OOC: Any other rat nations here?
Rattus Norvegicus 7
13-04-2005, 12:50
I'm looking for rat nations to possibly form an alliance with.
All I require is that your nation is at least 60% rat, with rats recognised as full citizens.
Any takers?
The Merchant Guilds
13-04-2005, 13:26
No, I don't think so sorry...
The only one who was ever like that was The Horned Rat (based on Skaven off Warhammer)...
There are nations with animals with full rights, such as a Mormanguise who has cats as full citizens... but I don't think thats what you wanted. :)
13-04-2005, 13:36
No, I don't think so sorry...
The only one who was ever like that was The Horned Rat (based on Skaven off Warhammer)...
There are nations with animals with full rights, such as a Mormanguise who has cats as full citizens... but I don't think thats what you wanted. :)
I think thats quite the opposite of what he wants TMG! ;)
But yeshs, the Horned Rat should be what you want, if he's still around that is. My nation does not recognize rats as citizens, we do however recognize squirrels...
13-04-2005, 14:05
Well, I have Burmecians, but thats another story... I don't think you will find many people with rats with rights...
The True Way of Alan
13-04-2005, 14:29
Well, I have Burmecians, but thats another story... I don't think you will find many people with rats with rights...
Well...I have a planet of Rat-people, I have subjagated. They can have full rights-most do-if they accept Alanism. They aren't 60% of my Pop though.
The True Way of Alan
13-04-2005, 14:31
Well, I have Burmecians, but thats another story... I don't think you will find many people with rats with rights...
Well...I have a planet of Rat-people, I have subjagated. They can have full rights-most do-if they accept Alanism. They aren't 60% of my Pop though.
13-04-2005, 15:07
There is a "Rodent Alliance" out there that has it's own region. I bet they would recognize rats. Let's see, I think it has Ferret Lands, Demented Gophers and some similar nations. "Rodents of the world, Unite" is their motto.
13-04-2005, 15:11
Well, my nations population isn't 60% rodent but we do offer full rights to all anthromorphs.
Rattus Norvegicus 7
13-04-2005, 17:21
I am actually in the RA,but was hoping for a more focused alliance.
And TTROA, I think I may accept you. More soon.
The True Way of Alan
13-04-2005, 18:26
I am actually in the RA,but was hoping for a more focused alliance.
And TTROA, I think I may accept you. More soon.
If your talking to me you should get my name right. And accept me for what? I never asked to join anything.
The Horned Rat
24-04-2005, 16:32
Here I am in the flesh. Back from the gutters. Neek-neek, hi fellow rat, help-help you want? Anything for a rat...
Feline Catfish
24-04-2005, 16:38
How do you support an economy with a populace that doesn't have opposable thumbs?
24-04-2005, 16:42
How do you support an economy with a populace that doesn't have opposable thumbs?
You Anthromorphphise your people.
Blood Moon Goblins
24-04-2005, 16:44
Anthropomoprhization is the future!
Goblins consider fried rat a delicacy...as long as theres ketchup.
The Horned Rat
25-04-2005, 00:12
bah, greenskins, weaklings, only good for slave-slaves...
The Horned Rat
25-04-2005, 00:14
How do you support an economy with a populace that doesn't have opposable thumbs?
They have thumbs, and big toes. Simple explanation: Human-rat mutant. Rat head, fur tail, hunch-back, claws, and nasty disposition, oh, and a stutter. there, skaven.
The Penguin Union
25-04-2005, 00:18
No, but were are a nation of penguins
The Macabees
25-04-2005, 00:20
I eat mutant rats and normal rats for breakfast.
Blood Moon Goblins
25-04-2005, 01:13
bah, greenskins, weaklings, only good for slave-slaves...
We wonder if horned rat tastes better than the regular kind...
25-04-2005, 01:25
This entire thread is making me rather uncomfortable...
The Horned Rat
25-04-2005, 13:02
me too