President Featherston issues National Defense Act
The Real ALM
18-04-2005, 21:26
Philadelphia, Penn. (AP)- Inspired by the similar laws in the State of Roach-Busters, President Featherston has issued the National Defense Act today to "codify measures to combat socialism, Fabusism, fascism, Nazism, and any and all forces opposed to the ways of Enlightened Democracy."
"Anyone committed to a doctrine aimed at bringing about any political, industrial, social, or economic change within the Reunited States of America or its territories by the promotion of disturbance or disorder, by unlawful acts or ommissions, is to be legally classified as a "seditious element," and sentenced to a term in a reform school for the first offense and second offense for a period of time until the offender renounces his ways. The third offense shall be punishable by beheading using the guillotine, or shall be also executed summarily by the Reunited States Federal Police."
"Anyone found guilty of reading or distributing Marxist, socialist, leftist, Calvinist, Fabusist, Nazi/Fascist, anti-draft or anti-military, anti-RSA Ally or Anti-CES, or any other literature that aims to promote the ideals of any organization or ideology on the banned list of religions outside of the United Freedom Party, Enlightened Democracy or caplitalist beliefs of any kind, is subject to a variety of penalties, which may include a fine of RS$250,000, a term in a reform school until the offender agrees not to commit the crime anymore, or summary execution for the third offense by guillotine or executive administration by a RSFP Agent."
"Anyone who "expresses contempt or shows disrespect," for anticommunism, anticommunists, Enlightened Democrats, the President, or any RSA Ally using serious verbal threats is subject to a term in a reform school until the offender agrees not to committ the crime anymore, a fine of RS$600,000, and/or 50 hits with a cane, plus sumamry execution by guillotine or executive administration by a RSFP Agent."
"The President, High Directorate, Justice Secretary, local Chief of Police, local High Consul, Head of any Enlightened Guardian militia, authorized RSFP Agent is authorized to have an individual's home or property searched without a warrant if said individual is deemed "subversive." The RSFP may also use the Internet or direct access to carry out a search of such a "subversive's" computer.
"Computer based subversive activity includes maintaining anti-government, anti-Presidential, anti-Enlightened Democracy, anti-UFP, anti-RSA Ally, Fabusist/Nazi/Fascist, Communist/Socialist/Marxist, and free music downloading websites, sharing music/TV Shows/books illegally, trafficking in illicit materials via e-mail and P2P sharing programs, and enganging in IM conversations with known subversives. The President, RSFP, Enlightened Guardians, local Police, and others with permission of such agencies may Search people's computers using the internet under suspicion of subversive activity. Any such activity will result in a term at a reform school until the offender agrees to no longer commit the crime and lifetime banning from use of the Internet."
"All persons 18-21 are to be drafted into the RS Army and Navy. Draft deferments are given to students in High School and College that attain an A-or above. People engaging in college education shall be drafted as officers, and all persons must serve for three years. Those who do not meet the physical requirements for either the army or navy will be sent to labor battalions. Failure to do so will result in summary execution by guillotine or executive administration by an RSFP Agent."
"There shall be mandatory ROTC at all colleges, and high schools run by the government. Failure to attend ROTC will result in 30 hits with a cane, RS$50,000 fine for the truant student and RS$500,000 for the parent of said truant student. Failure to establish an ROTC program by Sep. 1st, 2005 will result in loss of credits for the truant school, and withholding of educational funds for said school. Failure to meet ROTC standards by any administrator will result in dismissal; failure to meet standards by students wil result in their being held back until they get at least a B- in the ROTC."
"Paintball shall be made the national sport of the RSA, along with baseball. Animosity towards either one will be met with the same consquences as article one of this law. Failure to attend practice at either sport will result in a warning for the first offense, 15 hits with a cane for the second, and a term in a reform school for the third offense until the offender agrees to attend regularly."
The Real ALM
18-04-2005, 21:34
Upper Xen
19-04-2005, 01:07
19-04-2005, 01:10
"Another anti-communist state. May you Jap-fucking capitalist pigs suffer from Fournier gangrene."-The Great Leader Li.
Space Union
19-04-2005, 01:23
We applaud your actions against Communism and Marxism.
The Real ALM
19-04-2005, 01:49
"Another anti-communist state. May you Jap-fucking capitalist pigs suffer from Fournier gangrene."-The Great Leader Li.
"You kiss your mother with that mouth?"
President Featherston
The Real ALM
20-04-2005, 02:50
20-04-2005, 02:59
"Why not?"-The Great Leader Li.
The Real ALM
20-04-2005, 03:02
"Why not?"-The Great Leader Li.
"Well, I think it'd be awful dirty, what with your flair for bad language."
President Featherston
20-04-2005, 03:19
New Triancia Wire Service
In a statment issued yesterday, President Stanton, along with Prime Minister Deckard, decried the Reunited States of America's National Defense Act, and state that the RSA will be watched closly.
"The simple truth is that President Feathrson is not only promoting intolerance towards certain ideals and practices of governments, but building up a military based on this intolerance, and that is something that has both the Office of the President and the Parliment concerned." The statment read, in part. It goes on to say that, if such laws are not struck down by the RSA, "economic sanctions will be considered."
The National Defense Acts make it illegal to hold certain viewpoints, among them Socialism, anti-war ideals, and unapporved religiuons, posting the penalty for such actions at time in a 'Reform School', to summary execution. Because of it's passage, the Triancian State Department recently approved allowing any and all refugees from the RSA into the country immediatly, where they can await processing.
Civil backlash is also apparant, as the group Triancians for Human Rights has annouced they will mount a one-thousand person strong protest in the Reunited States in two weeks time. The Triancian government has issued the usual warning to both parties, annoucing that, as long as the protest remain peaceful, Triancia expects full protection under the law given to it's citizens.
20-04-2005, 05:34
Many civil libertarian groups within the Corennian political community, including the powerful lobbying group Corennian Veterans for a Free Society (CVFS) have denounced the actions of the Reunited States of American as contrary to an elightened democracy, and Orwellian in nature. Society Chairman General Willard Monteray, Corennian Rifles (ret.) had this to say about the resolutions: "I think its safe to say that these... these folks, uh, arn't really inteasted in the freedom of there, uh, citizen's. They simply want to mantain an ideological stranglehold on there own nation, and I don't think we, or our allies, should really, uh, accept this."
The Secretariat has issued no statement regarding the actions, and while a minority group within the Senate has stated that the Democratic Union has no right to denounce the actions of a soviergn nation, Key members of the foreign affair's functionary have privatly denounced the actions of the RSA.
The State Department has issued warnings to all Corennian citizen's traveling abroad to RSA, and several Airbourne cabable divisions have been put on 72 hour notice, in the event that refugees from the RSA start claiming asylum. The Corennian Medical Ship's Corvid, and Isis have set to see with small detachments of Rifle Brigades, as well as field medical personell, to assist in the movement of possible refugees.
The Real ALM
20-04-2005, 15:24
New Triancia Wire Service
In a statment issued yesterday, President Stanton, along with Prime Minister Deckard, decried the Reunited States of America's National Defense Act, and state that the RSA will be watched closly.
"The simple truth is that President Feathrson is not only promoting intolerance towards certain ideals and practices of governments, but building up a military based on this intolerance, and that is something that has both the Office of the President and the Parliment concerned." The statment read, in part. It goes on to say that, if such laws are not struck down by the RSA, "economic sanctions will be considered."
The National Defense Acts make it illegal to hold certain viewpoints, among them Socialism, anti-war ideals, and unapporved religiuons, posting the penalty for such actions at time in a 'Reform School', to summary execution. Because of it's passage, the Triancian State Department recently approved allowing any and all refugees from the RSA into the country immediatly, where they can await processing.
Civil backlash is also apparant, as the group Triancians for Human Rights has annouced they will mount a one-thousand person strong protest in the Reunited States in two weeks time. The Triancian government has issued the usual warning to both parties, annoucing that, as long as the protest remain peaceful, Triancia expects full protection under the law given to it's citizens.
Yes, but we also ban fascism and Satanism, you did not mention that. We simply seek to protect Democratic values from those who would usurp them, and if this even demands stringent measures, so be it. We do allow our citizens to have free speech, we do allow our citizens to use the internet, we allow our citizens to congregate openly, we have many, many basic rights. However, they are administered on a fatherly basis, by those who are enlightened enough and with enough reason to recognize that there are such things as too much democracy (thus mandating that we allow our people to exercise these rights within reason) and threats to it that demand more than a ballot box for them to be solved.
As for those nations who are asking for refugees, we have none to give. My approval rating is quite high; my people actually care about the fact that I have restored the United States and have given it a new life, for this very undemocratic era. I'm a lot better than many other states, you know.
President Featherston
20-04-2005, 15:31
These laws are ingenious, sensible, entirely logical, and worthy of only the utmost praise. They have my staunch approval and unwavering support.
-Generalissimo J.L.
The Real ALM
20-04-2005, 15:38
These laws are ingenious, sensible, entirely logical, and worthy of only the utmost praise. They have my staunch approval and unwavering support.
-Generalissimo J.L.
Well, I must give some of the credit to you, Generalissimo. You helped inspire them, and you let me borrow them. I just, shall we say, jazzed them up.
President Featherston
20-04-2005, 15:47
Well, I must give some of the credit to you, Generalissimo. You helped inspire them, and you let me borrow them. I just, shall we say, jazzed them up.
President Featherston
And you did a fine job doing so! By the way, would you like Parthia and I to send some SAVAK agents to educate your police force in methods most effective in making sure these laws are successfully implemented and obeyed at all times?
-Generalissimo J.L.
The Real ALM
20-04-2005, 15:49
And you did a fine job doing so! By the way, would you like Parthia and I to send some SAVAK agents to educate your police force in methods most effective in making sure these laws are successfully implemented and obeyed at all times?
-Generalissimo J.L.
Sure. I'd love to get some expert advice.
President Featherston
20-04-2005, 15:50
Sure. I'd love to get some expert advice.
President Featherston
It will be my pleasure. Oh, and my daughter was wondering when the date shall be. She has read about this new National Defense Act, and it has won her admiration. She said, "Now I really want to meet Mr. Featherston!"
-Generalissimo J.L.
The Real ALM
20-04-2005, 15:57
It will be my pleasure. Oh, and my daughter was wondering when the date shall be. She has read about this new National Defense Act, and it has won her admiration. She said, "Now I really want to meet Mr. Featherston!"
-Generalissimo J.L.
Hmm...the plane should be in RB City now.
President Featherston
OOC: Yup...I posted in the "Lookin' for a Wife thread."
20-04-2005, 17:59
Putting aside the possible fact that your 'Satanist' may be nothing more the peaceably assembling Wiccan's, and that people have the right to advocate any government they wish, no matter how damaging, you mention only two potentially good things this law does. Looking at the text of this law, it can be said that it is the equivalant of nuking a small metropolis, and justifiying it by saying you've killed five hundred terrorists.
Triancia is of the frim belief that all people have the right to worship as they wish, hold any beliefs they wish, and espouse the virtues of any governmental system, so long as they don't violate anyone elses civil rights, and even then, the Triancian Governement will deal with those people on a case-by-case basis.
On a personally note, I find it somewhat ironic that you provide a de jure prohibition of Facism, yet you take more steps closer to it every day.
Timothy Garner,
Triancian Secretary of State
The Real ALM
20-04-2005, 18:11
Putting aside the possible fact that your 'Satanist' may be nothing more the peaceably assembling Wiccan's, and that people have the right to advocate any government they wish, no matter how damaging, you mention only two potentially good things this law does. Looking at the text of this law, it can be said that it is the equivalant of nuking a small metropolis, and justifiying it by saying you've killed five hundred terrorists.
Triancia is of the frim belief that all people have the right to worship as they wish, hold any beliefs they wish, and espouse the virtues of any governmental system, so long as they don't violate anyone elses civil rights, and even then, the Triancian Governement will deal with those people on a case-by-case basis.
On a personally note, I find it somewhat ironic that you provide a de jure prohibition of Facism, yet you take more steps closer to it every day.
Timothy Garner,
Triancian Secretary of State
We have quite the lawyer here, no? Again, you should look at the provisions of Enlightened Democracy before we go any further.....
President Featherston
OOC: The provisions are in my factbook, in my sig.
20-04-2005, 18:13
Mr. President, are you familiar with scaphism or the Shabach technique? Both are highly effective methods of torture.
-Generalissimo J.L.
20-04-2005, 18:14
This new Act and it's contents in no way undermine Democracy and are not the least bit Draconian. We recommend you start placing Telescreen's in Homes, Factories, Public places etc and begin making Prozium consumption mandatory.
The Real ALM
20-04-2005, 18:34
This new Act and it's contents in no way undermine Democracy and are not the least bit Draconian. We recommend you start placing Telescreen's in Homes, Factories, Public places etc and begin making Prozium consumption mandatory.
Yeah, yeah. If I wanted sarcasm, I would've been reading a Dave Barry column.
President Featherston
OOC: Totally IC-I have nothing against Dave Barry (I'm actually quite the aficionado.).
20-04-2005, 18:35
Putting aside the possible fact that your 'Satanist' may be nothing more the peaceably assembling Wiccan's, and that people have the right to advocate any government they wish, no matter how damaging, you mention only two potentially good things this law does. Looking at the text of this law, it can be said that it is the equivalant of nuking a small metropolis, and justifiying it by saying you've killed five hundred terrorists.
Triancia is of the frim belief that all people have the right to worship as they wish, hold any beliefs they wish, and espouse the virtues of any governmental system, so long as they don't violate anyone elses civil rights, and even then, the Triancian Governement will deal with those people on a case-by-case basis.
On a personally note, I find it somewhat ironic that you provide a de jure prohibition of Facism, yet you take more steps closer to it every day.
Timothy Garner,
Triancian Secretary of State
Scum like you subscribe to the queerest philosophies. Your resoundingly repugnant stupidity can be cured only be scaphism.
-Generalissimo J.L.
20-04-2005, 19:10
At your request, President Featherson, I have asked the Triacian Intelligence Community to gather some information on the Reunited States. After reviewing what they have presented me, I can still conclude that this Enlightened Democracy of yours heads toward the very Fascism you fear.
It is true you allow certain freedoms, and Triancian approves of basic human rights. We are glad that at least your people have Freedom of Speech, to Assemble, and of the Press. Your commitment to the health of your citizens should be commended, as well as your trust that they will be responsible with firearms.
However, these rights are effectively rendered null and void by other polices of your government. Rights of Expression are simply formalities when the people protesting have no actually political power, beyond what you, in your so-called 'benevolence', decide to give them. With the outlaw of any opposition party, various religions, and 'subversive' activity, one can't be sure when exercising his 'rights' will land him in jail for sedition.
Also, your Enlightened Democracy seems to be lacking one of it's primary ingredients. The local administrators are elected, certainly, albeit from one single Party and political philosophy. However, none of the members of the High Directorate are elected, and have no oversight other than revolution.
Finally, we would not normally think much of this disturbing information. After all, there are many governments that proscribe to such Dictatorial systems. However, my counterparts in the Defense Department tell me that the Reunited States is suspected of harboring the Anime Liberation Movement, a militant NGO, with cells in numerous countries. This terrorist arm of your government is worrying to many in this Office, and will be watched closely.
Overall, I speak for the Triancian Government when I say that your Enlightened Democracy is oppressive, Orwellian, and in need of reform. You may consider yourself the Father of your country, and the people your children, but all children grow up, and need to be entrusted with the benefits, responsibilities, and dangers of charting there own course through life.
Timothy Garner,
Triancian Secretary of State.
A hand delivered note to the Roach-Busters consulate inside Triancia reads as follows:
Count your self lucky that we don't leak your remarks to the press. The public is already wary of the RB for there unwavering support of these measures, but the President would rather avoid war with your country.
OOC: Great factbook, ALM! Informative, comprehensive, and answers a lot of my questions. I do wonder how you have both free speech and restricted religions/parties.
Also, feel free to ask for any information on the upcoming protest of TFHR.
The Real ALM
20-04-2005, 19:16
OOC: Great factbook, ALM! Informative, comprehensive, and answers a lot of my questions. I do wonder how you have both free speech and restricted religions/parties.
Also, feel free to ask for any information on the upcoming protest of TFHR.
OOC: Thanks. Not bad for my first try. :D I tried modeling parts of the RSA on Singapore, and the reigns of the Napoleons- that explains the limited rights, I hope!
I only agree with only the Anti-Nazi, Communist, and Satanic ideals. The rest contradicted themselves, how can you call ressricting religons enlightend democracy?
Mathiew III
21-04-2005, 20:55
ABOARD THE ISIS- (Corennia Military Wire) - A press release issued earlier today by the Military Affairs Department confirmed that the Hospital ships Isis and Corvid have reached the coast of the RSA, escorted by 3 Hunter class frigates. The Corennian government has issued requests to the government of the RSA to allow citizen's the oppurtunity to travel, or defect, if so wanted, to Corennia, and wishes to aquire permission to use a strip of beach for relief and refugee management efforts.
The Commodore Sanchez, standing aboard the CDS Harbinger has stated that his forces are on full defensive alert, but expect no hostile actions from either the RSA or neighboring nations.
The ships are to remain in international waters to respect RSA's soverignty, until an agreement can be made between the two nations.
OOC: Yeah, this seems a little over the top now that I read it. But Corennia sees things a little different I suppose. They'll have opened up for negotiations for 'international aid', and support, privatly using such logic that if they're to imprison political prisoners, they might as well let them take them.
The Real ALM
22-04-2005, 15:08
ABOARD THE ISIS- (Corennia Military Wire) - A press release issued earlier today by the Military Affairs Department confirmed that the Hospital ships Isis and Corvid have reached the coast of the RSA, escorted by 3 Hunter class frigates. The Corennian government has issued requests to the government of the RSA to allow citizen's the oppurtunity to travel, or defect, if so wanted, to Corennia, and wishes to aquire permission to use a strip of beach for relief and refugee management efforts.
The Commodore Sanchez, standing aboard the CDS Harbinger has stated that his forces are on full defensive alert, but expect no hostile actions from either the RSA or neighboring nations.
The ships are to remain in international waters to respect RSA's soverignty, until an agreement can be made between the two nations.
OOC: Yeah, this seems a little over the top now that I read it. But Corennia sees things a little different I suppose. They'll have opened up for negotiations for 'international aid', and support, privatly using such logic that if they're to imprison political prisoners, they might as well let them take them.
I am, suffice to say, offended by the idea that my people want to leave the Reunited States. My government enjoy very high popularity ratings, and my people genuinely do love me- I've even experienced it as I've walked the streets of Philadelphia and I have experienced it in the high turnouts for local elections. If there are any elements that do hate my government, they have genuine reason to be regarded as seditious.
Still, if you insist, I am letting 100,000 people out of their reform terms. You may take these men at the port of Norfolk, and leave my sight. Do not trouble me again.
President Featherston
Meanwhile, in West Virginia, prisoners of all stripes- a 60-40 mix of hardcore criminals, genuine political offenders, and even a platoon of RALMers-were herded onto buses and shipped to Norfolk. Their records were skillfully doctored to make them all look like they had been sent for violating the National Defense Act, and they were all tidied up with new work jumpsuits and release packages, and all had been given good cover stories which they had been practicing for years, and with faked evidence to back them up, courtesy of the RSFP.
President Featherston was about to pull a "Mariel." He would ensure that they would get a raw deal, for bugging him. They wanted free men, he would give them free men-not the kind they wanted, though.
The Real ALM
22-04-2005, 17:47
22-04-2005, 21:20
OOC: I'd rather not godmod this and all, but would there be any indication that these folks arn't who they seem? Intelligence to dictate otherwise? Obvious anti-social behavior? There would obviously be some problems /after/ they arrived, but Corennia's got a preatty good lock on crime. If theres not any, might be a chance for the RSA to pull a fast one. Do these prisoner's have any sort of agenda, beyond getting out of the country? Oh, and whats RALM? (I havn't been able to check out your factbook. For some reason I don't see any signitures)
I'll look for an answer before I post. :)
22-04-2005, 21:53
Off the coast of the Reunited States, in the very same International Waters the Hunter-classes and DUC hospital ships occupy, two anomalies in the turbulent sea show themselves. Water moving quickly out of place reveal conning towers, dive planes, and finally, the decks of two Seawolf-sized submarines within distance of the Corennian fleet. One might think this dangerous, given the fire power on those Hunters, but it wasn't so. These were expected.
A brust transmission on an encoded ban is flashed to the Corvid, reading as follows:
OOC: If my subs would have trouble evaded patrols getting this far in, tell me?
The Real ALM
22-04-2005, 22:06
Off the coast of the Reunited States, in the very same International Waters the Hunter-classes and DUC hospital ships occupy, two anomalies in the turbulent sea show themselves. Water moving quickly out of place reveal conning towers, dive planes, and finally, the decks of two Seawolf-sized submarines within distance of the Corennian fleet. One might think this dangerous, given the fire power on those Hunters, but it wasn't so. These were expected.
A brust transmission on an encoded ban is flashed to the Corvid, reading as follows:
OOC: If my subs would have trouble evaded patrols getting this far in, tell me?
OOC: Well, you are in international no prob.
22-04-2005, 22:26
OOC: Okay, I saw a little bit of that stuff. Posing. :)
"Move it along, let's go..." Corporal Sideman waves the various prisoners as several other Rifles (there OD Green battle-dress uniforms carefully adorned with white armbands with some odd organizations symbol on it, as well as white helmets). As soon as the go order had been given, utility choppers from the hospital ship had lifted off towards Norfolk, unloading compliments of Rifles as well as the a Naval Medical Battlionm who could be identified by the OD Green coveralls of the Navy. Rifles and Naval personnel stand at make shift check in booths, checking certifications and identification, and marking each man off on a list issued by the RSA.
Choppers leave and return in mere minutes to the nearby hospital ships, which was scrammbling to provide berthing for the various refugees being transferred. Before anyone was allowed on a helicoptor though, each person was searched carefully for any foriegn articles, weapons, or other items that have been known to be manufactured at prison's. In an assembly line fashion, Rifles with shied's affixed to the right side of there load bearing gear give each man or woman a quick frisk before waving them on to the next transport. As this was a hospital ship, the less non-sterile personell effects onboard, the better.
*Crick-beep* "Anything unusual down there?" *crick*
This was Lieutenant Alder's first /real/ command of a small operation... being a lackey for the Lieutenant and commanding a measily platoon as a Junior Lieutenant didn't compare.. oh, not at all.... this was much bigger.
And the operation continued...
Meanwhile, out at see, the three escorting firgates had laid anchor hours ago, and were swiftly scanning the horizon for anything unusual. Tension's were running a little high... the government seemed a little hasty to act...
"Sir! Radar reports three contacts, bearing... two-two-eight, 5 miles!"
Panic construed about the ship for a moment before an encrypted messege was bounced to the rest of the task force from the Corvid. The ships stood down from general quarters, but still mantained a hieghtened state of alert, as the CDS in charge sent a messege to the Triancian sub:
22-04-2005, 23:09
OOC: Three ships? Only Two. But I'll explain it off. :)
RTS Tyler II, SUAN-108, five miles off of the Corennian Fleet
"Well, I'll be damned! They are illuminating the fucking drone!" The Senior Petty Officer responded to the Seaman on duty. The drone in question was one of the new 'smart' decoys on Triancian subs, built with not only noise production equipment, but radar generator's and refelctor's. A crafty operator could produce the illusion that a fleet of ships was in an area. At least until a sharp radar operator on the other side got the prank.
"Well, I guess they are, aren't they, Petty Officer? Gee, how unexpected!" The sarcasm in the Seaman's voice was matched by the hand, open palm, extend toward the SPO, who grumbling slapped a twenty Triancian dollar bill into the Seaman's hand.
Normally, Commander Arlen would have come down hard on gambling in his ship. This, however, was simple a Senior Petty Officer getting his comeuppance for being stupid enough to distrust a skilled operator and a tested machine. No problems there.
"Flash traffic from the Corvid, sir." The Comm Officer on duty pressed a few button's. transmitting the report to a screen at the Commander's Station. Arlen checked the short message sent by the Corennians. Say what you will about the DUC, the Commander thought, the Millies got professionalism.
With a snap of his finger, the commander starting issuing orders. "Comm, Conn. Open a encrypted frequency to the Ali al Sherif, and have them starting conducting a Yankee Search to the west of the DUC's current postion. Sonar, conn, have us do the same." Two aye sirs, followed by frenzied activity. Arlen began punching in his response to the message at his console. "And someone tell Captain Shardane that he better get his troops up and armed!"
The Real ALM
23-04-2005, 23:54
Meanwhile, two submarines of the RSA Navy, the RSS R-1 and R-2, surfaced near the Allied fleet. Mere Swordfish diesel coastal patrol subs (licensed from Novikov), they were sent to spy on them, and to see what they were doing with so many armed vessels and personnel near RSA shores.
They radioed the Corennian and Triancian Fleets:
"Allied Forces, this is Capt. Haverstam of the Reunited States Navy. Do not move your armed ships into RSA waters. Stay in your positions, don't do anything funny. I see you guys have the refugees. We have just come here to tell you that once you pick them up, you have 72 hours to leave or face expulsion."
24-04-2005, 00:47
OOC: Triancia, any intelligence indicate that there may be trechery afoot?
The Service Frigate in charge (The CDS Donald Silks (FFS-127) receives the messege, relaying it on up to Captain Walters. A robust hispanic man with a loose, happy go lucky attitude towards naval service, reads off the print out, and frowns slightly, "They didn't sneak up on us, did they?"
"No Sir." The Leading Seaman replies, "Actually, the sonarman thought they were fishing trawlers... because of the diesal..." He trails off at the reproachful look given by the Captain, straightening up slightly, "He's new Sir... I'll inform the Lieutenant of a rotation order."
The Captain nods approvingly, "Good... good..." He picks up his coffee cup, the liqued inside cold by now, "Oh, contact that Triancian boat, tell them to put that Platoon on Standby. The Rifle's detachment has things well in
Alders hopped aboard the personnell chopper, patting the gunner on the back on his way. With a raising whoosh, the helocopter lifted off and followered her sister back towards the Isis, the loading of all the refugees complete. There weren't any problems... which surprised Alder's, especially after a few of the Rifles from the Military Police Department commented on being quite worried, without being able to articulate why...
For a cold dictatorship... this was just too easy.
24-04-2005, 21:48
The Sonarman aboard the Tyler II swore. Like his Corennian counterpart, he had been fooled, but for a different reason.
"Conn, sonar. Those subs are confirms as Novikov Swordfish class diesel. I thought those screw patterns looked familiar, sir."
Arlen looked a bit baffled. "Swordfish? But that's designated an IADF vessel!" He shook his head. "Ya see, this is why Triancian doesn't rent out any Earl IV's. When you hear two four bladed screws, at least you know its the RTN calling." He turned to the Weapons Officer. "Weaps, shooting solutions on both RSS contacts, and shooting solutions only. Use only passive sonar, and no flooding the tubes until sonar hears transients coming from their direction!" Arlen then walked over to a database consul. Although the Swordfish being an IADF ship caused confusion, they should have the schematics of it..."
Meanwhile, Captain Shardane inwardly grumbled. He wasn't allowed to outwardly grumble like his men, noooooo. He had to be the calm, cool commanding officer that didn't mind being in a stuffy titanium coffin that got sunk regularly on a mission. At this point, however, he would give anything for something to just happen. Not an attack on this sub, of course. It was nerve wracking as it is.
OOC: I might. a Tactical Reconnaissance and Infiltration unit, or a few RIS members might be in the RSA, searching for info. All up to the Real ALM, though. :)
OCC: lol I find this funny considering Featherston took the role of Hitler for the Confederacy.
The Real ALM
24-04-2005, 22:30
Meanwhile, Jock Chen was sitting aboard the hospital ship Corvid. He had been searched, he had no weapons. However, he did have his brain.
He was one of the fifty RALM terrorist agents inserted as part of the scam job by the president. His story was that he had handed out Socialist pamphlets on the streets of Philly. Of course, he was no red.
Sitting back, he then relaxed, and thought of what to do next. He couldn't make a mess yet, that would blow his cover. He would wait until they got to Corinna.
OOC: Well, I'll consent to some spying....perhaps a leak from a real Socialist.
How's about that?
25-04-2005, 01:13
OOC: I'll be fine with some spying, but keep in mind that Corennia has an extrememly well funded police force (The Rifles, Corennia's ground fighting service, run Law Enforcement of all types throughout the country, from the National Level, to the local municipalities), and that there are police certified Rifles on board. Other then that, I'll let Triancia come up with any intel to warn us in the nick of time.
The two hospital ships and there Frigate escort's slowly turn about, and set sail for Corennia. The various Triancian subs are notified of Corennia's withdrawel. Still... just above the horizen, a Battle Group consisting of serveral Ballastic missle subs, service frigates, and a medium carrier patrols, this location being added to its Cruise of this particular region.
OOC: Sorry for the hasty pose. Not feeling too creative right now.
25-04-2005, 02:21
As it happens, the message from the Corennian relief fleet and the orders from TRINAVCOM arrive at almost the same time, and, while it left the Comm section of the Tyler II just a bit tense, Commander Arlen considered it fortuitious that both communiques came when they did.
The Admiralty's orders are read first, then the Corennian sitrep, and are both given a nod by the Commander. "Order the Ali to move out first. Orders are to cover the Corennians in bounds as the move out."
Like the Corennians, this wasn't going to be an area that the Triancain's abandon. The differeance was that the RTN decided to send the newly commsioned 15th Carrier Battle Fleet out to secure the area, and they were around two days away. With there budget, the Royal Triancian Navy didn't skimp on the overkill.
In an undisclosed bar, in an undisclosed city, in an undisclosed area of the Reunited Stated, Kevin Garby sweated, although the tempature was comfortable. He sweated because, as an Agent of the Royal Intelligence Service, being anywhere outside of an embassy in this country was taking his life and dangling it over the top of a one hundred story skyscraper with slick hands.
But, intelligence was intelligence, and, supposedly, a seemingly well-hidden socialist had a pressing example of it. So, Kevin would go on sweating, taking a small amount of reassurance in the TPP-2002 hidden in his coat, and hoping that that acting he did in high school would be enough practice to keep the police out of his hair.
27-04-2005, 17:14
OOC: Bump. This thing still going?
The Real ALM
27-04-2005, 19:10
As it happens, the message from the Corennian relief fleet and the orders from TRINAVCOM arrive at almost the same time, and, while it left the Comm section of the Tyler II just a bit tense, Commander Arlen considered it fortuitious that both communiques came when they did.
The Admiralty's orders are read first, then the Corennian sitrep, and are both given a nod by the Commander. "Order the Ali to move out first. Orders are to cover the Corennians in bounds as the move out."
Like the Corennians, this wasn't going to be an area that the Triancain's abandon. The differeance was that the RTN decided to send the newly commsioned 15th Carrier Battle Fleet out to secure the area, and they were around two days away. With there budget, the Royal Triancian Navy didn't skimp on the overkill.
In an undisclosed bar, in an undisclosed city, in an undisclosed area of the Reunited Stated, Kevin Garby sweated, although the tempature was comfortable. He sweated because, as an Agent of the Royal Intelligence Service, being anywhere outside of an embassy in this country was taking his life and dangling it over the top of a one hundred story skyscraper with slick hands.
But, intelligence was intelligence, and, supposedly, a seemingly well-hidden socialist had a pressing example of it. So, Kevin would go on sweating, taking a small amount of reassurance in the TPP-2002 hidden in his coat, and hoping that that acting he did in high school would be enough practice to keep the police out of his hair.
OOC: It's still on, Corennia, I have RL stuff to do.
The unassuming man in the blue "party naked" t-shirt walked up to Kevin. He said to him, "Nice weather we're having, eh?"
He looked around, and passed a note to Kevin that said: "Come with me...I have something you might want."