NationStates Jolt Archive

King has been captured!

15-04-2005, 16:32
From The Boki Today newspaper 01.01.1

People have rushed the streets in Bok capital of Kmmoukka to celebrate our beloved leader Kmmoukkas win over kings last surviving troops in eastern part of region Klas. Among surrenderers Kmmoukka has found murderer and rapist The Wrong king. He was hanged among those who lingered with him,in isolated mountain town of Khab,by orders of Kmmoukka whose bravery gave us this great victory. Finally we can say that justice has been served to those who pillaged and raped US. Now we Kmmoukka's children can sight in relief as this black cloud has vanished from the sky. Now we can finally start to rebuild Kmmoukka and heal the scars that this unnecessary war has caused.
15-04-2005, 16:35
The country of Nedalia hopes that Kmmoukka will earn from the mistakes of its previous leaders and not supress the fine people of the nation anymore. Liberty and freedom are the ways of the future. Nedalia wishes you the best of luck.

Dewars Strand
Minister of Foreign Affairs
15-04-2005, 16:52
As I speak with voice of my people, there will be no more brutal attacks againts their right to live in freedom, but the Wrong king and war has left our beautiful country in ruins and it will be painfull to raise it, not like it was before, but to a even better world. I,Kmmoukka thank the country of Nebalia for its kind words in our first tumbling steps.

The Fedral Union
15-04-2005, 17:00
(ooc modren tech or space tech?)
15-04-2005, 17:11
(ooc modern or even little bit before that)
My children's scream foul. I have found a massive group grave when I was letting my soldiers rest for little while after the battle at Khab. Those beastly murderers of the Wrong king have even murdered childrens. I have issued an order to excute every supporter of the Wrong king that I have captured before there will be no remorse for those demons. With them is only survivor of house of the Wrong king now his clan has been totally wiped away as there aren't any males to pass his genes.

The Fedral Union
15-04-2005, 23:40
Ok can i join in i rp both space and mod tech )