NationStates Jolt Archive

(earthII)Togo and Gunea Bisseu annexed to Zeeeland

06-04-2005, 00:36
paratroops have been airlifted from the zeeeland colony of niger to the troubled regions of togo and gineu bisseu which is in a state of perpetual anarchy at the moment thanks to the collapse of the empire that ran it before. general oleg blashkov has stated a contigent of 1000 colonial marines arrived on togo dropped off by the HMS rustbucket and HMS Leningrad troop carriers with another 1000 deployed to gunea bisseeu.
06-04-2005, 00:41
Early morning_ 0500 hours. Two Marine divisions supported by the airforce and light artillery marched into Togos capital with no resistance as the remnants of Binthors colonial guards have long gone and the ensuing civil war wiped out any main threat. colonel malov commander of the Zeeeland expeditionary force in togo claims that after the first week togo and gunea bisseu will be in zeeeland hands.......
06-04-2005, 00:46
:mp5: colonial guards walk through the shattered streets of gunee bisseus capital. ornate colonial buildings layed to waste by artillery fire and looting and destruction in the anarchy.... the people around the capital looked apprehensive as another military force rolls through the city.......
06-04-2005, 00:51
The Zeeeland colonial governemnt in Sao Tome lauched a radio broadcast via military relaying equipment to Togo and Gunea bisseu in both countries respective languages.... people of Togo and gunea bisseu you are free from the chains of oppression and anarchy unite with the Motherland!!!! was the main jist of the message. what the people of theses two countries have to say about this remains to be heard.
06-04-2005, 03:53
Its been a little over a week before the people of these two countries responded to the message launched by the zeeeland government. "To the people of zeeland" said the assumed representative of togo and gunee bisseau micheal djobo (of togoese decent) "our peoples of this shattared land welcome your invitation to become part of your country" "Were not saying this because you have a detachment of marines on our front doorsteps djobo jokingly said" but rather our common empathy towards each other as african brothers (he was referring to african zeeeland, also known as the niger). The news reached Troubled Tsar sputnik (political situation, refer to parade thread) and he immediately proclaim micheal Djobo governor of togo with his close ally and friend Honsou M,jadele has governor of guinee bisseu with immediate effect...
06-04-2005, 03:58
the Zeeeland imperial government has pledged a 100 billion aid programme to help rebuild her african colonies from the war and devestation of her previous regime. the aid package includes a irrigation programme to be implemented inthe arid areas of Niger and education overhaul to get the populace of these regions up to scratch with the rest of the empire. as well as the usual medical programmes. these programmes will hopefully help bring the african colonies up to the same standard as the rest of the nation in 5 years. It is ambitous.......