Thy Sanity is Mine
All who bend to my will shalt have thy sanity claimed by me.
All who post shalt have bent thy will to me.
-Epros, Phantom Evil King of Argokia
Children of Valkyrja
12-04-2005, 06:37
Your majesty,
I am afraid that my soul and my sanity are already the possesion of some one else.
Valkyrja of the Norse Alliance
The Rainbow Bridge
Children of Valkyrja
12-04-2005, 06:56
But you could tell me of these strange flying lizards you have?
Valkyrja of the Norse Alliance
The Rainbow Bridge
12-04-2005, 07:01
the sanity was lost sometime in the mid-90's as for the rest...Well, not likely.
Children of Valkyrja
12-04-2005, 07:06
My sanity is safe and sound Warriorshope.
Valkyrja of the Norse Alliance
The Rainbow Bridge
My lizard exports were cancelled whilst my words fell upon closed ears...thou is too late to buy...but sendeth me a telegram of sales and I shall thus respond.
-Epros, Phantom Evil King of Argokia
P.S. The name of my nation is Argokia
All who bend to my will shalt have thy sanity claimed by me.
All who post shalt have bent thy will to me.
-Epros, Phantom Evil King of Argokia
Thy sanity has evidently departed thee...and BTW, get thee bent.
12-04-2005, 18:23
All who bend to my will shalt have thy sanity claimed by me.
All who post shalt have bent thy will to me.
-Epros, Phantom Evil King of Argokia
***Official Proclimation***
You even attempt to take The Holy Empire over and you will be wiped off the face of this planet.
Random Government Official
The True Way of Alan
12-04-2005, 18:35
What the bloody hell? Sounds like he needs to take someone elses' sainity.
~Random TWA Citizen
Children of Valkyrja
12-04-2005, 19:51
Oh come on guys, give then a chance! :mad:
Why does your King speak in this way?
(And as for the flying lizards, well, I may just do that)