OOC Thread - Nuclear Production Begins in Feline Catfish
Well, the name says it. As the RP gets larger, I'd figure that we should have an OOC thread to discuss OOC matters and force listings alike.
24-04-2005, 19:30
Teh TAG!
24-04-2005, 19:33
Ye olde tag. Might be a swell idea to list who's vs who.
North East Somorset
Island of Rose
Dracun Imperium
Total Number of Ships, Readied to Deploy (Ships will arrive in about 6-10 days)
Flagship: ONCS Turbulence (BBAGN-2)
1x Command Group
1x Heavy Fire Support Groups
1x Fire Support Group
5x Assault Carrier Battle Groups
5x Carrier Battle Groups
4x Littoral Combat Squadrons
4x Light Littoral Combat Squadrons
1x Attack Submarine Squadron
1x Fast Attack Submarine Squadron
1x Heavy Missile Submarine Group
1x Fast Missile Submarine Group
Total Listing of Ships:
3x Leviathan BBAN
1x Ragnarok BBAGN
5x Cetus BBN (3x IB Mk.3, 2x IIC Mk.3)
5x Toryu BBN (Mk.3)
2x Zuiho BBN
3x Junyo BBL
4x Yubari BCN
4x Oyoda BCN
1x Kanae Morino CVAN
2x Ocean CVAN
5x Wilson Shire CVAN
5x Seina Niyobuchi CVN
6x George Washington CVNL
5x Firestorm IV Arsenal Ships
11x Firestorm V Arsenal Ships
8x Yahagi CA
4x Hiragi CA
26x Sarasvati CGN
15x Locke CGN
32x Centaur-X DDGN
56x Arayashiki DDGN
30x Albatross DDGN
25x Ballistae DDN
14x Revenge DD
8x Sabre DDG
58x Mindbreaker FFGN
28x Ardent FFG
25x Timberwolf FFG
20x Cougar FF
48x Tarantula LCS
48x Blue Knight LCS
43x Sowerby SSN
18x Orca SSGN (10x AS, 8x LA)
24x Mesoplodon SSGN (8x Type 1/2/3)
12x Hongazgrad Battle SSN
12x Mamba SSN
44x Setsuna MPRS
2x Smith AOE
45x Strana Mechty AOE
56x Clan Grant AOR
38x Goro FRO
2x Aylesburg AS
2x Genkimushi AS
Total Number:
Capital Ships - 46
Escorts - 461
Submarines - 109
Replenishment/Support/Intelligence - 189
Total - 805
Total Listing of Combat Aircraft:
588x F-14G Tomcat Plus
578x F-109A Seafire
20x FV-109C (STOVL)
210x A-12A Avenger II
210x A-15A Hammerhead
92x EA-15A Sweeper
4x EF-35B Blazer (STOVL)
100x KA-15A
212x S-67A Kingfisher
46x ES-67 Humpback
168x E-68 Eagle Eye
8x E-35Z (STOVL)
Total Numbers:
Fighter / Attack - 1606
Support - 630
Total - 2236
North East Somerset
24-04-2005, 20:11
This is a list of all the NESN vessels involved in the conflict (they are all within FC territorial waters):
42 Auxiliary Fleet vessels escorted by 61 'Atlanta Class' Frigates, 23 'Pacifica Class' Destroyers, 3 'Arctica Class' Cruisers, 5-15 'Fisher Class' Patrol Submarines, 5-15 'Whaler' Class Attack Submarines, 22 'International Class' Patrol ships, 4 'Legionary Class' Minesweepers and 78 'Superior' Class Corvettes.
24-04-2005, 20:21
http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=414604 < mobilization
Quick Reaction Force
12 × Aasimar class Battlecruiser
12 × Dardo class cruiser
4 × The Seven Provinces class frigate
15 × Waveracer class Frigate
8 × Seasnake class Destroyer
9 × Belknap class Destroyer
4 × Zumwalt class Destroyer
5 × Keep class Stealth Patrol Corvette
2 × Toryu Class Battleship
7 × Firestorm Arsenal ship
Total number of ships mobilized: 78
http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=412785 more information can be found here about the ships. Toryu and Firestorm will be added in due time.
Feline Catfish
24-04-2005, 20:26
50,000 troops dug in on the beaches
20x Battle Class Destroyers (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=414544)
62 ICBMs + 250 Enroute
12x Eurofighter Typhoons
Red Tide2
24-04-2005, 20:27
I suggest you guys look for my post in the last page of 'Feline Catfish DEMAND Nuclear Weapons'.
The Macabees
24-04-2005, 20:45
Currently I have no forces deployed. Soon enough I'll have in Guffingford:
240 Lu-05 Schlachten Air Superiority Fighters
120 Lu-12 Canary Strike Fighters
60 Lu-217 Heavy Bomber
32 MMA-D1 Gull Reconaissance Aircraft
24-04-2005, 20:58
OOC: not sure if this is needed but this is crookfur
Aircraft on way:
1bomber fleet (maritime strike)
50 Super vuclans
20 Super vulcan SEAD
20 B-2CFs
20 EB-52CFs
10 AL-52CFs
1 Missile Defence Force Wing
2 ABL-A380s
4 ABL-A350s
4 AWAC A350s
4 tanker A330s
2 EW A330s
36 CFF-5E Double Dragon Fighters
naval commitments:
1 primary operational fleet (currently rewriting structure will be done tonight)
The Macabees
24-04-2005, 20:59
So, who's on whos side?
24-04-2005, 21:02
Oh yeah i'm on FC's side
I suggest you guys look for my post in the last page of 'Feline Catfish DEMAND Nuclear Weapons'.
OOC: You are assuming that people actually identifies the vessel by the flag or other visual identifications that it has. However, the fact is that it is very likely that the vessel will be identified by type, and the fact that it's likely that Feline Catfish doesn't operate such vessel. As well, though I'm not the defender here, I'll have to question how you actually got the vessels near the nation, let alone being able to get close enough to the center of the naval formation to fire its torpedoes, considering that even most naval guns in NS has the range to reach your torpedo boats.
Pacific Northwesteria
24-04-2005, 21:23
Sorry, I posted this listing on the main thread. Here it is again, for convenience:
Second Expeditionary Fleet, Battle Groups Alpha and Beta
2x Infusion Class Carrier
2x Formidible Class Carriers
1x Lunar Class Carrier
222x MiG-29s
40x F-109Ds
51x Su-33s
45x Su-34s
1x Thunder Child Class BBN (dreadnaught)
1x Mackensen Class BBN
2x Hiroshima Class Cruiser
3x Katori Class Cruiser
10x Centaur Class Destroyers
21x Sabre Class Destroyers
7x Suiheisen Class Destroyers
4x Meteora Class Destroyers
30x Defiance Class Frigates
15x Lion Class Frigates
2x Sea Wolf Class SSBN
4x Dreadnaught Class SSGN
2x Swordfish Class SSN
Red Tide2
24-04-2005, 21:29
OOC:Read the post... the boats are approaching from OUTSIDE the blockade line... meaning they are heading TOWARDS FC. The type is a slightly modified Vietnam era patrol boat. Slightly modified as in it can carry the big MK-150 torepdoes. And finally, if Makaar shoots first he would be stirring up the defenders.
Greater Valia
24-04-2005, 21:32
This is for disarmament of FC... or what?
24-04-2005, 21:36
And where exactly is the support ship required to oeprate PT boats over any kind of distance?
OOC:Read the post... the boats are approaching from OUTSIDE the blockade line... meaning they are heading TOWARDS FC. The type is a slightly modified Vietnam era patrol boat. Slightly modified as in it can carry the big MK-150 torepdoes. And finally, if Makaar shoots first he would be stirring up the defenders.
Exactly. You say that they fly the flag of Feline Catfish, but the problem is, on what basis are you expecting that they are actually identifying your vessel by the flag it flies and allows it to pass the screening, and how are you actually getting a small river patrol boat across a great distance into an ocean?
The Macabees
24-04-2005, 21:44
Exactly. You say that they fly the flag of Feline Catfish, but the problem is, on what basis are you expecting that they are actually identifying your vessel by the flag it flies and allows it to pass the screening, and how are you actually getting a small river patrol boat across a great distance into an ocean?
I think Red Tide is using the fact that neither fleet wants to start a war to their advantage. Meaning, Malkaar would not directly fire on those PT boats, due to fear of starting the war. On the other hand, Red Tide doesn't care, and thus got close enough to fire off his torpedoes. The way he wrote it, however, seems they were more like snapshots, and I really doubt how accurate they would be when fired from a fast attack craft, which neither has a substantial SONAR array or even a larger RADAR array.
Clan Smoke Jaguar
24-04-2005, 22:39
For the torpedo bit: RT2, there are effective torpedo countermeasures, including some hard kill systems, but just like with missiles, a few would likely get through. However, your method leaves much to be desired, and in reality, you would lose all those ships before they got to even twice the range of those torpedoes. A battlegroup commander won't be faulted for trying to protect his force, even if it touches off a war or results in a friendly fire inicident. With carriers in the mix, any unidentified foreign ship would be challenged, and engaged several dozen miles out.
But whatever, it was allowed to work this time. Just don't expect it to again.
Fleet coming in:
1xRagnarok BBAGN (Megiddo)
1xKanae Morino CVAN (Stella Bratlavsky)
2xWilson Shire CVAN
2xToryu BBGN
2xYubari BCGN
2xOyoda BCGN
3xFirestorm IV Arsenal Ship
2xFirestorm V Arsenal Ship
4xYahagi CA
16xSarasvati CGN
34xArayashiki DDGN
6xBallistae DDN
46xMindbreaker FFGN
12xTucuxi SSN
24xSowerby SSN
6xOrca-AS SSGN
6xMesoplodon-AS1 SSGN
12xAnemone SS
6xHirata B SSG
6xHirata C SSG
11xStrana Mechty AOE
31xSetsuna MPRS
10xGoro FRO
3xGenkimushi Submarine Tender
Aircraft (fixed wing, not going to bother listing all the helicopters or UAVs)
24xF-35E JSF
6xEF-35E JSF
2xKF-35E JSF
Wilson Shires
72xF-30 Shiden II
72xF-35F JSF
72xA-12C Avenger II
32xS-67 ASW
20xE-68 AWACS
Kanae Morino
48xF-30 Shiden II
96xF-27 Wirbelwind
48xA-15 Hammerhead
Feline Catfish
24-04-2005, 22:41
This is for disarmament of FC... or what?
All of the nations that have posted in this thread are on my side.
Greater Valia
25-04-2005, 00:12
All of the nations that have posted in this thread are on my side.
Thank you for clarifying that.
Greater Valia
25-04-2005, 00:22
And, who are the "good", and "naughty" sides aligned with?
Dracun imperium
25-04-2005, 00:24
Well I might be joining the Good side, if I get money for the damage Hogsweat did if not I am on the naughty side.
Good side=Allied with FC
Greater Valia
25-04-2005, 00:27
Well I might be joining the Good side, if I get money for the damage Hogsweat did if not I am on the naughty side.
Good side=Allied with FC
How absurd. This is turning into a cluster fuck as ive never seen before in II. Pretty entertaining RP though.
Dracun imperium
25-04-2005, 00:28
Yes if only we could keep it to a single thread lol with an ooc thread.
Yes if only we could keep it to a single thread lol with an ooc thread.
I'll probably agree. I'll rather subscribe to one thread rather than three, which basically makes thing easier for everyone involved.
Greater Valia
25-04-2005, 00:38
I'll probably agree. I'll rather subscribe to one thread rather than three, which basically makes thing easier for everyone involved.
Why dont you list links to all of the FC incident threads in your first post? Along with pro-FC forces and anti-FC forces.
Dracun imperium
25-04-2005, 00:38
Keep me on the neutral side :P
Pacific Northwesteria
25-04-2005, 02:05
Seems like the situation has been resolved, no?
Feline Catfish
25-04-2005, 18:18
How absurd. This is turning into a cluster fuck as ive never seen before in II. Pretty entertaining RP though.
Turning into? Oh it's always been like that, only now the tables have turned in my favour. :).
Pacific Northwesteria
26-04-2005, 01:23
Huh, apparently I didn't pay enough attention... only one of the offensive nations have turned back? Very well, then...
Lindim is getting involved, but I'll have to post the the First Runner Force (submarine fleet) in exact details later. Needless to say, a lot of subs.
Wait, scratch that. The main subs of this force are the Coral Dolphin, found here: http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=389907
Greater Valia
26-04-2005, 13:37
Turning into? Oh it's always been like that, only now the tables have turned in my favour. :).
No, I mean there are far too many threads about this floating around II. We need to get them all listed together to cut down on confusion.