NationStates Jolt Archive

The United Nations (AMW, Closed RP)

Armandian Cheese
17-04-2005, 22:30
"Citizens of Russia, citizens of the world, it has become clear that with a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected and globalized, there must be a group that will unite all nations in an effort to improve the human condition, promote peace, and to spread liberty across the earth. And so, I come here before you to announce a bold vision for the future. I propose to create a forum where the world's powers can come together for the better good, where we may work for the creation of a better tomorrow. Let us call this group...The United Nations."

Vladimir Putin stood in front of a podium in the Red Square, laying out his vision for the creation of the United Nations. Later, invitations for all nations were given to come to Moscow and discuss the lay out of this organization, and to determine whether it would come to be.

1. To save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which many times in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and
2. To reaffirm faith in fundamental, divinely granted human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small
3. To establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained.
4. To promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,
1. To practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and
2. To unite our strength to maintain international peace and security.
3. To ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest.
4. To employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples.

Accordingly, our respective Governments, through representatives assembled in the city of Moscow, who have exhibited their full powers found to be in good and due form, have agreed to the present Charter of the United Nations and do hereby establish an international organization to be known as the United Nations
Armandian Cheese
17-04-2005, 23:01
BUMPadelic, dude! Righteous!
Armandian Cheese
17-04-2005, 23:22
Liiike, totally BUMPteous, man. Yeah.
Armandian Cheese
18-04-2005, 01:14
Arg Matey! I Be bumpin' Ya Off!
Lunatic Retard Robots
18-04-2005, 22:26

Er...wait for other people to post will I.

*Runs away*
African Commonwealth
19-04-2005, 10:37
Frustrated with French intrusion on northern Africa, and other foreign meddling in the so-called "sovereignty" of Angola and Mocambique, president Mshone Ndelebe sees the UN as a potential great tool for restoring more egalitarianism to globalization.

Earlier today, he notified Putin's government that a delegation headed by foreign affairs minister Ngolo Marshall would soon be en route. Also, that he has given the go-ahead to Commonwealth construction firms to ponder the design and size of an eventual UN building, should one be needed.
Lunatic Retard Robots
19-04-2005, 16:49
While the Popular Congress sees this UN proposal as potentially an agent for good things, it still draws suspicion. What nations would be given power? Would this balance of power be any different from what exists outside the organization? Would the UN have any legitimacy?

The Popular Congress awaits more detailed information on the planned layout of this organization.
The Macabees
19-04-2005, 16:52
The Spaniards are interested in a new United Nations, in which the world's troubles could be triffled over in court. However, we would need to discuss much before any UN could be picked up off the ground. For just those reasons we will send a representative to Moscow, our current ambassador there.
19-04-2005, 16:59
Official Imperial Response

We view this proposed treaty with great suspicion. However, we would be willing to send a representative to this conference to ensure Roman interests are not threatened.
19-04-2005, 23:17
19-04-2005, 23:21
((LOL-good luck getting the UN off the ground without a liberal Europe, mon ami. There are no Jacques Chriacs or Koffi Annans in ANW, THANK THE LORD))
The Macabees
19-04-2005, 23:32
((LOL-good luck getting the UN off the ground without a liberal Europe, mon ami. There are no Jacques Chriacs or Koffi Annans in ANW, THANK THE LORD))

[OOC: Ditto. Europe is back to her good ol' self.]
19-04-2005, 23:49
Spyran diplomats question how an organisation hoping to unite the diverse nations of the world hopes to do so through use of 'divinely granted human rights', which would seem to exclude those individuals who do not hold belief in a divinity, and insult those who do by declaring the nature and intentions of of their god/gods.

In all realism, the Russian proposal would thus seem to be less of a global union than an attempt at a bilateral agreement between Russia and Quinntonia, authorizing a projective socio-political agenda based on Christian/cpitalist economic/representative democratic principles, which could decieve its own populations as to its purposes by recourse to its roots with a so-called 'international' invitation.
Yafor 2
20-04-2005, 00:23
OOC:That's what the Ottomans are for. Being a weak imitation of liberal Europe.


The Ottoman Empire is interested in joining the UN.

~Signed by Sultan Abdul Hamid III and by the Heads of All Three Houses of Parliment~
Armandian Cheese
26-04-2005, 00:17
BUMP squared.
Lunatic Retard Robots
26-04-2005, 00:33
[OOC: Ditto. Europe is back to her good ol' self.]

Ah yes, the good ol' Europe that conquered half the earth and killed a quarter of the earth in so doing...


Yes, why worry about feeding people? Its not like they're our responsibility. Never mind the fact that we just stole their crops and burned down their villages.

Seriously, imperialism really messed up a lot of places. Libya lost either half or a third of its population after Italy invaded.
26-04-2005, 01:48
Ah yes, the good ol' Europe that conquered half the earth and killed a quarter of the earth in so doing...


Yes, why worry about feeding people? Its not like they're our responsibility. Never mind the fact that we just stole their crops and burned down their villages.

Seriously[I], imperialism really messed up a lot of places. Libya lost either half or a third of its population after Italy invaded.


Blah, Blah, Blah. You know, I could make a completely rational argument that Africa and Asia were a 100x better of under European hegemony than so called national independance, using stats to cite it, but no doubt Id face an argument from you.

Oh well. I guess it comes down to your axiology. Do you believe in a government that was annointed by God to do certain works in the world (conversion, administration= Ie The Ancien Regime, with layers of perfected hierarchy: know your place, and know your rites, not rights)...Id cite certain works by Rudyard Kipling, but would no doubt get stoned, not the fun way either...or do you believe in a relativist conglomoration of things in which values and truth wallow in liberals own self pity?

No doubt I am a bit outdated, which is why I find such satisfaction in the History cliques, however: my argument stands, and can only be refuted by half truths and ideological conviction...all I can say is that if the damned US hadnt been so vocal in Europe giving up its colonies, wed have alot damn less trouble with the natives in our own times.
30-04-2005, 16:32
OOC>> You guys need to shut the hell up. This is the THIRD post in which I ask people to stop the OOC political arguments - We have an ENTIRE subforum on the AMW invision forum for this sort of thing, and still no one has used for as much as a singe discussion. Please do, from now on.
03-05-2005, 09:50
Alejandro Guiterrez, spokesperson for one of the main diplomatic and foreign-political councils of Neo-Anarchos, affirms that his nation will unanimously support the UN provided certain changes in the charter were made, namely

- That all mention of religion is stricken from the charter. Religion is a matter of personal freedom, and something that should not be an influence on state or international politics, let alone mentioned in the charter of an institution such as the united nations.

- That any upholding or creation of international treaty and law are made in accordance with the principles of the human rights declaration, in order to ensure that no inequal or discriminating proposals are made.

Privately, however, many Neo-Anarchans who support the UN are still sceptical. If the UN were truly about bringing social equality and progress, why were it made and supported by such still relatively inequal nations like Russia and the African Commonwealth? They would have to wait and see.