Rebellion in Quiblechistan RP Thread (Signup required)
16-04-2005, 23:10
Quiblechistan Map (
Deely met his cabinet of Generals in his private estate beside the Quiblechen naval base. Due to Johnson's joining the QFF and other general's having been "retired", all that was left in the cabinet was himself, Richtoheffen, and the newly appointed Carlson. They were discussing how to deal with the rebels...
Deely: BOMB THE WHOLE PLACE FLAT! The bastards have to know that if they mess with Deely they will lose! We have the Smallpox warheads on the Sduc's. Launch them at once!
Richtoheffen: If we do that it will spread through the whole country! It would be madness! We should mobilise the army and attack.
Carlson: I shall personally lead the Elite Guards tank and mechinised corps against these traitors.
Deely: NUKE 'EM! Kill every man wonan and child in QFF terretory!
Richtoheffen: Sir, you have to calm down! We can't use those weapons on our own nation! It'd be suicide! I agree with Carlson. Let him lead the Elite Guards. They should be able to take on the rebels.
Deely: Ok. Carlson, move out at once. Take no prisoners.
At that moment, a messenger entered the room. He had an urget radio report. He handed the sheet to Richtoheffen, who read it out.
Richtoheffen: "Radar bunkers 3,6, and 9 show hostile's foreign naval forces moving towards the QFF teratories. Also, frendlies are aproaching Quiblechen Naval HQ to unload supporting troops." What do you think we should do sir?
Deely: Send an open broadcast to all foreign forces to engage immediatly. Call a meeting of all top Commanders here for a briefing.
Richtoheffen: Yes Sir! brian, send the broadcast at once.
Brian left to make the broadcast.
Carlson: I think that the navy should be sent to engage all hostiles.
Deely: Send carrier group one with orders to engage at will. Radio Fort Harrison and tell them to launch their tupolevs on an anti-shipping raid.
Carlson: I will get my radio officer to send the relevent reports at once.
Carlson's radio crew left.
Richtoheffen: What about Johnson?
Deely: Level his estate!
Richtoheffenl: Ok, Sir.
The Generals left to orginise the attack against the North East QFF lands.
16-04-2005, 23:36
Aboard the Admiral Giraffe's Pee, vice admiral Harry got the message to engage at will. He was the commander of the most modern(and only) Carrier in Deelys Quiblechen Navy(DQN). His battle group moved east. He was unsure of what to expect, but was sure he could take on whatever he engaged.
On the flight deck, the AWAKS early warning radar plane eas ready for take off. THe signal crew gave George the green. He pushed forward on the throttle and felt the plane lurch forward as the drone of the engines grew. Then they were airborne. His heart resettled as they lifted of the deck. He could never get used to there being only ocean at the end of the runway, leaving no room for error. The crew immediatly got to work. The eyes of the fleet moved slowly to the clouds.
Rear Admiral Keary, aboard DQN Lavat steamed alongside the mighty carrier.
His cruiser was to command the 5 destroyer escort. He didn't expect to see much action, but orders were orders.
There was alot of comotion in the fire control room. They were preparing to launch Hamatawk misslies against the suspected SAM sites arounnd Johnson's Estate.
There was a loud rush of noise and a streak of smoke. The first missile was on it's way. In 5 minutes it would reach it's target.
At Fort Harrison, flight 69 was taxing for take off. Billy, in in The Lady Bugg, was leading 6 Tu-22's agianst Johnson's fleet. Ahead of him was flight 13, on a mission to destroy Johnson's private estate. Finally, all the planes from flight 13 had cleared the runway. The Landy Bugg was on the runway, doing final checks.
Jude: All check. Systems are ready.
Billy: Tower, do we have clearance?
Tower: Roger Lady 1. Take off when ready.
Billy: Full throttle.
As The Lady Bugg accelerated down the runway, Jude, the co-pilot, noticed something in the sky. It looked like planes!
Jude: I didn't know there were any other flight's in the area.
Billy: There aren't
Jude: Then who the hell are they?
Jude's question was answered when the SAM batteries protecting the Base launched. The Lady Bugg cleared the ground just as the first bomb's began to land. Jude looked back as they were banking, to see the whole base a raging inferno of explosions. The QFF had struck the first blow, and taken out Quiblechistan's largest airbase.
The transport helicopters/planes carrying the TEFA and TEFB as they headed toward Quiblechistan transmitted a message to the fleet below.
"These are the aircraft of the Theao Expenditionary Force A and B. Please stand down as we have been requested to come here."
The Vuhifellian States
16-04-2005, 23:50
Golden Skies City Air Force Base
AFB Control: Fox Flight 2, you have clearence to land on runway 4.
Fox Flight 2: Roger that GSC Control.
The second Fox Flight 2 landed on the ground, David Macker's personal Cybernetic Assistant appeared on his online nexus control(ONC)
Cybernetic Assistant: How did the celebration go?
David Macker: Horrible, nobody showed up, so Dostanout Loj just sent all the delegates home! Oh well, hey what the hell...
David's Digital Record Book started recieving information from EBG 117 in Quiblechistan.
David Macker: Yes 117 what is it?
EBG 117: Sir I don't know how to explain this to you in a good way but.....a rebellion has occured over here and well....looks like we're in the middle of yet another civil war...
David Macker: I see, what do you need.
When he finished 117 patched one of David's sons, James, onto David's Online Chat Interface.
OOC: Basically in this RP, most of the characters are either cyborgs, AI's, or baseline humans who at the end get engineered into cyborgs
James Macker: What we need are the guys in the Mobius squadron...all 28 of them....
David Macker: I see, I'll send Fox Flight 4 and 5 laden with 12 Fury Fighters each, and James, make sure 179 doesn't get killed, I promised the President I would protect his daughter.
Chamber of Generals(or what used to be it)
Out of a few steal beams 117 rose from the rubble, his armor almost completely destroyed, but he looked human....
EBG 179: What the....I thought you were cyborg?
EBG 117: 85% Cyborg, Foxtecha outlawed any cybernetic enhancements after 85%. Yeah the skin I know, they tried to make me look as much as human as possible.
EBG 179: I see....and the hair?
EBG 117: Genetically implanted...anyway, why are you asking?
EBG 179: No real reason I guess...Just look good....
EBG 117: Well thanks, I .....
As 117 was about to finish his sentence, Rapier 4 just beyond Eureka 2....
EBG 179: Ah crap...
179 turned away as a man with the number 300 on his left arm appeared next to her.
EBG 300: Well well well...if it isn't 179....
War 4(Warmaster Tank): Roger that Carlson, all of our Tanks are now under your command...
17-04-2005, 00:18
Flight 17 flew over the Theo fleet. They recieved the message just in time, as they were just arming their Maverwick's.
The Tornado's of flight 13 were approaching Johnson's estate.
Vengence 1: I hope those cruise missiles silenced those SAM's
Vengence 2: We will find out soon enough. Target in sight. No SAM activity yet.
They looked out the windows. V3 saw a streak low to the ground. The streak approached the front wall of the estate and exploded.
Vengence 3: Look's like those missile's got here. The SAM threat must have been stale.
Vengence 2: SHIT! Bandits! I have bandits on radar. 3 KM closing.
Vengence 1: 4,5,6 engage bandit's!
Vengence 5: We only have two sidewinder's each! And the bombload will slow us down.
Vengence 1: Jettison your bomb's then! ENGAGE! 2,3 stay on me! We are gonna make a mess of this house.
V4,5 and 6 dropped their load on an empty field and throttled up to engage. 6 suhkoi's were already visible.
Vengence 5: Shit! Streaker!
Vengence 4: They have a lock on me!
V4 put on afterburner. He was too low to maveuver. He went verticle and let off his chaff. The misslie had the advantage. It was coming down on him. He had no hope. A second later he was in flame's.
Vengence 1: Bomb's away! Engage bandit's
Vengence 6: 4's down! NO! YOu bastard's!
V6 was on the tail of one of the enemies. He fired both of his Sidewinder's. They hit!
Vengence 6: YAHOO! ENEMY DOWN!
Vengence 3: You fool! Why you launch both!
V5 got hit!
Vengence 5: I'm going down!
Vengence 2: I'm out. Hit two bandits. One is limping home.
Vengence 1: I got him. Get out of here. We're being mauled.
Vengence 3 went down. The remaining 3 Tornado's accelerated off. The 3 remaining bandit's didn't persue.
17-04-2005, 00:35
Johnson's motorcade had just left when the first cruise misslile hit. He then heard the roar of approaching jets.
Johnson: Where is Jolly Green?
Radioman: They're 5 KM aproaching fast.
Johnson: Good! I don't want to be bombed to bits.
From his jeep, Johnson watched the whole dogfight. He saw his house laid to waste.
Johnson: Tell Jolly Green not to persue. I want air cover.
Radioman: Sir!
Johnson: How long will it take to get to NOROD?
Driver: 10 minutes. Relax. The Gecko's will take care of any planes.
Johnson: I guess you're right.
At the QFF headquarters, in the Mayanmar mountains, there was a disagreement.
Larry: We must strike now! Their air base is gone!
Jed: No! We don't have enough trained men to launch a full assault. We must wait until our allies arrive.
Larry: Send in the militia's!
Jed: Not all of them. We need them to build the tunnel's and forts.
Larry: How many have been recruited so far?
Jed: 800,000. We only have 400,000 servicable guns to give them.
Larry: Send the Southern force along the coast.
Jed: That's 100,000 men!
Larry: We need a beachhead for our allies to land. Send down a weapons convoy now!
Jed: Ok. We wil have a weak flank.
Larry: Without those beachheads we are doomed.
Jed: Yes sir.
The Mig 29's of Flight Darwin returned to a heros welcome after the strike on Fort Harrison.They had lost 2 planes but had won a great victory. They did not get much time to rest however, as they had been ordered back into the air to support the Southern force's move forward.
17-04-2005, 00:39
The nebarri prime 1st battle fleet moved into position they had the suport of the 1st carrier fleet only two miles away and sevral air craft over head as they entered Quiblechistan water
The aircraft of both TF A and B touched down at the capital and began unloading.
The Vuhifellian States
17-04-2005, 01:20
Fox Flight 4
Fox Flight 4: Quiblechistan Air Control this is Fox Flight 4 and 5, requesting permission to enter your airspace and release prob'ly the best damn fighters your gonna see in yur' life.
Mobius 1: Shut up FF4! Alright, Mobius 2, are your weapons armed?
Mobius 2: Yes sir!
Mobius 1: Mobius 3-7 are your weapons armed
Mobius 3-7: YES SIR!
Mobius 1: Mobius 8-24 are your weapons armed?
Mobius 8-24: YES SIR!
Mobius 1: Alright, as soon as we're in Quiblechistan airspace we will disengage from the 787's and proceed directly to provide cover for some bombers while they blow the crap out of some tunnels.
EBG Commander 99: Alright, saddel up you lazy bastards, that means you 117, Foxtecha has just ordered us to assault one of the QFF's military complexes in the North, make sure you have intact armor and full weapons belts people!
17-04-2005, 01:23
The AWAKS had picked up a battlefleet on their long range radar. George signalled the fleet.
George: AWAKS to Giraffes Pee. Fleet spotted on radar. Distance 140Km.
Giraffes Pee: Roger that. Keep tracking them.
George: Roger. Out.
The signalman on Giraffes Pee tried to contact the fleet.
Radio: This is Giraffes Pee of the DQN. Identify yourself. This is Giraffes Pee of the DQN. I repeat, identify yourself.
The message was sent to the bridge that no answer was recieved.
VA Harry: If they aren't replying they must be considered hostiles. Whats the status of the Hornet's?
Flight Commander: We can have flight 1 and 3 up in the next hour.
VA Harry: launch flight 1 and then get me some air cover. Then launch flight 3. Brief them for assaulting enemy fleet. Expecting at carriers and air cover.
Flight Commander: Yes sir!
The flight commander then left to orginise the attack.
VA Harry: Can we hit 'em with ship launched missiles?
DQN Gill: No sir! Out of range.
VA Harry: Damn! What's the status of those Tupolovs?
Signalman: They should be in attack position in 20 minutes.
VA Harry: Tell them to target AA ships first. The Hornet's should take care of the carrier.
Signalman: Yes sir!
The Tu-22's of flight 69 were closing range. They did not have enough infomation to know which ships they were targetting, but they had orders to launch all missiles at 50KM and get away fast. The Lady Bugg was leading the formation.
Lady Bugg: Calling all Bug's. We shall be able to launch in 5 minutes. Everyone pick a target and launch 4 missiles at each ship. Over
Bug 3: Sir!
Bug 2: Roger
Bug 5: Yes sir
Bug 4: Ok. Out
Bug 6: Sir
Lady Bugg: Give 'em hell!
17-04-2005, 01:40
Johnson's motorcade had arrived at the QFF HQ. He met with Larry to discuss operations.
Larry: We need you're air force to support our coastal attack.
Johnson: I have already ordered my best squadron to assist. From now on, use my frequency for broadcasts. Yours isn't secure.
Larry: Ok. The attack isn't comprimised?
Johnson: Doubtful. We tuned in by accident. It is unlikly that you will have been comprimised.
Larry: Good! Whats the status on those weapons?
Jed: The convoy arrived and the weapons have been distributed.
Larry: Good. Move out ASAP.
Jed: Sir!
Larry: Where are your forces stationed?
Johnson: I have a large tank corps ready to support your coastal attack if requested. The bulk of the force is station in the center area ready to move forward once the allies arrive. I have an infantry corps on the north flank. My engineer corps have benn tasked with building new airstrips.
Larry: Excellent. We are massing the Militia troops for a new atteck but first we need to capture weapons. We plan to move in the north to capture supply dumps.
Johnson: I will send helo's to aid the advance. My ships will move with the coastal attack giving direct support.
The discussion continued.
In the QFF coastal camp, the commisars were giving inspiring speeches. The troops were ready.
Vaklev: You have volunteered for a worthy cause! For too long we have be opressed by Deely! NO MORE!
Croud: Ya!
Vaklev: We will move immediatly! Every man who can, get into trucks. Everyone else, those tanks will keep you warm!
Croud: Death to DEELY!
The militia boarded their transports. The rest sat on the back of the T-80's of Johns tank corps. The trained men of Johnsons corps sneered at the rabble that was the QFF militias. They felt themselves above this scum, but they were loyal to Johnson and they would follow him to hell. The Tannoy's rang out.
Van Luxemburg
17-04-2005, 06:50
back at the Van Luxemburg base in Quiblechistan
"the aircraft should be landing soon"
"yes, i already got contacts in the south"
meanwhile the airforce was 60km south of the base.
"Awacs to all aircraft, got contacts on large land force"
"Black Eagle to AWACS, i got them too"
"This is Command, do NOT engage, proceed to VLB (Van Luxemburg Base)"
at Van Luxemburg Base
"ah, there's our backup"
the transport planes began unloading and the airplanes started seeking a nice place to park.
"Commander D'Liberte of the 50th Division Politique reports sir!"
"ah, it's an honour to have you here, sir!"
"I have orders to take command over this base" said D'Liberte
"but ofcourse sir, then i have a message for you, Deely is preparing a meeting immediately"
"arrange me a escort, i don't want me to arrive in a bodybag out there!"
"yes sir"
D'Liberte left with his escort for the meeting
The Vuhifellian States
17-04-2005, 14:28
EBG 330: Well it looks like we will have to re-aquant ourselves later 179...
330 then walked towards the awaiting Rapier 4
Rapier 4: C'mon people, get your lazy asses on bourd
EBG Commander 99: 117, 179, get onbourd Eureka 5, the loss of the Eureka Lifters means that Rapier and Halo will have to double their loads...
Halo 2: Ah Crap!
EBG Commander 99: Quit yur' bitchin, the more tanks we send in the higher our success rate will be.
Fox Flight 4
Fox Flight 4: Alright people, we are over the main battle site, disengage now!
The locks for the Fury Fighters unlocked all at the same time, and all 24 fighters of the Mobius Squadron assisted the Quiblechistan Air Force in destroying the enemy fleet...
Mobius 2-24: YES SIR!
Mobius 1: All Mobius units follow me in and only target enemy fighters, bombers, and dropships, ok?
Mobius 2-24: YES SIR!
The fighters in the Mobius Squadron flew in a tight formation towards the battle....
Van Luxemburg
17-04-2005, 17:48
"Van Luxemburg commander reporting to General Deely!"
Deely: "Ah, yes, i called you. you are supporting us in the battle against the QFF?"
"not directly"
this came as a shock to General Deely, they said they would help, didn't they?
"why not?"
"we are here to catch Johnson, and to clear anyone out who resists to us while trying to catch him"
(OOC: don't be afraid, i just got Johnson as my primary objective, but i will need to get past the whole QFF army for that)
"OK, I approve, what's your plan?"
"nothing for now, we will stay at the base and do some recon, patrol and training untill we get info on the location of Johnson"
"contact me when you know more and undertake action"
"At you orders sir!"
the commander of Van Luxemburg saluted and walked away through the door, scrambling his men to bring him back safe and sound.
17-04-2005, 21:10
Private Communication to General Johnson
To: General Johnson, Quiblechistan
From: Admiral Jenkins, Aequatian Marine Expeditionary Force
Re: Landing Forces
Elements of Task Force Hammer have entered Quiblechistani waters and are preparing for deployment along the Southern coastline in proximity to the industrialized West, as we have been informed that the area has been cleared or is in the process of being cleared for our landings. Both the 2nd and 15th Marine Divisions will be landing while our warships will be providing air support from offshore.
17-04-2005, 21:20
At coastal radar station 18, men of the 21st infantry were preparing defences to repell suspected naval invasion. Billy and Jim were tasked with laying mines.
Billy: Why do we need these mines anyway?
Jim: Didn't you know? The QFF have asked for foreign support.
Billy: Hyprocits.
Inside the radar bunker there was alot of comotion. Unidentfied aircraft were heading there way from inland.
Radio operator: This is 18. Identify yourselves. (Waits) Repeat ID yourselves or we will be forced to engage. (No answer) What now sir?
Commander: Enage with SAM 1.
Radarman: They could be friendlies.
Commander: They didn't ID. We have strict orders to engage any suspected enemies. Especially after the Fort Harrison incident.
Radio operator: Yes sir. SAM 1 Engage at will.
SAM 1 swung and launched 4 missiles.
Radio operator: SAM away.
Radarman: What the?! Incoming bogie from the sea. Approaching Fast. Must be a CMissile.
Commander: Shit! Get SAM 2 to engage.
Radio operator: SAM 2, engage Cmissile.
SAM 2 swung and launched. They all watched tensly as the blips closed on each other. Then one dissapeared and the other continued towards them.
Commander: Shit! SAM 3.
Radio operator: SAM 3 engage.
They watched in horror as this also missed.
Commander: Call the Gattling Gun.
Radio operator: GG, prepare to engage CM.
Outside, the spotter was scanning the horizon. He saw the Cruise missile approaching, but tried to ignore it. Then to his horror, he saw tanks approaching along the coast.
Spotter: Incoming armour
Commander: SHIT! Everyone to the trenches.
Radarman: What about that CM.
Commander: Forget it! If those tanks run us over then it won't matter.
A few minutes later, in station 17 further down the coast...
Radio operator: We've lost contact with 18
Commander: Try again.
Radio operator: I did. No answer.
Commander: Shit! Radio HQ and tell them.
Radio operator: 17 to HQ. Attack iminent. Need reinforcements.
In his hurry, the radio man forget to code the message, so it was open on all channels.
TO: Deely
We wish to know areas of hostile force concentration.
17-04-2005, 21:28
Deely to Theo: There is currently a big push by the QFF along the coast by the industrial zone. Also, The main QFF bases are believed to be in the Maynmar Mountains, although a heavily defended front several miles in front of this has prevented us getting near this.
17-04-2005, 21:29
The Lady Bugg had intercepted the call from station 17.
Lady Bugg: This is Bugg leader. Change course to help Radar 17.
Bugg 2: How? We only have Anti Ship Missiles.
Lady Bugg: This could be the invasion we were told about!
Bugg 2: Yes sir.
As they approached, they picked up ships on their short range radar.
Lady Bugg: Engage!
(That would be your fleet Aequatio)
Message recived, we shall begin tactical and stratigic planning.
ooc: could you add a link to the map on your first post?
17-04-2005, 21:35
Nokiloi, divisional commander of the coastal attack forces, was pleased with their success. They had cleared the first of 4 objective radar stations along the coast. Another few miles and they would be at the second. He was confident that by the end of the week they would reach the wast coast of the Dingle harbour.
Slightly furhter inland, Bob was not as pleased. Put under the command of a 15,000 man strong militia, he was tasked with advancing into the industrial zone from the west. His forces had been halted on the outskirts by a small detachment of 12th corps.
18-04-2005, 00:31
Admiral Jenkins stood aboard the bridge of the carrier RNS Thisbe as an ensign walked over with reports of the actions onshore in Quiblechistan, "Sir, the first of the coastal radar sites have been eliminated... Johnson's forces are clearing the way for us."
"Excellent, our Marines won't have such a hard time hitting the beaches then and it will allow them to fight inland better," replied the admiral, "Place all ships on alert and launch those Hawkeyes, we need to see what's ahead of us before we make a move on the coast."
"Aye Sir, right away!" said the ensign as he walked off.
The minute the order came to the flight deck became even more busy and lively, the E-2C Hawkeye AWACS aircraft were being prepped for launch off the catapults as F-33N Phalanx strike fighters were lined along the deck, ready for a scramble call should the enemy launch aircraft against the task force. The situation was the same on the Eris's deck as her own aircraft were being launched off the catapults and off ahead of the fleet. The formations protecting the amphibious assault ships became tight as the destroyers and cruisers prepared their SAM launchers along with those protecting the carriers and battleships.
The Marine forces were preparing for their landing on the mainland onboard the assault ships, in addition to the fueling and arming of their vehicles and armour, their support helicopters and Harrier jets were doing the same within the hangers below the flight deck. The Marines have been the premier fighting force for the Aequatian Armed Forces and once again they would not let their Republic down as they prepared to do battle once again.
"Push in, Push in! Take out the chemical silo!", screamed General Stauton of the Nedalia Guerilla Militia. They had been sent to Quibleschistan to aid the QFF militia, who were fighting against the leader Deely's corrupt ways. Currently, they were pushing into the outskirts of the Industrial Zone, as it was called, a strategically important area in western Quibleschistan.
"Sir, the last of Deely's forces have retreated. We control the area.", one of the second in commands announced to the General.
"Good work, soldier. Commend the rest of the unit on their good work. Meet me outside the silo in 30 minutes."
With that, the General got in his jeep and rode to the back of the frontline, driving by ecstatic QFF soldiers who were waving at him. He had already won over their hearts, having fought side by side with them, unlike Johnson's generals, who rode at the back of the front line. After about 5 minutes of driving through pedestrian traffic, he approached General Burns, Johnson's man, and the camp he had set up. He did not trust the man, nor did he trust Johnson. Scum, they were. In time, he thought to himself, in time...
"General, the last of Deely's men have retreated. We are currently securing the area.", General Stauton announced to Burns.
"Good work, soldier." Burns replied arrogantly.
"Soldier? Show some respect, Burns, or I'll force it out of you."
Stauton didnt bother waiting for a reply, dismissing himself and getting back into the car. That son of a bitch, he thought to himself, Im going to kill him myself before long.
18-04-2005, 01:51
Random officer: “Admiral we have incoming air craft on radar!”
Admiral Sara: “are they friendly?”
RO: “I don’t know but I don’t think so”
Sara: “then send up some air craft to meet them and prepare are AA weapons. Alert the rest of the fleet. Send them an escort two of are planes for every one of there planes. Last send them a message ask who they are allied to”.
RO: yes Admiral
Captain Hix: all right Maverick squadron lets see who this group of planes are sided with. Maverick 2 your on my wing”.
Lieutenant Sanders: “ok Maverick 1 im right with you”.
18-04-2005, 01:56
"Push in, Push in! Take out the chemical silo!", screamed General Stauton of the Nedalia Guerilla Militia. They had been sent to Quibleschistan to aid the QFF militia, who were fighting against the leader Deely's corrupt ways. Currently, they were pushing into the outskirts of the Industrial Zone, as it was called, a strategically important area in western Quibleschistan.
"Sir, the last of Deely's forces have retreated. We control the area.", one of the second in commands announced to the General.
"Good work, soldier. Commend the rest of the unit on their good work. Meet me outside the silo in 30 minutes."
With that, the General got in his jeep and rode to the back of the frontline, driving by ecstatic QFF soldiers who were waving at him. He had already won over their hearts, having fought side by side with them, unlike Johnson's generals, who rode at the back of the front line. After about 5 minutes of driving through pedestrian traffic, he approached General Burns, Johnson's man, and the camp he had set up. He did not trust the man, nor did he trust Johnson. Scum, they were. In time, he thought to himself, in time...
"General, the last of Deely's men have retreated. We are currently securing the area.", General Stauton announced to Burns.
"Good work, soldier." Burns replied arrogantly.
"Soldier? Show some respect, Burns, or I'll force it out of you."
Stauton didnt bother waiting for a reply, dismissing himself and getting back into the car. That son of a bitch, he thought to himself, Im going to kill him myself before long.
where the hell did you come from you cant just pop up like that you have to post you forces ariveing into the area and the land battles havent evin started fighting though as it looks i would not call you a n00b but you need to edit that post or it could and likely will be ignored
The Vuhifellian States
18-04-2005, 02:17
Mobius 4: Tango's on RADAR!
Mobius 1: You are all clear to engage!
All Monius aircraft armed their IBEX Missiles as they headed towards the Nebarri_Prime Fleet
Mobius 9: Enemy aircraft only right?
Mobius 1: Correct!
Mobius 9: Sir they have AA Guns on their ships!
Mobius 1: Damn, oh well, use your missiles wisely then!
Eureka 5: 99, we have just recieved word from Deely's forces that they need help defending the Southern Coast, its your call?
EBG Commander 99: Rapier Squadron, continue your course towards the interior and see if you can inflict as much damage to the QFF as possible. Halo Squadron you follow the Eurekas towards the coast, if anyone's gonna be the first to see action, I won't let Deely see it first!
18-04-2005, 02:34
OOC: i have to go for now be back in about an hour but can i ask what kind of air craft are the mobius group i think you told me but i dont know much about whatever they are just tell me which of the fallowing they are most like
The Vuhifellian States
18-04-2005, 12:36
OOC: i have to go for now be back in about an hour but can i ask what kind of air craft are the mobius group i think you told me but i dont know much about whatever they are just tell me which of the fallowing they are most like
OOC: Sorry, none of the above, I sort of MT-FT
The Mobius Squadron uses the Fury Class Interceptor, it's a blend between the F-22 and the S-37, but it has greater machine gun capacity and a smaller turning radius.
OOC: EBG Fun Facts =)
Fun Fact #1: EBG= Elite Black Guard
Fun Fact #2: No, everyone in the EBG is not Black. It is named the Elite Black Guard because all their weapons, armor, equipment, and vehicles are black. If a callsign, name, emblem, or award is to be painted on, it must be done in yellow.
Fun Fact #3: The EBG MOLIGNAR Armor was developed by the Human Intelligence Advancment Research Center's Weapons and Arms Department and has a number of capabilities which include:
*X-Ray sensors(helmet)
*Infrared Sensors(helmet)
*Air Current/Pressure sensor(helmet)
*Ability to harness water, wind, or thermal energy to produce the electricity the suit's computer systems need.
*Temporary Optical Stealth(For cyborg's like 117, this is a long time)
*Ability to camaflague armor into Arctic white, desert brown, marsh green, or forest mix
*In helmet radio
Links to images of EBG equipment(Photos taken during testing of equipment) (Korsa)
Van Luxemburg
18-04-2005, 14:36
"Sir, Sir!"
"yes, what is it McKensey?" commander D'Liberte asked
"we've got reports of attacks on Quiblechistani radar Stations!"
D'Liberte grabbed the microphone for the Intercom
"Red Alert! Red Alert! attacks on Quiblechistan have begun! I Repeat attacks on Quiblechistan have begun! man Battlestations"
The doors of the barracks opened and men of the Royal van Luxemburg army
stormed out. two minutes
later the doors of the van Luxemburg base have been blocked by Leclerc tanks, standing behind heavy 3 meter thick Titanium doors.
"Leclerc 1 ready!"
"Leclerc 2 ready!"
"this is AMX-30 MBT patrol, we need to get in!"
thirty AMX-30 MBT's were standing in front of the enormous gates.
"We will be sending in 50th to support you, you will be guarding the main road!"
ten Minutes later the group captured the main road leading from the capital Quiblockalod to the VLB.
where the hell did you come from you cant just pop up like that you have to post you forces ariveing into the area and the land battles havent evin started fighting though as it looks i would not call you a n00b but you need to edit that post or it could and likely will be ignored
Am I doing something wrong here? I stated in the sign-up, I do believe, that I will be sending 1000 Nedalia Guerilla Militia fighters to help fight alongside the QFF, even though we do not like Johnson. I thought battles had begun, as the QFF were pushing onto the Industrial Zone. If I am wrong, please let me know, and just put me back on track.
18-04-2005, 17:16
OOC:i think you should post your forces ariveing on this thread
i use M word to correct my bad spelling so im not posting my IC right now as im at school but i will type it later
18-04-2005, 19:12
In Deelys estate, far east of the troubled zones, General Richtoheffen arrived back from his forward base in Quiblockalod. He had urgent reports from the front.
Richtoheffen: Sir, the QFF have destroyed radar station 18 and are moving along the coast. They are being held on the outskirts of the Industrial Zone. Fort Harrison has been destroyed.
Deely: Why have i only been told now??? When did this happen?
Richtoheffen: The coastal attack was started not more then 9 hours ago. Harrison was bombed at dawn. Bugg squadron an Tornado sqadron are the only survivors.
Deely: REVENGE! WE NEED REVENGE! Get Special Support 1 to fire a couple of nukes at the bastards.
Richtoheffen: Are you sure Sir?
Deely: YES! Just 1 or 2 to show them we mean business. Also contact VL and tell them to move as a blocking forces north of the Industrial Zone. The QFF wont go far if their flank is threatened. Move the 51st into Jericho(North-most city in Industrial Zone)
Richtoheffen: Yes Sir!
Richtoheffen left to make the necessary arrangements
18-04-2005, 22:50
The coastal attack was going better then expected. They had cleared the first 3 Radar Stations and were advancing on the 4th. This being said, they had lost over 15,000 troops, worst losses in the freshly sown minefields. Volks Obersturmbahnfurher(Higher sergeant) Bill Baily decided to notify HQ.
Bill: This is the Volks Militia south. Bill Baily speaking. We have captured or destroyed 3 RS. Moving on the 4th. Minor losses.
HQ: Goodgood. Continue to the 6th then turn into the IZ and secure the south suburbs to protect the beaches.
Bill: Yes sir! We will be there by dusk! Send our thanks to Johnsons tank division. They are proving invaluable.
HQ: Will do. Keep moving.
Bill: Yes sir. Out.
Bill over the tank intercom: We must move faster. Get to the 6th RS by dawn. It is our duty to serve Larry and the cause. Each tank is to broadcast the orders to move fast and hard over the loudspeakers. Out.
Bill, safe towards the back of the mssive attack, was pleased with his progress. He might even get a promotion...
It was a completely different story for the Volks Militia attacking the industrial zone west. For a start, they were only 15,000 strong with little to no support, apart from sporadic Artillary fire from an unknown fire base. The untrained men were like pigs to the slaughter in the streets and buildings of the Suburbs.
19-04-2005, 00:14
As the Nebarri prime fighters moved in on the Vuhifellian states fighters
Rouge 13: “whoa there stealth”
Rouge 1: “Relax rookie there aren’t that many of them”
Viper 5: “Just look at them though, I have never seen planes like that”
Maverick 1: “remember we are only here as support for the QFF so don’t be careless with you lives”
Phantom 1: “right, ok Phantom squadron engage”
Saber 1: “saber squadron move to cover positions for Phantom Squadron”
Thunder 3: “thunder 2 get out of there your not clear to engage”
Maverick 2: “maverick 1 are we clear to engage”?
Maverick 1: “no I want to see how they fly before we try taking them on”
Soon the 15 F/A-18s that made up Phantom squadron moved in on the nine enemy fighters
With the navel force
RO: “Admiral, Phantom squadron is engaging the enemy fighters”
Sara: move the Aegis into firing position and have the battleships launch the cruise missiles at land-based targets. Lets try distracting the enemy fighters and I want more fighters up there”.
RO: “yes admiral”
The Vuhifellian States
19-04-2005, 00:38
Soon the 15 F/A-18s that made up Phantom squadron moved in on the nine enemy fighters
OOC: Technically theres 24 fighters
Mobius 1: Missiles armed!
Mobius 9: Why aren't they engaging?
Mobius 1: Don't know, but arm your Aneheim Air to Surface Missiles just in case...
Eureka 5 had landed just outside the fourth RADAR station said to be the target for QFF forces
Eureka 5: Alright you guys, I'll set up a parimeter with the Halo Squadron, if I see anything strange I'll radio it to you immediately.
EBG 117: Roger that Eureka 5!
About 100 EBG Troops walked towards the RADAR Station, hopefully this would go exactly as they planned.
Van Luxemburg
19-04-2005, 13:27
"we've got a request from Deely sir!"
"bring it on"
"we need to go to the north of the Industrial Zone as blocking Forces"
"send 46th, 47th and 48th including 100 Leclerc Main Battle Tanks"
"what about air support?"
"you're right, 2 Tigers, 20 Fennecs, 10 Jaguars and 20 Rafale's for air support and control, contact Quiblechistan asking if we may launch an KC-135 refuelling aircraft and a B2 to permanently stay in the air, Oh, and don't forget the BlackBird for Recon"
"Yes sir"
the 2nd commander walked away, sending his men to the designated area.
"Black Eagle here, we've got about 15000 partizans inbound (OOC: Quiblechistan, these are your Volks Militia), asking for response, Black Eagle out"
"we'll contact Quiblechistan about this, but we'll send our 46th in"
(OOC: my 46th is elite and armed with .50 Barret snipers)
"46th Leader to Fennec leader, drop us off here"
"Roger that, Fennec leader to all, approaching the LZ, ready guns"
"Gazelle inbound, rockets armed, have them in sight"
"hold fire untill rogered, 46th Leader out."
"roger on that one, Gazelle leader out"
half an hour after the order has been given, 46th was inbound with several Fennec light Utility helicopters and Gazelle armed helicopters.
"LZ reached, weapons armed, have troops in sight, open Fire?"
"this is Papa Bear, you may open fire, but only aim at the leaders at first, we need to get them without command, after that the Gazelles may open fire, Papa Bear out."
"Roger, Papa Bears only, aiming now"
soon after that the Barret snipers fired, but were almost impossible to hear, because of highly advanced silencers.
"Papa Bear to 47th and 48th, how are you?"
"This is 47th leader, we've got it all under control"
"Roger, if anything happens we will give the command to attack, Papa Bear out"
Van Luxemburg
19-04-2005, 17:45
the Grand Duke sat in his office. he was thinking. he liked this relax times, he always came up with something Brilliant. suddenly his fist hits the Table.
"I've got it! get the Military Top over here!" he said to its secretary.
"yes sir, but ofcourse"
ten Minutes later the whole Military top was at the Grand Duke's office, they didn't knew what was going on.
"what is it Koen?" the people like high ranking officers or ministers called the Grand Duke by his First name.
"those Leclerc Mk.3 we've developed last time, how much have we available now?
"about 250 sir, why that?"
"send a part of the 11th armoured out to Quiblechistan with 125 of those tanks, the QFF will never know what hit them!"
"don't you think it's a little expensive to send brand spanking new Tanks, with the seats still covered in plastic Foil, to Quiblechistan to fight?"
"I'm not crazy, and if there anything happens, I will personally buy a new tank for you"
*sigh* "okay then, we'll send 'em out"
(OOC: this is the tank i'm talking about ( )
19-04-2005, 22:11
Saber 1: “arm missiles and prepare to fire”
Thunder 3: “thunder squadron hold back we aren’t up yet”
Rouge 1: “all fighters in rouge squadron stay back”
Viper 1: “only saber and phantom squadrons are clear to engage”
Phantom 1: “ok Saber squadron lock and fire AIM-54 missiles then Phantom squadron will engage”
Saber 13: “missiles locked on to targets 1-6”
Saber 1: “saber 13 only fire one missile for now we don’t want to waste them”
Saber 13: “yes sir”
Saber 1-15: “targets locked”
The 30 planes that made up Phantom and Saber squadrons moved in to engage the 24 enemy planes
RO: “Admiral we have sent Hydra and chimera squadrons up with the other fighters”
Sara: “good but keep are AA sharp”
RO: “yes admiral”
OOC: Saber squadron is made up of F-14s and Phantom is made up of F/A-18s
19-04-2005, 22:51
Things were going worse and worse at the Industrial Zone. The attacks had only penetred 2KM into the built up area. They were losing men hundreds at a time. Von Paulus radiod Larry to cancel.
Paulus: Sir, we must retreat to hill 19. We are getting slaughtered in these streets. The Volks Youth don't have the training for, well anything, but it's hell in these streets.
Larry: NO! NO RETREAT! We shall send in Johnsons 2nd Assault Tank platoon. His S-tanks should be able to take care of the Deelyites.
Paulus: Sir, our last tank was destroyed 10 minutes ago. We have no support. We need to withdraw.
Larry: Fight to the last man! NO RETREAT! We will give you command of 12 BM-27's. Their rocket artillary will destroy city blocks.
Paulus: *sigh* OK! We will continue.
Paulus put the radio set down. He left his command truck to meet with other forward commanders. As he turned around the side of the vehicle he saw the 5 commanders he was to meet dead. He turnked to get back in the truck and a large caliber round blew his head off. The main guards, in the buildings ahead, didn't hear any shots and only found out what had happened when they turned to see if the meeting was over.
Billy, the CO of the guard company, decided to assume command of the base. He got the signalman to send an open air broadcast over the short range radio. His hasted broadcast caused panic across the 3KM front.
"Paulus and other top commanders dead. HQ destroyed."
Some Company Commanders, believing that a pincer attack had crushed their base from behind, urged their men forward in more brutal attacks thinking that they had been encircled. Others surrendered, deciding to fight on was useless. Most just stayed stagnant and retreated their men to strong houses and awiated the inevitable attack. The north sector recieved a moral boost when, in front of their very eyes, a whole enemy held estate was leveled by screaching rockets. It would be a day before the relief tanks arrived.
19-04-2005, 23:00
The QFF were aproaching Radar Station 4. All seened quiet. They advanced rapidly on the base, the militia men swarming ahead of support tanks. When they had closed to within 600 meters, a massive hail of enemy fire came from invisible earthen bunkers. The first wave was mown down instantly, and one 4 tanks destroyed in seconds. Then, over the horizon came 3 Comanche attack helicopters. Thry fired missiles at the bunkers and two were blown apart. On their second run, they straffed two jeeps with tow missile mounts. These were destroyed. The QFF moved on in an inexorible tide, but were taking heavy losses. But the worst was yet to come...
19-04-2005, 23:05
At the Special Support 1 fire base guns one and two had been loaded. They were aimed at the middle of the Mayanmar mountain range. They just needed the signal, and they would send their deadly payload in an arc of doom where there could be no survival.
The two guns roared and let out a massive belch of fire which sent their 2 ton warheads on their way.
19-04-2005, 23:19
Secret transmission to General Johnson
Nebarri prime has 40,000 troops, 500 MBTs, 600 APCs, and 100 light artillery ready for use we just need to know where to get them into the nation and how
OOC: My force is very small, their top priority being to train the QFF in Guerilla Warfare. Nedalia has sent 1,021 Nedalia Guerilla Militia, a special branch of the army. However, they have been involved in the fighting alongside the QFF.
IC: Radar Station 4 was within reach, but there were heavy losses. From initial reports, only 998 of the 1,021 NGM men were left, all of them serving on this front. The QFF were moving too fast, General Stauton thought, and they needed to slow the pace down to regroup, or they will just wipe themselves out. But that asshole Burns wouldn't listen. One of Johnson's puppets. Inevitably, it was the QFF and their noble cause which would suffer.
Stauton could feel there was an incoming attack. If Burns didnt want to listen, then he can kill his own men. The NGM was to stay intact. Stauton got the word out that the NGM was under orders to withdraw to the back of the frontline, and not move from there. Enemy fire was getting heavier, and even though the helicopters had taken out the first batch of invisible earthen bunkers, he was sure there was more to come. The attack ensued, but with the NGM now firmly at the back.
The Vuhifellian States
19-04-2005, 23:40
Mobius 1: Break!
The Mboius Squad broke formation and began avoiding the missiles
Mobius 1: Head towards the ships!
Mobius 1 flipped the switch to his IBEX Missile control
Mobius 1: MOBIUS 1, FOX TWO!
Mobius 4: MOBIUS 4, FOX TWO!
Three IBEX Missiles headed towards the fleet, while 10-24 were engaging the Nebarri Fighters
Mobius 16: Calm Down altman, flip the switch!
Mobius 14 began firing at an enemy fighter when one of the enemy missiles had missed his aircraft by what seemed like a few inches...
Mobius 14: OH MY GOD! MOBIUS 1 HELP!
Eureka 5 had been hovering just outside her parimeter zone when she spotted the QFF make an assault on Radar station 4.
She fired several uranium tipped bullets into another one of the enemy tanks, Eureka 4 had been right next to Eureka 5, and had fired both her JACKEL Missiles towards the Commache Helicopters...
Eureka 4: FOX TWO, FOX TWO!
Meanwhile on the ground, things were going just as planned for the EBG...
EBG 117: Wow these guys must really suck...
He had fired a three round burst into one of the terrorists heads just beyond the hill.
EBG 117: Tureky Shoot...
20-04-2005, 01:04
Mobius 1: Break!
The Mboius Squad broke formation and began avoiding the missiles
Mobius 1: Head towards the ships!
Mobius 1 flipped the switch to his IBEX Missile control
Mobius 1: MOBIUS 1, FOX TWO!
Mobius 4: MOBIUS 4, FOX TWO!
Three IBEX Missiles headed towards the fleet, while 10-24 were engaging the Nebarri Fighters
Mobius 16: Calm Down altman, flip the switch!
Mobius 14 began firing at an enemy fighter when one of the enemy missiles had missed his aircraft by what seemed like a few inches...
Mobius 14: OH MY GOD! MOBIUS 1 HELP!
Eureka 5 had been hovering just outside her parimeter zone when she spotted the QFF make an assault on Radar station 4.
She fired several uranium tipped bullets into another one of the enemy tanks, Eureka 4 had been right next to Eureka 5, and had fired both her JACKEL Missiles towards the Commache Helicopters...
Eureka 4: FOX TWO, FOX TWO!
Meanwhile on the ground, things were going just as planned for the EBG...
EBG 117: Wow these guys must really suck...
He had fired a three round burst into one of the terrorists heads just beyond the hill.
EBG 117: Tureky Shoot...
OOC: altman, Mobius you like Ace combat 4 dont you
The Vuhifellian States
20-04-2005, 01:13
OOC: altman, Mobius you like Ace combat 4 dont you
OOC: How did u no that?
20-04-2005, 01:31
Saber 13: “whoa! Get him of me! Help I can’t shake this guy!”
Phantom 4: “get over here I think I can get a shot then”
Saber 13: “I don’t know how much close I can get to you”
Saber 1: “get as close as you can help Phantom 4 get a good spike”
Saber 13: “ok I can try”
Saber 1: “can anyone else get in here it would help a lot”
Viper 1: “vipers you’re all clear to engage”
Thunder 1: “thunder squadron your all clear to engage”
Maverick 1: “Rouge 1 you see those fighters there”
Rouge 1: “yeah I see um”
Maverick 1: “I think there after the ships”
Rouge 1: “right, Rouge squadron target the fighters at are 3 o’clock”
Rouge 2-15: “yes sir”
Maverick 1: “mavericks we are going with the rouges”
Maverick 1 moved in quickly managed to get a quick lock on a fighter and fired one of his AIM-9s
RO: “fighters coming in on the fleet”
Sara: “fire SAMs and other AA guns all ships”
RO: “they have dropped some bombs! Damn they hit a frigate”
Sara: “were are hydra and chimera squadrons”
RO: “coming in on the fighters fast as well as Maverick and Rouge squadron”
Sara: “good keep firing SAMs and the AA guns until the fighters are engaged by are fighters”
RO: “yes Admiral”
OOC: would you be ok if I killed some of your fighters of as well you can kill any of my fighters except Maverick and Rouge pilots
As well this is squadron plane type
Saber – F-14
Thunder – F/A-18
Viper – F-14
Phantom – F/A-18
Hydra – Jaguar GR1
Chimera – Jaguar GR1
Maverick – F-16
Rouge – F-16
And the AIM-9 is also known as a sidewinder – very hard to avoid
20-04-2005, 01:33
OOC: How did u no that?
OOC: i rented it one time. playing it for 5 days i beat it in 3 :D
Van Luxemburg
20-04-2005, 07:13
(OOC: Quiblechistan, is this estate the QFF have fired rockets upon, mine or yours?)
Commander van Luxemburg, a nephew of the Grand Duke was watching his men while they were washing and preparing the Leclerc Mk.3 tanks, the brand new tanks of 11th armoured.
"come on, we need to reinforce soon"
"yes sir, only one tank to go"
"that's good news"
half an hour later the Tanks were moving out of the gates, heading to support 46th, who asked for tank support because of BM-27 attacks.
"Mk.3-1 to all, approaching 46th, keep your heads down and watch for Volks Militia and armoured vehicles!"
"Yes, we're ready sir"
ten minutes later they reached 46th.
"need some help guys?"
"yes, we probably gonna need it"
"Have BM-27 in sight, open Fire!"
enormous fireballs came out of each of the 30 tanks. they had fired their
Van Luxemburg Conventional Digital Auto Aiming System Bullets, wich had the ability to track and follow a target in a range of 3000 metres.
20-04-2005, 11:16
Back In Mationland's Base In Quiblechistan , General Pontig was holding an important meeting with his Lieutenants .
General Pontig : Shall we help General Johnson in his battle ?
Lieutenants : No Way ! Why should we put Mationlanders at risk ?
General Pontig : However , the order has just came in from Mationlan to order all troops stationed in Quiblechistan to aid General Johnson to overthrow General Deely . Unless you all want to defy orders . You know the punishment , execution by facing a firing squad .
Lieutenants : Of course no , execution by firing squad is the , most embarrasing one because we get shot by our own soldiers which we are commanding .
General Pontig : Okay , its settled then , our troops will move to Johnson's base via transport trucks tommorow . They must be covered by 10 Comanches , I don't want any lives to be lost on this move . Is this understood ?
Lieutenants : Sir Yes Sir !
General Pontig : Hey you radio operator .
Radio Operator : Yes Sir ?
General Pontig : Call HQ at once and request for reinforcements . I can forsee that this is going to be a loooong battle . It won't end so soon .
Radio Operator : Yes sir ! (And he leaves the room)
General Pontig : Well , there's nothing else to discuss . Assembly dismissed . Remember to start preparing the weapons , vehicles and inform the troops .
Lieutenants : Yes Sir ! (With that , they leave the room one by one)
Meanwhile In Mationlan ...............................
The telegram has been received .
Radio Operator : Hey guys , call the chief , an important telegram has just arrived from Base Qamat in Quiblechistan .
Chief : Show me the message (and he reads the telegram)
Chief : Hey you messanger , bring this message to high command immediatly .
Messanger : Yes Sir ! (He gets the message , salutes and leaves the room)
High Command .....
A meeting with all the ministers , chief of staffs , generals has started .
Minister Of War : So , Base Qamat is asking for reinforcements . Shall we send them ?
Minister Of Finance : Well , calculating the costs , its not worth while .
Minister Of Law : Well , the Dictator himself mentioned the other day that we must assist general johnson to overthrow general deely with whatever we can offer right ?
Ministers : Yes .
Minister Adviser 1 : Well , I say we call the dictator now and ask him first .
Minister Advisers : Well said , agreed .
Minister Of Telecommunications : Well , lets call him (he whips out his high tech PDA-phone and dails the secret number)
At a High Class Golf Club ....
The Dictator Is Currently Playing Golf ...
Dictator : Hey , those bastards dare to call me in the middle of a match !!!
Aide 1 : Sir , you should answer it , it seems like its urgent . They would never call you as a assembly unless its really urgent .
Aides : Yes sir , agreed .
Dictator : Well then . (he answers the incomming call)
Assembly Of Parliment : Sir , you most royal highness , base qatam is requesting further reinforcements to aid General Johnson against general Deely .
Dictator : Well , General Pontig is a trustable man . secondly , we promised general deely to aid him . So , send the reinforcements !
Assembly Of parliment : Yes Sir . (And the telephone cuts off)
Back at Assembly Of Parliment ...
Minister Of War : You heard that . Radio Operator , send 2 telegrams . One to HQ to prepare 20 battalions of troops , 10 tank divisions , 5 airborne squardrons , 50 M-Crack troopers and 4 strike goups to prepare to set off for Quiblechistan . 2nd , to Base Qatam to wait for reinforcements .
Radio Operator : Yes Sir ! (And he leaves room for HQ)
Back At Base Qatam ...
Radio Operator : Sir . Telegram from HQ received .
General Pontig : What are you waiting for . Pass the freaking paper to me .
Radio operator : Yes Sir ! (and does it)
General Pontig : YES ! HQ's sending a large amount of reinforcements . There'll be a spectacular show to watch , kicking General Deely's butt . Call the lieutenants .
Radio Operator : Yes Sir . (he leaves room to call the lieutenants)
Lieutenants enter the room ...
General Pontig : New Order from ME . 1st priority is to capture General Deely . 1st lieutenant to do so will get 2 million USD . 1st soldier/group to do so will get 1 million USD .
Immediatelly there was a mumur of excitement in the room .
General Pontig : Go , what are you waiting for . Tell the troops .
Lieutenants : Yes Sir ! (And run out of the room to tell their respective battalions)
The Vuhifellian States
20-04-2005, 12:36
OOC: i rented it one time. playing it for 5 days i beat it in 3 :D
I beat it in 3 hours :D
The Vuhifellian States
20-04-2005, 12:38
Saber 13: “whoa! Get him of me! Help I can’t shake this guy!”
Phantom 4: “get over here I think I can get a shot then”
Saber 13: “I don’t know how much close I can get to you”
Saber 1: “get as close as you can help Phantom 4 get a good spike”
Saber 13: “ok I can try”
Saber 1: “can anyone else get in here it would help a lot”
Viper 1: “vipers you’re all clear to engage”
Thunder 1: “thunder squadron your all clear to engage”
Maverick 1: “Rouge 1 you see those fighters there”
Rouge 1: “yeah I see um”
Maverick 1: “I think there after the ships”
Rouge 1: “right, Rouge squadron target the fighters at are 3 o’clock”
Rouge 2-15: “yes sir”
Maverick 1: “mavericks we are going with the rouges”
Maverick 1 moved in quickly managed to get a quick lock on a fighter and fired one of his AIM-9s
RO: “fighters coming in on the fleet”
Sara: “fire SAMs and other AA guns all ships”
RO: “they have dropped some bombs! Damn they hit a frigate”
Sara: “were are hydra and chimera squadrons”
RO: “coming in on the fighters fast as well as Maverick and Rouge squadron”
Sara: “good keep firing SAMs and the AA guns until the fighters are engaged by are fighters”
RO: “yes Admiral”
OOC: would you be ok if I killed some of your fighters of as well you can kill any of my fighters except Maverick and Rouge pilots
As well this is squadron plane type
Saber – F-14
Thunder – F/A-18
Viper – F-14
Phantom – F/A-18
Hydra – Jaguar GR1
Chimera – Jaguar GR1
Maverick – F-16
Rouge – F-16
And the AIM-9 is also known as a sidewinder – very hard to avoid
OOC: Yup, I just have some "untouchable" units such as EBG 117 and Mboius 1, they're important to my RPing in here and basically control my entire part of the story
The Vuhifellian States
20-04-2005, 12:41
Mobius 1 and 2 detatched from attack fromation and swerved back towards the air, Mobius 4 however didn't hear Mobius 1's call...
Mobius 4: Dammit, Missile, ....OH NO!
Near the sea they saw Mobius 4 going down followed by the sounds of the explosion a few second later.
Mobius 4: Can't....
The saw Mobius 4's plane crash into the water when Mobius 16 fired to IBEX Missiles at an enemy fighter...
Van Luxemburg
20-04-2005, 14:57
The Commander of the Van Luxemburg Base in Quiblechistan looked up when he heard the roar of jets.
"What the Hell?, what are these for strange aircraft?"
He Ran towards the Radio/Radar station to check out what was happening.
"What The Hell is going on? I have incoming jets!, why haven't you warned me?"
"I can't catch them with the Radar sir"
"and i've got nothing on Radio frequencies, sir"
"You Idiots, Morons, you *^^$^%$&#$^&!
he walked out, checking the skies again, but saw that the unknown aircraft had disappeared.
"Huh? i saw them 20 seconds ago and now they're gone!"
then a Radio Operator came running to him, with a piece of paper i his hand
"Sir! Sir! this just came in from HQ!"
(Secret IC)
FROM: Van Luxemburg HQ
TO: Commander of Van Luxemburg Base, Quiblechistan
a small wing (5 fighters) will land very soon on your base these are TOP SECRET aircraft, and are the newest development in Van Luxemburg, so they must be safe at all costs. specs can be found here (
the aircraft may be used in engagements across Quiblechistan.
(/Secret IC)
as soon the Mirage 2100 (Codename) aircraft landed, the commander designated some top secret Bunkers to park them.
20-04-2005, 18:25
Secret transmission to General Johnson
Nebarri prime has 40,000 troops, 500 MBTs, 600 APCs, and 100 light artillery ready for use we just need to know where to get them into the nation and how
Send them over the North Western border. It is under control of the QFF.
20-04-2005, 19:13
(OOC: Quiblechistan, is this estate the QFF have fired rockets upon, mine or yours?)
OOC: I was assuming that your troops were inter-mingled with the forces of Deely so i thought both could be hit with the missiles.
The BM-27's were attacked by enemy tanks soon after they had reloaded for a second barrage. 2 were turned to wreaks instantly.
BM-27-1: Shit! Where those tanks come from?
BM-27-3: I DON'T KNOW!
Another 3 were destroyed.
BM-27-1: Where's the infantry? Where's the armour?
2 more had been destroyed. Over the radio crackled a new voice.
S 1: This is the 2nd Assault Platoon. Just tell us where to shoot!
At that moment, the first 5 S-Tanks turned the corner along with Assault Engineers, entering buildings. The first tank fired at a Leclerc. The rest formed a definsive ring around the BM-27's and opened up.
S 4: Whoa! I hit one!
S-2: Keep firing!
20-04-2005, 22:05
Admiral Jenkins looked over the reports flooding in from the field before turning to one of his lieutenants, "Roberts, I think it's time we entered the fight. Have the 2nd Marine Division prepare for mobilization and the 15th as a floating reserve, we're going to hit the fourth radar station where the rebel forces are taking some heavy losses."
"Aye Sir, right away!"
The order was given and every sailor, marine, pilot and support personnel prepared for the coming operation. The task force's battleships trained their main guns on the loyalist-held radar station and opened up, pouring 15-inch shells into the enemy positions as the missile cruisers fired their cruise missiles to compliment the bombardment. Strike fighters launched from the carriers also aided in the landing by providing air superiority over the area.
The amphibious assault ships and their escorting vessels moved closer to the shoreline under the support fire provided by the fleet's capital ships. AV-8C Harrier II aircraft along with PAH-2A helicopter gunships took off from the amphibious assault ships as they launched their landing craft, LCACs, LCUs and LCMs all sped ashore filled with soldiers, combat vehicles, artillery and main battle tanks. With the enemy preoccupied with fighting the rebels, the Marines would have an easy time hitting the beach and advancing to support the rebel forces as they attempted to destroy the radar station.
The Vuhifellian States
21-04-2005, 01:04
OOC: Hey I can't join in the RP until late Friday because I'm going down to South Jersey so can y'all not totally destroy all my troops while I'm away
21-04-2005, 02:36
“It’s a hit! Bandit down” Maverick 1 said just before a missile hit Viper 15
Viper 3: “whoa! I can’t shake this guy!”
Thunder 9: “stay calm he wont get a lock on you if I can help it”
Phantom 6: “Thunder 9 look out!”
Thunder 9: “What!? Oh **** he has a lock on me”
Phantom 6: “I have him, Phantom 6, Fox 2”
Thunder 9: “its to late he’s firing”
Phantom 6: “what? NO!….Bandit down but so is Thunder 9”
Chimera 3: “Chimera 3, fox 2! Damn missed but your tail is clear Viper 3”
Viper 3: “thanks for that”
Saber 15: “I can’t get a lock on this guy”
Saber 3: “just keep trying”
Maverick 3: “Come on, come on. Locked! Maverick 3 fox 2!”
Hydra 5: “they cant last much longer there aren’t that many of them”
Viper 7: “that’s right there out numbered five to one”
Maverick 1: “Damn this guy is good”
Hydra 11: “who?”
Maverick 1: “the one with the one on his fighter I cant get a lock on him”
Thunder 2: “so what its not like its real easy to get a lock on”
Maverick 2: “your talking about the best pilot we have in all are proud air force”
Thunder 2: “whoa, ok I get it know”
Maverick 1: “ok time to cut the chatter we need to take them all out or force them back to their ships”
RO: “Admiral what are your orders now?”
Sara: “Fire the cruise missiles from the battleships at are targets on the coast”
RO: “yes admiral”
The 44 cruise missiles where soon launched at the coast
Sara: “this better help the QFF or at least make the fighters try and take them out so are fighters can get behind them”
The Vuhifellian States
21-04-2005, 12:27
OOC: I'm leavin in 3 hours so this will be my last post until like 9 on friday
Mobius 1: Who the hell is this guy tryin to get a lock on?
Mobius 2: Want me to clear him for you?
Just then they all saw the cruise missiles being launched from the enemy ships...
Mobius 2: What do you
Mobius 1: Fine you damn lazy bastard!
Mobius 1 headed off towards the cruise missiles and armed his Gatling Guns
Mobius 1: I'm in gun range, commence firing....NOW!
Mobius 1 started to fire at the cruise missiles heading towards the coast while the rest of the squadron was engaging enemy fighters...
Mobius 3: Mobius 3 here, IBEX Missiles armed, ready to fire...
Mobius 2: Mobius 3 Clear my 6!
Mobius 3: Roger that, Mobius 3 Fox One!
Mobius Three had fired one of his "tracer" missiles at the enemy fighter...It had hit the left wing and the fighter spiraled towards the sea.
Mobius 3: Bandit Down! You owe me when we get back to Golden Skies City Mobius 2!
Mobius 2: Yeah I really do, wait, get this guy off me!
Mobius 3: Again! Fine, Mobius 3...FOX 1!
Mobius 2: Mobius 7 Take care of those damned assault ships will ya?
Mobius 3 had hit yet another plane, this time dead on, it exploded instantly...
Mobius 7: Mobius 7, arming Aneheim ASM right now... Mobius 7 FOX TWO FOX TWO!
Mobius 7 had fired both of his Air-Surface Missiles, they split apart in mid-air, with one heading towards the damaged frigate, and the other towards what seemed to be a cruiser...
The Vuhifellian States
21-04-2005, 12:31
Maverick 1: “ok time to cut the chatter we need to take them all out or force them back to their ships”
OOC: Actually if you read my earlier post, the Mobius Squadron disengaged from Fox Flight 4 and 5...which are untouchable units because they're currently heading back to Vuhifell.
Fox Flight 2 is still in the area however, but its considered untouchable because of the need for Fox Flight 2 in my other RP's and the need for the high level people onbourd
Van Luxemburg
21-04-2005, 13:02
"Damnit, whe are being shot!"
"This is mk.3-30, we've been hit!, our armour has been penetrated half, n another hit on the same place and we're done!"
in the commanders vehicle....
"sir, this message came in from HQ! we need air support, shall i contact HQ?"
"DO IT! LAZY **** get those "Mirage 2100" fighters out here!"
"Yes sir, immediately!"
5 minutes later the new top secret stealth multirole aircraft speeded towards it's first attack in history.
"2100-leader to all, approaching primary target, out."
"2100-4 to 2100-leader, i,m inbound in assault mode and have been assigned to take out Building Tango"
"2100-leader to 2100-4, roger, all except 2100-4 move out to target Alpha!"
"this is 2100-2 missiles armed, assault mode armed"
"This is 2100-4, Storm Shadow launched"
"excellent, join us will you?"
"roger, set to assault mode,arming in 5...4....3.....2....1....0 missiles fired, mission accomplished!"
"this is HQ, stay around, 2100-4 come back for another Storm Shadow!"
"2100-4 to HQ, roger that!"
the Mirage 2100 aircraft attacked the QFF forces who were defending the BM-27's while 2100-4 was rushing back to HQ to get another Storm Shadow Cruise missile
"2100-leader to all, move on to mach 4, they cannot hit us at such high speeds"
"Roger, 5...4...3...2....1... Mach 4 reached!"
21-04-2005, 20:15
The Assault platoon sent to protect the BM-27's were hitting the enemy hard. Suddenly, Fast attack planes began to hit the tanks.
S-1: Where did they come from?
S-2: where did they go?! They're faster than anything i'v cseen before!
S-5: S-6 and S-12 are destroyed.
S-1: Move into cover.
Just then one of the buildings containing Assault Engineers was hit by a missile. It half collapsed.
S-7: Where? Theres no cover!!!
S-1: Some of you can move into that ruined house. The rest of you close on those tanks. The planes wont fire if were close to friendlies.
The planes made another run, Knocking out another tank. At the same time, S-15 got a hit on an enemy tank.
S-1: Engineers, move forward. Protect us from infantry. Tanks, move forward. Keep firing.
At the coast, the QFF had overrun the first line of bunkers, and were up close to the second line soon. They radioed HQ.
CO: This is Volks Militia South. We will have the fourth RS soon. We will rest here and wait for an assault on the next.
HQ: Roger that. Good work. How many are dead.
CO: Almost 30,000 and 20 tanks. We still have 70,000 to 80,000 alive and 140 Merkavas. The trucks are all intact. We could use some APC's.
HQ: Thats a negitive. We can't spare any right now.
CO: Roger. Out.
21-04-2005, 20:23
The QFF were attacking harder than ever at the IZ. They had penetrated 3-5 KM in some places. The tank support they had recieved was swinging the tide in their favour.
Gary, CO of the IZ West, decided to commit his reserve force of 199 Merkava's and 9,000 men into combat.
Richtoheffen burst into Deely's office with urgent news.
Deely: What is it?
Richtoheffen: Sir, Radar Staion 4 is near lost. Radar Station 6-9 have all been taken out by Missiles.
Deely: Send in the 3rd armour.
Richtoheffen: They are in Gary's sector.
Deely: The 9th then.
Richtoheffen: Yes Sir.
Richtoheffen went away to make arrangements for the 9th to move along the coast. This unit was not properly trained, and until 2 months ago had been designated a training division.
He could not face to tell Deely that 4 coastal air bases had also been hit, making the Quiblechen Air Frce almost cease to exist.
Van Luxemburg
21-04-2005, 20:32
"DAMNIT! We're hit! this is MK.3-9, i'm hit! requesting immediate air-support!"
"this is Mk.3 leader, where are those Engineers?"
"This is VAB-VMO-leader, we just put mk.3-30 back in action, moving on to Mk.3-9"
"Roger that!, Mk.3 leader to Mirage 2100 leader, those Tanks are moving into a ruined building, engage!, engage!"
"Roger, while you take care of the rest, we'll take that building!"
"2100-3, fire Storm Shadow at that building!"
"Roger, 5...4...3...2...1... LIFTOFF!"
the Storm Shadow Cruise missile hit the building, collapsing on the tanks under it. at the same time, 2100-3 opened fire with it's 30mm cannons and rocket pods, while the Leclerc Mk.3 MBT's and other 2100's took the rest.
(OOC: this might be a crappy post, but it's late in the evening here, i'm tired.
The Vuhifellian States
21-04-2005, 20:48
OOC: Typing this on my friends sidekick so this will be VERY short
Eureka 2: KEEP FIRING!
The Eureka dropships were almost out of ammo, they had destroyed many tanks and all the helicopters assaulting Radar station 4 but couldn't keep the QFF at bay forever.
117 had thrown a fragmentation grenade over the hill, where he saw several guns and body parts fly into the air...
EBG 179: ROGER THAT 117!
179 was now standing in a field of QFF bodies, if they could just get the machine gun nest up, they could have a chance to drive away the massive QFF force. (I'm assuming you have over 100,000 people assaulting)
EBG 179: 112 FOLLOW ME!
179 ran towards 117, with her assault rifle at her side, 117 in her front, and 112 at her back...
21-04-2005, 23:04
As night fell on Quiblechistan, the QFF were still not in conrol of RS 4. They had been checked in theIZ by Leclerc mk3 and Mirage 2100 attacks. They were still as detirmined as ever. Their spirits were raised even more when news crackled from the rearward bases that !,000,000 men had joined a new Vlks Militia force to attack with the Southern forces. 500,000 of these men were to advance north of the IZ to secure the beachhead and starve the resistance out of the area. They would swing down behind the IZ trapping the defenders. They would be supported by 200 T-80s of Johnsons 17th Batallion.
The other 500,000 were to advance along the coast with the first force and form a corresponding pincer at the coast of Dingle Harbour. This force was to be supported by 150 T-80s of the 12th Batallion.
These new forces were to move under cover of darkness and strike when morning grew bright.
At RS 4, the QFF had cleared all of the bunkers and it appeared that the enemy was in full retreat. With night falling fast, they were gladened by the thought of some rest and they advanced rapidly over the hill. As soon as they reached the summit, several machine guns opened up from the Radar Station itself. The first wave of men was wiped out and the second was badly shot up. The QFF turned to flee, getting shot as they ran.
General Marx decided to call the attack of for the night. He would renew the assault in the morning with fresh men and tanks.
After the Sergeants took rolls of their Troops, they realised the full extent of the days carnage. They had lost 36,000 men and 40 tanks. This was not much of a dent in their overall numbers however, as there were still 64,000 able men and 110 tanks. This force would soon be replenished by the massive new Volks Army being sent from the Mayanmars.
The IZ front had stabilised. With the aid of the 70 S-tanks and 9,000 Assault Engineers, the Volks Militia had advanced 2 KM into the IZ. The areas that got further than this being ordered to retreat into a striaght defensive line and sit tight for the night. There were almost 40,000 able troops still in the area, but over 10,000 had been killed. Fighting had dulled to sporadic fire as both sides camped for the night.
That is, it was quiet almost everywhere. In the Northern part of the sector, where the Artillary had been postitioned, there was still a fierce tank battle raging in the streets. Of the 20 S-Tanks that had come to rescue the BM-27's (Only 2 of which remained), only 12 were still alive. They were pushing forward against heavy fire. The 2,000 strong Engineer force supporting the attack had been wittled down to 400. These remaining troops pushed around behind the enemy tanks and set up Anti-tank rocket positions to prevent the enemy from retreating. They would crush this force before morning....
22-04-2005, 01:42
OOC: I'm not sure how to go about things, I seem to be getting left out of the fighting as there are no responses to my force's actions.
Van Luxemburg
22-04-2005, 15:22
"They're setting up defenses, GET THEM!" the commander of the Leclerc tanks shouted through the radio
"2100-leader here, i'll open fire, 2100 to all, open fire!"
the Mirage 2100 attacked the defenses of the QFF, some of them using 30mm cannons, other miniguns, they were also using rocket pods.
the Leclerc Mk.3 were still with 30 tanks, thanks to the service of the engineering vehicles, they now attacked the S-tanks, which they outnumbered 2:1.
"Engage VLCDAAS! we will hit all 12 of them!"
the tanks engaged their aiming systems, fired, and hit all 12 of the tanks.
"this is Black Eagle , we've got some nasty new units incoming, Black Eagle out"
"roger that, Papa Bear to all units currently in the IZ except for units attacking artillery, retreat immediately!, return to base!"
"roger that, we will take the units at the main road with us""
when the alarm sounded, the troops knew what to do, and got into defensive positions, which means that the area of the Van Luxemburg Base would be completely blocked.
Van Luxemburg
22-04-2005, 15:55
the QFF wanted to surround the troops in the IZ, but they had not counted for upcoming units to repair the broken-down tanks. they were armed with 30mm cannons and 7.62mm machineguns.
"this is VMO-1 to all, attack those Engineers!"
"roger, targets acquired!, arming guns!"
the VAB-VMO vehicles attacked the Engineers of the QFF, trying to mow down large numbers of them
the Grand Duke was sitting on the head of the Table, with all of his people on the sides.
"so the Leclerc Mk.3 and the Mirage 2100 are an enormous succes?"he asked.
"yes sir, they killed about 1600 persons and 8 tanks, the prestations of the VLCDAAS is currently unknown."
"okay, send in another 50 Mirage 2100's, this would make 55 mirage 2100's in Quiblechistan, those must be deployed from the Aircraftcarrier VLS "Provence" and it's escort"
"It's escort? you say we deploy HALF of our navy there? that's just sick, Koen!"
"ask for place to Deely for 6 destroyers, 2 nuclear submarines and 11 surveillance frigates at full sea, deploy also the helicoptercarrier/Landing ship VLS "Le Victoire at full sea"
"That already sounds better to me"
"I also want the rest of our Leclerc mk.3's to Quiblechistan, which means we need 500 extra for in Van Luxemburg."
"how much are we sending to Quiblechistan?"
"the grand total will be 500 mk.3's"
"okay sir"
all advisors stood up from the Table, while walking away they talked to each other.
(OOC: Quiblechistan, I will remove the rest under this if you don't like the plan)
the advisors looked back, seeing the angry Grand Duke sitting at the Table they decided to get back.
"yes, sir?"
"I want to let a VanLuxemburgIntelligenceAgency (VLIA) splinter Cell to get inside the HQ of the QFF and eliminate Johnson and the rest of the QFF leaders, but Johnson as primary target."
"okay sir, we'll deploy him by Fennec late tonight"
"thanks, okay, NOW you may go."
22-04-2005, 17:38
OOC: i have a post planed out but i cant post it now i dont want to because i will not get to use M word
22-04-2005, 19:00
OOC: I'm not sure how to go about things, I seem to be getting left out of the fighting as there are no responses to my force's actions.
OOC: I thought you pulled out. I posted a Flight of Tu-22 planes attacking your naval force and you never replied. That was about page 2.
22-04-2005, 19:05
OOC: i have a post planed out but i cant post it now i dont want to because i will not get to use M word
OOC: Post it as you wish. If there is a problem you can withdraw it
22-04-2005, 22:19
Thunder 14: “holy shit maverick 1s been hit!”
Maverick 12: “stay calm he’s still alive”
Rogue 1: “Rogue and maverick groups intercept the fighters attacking the cruise missiles”
Phantom 1: “Phantom and Saber groups reform and attack with all missiles they cant dodge them all”
Saber 4: “Got him! Bandit down”
Hydra 12: “Fox 2 Fox 2”
Maverick 2 moved in on mobius 1 but unlike maverick 1 she had her wingman with her
Maverick 2: “maverick 4 bandit behind me take him out”
Maverick 4: “no problem, im on him”
Maverick 2 just gets a lock on mobius 1
Maverick 2: “I got a lock!”
Maverick 4: “me to, fox 2 fox 2!”
Maverick 2: “fox 2! Fox 2!”
Maverick 4: “your tail is clear of the fighter im fallowing him”
Maverick 2: “Maverick 5 take his place I don’t want anyone hitting me, Damn missiles missed… a new lock, Fox 2 Fox 2”
RO: “missiles away admiral some enemy fighters perusing”
Near by on a cruiser
Random sailor: “Missiles incoming!”
Almost as soon as he said this SAMs and machine guns opened fire on the incoming missiles either by luck or skill they were able to take the missiles out before they did anything but the frigate was not so lucky it took another blast of missiles
High commander Laura Keller stepped out of her AH-64 she walked up to a solder of the QFF and said “were is Johnson I would very much like to speak with him”
The nebarri ground force had arrived
OOC: Maverick 2 and HC Keller are not to be killed and please do not shoot Maverick 2 down
Also Laura Keller is 3rd in command of the Military and 5th in line for the throne as she is the Emperors sister
22-04-2005, 23:18
Richtoheffen had recieved a secret radio transmission from spy's in the QFF. He immediatly went to Deely's estate to tell him of the call.
Richtoheffen: I have recieved a call from Agent Orange.
Deely: And?
Richtoheffen: The Tactical Nuclear shells fired at the Mayanmar mountians have caused mass panic amongst the QFF. One shell fell short of the Mountians and destroyed the village of Constantantalope. The other fell harmlessly into a ravine.
Deely: That will teach those insurgent scum.
Richtoheffen looked nervously at the ground. He felt sickened that they had killed hundreds if civillians but he was bound by loyality and fear to ignore it.
Richtoheffen: Yes Sir. The QFF seem to be massing more forces for an assault on the IZ.
Deely: Nonsence. They need sleep like everyone else. They are in their beds.
Richtoheffen: If you say so Sir. I will go catch some sleep before more action in the morning.
Deely: Me too. Goodnight Richy.
The Vuhifellian States
23-04-2005, 04:47
Fox Flight 2
James Macker(Head of the EBG): Dammit, our fighters are dropping out of the sky like flies!
RADAR Operator: Mobius 19 just dropped off radar sir!
James Macker: Damn, my father isn't going to like this....
Mobius 1: Missile Down! Almost out of bullets, Mobius 2 take the lead!
Mobius 2: That's a negative Mobius 1, I'm being chased by what looks like Nebarri's answer to the Mobius Squad!
Mobius 1: Wait a minute....That fighter with the one on its nose? Its trailing smoke! QUICK FIRE AN IBEX! FIRE!
Mobius 9: roger that Mobius 1, Mobius 9 Fox Two!
Mobius 7: Mobius 7, Fox Two!
Mobius 23: Mobius 23, Fox Two!
Mobius 13: Mobius 13, Fox Three
Just outside Myanmar Mountains...
EBG 330: Alright, c'mon people!
When the 60 EBG Troops exited the Korsas, and the four Warmaster Tanks they brought along exited the Lifters, the Commander of Squad 52, EBG 330, ordered the troops to move along the pass.
EBG Commander 330: Alright, our first objective from James is to take out a small QFF encampment guarding a mountain village that leads to what we suspect is an airbase.
EBG 340: Well how will we be doing this, its not like our optical stealth will help us in a quaint and quite place like this, the Warmasters will make too much noise and its not like we can exactly not leave footprints.
EBG Commander 330: Thats where 349 comes in, 349, you go up to the top of the mountain and start sniping from up there, once you've taken out about 90% of the camp's inhabitants, we strike, secure the village, and create a direct path for our warmasters into their airbase.
All EBG Units: YES SIR!
RS 4
EBG 112: I dunno, but it doesn't look like we'll have enough to repel another 30+ thousand men...I think we should just bourd the dropships and abandone this place.
EBG 179: NO! We can't, this is the last Radar station along the coast, if its destroyed then foeign support can land with ease and overthrow our entire operation.
EBG 117: Well, it looks like they've stopped attacking for the night...but 179 keep guard okay?
EBG 179: You've got it 117!
EBG 117: Thanks, I owe you one....
EBG 179: More like you owe me two, from back at those cliffs...
EBG Commander 99: I'm sorry to interrupt this peaceful conversation but 110 here has just looked over the stockpiles and it doesn't look good....
EBG 110: What I've seen is that within the next three days, we will be out of food and water...not really a problem seeing as most of us are cyborgs but...I've also seen that within the next five days, all of our ammunition will run out, I think we should bring in Squad 69 and pull Squad 49 out until we ressuply...
EBG 117:'s a daring plan, we'll have to move very quickly, but if we get ourselves to the capital...then I think that the QFF may not take this Radar station after all....
The Vuhifellian States
23-04-2005, 04:52
Thunder 14: “holy shit maverick 1s been hit!”
Maverick 12: “stay calm he’s still alive”
Rogue 1: “Rogue and maverick groups intercept the fighters attacking the cruise missiles”
Phantom 1: “Phantom and Saber groups reform and attack with all missiles they cant dodge them all”
Saber 4: “Got him! Bandit down”
Hydra 12: “Fox 2 Fox 2”
Maverick 2 moved in on mobius 1 but unlike maverick 1 she had her wingman with her
Maverick 2: “maverick 4 bandit behind me take him out”
Maverick 4: “no problem, im on him”
Maverick 2 just gets a lock on mobius 1
Maverick 2: “I got a lock!”
Maverick 4: “me to, fox 2 fox 2!”
Maverick 2: “fox 2! Fox 2!”
Maverick 4: “your tail is clear of the fighter im fallowing him”
Maverick 2: “Maverick 5 take his place I don’t want anyone hitting me, Damn missiles missed… a new lock, Fox 2 Fox 2”
RO: “missiles away admiral some enemy fighters perusing”
Near by on a cruiser
Random sailor: “Missiles incoming!”
Almost as soon as he said this SAMs and machine guns opened fire on the incoming missiles either by luck or skill they were able to take the missiles out before they did anything but the frigate was not so lucky it took another blast of missiles
High commander Laura Keller stepped out of her AH-64 she walked up to a solder of the QFF and said “were is Johnson I would very much like to speak with him”
The nebarri ground force had arrived
OOC: Maverick 2 and HC Keller are not to be killed and please do not shoot Maverick 2 down
Also Laura Keller is 3rd in command of the Military and 5th in line for the throne as she is the Emperors sister
OOC: Don't worry, in the rules of RPing, you decide which people you want to lose when I shoot a missile and I choose who to lose when you shoot a missile...
That is if your missiles hit me or my missiles hit you of course
Van Luxemburg
23-04-2005, 10:27
(OOC: assuming that you do not want to stop my idea, i have dropped my agent.)
(Secret IC)
Fisher hated those missions, deep in enemy territory, fighting on its own.
"Blah, another checkpoint"
he swiftly pulled it's F2000 and fired at the guards. they fell down.
"I think I got them" he said to himself.
he moved on, but had to dive in the water that was going along the road, enemy patrol!
they took the road leading away from the checkpoint, luckily.
he walked on silently, moving through the woods next to the water.
when he pulled out his binoculars, he aimed at the point where the QFF HQ must be, if he had to believe his OPSAT.
he saw several guards walking along the road leading to it, while the entrance was guarded by .50 machine guns.
about 100 metres next to the entrance was a ventilation shaft, hidden in the woods.
"this is my chance" he was a bit schizofrenic, talking to himself all the time.
he ran through the woods and hopped in the shaft silently.
(secret IC)
The Van Luxemburg troops were retreating, the QFF must have thought.
but they had different plans, if the QFF marched on, happy of their victory,
the VL forces would ambush them.
The Vuhifellian States
23-04-2005, 12:28
Presidential Palace
New Hivez, The Vuhifellian States
23:00 Hours
At the conference table on the third floor, Vuhifellian President Stevan Daniels was having a conversation with the Secretary of Defense and one of the Councilors for the Council of War.
Secretary of Defense: Sir, at this point and time, I think it's neccessary to lend Quiblechistan control over our three superweapons...
Councilor: I agree with the Secretary on this matter Mr. President, the QFF have breached the IZ Parimeter and our field reports show that the Elite Black Guard is running low on ammunition...That doesn't happen very often sir!
President: *Sighs*
The President looks out of the polished class windows made from Comona Volcanic Ash...
President: Sometimes I think.....that what New Vuhifell developed...They kill in mass numbers gentlemen!
SOD: Sir, the EBG kills in mass numbers, seriously sir if we don't do something then, well.....I think you know who needs your help over there.....
President:......For my daughter's security I will allow you two to do this but...As soon as they are returned to us I want those wretched things of Mass Destruction Destroyed....
President: They used to protect that the Greykans have been exiled.....we don't need them anymore.....
Vuhifellian Capital Building
New Hivez, The Vuhifellian States
12:00 Hours
SOD: This is the Vuhifellian Secretary of Defense on the line, calling General Deely...
Telephone Operator: I'm sorry, General Deely is asleep at the moment, would you like to....
SOD: Just get me second in command then...OR SOMEBODY!
Richtoheffen: Hello...
SOD: General, this is the Vuhifellian Secretary of Defense, We would like to inform you that we have turned control of our three superweapons over to you...
The MEGALITH Missile Silos
The Stonehenge Artillery Battery
and the Space Based Ion Cannon
Heres the current stats on all of them:
The MEGALITH Missile Silos are located on a remote island on the southwest side of the Vuhifellian Continent, it can carry 50 ICBM's per silo, It currently has 25 silos...
The Stonehenge Artillery Battery includes 8 gigantic cannons, They can either fire a conventional shell, which leaves a mile wide crater in the ground, or it can fire an EMP Shell, which explodes over a preset area....Disabling all electronics within a 2 mile radius
The Space Based Ion Cannon is the only known weapon to incinerate every atom it touches, it fires an extremely powerful Ion Laser...But it takes 30 minutes to recharge after every shot, so use it sparingly....
Richtoheffen: Perfect, I'll inform Deely right away!
23-04-2005, 17:55
Mobius Three had fired one of his "tracer" missiles at the enemy fighter...It had hit the left wing and the fighter spiraled towards the sea.
OOC:what does a "tracer" missile do exactly
Van Luxemburg
23-04-2005, 18:01
OOC: just came up this, how is the QFF HQ built up, is it a bunker building, is it a cave, or what?
23-04-2005, 19:03
OOC: I thought you pulled out. I posted a Flight of Tu-22 planes attacking your naval force and you never replied. That was about page 2.
OOC: I just read back through the thread and didn't see any such post, shall I continue with what I was doing?
Radar Station 4 was about to fall as the QFF continued to push forward. They were taking massive losses, but it seemed the other side had begun to slow down, and cracks within the frontline were starting to appear. The NGM continued to lead the backfront of the attack, but soon enough, they were going to make their way back to the front and begin to infiltrate into enemy territory, doing what they do best....guerilla warfare. Snipers were already beginning to load up, and it was only a matter of time before they began taking the enemy out....
23-04-2005, 23:39
The Lady Bugg had intercepted the call from station 17.
Lady Bugg: This is Bugg leader. Change course to help Radar 17.
Bugg 2: How? We only have Anti Ship Missiles.
Lady Bugg: This could be the invasion we were told about!
Bugg 2: Yes sir.
As they approached, they picked up ships on their short range radar.
Lady Bugg: Engage!
(That would be your fleet Aequatio)
Theres the post
23-04-2005, 23:46
OOC: just came up this, how is the QFF HQ built up, is it a bunker building, is it a cave, or what?
It is mainly a large tented area with one small stone building in the center. This leads to theunderground NORAD bunker, a massive maze of tunnels and control rooms.
23-04-2005, 23:48
All along the southern attack front the fresh troops were arriving in their thousands. The commanders were attending briefings and discussing stratigies (mainly charge straight and hard). Soon they would unleash hell on the enemies of the people.
24-04-2005, 04:01
Theres the post
OOC: Damn I'm blind, all right. I just figured you were just acknowledging my fleet being there.
The Vuhifellian States
24-04-2005, 04:10
OOC:what does a "tracer" missile do exactly
OOC: I'm too lazy to look it up right now, but its the guided missile from ACE04 for teh S-37, it hits its target 90% of the time.
The Vuhifellian States
24-04-2005, 04:20
EBG 179: 117, the QFF have broken through sector Kilo, 99 just called in and said that they're having difficulty repelling them at sector Echo...Squad 69 isn't going to come!
EBG 117: Yes it will...just you wait....just you wait...
EBG Commander 99: 117, DAMMIT, WE MAY BE TRAINED TO TAKE ON THIS KIND OF FORCE BUT WE'RE NOT SUPPLIED TO DAMMIT! I say we plant some C4's for our QFF friends here and evacuate....when they enter the building...BAM!
EBG 117: Oh for the love of.....Squad 69 will show up, just wait...
EBG 112: Sir, I don't think we're gonna be able to keep them at bay at sector Mobius, Sectory Charlie also reports heavy tank fire, not to mention most of our troops are spread out without much ammo.
EBG 179: 117, it's a hopeless plan, we should pull out now!
117 now saw that they could not was a simple logistical error, but a fatal one, with the loss of Radar Station 4, the QFF would have a stable beach head to stage their coastal operations...
EBG 117: Damn...112, start loading the troops into the dropships......we're going back to the capital...
112 Began sending retreat messages through his helmet radio to all the EBG troops... The Eureka Squadron touched down a few seconds after the order was issued and they took off, heading North, with a cheering terrorist force clearly visible through the open bay door....
Van Luxemburg
24-04-2005, 06:11
Fisher was in the HQ, he had entered by a ventilation shaft.
the data stick he picked up at the checkpoint contained valuable data about the HQ, it was a map.
after 10 minutes sneaking through the shafts, he saw the room that would possibly be the Chamber of Commanders of the QFF, nobody was in there.
he opened the roofopening to the ventilation shaft and dropped himself into the room. he rigged the chamber with explosives, which he could detonate when he was a safe distance away. he also mounted a pin-point camera, so he could see when he needed to blow up the room. he knew that the room was an underground bunker room, so the explosion would keep in the room, and would be much more devastating then when it would be above the ground. he sneaked away through the shaft again, dropping in the woods, hiding on a safe distance away.
Van Luxemburg
24-04-2005, 07:54
The van Luxemburg Military Top sat once again around the Table in the Grand Duke's office.
"this Thorax class sub, can we already deploy it? Quiblechistan is a great place to test our new weapons" the Grand Duke asked.
*sigh* "yes, Koen, it's available, but are you sure?"
"ofcourse, load it and bring em on!"
"yes, sir" The Top walked away, heading to their offices, to make Preparations for the leave of van Luxemburg last weapon (OOC: specs: )
2 days later, 800 feet under the surface of the Great Ocean.
"I have a bad feeling about this" the Commander of the VLS "Thorax" said.
"nothing to worry about sir, we can keep under for ever if we want sir"
"that's not my problem, but why should we, with a multi-billion ship, be sent out to Quiblechistan?"
"It was about this VLIA agent wasn't it?" the 2nd officer grabbed a paper and began reading
"yes sir, our first orders are to safely exfil the VLIA agent, and then we should take over the task of the aircraftcarrier laying somewhere above us"
"okay, let's hope it works"
he grabbed the microphone for the intercom
"attention, prepare mini-sub! briefing en-route!"
10 minutes later a mini-sub was launched, destination:the river in the Area of the Mayanmar mountains.
24-04-2005, 08:17
OOC: whos aircraft carrier is it mine or Aequatios
Van Luxemburg
24-04-2005, 12:00
OOC: whos aircraft carrier is it mine or Aequatios
talking to me? if yes, it's my own carrier, i've sent it in to take more top secret aircraft to the region, but it will be replaced by the Thorax, the Carrier has already left and set sail for van Luxemburg
The Vuhifellian States
24-04-2005, 14:46
Snipers were already beginning to load up, and it was only a matter of time before they began taking the enemy out....
OOC: Take note that you need three headshots to kill a human EBG Unit, 1 to crack the armor, 1 to shatter it, and finally to blow their brains out.
If the unit is a cybord, you can still destroy their armor, but you just don't know where their cyborg parts are or where their human organs are, so if it hits the cyborg part of their brain....your snipers won't do crap against it.
The Vuhifellian States
24-04-2005, 14:56
Myanmar Mountains
EBG 349: yes headshot!
349 was sniping the terrorist camp that was blocking the EBG's progress through the mountains...
EBG 349: Well, looks like most of em are dead, 349 to 330, come in 330 (helmet radio)
EBG Commander 330: 330 here, I read ya'
EBG 349: Looks clear, we can move in now!
EBG Commander 330: Alright, but keep sniper cover on the base will ya'
EBG 349: Will do
EBG Commander 330: Alright, 349 has sniped most of the QFF troops at the camp, we move in and take it, once that has been accomplished, we securer a mountain village which controls the road to their airbase.
All EBG Units: YES SIR!
The EBG headed towards the camp, when they had got there, they found a map of Vuhifell and several guides to Golden Skies City....not to mention what looked like a lab with testing MOLIGNAR Armor inside of it....
OOC: I'm picking up where me and Quiblechistan left off in "Terrorists Strike Again"
EBG Commander 330: Holy crap! Relay this information back to Fox Flight Two will ya'
EBG 331: Yes sir!
25-04-2005, 01:28
Rogue 1: “huh? Oh **** missiles coming in someone get them of me I see three no four”
Rogue 4: “im coming hold on, im in gun range….yeah! I got it that was close to hitting me”
Rogue 7: “I have a lock on it Fox 2! Yes it’s a hit”
Hydra 2: “Im moving to fast! AHHHHH!!!”
Rogue 3: “a missile hit Hydra 2!”
Rogue 1: “someone get this last missile off me”
Just then the missile flew past Rogue 1
Rogue 1: “never mind missile didn’t hit”
Maverick 2: “how many CMs are left?”
Chimera 10: “looks like we have 35 left”
Saber 4: “it’s a hit bandit down”
Maverick 2: “keep on your targets and you’ll be fine”
RO: “they have taken out several of are cruise missiles”
Sara: “have the subs launch some of there cruise missiles”
RO: “yes admiral”
HC Laura Keller walked behind the QFF solder she hoped he would take her to Johnson so she could plan her attack behind her fallowed her ten NPSS agents
25-04-2005, 22:31
The QFF rejoiced. With their reinforcements they had taken RS 4. This gave them an excellent beachhead. Now they pushed forward to encircle the IZ. There was some sporadic resistance but nothing major.
In the IZ, the QFF had pushed in another mile. The S-tanks were almost all destroyed but the enemy armour seemed to be retreating also. Besides, with 500,000 men encircling the area from each side, it didn't really matter if the tanks had retreated - they would soon be captured.
Though the front was swinging in their favour, the Mayanmar mountains were under assault. The EBG hads assaulted a QFF research and planning base, capturing all the equipment intact. This included armour testing and super-human cloning labs. The nearby 4th Division heard of the attack and were bearing down on the base at full speed.
Johnson walked into his chambers. Everything seemed as he left it. He started to undress for bed. As he did so there was a tiny *click*. Seconds later the room erupted into flames.
the explosion was heard all through the bunker. Two orderlies ran towards the room but were beaten back by flames.
" Shit! Ring Larry"
"Screw that! Get a fire extinguisher!"
The Vuhifellian States
25-04-2005, 22:50
As the camp was cleared and the valuable information was taken abourd Rapier 5 for study, the EBG heard a sound coming towards them....
EBG Commander 330: What the fuck?
EBG 340: Sir, I have serious electronic activity on the scanners, and their not EBG.
EBG Commander 330: Alright, War 10-20, you are cleared to enter the combat zone and take out all enemy vehicles to clear our way to the airbase.
War 10: Roger that 330!
As the 10 Warmaster tanks headed towars the camp, they shot their massive 140 mm cannons(upgraded from 130 mm) towards the enemy tanks, destroying 10 of them instantly.
EBG Commander 330:All troops, engage optical stealth and head past the tanks towards the airbase, I hear that they're keeping someone very important in there (Eureka 3, 117's brother). Our job is to capture them ALIVE!
Capital of Quiblechistan
EBG 117: Look, to make up for the loss of Radar Station 4, I suggest that Squad 49 and 69 go to the Industrial Zone and clear the way for Quib troops to liberate the IZ.
EBG Commander 99: Does anyone have an objection to 117's plan?
All EBG Units: NO SIR!
EBG Commander 99: Good, ok we move out in the morning, most of us are tired from that skirmish we had over at the Radar Station 117.
EBG 117: Yes sir! I will stand guard sir!
EBG Commander 99: Fine, as you insist, as long as it doesn't affect your fighting at the IZ...
Van Luxemburg
26-04-2005, 15:56
"sir, we have been surrounded"
"why that, my friend, it's going excellent!"
"Black Eagle reports Troops incoming sir...."
"DAMNIT! okay, radio HQ and ask for support to get them from the outside of the IZ to clear a way for us, the rest must already be outside of the IZ, radio the Thorax class submarine to launch the Mirage 2100 fighters and send them to support us, and send out a message to all friendlies asking for reinforcements!"
"OK sir"
the 2nd in command walked away to make the necessary arrangements.
in the Mayanmar mountains.....
Fisher had succesfully accomplished it's mission, General Johnson was blown up. he now had to exfil to the nearby river, where a mini-sub would be ready to take him to the Thorax-class Aircraft-Submarine, which actually was nothing more then a submerged army-base.
he ran through the woods when he suddenly heard sounds, not coming from him. he pulled out his F2000 again and scanned the area with his Thermal Goggles, he picked up three lifeforms, walking close together, with a sigarette in the mouth of one. "these must be QFF fighters" he said to himself.
he sneaked through the grass, 50 metres next to the patrol, when one of the guards saw him -he thought- he swiftly shot two before they could bring out a word. the other one, which looked like the one who was in command, was seemingly scared, but could not bring out a word. several seconds later he had a pistol aimed at his head.
"you're the Hostage now" Fisher said.
"W....ww....wh..what T...The H..h...Hell?" the officer could barely say.
"you're coming with me, we've got some questions for you...."
"okay" the officer said, scared, what else could he do with a pistol aimed at him?
they walked on, they were only a few metres away from the minisub, where he could be officially arrested.
Thorax-class aircraft-submarine, 2 hours later.
"how are the Mirage's doing?" the captain asked politely to a servant at the radio station.
"great sir, they've reached the perimeter and are making the area clear for exfil" the servant said.
"and the Mini-sub?"
the servant looked up to the Captain, very curious if this was a trick question
"you know the sub is already here, Eh?"
"no, why should I?"
"Never mind, but they brought us a little friend...."
"Nice, where is he?"
"he is in the VLIA office on the 12th floor, under this one"
"you think i still don't know the way around here, Eh?" "Eh" was one of the favourite words of the captain.
he walked down the stair, not using the lift. he hated lifts, they were inconvenient he always said.
"we've got a big one, Capt'n!" the Local VLIA officer said.
"why that?"
"we think he's a Colonel, he must be in command of the local troops in the Mayanmar mountains!"
(OOC: feel free to correct this, Quib.)
"great, he might be a vital source and POW, so he will stay aboard this sub, cause no-one knows where we are now"
"he just leaked info that there are about 500.000 troops in the IZ area"
"how does he know that?"
"info laying around on Tables in the HQ, he said"
"have you got other info?"
"no Tanks are currently in the IZ area"
"great, that's their weak point!"
26-04-2005, 21:49
OOC: Im away for afew days to cork. Il post replys on friday
The Vuhifellian States
26-04-2005, 23:19
OOC: cya, also I'm leaving for Baltimore on Friday and I won't be back in New Jersey till Sunday, so I'ma be out of commission for those days.
Van Luxemburg
27-04-2005, 14:16
OOC: and i'm probably away the whole next week, so...
The Vuhifellian States
27-04-2005, 18:24
OOC: Then lets close it for now and continue it sometime in May?
Van Luxemburg
28-04-2005, 13:25
OOC: sounds good to me....
29-04-2005, 22:10
OOC: May its is then. Till then i say good day to you
Van Luxemburg
06-05-2005, 15:05
OOC: Is this a great time to reopen the thread or not?
The Vuhifellian States
07-05-2005, 00:58
OOC: Yes, very excellent, I think I'll message Quib right now...
The Vuhifellian States
08-05-2005, 19:10
OOC: Quib mjust messaged it, the thread is reopened
Van Luxemburg
10-05-2005, 17:14
OOC: Quib mjust messaged it, the thread is reopened
and that was two days ago, where's everyone?
The Vuhifellian States
10-05-2005, 21:07
To: Participants of "Rebellion in Quiblechistan"
From: Vuhifellian Government
We regret to inform you that the Oppressed Peoples of Quiblechistan no longer exists, thus this thread has died along with that nation. We are truely sorry for the inconvenience.
President Stevan Daniels
Van Luxemburg
13-05-2005, 15:15
thought he was deleted and returned under another name?
The Vuhifellian States
13-05-2005, 20:35
thought he was deleted and returned under another name?
I don't think they allow his IP address anymore seeing as he was deleted for breaking a rule, not for inactivity...
13-05-2005, 22:03
what did he do
The Vuhifellian States
14-05-2005, 00:07
I have absolutly no clue, but my main guess is that he had 2 nations in the U.N.
The Vuhifellian States
14-05-2005, 01:00
Holy Christ, I'm as slow as a retard!
Apparently VL was right, I just looked at my TG's and "I am Watching You" Will now be taking over for Quib.
Thread [un]officially declared rissen from the dead and acting resident evil.
Van Luxemburg
14-05-2005, 07:14
I said you! (OK, I Think this is the worst time to get my right) :D
I Am Watching You
14-05-2005, 12:38
OOC: This the mew Quiblechistan nation.
For those of you who are wondering why Quiblechistan was deleted, my fried hacked it and we were both deleted due to him also being in the UN. No more UN countries for me!
I'm not quite sure what was hapenining before this whole mess, so anyone who has an idea please feel fre to post with a new start. Otherwise we can start again or something.
Van Luxemburg
14-05-2005, 12:43
this was the last thing I posted:
sir, we have been surrounded"
"why that, my friend, it's going excellent!"
"Black Eagle reports Troops incoming sir...."
"DAMNIT! okay, radio HQ and ask for support to get them from the outside of the IZ to clear a way for us, the rest must already be outside of the IZ, radio the Thorax class submarine to launch the Mirage 2100 fighters and send them to support us, and send out a message to all friendlies asking for reinforcements!"
"OK sir"
the 2nd in command walked away to make the necessary arrangements.
in the Mayanmar mountains.....
Fisher had succesfully accomplished it's mission, General Johnson was blown up. he now had to exfil to the nearby river, where a mini-sub would be ready to take him to the Thorax-class Aircraft-Submarine, which actually was nothing more then a submerged army-base.
he ran through the woods when he suddenly heard sounds, not coming from him. he pulled out his F2000 again and scanned the area with his Thermal Goggles, he picked up three lifeforms, walking close together, with a sigarette in the mouth of one. "these must be QFF fighters" he said to himself.
he sneaked through the grass, 50 metres next to the patrol, when one of the guards saw him -he thought- he swiftly shot two before they could bring out a word. the other one, which looked like the one who was in command, was seemingly scared, but could not bring out a word. several seconds later he had a pistol aimed at his head.
"you're the Hostage now" Fisher said.
"W....ww....wh..what T...The H..h...Hell?" the officer could barely say.
"you're coming with me, we've got some questions for you...."
"okay" the officer said, scared, what else could he do with a pistol aimed at him?
they walked on, they were only a few metres away from the minisub, where he could be officially arrested.
Thorax-class aircraft-submarine, 2 hours later.
"how are the Mirage's doing?" the captain asked politely to a servant at the radio station.
"great sir, they've reached the perimeter and are making the area clear for exfil" the servant said.
"and the Mini-sub?"
the servant looked up to the Captain, very curious if this was a trick question
"you know the sub is already here, Eh?"
"no, why should I?"
"Never mind, but they brought us a little friend...."
"Nice, where is he?"
"he is in the VLIA office on the 12th floor, under this one"
"you think i still don't know the way around here, Eh?" "Eh" was one of the favourite words of the captain.
he walked down the stair, not using the lift. he hated lifts, they were inconvenient he always said.
"we've got a big one, Capt'n!" the Local VLIA officer said.
"why that?"
"we think he's a Colonel, he must be in command of the local troops in the Mayanmar mountains!"
(OOC: feel free to correct this, Quib.)
"great, he might be a vital source and POW, so he will stay aboard this sub, cause no-one knows where we are now"
"he just leaked info that there are about 500.000 troops in the IZ area"
"how does he know that?"
"info laying around on Tables in the HQ, he said"
"have you got other info?"
"no Tanks are currently in the IZ area"
"great, that's their weak point!"
(You were sending in about half a million troops into the IZ zone, without Tank support, some of my units are still in there and i was trying to get them out and reattack. also I captured a Colonel after the succesful assasination of Gen. Johnson)
I Am Watching You
17-05-2005, 22:26
Soon after the explosion at his bunker base, the report came through to Larry that he was dead
Larry: What?! Who's going to lead them his troops will scatter.
Man 1: Don't ask me I'm just a messenger.
Larry: RIGHT! Get me Johnsons man here.
After a while Gary, Johnsons man at Larry's base walked in.
Larry: I want you to order all of Johnsons forces to move in support of the south attack.
Gary: Did Johnson authorise this?
Larry: Johnsons dead.
Gary: OH! Then you're the top man. Yes sir.
Gary ran out and sent the relevent message. Within the hour, Johnsons armour would move in a massive assault along the coast. Unfortunatly, the first unsupported wave would not benefit, as they were ordered to continue the assault.
Van Luxemburg
18-05-2005, 15:36
Thorax Class Submarine, somewhere in the endless Ocean.....
"send out the Message to HQ and VL Base that we have Assasinated Johnson and will move on with the Destruction of QFF HQ, ask for support"
"yes sir!"
the Servant walked away, heading for the Radio office, to Radio the message to the given commanders:
From: Thorax Alpha
To: VL Base, HQ
Encryption level: Ultimate
Johnson Assasinated.
moving on to Plan B, request support.
Captain of Thorax.
when this message was received, special Forces and Heavy Fighters and Bombers geared up for their Operation:
Total Destruction Of QFF HQ and stabilizing the area.
"2100-Leader to Tower, Mirage 2100 Air division wishes to Take off"
"Roger, you have been cleared, join up with the B-2's and A400M's"
The 50 Mirage 2100 stealth aircraft took off from the Thorax-class Aircraft Carrying submarine, to join up with the 10 B-2's and 10 A400M's ())C an A400M is a transport Aircraft which carries about 116 persons + one Armoured Vehicle) loaded up with 4th Mechanized.
"This is B-2-Leader, have base in sight. starting attack run, out."
"Roger! Alpha Tango stay with me, Alpha foxtrot Guard the rest!"
the 10 B-2's dropped their JDAM bombs, tumbling down the set path these where flying coffins for the Units beneath.....
25 Mirage 2100's, carrying Storm Shadow Cruise Missiles, Dived down and launched their missiles, including some Unguided ones, that were hiding in the rocket pods.
the other 25 Mirage 2100's and the 10 A400M aircraft circled above this Inferno, waiting untill the A400M's could drop their Vulnerable cargo.
As suddenly as the Inferno started, it stopped, and the following wave was awaiting. 1000 Paratroopers jumped out of the A400M aircraft, including also 2 Leclerc Mk.3 tanks and 8 VAB VMO APC's tumbling down in parts.
(OOC: hope this is okay with you Quib/IAWY?)
Van Luxemburg
25-05-2005, 18:13
Van Luxemburg
02-06-2005, 17:44
bumpit again.....
Van Luxemburg
28-06-2005, 15:37
OOC: Then This way:
OK with everyone?