Scandavian States
09-04-2005, 20:43
[I'm posting a poll just on whimsy, it'll have absolutely no effect on the outcome of the elections. For now I'm just going to introduce the parties as they stand.]
Party: Centrists
Domestic Agenda: Gradualism; Opposed to rapid, sweeping change
Fiscal Policy: Tightly controlled spending
Foreign Policy: Believes in analyzing, preparing for, and confronting threats to the Imperium wherever they may be and a cordial relationship with all nations who aren't enemies
Notes: Almost a majority on their own in the Senate House of Lords and House of Commons
Party: Crown Loyalists
Domestic Agenda: Put forward a solid base of support for Her Majesty's policies and seek to remonstrate any differences in private
Fiscal Policy: Anti-deficit spending in the extreme
Foreign Policy: Although not anti-military by any stretch of the imagination, the Crown Loyalists generally advise a more defensive policy than the Centrists
Notes: Their strongest base of support is in the Lords, where they are the second-strongest party. However, the great affection the people have for the Crown gives them the third place ranking in the Commons
Party: Liberals
Domestic Agenda: They believe that "social reform" should be the primary concern of the government and that all other interests should play a very distant second fiddle. They also seek to strengthen the House of Commons relative to the House of Lords and the Crown
Fiscal Policy: Accepts deficit spending as a necessary, if temporary, evil
Foreign Policy: Rather disinterested in anything outside of the Imperium's borders and when any issues do pop up they tend to take the most passive and "diplomatic" tac
Notes: Absolutely no support in the Lords and only second to last in the Commons; Their primary problem is that they're generally viewed as soft and convictionless by the public
Party: Conservative Association
Domestic Agenda: Decries the "steady, liberalizing rot that threatens the Imperium with anarchy", which is to say they don't support any measure that seeks to boost social spending and also seek to place the executive powers in the hands of the House of Lords. On top of that they adamently reject any measure that weakens the power and privelege of the Lords
Fiscal Policy: No real fiscal policy to speak of, although they have been known from time to time to support the Crown Loyalists in this arena
Foreign Policy: Is of the opinion that any "foreign adventures" are disasters waiting to happen and are thus extremely isolationist. However, this makes them even more pro-military than the Centrists, because in their view the Imperium's isolation from the world must be backed up with force when need-be
Notes: Their reactionary and out-of-touch policies tend to be off-putting to the voters, which is why they haven't enjoyed any popular support in the Commons in centuries; Their primary base in the Lords is among minor lordlings who covet what power they have and are jealous of the higher-ranking nobles
Party: Progressives
Domestic Agenda: They support much the same policies as the Liberals
Fiscal Policy: Is in line with the Centrists where defecit spending is concerned, although espouses more social spending than the Centrists
Foreign Policy: Somewhere between the Conservative Association and the Centrists, which is to say they are wary of conflicts and tend to strongly support a diplomacy first strategy, they also don't shy away from wars if avoiding them is improbable
Notes: The journeymen of the Senate, their size alone dictates that attention be paid to them and despite their name they tend to make the Centrist/Crown majority even stronger than it is, although whether this is out of resignation of the inevitable or an effort to advance their agenda from within nobody can figure out. The party's strong sense of noblesse oblige and a tendency to stick to their moral guns earns them a great deal of respect and thus legitimacy in line with the party's size.
Party: Centrists
Domestic Agenda: Gradualism; Opposed to rapid, sweeping change
Fiscal Policy: Tightly controlled spending
Foreign Policy: Believes in analyzing, preparing for, and confronting threats to the Imperium wherever they may be and a cordial relationship with all nations who aren't enemies
Notes: Almost a majority on their own in the Senate House of Lords and House of Commons
Party: Crown Loyalists
Domestic Agenda: Put forward a solid base of support for Her Majesty's policies and seek to remonstrate any differences in private
Fiscal Policy: Anti-deficit spending in the extreme
Foreign Policy: Although not anti-military by any stretch of the imagination, the Crown Loyalists generally advise a more defensive policy than the Centrists
Notes: Their strongest base of support is in the Lords, where they are the second-strongest party. However, the great affection the people have for the Crown gives them the third place ranking in the Commons
Party: Liberals
Domestic Agenda: They believe that "social reform" should be the primary concern of the government and that all other interests should play a very distant second fiddle. They also seek to strengthen the House of Commons relative to the House of Lords and the Crown
Fiscal Policy: Accepts deficit spending as a necessary, if temporary, evil
Foreign Policy: Rather disinterested in anything outside of the Imperium's borders and when any issues do pop up they tend to take the most passive and "diplomatic" tac
Notes: Absolutely no support in the Lords and only second to last in the Commons; Their primary problem is that they're generally viewed as soft and convictionless by the public
Party: Conservative Association
Domestic Agenda: Decries the "steady, liberalizing rot that threatens the Imperium with anarchy", which is to say they don't support any measure that seeks to boost social spending and also seek to place the executive powers in the hands of the House of Lords. On top of that they adamently reject any measure that weakens the power and privelege of the Lords
Fiscal Policy: No real fiscal policy to speak of, although they have been known from time to time to support the Crown Loyalists in this arena
Foreign Policy: Is of the opinion that any "foreign adventures" are disasters waiting to happen and are thus extremely isolationist. However, this makes them even more pro-military than the Centrists, because in their view the Imperium's isolation from the world must be backed up with force when need-be
Notes: Their reactionary and out-of-touch policies tend to be off-putting to the voters, which is why they haven't enjoyed any popular support in the Commons in centuries; Their primary base in the Lords is among minor lordlings who covet what power they have and are jealous of the higher-ranking nobles
Party: Progressives
Domestic Agenda: They support much the same policies as the Liberals
Fiscal Policy: Is in line with the Centrists where defecit spending is concerned, although espouses more social spending than the Centrists
Foreign Policy: Somewhere between the Conservative Association and the Centrists, which is to say they are wary of conflicts and tend to strongly support a diplomacy first strategy, they also don't shy away from wars if avoiding them is improbable
Notes: The journeymen of the Senate, their size alone dictates that attention be paid to them and despite their name they tend to make the Centrist/Crown majority even stronger than it is, although whether this is out of resignation of the inevitable or an effort to advance their agenda from within nobody can figure out. The party's strong sense of noblesse oblige and a tendency to stick to their moral guns earns them a great deal of respect and thus legitimacy in line with the party's size.