Farmina holds Talks (Invites required, please apply)
OOC: If anyone wants to join other than LR, Mondoth and Wolfish; please post a request. I’ll respond then your delegate can enter with no time delay. The only arrival anyone needs to RP is walking through the door.
IC: Thomas Goth, Chancellor for Foreign Affairs, walked back and forward along the glamorous marble conference hall. He had issued invitations to delegates from Liberal Robenia, Wolfish and Mondoth to bring an end to the Mondoth front of the war. Random Kingdom was still refusing to talk, but it wasn’t considered a primary concern to Farmina.
Guards were positioned outside, knowing who was to enter and who was not. Goth’s earpiece connected him to a series of legal and diplomatic experts on the other side of the room.
On the oak table lay a document reading:
“Documentation and Declaration of Ceasefire
Upon signing this document all nations will end hostilities and blockades for the period of one month from <date> to discuss a long term peace treaty between the signatories.”
Already Thomas Goth had signed the document in the name of the Elected Councils and the Emperor, and had complete faith that the other dignitaries would to, since they were observing it informally.
The Chancellor stopped his pacing as he heard a movement outside. He then sat down and poured himself a glass of water. Now it was time to learn what the foreigners were made of.
The Resi Corporation
06-04-2005, 19:31
((OOC: [tag]
I'll try and send a delegate sometime soon. I'm currently trying to figure out why I would ICly, though.))
OOC: "A request" - anyway, since I like to trade, and I like to know how things are shaping up elsewhere, I'd like to come to the conference. Cool?
Christopher Thompson
07-04-2005, 03:53
The Holy Empire wishes to send the delegate Shelby Sievers. This is also my application for the rp and you can see my first post in it at the other thread. Sorry, I didn't become aware of the necessity to do this until after I had posted, and we'll just have that post go into effect after this is over with, if that's okay with you, and if you let me rp in this. :D
No is okay, but I'd really like this rp, I think.
btw: We're modern/post modern here, right?
Liberal Robenia
07-04-2005, 04:45
The Liberal Robenian Chancellor, Hitro Lerbert, walked in with his associate, Norman Kardell, and sat down quietly and put the headphones on. They waited patiently for the others to arrive.
Neo Earth
07-04-2005, 04:50
We would like to attend. Our reasons are to see if Farminia's vow is just as true as they say it is.
The Resi Corporation delegate will be accepted due to it being attacked during the conflict by Mondoth.
We feel that all other requests are inappropiate considering the sensitivity of the matter.
Chancellory of Foriegn Affairs
Thomas Goth looked over at the new arrivals, "Could you please sign the ceasefire, while we wait for Mondoth?"
He then put out his hand and said, "Welcome by the way, my name is Thomas Goth, I'm sure your aware of me."
07-04-2005, 12:27
" Former Highleader of Zackarothv can send himself over as a mediator if you wish. A netural third party from a country not involved in this matter."
Liberal Robenia
07-04-2005, 12:43
The Resi Corporation delegate will be accepted due to it being attacked during the conflict by Mondoth.
We feel that all other requests are inappropiate considering the sensitivity of the matter.
Chancellory of Foriegn Affairs
Thomas Goth looked over at the new arrivals, "Could you please sign the ceasefire, while we wait for Mondoth?"
He then put out his hand and said, "Welcome by the way, my name is Thomas Goth, I'm sure your aware of me."
"Ah yes, Thomas Goth, good day. My name is Hitro Lerbert, I'm positive you've heard of me," Hitro took his hand and embraced him in a business like fashion. He turned to look at his associate, "Norman, could you look at these papers? Thanks." Norman quietly took the ceasefire papers to read over them. Norman whispered to him and Hitro signed and dated them, "Here you are".
Zackaroth’s request to play neutral mediator is declined. The issues will be resolved by the parties in question until further advised.
Chancellery of Foreign Affairs
“Yes Mr Lerbert I read what little we knew about you be you arrived,” said Goth, withdrawing his hand.
He then grabbed the ceasefire and checked the signature.
“Very good,” said Goth, placing the document back on the table, “The representative of Mondoth is expected very soon, but there may have been a mistake in the arrangements.”
“In the meanwhile, would you like a glass of water? Something to eat perhaps?”
The Emissary from Wolfish stood tall and proud - his gray woolen cloak wrapped loosely over her shoulders…
“Honoured Friends,” she said with a broad smile, “The position of Wolfish in this matter is clear…our shipping was threatened by Mondoth – in violation of several international laws and treaties…the civilian convoy lacked the means of defending itself from this threat – and so Wolfish Defense Command took the only reasonable action to safeguard our fleets.”
She walked to the sideboard and poured a glass of water before continuing, “We attack as a direct result of the Mondothian threat and aggressive moves…Our response to those actions were justified and proportional.”
She move gracefully around the table before retaking her position behind her chair, “The endgame of this matter is equally clear. Mondoth with withdraw from the waters around Farmina, and will refrain from any further threats to Wolfish assets. In exchange, Wolfish will stop bombing Mondoth.”
She smiled and made eye contact with each delegate – her head sweeping through the room with precision – before retaking her seat at the conference table.
Christopher Thompson
07-04-2005, 17:58
So um.......Am I in? Just curious. :confused:
I'll post my entrance as soon as you say if I'm in or not...
ooc: may I join since I am far more on your enemy’s side so I could work as a temporary representative and I am already going to be attacked by merchant guilds so why not work on a peace treaty before it swallows up my allies and colony’s too
07-04-2005, 18:52
Celtayoshi Foreign Affairs Department
Celtayoshi, as a principle objector to Farmina's actions, requests and invitation to this peace talk. However, we require that Farmina declare a ceasefire with Random Kingdom also.
Velkya, seeing as it intiated light military action upon Famina, would llike to join the talks.
Susan DelMarr wlaked into the conference chamber, and aged woman of African descent, trailed by her much younger caucasian aide James brooke who appears to have the ability to snap steal beams with his bare hands (OOC: hopefully not a skill he will need). she sits down at the table lithely and apologizes for being late.
" The wolfish attack caused a delay in departure, we had to wait for a sweep to make sure there were no lurking fighters.
So, Mondoth will agree to a cease fire for the duration of the conference and will not attack or prosecute any nations wishing to trade with Farmina."
All requests to join the negotiations, with the exception of Velka's have been rejected. This includes that of Christopher Thompson.
Chancellery of Foriegn Affairs
Thomas Goth picked up the ceasefire and passed it to the representative from Wolfish, "Well please sign this then pass it to the the delegate from Mondoth so we can get these formalities out of the way."
He handed the document towards the Wolfish emmisary.
Christopher Thompson
08-04-2005, 15:33
Well, then, I guess I retract the post I made in the other forum entirely. Shame too,that looked to be promising. Oh well.
Liberal Robenia
10-04-2005, 18:09
OOC: Mondoth, can you reply so we can get this going? hmmm? thanks
ohh, and Wolfish
The Scandinvans
10-04-2005, 18:34
Good luck on the peace talks and I hope the war between you and RK ends soon.
OOC: Mondoth, can you reply so we can get this going? hmmm? thanks
ohh, and Wolfish
I did reply, lets get this going
Liberal Robenia
10-04-2005, 19:00
I did reply, lets get this going
Yes, i see, sorry.. Wolfish just needs to reply..
Yes, i see, sorry.. Wolfish just needs to reply..
ooc: Sorry - not on much on weekends.
The Emissary looked at the piece of paper in front of her. She picked up her pen..."For what its worth..." and signed.
"Yes lets get on with this," said Chancellor Goth, "Farmina's demands are simple. A recognition of our soveriegnty, a recognition of our great cause, acceptance of our methods, finance and trade, moves to secure our nation's safety and freedom for the future. The detail is more complex."
"Yes lets get on with this," said Chancellor Goth, "Farmina's demands are simple. A recognition of our soveriegnty, a recognition of our great cause, acceptance of our methods, finance and trade, moves to secure our nation's safety and freedom for the future. The detail is more complex."
The Emissary smiled slightly and looked to the Mondothian delegation.
"Seems straightforward enough."
'Yes, well. Mondoth definstely acknowledge your sovereignty, heck, we may even trade with you again. We do request a clarification of your cause and methods. For our part we request reparations from the nation of Wolfish for the attack against our port at Camden. our initial request in this regard is 5 billion for the lost FICV 1 test bed vessel, 8 billion for the losses and damages of regular fleet vessels and 200 million for personel deaths and injuries.
'For our part we request reparations from the nation of Wolfish for the attack against our port at Camden. our initial request in this regard is 5 billion for the lost FICV 1 test bed vessel, 8 billion for the losses and damages of regular fleet vessels and 200 million for personel deaths and injuries.
"Or," said the Emissary with absolute deadpan, "You can merely wipe the slate clean...and be glad that this matter is resolved here at this table."
The Resi Corporation
11-04-2005, 23:12
Just entering the room moments ago, the Resi delegation had arrived late. Rushing into the room with two unarmed bodyguards was Chester MacDuff, an ex-detective/negotiator with the Resi City Police Department serving out his retirement traveling to exotic lands to talk with people. While Farmina wasn't his idea of an exotic land, the Resi Corporation needed him there. His superiors wouldn't tell him why, and in fact he had the sneaking suspicion that they COULDN'T tell him why. They did, however, tell him what his goals for the day were.
"Keep the peace, MacDuff," his superior told him, "We have interests in both Farmina and Mondoth, and we want neither of them bombed."
MacDuff figured there'd be a room full of peacemen at a conference like this, and didn't see the necessity of his being there, but the Wolfish dignitary's comments as he walked in put the situation in a whole new light for him. Maybe, he thought, maybe I'm needed here after all.
"Chester MacDuff, the Resi Corporation!" he spoke up, heading for the table where the other delegates had already met, "I recognise the Emissary from Wolfish, and pose him a question. Many of the allies of Wolfish will withdraw from this war because many of the allies of Wolfish WANT to drop out of this war, regardless of what anyone else thinks. Would the nation of Wolfish really be willing to level Mondoth and provide for the subsequent reconstruction alone? It could cripple Wolfish's economy, as well as place them in an unfortunate standing with the Resi Corporation due to our holdings in the proud nation of Mondoth."
Would the nation of Wolfish really be willing to level Mondoth and provide for the subsequent reconstruction alone? It could cripple Wolfish's economy, as well as place them in an unfortunate standing with the Resi Corporation due to our holdings in the proud nation of Mondoth."
The Emissary was briefly caught off guard by the odd-little man bursting into the room, and then directly addressing her...but it barely showed on her face before she returned her own question..."Would our friend from the Resi Corporation not agree that the impeding of trade deserves a quick and proportional response?"
The Resi Corporation
12-04-2005, 06:06
The Emissary was briefly caught off guard by the odd-little man bursting into the room, and then directly addressing her...but it barely showed on her face before she returned her own question..."Would our friend from the Resi Corporation not agree that the impeding of trade deserves a quick and proportional response?"
MacDuff took his seat, then looked over at the delegation of Mondoth.
"Are you planning on restoring free trade to its former state in Farmina?"
Umbrella Corp Inc
12-04-2005, 06:09
The Corporation would like to send someone to attend.
Could the Umbrella Corporation clearly state its intentions and position in the negotiations so we can decide whether it has a role in these negotiations?
Chancellery of Foreign Affairs
Chancellor Goth looked over at the delegate from Mondoth, “By all relative measure you are the only nation still in the war against us. And you dare make demands? Let me tell you that is we who shall be making any demands, not you.”
The Chancellor then took a brief sip of water, before continuing, “Our cause is to free the people of this world from subtle tyrannies, to bring about both freedom and God. Our methods are force, trade and diplomacy. With the exception of the one case where we tried to use fear, fear that lead to this war.”
Umbrella Corp Inc
12-04-2005, 09:24
Sorry, perhaps we should have been more clear on that. The Umbrella Corporation wishes to attend to meeting because we would like to discuss long-term trade and perhaps even branches in the waring nations. Umbrella believes that any sword a nation might pick up against yours can be turned aside by money, and that, we have plenty of.
Liberal Robenia
12-04-2005, 12:41
Hitro looked around before talking, he was aging and becomming hard of hearing. He spoke softly in a calm tone yet loud enough for people to hear.
"It is my impression the nation of Mondoth and Farmina alike have obviously caused more war than Liberal Robenia has seen in a long time.. And I would know."
Hitro paused.
"I must ask the representatives to not be upset and to discuss how to resolve to peace and not to create disputes to cause more war which we have already seen too much of."
Hitro paused again
"Emporer Justinian has obviously carried out actions which can not be described by words. Mondoth attacked the country without notification or any plan for peace and rushed to war, my country has too. We must not demand from either side as we all have caused faults. We must not point fingers."
Hitro caughed and paused.
"I propose a statement from every country involed to release a statement of apology for their actions, withdraw from all countries, allow trade, sign alliances. Forgive and Forget, a statement which you should know, especially if you are a Christian nation."
Hitro paused and listened for replies
Chancellor Goth turned to the Liberal Robenian delegate. "How dare you speak of Justinian like that, he is but a boy, and yet the greatest ruler we have ever known." And he said it with most reasoned calm.
The Emissary rolled her eyes with this talk of "god" and "forgiving"..."Please, honoured delegates...if we can get back to the matter at hand without descending into discussions that have no stake here...Wolfish is willing to end all attacks against Mondoth...we simply need their insurance that they will withdraw from the blockade of international and nationalized trade route.
If that is perhaps too much to hope for in this meeting, I'm prepared to call General Blackstone at Wolfish Defense Command, and tell him this is useless...I'm sure by the time the delegation from Mondoth gets home the fire storms will have subsided."
Our ships have ceased their actions and are even now on their way to new duty stations, or back to the Mondothian mainland, this is no longer an issue.
As for the delegate from Wolfish's 'coments' we would remind Wolfish that Mondoth does possess nuclear weapons and an adequate number of suficiently powerful allies, A war of that sort would be unprofitable to both of us and many others besides. We are willing to negotiate on the amount and form of reparations but my government, and the people that support that government have instructed me not to come back with out the promise of a suitable return for the loss of our people and our property.
Our ships have ceased their actions and are even now on their way to new duty stations, or back to the Mondothian mainland, this is no longer an issue.
As for the delegate from Wolfish's 'coments' we would remind Wolfish that Mondoth does possess nuclear weapons and an adequate number of suficiently powerful allies, A war of that sort would be unprofitable to both of us and many others besides. We are willing to negotiate on the amount and form of reparations but my government, and the people that support that government have instructed me not to come back with out the promise of a suitable return for the loss of our people and our property.
"I'm surprised that the delegate from Mondoth is so quick to throw around threats...after all, that is what got you into this conflict in the first place," replied the Emissary, her steely gaze locked on the delegates. "Wolfish is unwilling to consider paying you for threatening us."
The Resi Corporation
13-04-2005, 01:43
"May we remind the delegation from Mondoth that it was they that started military action in this conflict," MacDuff said politely, "While the nation of Farmina may have taken actions that went against Mondoth's sensabilities, the nation of Farmina is soverign and those its government did away with were its own citizens. Therefore Mondoth was the agressor in this conflict, and is in no situation to play the victim here. As we see it, you attacked Farmina and didn't expect such a sizable resistance as you encountered, and here we are trying to make sure the sizable attack and the sizable resistance don't blast each other to smithereens. For the attackers to ask for money from the defenders is more along the lines of extortion than reparations."
Sorry, perhaps we should have been more clear on that. The Umbrella Corporation wishes to attend to meeting because we would like to discuss long-term trade and perhaps even branches in the waring nations. Umbrella believes that any sword a nation might pick up against yours can be turned aside by money, and that, we have plenty of.
If trade is your sole interest, please fill out forms C3 and D17. This will open complete free trade between our nations.
Andre Cirtus
Chancellor for Trade
Chancellor Goth looked over at the representative from Mondoth, "You want to talk about reperations, fine. You shall pay for all damage to Dumpsterdamian and Farminan naval equipment. If we so wish, we can make you pay. I suggest you change the subject, now."
Liberal Robenia
13-04-2005, 05:00
"As the representative from Farmina stated, reperations are foolish; peace talks should not be demanding. If you cannot return to your country, so be it. I propose an extention of the treay the representative from Farmina displayed."
We would remind the esteemed counsels resent that Wolfish first threatend us, and that while we have damaged neither Farminan nor Dumpsterdamian naval units that were not actively engaged in operations perceived to be hostile to Mondothian forces to my knowledge. The people killed by wolfish were building and repairing ships that would probably not have been able to see service in any war with Wolfish even if that nation had not decided to destroy them. *James bends over slightly and whispers into Susan's ear*
Infact, if my aid is correct, no Dumpsterdam forces were directly harmed by any act of Mondoth, and the only damage caused by Mondoth to Farminan forces was minimal.
As to your other comments We would be glad to return to the issues of peace, Th mondoth government has already withdrawn all agressive forces from the area and had agreed to recognize Farminan sovereignty and reopen trade pending anexamination of the laws and procedures in place to prevent further unmerited slaughter of living thinking human beings by the Farminan government whether under their control or otherwise
Umbrella Corp Inc
13-04-2005, 20:37
If trade is your sole interest, please fill out forms C3 and D17. This will open complete free trade between our nations.
Andre Cirtus
Chancellor for Trade
OOC: Not a nation.
We would remind the esteemed counsels resent that Wolfish first threatend us, and that while we have damaged neither Farminan nor Dumpsterdamian naval units that were not actively engaged in operations perceived to be hostile to Mondothian forces to my knowledge. The people killed by wolfish were building and repairing ships that would probably not have been able to see service in any war with Wolfish even if that nation had not decided to destroy them. *James bends over slightly and whispers into Susan's ear*
Infact, if my aid is correct, no Dumpsterdam forces were directly harmed by any act of Mondoth, and the only damage caused by Mondoth to Farminan forces was minimal.
As to your other comments We would be glad to return to the issues of peace, Th mondoth government has already withdrawn all agressive forces from the area and had agreed to recognize Farminan sovereignty and reopen trade pending anexamination of the laws and procedures in place to prevent further unmerited slaughter of living thinking human beings by the Farminan government whether under their control or otherwise
The Emissary sighed, “As we’ve already stated – and shown though evidence – Mondoth threatened Wolfish shipping – and then, in place of empty threats – we bombed a Mondothian port….so to be clear – you threatened, we acted.
“However, that seems to be neither here nor there now. The statements by Mondoth, and independent confirmation shows that Mondoth is no threat to international trade – and so, Wolfish now considers this matter closed.”
She stood and wrapped her cloak over her shoulders.
“If there are no objections – I will leave you to further discussion. There is no further need for Wolfish at this summit.”
we did no such thing as to threaten Wolfish shipping, we simply warned the concerned parties that our submarines were in the area with preexisting orders to stop shipping to Farmina and that technical difficulties were preventing our communication with those submarines. We did offer a safer alternative via our established safe travel route pending negotiations. If that was construed as a threat we are sorry but it was not meant to be such.
The Resi Corporation
13-04-2005, 23:50
"Regardless of who fired on who first," MacDuff let out in an exasperated sigh, "Mondoth was the first of many nations to declare war on Farmina. It was the will of the nation of Mondoth that they participate in this war, and it doesn't even matter if the Mondoth government declared war and then was attacked before it had a chance to launch an attack of its own. That's how life works, if you display your intentions there's always the chance that someone will pre-empt your taking action on those intentions with some actions of their own. If Mondoth was attacked before it had the chance to strike, it doesn't change the fact that Mondoth invited those attacks with a declaration of war. Again, I must state that Mondoth and its esteemed representative are in no position to be demanding 'reparations'."
The Emissary was growing tired of the circular debate around the table.
"Here is the final offer from Wolfish on this matter. Mondoth - go home. You will not receive one penny from Wolfish, unless it's taped to the side of the next Pavemaker that hits another habour. Am I clear?"
She watched the delegate to gage the reaction...
"If you'd like to proceed further with this matter you will have to look beyond mere discussion - though, I'd humbly suggest that your nation is no up to the task of forcing anything upon Wolfish."
Susan remained calm, demurely she gazed across the table at the other delegates and said levelly
If that is the position of the Wolfish government then we will place the issue on hold for now. we do protest the Resi COrporation's delegate labelling us as the first to declare war as that nation was in fact Random Kingdom. If we can proceed Mondoth wishes to know specific details on the legislations, laws and programs that Farmina will and has put in place to prevent more unmerited slaughter of its citizens.
The Resi Corporation
14-04-2005, 08:27
"My deepest appologies!" MacDuff appologised profusely, "I believe there was an error in my documentation, please forgive my accusations."
"These are the amendments to the constitution inquired to by the delegate from Mondoth," said Goth, "And to call socialists thinking is a bit over the top. If they could think, they wouldn't believe in Socialism."
i) No two persons shall be executed at the same time and place
ii) No person shall be subject to cruel and unusual punishment, with the exception of long term detainment (OOC: Farminans consider long term imprisonment cruel. We tend to execute people, that way God decides)
iii) The government will only execute human beings by means of firing squad or hanging
iv) No judicial decision shall leave room for executive decision
v) No council shall be used for judicial rulings, with the exception of the Council of Law
vi) Capital punishment shall only be considered in cases of rape, murder and treason
we disagree with the Farminan counselors implications about socialists but otherwise the constitutional amendments seem in order. We are however worried that if the Farminan government does not view socialists as thinking beings then in that particular case they may not find these laws applicable to them, what guarntees are there that this will not be the case and thatin fact, these laws will apply to every human being in Farmina?
The Resi Corporation
15-04-2005, 06:05
MacDuff scribbled furiously on a piece of paper, and passed it secretly under the table to the Farmina delegate. When the delegate read it over, MacDuff snapped it back, crumpled it, and shoved it in his pocket. The note read as follows:
"Give him your word of honor that you'll treat all humans equally, then classify socalists as subhuman and do what you will with them in private from now on. If you use this technicality, I can guarantee you'll win the bet we have riding on this war."
"It was an aside remark, not government policy," said the Chancellor, "Socialism just strikes me as pure foolishness, but I can assure you no harm shall come to the left.
"Now perhaps we should move onto the details of the treaty if everyone is in agreement on the principles."
Liberal Robenia
15-04-2005, 21:29
"Actually," said Hitro, "if Socialist Farminans feel they are being treated badly, I would like to know they have the right to they?"
"Only if they can prove they have been badly treated," said the Chancellor, "But I don't see lines of Socialists at embassies trying to seek safe passage, do you?"
Liberal Robenia
16-04-2005, 02:01
Hitro spoke quietly, "I wonder why".
"Because we only mistreat criminals, although considering their crimes it is better thought of as punishment. Keeping people in prisons is so inhumane," said Chancellor Goth, "Farmina has frequently opened up to human rights inspectors, and there has only been one glitch found in recent years, and that is the one that brings us here, so I guess you watch your insinuations."
Liberal Robenia
16-04-2005, 04:07
"I bet people would rather live in a dark prison then die a painful death. Explain to me how they are criminals. Did they conspire to overthrow the government? No, they were innocent! I want to make sure, like Mondoth, that this never happens again."
"I bet people would rather live in a dark prison then die a painful death. Explain to me how they are criminals. Did they conspire to overthrow the government? No, they were innocent! I want to make sure, like Mondoth, that this never happens again."
Goth looked quite fed up with the whining Robenian delegate, "They were found guilty, and by fair trial. A lot more were tried, the rest were found innocent. Treason, murder, rape, theft. These were not nice people, and they paid the price. Most of the deaths weren't painful, only severe class one and two crimes. We have even amended the constitution to appease the international community."
"I bet people would rather live in a dark prison then die a painful death. Explain to me how they are criminals. Did they conspire to overthrow the government? No, they were innocent! I want to make sure, like Mondoth, that this never happens again."
The Emissary was quite bored with this "negotiation"...
"Gentlemen... why don't we simply put our cards on the table and end this game...Liberal Robenia and Mondoth are simply talking out of their asses. They cannot back up these veiled threats - and demands - towards Farmina...and, quite frankly everyone on this side of the table is quite willing to accept that Farmina acted within their rights as a free nation to kill whomever they like.
"So, with that I'll leave. But know this...Farmina has our pledge to come to its aid should one of you decide to declare war or blockade or...well, simply piss the Farmina nation off. We will honour this cease-fire, but do not confuse it for a peace treaty."
With that she turned - her aides scurrying to keep up as she left the room.
Tha attitude is exactly why we're meating here, simply put it is Not within a nations rights to heedlessly kill whomsoever they please however they want to, there are basic human rights that must be observed and frankly everyone on Farmina's side of the table appears very indifferent to these rights. and that worries me. further more it worries Mondoth and its allies. We might not have the muscle to carry out whatever veiled threats Wolfish has perceived but our allied powers are most capable of carrying out any 'threats' Wolfish can find in our statements.
"You already accepted our constitutional amendments," said Chancellor Goth, "We've been over this. We didn't kill anyone we wanted, we killed criminals, as was required by the law at the time. The law is different now, and we have to work within new constraints. Now I suggest we get down to business, before the Emperor decides talking with you is a waste of time."
Liberal Robenia
16-04-2005, 20:47
"What if I am to say I support socialism to your evil form of government? Would you say I am a criminal? We are not here because of everyday felons, we are here to discuss the beliefs of everyday people. These people were murdered. I request all of those responsible be punished!"
"No," said Chancellor Goth, "In fact the socialists are the third most powerful block in the councils. There is no law against socialism. What there are laws against is murder, theft, rape, treason, theft and attempt to enslave."
The Resi Corporation
17-04-2005, 00:49
"What if I am to say I support socialism to your evil form of government? Would you say I am a criminal? We are not here because of everyday felons, we are here to discuss the beliefs of everyday people. These people were murdered. I request all of those responsible be punished!"
"Besides the fact that you have diplomatic immunity," MacDuff said, "You're a citizen of your nation. Robenia would most likely move to have you extradited back to their soil, and I'm sure Farmina would comply. That said, the people Farmina executed were not only criminals but they were their people. It's not like they started executing non-natives or anything. The wars that Lady Sirithil and her nation of Menelmacar have wadged in the past were justified because she was defending her people, who were being persecuted for what they were in foreign lands. Farmina's people are Farmina's business. We firmly believe it is not your business to act as world police, and your persistance in doing so will make us resort to a position like the one Wolfish has taken.
"Trust us, you do not want us as an enemy, and we do not want you as an enemy. We will, however, defend others with violence if we feel the need to. Please don't make us resort to that need."
Liberal Robenia
17-04-2005, 03:07
"If it is Farmina's business to execute, it is our business to help. If Farmina feels threatened by socialists, i request they send them to Liberal Robenia."
"I can assure you that our nation does not feel threatened by luddites, err, I mean socialists," said Chancellor Goth, "Niether do most of them fear us. Ask the Socialist Block, the third largest block in Farmina. We have given the socialists every chance to flee, but they do not. They go about their business happily, if a little noisely. Now can we please get on with this."
I have not seen the evidence against many of those murdered by your government. there are cases that I accept but many of the people killed were children, does your government condone the killing of children as though the were adults? what crimes did they commit? what crimes did the families of those slughtered by your government commit? You hide behind manufactured righteousness, claimign that the victims were convicted criminals, but evidence is easily manufactured in countries like Farmina and not all that were killed even had that poor excuse. What guarantees you have given are acceptable to us, but they are not enough by far.
Chancellor Goth turned a bright red colour. The delegate from Mondoth had pushed him too far, "How dare you? You accuse us of manufacturing evidence, that our judicial system is corrupt. That sir, is an extremely offensive claim. Just because your nation run fowards trying to kill things without checking facts, without finding another way, do not apply your own twisted thoughts to us."
"As for the children, their genetics decreed 95% chance of becoming criminal, beyond the international level of reasonable doubt. However the constitutional amendments say that a crime must be committed."
I did not accuse your nation of anything, I simply stated a possibility, perhaps though it struck a little close to home? As for your implications that genetics is responsible for the killing of the children, I am told that our geneticists have ruled out genetics as a vector for criminality, it is the belief in our scientific comunity, as well as that of the other nations we exchange scientifically with, that thecause of criminality lies in the upbringing and in adverse circumstances. In any case, can your 'genetics' tell what kind of crime they will commit? what kind of crimes merit capitol punishment in Farmina?
"Your understanding of science is wrong. Genetics is a statistically significant factor in criminality. It is, should I say was impossible to pinpoint the exact crime, just that a person had a genetic streak of what would one call it, evil I suppose. Rape, murder and the like, not petty thuggery, I agree that does come from conditions."
"Capital punishment is reserved for rapists, murderers and traitors, the amendments to the constitution prove this."
I repeat, it is held by the geneticists of Mondoth and our allies that genetics plays an insigifigant role in criminality, even major crimes. and that even a supposed predisposition to criminality can be cured through medication and psychological aid.
Liberal Robenia
19-04-2005, 04:57
I agree, innocent until proven guilt. If they haven't committed the crime, how do you know it happened? A crime requires a time, a place, and a reason. Children do not have any of these.
Chancellor Goth rolled his eyes, "We have been over this. This is no longer practiced in Farmina, so your debates of law and morality can wait for another time, it is of no concern to me. Now can we please get on with making a treaty."
The changes I've seen do not appear to referencethe killing of children in any way. You say that changes have been made but the only changes I see evidense of has to do with mass and cruel killings
OOC: I realised that it didn't specifically cover children just this morning.
IC: "The constitution does now state that an execution requires a crime, not the certainty of a future crime," said Goth, "So no harm shall come to more children."
Well, The Government of Mondoth is pleased that these actions have been taken, WHat is next on the agenda?
"Forming a treaty," said Goth, "The whole point of the exercise. This is what I feel is fair."
Treaty of Verica
On the following conditions all signatories will be at peace:
a) Each signatory will recognise the soverignty of all the rest,
b) Each signatory will participate in free and fair trade with all the rest,
c) Mondoth will pay Farmina $1000US, as a sign of support for the consitutional amendments,
d) Mondoth will recognise Farmina's constitutional amendments as a step foward,
e) Mondoth will recognise those executed in Farmina as criminals, but also recognises that no such event shall occur again,
f) Farmina gives its assurance no such event shall happen again.
Mondoth finds the treaty acceptable and will sign and agree to be held by it.
Liberal Robenia
26-04-2005, 02:35
Liberal Robenia adheres to the treaty
The Resi Corporation
26-04-2005, 02:47
Mondoth finds the treaty acceptable and will sign and agree to be held by it.
MacDuff whispered into a tiny microphone in his coat.
"The whale has impacted the ground. I repeat, the whale has impacted the ground."
"And signed," said Chancellor Goth putting his pen on the paper.
"It shall be passed by the councils and the Emperor within the hour. Good doing business with you all, but may I insist that certain nations try diplomatic channels before blowing anything up in future."
After a short chat, a warden raced into the room.
"From the Emperor, Chancellor," said the Warden, before racing out.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the Emperor and the Elected Councils have passed the treaty. I have signed copies, for each nation to ratify. Here are your copies ratified by Farmina. Sign it here or pass it to your leaders, whatever formal ratification takes. Farmina will require a copy ratified by both Farmina and Mondoth placed in the vault. Now let this never happen again."
Treaty of Verica
On the following conditions all signatories will be at peace:
a) Each signatory will recognise the soverignty of all the rest,
b) Each signatory will participate in free and fair trade with all the rest,
c) Mondoth will pay Farmina $1,000,000US, as a sign of support for the consitutional amendments,
d) Mondoth takes full fault for the war, and the needless death and destruction caused by the war,
e) Mondoth will recognise Farmina's constitutional amendments as a step foward,
f) Mondoth will recognise those executed in Farmina as criminals, but also recognises that no such event shall occur again.
Tobias Grey