NationStates Jolt Archive

Now Accepting Trade Partners

Kani Rexia
14-04-2005, 06:35
The wonderful nation of Kani Rexia is now accepting trade partners. If interested, please respond.
Tree Hugging Lesbians
14-04-2005, 06:46
OOC: What tech are you?

IC: Please tell us your nations attitude on homosexuals, in particular, lesbians. This will decide if we have any relation with you.
14-04-2005, 06:58
Our Nation, Gnilwob, has an overabundance with Bowling Balls.

Any new nation who joins the region of Chaotica is automatically donated a Gross of Bowling Balls.

Any other country must go through the usual Trading Channels.

Bull LeTed, Minister for Sports and Trading. :D
Delta Aerospace Corp
14-04-2005, 07:01
ooc: i'm modern-tech

IC: Delta Corporation is interested in becoming a trade partner of Kani Rexia. We offer military and civilion aircraft, naval ships, and a naval repair/refit yard.

Bob Johnson, CEO