Same sex marraige declared unnecessary!
In a recent decision the Supreme Court of Miehm declared same sex marraiges illegal due to a lack of necessity for them, the reasoning is that homosexuals are not denied the right to marry, just the "right" to sodomize each other under the guise of marraige, they may marry any person of the opposite gender they wish to, they may not, however, marry against the religious principles of the nation, furthermore since noone can marry the same sex homosexuals are not being discriminated against in this act. The courts decision comes after a case that had one of the provinces ignore a same sex marraige from another province, the court requires all provinces to recognise marraiges from other provinces, but says that all same sex marraiges are anulled and the claimants suit is moot, more at 11.
Fascist Confederacy
13-04-2005, 22:07
...furthermore since noone can marry the same sex homosexuals are not being discriminated against in this act...
Wonderful, more capitalist lies. This is nothing more than the Christian right trying to oppress any human being that doesn't follow their 'holy' book. Who gave you the right to dictate that homosexuality was wrong, hmm? I formally objurgate this act and encourage the oppressed peoples of Miehm to immigrate to the Soviet Union.
On a more personal note, I think it is a disgrace to the human species that you are amongst us. The beurocrats of Miehm are nothing more than power hungry children who have been left to their own devices while their mothers go out and do real work. - Robert Pacitania, General Secretary Of The Central Soviet And The Communist Party Of The Soviet Union
The Confederacy of Miehm is an NSUN member. The UN gnomes have of course fixed this act of futile defience of several UN resolutions, which trump any national constitution, and gays can of course marry in Miehm just like straights can.
Thus, there is nothing to see here.
Wonderful, more capitalist lies. This is nothing more than the Christian right trying to oppress any human being that doesn't follow their 'holy' book. Who gave you the right to dictate that homosexuality was wrong, hmm? I formally objurgate this act and encourage the oppressed peoples of Miehm to immigrate to the Soviet Union.
On a more personal note, I think it is a disgrace to the human species that you are amongst us. The beurocrats of Miehm are nothing more than power hungry children who have been left to their own devices while their mothers go out and do real work. - Robert Pacitalia, General Secretary Of The Central Soviet And The Communist Party Of The Soviet Union
Oh, I bet you're jealous that our beureaucrats are better at lawyering than yours are and that we benefit from such a skilled populace, furthermore, I am a christian, as is most of the population, they were in support of this decision and as such would hardly qualify as "oppressed".
Camel Eaters
13-04-2005, 22:13
Change now. That's all we can say. This is not a good idea. Angering our people and enflaming our hatred. Renounce your evil and you may yet live.
Donally The Mad
13-04-2005, 22:15
Robert Pacitalia, General Secretary Of The Central Soviet And The Communist Party Of The Soviet Union
OOC: Hot name that guy's got, I must say. ;)
IC: No comment. Just another unprogressive scourge of a nation.
Office of the Prime Minister
The Perverted Smurf
13-04-2005, 22:17
this is hardly a surprise, the american christian right ignoring human rights - AGAIN! when are they gonna realise that we have the right to marry (or should) as much as straight people? the world seems to have a problem with accepting people who differ from the 'norm' at the moment, and this is just another example of the kind of views that condemn gays, muslims, and non-christians (to name but a few) all over the world. earth - take a fucking chill pill!
13-04-2005, 22:18
Official Imperial Response
We would like to take this oppurtunity to congradulate the nation of Meihm on their defense of morality. We would also like to take this oppurtunity to warn against any hostile action taken against said nation.
The Fedral Union
13-04-2005, 22:18
This is outrageous the union is disgusted by your move, we are placing economic sanctions and an embargo on you any one who wishes to join the embargo may join, the next step is a blockade if you kill innocent people.
Fascist Confederacy
13-04-2005, 22:21
Obviously some are oppressed you illiterate fool. You banned homosexual marriage, thus, the homosexuals are oppressed. Now, unless I have to sit down and give your nation a vocabulary lesson on the meanings of words in the Eastern Hemisphere, I suggest you allow the homosexuals in your nation to leave.
Also, I have noticed, that the United Nations has allowed homosexual marriage, thus, you can be brought under UN sanctions and tried for defying the alliance. I suggest you reconsider your barbaric tradition and reform to the truth: Homosexuals are people too. - Robert Pacitania, General Secretary Of The Central Soviet And The Communist Party Of The Soviet Union
The Confederacy of Miehm is an NSUN member. The UN gnomes have of course fixed this act of futile defience of several UN resolutions, which trump any national constitution, and gays can of course marry in Miehm just like straights can.
Thus, there is nothing to see here.
We're working on that at this time, the resolutions were found to interfere with our exercise of our religion, the contradiction made our laws possible. We are simply utilising the exercise of our religion to preserve our morals.
Obviously some are oppressed you illiterate fool. You banned homosexual marriage, thus, the homosexuals are oppressed. Now, unless I have to sit down and give your nation a vocabulary lesson on the meanings of words in the Eastern Hemisphere, I suggest you allow the homosexuals in your nation to leave.
Also, I have noticed, that the United Nations has allowed homosexual marriage, thus, you can be brought under UN sanctions and tried for defying the alliance. I suggest you reconsider your barbaric tradition and reform to the truth: Homosexuals are people to. - Robert Pacitania, General Secretary Of The Central Soviet And The Communist Party Of The Soviet Union
Oppression is defined as removing rights of a certain group, homosexuals may still marry, just not each other, thus their right to marry is still in effect.
We're working on that at this time, the resolutions were found to interfere with our exercise of our religion, the contradiction made our laws possible. We are simply utilising the exercise of our religion to preserve our morals.
Reread the resolutions. Your "religion" doesn't allow you to discriminate. The UN gnomes have rectified your defiance, as there is no such thing as defying the UN). Gays can marry in Miehm, no matter what your judiciary says. The resolutions stand above your local law.
The Moepoeian Republic
13-04-2005, 22:27
The Government of The Moepoeian Republic will make no formal statement against this travesty against human rights.
Office of the Prime Minister
Reread the resolutions. Your "religion" doesn't allow you to discriminate. The UN gnomes have rectified your defiance, as there is no such thing as defying the UN). Gays can marry in Miehm, no matter what your judiciary says. The resolutions stand above your local law.
THERE IS NO DISCRIMINATION, homosexuals are still allowed to marry, just not each other, unless it's a lesbian and a homosexual man, then its okay, if they were smart they'd form groups that married the partners of the other group, thereby giving them the benefits of marraige without denying them their sexual preference, a lesbian isn't gonna complain if a man has sex with another man and vice versa.
Fascist Confederacy
13-04-2005, 22:34
That is not freedom. That is oppression of the minority. You indirectly force homosexuals to deny their own self by marrying a heterosexual man or woman. Thus, you indirectly oppress them into doing the will of the bourgeoisie, ruling classes, and capital.
You force these men and women to go against their own living will. That is as bad - if not worse - than blatantly outlawing homosexuality. In this, you find loopholes and seduce the homosexuals into thinking they can marry whom they want and of any sexual preferance then you simply snatch that simple freedom away. You can not simply erase the fact that people are different.
Did you ever think that perhaps not every person in Miehm is a Christian fundamentalist? (OOC: Don't say they are... That is realisticly impossible and will be ignored.) Christianity is not a viel to be hidden behind in order to commit crimes against humanity. The nation of Kahta and the Mississippian Federation did that - they were obliterated from the face of existence.
I adamently urge you to either allow homosexual marriage to other homosexuals, or freely allow the homosexual populace of Miehm to leave the nation and immigrate to other, more tolerant nations.
Premier Vladimir Troskin
Unable to comply, the law was passed by a majority of the steadholders, it canbnot be overturned except by a larger majority than that which first passed it, it would require a four fifths majority to overturn the law, thats not gonna happen any time in the next couple of centuries. The people of Miehm do not consider this to be oppression, it was proposed by the LIBERAL faction of the conclave of steaders, their hope was to prevent discrimination against those engaged in same sex marraiges, also their is no law that says lesbians cannot marry gay men, that loophole was put there for a reason.
THERE IS NO DISCRIMINATION, homosexuals are still allowed to marry, just not each other, unless it's a lesbian and a homosexual man, then its okay, if they were smart they'd form groups that married the partners of the other group, thereby giving them the benefits of marraige without denying them their sexual preference, a lesbian isn't gonna complain if a man has sex with another man and vice versa.
You probably need to look up what "discrimination" means. It is clear discrimination to allow straights to marry those they fall in love with and are attracted to, but to not allow the same rights to gays. Your spurious argument is flawed.
This is of course irrelevant, as per the "Gay Rights" and "Definition of marriage" resolutions:
WHEREAS it has been clearly witnessed there is an outspoken minority who wish to oppress gays.
We, the People's Republic of Kundu and the other peoples of the world wishing for the preservation of freedom and the respect of all hereby resolve that all member nations of the United Nations must pass laws protecting people from discrimination in all parts of life.
We also resolve that gay marriages be protected and endorsed by law in the member nations. (Emphasis added)
IN VIEW of the Universal Bill of Human Rights, and the Gay Rights resolution;
DEFINES marriage as the civil joining of a member of any nation with any other member of any nation, regardless of sex, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, color, or any other characteristic, with the exception of age;
RECOGNIZES age of the individual(s) as a just reason for not recognizing marriage, as per Article One of the Child Protection Act;
FURTHER RECOGNIZES all nation's right to expand this definition beyond species borders as the individual governments see fit.
As I said, nothing to see here, except your flawed and irrelevant "argumentation".
Fascist Confederacy
13-04-2005, 22:46
Then release the homosexual minority from your nation. Simple.
Premier Vladimir Troskin
Fascist Confederacy
13-04-2005, 22:48
(OOC: Sorry to interupt with an OOC post, but, for people who have MSN Messenger, are you able to sign on?)
The Fedral Union
13-04-2005, 22:50
(OOC: Sorry to interupt with an OOC post, but, for people who have MSN Messenger, are you able to sign on?)
( im on it now)
(OOC: Sorry to interupt with an OOC post, but, for people who have MSN Messenger, are you able to sign on?)
OOC: Yes, I can sign on, but I use the latest 7.0 BETA. Or maybe it's not beta anymore?
13-04-2005, 22:55
Then release the homosexual minority from your nation. Simple.
Premier Vladimir Troskin
Personally i think gays can do whatever they want...i don't really care cause its not my buisness what they wanna do.
The Merchant Guilds
13-04-2005, 22:58
Sodomy is one of the greatest sins, it should be outlawed and it's practioners punished as befits such blatent heretics. We suggust burning them at the stake or castrated them prior to enslavement to the greater cause.
As the said heretics are not members of the greater master race, they should not be afforded any mercy at all in their transgressions.
-Random Guilder Bureaucrat
Fascist Confederacy
13-04-2005, 22:58
(OOC: It's not beta anymore, but thanks.)
Obviously you aren't too terrible distrought over homosexuality and acts between other homosexuals since you deliberately left that loophole. Then why the law? Is it PR so that you can have an extreme right-wing nation pat you on the back? Not to mention, as the United Nations stated, your law is void. United Nations acts supercede yours. - Robert Pacitania, General Secretary Of The Central Soviet And The Communist Party Of The Soviet Union
You probably need to look up what "discrimination" means. It is clear discrimination to allow straights to marry those they fall in love with and are attracted to, but to not allow the same rights to gays. Your spurious argument is flawed.
This is of course irrelevant, as per the "Gay Rights" and "Definition of marriage" resolutions:
(Emphasis added)
As I said, nothing to see here, except your flawed and irrelevant "argumentation".
Loopholes are prevelant within these resolutions, homosexuals may marry, just not other homosexuals except in the case of a lesbian marrying a gay man, the argument is based on taking the logic behind those resolutions one step further, the reasoning being that as I have said they can still marry, they have not lost the right to a spouse or the right to marry whom they wish, within the limits of the freedom of religion statute in our laws, the freedom of religion statute makes christianity the state religion but says that all religions are to be treated equally, christians have no special treatment, muslims are not treated any worse than hindus, the catch is that the laws of the land must comply with the laws of God, the law of God prohibits sodomy, so technically we could arrest anyone who comes out of the closet, but we do not, to do so would be wrong. Instead we allow them to marry whomever they wish within the bounds of the practice of christianity, muslims may do as they will when it comes to marraige, but "honor crimes" are prevented by our religious stance, the resolution providing freedom of religion allows the loophole that lets the law pass and stick, the resolution concerning same sex marraige interferes with the state religion, therefore it interferes with the practice of that religion, that allows us to pass laws that circumvent the same sex marraige resolution, and that makes the aforementioned law acceptable to the UN, like it or not, it's called rules lawyering, but it'll work in a pinch.
Cyrian space
13-04-2005, 22:59
Alright, listen: your nation is a member of the U.N. U.N. Law states that gay marriages are legal, and that any consenting person of an appropriate age can marry any other consenting person of the appropraite age. These laws stand above your own national laws, and the only way to stop that is to either change them (fat chance) or leave the U.N.
In any case, the borders to Cyrian Space are open to any wishing to flee the persecution in your nation.
With scorn
High Chanceller Ikrit.
Fascist Confederacy
13-04-2005, 23:00
The Soviet Union and Commies suck....
Personally i think gays can do whatever they want...i don't really care cause its not my buisness what they wanna do.
(OOC: That is a flame and can be considered baiting. Please delete your post, or remove the discriminating portion of it, or I will be forced to report you to a moderator.)
Sodomy is one of the greatest sins, it should be outlawed and it's practioners punished as befits such blatent heretics. We suggust burning them at the stake or castrated them prior to enslavement to the greater cause.
As the said heretics are not members of the greater master race, they should not be afforded any mercy at all in their transgressions.
-Random Guilder Bureaucrat
ignore this guy, his support is unwanted and his opinion is not shared by the people of Miehm.
The Czar fully supports this ruling in the defence of the True and Righteous Path, the defence of morality, and the oppression of the subhuman.
However, as you are a United Nations member, the ruling will have no affect in your nation. The Czar suggests you resign from the One World Communist Government and throw the corrupted mass called the UN off of your back, and let your spiritual cleanliness shine brightly in a corrupt and doomed world!
God Bless,
Count Franz von Papen
Foreign Minister to the Czar
The Protestant Prussian Czardom of Derscon
Loopholes are prevelant within these resolutions, homosexuals may marry, just not other homosexuals except in the case of a lesbian marrying a gay man, the argument is based on taking the logic behind those resolutions one step further, the reasoning being that as I have said they can still marry, they have not lost the right to a spouse or the right to marry whom they wish, within the limits of the freedom of religion statute in our
Which part of "civil joining of a member of any nation with any other member of any nation, regardless of" is so hard to understand?
laws, the freedom of religion statute makes christianity the state religion but says that all religions are to be treated equally, christians have no special treatment, muslims are not treated any worse than hindus, the catch is that the laws of the land must comply with the laws of God, the law of God prohibits sodomy, so technically we could arrest anyone who comes out of the closet, but we do not, to do so would be wrong. Instead we allow them to marry whomever they wish within the bounds of the practice of christianity, muslims may do as they will when it comes to marraige, but "honor crimes" are prevented by our religious stance, the resolution providing freedom of religion allows the loophole that lets the law pass and stick, the resolution concerning same sex marraige interferes with the state religion, therefore it interferes with the practice of that religion, that allows us to pass laws that circumvent the same sex marraige resolution, and that makes the aforementioned law acceptable to the UN, like it or not, it's called rules lawyering, but it'll work in a pinch.
Your religious laws are irrelevant, as marriage is defined to be non-religious, i.e. civil. Where your local laws clash with UN resolutions, the UN resolutions apply. Your "lawyering" is a failure. The UN gnomes know that.
(OOC: It's not beta anymore, but thanks.)
Obviously you aren't too terrible distrought over homosexuality and acts between other homosexuals since you deliberately left that loophole. Then why the law? Is it PR so that you can have an extreme right-wing nation pat you on the back? Not to mention, as the United Nations stated, your law is void. United Nations acts supercede yours. - Robert Pacitania, General Secretary Of The Central Soviet And The Communist Party Of The Soviet Union
The issue is the resolutions interference with the free practice of our religion, if there is something that can be done to solve that issue without being overly opressive we will do so, allowing lesbians to marry gay men fits the religious man woman definition of marraige, that is all we require, the loophole was left open to stop them from bitchiong overmuch about their lost rights, that they hadn't lost.
13-04-2005, 23:07
Oh, I bet you're jealous that our beureaucrats are better at lawyering than yours are and that we benefit from such a skilled populace, furthermore, I am a christian, as is most of the population, they were in support of this decision and as such would hardly qualify as "oppressed".
Just because most of the population are something does not mean that they can dictate what the others have to be. Would you like it if everybody was a clone of everybody else, simply because a group of sexual insecure religious peoples took up 60% of the population? Let's say that because most of the population are healthy, able people, all disabled people must be declared illegal straight away. Would you think that's alright?
Fascist Confederacy
13-04-2005, 23:07
Release the homosexuals to the protection of the Soviet Union. You obviously do not want them. Release them to us and not only will they be off your blood soaked hands, but free from persecution - The Political Bureau
Cyrian space
13-04-2005, 23:10
By the way, the specific resolution prohibiting you from passing this law can be found here (
Which part of "civil joining of a member of any nation with any other member of any nation, regardless of" is so hard to understand?
Your religious laws are irrelevant, as marriage is defined to be non-religious, i.e. civil. Where your local laws clash with UN resolutions, the UN resolutions apply. Your "lawyering" is a failure. The UN gnomes know that.
My nation does not have civil unions, we only recognise religious marraige. Un resolutions that contradict each other are invalid, my lawyering succeeds.
OOC: signing off for tonight, more to come tomorrow, try not to have twenty pages of posts on here that I have to read through and respond to.
Cyrian space
13-04-2005, 23:12
Release the homosexuals to the protection of the Soviet Union. You obviously do not want them. Release them to us and not only will they be off your blood soaked hands, but free from persecution - The Political Bureau
I get the feeling that the homosexuals arn't exactly being held behind walls here. I'm sure that they can emmigrate if they choose to.
The White Nations
13-04-2005, 23:14
Wonderful, more capitalist lies. This is nothing more than the Christian right trying to oppress any human being that doesn't follow their 'holy' book. Who gave you the right to dictate that homosexuality was wrong, hmm? I formally objurgate this act and encourage the oppressed peoples of Miehm to immigrate to the Soviet Union.
On a more personal note, I think it is a disgrace to the human species that you are amongst us. The beurocrats of Miehm are nothing more than power hungry children who have been left to their own devices while their mothers go out and do real work. - Robert Pacitania, General Secretary Of The Central Soviet And The Communist Party Of The Soviet Union
I believe that it is Miehm's right to dictate that homosexuality is wrong, seeing as how Miehm is the leader of their country, and you are not. Who are you to decide if Miehm is a disgrace to the human species?
-TWN, 14/88
My nation does not have civil unions, we only recognise religious marraige. Un resolutions that contradict each other are invalid, my lawyering succeeds.
No, they don't (and these resolutions do not clash with any other resolution; not even the one about religious freedom, as they would have been cleares from the queue had they done what you claim they do), and you have marriages in the sense that the resolution says you have them. Marriage = civil. There is no other kind of marriage in a UN nation. You cannot have a religious marriage, as marriage is defined as civil. And even if you did, which you don't, the gay rights resolution comes back to bite you in the bum again. Is reading the resolutions so hard to do? You "lawyering" is futile. These resolutions were made to disallow any loop-hole, and you have failed in finding one.
Fascist Confederacy
13-04-2005, 23:19
I believe that it is Miehm's right to dictate that homosexuality is wrong, seeing as how Miehm is the leader of their country, and you are not. Who are you to decide if Miehm is a disgrace to the human species?
-TWN, 14/88
We are. We are the people. We were in the same shoes as those being oppressed by Miehm. Who are you to say that the white race is better than any other, hmm? - Alec Voblisberg, Industrial Worker
Arthas Moloch
13-04-2005, 23:20
I have some legal background (i am not a lawyer, but i have taken a few law classes) and your arguement is that you are not denying them the right to marriage. That is correct. All you are denying them is the RIGHT TO CHOOSE!! who there partner will be. This is a far more important right (the right to choose, the right of choice) then simply taking away their right to marry. And the BTW, the reason gay people want to marry (well, the legal reason) is that their are certain legal benifits that come with being married. For instance, if you have (or adopt) a baby, you can get leave for both parents, if one partner leaves they can be awarded child support or maintanence, they can have joint accounts, and so on for a million little things that you would never think of. It is usually not becaus ethey think that people will accept them more. They (most of them) know that the average (heterosexual) person will not approve of what they do, and BTW sodomy means all anal sex, not just gay sex, so that means that any person who practices anal sex would have to be punished, which would cause open revolt because the only way to make sure of this would to put cameras in everyones houses, and all motels etc.
That is it, goodnight, and don't insult communism, it is the way to go (the only reason you are opposed is because of Stalin's dictatorship which BTW was not a communist regime, because in a true communist regime EVERYONE has a say, because no one is above or below anyone else!!!)
Whew, i am finally done.
The White Nations
13-04-2005, 23:21
We are. We are the people. We were in the same shoes as those being oppressed by Miehm. Who are you to say that the white race is better than any other, hmm? - Alec Voblisberg, Industrial Worker
Because I belong to groups that preach it, and that is what I honestly with all my heart believe. So yes, I can have my beliefs and opinions. But Miehm can certianly declare homosexuality wrong if they want to, they are the leader of their nation, no one else.
Fascist Confederacy
13-04-2005, 23:24
...But Miehm can certianly declare homosexuality wrong if they want to, they are the leader of their nation, no one else.
We'll see about that... - Unnamed Proletarian
13-04-2005, 23:26
The issue is the resolutions interference with the free practice of our religion, if there is something that can be done to solve that issue without being overly opressive we will do so, allowing lesbians to marry gay men fits the religious man woman definition of marraige, that is all we require, the loophole was left open to stop them from bitchiong overmuch about their lost rights, that they hadn't lost.
You've failed to grasp that the only reason that the religious right are saying that the homosexuals have not lost any rights is because the religious right has immediately assumed that they're opinions are high above anybody elses, and therefore must be put into force. Consequently, homosexuals "have not lost any rights," because the assuming, and sexually insecure right immediately held their opinion above everybody elses and said that homosexuals should not marry. In the case of the original ruling by the supreme court, it's simply an excuse to make it look less racist, which fails, because it's as clear as glass. Saying that a gay man can marry a lesbian woman was part of the original concept in the first place, because any man could marry any woman. The right's sexual insecurity has attempted to sneak in a law that's thinly disguised as not taking anyone's rights away, in order to take away a simple right. To assume that the old concept should not be changed and kept the same, and to use this as an excuse to explain away motives of insecure prejudice, is simply ignorant. To be honest, no man OR woman *needs* to marry. So let's outlaw basic marraige whilst we're at it? It's simply not necessary for the breeding process!
Like I said: simply basing it on the old and prejudiced concept is stupid, ignorant, and simply a display of your own sexual insecurity.
The Merchant Guilds
13-04-2005, 23:30
ignore this guy, his support is unwanted and his opinion is not shared by the people of Miehm.
OOC: That is really a silly thing to say, especially as I was supporting you. Remember IC is different to OOC...
We suggust Miehm learn who to offend and whom not to. Any more offensive language to ourselves and we will deam Miehm a rogue nation and will take action accordingly.
-Random Guild Bureaucrat
Generic empire
13-04-2005, 23:31
Statement from the Generian Orthodox Church
As senior Bishop of the Generian Orthodox Church under Emperor Antonius himself, I will take this opportunity to offer my congratulations to the people and government of Miehm on behalf of the Emperor and the Church for this magnificent step towards moral decency and social purity. Homosexuality is a disease that is quickly reaching epidemic proportions, and must be dealt with swiftly by all good followers of God and the Lord Christ, if we are to counteract the harm it has already caused humanity. Once more, to the people and the leaders of Miehm, our prayers are with you.
God bless.
Bohuslav Slobovic,
Archbishop of Generia City
13-04-2005, 23:33
Official Imperial Response
Wow, this is really funny. You people are complaining about sexual deviants not being alowed to marry. You do realize we have been purging our nation of these heretics for many, many years by burning them at the stake, don't you?
The Eastern-Coalition
13-04-2005, 23:38
"Speaking from experience, homosexuality does not destroy. War destroys. Leave the petty man to his petty phobias, rather than let it escalate into destruction. If the people dislike the idea, they will eventually change it, one way or the other."
Admiral Vladimir Kulov
Temporary Emergency Leader of the Eastern Coalition
Wait wait wait. Homosexuallity was legalized through the UN?
I must repeal at all costs. For once I must vote
The dead and dying
13-04-2005, 23:42
pay lip service to the UN but dont obey their every command. they wont do anything to you if do. I take that back they will send a very angry letter to you.
Tree Hugging Lesbians
13-04-2005, 23:50
Guess you already know what we think?
Arthas Moloch
13-04-2005, 23:53
Who says we start a war? Left :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: vs :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: : : right!
Edit: Wait, anyone know where this guy lives? If its near me he might just have an unfortunate "accident".
The dead and dying
13-04-2005, 23:54
there would be no UN if it actually enforced all of its rules. no government would stay in an organization like that. unless they want to give their soverignty
14-04-2005, 00:09
Though we are currently at war with the Guffingfordian bastards, we still express are disgust. We will destroy your pathetic, racist nation quite easily. We hereby declare that are puppet nation, The Tocrowkian Islands, is now at war with you fools. Prepare to be destroyed by the almighty imperial sword of Tocrowkia.
Millions of Tocrowkian Islander Troops prepare for war.
The Eastern-Coalition
14-04-2005, 00:13
"And so it begins..."
Admiral Vladimir Kulov
Temporary Emergency Leader of the Eastern Coalition
Cyrian space
14-04-2005, 00:16
The U.N. has one condition and one reward. All nations who are members of the U.N. are required to follow U.N. law, and in return, they are granted the opportunity to CHANGE said law. It is an international community. By your own reasoning, would it be better for everyone to live in an independent nation of themself?
We suggust Miehm learn who to offend and whom not to. Any more offensive language to ourselves and we will deam Miehm a rogue nation and will take action accordingly.
The Merchants Guild had best stay their own hands. While we disapprove of the actions of this nation, we will defend them from the attacks of the even more ignorant.
Be wary, leaders of Miehm, for the side you have chosen contains many fools.
Kiroti, Administrator of War
Wow, this is really funny. You people are complaining about sexual deviants not being alowed to marry. You do realize we have been purging our nation of these heretics for many, many years by burning them at the stake, don't you?
We have simply not gotten around to liberating your people yet.
(and on an ooc note, I probably can't, as I'm future tech.)
Kiroti, Administrator of War
Wait wait wait. Homosexuallity was legalized through the UN?
Allow me to formally greet my opponent before this battle of wills begins.
Ghalna, Delegate to the United Nations.
[i]Who gave you the right to dictate that homosexuality was wrong, hmm?[/b]
Securia would like to send a diplomat to this country and addresses this issue with a different standpoint.
Diplomat to Miehm: "Instead of asking 'Who gave you the right to say homosexuality is wrong?' We demand that you answer the question 'Who gave you the right to say what is homosexual and what isn't?'"
OOC: Yo Doomingsland remember me? I used to be Bleland but then I stopped for a while and it got deleted, now the country has split into two, Securia and Portshire. We used to be at war over Vladimir but oh well.
14-04-2005, 00:41
I totally agree. I think that if something is good you will prosper. There is no good side to homosexuallity. If the whole world was gay we would go extinct because there would be no more kids. This would not be very prosperous
Militia Enforced State
14-04-2005, 00:53
We highly denounce this action of refusal of allowing homosexuals to be able to marry one another. We believe that every human being should be allowed anything they wish that keeps our citizens happy, but at the same time, not allowing hogwash such as having extremes like having more than one wife or husband.
However, for anyone from your country who wishes to join our country instead in a place where we allow anything that isn't rediculous from logic, we will fast track your applications to immigrate into our state.
Another statement for Doomingsland's Imperials. That type of treatment of your citizens is totally unacceptable, and we will not stand for such treatment. Rather than burning them at the stake, why not send them to us? Then they won't be your problem, and we can save some of your besieged citizens from your iron fist.
To the citizens for Doomingsland, we are willing to help you.
Force Commander James Ackvick.
Leader of the Armed Republic of Militia Enforced State.
Tree Hugging Lesbians
14-04-2005, 01:01
I totally agree. I think that if something is good you will prosper. There is no good side to homosexuallity. If the whole world was gay we would go extinct because there would be no more kids. This would not be very prosperous
The Queendom will accept any lesbians that wish to flee.
Cyrian space
14-04-2005, 01:12
I totally agree. I think that if something is good you will prosper. There is no good side to homosexuallity. If the whole world was gay we would go extinct because there would be no more kids. This would not be very prosperous
If the entire world were female, we would be extinct because their would be no more kids. Does this mean we should be able to opress females at will? And what about the fact that we could say the same of men?
No offense to Tree Hugging Lesbians, as we know that your nation has a technological solution to this problem.
Dostanuot Loj
14-04-2005, 01:24
Released repost from the Civil Senate and Government Headquarters:
We will herby pledge our full support to our allies in The Soviet Union, Tree Hugging Lesbians, and Tocrowkia. Although we believe this to be no simple matter, and would prefer the correct changes be brought about via talks, rather then war, as several of the faulting nations have attempted to threaten, we will pledge our forces if nessecary.
- The Leaders and the People of The Dictorial Republic of Dostanuot Loj
Personal Statement from the Dictator:
First, let me start off by pointing out that your logic is wrong in every sense of the word. By not alowing people to marry someone based on gender of the person, you are descriminating, and thus going against the UN resolution that your are bound to, which specificly states that you may not do such a thing.
On a second note, I've taken a look at your holy book, and I can not find a single statement where your "god" has banned sodomy, my spouse has also informed me that no such line exists, neither in the Torrah, Bible, or Qu'ran. So, I ask, can you provide us with such a line?
These Chrstians cause nothing but trouble, it is states like yours that rally the dissodance among peaceful nations to follow your cause.
- Feild Marshal Peshtur Namtar
14-04-2005, 01:31
Released repost from the Civil Senate and Government Headquarters:
We will herby pledge our full support to our allies in The Soviet Union, Tree Hugging Lesbians, and Tocrowkia. Although we believe this to be no simple matter, and would prefer the correct changes be brought about via talks, rather then war, as several of the faulting nations have attempted to threaten, we will pledge our forces if nessecary.
- The Leaders and the People of The Dictorial Republic of Dostanuot Loj
Personal Statement from the Dictator:
First, let me start off by pointing out that your logic is wrong in every sense of the word. By not alowing people to marry someone based on gender of the person, you are descriminating, and thus going against the UN resolution that your are bound to, which specificly states that you may not do such a thing.
On a second note, I've taken a look at your holy book, and I can not find a single statement where your "god" has banned sodomy, my spouse has also informed me that no such line exists, neither in the Torrah, Bible, or Qu'ran. So, I ask, can you provide us with such a line?
These Chrstians cause nothing but trouble, it is states like yours that rally the dissodance among peaceful nations to follow your cause.
- Feild Marshal Peshtur Namtar
While we appreciate and admire your "peace before war" proposal, we believe the only way to deal with these type of ignorant pigs is a firm slap upside the head and a hard kick in the ass, which they will get a lot of.
Cyrian space
14-04-2005, 01:55
Please, be calm! While this is a wrongful thing that has been done, it is hardly an excuse for war! While all people deserve the right to marry who they choose, it is not an issue worth killing and dying over.
However, if we are talking of making war on Doomingsland, that we fully support.
Militia Enforced State
14-04-2005, 03:14
Although we would love to fight these lunitics of their countries from their Iron Fist, unfortunately, we would not be able to destroy their iron fist without assistance. If you wish to send a message to us for arrangements, please transmit to our relations frequency at 43612.459 (
Force Commander James Ackvick.
Leader of the Armed Republic of Militia Enforced State.
14-04-2005, 04:03
Please, be calm! While this is a wrongful thing that has been done, it is hardly an excuse for war! While all people deserve the right to marry who they choose, it is not an issue worth killing and dying over.
However, if we are talking of making war on Doomingsland, that we fully support.
Negative. These fools will regret this action as they are crushed under the almighty Tocrowkian Imperial boot.
14-04-2005, 04:20
Just a thought, the Republic of Taledonia will keep a neutral stance in this but would like to know why the Fascist Confederacy is so upset about this breach of human rights. If I'm not mistaken, your communist, your all about discriminating against the minority. Apart from that, I have nothing more to say.
14-04-2005, 06:28
We hereby give Miehm one chance, and one chance only to surrender to the Immortal Divine Reich. You have twenty-four hours to comply. (Real hours.)
14-04-2005, 07:03
OOC: How come you're going to war with him over same-sex marriage? It's a big issue, but not THAT big...
Really, what do you plan to accomplish by attacking them? They're just one of MANY anti-samesexmarriage nations.
14-04-2005, 07:06
OOC: It adds to a story line I have long planned on with Tocrowkia becoming imperialistic, invading weaker nations and such.
The Queendom will accept any lesbians that wish to flee.
Yo Tree hugga you were supposed to send lesbian soldiers to the resident evil delta thread
We hereby give Miehm one chance, and one chance only to surrender to the Immortal Divine Reich. You have twenty-four hours to comply. (Real hours.)
OOC: There's a problem with RL time limits, see not everyone is online every day, nor is everyone on nationstates every chance they get to be online. Also you have to account for the fact that people don't immediately see your time limit once you have posted.
IC: Securia would like to send a team of diplomats if there are any negotiation talks or whatever. Peace talks, surrender talks, talks about human rights.
The Fedral Union
14-04-2005, 17:33
hey good guys mind ifi help if you go to war im looking for a brawl
14-04-2005, 17:49
From: The Foreign Ministry of the Constitutional Monarchy of Thal_Ixu
To: The Foreign Ministry of the country of Miehm
Subject: National laws about same sex marriages
Dear Foreign Minister of Miehm.
While Thal_Ixu naturally respects the rights of a souvereign nation to act inside their nation as they believe it is best for their citizens, we have to express our concerns about your recent decision concernings gay marriage. We want to remind you of UN resolutions concerning this issue, which protects the rights of homosexuals for equal treatment, which also includes their right to marry whoever they want, including other momosexuals. We understand that you might not value our oppinion much since their has been no diplomatic contact between our nations in the past, but being a UN-Member as are you, we have to made sure that our concersa reheard for teh sake of equal treatment of every human being.
the Foreign Minister of the Constitutional Monarchy of Thal_Ixu
in replacement of his Highness, the King of Thal_Ixu and Head of State sairence
TV's all across Miehm flicker... As a massive signal is broadcast from space...
As the screen clears, all channels show President Williamson of the Constutional Republic of Tekania....
He then begins speaking....
Attempts to block this message will be found futile... The message is being broadcast from the TRSS Loki in earth orbit, acting as relay...
The Constitutional Republic of Tekania, as a fellow NSUN member state; officially opposes the actions the nationstate of Miehm has taken... And condemns the act of their supreme court as being in violation of International Laws, to which they have made themselves applicable to in their membership in the august body of the United Nations.
At this time we call on all other terrestrial and extra-terrestrial members to place offical sanctions upon the nationstate of Miehm, untill it comes into compliance...
In addition all diplimatic ties, present or future will be severed between the Constitutional Republic and the nationstate of Miehm for the duration of time to which they remain out-of-compliance with mandated NSUN legislation regarding same-sex marriage...
The leadership of Miehm is advised that it should take all neccessary steps to bring their state back into compliance with said laws and legislation in regards to this subject, and to do so with post haste...
The signal suddenly cuts out to the Tekanian flag for a few moments before the broadcast ends....
14-04-2005, 19:20
hey good guys mind ifi help if you go to war im looking for a brawl
Sure, I need all the help I can get.
I have some legal background (i am not a lawyer, but i have taken a few law classes) and your arguement is that you are not denying them the right to marriage. That is correct. All you are denying them is the RIGHT TO CHOOSE!! who there partner will be. This is a far more important right (the right to choose, the right of choice) then simply taking away their right to marry. And the BTW, the reason gay people want to marry (well, the legal reason) is that their are certain legal benifits that come with being married. For instance, if you have (or adopt) a baby, you can get leave for both parents, if one partner leaves they can be awarded child support or maintanence, they can have joint accounts, and so on for a million little things that you would never think of. It is usually not becaus ethey think that people will accept them more. They (most of them) know that the average (heterosexual) person will not approve of what they do, and BTW sodomy means all anal sex, not just gay sex, so that means that any person who practices anal sex would have to be punished, which would cause open revolt because the only way to make sure of this would to put cameras in everyones houses, and all motels etc.
That is it, goodnight, and don't insult communism, it is the way to go (the only reason you are opposed is because of Stalin's dictatorship which BTW was not a communist regime, because in a true communist regime EVERYONE has a say, because no one is above or below anyone else!!!)
Whew, i am finally done.
Homosexuals are allowed to choose a partner of a different gender, they still have a choice, the choice is merely limited.
TV's all across Miehm flicker... As a massive signal is broadcast from space...
As the screen clears, all channels show President Williamson of the Constutional Republic of Tekania....
He then begins speaking....
Attempts to block this message will be found futile... The message is being broadcast from the TRSS Loki in earth orbit, acting as relay...
The Constitutional Republic of Tekania, as a fellow NSUN member state; officially opposes the actions the nationstate of Miehm has taken... And condemns the act of their supreme court as being in violation of International Laws, to which they have made themselves applicable to in their membership in the august body of the United Nations.
At this time we call on all other terrestrial and extra-terrestrial members to place offical sanctions upon the nationstate of Miehm, untill it comes into compliance...
In addition all diplimatic ties, present or future will be severed between the Constitutional Republic and the nationstate of Miehm for the duration of time to which they remain out-of-compliance with mandated NSUN legislation regarding same-sex marriage...
The leadership of Miehm is advised that it should take all neccessary steps to bring their state back into compliance with said laws and legislation in regards to this subject, and to do so with post haste...
The signal suddenly cuts out to the Tekanian flag for a few moments before the broadcast ends....
OOC: Ignored, godmoding, dictates what happens in my nation.
IC: Like hell we will!
14-04-2005, 19:40
Then you shall be crushed under the almighty Imperial boot.
Piece of harmonics
14-04-2005, 19:49
If Wanted to mary anyone and they wanted to marry me. I would feel that our word to eachother and our promise to eachother would be enough.We would reconise our bond. Which would be worth far more than the pennies scraped off a tax rebate or allowence the rest you can sort with a will.
well that's what i think.
Who says we start a war? Left :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: vs :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: : : right!
Edit: Wait, anyone know where this guy lives? If its near me he might just have an unfortunate "accident".
Manassas Virginia, bring it on, my 30-06 will ventilate your ass before you get within fifty feet of my house. In other news in RL I'm bi, so you can take your holier than thou attitude and shove it.
Then you shall be crushed under the almighty Imperial boot.
Kiss my fat, hairy white ass, you holier than thou ignorant bigotted son of a bitch.
Militia Enforced State
14-04-2005, 20:09
Enough is enough, all of you! Most of you are all sounding like corrupt dictators, bickering, getting nothing done, and threatening war like it was simple! Remember, war kills our citizens!
I believe we should get together here and sort this out.
First off, I should remind you nation of Miehm that the UN has officially passed the bill making your law unconstitutional in the eyes of the UN. Failure to change your laws will have your country either removed from the UN, or worse, sanctions. This doesn't just apply to your nation but others under the UN envelope.
Secondly, do you realise the costs of war? Millions will die. Secondly, your economy will be crushed by the damages of war in the long run. As well, is it really worth the risk of all out war?
Thirdly, I should remind you that the benefits of gay marriage greatly outweigh the negatives, if there are any, of banning it. First off, by not burning them at the stake as previously suggested (though I demand something done about that nation!), or frowning upon them and treating them differently, these homosexuals can be much more production as citizens than if they were suppressed. That way, our economies would be stronger, and we wouldn't have to pay to enforce these laws. As well, so what if it is against God? I mean, first off as mentioned before it doesn't really say much on if you can or can't be homosexual. Secondly, if it's their choice to be homosexual, it's up to them and God, not us government figures.
Think about these facts before we get into full blown war here! Ackvick out.
Jagada respects Miehm's decision as a nation. We are glad to you are unlike some people who've said some completely ignorant things, and that you understand reality and do not suger-coat your people.
14-04-2005, 20:15
Kiss my fat, hairy white ass, you holier than thou ignorant bigotted son of a bitch.
Was that OOC or IC? if it was OOC, I'm going to report you.
The Fedral Union
14-04-2005, 20:15
I shall deploy my forces when necessary
(OOC: *watches as the mod squad runs in like dragnet*)
OOC: How many same sex marriage threads have there been in the past year on NS?
Loopholes are prevelant within these resolutions, homosexuals may marry, just not other homosexuals except in the case of a lesbian marrying a gay man,
To Quote
WHEREAS it has been clearly witnessed there is an outspoken minority who wish to oppress gays.
We, the People's Republic of Kundu and the other peoples of the world wishing for the preservation of freedom and the respect of all hereby resolve that all member nations of the United Nations must pass laws protecting people from discrimination in all parts of life.
We also resolve that gay marriages be protected and endorsed by law in the member nations.
IN VIEW of the Universal Bill of Human Rights, and the Gay Rights resolution;
DEFINES marriage as the civil joining of a member of any nation with any other member of any nation, regardless of sex, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, color, or any other characteristic, with the exception of age;
RECOGNIZES age of the individual(s) as a just reason for not recognizing marriage, as per Article One of the Child Protection Act;
FURTHER RECOGNIZES all nation's right to expand this definition beyond species borders as the individual governments see fit.
the argument is based on taking the logic behind those resolutions one step further, the reasoning being that as I have said they can still marry
However, your "they can still marry" is in direct violation of existing laws which require you to endorse gay marriages...
they have not lost the right to a spouse or the right to marry whom they wish
They have.. since you have limited their wishes past the scope of mandate.
within the limits of the freedom of religion statute in our laws, the freedom of religion statute makes christianity the state religion but says that all religions are to be treated equally, christians have no special treatment, muslims are not treated any worse than hindus, the catch is that the laws of the land must comply with the laws of God,
Now while you are in the UN, the UN law is supreme, and over-rides your national laws... Including you present state of religious laws...
Article 1 § Every UN Member State has the right to independence and hence to exercise freely, without dictation by any other NationState, all its legal powers, including the choice of its own form of government.
Article 2 § Every UN Member State has the right to exercise jurisdiction over its territory and over all persons and things therein, subject to the immunities recognized by international law.
Article 3 § Every UN Member State has the duty to refrain from unrequested intervention in the internal or external economic, political, religious, and social affairs of any other NationState, subject to the immunities recognized by international law.
Local laws are over-rided by international law where they are in conflict.
You are required to allow your people to marry anyother member of any other state... As such.. Your law is illegal under international law... Since it stands in violation. Your "loophole" doesn't exist. You cannot limit the UN defintion, you can only loosen the restrictions.... As such, you are in violation of present enacted laws.
the law of God prohibits sodomy, so technically we could arrest anyone who comes out of the closet, but we do not, to do so would be wrong. Instead we allow them to marry whomever they wish within the bounds of the practice of christianity,
Violation of Religious liberties...
All human beings have the right to choose worship any faith, and to change their religious beliefs at any time without punishment on the part of the state.
muslims may do as they will when it comes to marraige, but "honor crimes" are prevented by our religious stance, the resolution providing freedom of religion allows the loophole that lets the law pass and stick, the resolution concerning same sex marraige interferes with the state religion,
Yes it does, and by the Rights and Duties, is thus nullified by law, and the International Law over-rides...
therefore it interferes with the practice of that religion, that allows us to pass laws that circumvent the same sex marraige resolution, and that makes the aforementioned law acceptable to the UN, like it or not, it's called rules lawyering, but it'll work in a pinch.
It's called violation... International Law reigns over your own national laws... There is no "lawyering" here... Your "powers" are limited by the Rights and Duties, so that any law you pass which is contrary to existing NSUN legislation, is nullified by the Rights and Duties... Thus, the present national law is invalidated by R&D, and reversed to recomply with the International Law attempted in violation.
IOW.. You can have a state religion, but you cannot use said religion as an excuse for violation... Thus, you are still in non-compliance and subject to international saction by the body. State religion, no matter what your own choice in the matter is, is not a legal reason for non-compliance... Your sovereignty is limited by the existing NSUN legislation... IOW... The law you have enacted, is illegal... Because it stands in violation of the superior law (NSUN Resolutions)... Thus, no matter how much "lawyering" you attempt, it is futile to enact such... Because, your power to "lawyer" in the first place is powerless against the limitation of rights towards national legislation by NSUN laws... Thus, you are in non-compliance untill you either legalize gay-marriage again... Or resign from the NSUN.
14-04-2005, 20:24
From: The Foreign Ministry of the Constitutional Monarchy of Thal_Ixu
To: The Constitutional Republic of Tekania
Subject: Tekanias open threat towards Miehm
Dear President Williamson of the Constutional Republic of Tekania,
as a peace-loving nation and a member of the NSUN, the Parliament has, in accordance with his Majesty sairence, asked me to send you this note to inform you about the deep concerns we have against the aggressive intentions you have voiced against Miehm. Although we do not approve of the decisions lately made by the Miehm government, we do not see any reasons and legitimation for an aggressive aktion, since these decisions belong to the inner politics of Miehm. It has to be seen wether the law against homosexual marriage can be brought into compliance with UN-Resolutions but it is certainly not your business to persecute any violation of these resolutions all by yourself without a mandate or anything else.
Be hereby warned. Any aggressive action you take against the free nation of Miehm will be brought before the council of the NSUN were you will have to justify yourself for eventual actions.
the Foreign Minister of the Constitutional Monarchy of Thal_Ixu
in substitution of the Government of the Constitutional Monarchy of Thal_Ixu
14-04-2005, 20:30
Keep it OOCly civil, folks. I'll be checking back on this.
May I advise Miehm, that you leave the corrupt and secularist organization of the United Nations. I believe it would spare you and you're people a lot of trouble.
14-04-2005, 20:37
~Electronic Communication to Thal_Ixu~
DLE CommCode: 1759464ADc6
Location Identifier: TN924
Matrinet Source: GBDPTR4
Verification Code: *******
We find Tekania is operating within the spirit of UN law, specifically the Humanitarian Intervention resolution. If you have a problem with this, please take it up with the general assembly by having that resolution repealed.
Be warned that any aggressive actions towards Tekania for them wishing to use their UN-backed right to attempt to point out the errors of Miehm's ways will result in a subsequent violent reaction from ourselves, as you are interfering in actions that are completely legal and easily justified.
-Dictator Enigma
~End communication~
14-04-2005, 20:38
In a recent decision the Supreme Court of Miehm declared same sex marraiges illegal due to a lack of necessity for them, the reasoning is that homosexuals are not denied the right to marry, just the "right" to sodomize each other under the guise of marraige, they may marry any person of the opposite gender they wish to, they may not, however, marry against the religious principles of the nation, furthermore since noone can marry the same sex homosexuals are not being discriminated against in this act. The courts decision comes after a case that had one of the provinces ignore a same sex marraige from another province, the court requires all provinces to recognise marraiges from other provinces, but says that all same sex marraiges are anulled and the claimants suit is moot, more at 11.
OOC: Well done. This is quite an effective stand on a tricky issue, and I commend you for it.
FROM:The Constitutional Republic of Tekania
TO:The Foreign Ministry of the Constitutional Monarchy of Thal_Ixu
No aggression has been planned. We have called other NSUN member to place sanctions upon said nationstate till it comes back into compliance with International Laws, as legislated in the NSUN. Namely its violations of the following NSUN Resolutions:
NSUN Resolution #7: Sexual Freedom
In having in force laws which prohibit acts between concenting adult partners.
NSUN Resolution #12: Gay Rights
In failing to endorse, and outlawing homosexual marriage.
NSUN Resolution #26: Universal Bill of Rights
In enforcing a state religion upon members of other religious institutions.
NSUN Resolution #49: Rights and Duties for UN States
In failing to treat international law as supior to local enactments.
NSUN Resolution #81: Definition of Marriage
In two violations... First for limiting marriage based upon sexual orientation... and Second, for applying further restrictions to marriage beyond said Resolution.
As such, calling for official sanction to be placed on said nation for failure to comply is in accordance with our Duties as a UN member state as outlined in NSUN Resolution #49... And discouraging any other members from assisting said nation as long as they remain out of compliance with existing International Laws aforementioned...
Said nation is encouraged to seek to bring themselves back into compliance with said laws, post haste... Or otherwise remain under embargo and sanction untill such has occured...
Signed: Williamson, Eric David; President of the Constitutional Republic of Tekania
14-04-2005, 20:42
Let it be noted the Reich will not stand down, and will continue with hostile plans and actions against this nation.
Enough is enough, all of you! Most of you are all sounding like corrupt dictators, bickering, getting nothing done, and threatening war like it was simple! Remember, war kills our citizens!
I believe we should get together here and sort this out.
First off, I should remind you nation of Miehm that the UN has officially passed the bill making your law unconstitutional in the eyes of the UN. Failure to change your laws will have your country either removed from the UN, or worse, sanctions. This doesn't just apply to your nation but others under the UN envelope.
Secondly, do you realise the costs of war? Millions will die. Secondly, your economy will be crushed by the damages of war in the long run. As well, is it really worth the risk of all out war?
Thirdly, I should remind you that the benefits of gay marriage greatly outweigh the negatives, if there are any, of banning it. First off, by not burning them at the stake as previously suggested (though I demand something done about that nation!), or frowning upon them and treating them differently, these homosexuals can be much more production as citizens than if they were suppressed. That way, our economies would be stronger, and we wouldn't have to pay to enforce these laws. As well, so what if it is against God? I mean, first off as mentioned before it doesn't really say much on if you can or can't be homosexual. Secondly, if it's their choice to be homosexual, it's up to them and God, not us government figures.
Think about these facts before we get into full blown war here! Ackvick out.
We fear not war, for the hand of God sides with the righteous, however we shall not court open warfare, we have made no threats against anyone, we are the subject of all hostility. The homosexual population has not protested this action and that is construed as their consent, thus we have no need to change to avoid hurting the feelings of the PC majority of the nations of this world. A homosexual is no more efficient repressed or free, nor are any people, a person is as efficient as they wish to be, no more no less, that is all.
~Electronic Communication to Thal_Ixu~
DLE CommCode: 1759464ADc6
Location Identifier: TN924
Matrinet Source: GBDPTR4
Verification Code: *******
We find Tekania is operating within the spirit of UN law, specifically the Humanitarian Intervention resolution. If you have a problem with this, please take it up with the general assembly by having that resolution repealed.
Be warned that any aggressive actions towards Tekania for them wishing to use their UN-backed right to attempt to point out the errors of Miehm's ways will result in a subsequent violent reaction from ourselves, as you are interfering in actions that are completely legal and easily justified.
-Dictator Enigma
~End communication~
Be gone from this holy place, foul demon.
While we appreciate and admire your "peace before war" proposal, we believe the only way to deal with these type of ignorant pigs is a firm slap upside the head and a hard kick in the ass, which they will get a lot of.
Bring it on, be warned that if you do we will send Bun Bun against you, you will fall if we do so.
Bun Bun:
14-04-2005, 20:51
From: The Foreign Ministry of the Constitutional Monarchy of Thal_Ixu
To: Dictator Enigma
We just want to make sure that our intentions are understood. We have never voiced the wish to take aggressive action against any nation, for we are peace-loving people who despise any needless killing and are convinced that there can be no valid justification for war ever. We would ask you to reread our statements, for then you will se, that we have never threatend anybody with the use of force but instead with the use of the legal steps open to any member of the NSUN.
Was that OOC or IC? if it was OOC, I'm going to report you.
you decide, its really IC, but whatever floats your boat.
14-04-2005, 20:57
Fine. I decide it's an OOC flame, and report you.
14-04-2005, 20:57
Be gone from this holy place, foul demon.
~Electronic Communication to Miehm~
DLE CommCode: 1759464ADc6
Location Identifier: TN924
Matrinet Source: GBDPTR4
Verification Code: *******
You refer to our name? It is a fun joke. Sarkarasetans were once referred to as the Demons of the Night Sky due to their constant warfare and the destruction they wrought with their empires. I find it fitting to name the third Sarkarasetan empire after such a comment, as in this case we are united instead of the division that once ruled us.
Let it be known that if you do not change, we may have to encourage it. And say what you will about your god, no deity can protect you when the tides of war have washed over your shores and enter your most sacred of cities. Be careful what Fates you court with your actions, as some Fates make even the rending claws of those eternally damned for being made without souls to plague the nations of mortals look nice.
If you wish us to be gone, then note it will take a military action to remove us. And that is courting the wrong Fates indeed. Until then, note that we will continue to be around and continue to swing the Sword of Justice above our heads, letting the sunlight reflecting off of it act as a beacon to any wishing to right an ill of the world. It is too bad for you that the beacon has spotlighted your illegal actions.
-Dictator Enigma
~End communication~
14-04-2005, 21:00
From: The Foreign Ministry of the Constitutional Monarchy of Thal_Ixu
To: Dictator Enigma
We just want to make sure that our intentions are understood. We have never voiced the wish to take aggressive action against any nation, for we are peace-loving people who despise any needless killing and are convinced that there can be no valid justification for war ever. We would ask you to reread our statements, for then you will se, that we have never threatend anybody with the use of force but instead with the use of the legal steps open to any member of the NSUN.
~Electronic Communication to Thal_Ixu~
DLE CommCode: 1759464ADc6
Location Identifier: TN924
Matrinet Source: GBDPTR4
Verification Code: *******
In that case, you do not wish to take it to the UN either. The UN includes hostile actions as legal ones, with the only council you can take this to ruling only on whether or not attacking the nation you bring before them is legal. That is the difficulty you face.
-Dictator Enigma
~End communication~
14-04-2005, 21:02
We highly denounce this action of refusal of allowing homosexuals to be able to marry one another. We believe that every human being should be allowed anything they wish that keeps our citizens happy, but at the same time, not allowing hogwash such as having extremes like having more than one wife or husband.
However, for anyone from your country who wishes to join our country instead in a place where we allow anything that isn't rediculous from logic, we will fast track your applications to immigrate into our state.
Another statement for Doomingsland's Imperials. That type of treatment of your citizens is totally unacceptable, and we will not stand for such treatment. Rather than burning them at the stake, why not send them to us? Then they won't be your problem, and we can save some of your besieged citizens from your iron fist.
To the citizens for Doomingsland, we are willing to help you.
Force Commander James Ackvick.
Leader of the Armed Republic of Militia Enforced State.
Official Imperial Response
Ummm, no?
I hope you know that you can't respond ICly to posts that have the TO/FROM format if your name isn't in the TO area. Saying that you can reply to those is a blatant GODMOD and i am sure that you don't want to be DEATed for doing a godmod. I would stop replying to people who are not sending the message to you.
I believe that spies are able to pick up just about anything, especially my Himmit scouts, read the legacy of the aldenata by john ringo and you'll see what I mean.
~Electronic Communication to Miehm~
DLE CommCode: 1759464ADc6
Location Identifier: TN924
Matrinet Source: GBDPTR4
Verification Code: *******
You refer to our name? It is a fun joke. Sarkarasetans were once referred to as the Demons of the Night Sky due to their constant warfare and the destruction they wrought with their empires. I find it fitting to name the third Sarkarasetan empire after such a comment, as in this case we are united instead of the division that once ruled us.
Let it be known that if you do not change, we may have to encourage it. And say what you will about your god, no deity can protect you when the tides of war have washed over your shores and enter your most sacred of cities. Be careful what Fates you court with your actions, as some Fates make even the rending claws of those eternally damned for being made without souls to plague the nations of mortals look nice.
If you wish us to be gone, then note it will take a military action to remove us. And that is courting the wrong Fates indeed. Until then, note that we will continue to be around and continue to swing the Sword of Justice above our heads, letting the sunlight reflecting off of it act as a beacon to any wishing to right an ill of the world. It is too bad for you that the beacon has spotlighted your illegal actions.
-Dictator Enigma
~End communication~
Your "Sword of Justice" looks alot like a sword of damecles from where I'm standing.
Novian Amazonia
14-04-2005, 21:05
To deny a person the right to marry and have sex with a person they love is wrong. Love is like the ocean it's endless, if two men love eachother then allow them to marry and have sex while married. I could care less what the holy book says, I don't believe that crap, christianity is a lie. A lie made to oppress the human spirit and the free will to do things without consequence. If anything common sense is how people used to live, not this facade where religion dictates the way you live, hmph christianity needs a make over bad.
-Empress Chaos Omega Nova :sniper:
14-04-2005, 21:05
I believe that spies are able to pick up just about anything, especially my Himmit scouts, read the legacy of the aldenata by john ringo and you'll see what I mean.
OOC: That still does not enable you to pick up my communications. Or translate them, for that matter. The communications are automatically translating themselves from Sarkarasetan to English as soon as they reach their destination, but up until that point they are pretty much incomprehensible to you. I let it go simply for the sakes of RP.
OOC: heres a twist, me and Doomingsland on the same side of an issue, only a couple weeks after we were fighting over the lives of rebellious slaves, go figure. Oh well, I appreciate the help.
To deny a person the right to marry and have sex with a person they love is wrong. Love is like the ocean it's endless, if two men love eachother then allow them to marry and have sex while married. I could care less what the holy book says, I don't believe that crap, christianity is a lie. A lie made to oppress the human spirit and the free will to do things without consequence. If anything common sense is how people used to live, not this facade where religion dictates the way you live, hmph christianity needs a make over bad.
-Empress Chaos Omega Nova :sniper:
Hippy, your opinion is of little consequence.
Federal District of Yorktown.... Capitol Building...
The combined Congress of the Republic sits... a large murmur going through the crowd... The President of the Senate, Vice President Correll stands before the members of congress... A hush falls over the crowd of legislators as the Vice President stands before the podium....
"My fellow Tekanians..." begins Vice President Correll... "The President of the Constitutional Republic, Eric David Williamson...."
The President steps up to the podium amongst as the Vice President steps down...
"My fellow Tekanians...." begins President Williamson... "As you know, the Confederacy of Miehm has enacted laws and acts in violations of International Law... No less than 7 violations of 5 United Nations resolutions... It is before you today, that I request that the Republic place embargo upon the Confederacy of Miehm, and that notice of sanction be sent to the United Nations assembly upon said state... We call for your vote on this...."
Things settle as murmurs begin across the crowd of legislators... As the 4012 legislators begin entering their votes into their personal consoles...
A short period passes as the votes are tabulated and verified...
The Vice President then approaches the podium with the results....
"The following are the declared votes of all legislators of the Constitutional Republic..." he begins.... " 3807 have voted in favor, 205 have opposed the call for embargo and notice of sanction... The Legislature hereby imposes official embargo upon all imports and exports from the Confederacy of Miehm.. And the President is hereby empowered to prepare notice of Sanction upon the aforementioned to be sent to the United Nations body...."
There is a massive murmur as reporters begin talking to the congressmen, newsfeeds being sent out...
14-04-2005, 21:08
Your "Sword of Justice" looks alot like a sword of damecles from where I'm standing.
~Electronic Communication to Miehm~
DLE CommCode: 1759464ADc6
Location Identifier: TN924
Matrinet Source: GBDPTR4
Verification Code: *******
We're not the ones threatening to invade you. If we did, it wouldn't even be a battle before it was over. We're just preventing others from stopping an invasion of your nation.
So, really, my nation isn't the one you have to worry about. Unless, of course, your military gets suicidal and attacks us.
-Dictator Enigma
~End communication~
OOC: That still does not enable you to pick up my communications. Or translate them, for that matter. The communications are automatically translating themselves from Sarkarasetan to English as soon as they reach their destination, but up until that point they are pretty much incomprehensible to you. I let it go simply for the sakes of RP.
OOC: Himmit are a species with an amazing natural camoflague ability, surpassing that of the terran chameleon, a Himmit is a vaguely humanoid creature that has four leg\arm appendages and is perfectly symmetrical, it is capable of remaining motionless for extremely long periods of time, and when still is close enough to invisibe as to be a moot point. They are the ultimate spies, they could be sitting on the wall of your war room and without an inch by inch visual scan of the walls you would never notice.
14-04-2005, 21:11
I believe that spies are able to pick up just about anything, especially my Himmit scouts, read the legacy of the aldenata by john ringo and you'll see what I mean.
[OOC: What happens is this is assumed to be "Secret IC" and that means you can't read it unless the other person says you can. Why? you may ask. Well, it would be perfectly easy for him to use telegrams to send it, and then unless you can hack NS there's no way you can see it. On the other hand, it would probably be until he next logs in to notice it's even there and is therefore slow. On the otherhand, Shazbotdom, RP is not moderated on NS and he cannont be deleted for godmodding, or for any other breach of RP ettiquette.]
14-04-2005, 21:16
OOC: Himmit are a species with an amazing natural camoflague ability, surpassing that of the terran chameleon, a Himmit is a vaguely humanoid creature that has four leg\arm appendages and is perfectly symmetrical, it is capable of remaining motionless for extremely long periods of time, and when still is close enough to invisibe as to be a moot point. They are the ultimate spies, they could be sitting on the wall of your war room and without an inch by inch visual scan of the walls you would never notice.
OOC: And they show up on lifesign scans as beacons, allowing for them to be easily targetted by firepower. Plus, I ICly consider espionage to be the equivolent of walking up to one of my soldiers, shooting them in the neck, and then declaring an invasion. Continue to push your luck.
14-04-2005, 21:18
[OOC: Using a Secret IC post or OOC post for IC information is considered extremely bad form by RPers here, and rarely does anyone accept "I HAVE OMFG! UBeR SPIES OF D00M!!!!111+shift" or its variants as justification for your IC knowledge of something you shouldn't really know.
The only way I could see your getting information like that is if you specifically RP'd an active attempt to infiltrate the network of the country you're spying on, and then they would have to agree to be infiltrated.]
14-04-2005, 21:21
[OOC: Using a Secret IC post or OOC post for IC information is considered extremely bad form by RPers here, and rarely does anyone accept "I HAVE OMFG! UBeR SPIES OF D00M!!!!111+shift" or its variants as justification for your IC knowledge of something you shouldn't really know.
The only way I could see your getting information like that is if you specifically RP'd an active attempt to infiltrate the network of the country you're spying on, and then they would have to agree to be infiltrated.]
OOC:Get on AIM, damnit!!!
Federal District of Yorktown.... Capitol Building...
The combined Congress of the Republic sits... a large murmur going through the crowd... The President of the Senate, Vice President Correll stands before the members of congress... A hush falls over the crowd of legislators as the Vice President stands before the podium....
"My fellow Tekanians..." begins Vice President Correll... "The President of the Constitutional Republic, Eric David Williamson...."
The President steps up to the podium amongst as the Vice President steps down...
"My fellow Tekanians...." begins President Williamson... "As you know, the Confederacy of Miehm has enacted laws and acts in violations of International Law... No less than 7 violations of 5 United Nations resolutions... It is before you today, that I request that the Republic place embargo upon the Confederacy of Miehm, and that notice of sanction be sent to the United Nations assembly upon said state... We call for your vote on this...."
Things settle as murmurs begin across the crowd of legislators... As the 4012 legislators begin entering their votes into their personal consoles...
A short period passes as the votes are tabulated and verified...
The Vice President then approaches the podium with the results....
"The following are the declared votes of all legislators of the Constitutional Republic..." he begins.... " 3807 have voted in favor, 205 have opposed the call for embargo and notice of sanction... The Legislature hereby imposes official embargo upon all imports and exports from the Confederacy of Miehm.. And the President is hereby empowered to prepare notice of Sanction upon the aforementioned to be sent to the United Nations body...."
There is a massive murmur as reporters begin talking to the congressmen, newsfeeds being sent out...
OOC: since this is on national televiion, I'm probably gonna see it, so here goes.
IC: Whoop-die doo, you put an embargo on my nation, cause those work so well in reality, same goes for the sanctions.
OOC: And they show up on lifesign scans as beacons, allowing for them to be easily targetted by firepower. Plus, I ICly consider espionage to be the equivolent of walking up to one of my soldiers, shooting them in the neck, and then declaring an invasion. Continue to push your luck.
It's only espionage if you get caught, and life-signs sensors have to know what to look for, a himmit is nowhere near human in chemical make-up, they're not human so it stands to reason they wouldn't be.
14-04-2005, 21:26
It's only espionage if you get caught, and life-signs sensors have to know what to look for, a himmit is nowhere near human in chemical make-up, they're not human so it stands to reason they wouldn't be.
[OOC: If you continue to claim that your ub3r sup3r-hu|\/|an spies of invulnerable d00m can see everything then you'll probably be ignored by a lot of respected players here... just accept it was secret, or ask the nations in question if you can say your spies caught it. It really isn't that big a deal, but it'll damage your reputation here if you keep pressing on about it.]
14-04-2005, 21:27
It's only espionage if you get caught, and life-signs sensors have to know what to look for, a himmit is nowhere near human in chemical make-up, they're not human so it stands to reason they wouldn't be.
OOC: A nonhuman in a nation of humans shows up like a sore thumb. I just have to look for the one that doesn't blend with the others.
[OOC: If you continue to claim that your ub3r sup3r-hu|\/|an spies of invulnerable d00m can see everything then you'll probably be ignored by a lot of respected players here... just accept it was secret, or ask the nations in question if you can say your spies caught it. It really isn't that big a deal, but it'll damage your reputation here if you keep pressing on about it.]
I do not care about others opinions, if I did, I would not have made this thread. As for your wonderful spouting of 1337, I just have to ask, why the hell did you waste your time typing that? In response to it, they're not human, thats kinda the point, they are neither invulnerable, nor of doom, merely very stealthy and nearly invisible, if they are not human they will not register on sensors designed to pick up humans, even if thwey did it most likely be seen as a glitch in the system. Finally, no, just no, it is within reason to assume that a species that, as far as we know, we are the only people from other planets to ever explore that region of space, much less contact them, would not be seen on life signs sensors, or even known to be watched for.
Greater Valia
14-04-2005, 21:35
General Wilson sat on his couch flipping through various channels with no clear destination in mind. But as he passed the GVNN (Greater Valian News Network) something caught his eye... He muttered to himself "Heh, the UN seems to be threatening a sovereign nation that deemed gay marriage un-necessary". "All this proves is that the UN is a bigger burecratic circle jerk than I had previously thought!" As the news contiuned he also saw that a blockade was in effect on the nation in question. He thought to himself, "I cant take the entire UN on in a fight but I can undermine their authority." He dialed the number for the Navy department with the intention of getting supplies to Miehm(sp?) to attempt to alleviate the blockade the UN had placed on Miehm.
OOC: A nonhuman in a nation of humans shows up like a sore thumb. I just have to look for the one that doesn't blend with the others.
Obscenely good camoflague, ever tried to find a camoed chameleon or person, if you have then multiply that by about a factor of ten and you'll be about right, you'll never see them if you don't know what to look for. A Himmit is nearly invisible motionless and dammed hard to spot even while in motion, they're the ultimate spies, and as far as we know no one else has ever contacted them, they're not very good liars and they like to tell stories, if they'd been contacted before we'd know.
Satelites in orbit take note of the mobilisation of high numbers of military forces in a hostile nation.
So it begins. Activate Bun Bun.
Greater Valia
14-04-2005, 21:50
OOC: Ach Aye! Ive been IGNORED
On a lighter note, leave Miehm alone, just because hes new and doesnt agree with you doesnt mean you need to 1nv4d3 to free t3h g4ys!!!1!!!! OMGWTFBBQ. :roll:
14-04-2005, 21:52
I do not care about others opinions, if I did, I would not have made this thread. As for your wonderful spouting of 1337, I just have to ask, why the hell did you waste your time typing that? In response to it, they're not human, thats kinda the point, they are neither invulnerable, nor of doom, merely very stealthy and nearly invisible, if they are not human they will not register on sensors designed to pick up humans, even if thwey did it most likely be seen as a glitch in the system. Finally, no, just no, it is within reason to assume that a species that, as far as we know, we are the only people from other planets to ever explore that region of space, much less contact them, would not be seen on life signs sensors, or even known to be watched for.OOC: Well, if you continue to have that kind of attitude, don't be surprised if a number of respected players do ignore you. If you want to say you've infiltrated someone in a RP, that person has to agree to it. That's the way RPing's done here.
MIEHM, State your military Specs.
OOC: Bun Bun: SHEVA gun number nine, indirect support and close assault vehicle, MBT: M1-E1 Abrams, Infantry loadout: 1 G-11 and 5 magazines, Sidearm 1911 .45cal acp pistol, Fighter: Harrier jumpjet, Bomber: A-10 Warthog, modified, Navy: minimal(landlocked nation, space navy), CSN: 1st through 8th fleets, all tech and quanities for my fleets may be taken from the Honorverse of David Weber, Fleet numbers are 5 SD(p)s per fleet, 10 Dreadnoughts, 10 CLACS carrying 100 LACs each, 20 Battle cruisers, 10 heavy cruisers, 10 Light Cruisers, and 15 Destroyers, manning requirements top out at 600 or so for an SD(p), lower for all other ships, EMP hardened, highly automated, Gravity drives provide near impenetrable shields to top and bottom, sidewalls are like gravity drives but not nearly as tough to brake through, open to front and back of impeller wedge.
OOC: Ach Aye! Ive been IGNORED
On a lighter note, leave Miehm alone, just because hes new and doesnt agree with you doesnt mean you need to 1nv4d3 to free t3h g4ys!!!1!!!! OMGWTFBBQ. :roll:
That post is wasting bandwidth, begone from here.
14-04-2005, 22:04
What i ment was how many troops, vehicles, ships, aircraft, etc. you are using. Not just what you have.
Greater Valia
14-04-2005, 22:07
That post is wasting bandwidth, begone from here.
*lurks* :(
OOC: Well, if you continue to have that kind of attitude, don't be surprised if a number of respected players do ignore you. If you want to say you've infiltrated someone in a RP, that person has to agree to it. That's the way RPing's done here.
That is unreasonable and leads to arbitrary decisions, the most likely response is going to be "no" as such, asking is an exercise in futility, Catch22 and all that good stuff.
A television somewhere is seen, on it a newsbroadcast....
A young reporter stands in a louge, a large windoe behind him, viewing the inside of a massive docking station... Massive starships being fitted for deployment.... TGNN displayed on the bottom of the screen....
"George Hastings here reporting from Eagle-One, orbital yards, Tekania Prime... Behind me the TRSS Horus... being outfitted and sent on deployment.. her mission? Hunt down Confederate merchant vessels, and enforcing planetary embargo of all shipping for the Confederacy of Miehm...
Earlier today, the Chief of Stellar Operations issued orders to all deployed vessels of the Tekanian Stellar Forces, that any merchants bearing Confederate colors were to be borded and seized trying to enter Miehm territories....
Earlier today the legislature imposed official embargo, and sent a notice of sanction to the United Nations on Earth of their proposed activities to attempt to bring this young state back into compliance...
As of yet there has been no declaration of official war, or planned violation of Confederate borders... And Fleet Admiral Warner issued assurances that no invasion has been planned... And it is unknown at this point what action will be taken in Neutral Space, where both nations vessels are already present...
George Hastings.... for TGNN..."
14-04-2005, 22:14
OOC: Impenetrable shields on the top? Okay, that I'm ignoring.
What i ment was how many troops, vehicles, ships, aircraft, etc. you are using. Not just what you have.
oh, well you've got the fleet numbers, I have 5 infantry divisions on active duty, all members of the populace are members of the militia, that boosts my numbers considerably, I have three armored divisions, my airforce numbers at 500 planes, skewed towards the Harriers by approximately 100 planes so 300 or so harriers and 200 warthogs, approximately, I have to dig out the file on my airforce to confirm it. I also have a full division of MI ACS units. The cost of my military was mitigated by aid from an allied economic powerhouse, pay for soldiers is room and board, garaunteed housing for veterans after leaving the military, COL pension for non-veterans and widows\next of kin.
OOC: Impenetrable shields on the top? Okay, that I'm ignoring.
Gravity impellers, they warp everything, its like a directioal blackhole, without the nasty side effects, they're not shields per se, they're what makes it go, they also happen to stop just about anything coming at them from the outside or inside. They're a two edged sword, you cant hit me through them and I can't hit you through them either, they also have a bad effect on any sensor trying to look through them, so they impede combat to a point.
14-04-2005, 22:31
Gravity impellers, they warp everything, its like a directioal blackhole, without the nasty side effects, they're not shields per se, they're what makes it go, they also happen to stop just about anything coming at them from the outside or inside. They're a two edged sword, you cant hit me through them and I can't hit you through them either, they also have a bad effect on any sensor trying to look through them, so they impede combat to a point.
OOC: I use a similar system for both engines and shields. It's not impenetrable. Graviton weapons and certain high-powered weapons disrupt the gravity field.
A television somewhere is seen, on it a newsbroadcast....
A young reporter stands in a louge, a large windoe behind him, viewing the inside of a massive docking station... Massive starships being fitted for deployment.... TGNN displayed on the bottom of the screen....
"George Hastings here reporting from Eagle-One, orbital yards, Tekania Prime... Behind me the TRSS Horus... being outfitted and sent on deployment.. her mission? Hunt down Confederate merchant vessels, and enforcing planetary embargo of all shipping for the Confederacy of Miehm...
Earlier today, the Chief of Stellar Operations issued orders to all deployed vessels of the Tekanian Stellar Forces, that any merchants bearing Confederate colors were to be borded and seized trying to enter Miehm territories....
Earlier today the legislature imposed official embargo, and sent a notice of sanction to the United Nations on Earth of their proposed activities to attempt to bring this young state back into compliance...
As of yet there has been no declaration of official war, or planned violation of Confederate borders... And Fleet Admiral Warner issued assurances that no invasion has been planned... And it is unknown at this point what action will be taken in Neutral Space, where both nations vessels are already present...
George Hastings.... for TGNN..."
Our vessels in neutral space are to be considered off limits, if they are attacked that will be considered an act of war, per standard operating procedure concering an attack on military holdings of one nation by the forces of another nation.
OOC: I use a similar system for both engines and shields. It's not impenetrable. Graviton weapons and certain high-powered weapons disrupt the gravity field.
The only weapons that I know of that disrupt even a ships sidewalls are a Grav-lance or some sort of black hole generator, and if you can make that, I want one, although the black hole would destroy the full impeller wedge and the ship.
The Fedral Union
14-04-2005, 22:47
.. 7th fleet 550 miles in to the ocean,
Admiral Thomson stepped up on a flat metallic deck witch was the bridge looking around at the control panels and such that were blinking officers working quietly around him, he said to his helms men and ops officer” order the fleet to get under way. Were going towards Miehm, full speed!” the officers nodding taking his orders for what they were and taping on there consoles, sending a general message to the fleet. Several moments later the fleet revved up its engines the USS Sword fish under to command of Tomas riker engaged its super cavtating engines (it’s a sub carrier that class) …
Over 25 ships headed towards the nation of Miehm to blockade several ports time to arrival is 24 hours, along with 250,000 troops and assorted equipment ( ns hours)
(ooc is this space tech or mod tech becuse i can verry well pull my space tech self in to this conflict and inflict damage )
Well. those numbers that i gave you, isn't even half of my standing armed forces. According to my numbers I have around 42,687,100 Foot Troops, 29,844 Land Vehicles, 2,697 Aircraft, 192 Naval Vessels, and around 800,000 Super-Sonic Cruise Missiles. If you want me to bring my entire armed forces into this i could. ;)
If that can stop my Fleet from doing a full orbital bombardment, you're welcome to, as it stands I doubt it, so it would be a waste of life. Also you most likely would not penetrate my missile defense systems in more than a dozen places without launching enough nukes to cause a near instantaneous nuclear winter, which would be contra indicated.
Well. those numbers that i gave you, isn't even half of my standing armed forces. According to my numbers I have around 42,687,100 Foot Troops, 29,844 Land Vehicles, 2,697 Aircraft, 192 Naval Vessels, and around 800,000 Super-Sonic Cruise Missiles. If you want me to bring my entire armed forces into this i could. ;)
OOC: How the hell do you manage FORTY-TWO MILLION PLUS troops! That would kill ANY military budget!
Other than that, I'd love a good war RP, but there's
A. too much godmodeing (not just you, Shaz) and
B. I ignore future tech. I hate crossgenre RPs.
Enjoy your RP.
The Fedral Union
14-04-2005, 22:53
OOC: How the hell do you manage FORTY-TWO MILLION PLUS troops! That would kill ANY military budget!
Other than that, I'd love a good war RP, but there's
A. too much godmodeing (not just you, Shaz) and
B. I ignore future tech. I hate crossgenre RPs.
Enjoy your RP.
agreed becuse id have to bring in my space self im ignoreing any space tech becuse this is my post mod mod tech self but i also rp space tech if you guys want to war with me in space make a seprate thread.
.. 7th fleet 550 miles in to the ocean,
Admiral Thomson stepped up on a flat metallic deck witch was the bridge looking around at the control panels and such that were blinking officers working quietly around him, he said to his helms men and ops officer” order the fleet to get under way. Were going towards Miehm, full speed!” the officers nodding taking his orders for what they were and taping on there consoles, sending a general message to the fleet. Several moments later the fleet revved up its engines the USS Sword fish under to command of Tomas riker engaged its super cavtating engines (it’s a sub carrier that class) …
Over 25 ships headed towards the nation of Miehm to blockade several ports time to arrival is 24 hours, along with 250,000 troops and assorted equipment ( ns hours)
(ooc is this space tech or mod tech becuse i can verry well pull my space tech self in to this conflict and inflict damage )
OOC: Miehm has like, two ports, those handle only local traffic, whats the point of blockading them, they can't handle anything bigger than a largish fishing ship.
14-04-2005, 22:54
TFU, Hell if i know....i'm MT moving toward Post MT. But i could RP as MT for this.
agreed becuse id have to bring in my space self im ignoreing any space tech becuse this is my post mod mod tech self but i also rp space tech if you guys want to war with me in space make a seprate thread.
Well, since I'm using my Space Navy you might as well leave now.
The Fedral Union
14-04-2005, 22:55
OOC: Miehm has like, two ports, those handle only local traffic, whats the point of blockading them, they can't handle anything bigger than a largish fishing ship.
(ooc im tryign to get a starting point so i can bombard and land )
TFU, Hell if i know....i'm MT moving toward Post MT. But i could RP as MT for this.
Definitely mostly FT around here.
The Fedral Union
14-04-2005, 22:57
Definitely mostly FT around here.
well lets diced when were goign to rp i opt for post mod tech or mod tech since my space tech self will only get invloved if its station orbiting earth is attacked as you know i own a some what sizible republic out side of sol my captial isint even in sol )
(ooc im tryign to get a starting point so i can bombard and land )
Okay so you can bombard, probably, like two minor cities, theres nothing major within abou a thousand miles of the coast line, that I'm telling you about at least, the stuff that would matter on the coast is all submerged, and didn't that cost a pretty penny.
14-04-2005, 23:00
Definitely mostly FT around here.
You should state that then. I'll sit this one out and delete my posts.
well lets diced when were goign to rp i opt for post mod tech or mod tech since my space tech self will only get invloved if its station orbiting earth is attacked as you know i own a some what sizible republic out side of sol my captial isint even in sol )
I'm RPing FT, not MT, most of my FT is really NMT so we'll RP that, about the only things beyond MT is the ACS and my Fleets.
Shazbotdom, five percent is okay if you're under about three-quarter mill. Afterwards, the percent has to go down, or your economy would end up like the stuff at the bottom of a Cheez-It box when you ate all the crackers.
14-04-2005, 23:17
Alright. I deleted all my posts. Just act like i never interfeared and what not. I'll still tag and read.
14-04-2005, 23:24
Shazbotdom, five percent is okay if you're under about three-quarter mill. Afterwards, the percent has to go down, or your economy would end up like the stuff at the bottom of a Cheez-It box when you ate all the crackers.
OOC: Depends on the economy. My own is set up with the military at the center of it. I've got it set up so I can deal with 5% all the way up to a population of 2 billion.
OOC: Depends on the economy. My own is set up with the military at the center of it. I've got it set up so I can deal with 5% all the way up to a population of 2 billion.
OOC: Mine is centred on military, also, and while I could keep a military at five percent with a three billion, there wouldn't be much money for anything else, and that's impractical.
14-04-2005, 23:52
OOC: Mine is centred on military, also, and while I could keep a military at five percent with a three billion, there wouldn't be much money for anything else, and that's impractical.
When I say "at the center" I mean they are what the government uses to control the economy. It's a balancing method. Most of the money comes from the government renting out property.
14-04-2005, 23:54
OOC: So this is going to be locked pretty soon, eh? Keep the inappropriate name-calling to telegrams, please.
OOC: Are we gonna war over this or not?
Militia Enforced State
15-04-2005, 20:51
Okay so you can bombard, probably, like two minor cities, theres nothing major within abou a thousand miles of the coast line, that I'm telling you about at least, the stuff that would matter on the coast is all submerged, and didn't that cost a pretty penny.
[OOC: Now this is rediculous, god modding period. First off, most major cities in the world in a country that has water access (New York, Washington DC, San Francisco, Toronto, Vancouver, Kingston, Tokyo, do I have to go any farther?), most if not ALL these countries have major cities for one big reason: trade. Cities that are near a major river or an ocean flourish because of this trade.
Secondly, how can you build everything underwater without any costs at all? That is ridiculous, since if we can't do that now period, how the hell can you do it without a substancial cost involved? And don't let me forget about submarines, torpedoes, depth charges, etc. They aren't invulnerable.]
Suddenly all activities stop, and everyone goes about their business, as the entire Confederacy of Miehm mysteriously freezes in time...
OOC:This thread is on hold... Not that any real RP'ing start, but I could put a freeze on it for now...
The Parthians
15-04-2005, 23:04
Wait, people destroy a nation that bans homosexual marriages when we punish them with 800 stripes by a stick and 800 stripes by a two headed leather whip, which always kill them.
-Shah Khosru III
Tree Hugging Lesbians
15-04-2005, 23:42
Wait, people destroy a nation that bans homosexual marriages when we punish them with 800 stripes by a stick and 800 stripes by a two headed leather whip, which always kill them.
-Shah Khosru III
Yet you exchange embassies with our nation? :(
The Parthians
15-04-2005, 23:50
Yet you exchange embassies with our nation? :(
Oh, thats the punishment for sodomy, as spelled out in the Avesta.
-Interior Minister Sassan Savadkouhi
Arthas Moloch
16-04-2005, 04:32
I haven't been here for a while and this is what happens? I was joking when i suggested war, and as for you miehm, apparently you have no knowledge of tactical stategy do you? A Hecate II with infrared scope, effective range of 1000 feet :sniper: , god I love my rifles :sniper: (expensive though). Plus, you also have no clue who i am, For all you know i am an 8 foot tall Iranian hooker with no left leg, so how would you know if i came to your house. And you still don't understand, you are denying them the right to choose their spouse based on their gender, and even if you are using religion as a defence, you are discriminating against the muslims, or how about the mormans whose religion says they can have as many wives as they want, hmm? Whatever ih and BTW what is your house address, i just happen to be passing through your town next week.
17-04-2005, 07:53
That is unreasonable and leads to arbitrary decisions, the most likely response is going to be "no" as such, asking is an exercise in futility, Catch22 and all that good stuff.It's the way we've been playing this game for a long time. Whether you think it's reasonable or not is irrelevant. If you act on OOC information as if it's IC knowledge without asking, you're going to get ignored. Period.
If you want to play the game, you've got to follow the house rules.
[OOC: Now this is rediculous, god modding period. First off, most major cities in the world in a country that has water access (New York, Washington DC, San Francisco, Toronto, Vancouver, Kingston, Tokyo, do I have to go any farther?), most if not ALL these countries have major cities for one big reason: trade. Cities that are near a major river or an ocean flourish because of this trade.
Secondly, how can you build everything underwater without any costs at all? That is ridiculous, since if we can't do that now period, how the hell can you do it without a substancial cost involved? And don't let me forget about submarines, torpedoes, depth charges, etc. They aren't invulnerable.]
OOC: Sorry, subterranean, not submerged, as for no major port cities, no major ports gets rid of the need for major port cities.
22-04-2005, 05:26
In a recent decision the Supreme Court of Miehm declared same sex marraiges illegal due to a lack of necessity for them, the reasoning is that homosexuals are not denied the right to marry, just the "right" to sodomize each other under the guise of marraige, they may marry any person of the opposite gender they wish to, they may not, however, marry against the religious principles of the nation, furthermore since noone can marry the same sex homosexuals are not being discriminated against in this act. The courts decision comes after a case that had one of the provinces ignore a same sex marraige from another province, the court requires all provinces to recognise marraiges from other provinces, but says that all same sex marraiges are anulled and the claimants suit is moot, more at 11.
This message may be too little, too late, but on behalf of the Moral Alliance, I applaud Miehm's dedication to the defense of morality, even to the point where the said nation left the NSUN, and find such dedication praiseworthy. The proud people of Miehm have done the Moral Alliance proud, and I deeply regret overlooking this act.
--Archbishop Veracos
Chairman of the Moral Alliance
22-04-2005, 05:28
Official Imperial Response
We would like to take this oppurtunity to congradulate the nation of Meihm on their defense of morality. We would also like to take this oppurtunity to warn against any hostile action taken against said nation.
We also thank Doomingsland for their support of Miehm, and extend an invitation to join our alliance!
22-04-2005, 05:34
Sodomy is one of the greatest sins, it should be outlawed and it's practioners punished as befits such blatent heretics. We suggust burning them at the stake or castrated them prior to enslavement to the greater cause.
As the said heretics are not members of the greater master race, they should not be afforded any mercy at all in their transgressions.
-Random Guilder Bureaucrat
Our support for morality aside, we also would like to make a clarification and condemn The Merchant Guilds for suggesting an action that breaches the cardinal import of humanity. Many believers believe that an eye should be taken for an eye lost, and a tooth for a tooth. However, your suggesting that sodomites should be executed is a separate evil that cannot be tolerated in the name of Christian humanity and morality.
22-04-2005, 05:41
OOC: That is really a silly thing to say, especially as I was supporting you. Remember IC is different to OOC...
We suggust Miehm learn who to offend and whom not to. Any more offensive language to ourselves and we will deam Miehm a rogue nation and will take action accordingly.
-Random Guild Bureaucrat
And if you take any action against Miehm, the Holy Empire of Sidestreamer and the entire Moral Alliance, of which Miehm is affiliated, will retaliate in kind, with full force.
If this hostility has not eased by now, we urge you to end it.
22-04-2005, 05:42
OOC: The above comments I understand address events that have long past, but I couldn't help it; had to respond. Again I regret overlooking this thread when it actually happened.
22-04-2005, 05:45
Official Imperial Response
Wow, this is really funny. You people are complaining about sexual deviants not being alowed to marry. You do realize we have been purging our nation of these heretics for many, many years by burning them at the stake, don't you?
Upon reading these actions, I hereby retract the invitation. By burning them at stake, you defeat our moral crusade and become little more than a "religious" hypocrite. We are dissapointed with this revelation.
22-04-2005, 05:57
While we appreciate and admire your "peace before war" proposal, we believe the only way to deal with these type of ignorant pigs is a firm slap upside the head and a hard kick in the ass, which they will get a lot of.
OOC: why hasn't anyone else at Moral Alliance alerted me to this?
To the government of Tocrowkia,
You remember we had a temporary alliance on operations over in Basque Spain concerning their situation with Coreys Land?
Let us warn you that your actions against Miehm - a MEMBER OF THE MORAL ALLIANCE IN GOOD STANDING - is an act of war agaisnt the ENTIRE MORAL ALLIANCE. Our forces have united with yours in Basque Spain, and I'm not sure you would like to see your guards suddenly facing off with former comrades in the Ice Dragon insignas! Any gun you raise agianst Miehm will trigger a declaration of war from every member nation of the Moral Alliance against you.
You are making the aggressive actions, and while you may belong to the SNU, I wouldn't be ready to assume they will support your blatant, fascist act of aggression.
You make your move, but you invade Miehm at your own peril.
--Emperor Maximus IV of Sidestreamer
22-04-2005, 06:23
Suddenly all activities stop, and everyone goes about their business, as the entire Confederacy of Miehm mysteriously freezes in time...
OOC:This thread is on hold... Not that any real RP'ing start, but I could put a freeze on it for now...
OOC: So I take it the Moral Alliance doesn't need to unleash our Godliness on the enemies of Miehm :)
j/k but really what the heck went on?
Reread the resolutions. Your "religion" doesn't allow you to discriminate. The UN gnomes have rectified your defiance, as there is no such thing as defying the UN). Gays can marry in Miehm, no matter what your judiciary says. The resolutions stand above your local law.
So... if his government simply doesn't register gay marriages, how do they marry?
Ruthless Slaughter
02-06-2007, 02:33
Upon reading these actions, I hereby retract the invitation. By burning them at stake, you defeat our moral crusade and become little more than a "religious" hypocrite. We are dissapointed with this revelation.
You do not seem to know the great, if not slightly disturbing nation of Doomingsland very well. His actions are extreme in our opnion, though most certainly amusing. Years of alliance have caused some of his methods in morality to grow on us. Though we settled for making homosexuality of any kind illegal in the Dominion due to lack of procreative ability thereby eliminating legitimacy of union as the official reason, we neither condone nor condemn his methods for dealing with this moral scourge.
Our stance on the matter is stated above. We side with Miehm.
02-06-2007, 02:48
The nation of Naestoria kicks the nation of Allanea for reviving what is, in our roleplay calendar, a thread from fourteen years ago.