NationStates Jolt Archive

State of the Union - Applies to everyone

09-04-2005, 19:51
The Republic of Bellanian: District of Kingse:
April 9th 2005 - Department of Transportation

The Republic of Bellanian has just built a Multi-Billion dollar International Airport featuring 4 International Airline compaines and over 66 available spots open for anyone who has an airline company wanting to make business with Bellanian International. Right now We offer 4 World wide Airlines Celebration, Columbian, Bellanian and Allied Confederate which have 50 serving flights each, 20 of which are international.

We also offer an Airline Building service. More to come with that. Please let our airport know if your interested in doing business

Travis Romes
Secertary of Transportation
Republic of Bellanian
09-04-2005, 20:25
Message from Public Travel Commission

We are interested in bringing 2 major airline companies that currently occupy Tetchuan. The federal airline- Tetchuan National Air, and the public airline- Tigerbound Air wish to begin talks in brining their business. We wait your reply.
09-04-2005, 20:28
The Republic of Esscose National Airline


We Would like To Apply for a Place in you New airport.

Looking to Set up 2 Daily Flights From Esscose to Your Nation.

The Type of aircraft that we will be usein will be an Boeing 747.

Jim Barr
Route Manager
The Republic of Esscose
09-04-2005, 20:39
After hearing the opening of airlines and the Krob nation always looking to expand horizans.
The Union of Kroblexskij would like to open the State airline
and the Governmental private jets to Bellanian, from Myoxka Internationale.

from the seat of
President Vskayskij
09-04-2005, 20:50
Memorandum from Phreyan Secretary of Transportation

Upon receiving news of this "super-port", as the locals here say, our Department of Transportation would like apply for a port in your International Airport.

Besides setting up a port for Phreya Global Airlines, we would also like to offer our services with helping maintain your airport, i.e. finances, security, and technological informations to help raise the Bellanian Airport into self-eminent success.

We await your response.
Best regards,
Kira D'Luccia
Phreyan Secretary of Transportation
09-04-2005, 20:53
OOC: Bahumbug...I thought this was gonna be a "state of the union" address
09-04-2005, 21:20
From: Caboose, Grand General of Flandrithropia
Gustove, Jeremy Department of Mass Transportation

We of Flandrithropia would be honored to have international flights with your own Airport. We would also like to extend such an olive branch as to help finance this airport. Please send us some more information on this subject. Send us a Telegram or such

Jeremy Gustove
Deparment of Mass Transportation