Heir to the Throne Born
26-04-2005, 08:50
You are watching MNB News
"We interrupt our regular broadcasts to bring you a special report; Her Imperial Royal Majesty, the Queen-Empress Nicola Celestine Uí deMakra has given birth to a healthy baby boy in the Maternity Ward of Arn-Maciksa Royal Hospital only two hours ago.
Doctors say that Prince Royal Alexander Nicholas Mikhail Uí deMakra weighing 3.96 kg (8.73 pounds) at birth and measuring 55.56 cm (21.87 inches), is "in fine health". The new Prince Royal was born after a twelve-hour period of labour.
Her Imperial Royal Majesty is currently resting comfortably in Arn-Maciska Royal with her son and with her husband in attendance. Doctors say that the Queen-Empress is "of a remarkable constitution" and they expect her to be "up and about in no time at all".
King-Emperor Constantine Augustus has ordered the Church bells rung in celebration of the birth of the Royal Couple's first child.
Already the Palace's email servers are clogged with hundreds of messages from local well-wishers.
The Parliamentary heads have suspended the assembly for the rest of the day, in accordance with long-standing traditions.
The Trolskian Royal Emperor congratulates the couple on their new heir. Several gifts, including a golden statue of Trolsk's animal, the wolf, have been sent as a token of celebration.
The Free Lands of Nedalia would like to send its congratulations to Macisikan over the birth of its future emperor. May he grow up to be a wonderful leader and lead your fine nation into wonderful times.
Dewars Strand
Minister of Foreign Affairs
26-04-2005, 08:58
Cool. Maybe he'll be a warmonger.
26-04-2005, 09:16
A basket of ripe, delicious Transnapastani fruits, and a blue bubble gum cigar, would arrive at the hospital, addressed to the Queen-Empress.
The card would read:
Congratulations and best wishes from the Office of Internal Security, The Executer of Transnapastain, and the Church of Gods Will, the Lords blessings be with you, keep you, sustain you, and guide you, and yours, now, and forever more.
Executer Hessian and Director-General Davis
The Bubble Gum cigar held the messages, written on the side in icing “It’s a boy!”
26-04-2005, 09:29
King Alfons I of Spruitland wishes to congratulate Queen-Empress Nicola Celestine Uí deMakra and her husband, and presents little Alex the Honorary Burpee of Spruitland, to be drooled upon in the name of peace and prosperity.
(diapers and pacifiers available also - large discount for bulk orders)
Hans Custers
Minister of External Affairs
26-04-2005, 09:40
The Grand Chancelor Alamexia Heartstrong of the Irish Free States sends her heartfelt congratulations to the Queen-Empress, we wish you the best of luck in the future and we would also like to give yours these gifts.
a large collection of rare irish flowers gathered from the four corners of our nation.
this fine rocking chair crafted by the best carpenters from the best wood of our forests.
and finally a collection of traditional Irish toys, games, and stories
we once again wish the Queen-Empress, King-Emperor and the Prince Royal the best of luck and may the sun shine brightly on their nation forever.
The nation of Farmina is always happy to here of new life and future leaders.
Emperor Justinian
Light of Heaven
Tobias Grey
Grand Chancellor
Thomas Goth
Chancellor for Foriegn Affairs
Umbrella Corp Inc
26-04-2005, 10:10
The Corporation congratulates the Empress, and sends it's regards (Along with 200 jumbo canisters of Formula, over 500 bags of diapers, 1,000 boxes of wipes and some q-tips.)
Osswald Spencer Junior.
26-04-2005, 14:01
Official Statement
Their Imperial Majesties would like to express their heartfelt thanks to:
- the Emperor of Torlsk for his gifts, especially the golden wolf;
- the Free Lands of Nedalia for their kind wishes;
- the Executor and Director General of Transnapastain for their gifts and message;
- King Alfons I of Spruitland for his unique gift;
- the Grand Chancellor and people of the Irish Free States for their kind and touching gifts;
- the nation of Farmina for their kind message;
- and the Umbrella Corporation for their message and practical gift.
The Tocrowkian message has caused some comment, though not adverse.
Doctors say that Her Imperial Majesty and the Prince Royal can be released from hospital in two days' time.
- Office of the King-Emperor
The True Way of Alan
26-04-2005, 14:09
Congrats to You. Here's a bubbly!
~Random HETWA Offical of State~
Commissar Sankh Horus wishes the newborn child the happiest life possible, and would like to award him the title 'Honorary Citizen of the Ankhmeti Union'. A golden statue of Re is on it's way to your nation. It is a charming legend that such a statue will bring prosperity to the child.
27-04-2005, 04:28
"Their Imperial Majesties would like to thank the True Way of Alan for their message, and the nation of Ankhmet for their generous gesture and kind gift."
- Office of the King-Emperor
27-04-2005, 07:30
*shameless bump*
Vastiva sends a very nice flower arrangement, a full assortment of childrens books from its many and varied Book Publishers, a masseuse for Mom, and a case of good cigars for Dad.
28-04-2005, 04:54
The Royal Family would like to thank Vastiva for their gifts; they are greatly appreciated.
-Office of the King-Emperor
28-04-2005, 06:55
The Queen Sliver of the Eternal Dominion of Warhaven sends the Gift of a pure Crystal Egg, Beware though, it is fragile. Also sent is a box full of Tangleberries, and in a block of Ice, is a bottle of Tangleberry Wine, of the finest Vintage.
"Congratulations on the first Member of your Brood.
The Queen Sliver."
OOC: The egg is from the Queen herself. Only the Queen can lay crustal eggs. A crystal egg is a dead egg, but it makes a beautiful gift. Slivers are snake like in their nature in some ways. of course they look like giant snakes so... Anyways, a Tangleberry is larger than a grape, but smaller than an orange. It is extremly juicy, and really delicious. Think of your favorite exotic fruit, and yeah, that's close, but not quite there. They are known for their healing properties. Tangleberry wine has no healing properties. It is twice as potent as everclear.