NationStates Jolt Archive

Official invitation to regional representatives.

14-04-2005, 20:31
OOC:New at this, any tips are welcome.

The following is a request to all suitable region representatives. As ordered by his Lord, The Prince.
Drahken is presently a fledgling nation, but will continue to press into the future. Please send all responses
immediately. Below is a summary of Drahken, and what our nation stands for.

Drahken was founded by his majesty, The prince. Direct descendant of the ruling family of Drakonis. A brutal
red planet, torn by combat throughout its history. This is why the art of war, and spirituality is the common practice.
New forms of government such as democracy are not welcome, or permitted. Currently only two citys exist on Drahken,
though they are of magnificent proportions. Even as you read this the cathedral city of Heliopolis is under construction.
These cathedrals are devoted to the allmighty Prince, may his eternal sword guide us. The people of Drahken are of
four pedigrees. Men of proven genetics are ,naturally, conscripted into the imperial guard. This combat training begins
at birth. Children with psychic capabilities are sought out most diligently. They fill the roles of priests and
witchhunters, also known as the OTY. The majority of human resources are made up of humble genetics. Human stock
the Prince brought with himself from Drakonis. Last ,but most glorious, is the royal blood. The prince himself is seen
only on great occasions. Such as modern day gladitorial competitions. These amuse the prince to no end! Even the humble
workers of Drahken are forced to memorize the art of war. Mixing age old tradition with advanced technology, and the
strength of a living god. Due to many hardships on our long trip, we are still a nation of small populace. Yet we have
carved ourselves a mighty empire already!

LAWS/REGULATIONS (Obstruction of the following will result in swift action by the imperial guard, police force.)

-Do not leave either of the cities without a pass from the IGPF.(During darkside the planets natural predator named
'The yale' feed. Fierce creatures only subdued by the imperial guard.)

-Do not try publishing any literature other then that approved by the OTY. (Organization of the Third Eye)

-Violent nature will result in the gladitorial arena.

-Never rise above your station.

-Technology is obtained and used by the IGPF, and the OTY. Period.

-Offerings must me made every Seventh day to his majesty The Prince.

-Meditation must be done every seventh day, to humble thyself.

-Propogation of any other religion is punishable by death.

-Tampering with the security camera in your living quarters is punishable by death.

I could go on but you will not have to worry about this. Any visiting delegates from allied nations are treated
as guests.

If you do not follow these views,please do not respond.

High scholar #4493. Legion
-----------------------------End of transmission-------------------------