Invasion of Morocco. The real one Earth II
Duke Barol
10-04-2005, 00:55
ooc:granzi has been inactive for 22 days, im taking morocco. ive wanted this for a while. i would have posted this fri, but jolt sucks
The sleek dark ships moved up to the beach while trained snipers sat on top taking pot shots at the coast guard border patroll, the other coast guard ships have been taken by part of the dominion's 2nd carrier group that sailed into the mediterannean earlier today. When the transport ships finaly reached the shore, only 20 men emerged from each one. Those men were destined for the bases guarding the beach, each group of 20, 5 groups in all silently took out each of the Granzish instilations. The men inside those instilations have grown content with there "fat and happy" ways, they didnt stand a chance.
high above the beach 20 A-917 Attack plains surrounded by 40 F22 Raptors flew towards the national capitol. But they wernt the real threat, intermingled among them were some bulky B-2's which have been modified to hold paratroopers. 5 Bombers/transports in all, each carried 150 commando's armed with scilenced M-16's and some with long range rifles. the aim of this mission was to take the capitol quickly with minimum casualitys on both sides.
The A-917's engaged first, dropping their payloads of cruise missles, most aimed at key government buildings, while some were aimed at power and communications sites. the modified B-2's then followed suit, dropping all of the men throughout the city after the bombing died down. sirens were heard in the distance. So far, the Granzi millitary has yet to respond.
Rolling accross the border were 60 stryker apc's the main job of them was to make sure that any of the border patroll would not respond. high in the sky flew c-130 transports to land at strips and unload their cargo, 2000 armed troops to controll the civilians and police.
OoC: i didnt want to send in too many troops, i think that this is reasonable, im thinkin that the govt. has gone fat and happy and no longer cares about the people. i also think that the millitary is under trained, while my men have not seen field experience, they should be able to take this. Lay, mark this up for me please.
The duke
Teh ninjas
10-04-2005, 02:12
The Democratic Empire of teh Ninjas condemns this attack upon our ally Granzi. We have had long time negotiations with this nation and consider it a trust worthy nation. In response to this attack we are sending the 2nd Heavy Naval Battle Group to investigate the situation.
Emperor Alec Takenski
Ruler of teh Ninjas
At Senegal the 2nd Heavy Naval Battle Group quickly mobilized for their deployment. A total of 350 ships made up the 2nd HNBG. Another 350 were being mobilized at East Africa. These fleets only made up a small part of the Ninjanian Naval Forces. In command of the 2nd HNBG was Admiral Steven Puppo. The admiral had twenty-five years experience in the navy and was considered an above average admiral. Due to the close proximity of Morroco and Senegal the deployment went by rapidly and smoothly. The Battle group set sail only six hours after receiving the order to mobilize. Submarines patrolled ahead of the battle group and also did tight patrols around the fleet. Small flights of four fighters were in the air at all times.
Secret IC:
The 2nd Heavy Naval Battle Group
1st General Service Fleet
1 Calypso Super Dreadnought
2 Ocean Class Carrier
4 Province-class CG
11 County-class DDG (AD)
14City Class DDF (GP)
21 Furtive-Class FFH
4 Forthar-class SSN
2 Ocean Class CBG/BBG
Region-class CG
8 Forthar Class SSGN
3 Lem Class AFS
2 Lord-class LHD
2 Ungforth-class LPD
2 Valley-class LSD
Walmsley-class CVL
11 Smith-class AOR
12 River-class K
6 Stortbek-B-class SSK
18 Lake-class MCDV
3 Aylesburgh Class AS
2 Centaur X Guided Missile Destroyers
2 Sabre Guided Missile Desotryers
2 MENACHEM BEGIN CA (Gun Cruisers)
6 Clan Grant Fleet Replenisher
1st Rapid Assualt Expeditionary Fleet
4 Crocodile-class LCS
1 Jericho Class Amphibious Assualt Ship
2 Lord-class LHD
4 Ungforth-class LPD
2 Rapier-class CVQ
Bastion-class BBGN
2 Charter-class BBGN
4 Duchy-class CAG
6 County-class DDG (AD)
6 City-class DDG (GP)
10 Furtive-class FFH
2 Port-class SSGN
4 Forthar-class SSN
4 Stortbek 'B'-class SSF
1 Lem-class AFS
5 Smith-class AOE
2 Centaur X Guided Missile Destroyers
2 Sabre Guided Missile Desotryers
2 MENACHEM BEGIN CA (Gun Cruisers)
1 Walmsley-class CVL
1 County-class DDG (AD)
2 City-class DDG (GP)
8 Furtive-class FFH
2 Forthar-class SSGN
1 Smith-class AOR
4 Clan Grant Fleet Replenisher
1st Meduim Assualt Expeditionary Force Group
1st to 10th Fleet
1 Lord-class LHD
1 Ungforth-class LPD
1 Valley-class LSD
1 Province-class CG
2 County-class DDG (AD)
2 City-class DDG (GP)
3 Furtive-class FFH
2 Forthar-class SSGN
2 Flansburgh-class AOR
2 Centaur X Guided Missile Destroyers
2 Sabre Guided Missile Desotryers
2 MENACHEM BEGIN CA (Gun Cruisers)
1 Walmsley-class CVL
1 County-class DDG (AD)
2 City-class DDG (GP)
8 Furtive-class FFH
2 Forthar-class SSGN
1 Smith-class AOR
4 Clan Grant Fleet Replenisher
1st Carrier Battle Group
2 Ocean-Class Carrier
1 Region-class CBG
2 Province-class CG
5 County-class DDG (AD)
5 City-class DDG (GP)
10 Furtive-class FFH
4 Forthar-class SSN
5 Flansburgh-class AOR
2 Centaur X Guided Missile Destroyers
2 Sabre Guided Missile Desotryers
5 Clan Grant Fleet Replenisher
2 MENACHEM BEGIN CA (Gun Cruisers)
2nd Carrier Battle Group
2 Ocean-Class Carrier
1 Region-class CBG
2 Province-class CG
5 County-class DDG (AD)
5 City-class DDG (GP)
10 Furtive-class FFH
4 Forthar-class SSN
5 Flansburgh-class AOR
2 Centaur X Guided Missile Destroyers
2 Sabre Guided Missile Desotryers
5 Clan Grant Fleet Replenisher
2 MENACHEM BEGIN CA (Gun Cruisers)
10-04-2005, 12:29
~Official Statement~
Scum of Duke Barol, you have chosen to attack one of the IDDG's closest allies, who also happens to be a member of the New Alliance Treaty Organization. The Commonwealth of Granzi is a reputable nation that is very much respected on the world stage. It also happens to be one of the most productive, powerful, yet friendly nations in this world. You have chosen to take advantage of their recent isolationist stance to further your evil goals.
Because of your blatant aggression and disregard for international law and humanity, let it be known that a state of war exists between the Infernal Demonic Dominion of Greenmanbry and your vile country.
The Commonwealth of Granzi will be defended, and every last soldier you choose to throw at our ally will be brutally massacred. May your worthless gods have mercy on your worthless souls.
Lord Krekar
Ruler of the Realm
The Infernal Demonic Dominion of Greenmanbry
Lord Edgar
Minister of Defense
The Infernal Demonic Dominion of Greenmanbry
Lord Ison
Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Infernal Demonic Dominion of Greenmanbry
~End Official Statement~
Royale Daito
10-04-2005, 12:37
LOL THAT GUY GOT PWNED SO HARD OMG LOL hahaha shame i mean look at all that navy and then theres like 4 other people LOL omg u got own3d
The Island of Rose
10-04-2005, 15:53
Official Statement from The Imperial Commonwealth of The Island of Rose:
I am afraid that we cannot allow you to invade Morraco. Granzi is an ally of the Imperial Commonwealth, therefore you are warned to leave. If you do not comply, you will be engaged by the 1st Sardinian Fleet... actually, you're just going to be attacked until you leave. Yeah it sucks don't it? Especially since I used to command around 500 ships.
Admiral Wilhem von Sturben
Imperial Chancellor of Defense (
Protector of the Seven Stars
(My factbook should have the info-mation about the Fleet. Look under "1st Protectorate Fleet" for it.)
10-04-2005, 16:28
The IDDG Navy's Thirty-first Battlegroup had grown accustomed to its new name, "Victory". Ever since the transition of power in Lebanon from the Abbasids to the IDDG, the battlegroup's commander, Admiral Neitsvy, had presided over the civil administration of Lebanon. Now, his battlegroup of thirty ships was preparing to leave port once more. The group, once lacking in both heavy firepower and air-projection capability, had since been complemented by the addition of not one, but two of Sarzonia's awesome Greenmanbry-class battle-carriers. In several hours, this battlegroup will make its way west into the open Mediterranean and their target, Morocco.
The Chamber, Nubia, IDDG Sudan
Lord Maybury's deep voice echoed in the War Room of the Chamber as he spoke to the Minister of Defense "You know, Edgar.. While we're in the process of screwing another country, we might as well do it in style."
"Elaborate," Edgar said coolly, "nothing beyond reason, Maybury."
"It's just that the Calypsos are Granzi's own machines. Why not send a couple to meet Victory halfway to Morocco? After all, they will help defend their original creator's homeland."
"All Calypsos are sailing to Automagfreek. That operation is bigger than this one, Maybury. We need them there."
"They are not too far off, Edgar. All we need is one. I can order DGN Granzi to make its way to the Mediterranean right now."
"Very well, Maybury. But remember, if the Automagfreek situation does erupt in war - and this move manages to compromise the entire IDDG Navy, you'll lose your head, literally."
With that, Edgar left the room. Maybury breathed heavily before exiting the War Room. The stakes were high, but DGN Granzi simply had to take part in this operation.
Naval forces heading to Morocco:
1 Calypso Class Dreadnaught
1 Omega Class Trimeran Battleship
2 Greenmanbry Class Battlecarriers
1 Tempest Class Nuclear Carrier
2 Alpha Class Trimeran Heavy Cruisers
2 Trebuchet Class Trimeran Shore-Bombardment Cruisers
1 Jolt Class Trimeran Long Range Pursuit Destroyer
5 Cassius Class Trimeran Destroyers
5 Dauntless Class Trimeran ASW Frigates
5 Earl Class Trimeran AA Frigates
1 Insidious Class Electronics Warfare Destroyer
5 Legionary Class Minesweepers
Schultaria Prime
10-04-2005, 17:11
-Tactical Deployment Orders: Operation Ollones Naaspa
The engagement and willful destruction of Granzian civilian facilities, coastal defense forces, and structures of social welfare give reasonable impetus for the United Socialist States of Schultaria Prime to aid and abet Granzian interests in the territory of Morocco. This attack, completely unprovoked and without reasonable cause via an established, public, declaration of hostility, has declared any interests on behalf of the aggressor nation illegal. It is the solemn duty of the United Socialist States of Schultaria Prime to protect one of its closest allies, and therefore the triumvirate leadership of the Central Directorate has issued the following orders:
"To the five divisions of SKC-Grovon and Otkron forces currently en route to Automagfreek you shall be diverted, completely and fully in your tactical scope, to committal of this Moroccan operation. Under the Granzi - Schultarian Treaty of Protective Union, we shall deploy three of the five divisions with the colors of Granzi as a sign of solidarity and unity. Your orders are as follows once you approach the territory of Morocco:
1. Secure and remove all full and trace elements of foreign aggression from Morocco. Since these aggressors have not abided by nominal statues of International law concerning the declaration of conflict, any captured element is to be treated as an extra-national terrorist force not applicable to the rules of the Geneva or Hague conventions. However, to any field commanders who capture such elements, please be discretionary in your dealings with these individuals; we would rather prefer that they face charges of murder, theft, and treason by the hands of Moroccan courts rather than a Schultarian military tribunal for political reasons.
2. Secure and install a proactive international regional government to preserve order and defense in the territory of Morocco. The limited response from the Granzian government is quite distressing to us as Schultarians, but in order to prevent such events from striking again we would find it expedient to establish an internationalist government designed to maximize local control with a force of allied nations.
3. Once the other two objectives are seen as near secure, prepare for the eventual declaration of war and subsequent military engagement of forces from the rouge nation of Duke Barol. At the present time, prepare a fleet that can satisfy the tactical needs of a medium scale amphibious invasion with a large scale air insertion force as support and diversion. Should this rouge nation willingly withdraw from Morocco, stand down any order of planned assault during which diplomatic negotiations will take place.
-Kempto Fleet - Flagship SSS Tah'kiea'leiah (3 days sail from Morocco)
Admiral Jawoah Codo was in his private study contemplating the morale of the five divisions of ground troops held within the holds of his fleet. As the only commander in the SKC to have ever engaged in battle under the Schultarian flag he showed disdain for the sudden change of plans, but like a good soldier he faithfully carried out the orders of his civilian superiors. While a sizeable portion of the Kempto fleet would remain in Freekian Greece to defend NATO interests, this tactical fleet represented the first strike arm of the Schultarian Kamor Collabraci (Schultarian Defense Forces). "It's bad enough to be sent out knowing that you might die," he fumed silently in his head, "even worse when you know others will die because of your words."
The fleet, while small by international standards and still three days sail at nominal (1/2) speed, represented the most powerful Schultarian technology to date. Painted in solid black with silver lettering, the several dozen ships heading to Morocco were a sight to behold; each of them looked absolutely pristine without the slightest bit of wear or defilement. To the Schultarians this was a testament to their engineering and maintenance skills, but to the enemy this would be divine retribution: every ship in the Schultarian fleet was either directly purchased or grandly showed direct descendants to their Granzian forebears. Even the Tah'kiea'leiah, the grandest Superdreadnaught built solely along "Schultarian" guidelines, came from plans fashioned with care from Hybalt.
And while the fleet steamed towards inevitable conflict, a lone Kehmnar satellite four hundred kilometers removed from the tensions of the world passed over Morocco capturing hundreds of stereoscopic images to be later processed by SID-8. As the drama of war unfolded before its six electronic eyes, valuable tactical insight and propaganda could be made from the effortless images. Of course, that was the job of the central government authority; Admiral Codo would have to make do with his older maps and approximate force projections until the data he needed would finally arrive. Pouring over his maps and fleet deployments, the veteran commander made a silent prayer to protect humanity and decency under the sword.
Duke Barol
10-04-2005, 18:23
ooc:im putting a pause on this thread till i work things out with you guys
you are aware he has not been active for 23 days. he has not as of yet made a commitment towards the ww. i mean no harm towards you
The Island of Rose
10-04-2005, 18:34
(But we're allied to Granzi. We have a right to stop you. You can go to war with us or leave, it's all legal.)
10-04-2005, 18:36
ooc:im putting a pause on this thread till i work things out with you guys
you are aware he has not been active for 23 days. he has not as of yet made a commitment towards the ww. i mean no harm towards you
OOC: Yes. Granzi's absence has been rather long. I'm sure it's perfectly warranted. Still, we are bound by a strong mutual defense alliance. It is our duty to defend him.
Feel free to contact me to work out the minor details if you do plan to take on all of us.
Duke Barol
10-04-2005, 18:36
(But we're allied to Granzi. We have a right to stop you. You can go to war with us or leave, it's all legal.)
and when he gets deleted? are you still gonna guard his land. i dont want a hostile neighbor taking his property. also, if you look at the property i own, its not that much, i own a small part of algeria, botswanna, and the uninhabitable galapagos islands. ive been tging granzi for the past few days. i want to contact him. but more, i want to have a sizable piece of waterfront land
Duke Barol
10-04-2005, 18:38
OOC: Yes. Granzi's absence has been rather long. I'm sure it's perfectly warranted. Still, we are bound by a strong mutual defense alliance. It is our duty to defend him.
Feel free to contact me to work out the minor details if you do plan to take on all of us.
i realy do want to have a real rp. but i dont want to be kicked off of e2 because of it. i realy want morocco. i understand your alliance, but at what point will you let go. if you want, i can pick up his end of the alliance.
Duke Barol
10-04-2005, 18:40
also, all of you who attacke me, i suggest that you check your posts for god modding. its a little odd that such a huge force from each of you is right next to morocco.
10-04-2005, 18:41
also, all of you who attacke me, i suggest that you check your posts for god modding. its a little odd that such a huge force from each of you is right next to morocco.
Who said it's right next to Morocco? SP and I are looking at 3 days sailing. TN is right next to you.
Duke Barol
10-04-2005, 18:45
Who said it's right next to Morocco? SP and I are looking at 3 days sailing. TN is right next to you.
by the way i have 5 full carrier and naval expeditionary groups in the med sea.
The Island of Rose
10-04-2005, 18:46
and when he gets deleted? are you still gonna guard his land. i dont want a hostile neighbor taking his property. also, if you look at the property i own, its not that much, i own a small part of algeria, botswanna, and the uninhabitable galapagos islands. ive been tging granzi for the past few days. i want to contact him. but more, i want to have a sizable piece of waterfront land
(When he gets DEATed it's free game. We're not kicking you off EII, just defending Granzi :) )
Duke Barol
10-04-2005, 18:50
(When he gets DEATed it's free game. We're not kicking you off EII, just defending Granzi :) )
ok, heres an idea. im going to put my claim on hold for the 6 req'd days(unless you guys realy want to rp this, and will give me a fighting chance, and will have some people side with me) then consider this a takeover of morocco. ok, no one will be allowed to make a claim on morocco untill i have my say. if someone does, you guys will defend morocco from them.
10-04-2005, 18:58
ok, heres an idea. im going to put my claim on hold for the 6 req'd days(unless you guys realy want to rp this, and will give me a fighting chance, and will have some people side with me) then consider this a takeover of morocco. ok, no one will be allowed to make a claim on morocco untill i have my say. if someone does, you guys will defend morocco from them.
Very well.
Teh ninjas
10-04-2005, 19:00
also, all of you who attacke me, i suggest that you check your posts for god modding. its a little odd that such a huge force from each of you is right next to morocco.
OOC:I'm assuming you mean me since I'm the only one that posted my forces, as GMB said I'm right next to you. So technically my battle group is already just outside Morroco's waters.
Transmission to Government of Duke Barol
The Democratic Empire of teh Ninjas is a faithful nation to all of our allies. We have detected you have began military incursions into Granzi held Morroco, as you must know Granzi is a NATO member. This makes us militarily inclined to protect Granzi in the event of an attack. A Ninjanian Battle Group is currently near Morocco's waters, they will be given the order to enter Morocco's waters when i see fit. As to whether they will immediately begin targetting your ships of war, once they enter Moroccan waters, we are not yet certain. We just ask that you leave.
Steven Puppo
Admiral of te 5th Heavy Naval Battle Group
The fleet lay anchor in international waters, submarines continued their patrols and small flights of aircraft from the carriers kept watch in the skies.
ok, heres an idea. im going to put my claim on hold for the 6 req'd days(unless you guys realy want to rp this, and will give me a fighting chance, and will have some people side with me) then consider this a takeover of morocco. ok, no one will be allowed to make a claim on morocco untill i have my say. if someone does, you guys will defend morocco from them.
I don't think I'm quite sure what you mean. So Morocco is going to be unclaimed, and if anyone tries taking it we defend it?
Duke Barol
10-04-2005, 19:04
OOC:I'm assuming you mean me since I'm the only one that posted my forces, as GMB said I'm right next to you. So technically my battle group is already just outside Morroco's waters.
Transmission to Government of Duke Barol
The Democratic Empire of teh Ninjas is a faithful nation to all of our allies. We have detected you have began military incursions into Granzi held Morroco, as you must know Granzi is a NATO member. This makes us militarily inclined to protect Granzi in the event of an attack. A Ninjanian Battle Group is currently near Morocco's waters, they will be given the order to enter Morocco's waters when i see fit. As to whether they will immediately begin targetting your ships of war, once they enter Moroccan waters, we are not yet certain. We just ask that you leave.
Steven Puppo
Admiral of te 5th Heavy Naval Battle Group
The fleet lay anchor in international waters, submarines continued their patrols and small flights of aircraft from the carriers kept watch in the skies.
ooc:as we say in philly, ma' bad. so, what do you say about the 6 day thing. but if you want to tangoe, i have 5 fleets in the med sea
Teh ninjas
10-04-2005, 19:06
OOC: I editted my post, I didn't see your post before. I'm not too sure what you mean though.
Duke Barol
10-04-2005, 19:08
I don't think I'm quite sure what you mean. So Morocco is going to be unclaimed, and if anyone tries taking it we defend it?
ummm, yes, sorta. for the next 6 days, you will defend it from attack. after that, when granzi gets the deat, i will have first say on it. if some one else claims it, you move against them.
The Island of Rose
10-04-2005, 19:11
(Let's fight right now. You did bring yourself into this... plus how many ships do you have in total?)
OOC: I'm gonna sit on the sideline for a little while to see how this is progressing before I take action. See who gets in and when it starts and stuff. Consider this a TAG.
Duke Barol
10-04-2005, 19:22
(Let's fight right now. You did bring yourself into this... plus how many ships do you have in total?)
1 Improved Nimitz CVN
4 AEGIS Flight IIA DDG Class
4 Ticonderoga CG Class
4 Oliver Hazard Perry FFG Class
1 Iowa BB Class
4 Supply AOE Class
4 C-2A Greyhound COD
4 E-2C Hawkeye
4 EA-6B Prowler
4 EA-18A Growler
4 ES-3A Shadow
12 F-14A/B/D Tomcat
18 F/A-18C/D Hornet
18 F/A-18E/F Super Hornet
2 HH-60H Seahawk
8 S-3B Viking
4 SH-60F Seahawk
1 Wasp LHD Class
2 AEGIS Flight IIA CG Class
2 Ticonderoga CG Class
25 LCAC Class
4 LCU-2000 LCU Class
4 San Antonio Class
6 AH-1W Super Cobra
8 AV-8B+ Harrier II
9 CH-53E Sea Stallion
4 UH-1N Iroqouis
they are currently merged.
and my air wings from algeria
for some of my planes see my website. but for the most part i use f22's and b1's
Duke Barol
10-04-2005, 19:27
what are we fighting for?
Duke Barol
10-04-2005, 19:30
Also consider my forces at Condition Red (state of war)
The Island of Rose
10-04-2005, 19:33
(Because you invaded Morraco... so 115 major ships eh? My 1st Sardinian Fleet is made of 100, so don't go boasting ;) )
Duke Barol
10-04-2005, 19:38
(Because you invaded Morraco... so 115 major ships eh? My 1st Sardinian Fleet is made of 100, so don't go boasting ;) )
by the way, didnt you see my "im putting this on hold for a while" also didnt you see the "ok, heres an idea. im going to put my claim on hold for the 6 req'd days(unless you guys realy want to rp this, and will give me a fighting chance, and will have some people side with me) then consider this a takeover of morocco. ok, no one will be allowed to make a claim on morocco untill i have my say. if someone does, you guys will defend morocco from them."
one last thing, i dont want to fight you, its a loosing battle just 1 on 1. its obvious i will be decimated. however, i realy want to be part of a good rp, so im sorta torn here. i dont want all of my forces to be blown up. ok?
Duke Barol
10-04-2005, 19:38
(Because you invaded Morraco... so 115 major ships eh? My 1st Sardinian Fleet is made of 100, so don't go boasting ;) )
by the way, im not boasting, just answering your question.
The Empire of Cotland wish to make its presence in the Mediterranian clear, and have therefore redirected a naval strike group to the area to observe the situation. The vessels will not engage in any potential conflict and will not act threathening in any way.
Imperial Government of Cotland
The following units will be sent to a holding position 50 nautical miles off Morrocco's Atlantic coastline.
Nimitz Strike Group
Improved Nimitz class aircraft carrier: 1
Ticonderoga class cruiser: 1
Arleigh Burke class destroyers: 2
Oliver Hazard Perry class frigates: 2
688/I class attack submarine: 1
Supply class AOE: 1
Improved Nimitz Air Wing
C-2A Greyhound COD: 6
E-2C Hawkeye: 4
EA-18A Growler: 6
ES-3A Shadow: 4
F/A-18F Super Hornet: 36
F-22N Sea Raptor: 12
S-3B Viking: 6
SH-60F Seahawk LAMPS III: 10
Teh ninjas
10-04-2005, 19:41
OOC: So are we going to war or not?
Admiral Puppo was as bored as ever. He had heard he was suppose to get into some naval battles and assist in a large marine landing, but no. His 350 ship fleet was now just sitting in international waters doing nothing. The admiral poured himself another glass of rum and filled it to the top. Reaching into a drawer he took out a small pocket sized case of cigars. He took a cigar out and smelled it, nothing like a cuban cigar and puerto rican rum he thought to himself. Several folders lay on his desk reading TOP SECRET and URGENT. The admiral decided he would read those later, his favorite soap opera was on now anyway.
The Island of Rose
10-04-2005, 19:44
Admiral Hans Jordan, Admiral of the 1st Sardinian Fleet, was also very bored. He looked at his XO Officer and gave an order. "XO, contact the Ninjan Fleet."
"Err... yes sir."
Static, static, static, static. Ah, we have contact. "Err... is this the Ninjan Fleet? I'm bored... what are ya doin?"
Duke Barol
10-04-2005, 19:45
quite frankly, i dont want to, because i will be decimated. yes thats right, i will be decimated. i would like to just go along with my earlier post.
Originally Posted by Duke Barol
ok, heres an idea. im going to put my claim on hold for the 6 req'd days(unless you guys realy want to rp this, and will give me a fighting chance, and will have some people side with me) then consider this a takeover of morocco. ok, no one will be allowed to make a claim on morocco untill i have my say. if someone does, you guys will defend morocco from them.
however, i also want to have a rp, i feel torn.
Duke Barol
10-04-2005, 19:47
if i can get people to back me up, ill do it.
Duke Barol
10-04-2005, 19:55
ok, heres an idea. im going to put my claim on hold for the 6 req'd days(unless you guys realy want to rp this, and will give me a fighting chance, and will have some people side with me) then consider this a takeover of morocco. ok, no one will be allowed to make a claim on morocco untill i have my say. if someone does, you guys will defend morocco from them.
can we just do this?
10-04-2005, 21:34
This RP is now FROZEN.
MOROCCO is still part of Granzi's commonwealth, and will be for at least the coming six days. After (if) Granzi gets the DEAT, then you have the right to invade Morocco and take it from him.
Just a precautionary note, other imperialists (moi, for example ;) ), might try to capture Morocco as well. So, all in all, you will eventually have to face some enemies if you really want Morocco.
OR... meh.. we might be lazy enough to let you have it, I guess. Perhaps we can work out an agreement off-NS where you and I go at it, but I end up losing for some reason, God knows what though..
Teh ninjas
10-04-2005, 22:09
Admiral Puppo was enjoying his soap opera, suddenly a hard knock on his door made him jump up.
"Yes?" he said in a some what annoyed matter.
The door opened to reveal a low class petty officer, he saluted.
"Admiral transmission from TIOR fleet."
"Very well I'll respond to their message from the office's radio."
The officer saluted and left. The Admiral continued to watch his show until a commercial came on. Finally he reached for his radio. He listened to the message several times carefully. Once the message finished for the fourth time he pressed the respond button.
Umm, well I'm enjoying my soap op-... I mean, I'm watching a documentary of Morocco's landscape to better understand how to conduct my air and missile attacks. The fleet's in anchor though, so yeah. When are your guys coming over?
Ok good enough. I'm going to leave my fleet off Morocco's waters, but I am going to invade. My nation does want an African Empire and I wouldn't mind a nice mansion on the mediterranean sea for my emperor. hmm.
Duke Barol
11-04-2005, 17:13
TN: we will wind up fighting. the end. i need morocco for the war. if you want, we can make an agreement outside of ns.
G:do you have a sn? or a msn?
Duke Barol
14-04-2005, 20:21
Admiral Puppo was enjoying his soap opera, suddenly a hard knock on his door made him jump up.
"Yes?" he said in a some what annoyed matter.
The door opened to reveal a low class petty officer, he saluted.
"Admiral transmission from TIOR fleet."
"Very well I'll respond to their message from the office's radio."
The officer saluted and left. The Admiral continued to watch his show until a commercial came on. Finally he reached for his radio. He listened to the message several times carefully. Once the message finished for the fourth time he pressed the respond button.
Umm, well I'm enjoying my soap op-... I mean, I'm watching a documentary of Morocco's landscape to better understand how to conduct my air and missile attacks. The fleet's in anchor though, so yeah. When are your guys coming over?
Ok good enough. I'm going to leave my fleet off Morocco's waters, but I am going to invade. My nation does want an African Empire and I wouldn't mind a nice mansion on the mediterranean sea for my emperor. hmm.
why are you studieng morocco to attack it>? arnt you trying to defend it? or do you have a hidden agenda?
14-04-2005, 21:45
G:do you have a sn? or a msn?
I assume that was directed at me?
Check your telegrams for my MSN addy.
Duke Barol
16-04-2005, 21:22
I assume that was directed at me?
Check your telegrams for my MSN addy.
ooc:gm:k, ill message you later
ic: with most of the resistance quelled, a public announcement was about to take place.
Duke Barol:People of Morocco. We have freed you from the Repressive regime(ooc:im only sayin this for rp sake). Now it is your turn to help us. We encourage you to remain vigilant. Our sources tell us that enemys are approaching. if you are asked to go against the dominion, you must refuse! your lives and happiness are in jepordy. support the cause.
ooc:tn, do you still want it, if needed, ill fihgt.
Teh ninjas
16-04-2005, 22:09
OOC: Yep I'll atttack tomorrow. Just to let you know I've kicked up my fleet to 400ish vessels.
Duke Barol
16-04-2005, 22:19
OOC: Yep I'll atttack tomorrow. Just to let you know I've kicked up my fleet to 400ish vessels.
ok, just to let you know, you are no longer just fighting me. pantheea is in this now. also, im beefing up my fleet a bit, you may want to check my web page for things added today. no, none are godmods. i bought them all through tgs.
Duke Barol
17-04-2005, 02:32
ok, im setting some ground rules. conventional weapons only. no if's and's or but's. if your not fine with that, dont rp here. this is strictly for morocco.
tn:i need your sn or msn. we need to work some stuff out for this.
pan:same goes for you
green:ill contact you some point within the next few days.
i plan on having a confrence type thing if possable. if i can get everyone on msn or aim, that will be the best. my msn is my aim is mconfsd
tn, green, if its fine with you guys, i'd rather not have this in ww3 format. too complicated. this was begun a long time before ww3.
The Island of Rose
17-04-2005, 02:39
(You forgot I was involved... :P)
Duke Barol
17-04-2005, 02:42
(You forgot I was involved... :P)
omg, im soo sry. ok, ummm, are you going to want to invade to take morocco? whats your stance? i would prefer that you would help me take it in exchange for a sphere of influence.
Duke Barol
17-04-2005, 02:42
(You forgot I was involved... :P)
i also need your info.
again, sry.
The Island of Rose
17-04-2005, 02:45
(I'm joining the Grand NATO Coalition against you due to the fact that Granzi was allied to us. Also, I have 100 Ships in the vicinity, a Protectorate Fleet. You can see what they consist of in my Factbook. By the way if you forget something, just edit it instead of making another post. :D)
Duke Barol
17-04-2005, 02:49
(I'm joining the Grand NATO Coalition against you due to the fact that Granzi was allied to us. Also, I have 100 Ships in the vicinity, a Protectorate Fleet. You can see what they consist of in my Factbook. By the way if you forget something, just edit it instead of making another post. :D)
1st: i took back my attack against granzi. if your angry that i want his land, you should also be angry at tn. he is also gunning for morocco.
2nd:check my website for my weapon systems that i may be using, keep in mind, they are all seceret. also, they are not all technicaly myne untill i hear back from the seller. for that reason, i may delay posting. otherwise, its a little unfair.
3rd:the grand natco coalition consists of 2nations against 2nations. its not to late to change your mind.
4th:thanks for the advice re: the edits.
im going to be off line till tomorw
The Island of Rose
17-04-2005, 03:00
(I know, me and TN are working together on this. Besides it takes alot to anger me ;). Number two, I am also using custom weapons, the boats are Hamptonian, the guns and land stuff is mine, and some of the airplanes are Soviet Blocan. Now not to sound arrogant... but NATO is a very powerful alliance in NS, we're just very quiet :P. The fact of the matter is that... well... it consists of three vrs. two. Greenmanbry, me, and TN vrs. you and that other dude. Number four, you're welcome :D)
Duke Barol
17-04-2005, 03:04
(I know, me and TN are working together on this. Besides it takes alot to anger me ;). Number two, I am also using custom weapons, the boats are Hamptonian, the guns and land stuff is mine, and some of the airplanes are Soviet Blocan. Now not to sound arrogant... but NATO is a very powerful alliance in NS, we're just very quiet :P. The fact of the matter is that... well... it consists of three vrs. two. Greenmanbry, me, and TN vrs. you and that other dude. Number four, you're welcome :D)
im back for about 10 min. gm and i are trying to come to an agreement. also, how did i anger you? if you guys do get morocco, then what, are you going to invade algeria next? you now understand why i need to win this. also, im informing the confederacy about this rp. i am still willing to come to an agreement about this. but i still need morocco and its sea ports.
Teh ninjas
17-04-2005, 03:05
OOC: I don't have a SN you could use. I'd suggest making an OOC thread or just TG me. I have agreed to the rules.
Admiral Puppo looked down at the small piece of paper in his hand. He read it over to make sure what he was reading was correct. Begin Operation New Beginning. Operation New Beginning was the designation for the beginning of the Morocco war. It called for a massive naval bombardment and air strikes. The Admiral wiped the sweat from his head with his sleeve and called out.
"Order all fleets to reposition themselves into firing positions. Prepare to enage previously identified Barolian (sp?) military and government targets. The carriers are to have atleast a flight in the area at all times. Supporting vessels are to assume defensive positions."
The large communication section of the Calypso dreadnought buzzed with noise as information spread amongst each communication personnel. The orders of the Admiral were given to the fleet in ten minutes flat. Thousands of large cruise missiles stood poised to decimate Barolian military units in Morocco.
Admiral Puppo stood from his observation post in the Calypso dreadnought, watching the action unfold before his eyes. Sailors onboard ships ran across the decks to their battle stations, and marines retreated in uniformed order to the lower decks. The admiral took in a deep breath and yelled out once again.
"Get me an open channel, might as well try to talk some sense into these people before we blow each other in pieces."
Transmission To Duke Barol
"Greetings, as you are most certainly aware of a large Ninjanian fleet has been off shore Morocco for some time. I have been instructed to ask that you leave Morocco be and let the former Granzi citizens govern themselves like it once was. NATO will ensure peace is assured in this nation. We ask that you just leave."
Admiral Steven Puppo
The Admiral finished his transmission and sent the message. A nearby officer spoke to him.
"Do you think they'll leave sir?"
"I hope so, but it's highly unlikely. Nations these days are all power, and money."
The officer said nothing but a grunt, and walked away. The admiral turned to one of the windows and looked out towards the mighty fleet he commanded. The Barolians should send a transmission back soon he thought.
Duke Barol
17-04-2005, 03:09
OOC: I don't have a SN you could use. I'd suggest making an OOC thread or just TG me. I have agreed to the rules.
Admiral Puppo looked down at the small piece of paper in his hand. He read it over to make sure what he was reading was correct. Begin Operation New Beginning. Operation New Beginning was the designation for the beginning of the Morocco war. It called for a massive naval bombardment and air strikes. The Admiral wiped the sweat from his head with his sleeve and called out.
"Order all fleets to reposition themselves into firing positions. Prepare to enage previously identified Barolian (sp?) military and government targets. The carriers are to have atleast a flight in the area at all times. Supporting vessels are to assume defensive positions."
The large communication section of the Calypso dreadnought buzzed with noise as information spread amongst each communication personnel. The orders of the Admiral were given to the fleet in ten minutes flat. Thousands of large cruise missiles stood poised to decimate Barolian military units in Morocco.
Admiral Puppo stood from his observation post in the Calypso dreadnought, watching the action unfold before his eyes. Sailors onboard ships ran across the decks to their battle stations, and marines retreated in uniformed order to the lower decks. The admiral took in a deep breath and yelled out once again.
"Get me an open channel, might as well try to talk some sense into these people before we blow each other in pieces."
Transmission To Duke Barol
"Greetings, as you are most certainly aware of a large Ninjanian fleet has been off shore Morocco for some time. I have been instructed to ask that you leave Morocco be and let the former Granzi citizens govern themselves like it once was. NATO will ensure peace is assured in this nation. We ask that you just leave."
Admiral Steven Puppo
The Admiral finished his transmission and sent the message. A nearby officer spoke to him.
"Do you think they'll leave sir?"
"I hope so, but it's highly unlikely. Nations these days are all power, and money."
The officer said nothing but a grunt, and walked away. The admiral turned to one of the windows and looked out towards the mighty fleet he commanded. The Barolians should send a transmission back soon he thought.
ooc:call it dominion forces ;) umm, yea lets make an ooc thread for this. ill get on that immeadatly. im gonna wait to hear from pan and another person before i respond ic.
Duke Barol
17-04-2005, 03:14
ok, tn, tior, gm, pan, cotland, ng, rc members, nato members:
here is the ooc thread:
everyone else:
this is invite only. if you want in post here and we will decide if you get in.
Duke Barol
17-04-2005, 03:27
Involved Nations
Duke Barol
Teh Ninjas
The Island of Rose
North Germania
this is currently who is admited. post here to request to get in.
Teh ninjas
17-04-2005, 23:31
"There has been no response yet admiral."
"Very well, keep the channels open."
The Admiral had waited for quite some time for a response, their message had now only given the Dominion Forces more time to prepare. He couldn't wait another second. He took a deep breathe and shouted.
"All naval units are to begin Operation New Beginning. Launch Wave 1, effective immediately. Launch Su-53's for maintaining the skies effective immediately. Establish standard fleet defensive formation, and have submarine patrols maintain our rear and flanks."
The orders of the admiral was sent to every ship of the fleet. Within a half an hour the first missiles where beginning to be launched towards Morocco. Within five minutes the sky was littered with massive amounts of missiles which poured from the ships. A total of 600 large missiles were launched at Morocco. Wave 2 would be far worse however.
An ES-3A Shadow electronic intelligence jet were in the air escorted by two F-22N Sea Raptors armed with (2) AIM-54C Pheonix, (6) AIM-120C AMRAAM and (2) AIM-9X Sidewinder, circling around the area when the Ninjans started to fire missiles. The recording equipment on the Shadow immediately registered the radar frequencies and what-not that the Ninjan fleet was using. It would come in handy if the Cots were dragged into the battle.
The Island of Rose
17-04-2005, 23:52
Rosian vessles noticed the Ninjan attack begin. Missiles were aimed, guns loaded, captains worried, sailors scared. But the Admiral was calm during this. So he gave his boys a speech.
"Sailors... I have one thing to tell you. They took our jobs!"
They took their jobs! The Duke took their jobs! Now they would be poor and jobless and a hillbilly if they didn't fire! Oh and fire they did! Hundreds of missiles and hundreds of shells from the cannons poured out towards the Duke's Fleet around Moracco and towards Moracco. So it was a split attack. Meanwhile, R/F-91s and R/B-91s started taking off, their mission to bomb enemy positions in Moracco. Of course they were yet to arrive, but meh. Yes it's a short post, so sue me.
Duke Barol
18-04-2005, 02:23
ooc:I dont have much time and im not ready for a real post, im still waiting for pan and otheres
the a-917's and a-314's took flight from algeria. THe F-22's a 23's lifted off from the carriers in the medeteranian sea. and inside algeria and on the coasts of morocco, HARM flights took off, targeting the most powerfull radars that they could find.
Teh ninjas
18-04-2005, 02:40
"Admiral inbound aircraft in Sectors Whiskey-Whiskey-Tango."
"Order the F-91's and Su-53's to form into formation. Prepare to launch a secondary wave of fighters. Also launch missile wave 2."
"Aye aye."
As the second wave of 750 missiles flew into the mediterranean sky 75 Su-53's, and 120 F-91's were in the sky in formation. Their purpose was to destroy any sort of ariel attack against the fleet. Another flight of similiar size was to be launched once the admiral had deemed it necesarry.
OOC: short bad post, eh. tired.
18-04-2005, 06:13
"Anti-aircraft artillery in place. I repeat anti-aircraft is in place." said a young Lt over the radio. His only response was static and the roaring of jets in the distance. "Right, lets move closer to the coast. Lets find a dense forest and conceal our SAMS. Then we will look at the skies for our enemies." Armed with stinger missles that could shoot down enemy aircraft, the 12 Avengers were going to get their first taste of action
“Yes Sir” came the response of his three Sergeants. Perfectly n’sync with each other.
Just west of the strait of Gibraltar a fleet of submarines inch closer and closer to there destination. “Captain you may want to take a closer look at this.” Said the young sailor at the sonar. Admiral Victor Turk stares at the sonar in disbelieve. The sonar was cluttered with green dots symbolizing aircraft as well as green triangles symbolizing navel vassals. It almost look like a little boy was sitting in a bath tub with his toy boats and planes. That bath tub being the med sea
“What are your orders Captain” said the young sailor. “Captain???”
“Order the 5 Akala attack subs to position themselves to attack the enemy. I want them to blow any not allied with the Duke vassal that gets near Morocco out. Move to 150 feet! We shall commence bombing of the Morocco coast at once.”
“Aye Captain” came the young sailors response
“What are you doing!!” said Anton Kornilov, XO of the Ghost Bear; The Russian made typhoon class submarine and flag ship of Panthean fleet. “Our orders were to blockade the med sea in event that there is world war. Not to pick fights with neighbors.”
“Wrong my dear friend. Duke Barol is at war and we will aid our Confederacy ally. We are only doing what in the best interest of the Confederacy.” respond Victor
“To hell with the Confederacy!! Our allegiance should be to Pantheaa and Pantheaa only. Not to the duke or the god dam Romans.” Shouted Anton before storming out of the Ghost Bear’s deck.”
Victor took a long puff of his cigar and said with a grin “if anyone else wants to join him go ahead. But remember it’s a long way to swim when your 800 feet under water.”
In just a couple of hours later the 3 Typhoon class submarines were in striking distance of the Morocco coast. They would rain all of hell down on to their enemies with just a simple squeeze of a firing trigger. Meanwhile the 5 Akula II attack subs were hunting for prey and possible enemies. The Panthean fleet also had 10 Delta IV submarines in reserve.
Victor can just imagine the shock look at the enemy commanders faces when they see the sudden appearance of submarines appear on their radar. The sleeping bear that is Pantheaa has awoken and is looking for prey
North Germania
18-04-2005, 06:51
OOC: Duke Barol is a very new nation. Is there any reason to gang up on him like this?
Begin Transmission.
Message To: Teh Ninjas, The Island of Rose, Greenmanbry
Message From: Chancellor Kahn
To the respective leaders of the addressed nations:
Perhaps a more diplomatic solution could be found to this situation. The nation of Duke Barol is somewhat of an ally of The Teutonic Order. While not officially in alliance with Germania, we are quite fond of him and would not appreciate an attack on our friend over uninhabited land.
Germania does not wish for war with your nations, but if our friend (Duke Barol) is attacked we will have to support him. The type of support we may give has not been discussed, but I strongly suggest to all involved parties currently performing hostile actions against Duke Barol that they agree to a cease-fire and then diplomatic negotiations to be held in Germania.
Again, there is no need or reason for this attack and it is a bit irritating that NATO has decided to launch a joint-assault on Duke Barol.
Consider this proposal before you reply.
Best regards,
Chancellor Kahn
End Transmission.
18-04-2005, 08:21
~ Official Communique to North Germania
TO: Chancellor Kahn
FR: Ison
RE: Ceasing hostilities
It is wrong to assume that this is a NATO-sponsored operation. It is definately not. But it is an attempt, by ourselves, to save the remnants of a NATO ally whose nation has experienced a traumatizing turn of events lately. We will stay true to our commitments to our allies, surely the Teutonic Order can understand that?
As for the 'Duke Barol' war, which is raging right now, his nation began the hostilities by attacking Granzian Morocco. We are merely in the process of "cleansing" our ally's land from the hands of these imperialists.
We will remove all forces belonging to Duke Barol from Granzian Morocco. We will not wage war on the Dominion's homeland, just on its invading forces. The only way to stop this conflict is for Duke Barol to retreat from this land, which does not belong to him in the first place. If they wanted bases or small shorelines, they should have attempted to acquire such items through diplomacy, by signing a contract with a nation to build a base on their territory. It is not a foreign concept, Chancellor. Governments do it all the time.
Once again, we re-iterate our commitment to safeguard Morocco from Dominion scum. Whether they choose to retreat or stay put is their own to make, but we will not rest until they exist no more. You have our word that no harm will come to the mainland of Duke Barol after removing their forces from Granzi.
Perhaps you can confer with your 'semi-allies' and help them realize the gravity of this situation?
Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Infernal Demonic Dominion of Greenmanbry
~ End Official Communique to North Germania
Duke Barol
18-04-2005, 14:28
OOC:my last post was cut short because my dad is an ass. period.
IC:Message to NATO FORCES:
As per rules and regulations which have been put upon this world, I began my attack upon morocco and the grazish forces who inhabited it several weeks ago. That attack was halted due to complaints that i should not attack him while he was still there. Over the past few days, the granzi forces, ceased to be of any resistance (ooc:when he got the deat. the populas is respecting their new leaders. Now you begin an attack upont the soverign nation of morocco. Causing more unrest. Trying to ruin the lives of the civilians. This is your last chance for a diplomatic resolution to this problem. I will defend algeria, and the medeterranian sea at all costs. I do not believe that you will stop with morcco. I do not believe that your aim is to "return morcco to the moroccans". Your aim is impeirialism. You will continue your conquests untill you are stopped. So you will be stopped here.
The Duke of Morocco
Imperial message to the world
The Empire of Cotland will answer the cry of help from the Dominion of Duke Barol, and will therefor send a naval task force to assist the forces already present. The Empire does not wish bloodshed, and urge all parties to accept the offer of negotiations made by Germania.
However, should peace not be reached, Cotland will stand by its allies. May God have mercy on the souls of those involved.
Imperial Government of Cotland
Order of Battle - Imperial Cottish Navy
Task Force Echo
4th Nimitz Strike Group - 7573 crew
Improved Nimitz class aircraft carrier: 1
Ticonderoga class cruiser: 1
Arleigh Burke class destroyers: 2
Oliver Hazard Perry class frigates: 2
Hades class attack submarine: 1
Supply class AOE: 1
4th Improved Nimitz Air Wing
C-2A Greyhound COD: 6
E-2C Hawkeye: 4
EA-18A Growler: 6
F/A-18F Super Hornet: 40
F-22N Sea Raptor: 16
SH-60F Seahawk LAMPS III: 10
11th Ynoga Strike Group - 3483 men
Ynoga class light aircraft carrier: 1
Ticonderoga class cruiser: 1
Arleigh Burke class destroyers: 2
Oliver Hazard Perry class frigate: 1
Hades class attack submarine: 1
Supply class AOE: 1
11th Ynoga Air Wing
F-29B Vulture: 8
EH101 Merlin: 2
SH-60F Seahawk LAMPS III: 4
4th Cruiser Squadron - 6290 men
Leahy class cruisers: 6
Ticonderoga class cruisers: 8
Supply class AOE: 1
9th Cruiser Squadron - 6290 men
Leahy class cruisers: 6
Ticonderoga class cruisers: 8
Supply class AOE: 1
5th Destroyer Squadron - 6028 men
Archangel class destroyers: 8
AEGIS Flight IIA class destroyers: 6
Supply class AOE: 1
19th Destroyer Squadron - 6028 men
Archangel class destroyers: 8
AEGIS Flight IIA class destroyers: 6
Supply class AOE: 1
11th Frigate Squadron - 4788 men
Oliver Hazard Perry class frigates: 6
Twin Towers Flight IA class frigates: 4
Type 22 Broadsword class frigates: 4
Supply class AOE: 1
16th Frigate Squadron - 4788 men
Oliver Hazard Perry class frigates: 6
Twin Towers Flight IA class frigates: 4
Type 22 Broadsword class frigates: 4
Supply class AOE: 1
The Island of Rose
18-04-2005, 21:18
Official Reply from The Imperial Commonwealth of The Island of Rose:
We assure North Germania that this action is only to defend Granzi from the Duke's invasion and that his homeland is safe. We also would like to tell the Cottish forces that we are merely trying to defend an ally. If you are protecting the Duke because of his rampant imperialism, well that's just wrong. But the Imperial Commonwealth is open to negotiations with the aggressor, the Duke Barol.
Chancellory of Foreign Affairs
First Chancellor Sergei Ilyanov (
Imperial response
Naturally the Empire is willing to negotiate a peace. But we are also oblidged by treaty to assist Duke Barol. The naval forces are there to make sure that the odds are straightened. We have no quarrel with The Island of Rose, Teh Ninjas or Greenmanbry. We merely are acting in accordance with the constitution of the Roman Confederacy, article 7 a). We hope that the parties can be joined at the negotiating table before this gets out of hand.
Imperial Government of Cotland
18-04-2005, 21:29
OOC: Oh dear Lord, what scary stats :rolleyes:
~ Official Communique to North Germania
Our battlegroups are standing by near the Moroccan shores, Teutonic Order. The destinies of both Duke Barol and Cotland are in your hands. Will it be peace, or will it be war? We are waiting for your reply.
~ End Official Communique to North Germania
Secret telegram to Germania
Cryptation code: GER-451-762-COT-314-7
Begin transmission...
The Cottish task force off Morocco wish to employ Germanian bases in western and/or southern France to resupply our vessels with food, water, fuel and munitions, as well as some R & R when the hostile actions are over. Naturally the Cottish forces will not try anything funny against our allies. Naturally we will pay for the fuel and what-not we purchase there.
End transmission
The task force got the message and got underway. They estimated a time to arrival to be in three days at 28 knots.
Process of the Cottish fleet. Arrows indicate estimated course.
On the ICS Superb (CV-65), the orders to proceed out through the strait of Gibraltar were recieved and acknowledged as well. The defensive measurments in the strike group became tighter and more intense, with at least four F-22Ns armed with Pheonixes and AMRAAMs in the air at any given time. The time to fight were near.
SSN-535, a new Hades class hunter/killer submarine recently purchased from the Empire of Layarteb cruised 6 nautical miles ahead of the Superb Strike Force in search of any surface or submerged shipping in the area. While fully ready for battle, no actual decleration of hostilities had been made and therefore the 535 had no intention of firing the first shot. In fact, those were her standing orders. "Fire only if fired upon". She was going to live up to those orders, along with every other ship, plane or sub in the Imperial Cottish Navy.
Teh ninjas
18-04-2005, 23:46
OOC: Duke Barol do you have military assets in Morocco or was I mistaken?
Transmission to All Involved Parties
"The Empire is merely protecting the people of the nation formerly known as Granzi which sadly collpased lately. Our intent is to not increase in territories nor to seek riches, we merely wish to uphold our alliance to the Granzian people. Our nation also has a history of strong trade relations with Granzi and posses a dozen or so Hybalt Factories and shipyards for their use. Of course these factories are now in government hands but we believe there to be documents in the Hybalt offices which pretain to Ninjian projects. We are certainly open to negotiations. As a sign of good-will our forces will cease hostilities for the time being and shall maintain a defensive postute inside Moroccan waters."
Admiral Steven Puppo
Admiral of the Seas
OOC2:I'm really bad in submarine terminology and tactics so don't blame me for a bad post, eh.
"Conn sonar, target detected. Bearing is 1-Zulu-Zulu-Charlie."
"Sonar Conn, label target as Master 4. Maintain speed and course. What class is Master 4?"
"Akula cap. Speed is steady."
"Very well. Load tubes 3 and 4. Inform the fleet of more possible submarines. Do not do anything else unless instructed."
The barely lit lights on board the Forthar SNN stuttered on and off the submarine maintained a snail crawling speed of 6 knots. At such a low speed it was nearly impossible for detection.
At Fleet Command a patrol of 12 SH-2G helicopters and SH-60's dropped a network of sonar buoys around the fleet. Another 12 SH-2G patrolled the outskirts of the fleet in search of more submarine contacts.
Duke Barol
19-04-2005, 01:57
OOC: Duke Barol do you have military assets in Morocco or was I mistaken?
Transmission to All Involved Parties
"The Empire is merely protecting the people of the nation formerly known as Granzi which sadly collpased lately. Our intent is to not increase in territories nor to seek riches, we merely wish to uphold our alliance to the Granzian people. Our nation also has a history of strong trade relations with Granzi and posses a dozen or so Hybalt Factories and shipyards for their use. Of course these factories are now in government hands but we believe there to be documents in the Hybalt offices which pretain to Ninjian projects. We are certainly open to negotiations. As a sign of good-will our forces will cease hostilities for the time being and shall maintain a defensive postute inside Moroccan waters."
Admiral Steven Puppo
Admiral of the Seas
OOC2:I'm really bad in submarine terminology and tactics so don't blame me for a bad post, eh.
"Conn sonar, target detected. Bearing is 1-Zulu-Zulu-Charlie."
"Sonar Conn, label target as Master 4. Maintain speed and course. What class is Master 4?"
"Akula cap. Speed is steady."
"Very well. Load tubes 3 and 4. Inform the fleet of more possible submarines. Do not do anything else unless instructed."
The barely lit lights on board the Forthar SNN stuttered on and off the submarine maintained a snail crawling speed of 6 knots. At such a low speed it was nearly impossible for detection.
At Fleet Command a patrol of 12 SH-2G helicopters and SH-60's dropped a network of sonar buoys around the fleet. Another 12 SH-2G patrolled the outskirts of the fleet in search of more submarine contacts.
ooc:i have taken morocco fully, i have a standing army there now as well as beach defense.
IC:Message to Teh Ningas:
Your material in the warehouses(ooc:i think...) was confiscated by special agents of the line. They have been examened and are ready to be returned on one condition. you remove your forces from this area at once. Only then will you get your (ooc: im makin this up, tell me if im wrong) documents and machines back. Once that is completed, if you desire, a diplomatic relationship with the Dominion is feasable.
Seceret IC:
The Stahlheim Class Aircraft Carrier Group Neared morocco. With it are KM-120 Heavy missile crusers, and other fleet material. Far ahead, lurking in the deapths were a new breed of submarines. U-130,131,134,135; a new breed of ultra stealth subs, began targeting enemy ships should full hostilities begin.
ooc:check my webpage for ships in the area. every thing that is below where it says "update 4/16" is there, divided by 3(about) this is seceret tech i got from NG.
Duke Barol
19-04-2005, 02:07
ooc:i realize that my last ooc was alittle hard to understand. so here
KM-119 Missile Cruiser
[36 FK-19 Missile Tubes]
[144 FK-19 "Kretscher" Missiles]
[6 FK-24 Long-Range Missile Tubes]
[36 FK-24 Missiles]
[4 T-16 Torpedo Tubes]
[20 T-16 Torpedoes]
[4 Heller six-tube SAM Sites]
[24 Heller missiles]
[6 Vulkan 6-barrel anti-missile gatling guns]
[2,400 rounds each]
KM-120 Heavy Missile Cruiser
[24 FK-24 Long-Range Missile Tubes]
[144 FK-25 Long-Range Missiles]
[6 Kormoran Cruise Missile Tubes]
[24 Kormoran Cruise Missiles]
[[4 Heller six-tube SAM Sites]
[24 Heller missiles]
[6 Vulkan 6-barrel anti-missile gatling guns]
[2,400 rounds each]
Stahlheim Class Aircraft Carrier
[35 KB-6S Ultra Stealth Fighter/Bombers]
[15 FK-17 10-tube Anti-Missile Systems]
[20 Vulkan 6-barrel anti-missile gatling guns]
[2,400 rounds each]
[14 T-20 Laser-Guided Torpedo Tubes]
[140 T-20 Laser-Guided Torpedoes]
U-130 Ultra Stealth Attack Submarine
[16 T-20 Laser-Guided Torpedo Tubes]
[64 T-20 Laser-Guided Torpedoes]
[4 T-24 Laser-Guided Heavy Torpedo Tubes]
[16 T-24 Laser-Guided Heavy Torpedo Tubes]
[Engine - H²O-run. High-propelled water runs the engine. Normal speed of modern attack submarines.]
[Stealth - a rubber-gelatinous compound covers the outside of the submarine, making it 90% invisible on sonar.]
U-120 Bombardment Submarine
[8 UFK-90 GPS-Guided Cruise Missile Tubes]
[16 UFK-90 GPS-Guided Cruise Missiles]
[4 UFK-120 GPS-Guided Heavy Cruise Missile Tubes]
[8 UFK-120 GPS-Guided Heavy Cruise Missile Tubes]
[Same engine and stealth system as the U-120.]
SB-20 Resupply Craft
[Weight load: 20 tons]
SNG-12 Landing Craft
[Capacity: 1,000 soldiers; up to 40 tanks or 50 IFVs or 65 amphibious APCs in addition to the soldiers]
that is howmany ships i have from my new fleet there. check the ww3 weapons thread to see how many i have total.
19-04-2005, 03:40
Begin transmission
To: Greenbery, teh Nijans, Island of Rose, NATO
From: President Mikhail Yerrik
You can not wash out blood with more blood. What has been done is done. Now is the time to move on and forget the nation of Granzi which has neglected its own people and gave way to Anarchy. Through the Duke and with the help of humanitarian aid, The Moroccan people can enjoy a good quality of liberty and freedom. Don't you see that the Duke is only trying to bring a new life to a depressed people. A nation that is currently being run by rouges and war lords due to the absence of government. Sometimes we have to use war to maintain order. The Panthean government will aid any Confederacy member who ask for help
The Mediterranean blockade by Panthean submarines will remain in affect till this situation is resolved. We will not let any ship that has shown hostility to the duke to Morocco or Algeria. Furthermore the 762nd infantry and 23rd infantry division will occupy some of Morocco’s cities in order to shut down any insurgency that may arise against the duke.
I also disagree with the notation of Duke Barol invading Morrcco for "imperialist goals". Both teh Nijians, and Island of Rose of three times as much of territories as the Duke. I see the Duke as fighting the capitalist imperialist, who exploited the working class in order to build a fearful military to scare the rest of world. The imperialist whose coffers are overflowing with the resources they produce over seas. No, the duke is balancing the world out. He is making the world more even, more balanced. “HE IS FIGHTING IMPERIALISM!!” I praise the Duke for standing up against the real imperialist bullies who occupy foreign lands. Like the Duke, we to shall continue to spit in the face of the superpowers through pacifism. But if it comes down to war. Then so be it
With regards…
Mikhail Yerrik
The Socialist Republic of Pantheaa
"Don't fire till fire uponed" came the order from the Panthean Navel headquarters. For now the fleet would remain at a stand off till further events unfold. It was a naval game of cat and mouse. "Were making to much noise! Lower speeds to 9 kts!" shouted the captain of the lead Akula."Maintain the wedge formation and the heading toward the med sea. The sea will belong to us!" barked the Captain.
Duke Barol
20-04-2005, 00:28
ooc:what is going on now? are we fighting or are you leaving in exchange for your material, or what.
IC:The commander of The Dominion Fleet stood at the ready. having recieved news of nuclear detonations in the atlantic, he was a little "twitchy"(ooc:picture little red button...). He was still waiting for a response from the NATO commanders.
ooc:aka bump
The Island of Rose
20-04-2005, 00:30
ooc:i have taken morocco fully, i have a standing army there now as well as beach defense.
(Err... so fast? I would think there is a bit more resistance. I'm sorry but by now you would have occupiers and not a standing army... and a light beach defense.)
Duke Barol
20-04-2005, 12:28
(Err... so fast? I would think there is a bit more resistance. I'm sorry but by now you would have occupiers and not a standing army... and a light beach defense.)
ok, first thing, read the first post with my invasion. that should answer all of your questions.
Teh ninjas
21-04-2005, 03:11
OOC: Sorry I've been busy lately. Pantheaa are you blockading the straights of Gibralatar(sp?)?
To: Pantheaa
From: Admiral Steven Puppo
"The nation of Granzi was competely dedicated to their people's interest. They had one of the most impressive civil rights records that I know of. They have in no way negleceted their people. The nation's government has merely crumpled, but we hope that it will soon emerge on day.
We have no quarrel with Dominion held Algeria, our business is with Morocco and other allied territories. I can say for sure that my own forces wouldn't venture into Algeria unless given a very good reason.
My nation has it's origins in Africa. The Teninjaro Tribe of Senegal and Gambia maintained a a large empire stretching across the African continent. We have taken peaceful means to re-acquire our territories and have not invaded nations because we wish to exploit their resources. Do not make acquistations against our nations if you know nothing about our history or our future goals.(OOC: But I am pro-corporations, so you're basically right. Just keep that on the low down.) You say the Dominion is fightng imperialism by invading another nation which does not belong to him... Tell me this doesn't sound a little strange.
Again as I have stated many times before, we do not wish to occupy or invade Morocco. Our interest is in the former Granzi citizens who are being deprived of their previous rights."
To:The Dominion
From: Admiral Steven Puppo
"So you have read our documents? Very well then that project will have to be terminated and fifty billion dollars have been wasted due to the fact that you have read over our documents.
We also see your fleet positioning towards Morocco. If it enters Moroccan waters it will be fired open"
OOC2:Nothing new to post about my fleet and everything. Aircraft still in skies and submarines are still shadowing Pantheaa's subs.
21-04-2005, 20:13
OOC: yes i am forming a blockade of the Strait and of Moroccan coast
Duke Barol
22-04-2005, 01:48
OOC: Sorry I've been busy lately. Pantheaa are you blockading the straights of Gibralatar(sp?)?
To: Pantheaa
From: Admiral Steven Puppo
"The nation of Granzi was competely dedicated to their people's interest. They had one of the most impressive civil rights records that I know of. They have in no way negleceted their people. The nation's government has merely crumpled, but we hope that it will soon emerge on day.
We have no quarrel with Dominion held Algeria, our business is with Morocco and other allied territories. I can say for sure that my own forces wouldn't venture into Algeria unless given a very good reason.
My nation has it's origins in Africa. The Teninjaro Tribe of Senegal and Gambia maintained a a large empire stretching across the African continent. We have taken peaceful means to re-acquire our territories and have not invaded nations because we wish to exploit their resources. Do not make acquistations against our nations if you know nothing about our history or our future goals.(OOC: But I am pro-corporations, so you're basically right. Just keep that on the low down.) You say the Dominion is fightng imperialism by invading another nation which does not belong to him... Tell me this doesn't sound a little strange.
Again as I have stated many times before, we do not wish to occupy or invade Morocco. Our interest is in the former Granzi citizens who are being deprived of their previous rights."
To:The Dominion
From: Admiral Steven Puppo
"So you have read our documents? Very well then that project will have to be terminated and fifty billion dollars have been wasted due to the fact that you have read over our documents.
We also see your fleet positioning towards Morocco. If it enters Moroccan waters it will be fired open"
OOC2:Nothing new to post about my fleet and everything. Aircraft still in skies and submarines are still shadowing Pantheaa's subs.
ooc:1:what was in those docs? nething? or jsut maby an idea to end the war, if so, i screwed up. 2:also, you are aware that tyrandis is taking this to a new level
i want you to warn him that if he uses radioactive weapons, i will respond in kind. as will my allies. unlike you, his aim is algeria and botswana and the galapagos. also warn him that i have allies in the area of those nations.
i tried to work things out, and that failed. if is war you want, its war you will get.
3:those subs and stuff are realy stealthy, dont pretend you know whre they are if you dont have the tech. the surface ships i understand, sat-uplink. but becarefull of godmodding. ill do an ic later
22-04-2005, 02:08
ooc:1:what was in those docs? nething? or jsut maby an idea to end the war, if so, i screwed up. 2:also, you are aware that tyrandis is taking this to a new level
i want you to warn him that if he uses radioactive weapons, i will respond in kind. as will my allies. unlike you, his aim is algeria and botswana and the galapagos. also warn him that i have allies in the area of those nations.
i tried to work things out, and that failed. if is war you want, its war you will get.
3:those subs and stuff are realy stealthy, dont pretend you know whre they are if you dont have the tech. the surface ships i understand, sat-uplink. but becarefull of godmodding. ill do an ic later
OOC: Just so you know, you are far too young to have any sort of WMD, including radioactive munitions. Also, my attack is essentially a threat... Either you back off from Morocco or I will attack your homeland.
BTW, you can't make submarines "invisible" to SONAR, since people listen for signs of a submarine. Coating a submarine in rubber won't do much to reduce to noise factor.
Teh ninjas
22-04-2005, 02:28
OOC: Duke Barol:As Tyrandis stated submarines aren't completely silent. It is very possible to detect them. As for the documents they were primarily ship designs and new weapons platforms. Tyrandis is a soverign nation and can do what he pleases, but if his home territory is attack then we will respond accordingly.
Pantheaa-I am already at the Moroccan coast, my fleet has been stationed there for awhile now.
At Senegal a new small fleet was being readied for deployment. The fleet primarily consisted of humanitarian workers, construction engineers, food, clothing, and other necesarry items to rebuild a nation. This fleet would be the first of many to make it's way towards the battle sight. Accompaning this fleet was roughly fifteen escort craft, the remaining 43 ships were soley civilian owned, or owned by the TN Red Cross.
Back at Senegal defenses were being readied, flak cannons, anti-aircraft cannons, long range artillery, SAMs and all other sorts of defensive measures were being stationed all around the nation. If ariel or naval combat would hit Senegal it would be ready.
Duke Barol
22-04-2005, 02:39
OOC: Duke Barol:As Tyrandis stated submarines aren't completely silent. It is very possible to detect them. As for the documents they were primarily ship designs and new weapons platforms. Tyrandis is a soverign nation and can do what he pleases, but if his home territory is attack then we will respond accordingly.
Pantheaa-I am already at the Moroccan coast, my fleet has been stationed there for awhile now.
At Senegal a new small fleet was being readied for deployment. The fleet primarily consisted of humanitarian workers, construction engineers, food, clothing, and other necesarry items to rebuild a nation. This fleet would be the first of many to make it's way towards the battle sight. Accompaning this fleet was roughly fifteen escort craft, the remaining 43 ships were soley civilian owned, or owned by the TN Red Cross.
Back at Senegal defenses were being readied, flak cannons, anti-aircraft cannons, long range artillery, SAMs and all other sorts of defensive measures were being stationed all around the nation. If ariel or naval combat would hit Senegal it would be ready.
also, you realize that by doing this, you will kill hte inhabitants of morocco. not save them. exposing anyone to a large amount of radiation will kill them.
Teh ninjas
22-04-2005, 02:40
OOC: From the way I interpetted Tyrandis' statment he is going to be deploying his missiles at your current territories, not Morocco. I'm not sure they classify as WMD anyway, I'm don't know that much about tech.
Duke Barol
22-04-2005, 02:41
OOC: Just so you know, you are far too young to have any sort of WMD, including radioactive munitions. Also, my attack is essentially a threat... Either you back off from Morocco or I will attack your homeland.
BTW, you can't make submarines "invisible" to SONAR, since people listen for signs of a submarine. Coating a submarine in rubber won't do much to reduce to noise factor.
hey guess what, i have them, i made that clear in a thread. i have the subs to transport them as well as the stalites. my subs are pretty stealthy, ask cotland, layarteb, and north germania.
Duke Barol
22-04-2005, 02:43
read it before posting!
Duke Barol
22-04-2005, 02:59
ooc: im just making sure that there is no peacefull way for me to keep this land. i want everyone involved on the nato side to respond to this.
22-04-2005, 03:01
read it before posting!
Fine... Replace the Hf178 bombs with OctaNitroCubane warheads, the strongest conventional explosive in the world.
Teh ninjas
22-04-2005, 03:01
OOC: I speak for myself to say that I will continue on to fight for Granzi's land.
About your previous points Tyrandis is starting a seperate thread. You establish rules for the Moroccan battle and nothing else. IC post to come tomorrow, or saturday.
Duke Barol
22-04-2005, 03:04
OOC: I speak for myself to say that I will continue on to fight for Granzi's land.
About your previous points Tyrandis is starting a seperate thread. You establish rules for the Moroccan battle and nothing else. IC post to come tomorrow, or saturday.
that other thread is still for morocco.
TN:so thats a no from you
TIOR: no responce
GM: no responce
Tyrandis:no response
(i know im missing someone, i just dont know who :confused: )
while im at it, all of my allies in this, tg me with your thoughts on what i should do.
edit:jsyk, in about 5 min, im signign off to play aa:ops. so if you want to say something important tonight, nows the time
22-04-2005, 03:07
that other thread is still for morocco.
TN:so thats a no from you
TIOR: no responce
GM: no responce
Tyrandis:no response
(i know im missing someone, i just dont know who :confused: )
while im at it, all of my allies in this, tg me with your thoughts on what i should do.
Unless you withdraw from Morocco (Leave), I will continue the attack. There is no peaceful way you can keep our dearly departed Granzi's land. My ultimatum remains in place, in one day I begin the destruction of all of your possessions.
Duke Barol
22-04-2005, 03:12
just wondering, what alliances are everyone involved in( besides the obvious rc and nato) i want to know so i dont drag the world nto this.
im going to play aa now. ifyou want to joinme, my name is jbarol, ill either be playing bridge crossing se the standard bridgecrossing. ill be on an honor server. good night yall!
Teh ninjas
22-04-2005, 03:13
edit:jsyk, in about 5 min, im signign off to play aa:ops. so if you want to say something important tonight, nows the time
OOC: Insurgent Camp and Weapons Cache is the only way to go. Also from now on can we keep the OOC chatter from this thread to the OOC thread no one uses?
Duke Barol
22-04-2005, 03:17
OOC: Insurgent Camp and Weapons Cache is the only way to go. Also from now on can we keep the OOC chatter from this thread to the OOC thread no one uses?
ill check them out, ok to hte ooc thing. i second it
22-04-2005, 08:23
OCC: If i can't blockade the coast then i will just stand off with who ever is there
22-04-2005, 09:13
ooc: My position? There's no way I'll let you have it, period. And can we all just stop the ooc chatter?? Stop bickering. You brought this fight on yourself, so you might as well take it like a man.
Teh ninjas
23-04-2005, 15:32
The convoy fleet was now nearing the blockade of the Straits of Gibraltar established by Pantheaa. A total of 21 ships guarded the 43 civlian and medical ships. The three Virginia SSN's assigned to the fleet moved at a silent 10 knots. The submarines were ahead of the fleet in order to detect and relay back information about the enemies ships or submarines in the area. Five Sea King helicopters were on patrol around the fleet in search of any enemy submarine in the area.
At the 1st Grand Fleet the routine patrols and sonar checks were becoming some what dull. Still the admiral had specific orders from the emperor not to engage unless fired upon or directly commanded to. So the admiral just sat and watched his fleet from his high observation post, thinking of the destruction that it could unleash.
Duke Barol
24-04-2005, 16:43