Kani Rexia
14-04-2005, 06:35
The wonderful nation of Kani Rexia is now accepting trade partners. If interested, please respond.
Tree Hugging Lesbians
14-04-2005, 06:46
OOC: What tech are you?
IC: Please tell us your nations attitude on homosexuals, in particular, lesbians. This will decide if we have any relation with you.
Our Nation, Gnilwob, has an overabundance with Bowling Balls.
Any new nation who joins the region of Chaotica is automatically donated a Gross of Bowling Balls.
Any other country must go through the usual Trading Channels.
Bull LeTed, Minister for Sports and Trading. :D
Delta Aerospace Corp
14-04-2005, 07:01
ooc: i'm modern-tech
IC: Delta Corporation is interested in becoming a trade partner of Kani Rexia. We offer military and civilion aircraft, naval ships, and a naval repair/refit yard.
Bob Johnson, CEO