Jedi Council Called
The Scandinvans
12-04-2005, 23:44
As the darkness grows and spreads we Jedi are the only thing holding it back we must rally against this threat and drive back the dark side. The Jedi must stand firm and not fear this threat as Jedi it is our duty to try to bring balance the Force. Every day it grows stronger if we as Jedi do not act soon it will become to strong to conquer we must act now or we will not be able to quell this terrible threat and evil. We alone are able to stand against this threat and have a chance to win. But, we are scattered but if we come together we can overcome this threat. Honor our ancient traditions and the oaths you have taken to protect the weak and serve the light side.
OCC:All People are allowed to join no matter what kind of creatue you are.
Jedi Council:
The Scandinvans- Master Eric
Jenrak- Master Irai
Dratheria- Master Xeth Cortas and Master John Mercer
East Lithuania-Master Davis
Wimploght-King of Wimploght
Itsokasi-Master Itsokasi
Studium-Master Toku Durmas
National Ruin-Unknown
Klington-Master Narthaus
Rilm-Jedi Knight Lak Br'fai
Free Jedi Knights:unknown
Verghastinsel-Master Samani
(If you want to be part of this council please leave an rp and your name will be added)
(This is not a war thread and all about war threads resulting from this will be ignored)
OOC: I'm more of a Dark Side Rper i nthe Star Wars universe, but I can still play a mean Light Side character. I'd like to join.
Jedi Master Irai Ka'at walked amongst the halls, the banishing sounds of the footsteps still deep within her skull, the glistening room in the water of the Thousand Fountains falling gracefully, as the students practiced, as the mastes scolded, and the Jedi Knights, always ready for the promotion to Master, talked eagerly of their chances.
It was home to him, and he failed to realize it during a great war long ago, when they fought and bled together as won, and finally faced a greater threat. Seeing this as not a curse, but another chance to start a greater beginning, he felt it was not out of pride and prestige to attempt to join the Jedi Council, but it was out of neccessity. He was one of the many Jedi Masters who did not return to Coruscant, yet he was one of the very few who survived the oncoming years, wandering in their self proclaimed hidden exiles, cast out of the world.
He saw his lightsabers, momentous gifts from his during his padawan years in the order, and remembered the first time it ebbed and wavered in his hands, the green lights flashing ominously as it awaited his feelings form the Force. His connection reflared, he felt a certain sense, and his connection to the Force greater than ever before. He believed it returned for a reason, and the reasno was to unite the Jedi, under a simplistic banner, and fearlessly drive back the enemies of the Dark Side.
Kaiser Martens
13-04-2005, 00:55
OOC: Ahh.....the memories......the nostalgy....back when I used to be a Jedi, years ago.....
The Scandinvans
13-04-2005, 03:05
13-04-2005, 04:40
Master Xeth Cortas and Master John Mercer, now President, walk through the Jedi Council halls.
Mercer: "Xeth my teacher and old friend do you think this Jedi Council will be strong enough to compete with the Dark Jedi."
Xeth: "We shall see soon enough.'
With that the two masters walked to the meeting area hoping to join this Council's ranks.
The Scandinvans
13-04-2005, 04:51
Eric said," Welcome my friends all are welcome as especially during these of darkness and war. With every person that comes we grow stronger and the chances of our success grow."
The Scandinvans
13-04-2005, 21:59
The Scandinvans
14-04-2005, 03:51
The Scandinvans
16-04-2005, 07:10
Anyway else wish to sign up?
The Scandinvans
16-04-2005, 23:40
The Scandinvans
18-04-2005, 20:40
East Lithuania
18-04-2005, 21:03
Master Davis walked into the council halls firm while approching the room. A guard stood outside, and Davis stopped in front of him.
"Halt, there. This room is for Council members only. What reason brings you outside these doors."
"Hello. My name is Master Alex Davis. I have been summend here about a meeting concerning the Dark Side. Here is a note for proof I'm supposed to be here."
The guard looked at the note. "Approved. Welcome, Master Davis. Some members are already inside." The guard opened the doors.
"Thank you." replied Master Davis as he walked in.
Jedi Master Obi-Wan
18-04-2005, 21:04
ooc: well, I would join, but our region - "The Jedi Council" has a pretty good theme going at the moment. Actually, weve created a new region called "The Galactic senate" for Jedi and Sith. have a look over the forum at "The Jedi Council"
The Scandinvans
18-04-2005, 21:12
Actually it is more of a meeting to organize a reisitance of the Dark Side but i tmay devlop into something else over time.
The Scandinvans
18-04-2005, 21:43
As I said that this is not a war or attack thread.
The Scandinvans
18-04-2005, 22:24
"We need to find a weakness in the Sith," Eric said to the Council.
East Lithuania
18-04-2005, 23:20
"Easier said then done." replied Master Davis. "Sith soldiers are easy and this wouldn't be much of a problem... if it wasn't for the Dark Jedi's. Them leading this army imposes most of the Sith threat. They are also the reason a full head-on attack is suicide. No offence to the great Jedis of the Light side, but Dark Jedis abilitys with both a saber and the Force greatly exceed those of most Jedi's. We sould plan on a stratigy if we want to succed in our mission to bring balance to the Force."
The Scandinvans
18-04-2005, 23:27
East Lithuania
18-04-2005, 23:34
"Who should we focus on first?" asked Master Davis. "The soldiers... or the Jedi? Dark, of course."
The Scandinvans
18-04-2005, 23:41
"We need to concreate on the enemy soruce of power."
"The source is simple; these Sith are from the Dark Side." Irai consponded.
18-04-2005, 23:50
I, the king of Wimploght, wish to join the Jedi Council. I have trained lightsaber skills. I have good reflexes. I am a BORN LEADER.
The Scandinvans
18-04-2005, 23:50
"But yet where are they being trained."
East Lithuania
18-04-2005, 23:51
"Of course they are," said Davis, "but I don't think that was what Eric was getting to. Where are the Sith getting there resources and men? Where are they getting Jedi's? Those questions must be answered."
"It seems these Sith may be recieving their training from others in the Unknown Regions. Many times have we been thwarted by the unknown, I fear that they may come again. Of these resources, however, this is a puzzle strange to solve."
The Scandinvans
19-04-2005, 00:08
"They must have found a new source of arms such as a massive weapons plant."
"Perhaps, but what planet or system could fuel such an army?"
National Ruin
19-04-2005, 00:17
OOC: My nation is Itsokasi, but I post under National Ruin
Master Itsokasi Sidious: Grand Masters of the Jedi, I would like to join the council on which you sit. I will bring to you all the knowledge of the Jedi Republic of Itsokasi. Please consider me. Thank You Masters.
"I am Master Irai, Itsokasi. I would you to the Jedi Council, however, I am not the head of the Council."
East Lithuania
19-04-2005, 01:19
"Maybe a planet the Republic and Jedi Council have over-looked many times. Any possibilitys that we can rule out? My first guess at who the supplier is would be Mandaloria."
The Scandinvans
19-04-2005, 01:23
"The Mandolarians have long been scattered though."
East Lithuania
19-04-2005, 01:44
"Ahh, your right. So, any other ideas?"
The Scandinvans
19-04-2005, 01:48
"You know of the Star Froge correct?"
"There may be other such arms plant out there."
The Sith I-981 droid "watched" the council silently from above. It fired it's repulsors and turned quickly. It sped off towards it's mothership, carrying it's newfound information.
--20 Galactic Standard Minutes Later--
So! The Jedi do not know how we come to our power? Their vaunted wisdom truly is nonexistant. Is it not obvious? Well they would not be able to discover it anyways as their Code and Teachings blind them to the true nature of the force. Darth Trius gave the order and the ship left the forsaken planet.
"But the connections of the Star Forge and the Rakata are a unique one" Irai contemplated. "Surely there are only unique species such as these?"
The Scandinvans
19-04-2005, 02:10
"It uses the power of the Dark Side to feed it there can be another creation of it as their are planets such as Malchor have proved this can be recreated."
"True. Perhaps these Sith have a hidden stronghold on one of their old abandonned planets. Perhaps Ecos X, or Korriban?"
The Scandinvans
19-04-2005, 02:24
"Well thought they could easily hide on ushc worlds because the Dark Side hide there masks them."
"True. The Dark Side, for all of it's terror, can be hard to detect. We must figure out where these Sith are striking from."
The Scandinvans
19-04-2005, 02:40
"Frist we must muster our strength how many Jedi do we think we have at our disposal?'
"Not very much. The under my guidance are growing, but scattered it seems are we still. We are vulnerable indeed."
The Scandinvans
19-04-2005, 02:50
"The emperor has about 1,200,000 Jedi Knights at his disposal."
OCC:Our race is highly Force sensistive.
"I do not know our exact count. I fear it may not be enough."
OOC: My majority is not, but when someone is, they are highly force senstive and powerful.
The Scandinvans
19-04-2005, 02:58
"If we can muster about five million Jedi Knights then we can proably stand any Dark Jedi army they throw against us."
"We must not be arrogant, Master Jedi. Together, we should stand against them, but as we are now, divided, arrogant, that is the path to the dark side."
The Scandinvans
19-04-2005, 03:04
"You are correct we must rally the scaterred Jedi."
East Lithuania
19-04-2005, 03:31
"Heh," chuckled Master Davis. When asked why, he stated, "Going back to the part about 5 million Jedi. We could have 10 million, and still it would be very diffacult. It's hard to understand now, but let me explain. I'm preatty sure that all have you have encountered at least one Dark Jedi. We all know that us Jedi Knights and Dark Jedi are preatty equal when it comes to the battle with the lightsaber. However, when it comes to the use of the Force, Dark Jedis out match us easaly. It is not control of the Force, it's the use of it. We use it to paralyze and heal people, but they use it for death. One time, I had a party of 5 Jedi Knights, and we encountered one Dark Jedi. My men attacked. He used the Force to kill 3, he choked 1 with the Force, and the last he killed with the saber. We battled and I won, but to see them dieing without any way to fight back hurt me from the inside. My men estamate that there are 3,000,000 Dark Jedis out there. 5,000,000 Jedi Knights, in my mind, cannot beat that. The plan to unify all Jedi Knights is great, but it will take some time. We must us our allies to aid us. Right now, we ally with the Republic. I have a feeling we might need more. Any ideas of people we may ally with?"
The Scandinvans
19-04-2005, 03:43
"No but if we spread the word we can muster more to our cause."
National Ruin
19-04-2005, 19:37
Itsokasi: I can add 2 million knights to your army in hopes of defeating the dark side. I would personally like to assist as well.
"The Dark Side is not nearly as powerful as those who serve it would have you believe, Master Davies," said a robed figure, stepping out from the shadows and into the light. He pulled back his dull brown hood, to show his scruffy, chiselled, battle-hardened features, his face covered with thin stubble and his head topped with short, brown hair. He did not appear to be too old, though his actual age may be subject to debate. To the trained eye, he appeared to be glowing with the Force, as bright as a star...
"Dark Jedi believe they command the Force, that they are all-powerful and completely invincible," the man continued with his gruff voice, walking over to the circle of Jedi. "Yet they do not understand the Force. They take the quick and easy path, missing out vital elements in the process. We Jedi focus ourselves gradually, listening to its rhythms, attuning ourselves to it, learning about its nature. It is only when you have an understanding of the Force, that you truly become great. That is how you can defeat darkness; through wisdom and knowledge, understanding and compassion. Quick meal tickets to power and glory are hollow things indeed."
The man looked around the room and sat down, his thin robes parting slightly to reveal a glistening silver lightsabre hilt dangling from his rustic brown belt. He looked around again, giving people odd looks.
"Ah, yes, I apologise," he smiled, waving his arms in realisation. "Introductions. Names are such useful things, yet interestingly they are also completely meaningless. I am Jedi Master Toku Durmas, and I come representing... well, myself, really. I do not consider myself to be in service of or affiliated to any one particular organisation. And the last time I came into contact with another Jedi was... well, it was a long time ago indeed."
"True." Irai replied, his green sabers dangling in the rays of Coruscant. "There are many things a Jedi can do that the Sith cannot, but that is very often unforseen. The force works gradually. We must find a block within the force. I believe a certain miscontent is causing this; not the Sith themselves."
East Lithuania
19-04-2005, 21:27
"Maybe your right, Master Durmas." Davis replied. "All I'm saying, however, is that we cannot do this on our own. Even if we could, the number of men we would lose would be unthinkable. If that happens, any enemy hiding in the shadows could take advantage. We cannot let that happen."
"Interesting. Perhaps this is a force aiding the Sith? Perhaps they are seduced, under persuasion, or perhaps worse?"
The Scandinvans
19-04-2005, 21:43
"Ley is look back at Reaven and Malak two great Jedi Knights who became Sith Lords for example."
"Yes, they were spurred on by something we could not see. It cost the Jedi much."
East Lithuania
19-04-2005, 21:50
"Indeed. That may be the reason the Sith have aquiared many Jedis for there dark cause. That is a question for another time though. Anyway, we should start coming with ideas on how to stop the Sith before they become too powerful."
"If we must, we can strike key figures quickly before they reach a more mature and powerful stage. I myself fight Sith before; I can lead an assault."
East Lithuania
19-04-2005, 22:03
"Yes, we could strike. But not yet. We should of course gather our forces and recruit others. Then we can talk about a stratigy."
The Scandinvans
19-04-2005, 22:03
"How many Jedi do you estimate we can muster?"
The Scandinvans
19-04-2005, 22:05
"Divide and conquer would be a good strategy I think becuase then we could expand there forces to such a large front we can strike in the thinest points and break through and supirse attack."
"Not much, I presume. Unless we train more padawans per knight and master, then we will have only a few hundred thousand sto protect the coreworlds as of now."
The Scandinvans
19-04-2005, 22:11
I have a academy that holds 200,000 students and about 160,000 of them will become Jedi."
"Indeed? We ourselves have students, and my secret academy on Hsak is burgeoning a decent amount, but we are still scattered. We must unite before me make a move."
East Lithuania
19-04-2005, 22:17
"I feel that we can muster enough Jedi, but not just us. We need more support by other Masters to increase our numbers."
"You are indeed correct. More masters and Jedi, and we must unite. Then, and only then, can we show ourselves to the Sith entirely."
The Scandinvans
19-04-2005, 22:32
"Together we can defeat the Sith."
"Yes, only together, not apart."
East Lithuania
20-04-2005, 00:31
"But how can we gather all the Jedi Masters together?"
"Although possible, the chances may seem rare for success. There are to many obstacles, and sneding out Jedi will only make us more vulnerable."
East Lithuania
20-04-2005, 00:42
"Perhaps the answer lies in between. Do you think so?"
The Scandinvans
20-04-2005, 01:00
"Perhaps it is great martial might with great knowledge inparted upon it."
"I only know of one Jedi who I might be able to get to help you," Durmas said. "She is - was - a great Jedi Master, strong in the Force, wise, compassionate. But she... has been gone for some time, and I have not spoken with her, or even heard from her, since - she may not even serve the Light anymore, though I doubt she would fall. I know she is still alive, though. If I can find her, I will try to convince her to join."
Durmas seemed troubled by the idea, but shook it off.
"Unfortunately, the place I come from lacks much life of any kind, much less Force sensitives," Durmas said. "But I am of the opinion that quality may be more important than quantity when dealing with the Darkness. It does you no good to have millions of Jedi Knights if half of them fall to the Darkness you want them to fight."
Unknown Regions, Darth Trius's Meditation Chamber
The ripples became currents. Currents became waves. And upon the waves of the force, many things carried that were not meant to be carried, and many ears heard what was not meant to be heard.
The fools have no idea. The battle is not truly between Jedi, or Sith.No, it is much deeper than that. We are merely vessels through which the Powers flow. This is the true meaning and purpose of the Force, and yet the Jedi refuse to see, Truly see..... They will never know.
Trius felt something. A power unlike any he had felt before at the mention of a women by the Jedi. Or had he felt it? He allowed himself to relax, and listened again.
The newest Master is wise. I will have to remember him.
OOC: I would like to commend Studium on his excellent form of RP. Notice, many sentences his posts are made of..... Yes..... Also, excellent job on bringing up the fact that having 3 Million Jedi will be no use if half fall to the Darkside. Very nice.
"Indeed. The Force is an ever shifting thing. Sheer numbers are almost irrelavent, but then again, as the Force has dictated time and time again, one Force Sensitive can change the face of the galaxy. There is much abroad."
The Scandinvans
20-04-2005, 22:04
Then a power was fekt amongst the masters and the Force seemed to flow around at hurrican strength and speeds and there entered the room and said," You are correct that. I am the emperor who has called you together and I seek the balance of the Forces as much as you do."
"Indeed, Emperor. Surely you are attuned to the Force as we?"
The Scandinvans
21-04-2005, 23:13
"The techniques of the demon that the Exile encountered others have learened them I have ecountered one and have slain it."
After saying he throws a strange mask on the ground.
"Look for yourself surely you can feel it's dark aura."
The glistening ebb and pulse of the mask shimmered throughout the room, as the whisperings of the dark side began to crawl forth, trying to desperately etch it's scars deep into their minds.
Tugs of anger, pain, torture, and death filled the room, and senses snared with the feeling of the lurking enemy about, as the Dark Side attempted to corrupt all that is light and true within the Council Chambers.
"Interesting." Irai spoke quietly. "I have heard of the Sith Lord who styled himself as Darth Nihilus, and the nameshift mask that followed. To gain the title of the Dark Lord of Hunger is a prestigious title indeed, and this mask proves it." He lifted his hands, and drawing upon the Force, his lightsaber jumped into his fingers. throwing them at incredible speed, it merely pulsated off the ebb of the mask, and then retracted towards it like a thirstful magnet, a rock that stuck to the caverns.
"This mask, although it's master is dead, I presume, still contains the teachings of Hunger for any to wear it to learn. Even so it drains the thick essence from my saber." He twitched his fingers, and with effort the saber shut off and flew back into his hands. "Such powers of the Dark Side and the Sith are not to be kept intact. There is great power within the Dark Side, but there is the Light as well. The Light Side of the Force has their champions also." He took out a small, broken circlet, and it was seeming to be a piece of metal forlorn to all. What it's importance was seemed to be of little knowledge.
"This used to be a blaster for a famed Jedi, a wayward named Jolee." He threw the circlet onto the floor near the mask, and the mask and the circlet began to repel themselves, as they spun around in a flurry, and soon dissipated onto the floor for the others to see. "If we can find more of these strewn across the galaxy, before the Sith find theirs, then we have a chance."
The Scandinvans
22-04-2005, 22:01
The emperor pulled a crystak from his neck and held it up and it glowed like a small so," This is one of the strongest artifacts that has every existed and is has this even saved those bound to the will of the demon."
Intent with knowledge, he stared at the crystal pulsing. "Where did you get that?"
The Scandinvans
22-04-2005, 23:59
"Is is a hierloom of my house."
"Very interesting. This cases it more. Such artifacts of your house, it seems. You are a direct descendant of the blade of the demon, once?"
The Scandinvans
23-04-2005, 02:08
"Sorry can you more specfic."
"Is your anscestor the one who helped the Exile kill the demon?"
The Scandinvans
23-04-2005, 02:25
"No he was motral I am of the Eternal race."
"Very well." Irai spoke again. "Back to the Sith threat. We must resume course."
The Scandinvans
23-04-2005, 02:32
"This crystal bears the power to help combant the Dark Side and to act iot way like battle meditation does in battle."
"Hmm. Both sides have their artifacts, but the Sith threats are strong. We must be careful always."
The Scandinvans
25-04-2005, 22:56
"If we can save some of them wouldn't that greatly help our cause?"
"Perhaps, but only for a moment."
The Scandinvans
29-04-2005, 01:31
The Scandinvans
01-05-2005, 01:51
"What we must at least try if we can."
The Scandinvans
01-05-2005, 04:31
"I propose that we attack in a all out assuakt duing the war, but that we also use that Light Side to assial the minds of the Sith."
The Scandinvans
12-05-2005, 04:35
12-05-2005, 04:49
Master Arcus Sarta appeared in the council chambers.
Arcus: "Greetings. I am Master Arcus Sarta the current representative sent to you by Master Cortas. We have been in an ongoing struggle with Chronosia so he is busy in peace talks while Master Mercer is currently engaged in battle with their fleets. I propose something different. Attacking all sith at once is not intelligent and merely using the light side isn't either. I propose we use the Unifying Force it will give us an advantage over the enemy. As well we attack the Sith individually but we must use deception such as the Dark Jedi do and the Yuuzhan Vong we have nearly completed a device that will hide us from them through the Force. We propose we use this so that we can hide ourselves and the fleets. As well we have the technology to teach Jedi the use of the Unifying Force in a few hours. This is rarely used but it will work. What do you think?"
The Scandinvans
12-05-2005, 04:53
The emperor said," I understand what you are saying, but first we must hear the other master's opionin. Nut, also I am my people cannot render assitance in helping your current wars for we do not consider one galaxy ipmortant but we think of the entire unvierse for we hear that the Sith are going into space out of the galaxy that you are in."
12-05-2005, 04:57
Arcus: "I do not propose to have you help us only that we help you in any way possible. As well as help you to either turn the Sith or destroy them. We are True Jedi. And we are the last step in all Jedi training."
The Scandinvans
12-05-2005, 05:00
"I myself am self taught and am one of the most powerful Jedis to ever exist as I have gained power in my millions of years of life," the emperor said to him and then said," You truly are Jedi in the ned and may prove yourself to be greater then the others."
12-05-2005, 05:17
Narthaus typed up a message, he was about to send it through the comlink when a HK-47 droid walked up behind him. "Inquiry: What are you doing, master?"
"Writing a letter to a group of Jedi that our begining to gather. Its bold, they may all get killed in a Sith ambush. But I like bold."
"Statement: Master, I tire of this thinking, why don't we go out alone and blast up the Sith by ourselves?"
"Because..." Narthaus force pushed the HK droid out the door and a button with the force, the door shut, leaving Narthause to himself.
To the New Jedi Council:
Hello, I am Narthaus. I am a Jedi Weapon Master, and feel that I could help teach new prospective students about the force as well as how to use their weapons correctly. I also feel that our order is dwindling and we need to unite to defeat the enemy that is unifying against us in the universe. I have traveled the Galaxy and learned from many other groups of force Sensitives besides the Jedi and Sith, and I believe this kind of special knowledge could prove useful to our cause and also in bettering the order. Thank you, and I hope you will see me soon.
May the force be with you,
He then hit the 'send' button, and the message traveled through the realm of the comlink.
12-05-2005, 05:50
A few hours later....
Narthaus strode into the door to the council chambers, the sun glinted off of his dragonscale robe, it flashed a bright green glint against the sun. No part of his skin showed, for under his dragonscale robes lie a Special Version of the Klingtonian Battle Armor. He stuck his fist out of his robes, the metal glinted along with the robe in the sun. He flipped a panal on his forearm and hit a few buttons. His helmet split into three pieces and then were pulled back behind his head revealing his face. He sat down and listened in, then he voice his opinion.
He stood up, "When the Sith our united-they are strong. But Sith are not ones to stay working in Unison forever, there is always infighting at some point with United Sith, this is when they are weak, and this is when we should strike. Then there are the 'Factions' or the sith who Wander the galaxy and our basically loners. We may strike these men at any time, for they are small and much easier to defeat. There are a few United Sith Empires in the galaxy, we must wait until these men begin to fight among themselves before we strike these empires. What to do while we wait, you may ask. We train, prepare for the moment so our attack is not in vain, and we also take out the smaller factions, so they may not pose a threat in the future. Now, we will need allies, armies, to help carry out our plans, when we strike at the big united Sith of the galaxy, I suggest we find a nation that has a grudge against the Sith, and align ourselves with them. As for the smaller sith factions, I suggest something smaller like mercenaries. We could possibly hire the Mandalorians, I befriended some of the few that our left on the moon of Onderon, Dxun. But they have a dark past.... Well, discuss." And Narthaus sat down and listened again.
"But the Sith, as ruthless and sometimes divided as they are, are a single entity of themselves. If we are to destroy the Sith, then we must do it quickly, and effectively. For when one Sith survives, he can start an apprentice, and recontinue the cycle all over again. What do you think?" He turned his head to the other Jedi on the Council.
The Scandinvans
12-05-2005, 23:41
"Then we go for an all out war for all the Jedi Knights capable of figthing that can be mustered to go to war."
"But that is not the way of the Jedi to fight like so. There must be a way of defeating these Sith without such violence. If we utilize too much violence, then we will become just like them. Caution is our greatest weapon against the Sith, and at the same time, our greatest shield against them as well."
The Scandinvans
12-05-2005, 23:51
"The Jedi Civil War was started by the Council being so cautious and i fear that this may happen if we do not move soon."
"Ah yes, the war that nearly destroyed our order. You are correct."
The Scandinvans
13-05-2005, 00:18
"After a major battle we can substitute with different Jedi and send those who fought in the battle to peaceful planets that are of the Light Side to meditate and rest for a while to heal."
"But the Sith surely are thinking something along the lines of this as well. We should, nevertheless be careful or we shall face many dangers; some fatal to our order."
The Scandinvans
13-05-2005, 00:35
"True, but sometimes we must sacrafice ourselves for the great good."
13-05-2005, 00:46
Arcus: "I might say we have small cube devices that can regenerate damaged tissues, heal sicknesses, reverse aging, and bring people back to life for up to 12 hours after death. We suggest you train to use the unifying force using our neural link programs it will teach you all the powers of the Dark Side and then how to use the Light Side to control the Dark Side. This would give you an extra advantage. As well we have multiple force enhancers for Jedi Warriors and extenders in the case of starships and fighters."
The Scandinvans
13-05-2005, 00:47
"I am willing to commit 400,000 of my Jedi Knights to this training."
"I am unsure of the number I can commit."
13-05-2005, 01:02
Arcus: "Ok they will need to go to Clonis 1 and 2 in the Shuvian System. Their training will take only 2 hours per person and we have space for 1 million per station and we have 60 Stations per planet. Of course we will have to halt cloning to do this but it will work out. Dratheria is also willing to commit its entire military as well we have over 950,000 True Jedi in our forces."
Suddenly datapads appeared in every Jedi's hands with location and directions on how to reach the Asurian System.
Arcus: "As you can see the Unifying Force is very powerful and useful. As well we will use Unified Sith's Shipyards while we can to build starships before the actual fight begins.Then with your combined efforts we could repair at least one orbital shipyard ring larger around than the Sol planet Jupiter. It would have capacity for us all to construct hundreds of vessels at a time."
The Scandinvans
13-05-2005, 03:58
I have assembled the following for the upcoming war:
6,000,000 Battle Driods
1,600,000 Jedi Knights
4,000,000 Clone Troopers
6,000,000 Imperial Soldiers
13-05-2005, 03:58
"This is true," Narthaus said as he stood up. "But we must remember, violence is the weakest part of our code and can be used when any other part of the code has been breached by another, as long as there are no other options available, I agree we should be cautious, but this should not stop us from going into battle against our enemies if need be."
The Scandinvans
13-05-2005, 04:32
"Agreeded, your point is well thought Master Narthaus."
The Scandinvans
13-05-2005, 22:48
The Scandinvans
14-05-2005, 02:16
The Scandinvans
14-05-2005, 04:28
'Do ant other of the masters propose other plans."
The Scandinvans
15-05-2005, 00:49
The Scandinvans
19-05-2005, 23:28
The Scandinvans
22-05-2005, 18:42
The sound of fast paced footsteps echo through the halls as a cloaked figure races through the entryway. Quickly he stops and collects himself, remembering his manners. "Masters," he adresses those in assembly while bowing slightly and removing his brown hood and revealing his face. The young jedi stands tall in the hallway, his hands folded together respectfully in front of him. The green tone of his skin and row pattern of small black diamond shapes lined verticaly down each of his bright teal green eyes identify him as Mirialan. "Apologies for my late intrusion, I am Lak Br'fai, Jedi Knight, of the newly founded Dominion of Rilm. Upon hearing of the need Jedi assistance, my masters have hastily sent me to make this council aware of our presence and of our intent to provide our loyal aid towards any needs. Our nation is still small, and our numbers are few, but we shall not hesitate to answer answer any call for the good of preserving balance to the force." Lak once again bowed timidly before the Jedi Masters...
The Scandinvans
25-05-2005, 01:43
"Welcome, please take a seat amongst us."
Free Jedi Knights
25-05-2005, 01:50
The free jedi knights volunteer for duty!
Collective security brings strength.
25-05-2005, 02:02
Heavy footfalls echoed throughout the halls of the Jedi Temple as Master Ansu made his way to the councilchamber. Ansu was one of barely a handful of Mandalorians in the Order, his ancestor having been spared the fate of so many at Malachorr due to age and old battle wounds. He bowed before entering the chamber...
"Honoured Masters, I am Master Samani, of the Mandalorian clan Ansu. I must apologise for the lateness of my arrival, but I heed the council's call, and submit myself to it's will"
The Scandinvans
25-05-2005, 02:07
"Welcome Master Samani, please take a seat amongst us."
Stunned, Lak stands motionless in the hall for a moment. "They want me to sit on the council?" He thought, "But I am only a knight." Trying to take it in, Lak thought to himself, "My masters at Rilm entrusted me with this mission, and this council must trust me to offer me a seat. Perhaps I am ready for the honor afterall."
Lak bowed low to the council members and respectfully took his seat among the masters.
The Scandinvans
25-05-2005, 22:54
The emperor said to the council," This war will destroy us or bring balance to the Force either way millions of Jedi will die in the upcoming war."
The Scandinvans
26-05-2005, 02:18
bump Jenrak
The Scandinvans
26-05-2005, 03:02
The Scandinvans
28-05-2005, 19:23
The Scandinvans
22-06-2005, 00:39
The Scandinvans
23-06-2005, 21:44
bump for responses