Omar Guilds
24-04-2005, 05:22
The Omar Guilds
Accurate as of last thread update.
Population: 9,000,000
Technology: Future Tech
Languages: No written language. Omar communicate otherwise through a strange language that seems Lovecraftian in nature with almost nonsense syllables added in, generally referred to as Omar. Omar also store memory of other languages, and usually communicate to other species through their own language if at all possible.
Civil Rights: Some
Economy: Strong
Political Freedoms: Unheard Of
Government Classification: Father Knows Best State
Currently Occupied Systems: Three (The O-7 [Osente] system, the Zurich [Zumar] system, and the Ivurla system)
Allies: None
Mutual Relations: Veskaland, Hive Slranthisss, Serene Death
Enemies: Setian-Sebecean Imperium
The Omar
What is an Omar?
An Omar is a biomechanical entity that has been genetically engineered and raised into a single purpose, specially designed for this. They are mass trained and produced when necessary, though production is kept at the same rate as organic population growth. The Omar keep a genetic databank of what they collect, and can specially design an Omar's psyche in a caste to fit perfectly their purpose using "genetic memory" and encoding into their subconscious aptitudes, personalities, and dispositions fitting the purpose. The Omar, after being genetically engineered to be fully compatible with nanotechnological and cybernetic augmentations, is fitted with several curtailed "nano-augs", fitted for their caste and for general purpose (explained further in Technology section.) They are then constructed a carapace that is fully reactive to their enviromnent and is built to be able to handle almost any sort of environment imaginable short of the surface of a star. It is self-pressurizing, temperature controlling, respiratory system that allows the Omar full adaptation to almost any environment, allowing them to exist on planets where no one else would even consider. The Omar are organized into "Guilds", which are collectively represented by "The Diplomat," a specially created Omar that was designed by the GEHIRN, a AI that existed before the Nova in the Omar's homesystem. It was designed as a failsafe, and functions as the de-facto dictator of the Guilds in general, though each guild is self-governing with its own individual interests. The Omar's ambitions are layed out as Adaptation.Conquest.Survival, though their true intentions are enigmatic. They are heavily involved in the interstellar black market, which the Guilds attempt to control by making contraband production and smuggling rings that are protected by the Guilds. The Omar do not have much use for currency, but they use their earnings to buy raw materials, which is their ever driving goals as they continue to produce and produce.
Biomechanical Species
An examination of the species Ferreus hominis reveals that its nature is not organic or inorganic, or even synthetic. It is a biomechanical species.
A living and reproductively capable organism whose physiology consists of organic, inorganic, and synthetic materials. In order to be accurately classified as biomechanical the organism in question must
1.) have a genesis of being biologically engineered by a separate species, or group of species - as such its development occurs outside the evolutionary timeline of the environment in which it was created.
The Omar's origins remain unknown, but they did not naturally evolve.
2.) This process of bio-engineering must incorporate some application of mechanical engineering and/or the principles there of to the organism in question as well as incorporate these aspects into the biological structure of said organism
The Omar's carapace and various augmentations are non-organic and created from synthetic material, using cybernetics, nano-mechanics, and other such fields of technology.
3.) The organism must be able to reproduce via gametes - be the organism haploid, diploid, or polyploidy - and reproduce via either sexual reproduction and/or asexual reproduction. This reproduction is not limited to either the k-selection or r-selection strategies.
The Omar can reproduce sexually (Omar are hermaphrodic), however, they have forsaken this process as it interefered with their carapaces and purpso. So much of their reproductive hormones were removed and instead they are genetically engineered from base materials. Omar however synthesize the material to create other Omar naturally and can create their own carapaces, acting as a form of regeneration. See below.
4.) The organism must be able to synthesize any and all organic, inorganic, and synthetic materials naturally without a required interaction between the organism and the species responsible for said organism's genesis
The Omar can synthesize these materials, thus creating their carapace and internal systems. Thus is all done "naturally" and formed from their own internal resources.
5.) The organism must be self-reliant and self-sustaining as well as be able to evolve beyond its original design once introduced through the natural process of inter-organism/trans-environmental interaction.
The Omar constantly adapt to their environment and have found ways to collectively "evolve" and make themselves better in order to accomplish Adaptation.Conquest.Survival.
The Guild's Dominion
The Guild's control extends beyond the homesystem of O-7. The Omar are in constant needs of resources, and for this reason they colonize and assimilate other systems, through passive or active means. The Omar are not so interested in conquest as they are in simple collecting of resources and expansion of production. Their main motive in all situations however is survival. Ultimately, every action is weighted with the eventualy goal of the survival and adaptation of the Omar Guilds.
Each system is generally ruled by a Guild, with the exception of the O-7 system, which remains the graveyard of the old Omar civilization. A Guild is usually established after a system has been claimed by the Omar, and is generally autonomous, with its own representative, though there is little "hierachy." As such, to each system there is usually a single Guildship, though there is exceptions (such as the Zurich system, which is basically a mining outpost, where it is protected by Vaskaland).
The O-Seven System [Osente]
The O-7 system was previously the capital system of the Omar Guilds, which was once a rather successful civilization whose markets was widely know for quality and was highly remarked as an efficient underground. The Omar Guild's external operations from their systems brought in huge amounts of resources, which allowed for an explosion of growth. Eventually, however, fate took the Omar. GEHIRN, the central AI that had regulated the Guilds, predicted the end of the solar system when the star at the center of O-7 began to expand. It called all Omar back to the home system and begunt the Sixth Hibernation. Eventually, the sun exploded, destroying half of the system and most of the Omar civilization, including GEHIRN. It is unknown why GEHIRN called the Omar to the system rather than evacuate them. They had no choice in the matter.
The O-7 system now is desolate, a huge swirling mass of gas, debris, and ice. There are multiple, dozens of planetoids, and few planets that remain. While the planetoids found the O-7 system are of no consequence, the three remaining planets still house small populations of Omar who protect the shattered pieces of the Omar civilization, and search for more to rebuild upon, as well as recover what resources that weren't exhausted in the pre-hibernation growth explosion.
O-7-G [Osentagri]
Class L
Comparative Size: 4/5 the size of Neptune
Type: Geo-Inactive
Settlements: Few, usually situated around ruins, ore deposits
Population: 400,000
Revolution: 484 Terran Days
Gravity: 0.4g (1.0 g in adapted Omar settlements through artificial gravity)
Characteristics: Barren, inhospitable. No atmosphere. Covered in craters. Attraction of meteor showers constantly, debris. Giant fissure exposing cooling mantle on side facing sun. Like Uranus, axis leans on side.
O-7-H [Osentahai]
Class K
Comparative Size: Almost the size of Mars
Type: Organic Adaptable
Settlements: Single settlement in northern polar cap. Serves as a trading post and sanctuary for smugglers, as well as a port-of-call
Population: 30,000
Revolution: 679 Terran Days
Gravity: 0.9g (1.0 g in adapted Omar settlement through artificial gravity)
Characteristics: Cold and dry. Extremely windy. Thin atmosphere. Adapted Omar settlement accounts for visitors, with pressure domes and life support systems available. Frozen water in polar caps. One of the few compartively untouched planets of the O-7 system during the Nova.
O-7-L [Osentalou]
Class I
Comparative Size: Approx. size of Pluto
Type: Asteroid/Planetoid
Settlements: Widespread mining facilities
Population: 70,000
Revolution: 1368 Terran Days
Gravity: 1.4g (extreme density)
Characteristics: Super-dense. Only planetoid in the solar system with a significant amount of ore. Heavily strip mined and extracted by the Omar. No other real use.
The Ivurla System
The Zurich System [Zumar]
[Information Pending]
Society in the Omar society is defined by three things.
Adaptation.Conquest.Survival: This trinity is the pinnacle of the Omar idea. The Omar Guilds continues to assimilate resources and spread their influence, and perpetuating their civilization. This is all-consuming, they must survive. Every single action of the Omar must weight the impact on the survival of the Omar. To survive, they must conquer new forms of resources, they must spread themselves unto new frontiers. To survive, they must adapt to every condition, to every environment, and master it.
Purpose: Another facet of Omar society is the caste system and the focus on purpose, with complete disregard of the individual. There is a reason that Omar do not have names. They are called by their mission and their purpose, and identified as such. They will never be widely recognized as a hero, save for a few exceptions to the rule. The Omar only perform their own purpose, and are engineered to be perfect at it.
Transcendence: A seemingly new phenomena that supposedly gets at the roots of the beginning of the Omar. Many Omar seek to transcend living through their purpose, and mostly, technology. This is beginning to enforce individualism, and is especially apparent in Guildless Omar, such as Renegades, those remaining in the O-7 system, and other exceptions to the rule.
Guilds and Castes
Guilds are the autonomous organizations, syndicates if you will, that govern Omar systems. They are interdependent however, and are bound together by the will of the ever present "The Diplomat." They have no differences as far as agenda goes in disposition. They are more geo-political, with their agenda based on the situation, though their political philosophy remains similar, with minor changes. A guild is named after the system it governs, and is responsible for the Omars there and their welfare, as well as external operations. They are granted a single flagship, and long cylindrical behemoth that is simply referred to as the "Guildship." The current guilds and their populations are:
Guild Ivurla, 5,000,000 Omar. Located in Ivurla system. Agenda is the restablishment of Omar civilization by beginning production. Will serve as new capital system. Center of military. Guildship Lacheon is present. Under temporary protection and indebted to the Setian-Sebecean Imperium.
Guild Zumar, 1,250,000 Omar. Located in Zurich [Zumar] system. Agenda includes widespread mining efforts. Military nonexistant, as they are protectorates of the Vaskaland owners of the system. They do not have a flagship.
Guildless Omar, 500,000. Mostly located in the O-7 [Osenta] system. Agenda varies, though Osenta Omar are currently bent on extracting known resources or performing archaelogical searchings of ruins.
Renegades, 250,000. Spread through Omar systems and otherwise. Seperated from the control of "The Diplomat." Freelancers who act as pirates and privateers, plundering what they can find, and beginning their own criminal enterprises. Sometimes prey on Omar in the Osenta system, where the highest concentration remains.
Runners: The lowest class are the Runners. Vaguely humanoid, these lowly creatures are the most numorous of Omar and serve various purposes, mainly as couriers, miners, laborers, and other such menial tasks that do not require specialization.
Protectors: The Protectors are the military caste of the Omar, heavily armored and armed, they are specially designed to ensure the survival of the rest of the castes at all costs. Loyal to almost the point of suicidal tendencies, they can be reckless, yet under the direction of a Coordinator, they work with perfect harmony.
Symbions: One of the stranger castes, symbions are perfectly designed to integrate with Omar ship technology. They spend their entire lives hooked up to a machine, using the neural nano-augs in their cranium to control their devices. They are also one of the seemingly inuumane cases, as they never are allowed to exit their stations. Symbions in their earlier stages of development began to develop long term derangements, but after genetic engineering fixed these flaws, they seem eccentricly accepting of their role, becoming very "close" to their work.
Technicians: The scientific caste deals with almost any specialized duty, be it research, medical, agricultural, and other such jobs that can't be trusted to a Runner and a Trader can't be bothered with. They are usually designed for a specific purposes, but on military units and strike teams technicians are built for a multitude of purposes, from para-medic to slicer. Technicians are considered the most skilled and versatile of the castes, and are protected at all costs.
Traders: The most often seen caste of the Omar are the Traders. They spread through the universe, serviced by Runners and Protectors when they spread the production of the Omar for collection of resources. They are one of the public faces of the Omar, heavily involved in the smuggling rings and the black market.
Coordinators: Coordinators serve as a guiding force to the Omar, acting mostly in leadership roles and making sure everything is orderly. They organize almost anything, from mining to military units. They are one of the most open ended castes, as their only duty is to organize.
Emissaries: Omar who are emissaries are considered the most humane of Omar, and are programmed through genetic engineering to be empathic, to the point of acute understanding of organic emotions. To some, they seem psionic, but it is actually their extensive sensory systems that allow them to be sensitive to neural impulsive, body movements, and other signs of emotions. They are also programmed with multiple languages. If you are to formally meet with the Omar, generally it is the Emissaries who will be communciating with you.
Zealots: Omar who become force sensitive almost always are considered defects (because of the often violent side-effects of the force when combined with some of the nano-augmentation), and were recycled and their memories stored. However, when GEHIRN observed the genetic aspects of the Force, it created an experiment to create Omar that were born force-sensitive. The legacies of this experiment still exist, and those rare Omar who practice the Force do not fall into an easy category between the Light and Dark, and freely experiment with each, creating their own order of force adepts. Zealots, or the Kehaoti, are considered the highest status an Omar can exist with within society. The Zealots are not organized into Apprentice/Master relationships, rather, they have a horizontal, nuturant, if engineered learning practice and hierachy. They praise order over chaos, yet action over inaction. The Kehaoti have not truly been established, but yet remain a likely possibility in the Omar's experiments with The Force.
Transcended: These are the very, very few Omar that have either not been born into the caste or escaped it somehow. They also include individual Omars designed for very special purposes, such as "The Diplomat." This is considered the highest place in society, though usually they exist outside of it.
The Omar have a form of economic structure that can only be described as "fasco-syndicalist." The Guilds control absolutely everything, and everything is centrally planned by the Coordinators. However, resources are evenly distributed to Omar to continue survival. There is no economic freedom, but all are given an equal share and everything is put to labour. Every accounted for, that is. There are few worldly goods and commodities for the Omar, as generally only the three "upper castes" (Traders, Zealots, Transcended) are self-aware enought to actually accumulate wealth. Indeed, some Traders have built their own enterprises as satellites to the larger guilds, living in opulence to their liking. The Omar do not deal with outside trade in this way however, and instead sell their produced goods for outside currency, and then use this currency to buy raw materials and produced goods that go into the Guilds and is processed to create more produced goods that becomes a cycle. Laundering and other illegal operations taken by the Guilds are also an external feature of the Omar economy.
Known Forces:
x1 Guildship
x8 "Kamct" Omar Destroyers
x22 "Arane" Salvage Runners
x32 "Suul" Stellar Barges
[unfinished, will be updated later]
The Omar have a special system for universal ammunition to all their weapons. The Omar use nanotechnology in all of their specially prepared weapons (not the weapons they sell on the black market, which are usually imitation of other nation's technology). The nanites within the Omar weapons convert raw material into ammunition inside the weapon itself, thus, ammunition is universal to all weapons, from a handgun to a plasma launcher. The flaws to this design are the inability to create specialized rounds and ammunition, but the upside is that it is much more condensed, more efficient, saves resources and energy, and takes up less space.
[unfinished, will be updated later]
“Suul” Stellar Barge
Length: 2250m
Class: Logistics/Transport
Propulsion: Ion mass sublight drives, subspace FTL drive
Power: Antimatter Reaction Chambers and Reactor + Solar Sensitive Exterior
Armaments: Unarmed.
Shielding: Ablative armor coating [500 mm top, 400 mm bottom], particle shields
Crew: 4 Symbions; 5 Coordinators; 25 Protectors; 175,000 densely packed passengers in hibernation pods, or 800,000 tons of cargo
Onboard Ships: 2 Emissary Transport Envoys
The sleek, huge, vulnerable stellar barge is the workhouse of the Omar's major transportation. These are not used widely, only during colonization, wartime, and for mass movement of Omar or resources. Small cargo ships are often much more efficient for smaller loads. The Suul is used sparingly, but is a very useful transport for large loads as it is designed for.
“Arane” Salvage Runner
Length: 650m (including tail)
Class: Salvage Ship
Propulsion: Ion mass sublight drives, subspace FTL drive
Power: Fusion Reactor
Armaments: x1 Particle Laser emnating from central orb, x8 "Legs" for backwards ramming, x1 "Tail" for armor penetration and entry, x1 Tractor Beam from the central orb
Shielding: Ablative armor coating [500 mm center, 300 mm "Legs", 400 mm "Tail", 200 mm Central Orb], particle shields
Stealth: Ion Trail Disperser [Optional], Cloaking Core [optional]
Crew: 2 Symbions; 2 Coordinators; 5 Protectors; 8 Runners; 2 Technicians; 1 Trader. 5 Emergency passengers. 1,000 tons of cargo (held in "Legs").
Onboard Ships: None
The ominous, arachnid design of the main salvage ship for the Omar isbecoming a well known sight in Omar space. Scouring the wastelands of skirmishes, nebulae, and other sites of derelicts and debris, the Arane is designed to collecte resources for the Guilds by scavenging for cargo and salvage. A liquid-like substance on the docking area of the tail allows for seamless entry and re-entry into the Arane, as the substance keeps the area inside pressurized why going through metal, and allowing for seamless boarding of derelicts. It uses much of the same technology as particle shields, and cannot function on a shielded vessel. A recovery unit of 1 Coordinator, 4 Protectors, and 1 Technician is often deployed through the pods in the loading area to recover all cargo and resources they can find on the derelict, before it is dismantled and then recovered by multiple Arane. Arane are not efficient in combat, but are very fast and move with amazing alacrity, using reverse ramming tactics to bypass shields and pierce directly into the hull, hopefully being able to send in a team to disrupt internal crew activites. Arane are usually solo or in small packs, and are not usually escorted. Arane are also used as smaller transport ships in lieu of the Suul barges, popular among Omar smugglers for the optional stealth technology.
“Akrlokel” Omar Destroyer
Length: 3650m
Class: Warship
Propulsion: Ion mass sublight drives, subspace FTL drive
Power: x2 Fusion Reactor, Antimatter Reaction Chambers
Armaments: x1 Railcannon (front), x1 Plasma Cannon (front, for use agianst shieldless opponents), x2 Particle Torpedo Tubes (front), x2 Beam Cannons (starboard, facing front), x2 Beam Cannons (port, facing front), x4 Beam Cannons (facing starboard), x2 Flak Cannons (facing starboard), x4 Beam Cannons (facing port), x2 Flak Cannons (facing port), x2 Beam Cannons (flank)
Shielding: Ablative armor coating [700 mm top, starboard, and port, 650 mm bottom, 750 front, 550 flank], particle shields
Stealth: Ion Trail Disperser [Optional]
Crew: 10 Symbions; 20 Coordinators; 100 Protectors; 75 Runners; 20 Technicians. 500 Emergency passengers. 3,000 tons of cargo. (not including crews of onboard ships)
Onboard Ships: 2 Arane Salvage Runners, 4 Emissary Transport Envoys
[description coming soon]
[unfinished, will be updated later]
Emissary Transport Envoys
[unfinished, will be updated later]
"Lakel" All-Purpose Fighter
[unfinished, will be updated later]
"Ishaen" Anti-Starship Bomber
[unfinished, will be updated later]
"Ke-da" Manned Prope
[unfinished, will be updated later]
"Shothua" Survey Vessel
[unfinished, will be updated later]
[unfinished, will be updated later]
[i]Updated 4/26/2005
The Omar Guilds
Accurate as of last thread update.
Population: 9,000,000
Technology: Future Tech
Languages: No written language. Omar communicate otherwise through a strange language that seems Lovecraftian in nature with almost nonsense syllables added in, generally referred to as Omar. Omar also store memory of other languages, and usually communicate to other species through their own language if at all possible.
Civil Rights: Some
Economy: Strong
Political Freedoms: Unheard Of
Government Classification: Father Knows Best State
Currently Occupied Systems: Three (The O-7 [Osente] system, the Zurich [Zumar] system, and the Ivurla system)
Allies: None
Mutual Relations: Veskaland, Hive Slranthisss, Serene Death
Enemies: Setian-Sebecean Imperium
The Omar
What is an Omar?
An Omar is a biomechanical entity that has been genetically engineered and raised into a single purpose, specially designed for this. They are mass trained and produced when necessary, though production is kept at the same rate as organic population growth. The Omar keep a genetic databank of what they collect, and can specially design an Omar's psyche in a caste to fit perfectly their purpose using "genetic memory" and encoding into their subconscious aptitudes, personalities, and dispositions fitting the purpose. The Omar, after being genetically engineered to be fully compatible with nanotechnological and cybernetic augmentations, is fitted with several curtailed "nano-augs", fitted for their caste and for general purpose (explained further in Technology section.) They are then constructed a carapace that is fully reactive to their enviromnent and is built to be able to handle almost any sort of environment imaginable short of the surface of a star. It is self-pressurizing, temperature controlling, respiratory system that allows the Omar full adaptation to almost any environment, allowing them to exist on planets where no one else would even consider. The Omar are organized into "Guilds", which are collectively represented by "The Diplomat," a specially created Omar that was designed by the GEHIRN, a AI that existed before the Nova in the Omar's homesystem. It was designed as a failsafe, and functions as the de-facto dictator of the Guilds in general, though each guild is self-governing with its own individual interests. The Omar's ambitions are layed out as Adaptation.Conquest.Survival, though their true intentions are enigmatic. They are heavily involved in the interstellar black market, which the Guilds attempt to control by making contraband production and smuggling rings that are protected by the Guilds. The Omar do not have much use for currency, but they use their earnings to buy raw materials, which is their ever driving goals as they continue to produce and produce.
Biomechanical Species
An examination of the species Ferreus hominis reveals that its nature is not organic or inorganic, or even synthetic. It is a biomechanical species.
A living and reproductively capable organism whose physiology consists of organic, inorganic, and synthetic materials. In order to be accurately classified as biomechanical the organism in question must
1.) have a genesis of being biologically engineered by a separate species, or group of species - as such its development occurs outside the evolutionary timeline of the environment in which it was created.
The Omar's origins remain unknown, but they did not naturally evolve.
2.) This process of bio-engineering must incorporate some application of mechanical engineering and/or the principles there of to the organism in question as well as incorporate these aspects into the biological structure of said organism
The Omar's carapace and various augmentations are non-organic and created from synthetic material, using cybernetics, nano-mechanics, and other such fields of technology.
3.) The organism must be able to reproduce via gametes - be the organism haploid, diploid, or polyploidy - and reproduce via either sexual reproduction and/or asexual reproduction. This reproduction is not limited to either the k-selection or r-selection strategies.
The Omar can reproduce sexually (Omar are hermaphrodic), however, they have forsaken this process as it interefered with their carapaces and purpso. So much of their reproductive hormones were removed and instead they are genetically engineered from base materials. Omar however synthesize the material to create other Omar naturally and can create their own carapaces, acting as a form of regeneration. See below.
4.) The organism must be able to synthesize any and all organic, inorganic, and synthetic materials naturally without a required interaction between the organism and the species responsible for said organism's genesis
The Omar can synthesize these materials, thus creating their carapace and internal systems. Thus is all done "naturally" and formed from their own internal resources.
5.) The organism must be self-reliant and self-sustaining as well as be able to evolve beyond its original design once introduced through the natural process of inter-organism/trans-environmental interaction.
The Omar constantly adapt to their environment and have found ways to collectively "evolve" and make themselves better in order to accomplish Adaptation.Conquest.Survival.
The Guild's Dominion
The Guild's control extends beyond the homesystem of O-7. The Omar are in constant needs of resources, and for this reason they colonize and assimilate other systems, through passive or active means. The Omar are not so interested in conquest as they are in simple collecting of resources and expansion of production. Their main motive in all situations however is survival. Ultimately, every action is weighted with the eventualy goal of the survival and adaptation of the Omar Guilds.
Each system is generally ruled by a Guild, with the exception of the O-7 system, which remains the graveyard of the old Omar civilization. A Guild is usually established after a system has been claimed by the Omar, and is generally autonomous, with its own representative, though there is little "hierachy." As such, to each system there is usually a single Guildship, though there is exceptions (such as the Zurich system, which is basically a mining outpost, where it is protected by Vaskaland).
The O-Seven System [Osente]
The O-7 system was previously the capital system of the Omar Guilds, which was once a rather successful civilization whose markets was widely know for quality and was highly remarked as an efficient underground. The Omar Guild's external operations from their systems brought in huge amounts of resources, which allowed for an explosion of growth. Eventually, however, fate took the Omar. GEHIRN, the central AI that had regulated the Guilds, predicted the end of the solar system when the star at the center of O-7 began to expand. It called all Omar back to the home system and begunt the Sixth Hibernation. Eventually, the sun exploded, destroying half of the system and most of the Omar civilization, including GEHIRN. It is unknown why GEHIRN called the Omar to the system rather than evacuate them. They had no choice in the matter.
The O-7 system now is desolate, a huge swirling mass of gas, debris, and ice. There are multiple, dozens of planetoids, and few planets that remain. While the planetoids found the O-7 system are of no consequence, the three remaining planets still house small populations of Omar who protect the shattered pieces of the Omar civilization, and search for more to rebuild upon, as well as recover what resources that weren't exhausted in the pre-hibernation growth explosion.
O-7-G [Osentagri]
Class L
Comparative Size: 4/5 the size of Neptune
Type: Geo-Inactive
Settlements: Few, usually situated around ruins, ore deposits
Population: 400,000
Revolution: 484 Terran Days
Gravity: 0.4g (1.0 g in adapted Omar settlements through artificial gravity)
Characteristics: Barren, inhospitable. No atmosphere. Covered in craters. Attraction of meteor showers constantly, debris. Giant fissure exposing cooling mantle on side facing sun. Like Uranus, axis leans on side.
O-7-H [Osentahai]
Class K
Comparative Size: Almost the size of Mars
Type: Organic Adaptable
Settlements: Single settlement in northern polar cap. Serves as a trading post and sanctuary for smugglers, as well as a port-of-call
Population: 30,000
Revolution: 679 Terran Days
Gravity: 0.9g (1.0 g in adapted Omar settlement through artificial gravity)
Characteristics: Cold and dry. Extremely windy. Thin atmosphere. Adapted Omar settlement accounts for visitors, with pressure domes and life support systems available. Frozen water in polar caps. One of the few compartively untouched planets of the O-7 system during the Nova.
O-7-L [Osentalou]
Class I
Comparative Size: Approx. size of Pluto
Type: Asteroid/Planetoid
Settlements: Widespread mining facilities
Population: 70,000
Revolution: 1368 Terran Days
Gravity: 1.4g (extreme density)
Characteristics: Super-dense. Only planetoid in the solar system with a significant amount of ore. Heavily strip mined and extracted by the Omar. No other real use.
The Ivurla System
The Zurich System [Zumar]
[Information Pending]
Society in the Omar society is defined by three things.
Adaptation.Conquest.Survival: This trinity is the pinnacle of the Omar idea. The Omar Guilds continues to assimilate resources and spread their influence, and perpetuating their civilization. This is all-consuming, they must survive. Every single action of the Omar must weight the impact on the survival of the Omar. To survive, they must conquer new forms of resources, they must spread themselves unto new frontiers. To survive, they must adapt to every condition, to every environment, and master it.
Purpose: Another facet of Omar society is the caste system and the focus on purpose, with complete disregard of the individual. There is a reason that Omar do not have names. They are called by their mission and their purpose, and identified as such. They will never be widely recognized as a hero, save for a few exceptions to the rule. The Omar only perform their own purpose, and are engineered to be perfect at it.
Transcendence: A seemingly new phenomena that supposedly gets at the roots of the beginning of the Omar. Many Omar seek to transcend living through their purpose, and mostly, technology. This is beginning to enforce individualism, and is especially apparent in Guildless Omar, such as Renegades, those remaining in the O-7 system, and other exceptions to the rule.
Guilds and Castes
Guilds are the autonomous organizations, syndicates if you will, that govern Omar systems. They are interdependent however, and are bound together by the will of the ever present "The Diplomat." They have no differences as far as agenda goes in disposition. They are more geo-political, with their agenda based on the situation, though their political philosophy remains similar, with minor changes. A guild is named after the system it governs, and is responsible for the Omars there and their welfare, as well as external operations. They are granted a single flagship, and long cylindrical behemoth that is simply referred to as the "Guildship." The current guilds and their populations are:
Guild Ivurla, 5,000,000 Omar. Located in Ivurla system. Agenda is the restablishment of Omar civilization by beginning production. Will serve as new capital system. Center of military. Guildship Lacheon is present. Under temporary protection and indebted to the Setian-Sebecean Imperium.
Guild Zumar, 1,250,000 Omar. Located in Zurich [Zumar] system. Agenda includes widespread mining efforts. Military nonexistant, as they are protectorates of the Vaskaland owners of the system. They do not have a flagship.
Guildless Omar, 500,000. Mostly located in the O-7 [Osenta] system. Agenda varies, though Osenta Omar are currently bent on extracting known resources or performing archaelogical searchings of ruins.
Renegades, 250,000. Spread through Omar systems and otherwise. Seperated from the control of "The Diplomat." Freelancers who act as pirates and privateers, plundering what they can find, and beginning their own criminal enterprises. Sometimes prey on Omar in the Osenta system, where the highest concentration remains.
Runners: The lowest class are the Runners. Vaguely humanoid, these lowly creatures are the most numorous of Omar and serve various purposes, mainly as couriers, miners, laborers, and other such menial tasks that do not require specialization.
Protectors: The Protectors are the military caste of the Omar, heavily armored and armed, they are specially designed to ensure the survival of the rest of the castes at all costs. Loyal to almost the point of suicidal tendencies, they can be reckless, yet under the direction of a Coordinator, they work with perfect harmony.
Symbions: One of the stranger castes, symbions are perfectly designed to integrate with Omar ship technology. They spend their entire lives hooked up to a machine, using the neural nano-augs in their cranium to control their devices. They are also one of the seemingly inuumane cases, as they never are allowed to exit their stations. Symbions in their earlier stages of development began to develop long term derangements, but after genetic engineering fixed these flaws, they seem eccentricly accepting of their role, becoming very "close" to their work.
Technicians: The scientific caste deals with almost any specialized duty, be it research, medical, agricultural, and other such jobs that can't be trusted to a Runner and a Trader can't be bothered with. They are usually designed for a specific purposes, but on military units and strike teams technicians are built for a multitude of purposes, from para-medic to slicer. Technicians are considered the most skilled and versatile of the castes, and are protected at all costs.
Traders: The most often seen caste of the Omar are the Traders. They spread through the universe, serviced by Runners and Protectors when they spread the production of the Omar for collection of resources. They are one of the public faces of the Omar, heavily involved in the smuggling rings and the black market.
Coordinators: Coordinators serve as a guiding force to the Omar, acting mostly in leadership roles and making sure everything is orderly. They organize almost anything, from mining to military units. They are one of the most open ended castes, as their only duty is to organize.
Emissaries: Omar who are emissaries are considered the most humane of Omar, and are programmed through genetic engineering to be empathic, to the point of acute understanding of organic emotions. To some, they seem psionic, but it is actually their extensive sensory systems that allow them to be sensitive to neural impulsive, body movements, and other signs of emotions. They are also programmed with multiple languages. If you are to formally meet with the Omar, generally it is the Emissaries who will be communciating with you.
Zealots: Omar who become force sensitive almost always are considered defects (because of the often violent side-effects of the force when combined with some of the nano-augmentation), and were recycled and their memories stored. However, when GEHIRN observed the genetic aspects of the Force, it created an experiment to create Omar that were born force-sensitive. The legacies of this experiment still exist, and those rare Omar who practice the Force do not fall into an easy category between the Light and Dark, and freely experiment with each, creating their own order of force adepts. Zealots, or the Kehaoti, are considered the highest status an Omar can exist with within society. The Zealots are not organized into Apprentice/Master relationships, rather, they have a horizontal, nuturant, if engineered learning practice and hierachy. They praise order over chaos, yet action over inaction. The Kehaoti have not truly been established, but yet remain a likely possibility in the Omar's experiments with The Force.
Transcended: These are the very, very few Omar that have either not been born into the caste or escaped it somehow. They also include individual Omars designed for very special purposes, such as "The Diplomat." This is considered the highest place in society, though usually they exist outside of it.
The Omar have a form of economic structure that can only be described as "fasco-syndicalist." The Guilds control absolutely everything, and everything is centrally planned by the Coordinators. However, resources are evenly distributed to Omar to continue survival. There is no economic freedom, but all are given an equal share and everything is put to labour. Every accounted for, that is. There are few worldly goods and commodities for the Omar, as generally only the three "upper castes" (Traders, Zealots, Transcended) are self-aware enought to actually accumulate wealth. Indeed, some Traders have built their own enterprises as satellites to the larger guilds, living in opulence to their liking. The Omar do not deal with outside trade in this way however, and instead sell their produced goods for outside currency, and then use this currency to buy raw materials and produced goods that go into the Guilds and is processed to create more produced goods that becomes a cycle. Laundering and other illegal operations taken by the Guilds are also an external feature of the Omar economy.
Known Forces:
x1 Guildship
x8 "Kamct" Omar Destroyers
x22 "Arane" Salvage Runners
x32 "Suul" Stellar Barges
[unfinished, will be updated later]
The Omar have a special system for universal ammunition to all their weapons. The Omar use nanotechnology in all of their specially prepared weapons (not the weapons they sell on the black market, which are usually imitation of other nation's technology). The nanites within the Omar weapons convert raw material into ammunition inside the weapon itself, thus, ammunition is universal to all weapons, from a handgun to a plasma launcher. The flaws to this design are the inability to create specialized rounds and ammunition, but the upside is that it is much more condensed, more efficient, saves resources and energy, and takes up less space.
[unfinished, will be updated later]
“Suul” Stellar Barge
Length: 2250m
Class: Logistics/Transport
Propulsion: Ion mass sublight drives, subspace FTL drive
Power: Antimatter Reaction Chambers and Reactor + Solar Sensitive Exterior
Armaments: Unarmed.
Shielding: Ablative armor coating [500 mm top, 400 mm bottom], particle shields
Crew: 4 Symbions; 5 Coordinators; 25 Protectors; 175,000 densely packed passengers in hibernation pods, or 800,000 tons of cargo
Onboard Ships: 2 Emissary Transport Envoys
The sleek, huge, vulnerable stellar barge is the workhouse of the Omar's major transportation. These are not used widely, only during colonization, wartime, and for mass movement of Omar or resources. Small cargo ships are often much more efficient for smaller loads. The Suul is used sparingly, but is a very useful transport for large loads as it is designed for.
“Arane” Salvage Runner
Length: 650m (including tail)
Class: Salvage Ship
Propulsion: Ion mass sublight drives, subspace FTL drive
Power: Fusion Reactor
Armaments: x1 Particle Laser emnating from central orb, x8 "Legs" for backwards ramming, x1 "Tail" for armor penetration and entry, x1 Tractor Beam from the central orb
Shielding: Ablative armor coating [500 mm center, 300 mm "Legs", 400 mm "Tail", 200 mm Central Orb], particle shields
Stealth: Ion Trail Disperser [Optional], Cloaking Core [optional]
Crew: 2 Symbions; 2 Coordinators; 5 Protectors; 8 Runners; 2 Technicians; 1 Trader. 5 Emergency passengers. 1,000 tons of cargo (held in "Legs").
Onboard Ships: None
The ominous, arachnid design of the main salvage ship for the Omar isbecoming a well known sight in Omar space. Scouring the wastelands of skirmishes, nebulae, and other sites of derelicts and debris, the Arane is designed to collecte resources for the Guilds by scavenging for cargo and salvage. A liquid-like substance on the docking area of the tail allows for seamless entry and re-entry into the Arane, as the substance keeps the area inside pressurized why going through metal, and allowing for seamless boarding of derelicts. It uses much of the same technology as particle shields, and cannot function on a shielded vessel. A recovery unit of 1 Coordinator, 4 Protectors, and 1 Technician is often deployed through the pods in the loading area to recover all cargo and resources they can find on the derelict, before it is dismantled and then recovered by multiple Arane. Arane are not efficient in combat, but are very fast and move with amazing alacrity, using reverse ramming tactics to bypass shields and pierce directly into the hull, hopefully being able to send in a team to disrupt internal crew activites. Arane are usually solo or in small packs, and are not usually escorted. Arane are also used as smaller transport ships in lieu of the Suul barges, popular among Omar smugglers for the optional stealth technology.
“Akrlokel” Omar Destroyer
Length: 3650m
Class: Warship
Propulsion: Ion mass sublight drives, subspace FTL drive
Power: x2 Fusion Reactor, Antimatter Reaction Chambers
Armaments: x1 Railcannon (front), x1 Plasma Cannon (front, for use agianst shieldless opponents), x2 Particle Torpedo Tubes (front), x2 Beam Cannons (starboard, facing front), x2 Beam Cannons (port, facing front), x4 Beam Cannons (facing starboard), x2 Flak Cannons (facing starboard), x4 Beam Cannons (facing port), x2 Flak Cannons (facing port), x2 Beam Cannons (flank)
Shielding: Ablative armor coating [700 mm top, starboard, and port, 650 mm bottom, 750 front, 550 flank], particle shields
Stealth: Ion Trail Disperser [Optional]
Crew: 10 Symbions; 20 Coordinators; 100 Protectors; 75 Runners; 20 Technicians. 500 Emergency passengers. 3,000 tons of cargo. (not including crews of onboard ships)
Onboard Ships: 2 Arane Salvage Runners, 4 Emissary Transport Envoys
[description coming soon]
[unfinished, will be updated later]
Emissary Transport Envoys
[unfinished, will be updated later]
"Lakel" All-Purpose Fighter
[unfinished, will be updated later]
"Ishaen" Anti-Starship Bomber
[unfinished, will be updated later]
"Ke-da" Manned Prope
[unfinished, will be updated later]
"Shothua" Survey Vessel
[unfinished, will be updated later]
[unfinished, will be updated later]
[i]Updated 4/26/2005