Hataria Declares war on Roman Republic (Open RP; No Dogpiling, No Nukes and No WMD's)
OOC:If MassPwnage is reading this, he should Tag it and watch what happens to my enemies.
IC: The Imperial Republic of Hataria, by The will of The hatarian people and Empress Serena of Hataria, has Decalared War on The Nation of Roman Republic. The reason becuase of The Murder of The late Emperor Barbarossa.
OOC: I will TG RR.
25-04-2005, 20:09
I am offering to help negotiate a peaceful resolution to this matter. Why does war always have to be the choice? If your interested give me a ring.
President Kyle of The UKR
The Hatarian Military has been put on full alert, all troops are being prepared for a offensive against Roman Republic.
The Transylvania
25-04-2005, 20:18
Do you have evident that is was Roman Republic‘s assassins, who killed Emperor Barbarossa. If not, this war will just show everybody that you and your regime are war crazy people.
~ Count JWolf
25-04-2005, 20:25
Hataria, please show humbleness to a possibly innocent Nation. You should really fully investigate the matter before running to war. Have you taken any steps to avoid war so that lives may be saved? Please think about this matter seriously.
~President Kyle of the URK
Jesus and George
25-04-2005, 20:25
I agree wholly with the nation of Kyleralia, we need to solve this peacefully. :mp5: There is no need for bloodshed. :mp5:
Roman Republic
25-04-2005, 20:31
Once and for all:
OOC: This Thread is Closed.
Imperial Regoustan
25-04-2005, 21:04
What else is new....