NationStates Jolt Archive

RP Critics (OOC)

Flaming Souls
23-04-2005, 08:27
((OOC: Felt this would get a decent amount of attention here)

As of late, due to the decline of quality RPs on here, I have decided to do what I can to aid those who are not sure of their rp skills. No matter what level of RPing you are at, I beseech you to come check us out. RP Critics ( is designed to offer mentorship and aid to those less skilled, and a chance for those scary vets to show that they really are nice guys and not elitists.

I remember the days before Jolt and most of the threads were of high quality. I would like for Nation States to return to this level of purity. Please come check us out.

Also, experiened RPers please let me know if you would be interested in helping to Moderate the site.
Flaming Souls
23-04-2005, 09:22
The Merchant Guilds
23-04-2005, 10:54
I would be willing to help out if you want, since the idea is good.
Flaming Souls
23-04-2005, 17:10
Thank you, if you wouldnt mind heading on over to the forum and signing up we can discuss the details there.
Flaming Souls
23-04-2005, 22:35
Flaming Souls
24-04-2005, 06:19
Flaming Souls
24-04-2005, 21:29
Green Sun
24-04-2005, 21:31
Here's another idea: This forum comes with a rating system for the threads. I suggest that you use those to rate the RP.
24-04-2005, 21:41
Green Sun, do you really think anyone pays attention to the ratings?

Anywho... Im not sure if I would constitute as an experience rper, but I like to think I have some skill with writing, so if allowed I could help with the site. Also, I remember Wolfish had something a long the lines of this, so you ight want to see if he would like to help again, or something.
Flaming Souls
24-04-2005, 21:50 if allowed I could help with the site...

Any help at all would be more than welcome, however if you were looking for a moderator postion, for the time those are all filled up.

Also, I remember Wolfish had something a long the lines of this, so you ight want to see if he would like to help again, or something.

I will do that, thank you.

Here's another idea: This forum comes with a rating system for the threads. I suggest that you use those to rate the RP.

Not to be mean, but if you had taken the time to read the "Please Read Before You Post" sticky in my Scenario section, you would see that the RP's will be graded. In my opinion, when you leave the rating up to everyone, you get those people who just always rate low, and some who always rate high. And then you get those people who, out of spite, rate the thread low then spam it. You get the idea?
Greater Valia
24-04-2005, 21:53
Green Sun, do you really think anyone pays attention to the ratings?

Anywho... Im not sure if I would constitute as an experience rper, but I like to think I have some skill with writing, so if allowed I could help with the site. Also, I remember Wolfish had something a long the lines of this, so you ight want to see if he would like to help again, or something.

I pay attention to the ratings...
Armandian Cheese
24-04-2005, 21:59
Hey, do you guys critique existing RPs? I would like to know my general performance.
Green Sun
24-04-2005, 22:09
Then there's always an alternative: If someone rates your thread, make it a compliment to tell the person your rating to help out credibility. It can still work, you just need the threads to work it out. So even if someone rates it low in spite and then tells you, you know that it's not very credible.

For example, I gave this thread a 4 since it's an awesome idea with a very feasable system, but there are so many ways to improve it. You also pretty much just copied a topic because you have a similar topic in General.
Flaming Souls
25-04-2005, 00:22
Then there's always an alternative: If someone rates your thread, make it a compliment to tell the person your rating to help out credibility. It can still work, you just need the threads to work it out. So even if someone rates it low in spite and then tells you, you know that it's not very credible.

For example, I gave this thread a 4 since it's an awesome idea with a very feasable system, but there are so many ways to improve it. You also pretty much just copied a topic because you have a similar topic in General.

Ys, I know I have a topic in General, I figured the best way to get people to notice it would be to post it in more than one place.

Hey, do you guys critique existing RPs? I would like to know my general performance.

We can, yes, simply put it in the showcase area.