9 can already handle Python-family AAMs, along with the Bedgellen DRAB series missiles and the R550 Magic. Although HAL hasn't ever tried it, the F(J).9 could probably accept the AIM-9, U-Darter and Darter-related Komarc with little tinkering. The F(J).9FGA.1 isn't the most advanced airplane by any stretch of the term, but its Type 100/150 pulse-doppler radar offers capability not terribly inferior to the Mirage 2000-5's RDY and comfortably superior to the F-16A's APG-66, Mirage F.1's Cyrano IV, or the widely available Italian-made Griffo. And of course there is always room for upgrade. Conversion trainers can probably be adapted from twin-seat Kfirs or Mirage IIIs, but if the Anarchans want, a batch of F(J).9T.1s can be included in the 40-plane package.
25-03-2006, 21:06
Any chance of The Empire of Kravania joining this RP?
Kravania is an Absolute Monarchy with a free market economy and a near totalitarian political system, NO political parties/elections or trade unions.
The closest real life expample of the type of government my Empire is copied from, would be the Imperial system of Iran up until 1979 under the Shah.
The Kravanian Empire is located in Eastern Europe, all of the former RL Yugoslavia, minus Serbia
I was thinking that the Empire could use the excuse of getting involved against the Anarchist Revolution by claiming it's concern at the growth of the Mafia, that the Anarchists seem to tolerate. Plus cite worries of global instability and claim the Anarchists are expansionist and a threat to the world order, taking over nations at will.
Then a diplomatic war of words could eventually lead to all out war.
If successful, the Empire would either take over the Northern South American Federation and turn it into part of the Empire or install a puppet regime, loyal to the Empire (maybe turn the ex-President of Colombia into such a puppet leader?).
African Commonwealth
26-03-2006, 20:41
(Wrong nation-ness)
27-03-2006, 07:51
Neo-Anarchos sees little need for confrontation as well, but maintains that the struggle against social stagnation and political tyranny must be a constant when entertaining relations with capitalist nations. if Britain or Strathdonia wishes to express concern over the Anarchan political climate, they would do well to go directly to Miraflorés instead of pressuring innocent Indians.
The economic plans seem to be progressing very well, the only snag being the economical panarchist synthesis - The planned economy only goal has, thus far, been to make the nation self-sustaining; not export-capable. Still, production gives a large surplus of food and certain luxury goods, which can be exported at cost to the Indian sub-continent. Other export goods are aluminium, processed foods and textiles, some of which can probably be of use to the Indian economy, in exchange for computer hardware and aerospace parts. However, satisfied with the solidarian climate of Hindustan, the collectives have considered giving the Indians access to the natural resources of the region, of which there are vast resources of bauxite and gold. Also worthy of mention is the large and still-growing alternative power sector, design schematics and parts for wind mills and hydro-electric power plants could probably be of some interest for the "green" Indians.
On the subject, the Anarchan research collectives are very interested in pooling forces with the INU in the interest of developing ecological alternatives to present industry. One example are the mercury-stopping plant developed by the Quito Deep Ecology Collective - a genetically modified swamp plant that has the ability to absorb the highly poisonous methyl-mercury the moment it leaves industry and flows into a lake, storing the poison in it's leaves so it does not contaminate the water or cause cancer and other ailments in animals and humans. It is somewhat controversial as most Neo-Anarchans are against genetically modified organisms, but as the plant is not otherwise different from it's original structure, it is not considered too dangerous for biodiversity.
The F(J).9 is rapidly gaining popularity among Anarchan commanders, who consider the versatile model a boon for an otherwise rigid Anarchan air force. It is decided to accept the trainer models as well, and to step-up production for the Python AAM to outfit the F.9 force.
((Kravania>> Sorry dude, as mentioned in the intro, this RP is limited to the A Modern World roleplaying group, and as such only AMW players may post. However, if you want to join the group, I can supply you with a link to the recruitment thread?))
27-03-2006, 10:41
Many doubt that Lilongwe is particualrly bothered about the INU's relationship with the anarcists infact, after all they are a biggish nation and of course free to do what they want. It is morely likely that the Strathdonian administration would be more concerned if the INU wasn't following its usual freindly attitudes towards most people.
It is also true that that the Strathdonians have little in the way of opinion about the Anarchan political system, Strathdonia has pretty much a live and let live foreign relations policy (unless you are pointing ballistic missiles at us or go around claiming god tells you to conquer random nations). While predominatly a capitalist economy, Strathdonia does have a large an growing number of community owned and cooperative farming concerns which while likely seeming a bit backwards to the likes of the Anarchans or the Igovians are seen as rahter progressive by thier members.
Regonsiing that direct interaction with Strathdonian companies might not work too well lilongwe are likely trying to find someone in Mumbai to act as an agent to try and sell the K101 regional jet to the Anarchan even if it is a hindustani biult example.
27-03-2006, 10:59
With Anarchan interest in Strathdonia renewed after recent talks with Mumbai, some slight feelers are being forwarded to the African nation. While the Strathdonian people might not think the libertarian socialists think much of their co-ops, the Anarchan people is highly delighted to see collective gardening efforts in Africa. Such a thing, they note, says more good things about a nation than all the successful businesses and cruise missiles in the world.
It is not too certain what Strathdonia can offer the communes in the way of trade, but regional airliners for commune-to-commune public transportation is sought after, and Neo-Anarchos would like to purchase the K101 directly from the Strathdonian republic.
Lunatic Retard Robots
31-03-2006, 01:09
Unioners actually aren't so excited about wind power, with most viewing it as an expensive distraction from the real short-term goal: Pebble-Bed Reactors. Hydroelectric power is a different story, and the INU is very interested in any research dealing with that area of study. Looking further towards the future, Union diplomats also ask about Anarchan studies into Fusion power, and offer scholarships at the prestigious Mumbai University's nuclear research labs for interested students. The technology is decades away to be sure, but the promise, as Anarchans surely know, is immense.
Ecological initiatives also generate plenty of interest from the INU, which is faced with considerable pollution problems of its own. As in NA, Unioners are split on the subject of genetically modified organisms, but most people aren't at all opposed to further study. It is generally accepted that, if climatic and population trends continue in the direction that they've been going, genetically-engineered crops will become necessary for survival. As is the case with power research, Mumbai's diplomats propose exchanges of university students and researchers.
Anarchan acceptance of the F(J).9 is recieved quite well, and the 40 airframes (30 single-seat, 10-trainer) are collected from the surplus yards and sent to HAL for refurbishment.
Increased Anarchan-Strathdonian interaction comes as another bit of good news. HAL technicians discuss the K101 project with potential Anarchan buyers, and some propose, to Goliath Heron Industries, that Neo-Anarchos be awarded perhaps a share in the project.
31-03-2006, 08:58
With the current state of instability in world affairs the sheer logisitics of actually flying a some what short ranged aircraft such as the K101 all the way to south america have more or elss convinced the board of GHI that it would simply be easier to to get the Anarchan to biuld thier own and posisbly a number of export examples udner soem sort of license deal.
A couple of ealry production examples could of course be flown over and number of disassembled "kits" could be shipped via cargo ship to ease the Anarchans into production and get them fully trained up.
OOC: I assume that the Anarchans would preffer Hindustani engines as opposed to the Rolls-Royce and GE options.
actually flight route might not be as horrible as i first thought (hops from Strathdonia to REA/UE, then yugoslavia/germany, the UK, canada, the US and finally NA avoiding HL airspace on the way.) Would a 2800mile rnage get you between western africa and south america?
Oh and i have a range upgrade package idea for both stnadard and plus models, remove rear 8 rows of seat (takes passenger capacity to 107), shift soem of the cargo compartment to main deck and then put fuel tanks in the lower hold for hopefully an extra 30% range
The Tias
06-02-2008, 17:37
((Tag for reviving Neo-Anarchos))
Quinntonian Dra-pol
07-02-2008, 22:35
A tag fr like my only ally on the left? Yessir, I am in!
Fleur de Liles
08-02-2008, 04:43
What do you want to do on this thread now?
The Tias
08-02-2008, 22:19
((Basically make a series of posts about the current state of affairs in the nation, and several about what they're doing in the world. Basically, I need to work out why they were passive in the great war as they would almost certainly bomb the shit out of French Guiana and liberate the prisoners there. Also, they will be pirates. Stay tuned, and do check the offsite forum where I'm working on a factbook for the nation.))
Quinntonian Dra-pol
09-02-2008, 03:16
Now Tias, I have some very definate ideas as to how Neo-Anarchos would have moved in the last while, and I think we shoudl talk about them before we move on.
Beth Gellert
09-02-2008, 03:35
(OOC: I never understood all the NA talk from the USQ and Germany while Tias was away. Suddenly the place was flooded with missionaries, and the Anarchans were the best friends of Christian capitalists... after violently kicking the Church out of their countries and over-throwing the capitalists. I never really bought it, personally, and the thousands of Soviet tourists, Marines, liaison officers, and consuls would certainly not have backed down from mob incitements...
Edit: Actually, I ought to qualify that a little better. The Soviets before War Communism really had to contain their enthusiasm for the Anarchan revolution lest it cause them to forget that the Hindustanis are arguably their most important allies or cause the Chinese too much concern about our revolutionary zeal, since we've been trying to improve relations with Beijing. That is to say, the 'true Igovians' were somewhat besotted with the Anarchans. We worried that their otherwise agreeable economic model might be a bit unstable, but were behind their democratic, spiritual, and social reforms 100%. Tourists flocked to Anarchan America aboard WIGs, exchange programmes between Phalansteries and Anarchan communes were promoted at every opportunity, and Anarchan petrochemicals became a cornerstone of the Soviet economy.
With the rise of the Supreme War Soviet and 'militiant Igovianism' while Tias was away I imagined that the Anarchans started to worry a little about the Communist Indians, and Calcutta started to accelerate Igovian propaganda and to deploy more forces to Anarchan America, claiming that the revolution was under threat due to Roycelandian, Quinntonian, and German meddling, not to mention the continued presence of a French Guiana.
The Guyanan Soviet State would likely not have been seriously proposed if Tias were still around, but Calcutta wanted the foundations of something relatively orderly and stable through which to challenge Christian and Capitalist threats. Now that Tias is back I'm quite prepared to give up the idea that many Anarchans were falling into the same trap that so many would-be Communists did in reality after the Bolshevik Revolution. Ideally the Anarchans will do something that proves to the Indian Soviets that their revolution is steady and can stick up for itself without a Communist nursemaid. Blasting French Guiana would probably suffice! ;)
Otherwise, the Soviets are just going to have been cracking-down more and more on NATO influences and stiring-up the mob while infusing it with militiant Igovian rhetoric.
In short, one way or another the Anarchans have had huge Soviet support in their opposition to Christian and Capitalist moves.)
Fleur de Liles
09-02-2008, 08:51
I am glad Tias is back. It is certainly good to have someone who can authoritatively answer all the questions and definitely say whats occuring in the country. Let me just answer a bit about what BG said to clarify for Tias what happened in his absence. Firstly, I assumed relatively large numbers of missionaires were in Guyana due to RL involvement and support from Germany. As Tias stated, "Needless to say, any official catholic or protestant (or any other authoritarian religious movement) government will not feel very welcome in the nation. Not that Germans would be persecuted or repressed in any way, there's just not going to be paid a lot of attention to them."
So I don't think I was wrong to assume the presence of at least some German missionaries in NA. In Tias's absence I did perhaps overdo things a bit and assume a greater level of positive response from the people. But honestly though, if someone is building hospitals, building houses, etc I think at the very least the people would be somewhat responsive and grateful for the help. However, I think my optimism with missionaries (if it was indeed such) was at least balanced out by BG's assuming the people spontaneously overthrew their government and established an Ignovian government. I would also like to point out that German involvement was far from "meddling" and it was entirely spontaneous aid donations from private citizens and was not related in any way to formal government intervention. The only strings attached to the aid money is that the ones giving the money, the missionaries, must be allowed into the country to give it.
It is unfortunate the smear job on the German reputation as a result of the Portugal affair is continued OOC. I don't think that it is at all warranted in this situation. In short, besides aid giving, which is far from unique to NA, Germany has little or nothing to do with NA. If Tias asks for German help to repel or encourage the large number of foreign Ignovian troops that arrived to set up a foreign type of government to leave, Germany will consider it. However, other than that, Germany is not really involved. So stop throwing around German meddling this German meddling that.
The Tias
09-02-2008, 13:59
((I would really appreciate it if we could do the rest of this on the offsite forum, to avoid cluttering up this thread with OOC banter. To answer the most pressing points though:
* Anarchan Guyana remains firmly Anarchan. Aid money and road-tripping aid councils are even now solving the political and humanistic problems facing the impoverished territory, and at any sign of authoritarian communists moving to the area én masse and voting for an independent, authoritarian Igovian colony, Anarchans across the federation will raise the black flag én masse and throw them all into the sea. The soviets are considered friends, but the Anarchans know well the lessons of the Russian, Ukrainian and Spanish revolution, and any communists with authoritarian or statist tendencies are roundly ignored when they propagandize, and fought tooth and claw if they try to coerce Anarchans into accepting their tactics.
* German and Quinntonian missionaries are quite welcome in Latin America, as are any other visitor. What you need to keep in mind is that many in the Anarchan Federation loathes authoritarian christians, and in some areas they would probably not feel welcome, even if they are never openly harassed or hurt. Missionaries who come to build churches, hospitals and whatever are warmly welcomed, as long as their aid comes with no 'strings attached' that the local commune is not inclined to vote for.
Of course, some warm bonds of friendships are probably being forged between Germans and Anarchan catholics on this count, but keep in mind that only some 30% Anarchans are religious, and even these Anarchans are more dedicated to their country than to the international church( which is seen as authoritarian and corrupt), so it will be next to impossible for Quinntonia and Germany to gain any real influence in the nation.
Also, are there any threads where I can respond to Soviet and German actions? ))
Quinntonian Dra-pol
09-02-2008, 21:28
I s there a thread? I looked and didn’t see anything there for this conversation.
But, I will just throw a few minor comments in. The basis for the assumed relationship that I have with NA is due to conversations that occurred when the nation first appeared. First, there was a massive but almost bloodless revolution; the regular people of Latin America chose their form of government independent of foreign influence. They also showed themselves as not being willing to kowtow to the Soviets, which was huge for us. At that time, as we should recall, I started a dialogue with the leaders of the nation and pointed out that upwards of 90% of the nations involved were Christian and overwhelmingly Catholic. I then asked what treatment that the Christian/Catholic people would be receiving under the new form of government, realising that this is so widely entrenched in the culture that it would be impossible for it not to be an issue. NA then explained to me that while a religious pre-eminence like that of USQ would not be present (where would it?) people would be free to worship as they pleased, though he said that the Catholics would number closer to 75% now. I would assume that the Catholic leaders there would probably more buy into the “liberation theology” of RL Latin America, such as the Catholicism under Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela. Chavez himself is unabashedly a practicing Roman Catholic and “progressive” leader and like most people in his nation, sees o problem with the two. BTW, if you are not familiar, liberation theology is a largely Roman Catholic spiritual construct that attempts t synthesis several forms of Marxist and Anarchist theory with Christian faith, in a sense seeing Jesus as the “first socialist.” Anyhoo, off on a tangent I went. At that point several trade agreements occurred, and though they shied away from any military cooperation it was in that spirit that the Quinntonians saw the NA. Of course we were uncomfortable with the Soviet influence, perceived or otherwise, but the NA made people in Quinntonia have some hope that Progressives and Quinntonians could really coexist, which was PM Moerike’s major platform point.
Well, that is pretty much it. I just have assumed that the good relations and trade would have only amped up over the years, with Quinntonia seeing this fairly powerful South American nation as a good friend and ally, and their relationship only improving and growing over the years as both sides see that the good faith that they have negotiated in was well deserved.
Fleur de Liles
09-02-2008, 23:04
Tias, there is nothing really to respond to. BG declared an Ignovian puppet state and then I responded.
In Guyana, a territory only recently divided and partially introduced to radical leftist ideas, Igovian influence over-takes an infant and ever weakening Anarchan movement as the South Guyanan Soviet State is proclaimed.
With half of Guyana's population being of Indian origin, the Igovians find themselves fitting in more easily, and propaganda against Roycelandian domination of the north is widely disseminated.
Portuguese leftists (who, of course, make up the bulk of that nation's population) unwelcome in their German-Quinntonian dominated homeland also find South Guyana an inviting home owing to the number of Portuguese speakers and the development boom that is just getting under way with tens of millions of dollars in Soviet aid.
Amerindians, meanwhile, are further empowered and encouraged to establish their own pantisoctratic phalansteries along tribal lines, preserving their cultures while also modernising their living conditions. Tribes such as the Macushi, likely to have up to half a dozen communes, are even courted as possible carriers of the revolution to Brazil, where their ethno-linguistic peers live in similar conditions of marginalisation previously existant in Guyana.
Of Guyana's pre-division territories, just five constitute the sparsely populated Soviet State of South Guyana. They are Cuyuni-Mazaruni, Upper Demerara-Berbice, Potaro-Siparuni, Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo, and East Berbice-Corentyne, though the last territory is incomplete, with its more populated northern extremes part of the Roycelandian territory of North Guyana. Soviet surveys indicate a population not greater than 150,000 for all of South Guyana, about a quarter of the population of the northern Roycelandian section, which in terms of area is far smaller.
Now unable to trade with any of its former key export partners, landlocked Igovian South Guyana will find markets for its bauxite, gold, diamonds, hardwood timber, and folk crafts in Indian and the neighbouring Neo Anarchan communes. Soviet aid this year is expected to be worth at least a quarter of the state's GDP.
The Soviet upheaval in Guyana was considered a shock in Germany as Germany, like Quinntonia, had always enjoyed a strong relationship with the former Neo Anarchan state. This strong relationship included agreements for international teachers, and missions and aid from Germany to Guyana. To date, the German government, not counting the larger amount of aid from individuals and churches, had given low interest loans amounting to 23 million Deutsche Marks to Guyana. This aid was given to help ease the foreign exchanges costs, improve their economic recovery, and for a tropical forest sustainability fund. Moreover, in addition to the activities of the German government the German Rotes Kreuz missionaries and aid workers had a long history of working and proclaiming the gospel in Guyana. In particular the missionaries had significantly helped in the Guyanese flood in 2005 were generally very well respected and loved by the Guyanese.
So far response to the new Soviet puppet government was limited as aid worker and missionaries continued to reap the bountiful harvest and bring pagans to Christ. However, they did begin to prepare for evacuation in case the Soviets sponsored another homicidal killing spree as they did in Dra-pol. Vast quantities of Bibles were distributed to all the churches in Guyana and hidden before they could be seized by Soviet authorities. In case of persecution they would have the Word so firmly ingrained in their hearts that not even the devil could remove it. Churches began holding prayer vigils as they prayed for tolerance with the new regime. But just in case, they also began talking with the imams and religious leaders for the Hindu and began discussing on possible strategies should they be subjected to persecution.
So thats basically it. BG proclaimed an Ignovian state and I said be careful, German missionaries may or may not help oppose you. It stopped there and was it. You can go to page 27 of the Dark continent thread but that was where the RP ended.
BG never went farther than proclaiming the commonwealth. We could either say it never happened, which is always troubling, or we could acknowledge what BG did and move on. Perhaps we should just say that the Ignovians attempted to install phalansteries but were rebuffed by the NA. This would probably lead to a more cautious relationship between NA and the 3rd Commonwealth and move NA closer, yet while maintaining a great deal of independence, towards the anti-Soviet bloc.
The Tias
10-02-2008, 15:14
(( Quinn>> Well, you might say atheism is "spreading". I'm willing to bump the number of faithful back up to around 70% and decreasing a little every year. Liberation theology is huge, but equally large is the Catholic Anarchist church, which is closer to the 'christian anarchist' principles of Tolstoy, the Doukhobours and the catholic worker movement among others.
Friction with the USQ will probably be around for a long time, if not forever. For one thing, priests were killed with some regularity during the revolution, primarily for ties with death squads and other human rights violators, but this is hard to explain to Quinntonia with precision. It is an important plus for the Anarchan people that the Quinntonians are so devout, but on the other hand they think authoritarian christianity (that is, regular christianity) is one of the worst scourges of liberty and happiness in human history. The USQ is viewed as morally corrupt in several aspects, most notably attitudes towards homosexuals, childrearing and women.
That being said, USQ is an incredibly important trade partner, and even anarchists have to engage in Realpolitik some times - If the USQ has done no US-style meddlings in the workings of an Anarchan commune (and doing that would be easy considering the ease of joining and participating in all levels of government), relations will have improved markedly. Anarchans enjoy honesty and good will - As anarchists, they love people who admit they don't have all the answers and are willing to work together instead of lying.
Fleur de Liles>> When pantisocratic phalansteries were declared Igovians were thrown out of Guyana, but allowed to stay in the other Anarchan communes. Also, a firm but friendly warning were sent to the Commonwealth not to meddle in the Anarchist revolution.
Soviet-Anarchan relations are likely to chill a bit, but the ISC and the Anarchan federation are still extremely close.
Also, stop calling Neo-Anarchos a state :) The whole point of the nation is the rejection of all states and authority.))
Fleur de Liles
10-02-2008, 17:17
I am curious. Does the NA have an army? How would that work exactly? Would the communes get together and decide to declare war on someone? Who picks the meeting date? Because I know that sort of "control" and organization made it impossible for anarachists to get together in America. They didn't like anyone setting meeting dates for anyone else. Say that the anarchists declare war. Of course conscription would be out of the question so would everyone who feels like fighting just spontaneously rise up and start fighting? Would they be organized into brigades? Would they even have formal organization, given their hatred of institutions and formal control? Do they have a military hierarchy or would they have a vote on everything each time they wanted to do something? Say there was a group of enemies advancing towards them. Would they ambush them, flee, or advance? How would they decide that? Would they do all three? Some fleeing, some ambushing, some advancing?
It would seem that it would be problematic because every society needs some laws and rules. Take traffic rules for instance. Do people stop at green lights or at red lights. In our society we have a made an arbitrary decision to stop at red lights and go at green lights. What side of the street do Anarchians drive on? It seems like in every society there needs to be a balance between freedom and order. How exactly would that work in Neo Anarchos?
The Tias
10-02-2008, 20:46
(( I've made an OOC thread for questions about Neo-Anarchos so it doesn't clutter up here. You'll find an extensive answer to your questions in it, and it is right here: Hope that helps!))
The Tias
18-02-2008, 18:48
((NB, this takes place a little back in time, after the conclusion of the African war))
Across Neo-Anarchos
In the years between the revolutions and now, many things have happened, and few things have happened, as the point of view would go. Marveling at their own ingenuity and freedom, Anarchan communes turned their attention inwards, sharing resources and means to give new birth to the former nations making up their land. With the generous aid from the progressive bloc and a few other nations, health care, education and infrastructural concerns were adressed and N.A. has practically sped into the modern age. What is less certain, though, is the commitment to outside affairs. The diplomatic councils remain active and will happily respond to any international contact, but little has been heard apart from of the Great War. Massive military assets not needed elsewhere is located in Guyana and Suriname now, Black Army and Anarchan Air Force assets ready to assault key French and Roycelandian assets should they decide to get rid of the socialists in their midst.
Guyana, on the subject, was a hotly contested matter in the foreign council debates as of late! Busy with building up the impoverished national area, few had time for the lengthy political discussions the Guyanan political collectives, with enthusiastic participation from ISC immigrants, were hosting. Aided by Calcutta, many communes decided that Igovian 'Anarchism' was the way to go, and a cluster of assemblies declared the Guyanan Soviet State in 2007 - Angry at what they saw as treason, the more resourceful and idle Anarchan black army soldiers stationed there from other communes marched on Guyanan communes in protest, but no violence ocurred yet, as such was considered the last refuge of immature statists. At the behest of popular communes wanting the Soviet state dismantled again, the other Anarchan national areas kindly but firmly requested the immediate dismantling of the GSS - Igovians in other parts of Neo-Anarchos were looked at a bit askance until they could explain the difference between the Supreme War Soviet and the popular Soviets that the Anarchans knew and loved.
24-02-2008, 06:34
(This doesn't really require a timestamp, but consider it to be roughly present-day in terms of how Britain views the Communes.)
Eager to make friends beyond the startlingly fragile Anglo-American alliance, Whitehall has recently begun sending out feelers to the Anarchan Communes to ascertain what feelings, if any, the Anarchans might have regarding Britain. This is no small concern, owing to the extensive American territories that comprise much of the Empire's industrial base. While most see the Anarchans as essentially harmless and rather charmingly naive, customs and border security patrols remain alert to drug smuggling from the lawless north.
If the Strathairn government's opinion of the Anarchans were to be summed up in a few words, it would go something like this:
Neo-Anarchos is at the forefront of human experimentation in alternate systems of government, and while the United Kingdom does not entirely support the idea of anarchism there is no reason that the two need not be friends. After all, in a world increasingly devoted to totalitarianism, theocracy and general nuttiness, the Anarchans seemed to represent a rather mild form of extreme self-rule which posed no threat to the sovereignty of other nations. Accordingly, Britain has no particular reason to dislike the Communes, and hopes to be a partner in trade.
Of course, nobody says it publicly, but Whitehall has grown suspicious indeed of Washington's suddenly interventionist policy and is actively engaged in building friendships with nations in the Americas. Never a great fan of the Monroe Doctrine, the British see the United States as a sort of strange amalgamation of theocracy and democracy that tends to be a little more exportationist of its religion that it really ought to be. While there were no plans to sever the Washington-London ties that have lasted for over a century, it was certainly time for Britain to begin cultivating friends elsewhere. Perhaps Neo-Anarchos was the place to do so, perhaps not. It all depended, really, upon how the Communes would receive Britain's subtle overtures as things progressed.
The Tias
25-02-2008, 16:03
The Anarchan communes are intrigued with British interest, and a collection of foreign councils extend an invitation to the Brits to visit and witness the revolution with their own eyes.
Opinions on the UK are very diverse, to say the least, and depends on which commune is asked. The wider libertarian left that constitutes most of the communes are of course displeased with seeing a capitalist, militarist and industrial dictatorship running things, but veil the harshest criticism in the interest of developing relations. Liberal socialists with a wider economic bent are more interested in the social development in Britain, criticizing the still-existing discrimination of asian, homosexual and left-wing minorities on the streets of the nation, and a few hard-line "realpolitik" communists say Britain is a strong, developing nation and should be welcomed and aided as such. All sides agree, however, that the Strathairn government should listen to groups in the UK such as the Socialist Green Unity Coalition, the Libertarian Communists and the Anarchist Youth Network, for much-needed input on how to effect social equality and fighting opression in the daily life.
The ailing planned-economy in effect in some communes welcome the chance to trade with Britain, but it is emphazised that no trade with products produced from unfairly treated labourers will be accepted. While the Anarchans would like to see British workers owning their own means of production and deciding it by consensus democracy, a vote is made and the trade federations decide trade will be accepted provided the labourers have universal suffrage, a maximum of 40 hours work per week and get overtime, sick and vacation pay, and work under acceptable safety measures roughly according to those accepted in Europe today.
27-02-2008, 17:11
Considering the unique nature of Anarchan politics, such an eclectic response was to be expected of the various communes. Nonetheless, the Foreign Office is a little unsure as to how to handle the situation, lacking a federal government with which to communicate. After a fair bit of discussion and not a little hand-wringing over the appropriate etiquette, the Foreign Office sends communiques to all those groups that contacted it after Britain's display of interest in Anarchan policies. In its condensed form, the message suggested Britain's interest in sending five delegations to the five most populous communes with the intent of negotiating some kind of trade. In addition, the delegations would observe Anarchan economics, though it would be entirely too much to hope for Britain to become an Anarcho-Syndicalist state.
Those parties concerned with Britain's labour practises are assured that the Empire enforces strict workplace standards in keeping with its position as a so-called first-world nation, and that efforts were underway to modernise the somewhat neglected infrastructure of the American territories. While worker self-management has not really caught on in the Empire, no strictures are in place to prevent its adoption by private businesses, and a few such co-operatives exist on local levels.
It is hoped that future co-operation between the Empire and the Various Communes will be possible without a unity of opinion on the subject of economics, since both the limited free-market of Britain and the communal market of the Communes were viable systems that produced both wealth and stability for their constituents. Whatever recent issues with the Soviet Commonwealth might suggest, the Empire really has no problem with the idea of anarcho-syndicalist economics so long as nations which espouse it are content to live beside nations that do not.
[OOC: A quick, and likely insufficient, impression of how Sphere states relate to Neo-Anarchos]
Strainist-Anarchan Relations
The relationship between the Strainist Party and Neo-Anarchos may not be hostile, but they are certainly not bosom chums... while the Party can claim democratic structures, the roots of Strainist ideology and Party attitudes reflect the cultural and historical bias of their birthplace in Lyong's warlord era, and the Strainist approach continues to value order over chaos, and to equate anarchism inseperably with the latter. Still, some in the left wing of the Party do not dismiss Anarchan theories, seeking ammunition with which to push at their rightist rivals, and the Strainist view of world revolution means that differences between Progressive states are downplayed in hopes of forming an alliance against the feudal-capitalists... after that greater foe is defeated, at least according to theory, there will be time to correct the errors of the South Americans.
Anarchan-Combine Relations
The communes of the Stateless Area are not alone in hoisting the Black Flag into the sky... that symbol can also be seen held high above the lands of Armand and North Sienna, where they proclaim the strange beast that is the Unified Combine.
The Combine and the Anarchans share a great deal, truth be told, in addition to their symbols... ideologically, both seek the abolition of hierarchical relations, while economically both can call on significant supplies of fossil fuels for export to the thirsty markets of the world (though neither allows such to be the only thing which drives their economies, and both seek to bolster the environmentalist cause).
But, outside the rose-coloured perspective of pan-Progressivist brochures, such surface elements cannot hide the deep differences which lie below. To an Anarchan, the Combine must likely seem an oppressive structure indeed, totalitarian equality which misses the entire point of removing social strata. To the Combine, South America's anarchist communes are equally misguided, for the very idea of individuality is intimately tied to hierarchy, and one cannot be cured without also eliminating the other.
An unusual framework in which to try and build a relationship, that much is certain.