Ricardo and Smith
15-04-2005, 15:31
The Disputed Irish territories of Ricardo and Smith will protest against the 33 Country Irish Republics stance against the laws of nature.
Our tiny, peace loving Kingdom requests UN support and guns to discouarage terrorism and other potential acts of aggression.
We will remain in this hostile region until leading government figures within the 33 Country Irish Republic denounce their past rejections of King, Empire and trade.
The King has also personally hinted to me, he will be willing to poole a limited amount of soveriegnty to order to join any alliance commited to the eradication of terror in all its forms and guises.
Best wishes
Rev. Ricardo.
Chancellor of state politiqe and general nutcase. :headbang:
Our tiny, peace loving Kingdom requests UN support and guns to discouarage terrorism and other potential acts of aggression.
We will remain in this hostile region until leading government figures within the 33 Country Irish Republic denounce their past rejections of King, Empire and trade.
The King has also personally hinted to me, he will be willing to poole a limited amount of soveriegnty to order to join any alliance commited to the eradication of terror in all its forms and guises.
Best wishes
Rev. Ricardo.
Chancellor of state politiqe and general nutcase. :headbang: