Frisbee Freaks
24-04-2005, 19:02
Satilite pictures of strange activity happening in The Jerklandwhereweplayallthetime Of Frisbee Freaks have been broadcast to homes all over Corneria, and to Foxen migrants in other countries that pick up Cornerian stations. Satilite pictures have shown of a Frisbee shaped object about a mile big, and trucks driving supplies to the object. This may cause trouble soon, some believe. When asked about this, Frisbee Freak supreme dictator said; "This is a monument to all the great Frisbee heros, to the Frisbee Soldiers that conquered lands, to the workers in Frisbee factories, and to the me, the one leader of this greater-than-yours nation. Because I love myself and Frisbee Freaks so much, I have built a Frisbee monument the size of a small city." Many people, however remain skeptical