Dawn of the Apocalypse (Open RP)
26-04-2005, 00:16
OOC: Part I (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=8751958&postcount=1), Part II (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=8765244&postcount=15), Part III (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=8780301&postcount=30), Part IV (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=8924275&postcount=56)
Part I
OOC: This is just the beginning. More will come tomorrow, then you can start posting responses.
It started off as a typical Wednesday morning. The sky was cloudless and blue and the sun shown brightly, spreading its beautiful rays over Credonia City, the nation's capital. The residents and commuters went about their daily lives, conducting business, taking their children to school, and going to work. On Capitol Hill, Senators and Congressmen held their meetings, hearings, and entertained visits from their constituents, while at the Presidential Palace, things were buzzing as usual. It was 8 o’clock in the morning and Kaimoni decided he would get an extra two hours of sleep since he didn’t get to bed until midnight the night before. He tossed and turned until he got tired of lying in bed. He realized that threw was no way he was going to get extra rest so he sat up, grabbed the phone and notified Secret Service that he was awake.
After sitting in the bed for a few more minutes, he got out of bed, slipped on a navy blue robe bearing the Presidential seal on the back, and made his way to the Presidential Office. As usual, on his desk sat a portfolio filled with a thick stack of papers. The words on the front read “TOP SECRET DAILY BRIEFING”. He took a seat at the glossy and polished wood desk and began reading through the brief. As he continues reading, Mitchell Ferguson, the Credonian Secretary of Defense enters the room. Kaimoni looks up at him and notices that he has a look of grave concern on his face.
”Ahhh, g’morning Mitchell. What’s wrong? I haven’t seen that look on your face in a long time” says Kaimoni.
”Good morning, sir. I don’t know how much longer the morning will be good though. During the night, War Headquarters lost contact with CNS Nautalus, an Ohio Class nuclear powered ballistic missile submarine. We have been sending messages to it since 2 am, but there has been no response” replies Ferguson.
“I see. What type of missiles is on that particular sub?”
“26 LGM-36A Desolator missiles, each carrying a 25 megaton thermonuclear warhead. That one sub alone is capable of wiping out an entire medium sized country.”
Kaimoni reclines in his seat, taking in the information the secretary had just told him.
”My God! Is there a possibility that it could have had some kind of communications problem?”
“Highly unlikely Mr. President. My guys over at HQ checked the repair logs of the sub at the docks and they shown that it had just completed a thorough upgrade to carry those new missiles, and with all upgrades, it is standard procedure to repair all problems with the sub after it goes through damage assessment.”
“Hmmm…ok, well we shouldn’t have too much to worry about since those missiles cant be targeted or launched without full authorization coming from me, right?” says Sutton worriedly.
”True, but the Captain of the Nautalus, Captain John Crosby, is one of our navy’s finest submarine captain’s and he is also one of the few people who actually designed the new electronic nuclear strike authorization systems.”
“Who was the smart idiot who made him an SSBN captain?”
“No offense but you did, sir; many years ago though. He started off as a nuclear powered attack sub commander, and since then, has worked hard to obtain the command that he has now. What’s even more impressive is the fact that he has commanded every type of submarine in the Credonian arsenal. So, with his expertise, and assuming that he has gone AWOL, he has the knowledge and technical know-how to hotwire, so to speak, the Ohio’s nuclear strike authorization system so that he may target and launch those missiles himself and with the help and concurrence of the ship’s XO.”
Kaimoni sat in shock and disbelief over what he has just heard. It seemed too much like a perfect dream that was slowly turning into a dreadful nightmare.
”Ok, here’s what I want you to do. Inform War HQ to continue trying to make contact with Nautalus. I want to hold a meeting with all those on a need to know basis form your department with the addition of the Joint Chiefs. I’ll get the members of the cabinet assembled as well. We’ll discuss this all at 1200 hours……Oh! And one last thing. No one, and I mean NO ONE, is to know about this unless they are on a need to know basis.” Kaimoni says after composing himself.
”Yes sir. I’ll clear my schedule for the day, just in case we are faced with the worse case scenario.”
“Ok, see you at noon.”
Mitchell exited the room, leaving the President all to himself to think about what he was going to do should it become apparent that Captain Crosby and his crew have gone AWOL or in the case that he and his crew have mutinied against the government.
The Silver Sky
26-04-2005, 00:37
OOC: This looks good so far, and it sounds an awful like the thread with a AWOL Iowa - class Battleship with Nuclear torpedoes.
26-04-2005, 00:47
OOC: This looks good so far, and it sounds an awful like the thread with a AWOL Iowa - class Battleship with Nuclear torpedoes.
OOC: Thanks...i never seen that thread. Interesting!
Mister Moose
26-04-2005, 00:54
I am the Anti-Christ!
(Deep, evil voice) "I command thee, in the name of Lucifer, to shed the blood
of the innocent..."
The Silver Sky
26-04-2005, 00:56
OOC: Thanks...i never seen that thread. Interesting!
OOC: It's old died out about a month ago, no one could think of a way too destroy the torps, or let them hit with out Godmodding, that and it started to get boring.
The Mormon Church
26-04-2005, 02:01
its good can't wait for part II although i know how the story might be cuz its alot like a movie i know and if i know Kai i know what he is planning but yea hope to play out this RP hopfully i won't get shut out cuz i am a month old country
26-04-2005, 19:01
Part II coming later tonight
Snake Eaters
26-04-2005, 19:15
OOC: Tag, I'd be very interested
26-04-2005, 19:19
OOc; Tag
I'd be interested in rping, if you'll have me.
26-04-2005, 19:23
OOC: All are welcome to RP. Hopefully everyone may start posting replies once I post Part II (im still in the process of writing it..if I cant get to that point, then replies will definitly be able to happen after I post Part III tomorrow).
East Lithuania
26-04-2005, 20:03
TAG, this is gonna be an AWSOME rp... it looks amazing dude. niiiiiiice job.
27-04-2005, 02:39
OOC: Thanks but sorry guys, Part II will have to come tomorrow. Got too much homework to do so i didnt get a chance to finish typin it up..and no TMC, its not like the movie your talking about. What I plan will be far more....INTENSE. Trust me!
27-04-2005, 22:40
Part II
At War Headquarters, communications officers remained on the vigilant, listening for any messages or sightings of CNS Nautalus. It has been eight hours and still nothing had been heard of it. Secretary of Defense Ferguson informed his senior staff of the dilemma and canceled all of his appointments for the day, as he was certain a search would have to be initiated.
Sitting in his office, the largest one in War Headquarters, the Secretary looked around the room. It was brightly lit. The walls had paneling resembling polished wood. On one side of his office stood two ceiling high bookshelves packed with books dealing with war, politics, and world history. In the center of the room, embedded into the carpeting was the emblem of Credonia’s Defense Department. On the opposite side of the room stood four large glass display cases filled with nothing but trophies and medals, a display of Ferguson’s achievements throughout his life and during his active duty military career.
Thinking for a few minutes longer, Ferguson opened a manila colored folder containing information on Captain Crosby. He began reading the dossier. As he started reading the background information telling about his past, he came across some disturbing information. According to the dossier, Crosby’s mother and father were convicted of committing treason, found guilty, and sentences to hanging. He was 16 when this happened, and as a result, he was shipped off to live with another family. At the age of 18, he had the case reopened by the Credonian Justice Department to reinvestigate it and what was found was shocking. The Credonian government had been developing nuclear weapons, but somehow, nuclear secrets had been leaked to foreign nations, though the culprit was never found. So, to avoid negative political and military repercussions, the Credonian government framed his mother and father, two people who had worked on the development of Credonian nuclear weapons, people who were expendable. What Ferguson read was highly unsettling and surprising that the Credonian government would do such a thing to its own citizens to save its own skin. It started to become clear now. Crosby had gone AWOL. He was in the perfect position to get revenge for what his government did to his parents. Almost immediately after snapping out of his state of shock, he picked up the phone and called the President on a secure line. The phone began to ring.
”This is the President. Go ahead” says Sutton professionally.
”Mr. President, we need to have that meeting NOW! We have a problem, a major problem! replied Ferguson as he began to panic.
”Alright, I’ll assemble the staff.”
“Thank you sir. I’ll be there in 15 minutes.”
Sutton hangs up and calls the palace staff while Ferguson calls his staff and heads for the Palace.
11:00 Am
Inside the Presidential Palace, members of the President’s cabinet and staff of the defense department were beginning to assemble in the Situation Room. The situation room was dimly lit with a red hue to it to give it a more wartime like feeling. On all of the walls and above the entranceway hung large flat screen televisions used to display myriads if vital information. This room was considered the “War Room” of the Presidential Palace. It was a nearly time the meeting to commence. A few high-level military officers and the Secretary of State were still missing. President Sutton entered the room. Everyone stood to show loyalty and respect. Sutton made his way from the door to the head of the large, oversized black marble table, shaking the hands of the officials who were in the room. After taking his seat, he began conversing until the last of the staff had arrived.
”Alright people, we have a crisis on our hands. First thing first, I’d like a status update please.” says Sutton as he takes charge after everyone had assembled.
Secretary Ferguson stands up. The wall screens turn on, displaying various information and statistics related to the crisis.
”Mr. President, as you know, we have been doing all we possibly can to locate and communicate with the CNS Nautalus. We have not heard anything from them as of yet. Now one of three things has happened. The submarine has been attacked, the sub’s communications system has been damaged or destroyed, or the captain, Captain John Crosby and his crew have gone AWOL. After reviewing Captain Crosby’s military dossier, I believe that he has gone AWOL.” Ferguson says, addressing the President.
Gasps make their way around the room and it goes completely silent.
”Now, what my staff has suggested is a complete comb of the Indian Ocean where Nautalus was last heard from. Since our Eastern high seas battle fleet is already mobilized and on stand-by, I suggest we deploy the entire fleet to search for the sub.” Ferguson continues
”Don’t you think that is a bit drastic? Do we really need to deploy an entire navy fleet towards hunting down one single submarine?” asks Secretary of State Smith.
”With all due respect Ms. Smith, this man should be considered highly dangerous. He can hot-wire the Ohio’s nuclear strike authorization system. Why and how? Because he designed the thing. He is pissed at our government for something that happened to his mother and father, both of which helped the development of Credonia’s nuclear weapons, now he has been put in the absolute perfect position to get revenge using the same type of weapons that his parents died working on and I believe that he will use them one way or another, so do I think that sending out an entire navy fleet to hunt him down is drastic? Fuck no. In fact, its not good enough. Let us remember that Ohio class SSBN’s are equipped with 26 LGM-36A missiles that each carry a 25 megaton thermonuclear warhead, and we don’t know where the hell he is. We need to get our navy on its way to the Indian Ocean and ping the hell out of it until we locate and destroy the sub.” Retorted Ferguson.
Lauren sunk back into her chair, embarrassed by the defense secretary. It was more than apparent that the two of them didn’t like each other and couldn’t get along every well.
No sooner had the short heated exchange end, alarms started sounding. Everyone’s head turned towards a screen on the wall that had just come on. A live infrared satellite image was shown.
”OH MY GOD!! Sir, I think we have just located our missing submarine!” yelled Admiral Clark, the commanding officer of the navy and one of the Joint Chief’s of staff.
The live satellite image stream focused in on what looked like a missile launch coming from the middle of the Indian Ocean. Data and telemetry were being displayed as the Credonian Strategic Missile Launch Detection System got a lock on the missile, calculating its trajectory, velocity, heat signature, and determining the missile classification type. Everyone in the room held their breath, closely watching the missile’s trajectory, which was now arching west towards the Middle East region, and waiting for the missile classification to come up. After what seemed to be hours, when in actuality it had only been 30 seconds, the missiles classification got a lock and positive identification. It was an SS-18 SLBM, modified for India’s Kilo Class nuclear submarines, which were now SSBN’s thanks to modifications done by the Russian Federation. A sigh of relief spread around the room as everyone had already known that India was testing its missiles with Egypt, which had just developed its own operational ABM defenses. Everyone knew it was going to be a long week.
”Admiral Clark….get our Eastern Battle Fleet enroute to the Indian Ocean ASAP!!” commanded Sutton.
”Right away, sir” obediently replied the Admiral.
”Mr. President, the world is going to want to know why Credonia is deploying over 300 ships to the Indian Ocean. Chances are that they will think we are preparing a sneak attack. What should I tell them if they ask what is going on? They WILL ask. A world super power doesn’t just release 300 naval ships out into the ocean for no reason” inquires Lauren in a concerned tone.
”Tell them that we are simply conducting large scale naval exercises and that Credonia has no plans to invade or even attack any nation in that region of the world.” replied Sutton in a calm, collective manner.
At that queue, everyone got to work making phone calls, discussing options and plans, and preparing for what lied ahead.
Snake Eaters
27-04-2005, 22:45
OOC: It's late here, so I'll post my response tomorrow
The Silver Sky
27-04-2005, 22:55
OOC: I don't get how we're supposed to respond to this, the details of the AWOL SSBN haven't beend released so how are we supposed to respond to this without godmodding?
27-04-2005, 23:01
OOC: As i stated in my post last night, since i was still writing it then, if you arent able to respond to Part II, which you really cant now, you definitly will for Part III (thats when the actual RPing can begin since the stage would have been properly and elaboratly set).
What do you guys think so far?
The Silver Sky
27-04-2005, 23:04
Oh sorry, must of missed that part.
Oh well sounds good so far, keep up the good work and this'll look like a professonial novel! :D
No endorse
27-04-2005, 23:28
ooc: Reminds me of the hunt for Red October... I'm in
27-04-2005, 23:52
OOC: Tag. I really need to get some territory on NS Earth. It seems to be where all the action is! Do you mind if I RP on this thread anyways, Credonia?
28-04-2005, 00:21
OOC: As long as its kept to modern tech then ur cool
28-04-2005, 12:56
OOC Ive never RPed on NS Earth, either, still OK to join in?
28-04-2005, 13:04
Getting involved ASAP.
29-04-2005, 22:55
Any more to come, Credonia?
The Silver Sky
29-04-2005, 22:57
He said it would be up in less then 30 minutes.
29-04-2005, 23:08
Great, can't wait.
East Lithuania
29-04-2005, 23:13
Oh man, this has to become a movie! it's sooo good!
The Silver Sky
30-04-2005, 00:09
Less then a page left! YAY!
30-04-2005, 00:17
Part III
The “Situation Room” bustled with activity. Generals, Admirals, and cabinet staff talked over solutions to the crisis at hand. There was an extreme sense of urgency about the mood in the room. The President sat quietly at the head of the table, thinking to himself how he would dig the country out of the mess that was being made with every decision made. Sutton was deep in thought when he realized that someone was trying to get his attention. He quickly snapped out of his state of thought to respond. When he looked up, he saw Admiral Clark.
”Sorry Admiral, go ahead. I was thinking.”
“Sorry sit. The eastern battle fleet is putting out to sea as we speak. ETA to the Indian Ocean, 52 hours.”
“OK, good. Lets hope that nothing happens within that time, for I fear that 52 hours may be too long, especially when Crosby has weapons of mass destruction in his immediate possession” chimed in Ferguson.
”Yes, we will have to have allied involvement in this. What nations are located within that region of the world that are either allied or friendly, or what nations have forces stationed in that region?”
Noticing that the question was director her way, Lauren turned towards the President and began to speak.
”Well, we have The Silver Sky. They may be able to pull naval forces that they may have stationed in the Indian Ocean or perhaps somewhere in the East African or Middle Eastern region. Perhaps we could call upon Celtayoshi or Ottoman Khaif, though we really don’t want Ottoman Khair involved since we don’t have relations with them outside the Ottoman Alliance.”
“Very well. I’ll draft a letter to Celtayoshi and The Silver Sky.” Sutton replied.
A palace aid entered the room holding a small folded piece of paper from the President’s Press Secretary. He walked around the table and handed the paper to the President and walked away. Sutton unfolded the note and began to read.
To: President Sutton
From: Jack O’Conner, Press Secretary
Subject: Navy Movements
Mr. President,
I have been getting many questions and inquiries regarding the mobilization of the entire eastern navy battle fleet and its movement to the Indian Ocean. Can you please elaborate on what is going on please?
Jack O’Conner
After reading the note, he passes it on to Secretary Ferguson who looks up at him upon finishing it.
”I had a feeling this was going to happen. What do you want to do sir?”
“Well, we need to make sure this crisis maintains a low profile. If I make a statement on it, the press will know that I’m lying through my teeth, so Mitchell, I want you to give a statement at War Headquarters. Entertain questions, enjoy yourself, and most of all, be creative. Make sure that the press buys into your story or we’re as good as dead. We don’t want them snooping around and uncovering the truth.”
“Yes sir, I’ll get on that now.”
Ferguson immediately leaves the room to prepare for his trop back to War Headquarters.
1:00 Pm
Secretary Ferguson entered the Press Room of War Headquarters to give a press statement. As he approached the podium, camera’s flashed in his eyes, nearly blinding him as he adjusted the microphone to his height. When he was ready, he began to give his statement.
”Good afternoon. I’ve just returned from a routine briefing with President Sutton at the Presidential Palace. During the briefing, several decisions were made pertaining to operations to be taken by Credonian military forces. There have been questions and inquiries emerging concerning the continued mobilization and movement of the Credonian eastern high seas battle fleet. In order to maintain our naval strength and to flex our naval power, I have ordered, with full authorization from President Sutton, that the entire western fleet be deployed to the Indian Ocean for naval exercises. It’s going to be costly for the navy, however, it is something that we need to do to maintain our position as a naval power in the world. In addition to flexing our might, we will be testing new naval weaponry never before used in Credonian naval combat. Also, this is no routine naval training exercise. Live munitions will be used against special targets designated as hostile so that our newer enlisted navy personnel can experience what it is like to fight under actual war combat conditions. The level of realism will be unprecedented and it will feel and look as if we are fighting in an actual naval war. We look forward to seeing the end results of this exercise. I will now entertain questions from the press.”
Ferguson looked out into the body for hands. He pointed to a man wearing casual western attire; tan pants with a sky blue button up dress shirt. The man stands.
”John Mcleary, Credonia Free Press. Mr. Secretary, about how much will this so called exercise cost the Credonian people and why exactly do we need to flex our military might when the international community is well aware of our military capabilities, both tactical and strategic?” the man asks.
”That’s an excellent question, John. I was looking over the figures on my way here in preparation for such a question and estimates predict that the exercise will run about $154.3 million per day. Why do we need to display our military might? Because it is part of our national strategic deterrence. We cannot be seen as weak by the international community or our efforts towards obtaining world peace would be challenged and undermined. I, as secretary of defense cannot allow that to happen, and I wont let that happen. It is something that we need to do, and President Sutton too believes that it is vital to the prospect of reinforcing our strategic deterrence.” boldly replies Ferguson.
”next question….third row, fourth seat over from the left.”
“Hi, Suzanne Roberts of the Credonia Times. Now, I know that you have stated that these exercises are merely a show of power and military might in terms of naval strength, but Credonia has an extraordinary history of showing military might and power through conflicts it has entered. Why break from what seems to be tradition to showcase our power and might?”
“Another excellent question. Well, it has been a long time since we have entered armed hostilities and actually fought against an enemy. It has been an even longer period of time since we have fought against enemy naval forces. In fact, the last time we did was during the Falkland Island war when we led our allies in the International Allied Defense Federation to a crushing victory over an enemy who got a little too imperialistic and greedy and bit off more than they could chew. That was many years ago. Our people need to see naval combat and this exercise allows them to see that much needed combat. One more question please. First row, seventh seat from the left.”
“Jack Ryan, the National Gazette. Mr. Secretary, this exercise is very costly. As you stated, it would cost over $154 million per day. How long will it take and how much do you think it will cost in total?”
“Well, I can give you both a definite answer and an indefinite answer. The definite answer is that we will run the exercise for no more than 14 days. The indefinite answer is that we may cut it short, or we may keep it going for a couple days longer. It all depends on the type of success we have. At most, it will run 17 days, if we were to extend it for a couple days more. That much I can give you a definite guarantee on. As for the total estimated cost, we are looking at an upwards of about $2.16 billion for 14 days. For 17 days, we are looking at an upwards of about $2.623 billion. Costly, but more than worth it if you ask me. If we were to go to war, the tactics and experience gained from this exercise could easily prevent $2.623 billion in damaged incurred from attacks to our naval forces. It’s a win-win situation. Well, thank you ladies and gentlemen. I must head back over to the Presidential palace. I hope I have thoroughly answered your questions.”
With that, Ferguson stepped down from the podium and exited the Press Room.
”My god was I lying through my ass. God help us if our true purpose is uncovered.” he mumbled to himself.
2:30 Pm
Senior staff and cabinet members continued working diligently to keep an eye on Credonian naval forces and to find solutions to the crisis. The President had been busy drafting letters to be sent to Celtayoshi and The Silver Sky. It was now ready to be sent to them. After handing it to her, Lauren immediately went to her private office in the Palace to send it over the Teletype. The letter read:
To: The Silver Sky; Celtayoshi
From: Kaimoni A. Sutton, Commander-in-Chief, President, United States of Credonia
Our close friends and allies,
Credonia has encountered a small problem concerning an Ohio Class SSBN, a submarine captain who wants revenge, and a sub crew who are loyal to their captain. Mix that with the fact that our sub is now missing and you can clearly see what the problem is. We have suspected the sub to be located somewhere in the Indian Ocean, which is why we have our entire eastern battle fleet streaming there now under the cover of conducting “naval training exercises”. Our Ohio Class submarines are equipped with 26 SLBM’s, each containing a single 25-megaton thermonuclear warhead. The sub, the CNS Nautalus, must be located, contacted, and if they are hostile, destroyed. Will you please help us. We believe that the captain will use those missiles as he can “hot-wire” the sub to launch them on his command. We await your response.
Kaimoni A. Sutton
United States of Credonia
The message was immediately sent. Now it was just a matter of time before a response would come.
OOC: Part IV to come later this weekend..not sure exactly when. I havent started writing it yet...btw...im teasing you guys...you still cant really get too involved yet...part IV I promise you DEFINITLY will be able to..and somethings going to happen that you probably didnt see coming, but you'll still love it, I give you my word on that.
East Lithuania
30-04-2005, 00:43
ooc: question- so wait, besides the 2 nations mentioned in part III, can other nations be in this rp... or will we have to wait for part IV to find out?
30-04-2005, 01:00
OOC: Yea, you can be part of it kinda..Right now, im done setting the stage, thats basically what the first 3 parts were geared towards. You could always comment on our fleet's movements since the eastern fleet is composed of more than 300 naval vessels. I just need a response by The Silver Sky and Celtayoshi before I can move on and start writing Part IV. Part IV will be pretty long and you'll definitly be able to get involved if I havent directly called upon you already for some kind of IC request (so far its just been Celtayoshi and TSS).
EDIT: Part III is more of like the conclusion of the "staged and planned" part of the RP and like a "teaser" for nations that havent been able to get involved yet (virtually all but 2).
East Lithuania
30-04-2005, 01:15
Dictator Scharfetter was watching T.V. when Commander-And-Cheif Katilus walked into his office. Dictator Scharfetter was suprised.
"What is it?" he asked.
"Sir, our sources have detected a mass fleet of around 300 ships deployed from a country by the name of Credonia."
Scharfetter became scared. "Are they heading this way?"
"No, sir. They are in the Indian Ocean. They appear to not be sailing in any particular direction."
The dictator breathed with relief. "OK, we will ignore in for now. But if any strange movments happen, tell me."
"Yes, sir." said Katilus as he left.
OOC: so like that is good for now?
30-04-2005, 01:18
OOC: Yea that'll work for now
The Macabees
30-04-2005, 01:53
[Battle Group November]
The young lieutenant commander moved into the admiral's quarters on the HES-703 Estatic, one of the newest Indestructable class Aircraft Carriers. He took the manila folder from under his armpit and saluted his superior, and then dropped the folder on the man's desk. The admiral smiled and said,"Always glad to see you're on top of the intelligence Erich."
The lieutenant commander didn't seem thrilled and so the admiral frowned and then took his time to open the manila folder. Pictures were clipped on the inside flap, and a two page report clipped on the opposite side. The admiral looked up again and said,"You don't like to mess around, do you?"
The other man stood quiet, face rock solid, showing no signs of emotion, save a little concern. The admiral took a cuban cigar from a wooden box situated next to him and plopped it between his lips, lighting it with a zippo lighter. Taking a drag he studies the pictures. After a few seconds he spoke up again,"Seems like a Credonian fleet is on the move. What's the concern?"
This time the other man responded,"Sir, they're just about two hundred nautical miles from us. At least their perimeters. And this ain't a simple manuever. It's not the usual thing that a full Credonian fleet moves within the Indian Ocean."
The admiral smiled and said,"That's for sure. So give me the dig."
The other man smiled this time and pressed on,"Well sir, it seems that there's a bit of activity in other ports as well, although those were just caught on a glance. We have yet to recollect more information, and it could be that all three events are totally independent of each other. However, we did intercept a data feed from the Credonians. Being allied to them helped tap into their signals. It was encrypted, but we got most of it knocked into place. Of what we can read seems as if they lost a sub. I have no clue if it went AWOL, or if its gone because of a battle. But I bet you a buck that it has to do with that huge Credonian fleet."
The admiral nodded. He waved the younger man out and when that was finally done he took on the phone and punched in four numbers, 1071. The captain of the HES-1071 Priceless, a Manstein class Destroyer, picked up. The admiral made it quick, "I want you to deviate zero-eight-zero degrees and see if you can get contact through conventional means with the Credonian fleet. I'm sure that you were given the proper intel too, if not expect it through your data comps within two minutes. Out."
He set the phone down and put his hands over his hair - he knew things were about to get tricky...
The Silver Sky
30-04-2005, 04:58
To: The Silver Sky; Celtayoshi
From: Kaimoni A. Sutton, Commander-in-Chief, President, United States of Credonia
Our close friends and allies,
Credonia has encountered a small problem concerning an Ohio Class SSBN, a submarine captain who wants revenge, and a sub crew who are loyal to their captain. Mix that with the fact that our sub is now missing and you can clearly see what the problem is. We have suspected the sub to be located somewhere in the Indian Ocean, which is why we have our entire eastern battle fleet streaming there now under the cover of conducting “naval training exercises”. Our Ohio Class submarines are equipped with 26 SLBM’s, each containing a single 25-megaton thermonuclear warhead. The sub, the CNS Nautalus, must be located, contacted, and if they are hostile, destroyed. Will you please help us. We believe that the captain will use those missiles as he can “hot-wire” the sub to launch them on his command. We await your response.
Kaimoni A. Sutton
United States of Credonia
Admiral Sutherland looked over the message with President Garner.
"Well Mr. President what do you make of this?" asked Admiral Sutherland
"Well this sound almost exactly like the incident with the AWOL nuke torp armed battleship, how come other nations can't control their ships or their troops?" asked President Garner.
"Not sure Mr. President, but we do have the 2nd and 3rd TFs (Taskforces) of the 3rd Fleet are undergoing live fire exercises near our Naval Base in South Africa, and the 1st TF is due to arrive in about 2 days." Replied the Admiral as he brought up the specs of the TFs up on the rooms projector.
Current Forces Deployed to South Africa(2nd and 3rd TFs):
4x Enterprise II Class Carriers(Nuclear) (30x F-40 Strike Daggers(Naval version), 20x F/A-35 JSF, 2 E-3 Sentry AWACS, 10 Sea Comanches per carrier)
6x Islyan Plains Class ASW Support Carriers (20x F/A-35 JSF, 10 Sea Comanches per carrier)
8x Montana Class Battleships(Nuclear) (6 Sea Comanches per ship)
12x Angelwing Class Guided Missile Crusiers(Nuclear) (4 Sea Comanches per ship)
10x Deep Black Class Anti-Submarine Warfare Cruisers(Nuclear) (4 ASW Sea Comanches per ship)
20x Silver Class Guided Missile/ASW Destroyers (2 Sea Comanches)
20x Support Ships of various sizes
And seperate from the fleet are 20 Sparta class Attack Subs
= 100 ships
3rd Fleet is under the command of Vice Admiral Scott on board the Montana class battleship Kaitou.
"Vice Admiral Scott is a great naval leader, he should be able to keep his ships organzied." Said Admiral Sutherland
"Yes, he is a great man, send him a copy of the message from Credonian President Kaimoni A. Sutton, tell him to link up with there fleet, since we are allied he will take orders from them UNLESS they violate Silver Sky Naval doctrine." ordered President Garner.
"Yes sir!"
On board the BBN Kaitou
Vice Admiral Scott carefully read over the orders from Central Command.
To: Vice Admiral Scott
From: Admiral Sutherland
Subject: AWOL Credonian Ohio Class SSBN
Encryption code: Gamma (highest level)
You are to lead the 2nd and 3rd TFs east into the Indian Ocean and link up with the Credonian fleet and procced to hunt/locate the AWOL Submarine, the 1st TF will stay and patrol the western exit of the Indian Ocean to make sure the submarine does not escape, follow Credonian orders until further notice, we will inform Kaimoni A. Sutton, Commander-in-Chief, President, of the United States of Credonia of your arrival, re-arm and refuel and commence operations with Credonia immedently.
Good luck and god speed,
Admiral Sutherland,
Head of Silver Sky Naval & Marine Forces
Relay this message to the fleet, "All ships stop live fire exercises and re-arm and re-fuel, we head for the Indian Ocean at 0300 hours"
To: Kaimoni A. Sutton, Commander-in-Chief ,President of the United States of Credonia
From: Jason H. Garner, Commander-in-Chief, President of the Armed Republic of The Silver Sky
Subject: AWOL Credonian Ohio Class SSBN and Silver Sky 3rd Fleet deployments
Encryption code: Gamma
Attachments: 2nd and 3rd TF data
We will come to your aid in this crisis, we are currently sending the 2nd and 3rd Naval Taskforces and the 2nd Independent Submarine Taskforce to aid your fleet in the locating of the AWOL Ohio Class SSBN, our forces are under your command until this crisis is over.
Jason H.Garner
Armed Republic of The Silver Sky
OOC: I have to go to bed now, I'm not feeling well.
30-04-2005, 23:21
RTS Assertion, CFWN-98,
Flagship of the 7th Carrier Battle Group, Royal Triancian Navy
Somewhere in the Indian Ocean
Admiral Erica Reilly looked over the pictures again. Ever since the Credonians made that little announcement over the public airwaves, Triancia had scrambled to get more intel on the situation, hence the pictures a Naval Reconnaissance Satellite snapped of the massive Credonian Eastern Fleet not an hour before.
"Naval exercises, my ass!" The Admiral exclaimed. She'd been in this business long enough to know that you didn't spend 2 billion dollars over 14 days training your troops. The Credonians were up to something else, that's for sure.
What that something was was still in the air for the Triancians, however. It's various intelligence gathering organizations were concentrated in far more dangerous countries the world over. Credonia, being an ally and a stable democratic state, hadn't drawn that much attention.
Admiral Reilly was somewhat pissed off at that fact. Mainly, however, she was channeling dissatisfaction at finally getting the command of one of Triancia's battle groups, and then realizing that she came to the party with a Jello mold, and every else had brought lobster. It wasn't good for any commander's self esteem to know she had the smallest fleet in the Area.
Luckily, Erica was confident that, what she lacked in strength, she made up for in the training of her troops, the technology support her, and, she thought with a smile, her own damn aversion to 'conventional' naval thinking.
This promised to be a fun little cruise.
A half an hour later, a general transmission beacon is broadcast on four well-used civilian and military frequencies. It is repeated for one hour, then stopped.
“The 7th Carrier Battle Group of the Royal Triancian Navy has arrived in the Indian Ocean. The Current mission charged to them is the protection of Triancian Shipping and interests in the region. No hostile action against any party taking part in the current situation is planned. Military and Merchant Inquires should be addressed to the Triancian State Department, unless of pressing importance.”
The message repeats, and the Triancians sail on.
The Silver Sky
01-05-2005, 03:44
“The 7th Carrier Battle Group of the Royal Triancian Navy has arrived in the Indian Ocean. The Current mission charged to them is the protection of Triancian Shipping and interests in the region. No hostile action against any party taking part in the current situation is planned. Military and Merchant Inquires should be addressed to the Triancian State Department, unless of pressing importance.”
Vice Admiral Scott looked over the message before giving it back to the communication officer. "We have no interest in Triancian shipping, ignore them as longs as they show no hostile intentionds, continue on course to the Credonian fleet.
All 80 ships steamed seemingly peacefully through the East Indian Ocean surrounding them was a screen of 20 submarines, all ships were in Level 1 Battlestation status just incase it came to combat, though no one hoped with would.
01-05-2005, 21:43
OOC: Will have Part IV tomorrow
Silver Skies
02-05-2005, 17:19
It's now tomorrow!
Note this is The Silver Sky, after chaning e-mail address I need to be validated and I can't post with The Silver Sky
04-05-2005, 15:54
Part III
1:00 Pm
Secretary Ferguson entered the Press Room of War Headquarters to give a press statement. As he approached the podium, camera’s flashed in his eyes, nearly blinding him as he adjusted the microphone to his height. When he was ready, he began to give his statement.
”Good afternoon. I’ve just returned from a routine briefing with President Sutton at the Presidential Palace. During the briefing, several decisions were made pertaining to operations to be taken by Credonian military forces. There have been questions and inquiries emerging concerning the continued mobilization and movement of the Credonian eastern high seas battle fleet. In order to maintain our naval strength and to flex our naval power, I have ordered, with full authorization from President Sutton, that the entire western fleet be deployed to the Indian Ocean for naval exercises. It’s going to be costly for the navy, however, it is something that we need to do to maintain our position as a naval power in the world. In addition to flexing our might, we will be testing new naval weaponry never before used in Credonian naval combat. Also, this is no routine naval training exercise. Live munitions will be used against special targets designated as hostile so that our newer enlisted navy personnel can experience what it is like to fight under actual war combat conditions. The level of realism will be unprecedented and it will feel and look as if we are fighting in an actual naval war. We look forward to seeing the end results of this exercise. I will now entertain questions from the press.”
Ferguson looked out into the body for hands. He pointed to a man wearing casual western attire; tan pants with a sky blue button up dress shirt. The man stands.
”John Mcleary, Credonia Free Press. Mr. Secretary, about how much will this so called exercise cost the Credonian people and why exactly do we need to flex our military might when the international community is well aware of our military capabilities, both tactical and strategic?” the man asks.
”That’s an excellent question, John. I was looking over the figures on my way here in preparation for such a question and estimates predict that the exercise will run about $154.3 million per day. Why do we need to display our military might? Because it is part of our national strategic deterrence. We cannot be seen as weak by the international community or our efforts towards obtaining world peace would be challenged and undermined. I, as secretary of defense cannot allow that to happen, and I wont let that happen. It is something that we need to do, and President Sutton too believes that it is vital to the prospect of reinforcing our strategic deterrence.” boldly replies Ferguson.
”next question….third row, fourth seat over from the left.”
“Hi, Suzanne Roberts of the Credonia Times. Now, I know that you have stated that these exercises are merely a show of power and military might in terms of naval strength, but Credonia has an extraordinary history of showing military might and power through conflicts it has entered. Why break from what seems to be tradition to showcase our power and might?”
“Another excellent question. Well, it has been a long time since we have entered armed hostilities and actually fought against an enemy. It has been an even longer period of time since we have fought against enemy naval forces. In fact, the last time we did was during the Falkland Island war when we led our allies in the International Allied Defense Federation to a crushing victory over an enemy who got a little too imperialistic and greedy and bit off more than they could chew. That was many years ago. Our people need to see naval combat and this exercise allows them to see that much needed combat. One more question please. First row, seventh seat from the left.”
“Jack Ryan, the National Gazette. Mr. Secretary, this exercise is very costly. As you stated, it would cost over $154 million per day. How long will it take and how much do you think it will cost in total?”
“Well, I can give you both a definite answer and an indefinite answer. The definite answer is that we will run the exercise for no more than 14 days. The indefinite answer is that we may cut it short, or we may keep it going for a couple days longer. It all depends on the type of success we have. At most, it will run 17 days, if we were to extend it for a couple days more. That much I can give you a definite guarantee on. As for the total estimated cost, we are looking at an upwards of about $2.16 billion for 14 days. For 17 days, we are looking at an upwards of about $2.623 billion. Costly, but more than worth it if you ask me. If we were to go to war, the tactics and experience gained from this exercise could easily prevent $2.623 billion in damaged incurred from attacks to our naval forces. It’s a win-win situation. Well, thank you ladies and gentlemen. I must head back over to the Presidential palace. I hope I have thoroughly answered your questions.”
With that, Ferguson stepped down from the podium and exited the Press Room.
Grand Admiral Hurley walked into the Governor's office and found the other two joint chiefs already there, along with the director of the Colonial Intelligence Agency and the Minister for Defence. Governor Connie Chung looked up at him, removed her glasses and spoke;
"Thanks for coming at short notice Bill, maybe you can tell us what this is all about."
"I've read the reports, Governor, and I honestly can't see any nation spending over two and a half billion dollars on training in the space of 3 weeks, can you?"
Field Marshall Stubbington cut in "We could have told you that. What do you think it really is then?"
"I couldn't say without any more information. What do we know about Credonia?"
Diane Cook, director of the CIA, spoke up as everyone looked at her. "Well, their a democratic nation, quite powerfull on the world stage, large navy and airforce. I believe you authorised the purchase of sattelites from them Governor."
"Yes", said Grand Air Marshall Covington, "we used them to set up skynet and the National Defence Grid".
"Well", replied the Governor, "any further thoughts, Bill?"
The Grand Admiral shifted uncomfortably. He hated the informality of the governor, and her ignorance of the military. It meant she couldn't think for herself, yet expected them to know all the answers, even if there weren't any.
"Madam Governor, any comments without further investigation would be pure speculation"
"So speculate".
The other service chiefs looked at him, half feeling sorry, halfglad that it wasn't them. "There are several options. It could be a pretext to a surprise attack in the area, secret scientific research, a search for a lost sub or aircraft, a show of power against a secret enemy, large scale intelligence gathering..."
"So basically any number of things they don't want us to know about" interrupted the Governor.
"I'm afraid so madam Governor"
"Any suggestions for a response?"
"We could send in submarines of our own for inteligence gathering. Any overt shows of force could be construed as hostile"
"Agreed" said Grand Air Marshall Covington. "We could also position a sattelite to keep an eye on things, and run a few U2 flights".
"Spy on them with the planes we bought from them eh?" smiled the Governor, finding the irony quite amusing.
"Okay", she said. She slowly stood up, smoothed down her suit and replaaced her spectacles - her normal routine when she had come to a decision.
"Firstly I want a number of attack subs moved into the area to observe and comment. I'll leave you to decide the number and placements, Bill, and I'll convey to the Credonian President some plausible excuse for why we're doing it. Secondly, I'd like to follow up on your idea Chris, get a sat in position and start U2 flights. Thirdly, Bill, I'd like you to put the 5th Amphibious Assault group on full alert. If anything else happens, I'd like to be ready to respond. Lastly, gentlemen, I want a full military standby. I've got a feeling this could be big. We'll meet agin in 48 hours. Thankyou."
04-05-2005, 16:00
To - President Kaimoni Sutton, President of the United States of Credonia
From - Governor Connie Chung, Governor of the Colony of Ollieland
Good afternoon, Mr President. We have read with interest your press releases regarding your large scale training excercises in the Indian Ocean, and would like to observe if possible. We are currently preparing to send several subs to observe proceedings, and hope they recieve a friendly welcome from your forces there.
Following our purchases from your nation, we hope these actions can serve to foster an even greater friendship between our nations, other than customer and supplier.
Many Thanks
C. Chung
04-05-2005, 21:48
Within the situation room, President Sutton sat in his seat at the head of the large and very long marble conference table. He had recieved messages from nations replying to the press statement made by Secretary of Defense Ferguson and the encrypted message sent to two of Credonia's allies. He immediately read the first of the messages to arrive.
After finishing the message sent from Silver Skies, he quickly drafted a reply to be sent via Credonia's teletype.
To: Jason H. Garner, Commander-in-Chief, President of the Armed Silver Skies
From: Kaimoni A. Sutton, Commander-in-Chief, President, United States of Credonia
Subject: AWOL Credonian Ohio Class SSBN and Silver Sky 3rd Fleet deployments
Dear Mr. President,
I thank you for your support in this matter. It is most definitly an embarrasing situation that we hope can be resolved as secretly and as peacefully as possible. Surely nations are going to become suspicious, however, we must maintain absolute secrecy for if word of this were to get out, it would have dire consequences.
Kaimoni A. Sutton
United States of Credonia
After finishing the message and handing it off to Secretary Smith to be sent via the teletype, he began drafting a reply to the second one sent by the Governor of Olliland. He was unsure if he wanted their naval forces in the water "observing" Credonian naval activities in the Indian Ocean, however, he had no choice but to bite his lip and invite them to watch, for if he did otherwise, surely they and the rest of the international community would become highly suspicious of Credonian activities and would begin to question the true nature of such a large scale operation.
To: Governor Connie Chung, Governor, Colony of Ollieland
From: President Kaimoni A. Sutton, Commander-in-Chief, President, United States of Credonia
Subject: Observation of Credonian Naval Excercizes in the Indian Ocean
Dear Mr. Governor,
Your naval forces are more than welcome to observe the naval training excersizes that Credonian naval forces will be beginning in the next 48 hours. We ask that, for the safety of your vessels and of your sailors, that you remain a safe distance away from Credonian naval forces and that you announce your presence in the area to the vessels in the area so as not to be marked as a target by the crews and fired upon. Thank you and if you have any questions, comments, or inquiries about Credonia's naval operations within the Indian Ocean, please feel free to ask and I will try to respond to the best of my ability.
Kaimoni A. Sutton
United States of Credonia
After finishing his message, he reluctantly handed it over to one of the Palace Aids to give to Lauren to be sent through the teletype to Ollieland.
Silver Skies
04-05-2005, 22:12
To: Jason H. Garner, Commander-in-Chief, President of the Armed Silver Skies
From: Kaimoni A. Sutton, Commander-in-Chief, President, United States of Credonia
Subject: AWOL Credonian Ohio Class SSBN and Silver Sky 3rd Fleet deployments
Dear Mr. President,
I thank you for your support in this matter. It is most definitly an embarrasing situation that we hope can be resolved as secretly and as peacefully as possible. Surely nations are going to become suspicious, however, we must maintain absolute secrecy for if word of this were to get out, it would have dire consequences.
Kaimoni A. Sutton
United States of Credonia
President Garner looked over the message, he agreed with everything, President Sutton said, if this ever got out to the public not only would they go into panic, but terrorist groups might try to make contact with and help the AWOL submarine, he looked at the map on his laptop, it showed the position of the 3rd fleet and the Credonians fleet, his fleet was still a good 2 days away, the situation was progressing slowly, but maybe that is the way to go.
OOC: I'm grounded until at least the weekend and at most the whole month for bad grades (One F), but if my teachers gives my parents a good report I could get ungrounded as early as friday. So I won't be on much these couple of days or weeks. :(
The Silver Sky
04-05-2005, 22:41
YAY! I can post with The Silver Sky again!
But i'm still grounded. :(
04-05-2005, 22:59
President Sutton,
We thank you for your kind invitation and will comply with your requests. The positions of all oue submarines will be relayed to your ministry of defence or its equivalent, and our boats will keep a distance of at least 100 miles from any Credonian vessels. Again, we wish to express the hope that this small venture of cooperation will bloom into a great friendship between our nations.
Miss Connie Chung
Governor of the Colony of Ollieland
The Silver Sky
07-05-2005, 21:09
The Silver Sky
10-05-2005, 03:57
*Hard Shove*
12-05-2005, 22:02
Oh, sorry,
The Silver Sky
12-05-2005, 22:11
Credonia said Part IV would be up tonight, YAY! :D
The Silver Sky
15-05-2005, 06:33
ooc: hope you all don't mind another individual, but the Indian Ocean is kinda my backyard, so at the very least, even if you don't want me involved, I'll still be keeping a close eye on what goes on... especially since lovely old nuclear boats and weapons are involved... by the by, below, it says "republic of the andaman and nicobar islands", republics are in the United Kingdom of Azazia much like states or provinces, they're merely called republics for historical reasons, just to alleviate any possible confusion. again, hope you don't mind, everybody.
Port Blair, Republic of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands
The large white stucco mansion sat just off the beach, the columns of the colonnade leading to the large rear dining room melted into the tree line that demarcated the beach from the tropical jungle that enveloped the old structure. The air - thick and heavy with the day’s humidity reaching into the ninetieth percentile on - stifled outdoor activity. Except that of sipping iced teas in the shaded veranda.
On a wicker rocking chair sat a man, hair starting to grey and gravity beginning to settle the body’s fat despite a usually active regimen of exercise. Underneath a straw hat he exhaled the smoke from his pipe and drew a long sip from the tall glass, covered in condensation – which he used to wipe the sweat from his brow. He closed his eyes and unknowingly drifted off into a light sleep.
Suddenly, the man found himself awake, a little drool down his chin. He also found a much younger man, darker skinned – one of the island’s natives – in the white linen suit of his business, the Royal Navy. “Admiral,” the man began, “there have been some developments that command thought you should be advised upon.”
Admiral Niles White nodded, and reached for his iced tea – no longer iced. Underneath his dark sunglasses his eyes squinted, above his eyebrows arched, wondering how long he had slept. With a further thought, White decided that the quandary was not that important. “Shall we go inside, Henry?” White asked as he braced the arms of the chair to rise. When he had risen he nodded towards the doors, “it’s air conditioned,” he teased.
“Of course, sir.”
The two men walked into the well-appointed dining room with its rapiers and pistols, with its models and flags, with its silver and gold. They walked past the room, like the two had done numerous times, and headed into White’s study, where they each found themselves a seat on the worn leather chairs. With the shades down the room reached a balmy seventy-eight degrees, but the lack of water in the air made it much cooler than the outside air, which was all that mattered in the tropical island.
“Alright, Henry,” White began, reaching into the table next to him, which doubled as a mini-fridge. He pulled out a bucket of ice and some water, and placed the ice and poured the water into some glasses, handing one over to his younger visitor. “What’s so important to get you here on my afternoon off?”
“For that I apologize, sir.” The man pulled out a manila folder, not seen by White earlier, and leaned over to hand it to White. “However, the Admiralty’s satellites have detected a massive movement of ships – approximately three-hundred – and they appear to be headed towards the Indian Ocean. They are expected to arrive within the coming days.”
White stared at a familiar image, little oval-like shapes trailing white lines in a V shape. A taskforce of three-hundred ships ate a lot of ocean territory, and would likely complicate things in the Indian Ocean. “What the bloody hell do these chaps think they’re doing?” he mumbled, not necessarily to Henry, more to himself.
“Well, sir,” Henry interjected, unaware the comment was more of an internal thought. “We have some information on that as well. If you’ll continue in the folder, there are transcripts of a press conference given by the nation of Credonia—“
“Where do I know that name from?” White asked.
“The United Kingdom has no official diplomatic relations, or even informal relations with the nation. However, a little while ago there was a brief diplomatic row between our two nations with regards to ambitions on the African continent.”
“I remember now,” White mumbled, again to himself more than Henry. “They wanted help in developing Africa, and we wanted to help – more or less.” White grinned. The country, then still the Commonwealth, had indeed desired trade relations with prosperous African nations – which would have been better served by nations more able to spend money on Azazian goods. Of course, there was likely the ulterior motive in Imperium to create allies if not direct subject colonies on the continent. The move made sense given the increasing overpopulation problem; yet a misunderstanding led to a series of diplomatic anger.
Henry nodded. “Correct, sir. However, the nation now claims to be enacting a military exercise in the Indian Ocean involving all these ships, claiming to want to train their sailors in realistic combat situations – hence live ammunition. It is expected, according to Credonian officials, that the exercise shall cost approximately two billion dollars.”
“Who the bloody hell schedules an exercise involving three-hundred ships using live ammunition?”
“Indeed, it is extremely rare, sir. However, there are few if any indications that the Credonian public realizes this… shall we say technical issue for us naval types. This is of course tempered by the fact we have no relations, and thus little intelligence at all on Credonia – including the disposition and general thoughts of their people.”
White glanced back down at the documents below him, including more satellites photos of other forces moving into the area. Moving into the Kingdom’s backyard so to speak. “Well, Henry, this certainly makes our own operations much trickier, wouldn’t you agree?”
“Indeed, sir. A force that size will occupy a large amount of area, potentially impacting commercial trade routes – sea and air – as well as our own sea and air patrols of the Pacific.”
“Agreed. Are there any current conflicts?”
“No, sir. The current courses and speeds indicate that the HMS Surefire will intercept their main body, likely sailing directly underneath of the force. That won’t be for several hours, however.”
“We’re in contact with her skipper I take it?”
“Yes sir, Captain Taylor has been apprised of the situation. He will maintain course and speed per patrol orders, but will raise to communication depth every three-quarters of an hour.”
White nodded, now pondering possible courses of action. The likelihood of conflict certainly existed. Previous feuds between government had an annoying tendency to breed conflicts between militaries, something White was eager to avoid. Yet there was the distinct possibility that errant munitions could seriously endanger his own boys and girls out on the open sea. The question now remained of how to protect them, and secondarily, those of the forces converging in the ocean.
“Henry, you’re to relay these orders back to command. One, I want the Surefire to alter course. She is to remain outside the path of the Credonian ships. Tell Captain Taylor to stay deep and just observe the situation, we don’t want any hostile acts on his part. Two, ready some ships from both here and over in Avinapolis. I want both combat ships and some of our ELINT boats out there. All those signals they’ll be sending out for their… quote-unquote exercises… I want them recorded for future analysis. Three, air patrols. Nothing fancy, but once they enter the Indian Ocean, I want the Credonians to know the Kingdom is aware of their prescence. For now, I don’t buy this exercise story, too many facts aren’t adding up. But I don’t want to piss the fools off. It’s bad enough we’re going to have this many warships in our sealanes, I bet you that in a few days time we’ll be seeing diverted freighters, aircraft, and all other passenger and commercial transports arriving in Port Blair or over in Avinapolis – especially Avinapolis. Those damned islands sit square in the middle of the damn ocean.” White paused, finally looking over at Henry, who was scribbling furiously onto a tiny notepad.
“You get all that, Henry?”
“Yes, sir. Anything else?”
“No, just get that back to HQ. I’ll be in within the hour. I just need to shower and then get dressed. I have a feeling we’ll be in a for one hell of a ride in the coming weeks.”
15-05-2005, 15:21
OOC Nope, dont mind at all..The more nations, the better
TSS, the suspense killin ya yet?
The Silver Sky
17-05-2005, 23:58
OOC Nope, dont mind at all..The more nations, the better
TSS, the suspense killin ya yet?
*Bump* You're killing me Credonia. :D
Hurry up. lol
The Silver Sky
21-05-2005, 19:52
22-05-2005, 03:08
Part IV
International Waters, Indian Ocean, (Secret IC Location: 2*N, 80*E)
The submarine slowly lurched north-northwest at a depth of 350 feet going only 5 knots. Captain Crosby sat in his quarters pondering over the events of his life that led him to this moment, the moment he could exact his revenge upon anyone. Captain Crosby, 45 years of age, was far from insane. He was considered one of the brightest minds in Credonia, but despite his young age, his profession, and his life events, he had become depressed and upset with the world. His depression aged him beyond his years as his hair was beginning to turn white and his skin was beginning to make him look far older than he really was. Depite his aging appearance and struggles of the past, he continued to serve his country patriotically no matter what motivated him. Now that he had seized control over the submarine and its nuclear ordinance with the assistance of his entire crew, some 120 other service men and women, now was the time to act upon his motivations. He rose from his seat and made his way from the door of his quarters to the helm of the ship, through the tiny cooridors and passagewats barely able to squeeze two people through at a time with some level of comfort.
"Captain has the helm" Crosby says as he reaches the helm.
"Sir, all is well. We are holding a course of 325 going five knots." says Commander Jacob Rabbi, the ship's XO.
"Very well Commander" acknowledged Crosby as he reviewed the maps at the navitation station.
"I think its time to show ourselves to the world. Im pretty sure the big military brass back at Headquarters has dispatched a good size naval force to locate and possibly destroy us. We ahve the element of surprise and time. Now is the time to use it to our advantage. XO, sound general quarters!"
"Sound general quarters, AYE SIR!!"
Throughout the ship the alarmed blared and the ships red lights came on, indicating red alert. Crew members and officers rushed to their stations. The men were unaware of just what was going on and others were confused, however, they continued running to their stations as if the ship were under enemy attack. Back at the helm, preparations were being made to launch the ship's payload. The captain grabbed the radio and turned it to COMM 1 to address the crew.
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Captain speaking. I would like to thank you all for oyur loyalty not only to me, but to the mission given to us by Headquarters. You are all fine sailors, fine men and you should be commended. In my twenty plus years of naval service, I have never served with a crew as hard working and dedicated as you all are. You should be extremely proud of whay you have accomplished to date and it is an exquisite honor to be able to lead you as your Captain."
Crosby paused and allowed the crew too cheer and clap in acknowledgement of the Captain's Praise.
"You all have much to cheer for and be proud of, but our mission is not quite over yet. One more lies ahead, and it is unlike any other attempted in the history of all naval warfare. Many years ago the Credonian government betrayed my mother, my father, and me. They murdered my mother and father under false accusations. Accusations that were started and maintained by the government in order to save its ass from political repercussions because of its impotence. Today, with your help, I will get revenge and the Credonian government will pay for what it did to the only family I have ever known. This mission may result in some loss of life, however, it will force the government to admit to its crimes and apologize for what it did in order to be held accountable by the Credonian people. May god have mercy on our souls." concluded Crosby.
The men applauded all throughout the ship in support of the captain.
"This is the Captain once again. The time has come for us to strike back against the world. Spinnup missiles one through five and twenty two through twenty six for nuclear missile launch. The strategic missile launch has been authorized."
The men worked feverishly to get the missiles ready for launch. After 10 minutes, the missiles were ready and the Captain would address the crew one last time.
"Make my depth one-five-zero feet" Commands Crosby
"Make depth one-five-zero feet, AYE SIR!!!" acknowledged the XO.
The sub ascended to a depth of 150 ft., the minimum safe launching depth for the missiles.
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Captain. We have reached launch depth. Our target is the small nation of Sri Lanka. FIRE TUBE ONE!!" exclaimed Crosby on COMM 1.
"FIRE TUBE ONE, AYE SIR!!" acknowledged the XO over the radio.
No sooner had the XO acknowledged the command, a large blast was heard coming from amidships. A single nuclear tipped SLBM began its ascent to the ocean surface on its journey to Sri Lanka. Therwe would be no warning for its citizens or the world.
"Lets see what those bastards have to say now!" thought Crosby as he sat in the Captain's chair in the helm.
The Silver Sky
22-05-2005, 04:28
SSN Los Angeles II Picket Submarine "Whiskey-Oscar-Lima-Foxtrot" (Wolf)
International Waters, Indian Ocean, (Location: 1*N, 79*E)
The Head SONAR Officer on board the "Wolf" heard a loud ping on his headset, he took a moment to identify the sound, his eyes grew wide. He turned to Captain O'Neal. "Sir we have a ballisitc missile launch at waypoint 2*N 80*E!"
"God damn! Have you heard anything after?" responded
"Sir after the launch and surfacing of the missile we managed to track the sub, which has been identified as an Ohio Class SSBN, until it went out of range, which took all of 4 seconds, after that it was out of our range(OOC: I assume the sub moved after the launch). We were lucky to even be able to get a ping on the missile launch." said the HSO.
"Damn, well go active, I want all active sensors online." said the Captain. He then turned on the intercom system. "Attention, Attention! All crew to Level 2 Battlestations! Repeat Level 2 Battlestations! SONAR go active! Engines at full. Head towards the last known location of the Ohio Class SSBN, it might be the Credonian vessel!
The Captain then turned to his COM Officer. "Send a message to Vice Admiral Scott, inform him of the launch and tell him we are investigating, and ask for futher courses of action."
Bridge of the Montana Class BBN "Kaitou"
"Admiral, we've received a message from the Los Angeles II Picket Submarine "Wolf", they say they've detected a ballistic missile launch from a Ohio Class SSBN, the captain thinks it might be the AWOL Credonian vessel, he says he is headed towards the last known location of the submarine, 2*N 80*E, it seems they lost contact shortly after the launch. He asks for futher courses of action." said the COM officer
"God damn if he's right...Send a message to the Credonian fleet, tell them we think we've found the submarine, we've identified the last known location as 2*N 80*E." Said Vice Admiral Scott "Then send one to headquarters, inform them of the situation." "Tell the Captain of the "Wolf" to procced on his current course of action, and send the Picket Subs "Atlantica" and "Pacifica" to the location of the "Wolf"
"Messages sent sir." said the COM officer
"Good, now tell all vessels to go active, we'll find and sink this sub even if it takes till hell freezes over"
The Pengaton, Central, Capital of The Silver Sky
President Jason Garner and Admiral Sutherland were discussing the deployment of the 2nd fleet to Call to Power when an Intelligence Colonel sprinted into the room. The Colonel stopped to salute then said panting. "Mr. President we've detected a ballistic missile launch in the Indian Ocean about 3 minutes ago via satellite, we think it's the AWOL Credonian vessel."
"WHAT!?" yelled President Garner and Admiral Sutheland. "What makes you think it's the AWOL vessel, there are many countries conducting missile testing in the area." Just then a captain ran into the room.
"Sir, we've received a message from Vice Admiral Scott" He hand over the message.
To: President Jason Garner
From: Vice Admiral Scott
RE:URGENT! URGENT! Ballistic missile launch detected
CC: Commander of the Credonian Fleet, President Kaimoni A. Sutton
Exactly 4 minutes ago the Picket Submarine "Wolf" detected a ballistic missile launch as 2*N 80*E, the sub was confirmed to be an Ohio Class SSBN, we suspect it to be the AWOL Credonian SSBN, but after the launch the submarine went out of the range of the SONAR, we've dispatched the Picket Subs "Atlantica" and "Pacifica" to the location of the "Wolf", all other vessels were told to go active, we await further orders.
Vice Admiral Scott over and out.
"My god may be they really did launch a nuke, where is it going to land?" Asked Admiral Sutherland.
"We managed to track the missile for a few seconds after launch, after analizing the trajectory of the missile we think it will land in the country of Sri Lanka, in about 20 minutes, the exact location is unknown as we were only able to track the missile for a few seconds." replied the Colonel.
"Send a copy of this information to President Kaimoni A. Sutton" President Garner said.
"Yes sir" replied the Colonel and Captain who then walked out of the room.
President Garner put his hands in his head and said. "May God help us all, may God help us all..."
22-05-2005, 17:15
BUMP for all
Office of the Prime Minister, the Citadel
Imperium, Republic of New Britain
The sun shone clearly and brightly on the cobbled streets below Alistair Tetley’s window. His thoughts rested on the small colourful patterns discernible from several stories up – not the inter-island traffic reports for the quarter that sat on his desk. There were many reasons to be concerned about inter-island traffic, the potential disturbances to maritime life, pollution, and heavy taxation of previously unused routes. Yet he had not read the repots, instead he decided to focus on the reds, browns, and blacks outside.
Suddenly his door swung open, stirring Tetley who turned to face Daniel Blair, who waved his arms cutting off Tetley before he could speak.
“Sir, we have a situation. Our satellites have detected a missile launch in the Indian Ocean targeting Sri Lanka.”
Even more fascinating than traffic reports. “Do we have any information on the origin of the missile?”
“Nothing, sir. It came from the middle of the Indian Ocean, must have been a boomer sub.”
“If it strikes Sri Lanka, what sort of impact are we looking at for our Indian Ocean territories?”
“Fortunately some good news, sir. The Southeast Trade Winds will blow most of the radiation northwards to the Intertropical Convergence Zone, where it will be carried to the north of our territories in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, and the Verdant Archipelago. A most fortuitous target for our purposes, sir.”
“Fortuitous still means death for millions, Daniel.” Tetley chided his younger colleague. Yet, Blair was correct, a different target could have blown deadly radioactive material over the United Kingdom’s territory – either way, however, the threat posed by a nation carelessly launching nuclear weapons in the Kingdom’s backyard needed immediate and serious attention.
“No idea on who would have launched the missile?”
“Nothing concrete, sir. The Admiralty is following movements of the Credonian Navy, which is holding live-fire exercises in the Indian Ocean, over three-hundred ships actually. Of course this could merely have been an impetus to navigate their strategic weapon platforms within range of Sri Lanka, but even still, we have no data on why Credonia would be launching nuclear weapons at Sri Lanka.”
“Either way, I want the military on alert, prepare civilian disaster response teams for rendering immediate aid to those who may make it to our islands.”
Port Blair, Republic of Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Niles White went white upon reading the report from Breningrad. Nuclear weapons launch only hundreds of miles from his position. With hundreds of foreign ships bearing down on his operational area, rogue nations launching nuclear weapons was the last thing he needed to contend with; but contend he was required to do.
The cramped command center did not give him space to hide the utter fear he felt regarding the situation. Submarines for years had represented the ultimate pinnacle in terrestrial deployment of nuclear weapons. Unseen and heard they could launch a missile from right off one’s coast and in minutes destroy an entire civilization. And now one nation had gone off on that course.
“Gentlemen,” White said, turning to face the naval command center’s concerned crew, “we have a situation. Breningrad has reportedly witnessed a strategic missile launch from the Indian Ocean.” The command crew started muttering in not-so-quiet whispers about the safety of the very room they occupied. “I assure you,” White commanded, “that the missile is not targeting the United Kingdom, we are tracking it towards hitting Sri Lanka. However, there is now the real possibility that the nation behind the missile strike could very well target our nation next. It is under that pretense that the First Fleet has been authorized to go to Condition N. Immediate sortie of the entire fleet, we are evacuating our docks and piers lest we be caught by surprise. Our comrades at the Royal Air Force bases are activating their own protocols, as are the Royal Marine and Army barracks.”
“We must prepare, gentlemen, for the possibility that the United Kingdom is going to war with a nuclear power not afraid to use nuclear weapons. I know you will do your best, and that is all I can ask. You have your orders.”
Ooc: would write a bit more, but I am rather ill today…
23-05-2005, 02:11
BUMP for more RPers
(Reply to post will come tomorrow)
23-05-2005, 14:22
Governor Chung cut the ribbon to open the new school to a huge eruption of applause from the crowd. As she stepped away, shaking hands and smiling, a man in uniform came up behind her and began whispering in her ear. At first she looked quite peeved at the interuption, but her face slowly turned serious and she was hustled away by members of the Political Security Agency into the waiting SUV, part of Motocade I.
"I want a full briefing now. Get the joint chiefs on videophone by the time we get back to Colonial 1. What have we got now?"
"Just the one launch, Governor," replied her military attache, "first detected by Skynet and then confirmed by two of the subs we have on patrol in the area."
"Is it Credonian?"
"We don't know as yet, theres far too much military traffic in the area to be sure, but thats the best guess at the moment."
"First strike or rogue?" Her face took on a very serious expression with this question, and the attache thought hard before he answered. It certainly wouldn't do to try and second guess the joint chiefs.
"Madam Governor, we just don't know. From missile trajectory it looks like the target is either Sri Lanka or southern India. There not hostile to Credonia, so we just don't know."
The goverenor replaced her glasses on the tip of her nose and lent forward.
"Step on it driver, get us to the airfield quick!"
20-07-2005, 10:31
OOC: Sorry, I was on holiday
IC: To: President Kaimoni A. Sutton
From: Premier Németh
Encryption: Delta
MY deepest apologies, regretfully the clerk who delt with encryption of this message was actually a traitor of the state, the CYSIS trailed him for a week before discovering he had been keeping top secret messages in a basement of hsi house. Needless to say he was arrested, interrogated and executed for crimes against the state.
However, we did notice and increased military activity in the Indian ocean, and dispatched to 688 class submarines to gather some intelligence. We have now informed them of the problem, rest assured the crew will only be told that it is an exercise involving the location of a Credonian missile submarine, we take such exercises seriously.
We shall attempt to loacte and trail the submarine, if we get and hostile responses we shall neutralise the threat at once.
We also kindly ask that you provide us with an update on the situation, regretably out intelligence is not as strong as we would like it to be as we were not aware of the problem sooner.
Premier Németh
The Allied States of Celtayoshi
23-07-2005, 21:03
OOC: Reply coming soon..i almost forgot about this rp..been so busy lately