NationStates Jolt Archive

Introduction to NationStates

21-04-2005, 20:09
Introduction to NationStates 101
Welcome to NationStates! This forum is the biggest roleplaying forum on the Jolt server, and one of the fastest growing free-form roleplaying sites at this time. Right now, I’m sure you’re thinking… “Where do I start?” Well, this thread is to help you get familiar with NationStates and each of its own sub-forums, as well as the in-game possibilities.

*First things first, check this thread out for Orientation to NationStates, by Kaukolastan.
The NationStates Orientation (

That thread will familiarize you with each of the forums in NS, learning the guidelines of RP’ing, as well as what to do to stay out of trouble, and getting involved in your first RP.

One thing I must elaborate on is that the first impression of the introduction to your nation is vital for your reputation. There are specific ways you can go about introducing yourself to others, and depending on the responses you get, it will probably put you into an intro group of RP’ers. For example, if you take the time out to prepare your introduction to the best of your abilities, and impress one of the better RP’ers out there, you may have just found a good RP’ing group from the beginning. There are many groups out there, depending on the way you RP.

Suggestions for Introducing your Nation

A. Create a factbook
If you don’t know what a factbook is, check this thread out to get familiar with it.
How to make a Factbook (

Creating a History of your nation is probably one of the most creative things that you can do. You can involve your nation if RL history, or you can just completely make up your own history on a separate planet with different civilizations and such. Just as long as you make things realistic, and detailed (but not to the point of boredom), you are bound to impress others.

Going into detail about your government and the way it works is always a good thing too. After all, when it comes to new nations, it’s always good to stick with someone who has the same beliefs as you, as well as the same political stances. If your nation is a democracy, describe a normal day for your government, such as how they pass laws, how many people are in it, and what nation’s government it can closely relate to.

Another thing you may want to do is to create your own characters profiles to further develop important people in your nation. Your national leader should be one, as well as any other high ranking officers within your nation. If you get into character RP’s, adding a few citizens of your nation would be a good idea as well.

B. Creating a Map of your Nation
In order for others to get a feel on what your nation really looks like, it can be a good idea for you to create a map of your own nation. There are a few different ways of doing so. You could either go into Paint, and just go into detail on that, or you could adapt your nation from a RL territory. If you decide to follow a RL territory, I’d suggest checking out the Earths that have been started. Getting involved in a specific Earth (despite its controversy) is a good way in finding RP cliques.
Collection of All Earths (

If you find a specific Earth that you like, and there is a territory that you wish to claim, go for it.

Of course, creating your own nation from nothing can be more satisfying, seeing as you’re creating something out of nothing. Making a custom nations’ geography can be very fun, as there could be a story for each of the nations’ specific regions. It’s all up to you. If you would like to take the time in doing so, then more power to you, but if you’d rather just take the geography of a RL nation, that is an option too.

C. Forming Your Military
If you’re completely unsure as to how you go about forming your own military, feel free to ask others for help. There are more than enough people out there who would gladly go through everything, step by step, as to create the best military that suits you. Understanding the logistics of your military will become vital as you grow more and more familiar with NationStates.

OOC: Help With My Military (
From this example, others are giving him helpful suggestions as to how he could improve his military.

D. Reading other RP’s
Yea, I know, you’re probably dying to jump into your first RP, but there are some things that you should probably understand at first. If you read a few RP’s out there, just to get familiar with the critiques of RP’ing, as well as what is liked and disliked, you’ll fare a much better chance at attracting others to your RP’s. Making sure that you recognize the difference between OOC and IC is one of the most important things. OOC means “Out of Character” which is a way for the people behind the nation to discuss future plans for a specific RP without interrupting the story. IC means “In Character” which is strictly for advancing the thread in question, and the characters involved in it.

Finding a specific RP that you are interested in is all up to you and your interests. If you prefer diplomacy, then I suggest you check out this thread:
Coronation, Carnivale, and Chicanery (

If you prefer war threads: Dissension of a Weary Core; Steel Butterfly Civil War Part 3 (

E. Conclusion
You’ve now established yourself as a nation, you’ve created your factbook, your military, and you’ve gotten familiar with a lot of the guidelines that come with RP’ing; but there’s so much more to do! For now though, you have completed Introduction to Nationstates 101. Advance to Intermediate Nationstates 201.
21-04-2005, 20:11
Intermediate NationStates 201

A. Practice War
Now that you have your military set up, with the aid of a few other helpful people, it would be a good idea to put it to use. Of course, this would only be a practice war, and it doesn’t actually have an effect on your nation. That way, you can get familiar with the specifics of RP’ing war.

First things first, create a thread stating your intentions, such as “New Nation Looking For Practice War”, or something along those lines. After finding a nation out there who is willing to RP with you to go over the basics, I’d suggest starting a new thread for it, and creating a good title for it. The title is a major factor in getting people interested in your thread.

You’ll find that a lot of people in NS are very helpful, and that they will go out of their way to make sure you understand everything correctly. Make sure you pick the right person to RP with. If they aren’t flexible, and aren’t willing to explain their actions to you, then they probably aren’t the best person to teach you.

B. Joining Alliances
Finding an alliance that suits your nations’ political stance can be hard, but if you take a look at this thread, you can get familiar with the many alliances that have been created.
List of Alliances (

1. Applying for an Alliance
The application for your alliance is extremely important to the first impression of the members of the alliance, and how they perceive you as an RP’er. A good idea is to write up a formal application to the alliance you wish to join. Check this one out:

Our Greetings to the Members of UWP,

As a nation who has been observing the Union of World Powers for a period of time, the government of the Omzian Democratic Republic, being a democratic governmental institution responsible for the 3.8 billion Omzian people in the region of Haven, expresses our strong interest in the Union of World Powers as a collective entity that aims to improve relations and ties among the member nations. Further, having ties of various degrees with some of the member nations of UWP, this has further strengthened and solidified our interest in this organization. Though we had moved towards isolationism at first by resigning from the major military alliance of NATO, the UWP has caught our attention nevertheless as a responsible yet stable union of the powers around the world.

Thus, in hopes of gaining a stronger influence yet maintaining our neutrality in world conflicts, the Omzian Democratic Republic officially submits our proposal to join the UWP and become a member of this organization, with the intents to build new relations with some of the members of UWP; solidify our current relations with other UWP members; secure a stronger influence as a possible member of a prestigious organization; seek the maintenance of economic stability, political strength, and security as a possible member of this organization; and finally, to be able to contribute in economic, political, and military terms alobng with other world powers as a possible member of this alliance.

Because of these factors, among other smaller and less significant factors, we officially submit our application to seek for a possible membership of the UWP.


His Honourable Presidental Excellency, President Vansare,
Omzian Democratic Republic

(MP) Janue Kolen,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Omzian Democratic Republic

(MP) Yaren Noran,
Ministry of Commerce,
Omzian Democratic Republic

(MP) Lt. Gen. (Retired) Novan Hagras,
Ministry of National Defence,
Omzian Democratic Republic
This is Omz222’s application to the Union of World Powers. As you can see, he states the reasons why he wants to join the Alliance, and the benefits for both Omz222 and the UWP for admitting the nation into the alliance. He ends it with the signatures of multiple high ranking officials within his own nation.

2. Ramifications of Joining an Alliance
Remember, if you decide to join an alliance with one specific goal in mind, such as advancing Capitalism, you’re going to find Communist nations, and those who dislike Capitalist nations will have a general dislike for the Alliance as well. This is the beginning of tensions between your nation and others. Tension isn’t necessarily a bad thing though. Sometimes, through tensions, two nations emerge as friends, in the event that a compromise is reached.

3. The Many Alliances of NationStates

ESUS ~ Extra-Solar Union of Systems; Indra Prime; active; Primary Purpose: To unite the powers of the universe in a great alliance of the stars. Provides an ironclad set of agreements between the member nations ranging from Free Trade Agreements, to Military Wartime pacts.

ESUS is probably the most influential future tech alliance out there. If you are looking to go FT, I'd at least gain information of ESUS, and see if it is interesting enough to join.

GDODAD: This alliance is fairly inactive, but caused much trouble back in the day.

For a beginning nation, GDODAD probably wouldn't be the best alliance to join. I'd get to learn a little about their past before doing anything of the sort.

NATO ~ North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Celack, Automagfreek, and Sigma Octavus; active

Despite it's inactivity in the forums, NATO is well and alive. The alliance is very selective of its members, but is worth checking out.

NDA ~ Non-Democratic Alliance; Dominion of the Dread Lady Nathicana, Iraqstan, Treznor; active; We denounce the hostile aggression of warmongering dictatorships and the hypocrisy inherent in tyrannical democracies. We band together for mutual protection against other warmongers and those democratic states who would badmouth our choice of government.

The NDA is another alliance that is difficult to get into. This alliance of for those that have been around NationStates for over a year, and have established themselves.

RWC ~ Right Wing Collective; Holy Panooly; defunct. The RWC was the counter to NATO. These two have headed down the path of war multiple times, but the dectruction of the RWC from within ended the 'cold war' early.

TAPRES ~ The Alliance of Pure Research and Engineering States; Schultaria Prime, Lindim, and Nova Hope; active; A collection of nations who value the concept of pure scientific research and development for the purpose of improving the livelihood of all nations. Also serves as a place where nations can exchange demographic information, ask for suggestions on improving specific technologies, copyright various state secrets, and provide charitable assistance to nations who request civilian support.

TAPRES was just recently revived by Schultaria Prime in the effort to improve the planet through creating superior technology.

ToY ~ Triumvirate of Yut; Scolopendra, Berserker, and Karmabaijan; active

ToY is probably one of the most influential alliances in all of NationStates. It is definitely the most selective alliance out there (You have to be sponsored by someone from within the alliance to even have a chance at getting in).

UWP ~ Union of World Powers; Euroslavia; active; It is the purpose of the Union of World Powers to improve and maintain trade and security, both political and economic, among member nations.

UWP is an alliance dedicated to the protection of free trade and the security of its own members. This alliance is fairly selective; there is an RP test you must pass to get in.
21-04-2005, 20:11
Advanced NationStates 301

A. Putting your nation on the International Scene
Now that you’ve established yourself as a honorary member of the NS community, it’s time to get your beliefs recognized. If you see something happening in another nation, such as a genocide, or an atrocity of some sort, make it known that you are opposed to it. Stand firm in the belief that you can make a change in the international community, and you will gain respect for it.

B. Forming a Superior Strategy
There are many guides out there to help you get familiar with strategies of war. Check these links out to learn new ways at out-thinking an opponent in your next war!
Collection of Military Guides/Strategies (

C. Future Tech?
Becoming a future tech nation is always a tough decision to make, but it is strongly recommended that you play out the modern tech nation for a good amount of time, to build up your knowledge of NS. After all, what nation in modern times has started out on a different planet without having modern space capabilities? None. Choosing to RP both as a Modern Tech nation and a Future Tech nation can become confusing, and is recommended only for those who understand the basics of both FT and MT.

D. Diplomacy
After establishing yourself as a regular, and decent RP'er in II, diplomacy becomes key to your nations survival. The way that your leader conveys themself is one of the most important things for your nation. For example, hosting conferences with other nations is a good way to get to know nations that you haven't interacted with; however, the relationship between both nations depends on how the two interact with each other. Using skillful diplomacy is more powerful than all of your military combined. After all, a mistake in diplomacy can lead to the end of relations between two best friends. Make sure that, when having a conference with other foreign diplomats, that you have some sort of knowledge about the country you are meeting with. Showing this upon conversation with their leader will no doubt impress them, and improve their outlook upon you and your nation.

There are many ways to manipulate other nations through diplomacy without making it look as if you are pulling the strings. That is one of the secrets of diplomacy that you must find on your own. Influencing other nations to do what you think is right, without them questioning your requests is a sign that you obviously have a great influence over said nation. One of the main nations in II that can do so is Automagfreek. Damien can simply request an ally of his own to perform a specific task, and there would be no question about it. Many nations have other 'allies' that would be willing to do the same thing.
21-04-2005, 20:11
Gunning for another sticky?

1st rate, top notch work, as always, my friend :)
21-04-2005, 20:12
Euro's done it again.

I want to have your children. ;)
The Merchant Guilds
21-04-2005, 20:28
Excellent work... should be stickied.

You might also want to do a historical 101 of the (old and dissolved) big alliances so people know who they are, save on running into them.
21-04-2005, 20:45
Excellent work... should be stickied.

You might also want to do a historical 101 of the (old and dissolved) big alliances so people know who they are, save on running into them.

Good idea, that'll be added asap.
21-04-2005, 21:37
Alliances Added.
Greater Valia
21-04-2005, 21:39
Sweet, my asking for help thread was included.
21-04-2005, 21:41
James likes this.
21-04-2005, 21:54
Sweet, my asking for help thread was included.

Your asking for help from other players is what people should do more often when they don't understand something. It is in hopes that International Incidents can become more experienced when it comes to military figures, logistics, along with other things.

People need to know that there are always other people who are willing to help out, and that they shouldn't be afraid to ask.
The Merchant Guilds
21-04-2005, 22:28
Alliances Added.

You forgot the RWC, which is to be dissolved for the good of the younger players (i.e. young players have no chance against an RWC or a NATO etc)... we are also asking NATO and the other remaining large alliances to do similarily for the good of II.
21-04-2005, 22:50
You forgot the RWC, which is to be dissolved for the good of the younger players (i.e. young players have no chance against an RWC or a NATO etc)... we are also asking NATO and the other remaining large alliances to do similarily for the good of II.

I added the RWC, but your request to NATO and other large alliances needs to go somewhere else.
21-04-2005, 22:59
Wow, thanks for putting my factbook topic as the first link on your awesome little piece of work. :)

Great work, you're officially a god. :p

EDIT: Second link, but that's still awesome. ;)
The Merchant Guilds
21-04-2005, 23:04
I added the RWC, but your request to NATO and other large alliances needs to go somewhere else.

I know Euro, I was just informing you as well :)